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Letter to Editor

Implementing a Settings‑based Approach for Health

Promotion – A Government Initiative in India
Respected Sir, criteria outlined in this checklist, based on an evaluation by a
third‑party audit agency, receive certification as an “Eat Right
A recent study examined the lifestyle factors influencing the
Campus.” This certification not only recognizes the campus’s
health status of medical and nursing students at a rural healthcare
efforts in improving public health but also enhances its brand
institute in India. The findings revealed a significant difference
value, setting an example for others to follow. Notably,
in lifestyle behaviors between students on campus and those at
esteemed educational institutions like IIT Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
home. The authors emphasized the need for targeted interventions
and IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat, have been certified as Eat Right
on campus, specifically in the areas of nutrition and physical
Campuses, underscoring their commitment to promoting health
activity, to effectively prevent noncommunicable diseases.
within their campuses.[3]
In another literature review article,[2] researchers explored
To assist campuses in implementing these best practices,
the connection between the conceptual proposal of
FSSAI has created the “Orange Book for Eat Right Campus.”
health‑promoting universities and the actual activities
This resource book provides a detailed explanation of the
implemented to improve the health of workers in higher
recommended practices and offers simple and illustrative
education institutions. The study concluded that there is a
guidance on their implementation.[4] It aligns with the Eat
scarcity of initiatives incorporating these practices, leading
Right Campus Checklist, serving as a valuable reference for
to a gap between expectations and reality.
campus administrators and stakeholders.
Both studies highlight the emerging need for a structured
The methodical and structured approach advocated by these
approach to health promotion activities, benefiting students
programs is crucial for establishing a health‑promoting campus
and faculty members who spend a significant portion of that benefits students and faculty members. However, to ensure
their active hours on campus. The Government of India has effective implementation, it is imperative that the relevant
launched several ambitious projects to promote health in authorities become aware of these programs and actively
various settings. I would like to emphasize these initiatives in support their adoption.
this communication.
Financial support and sponsorship
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has
introduced the “Eat Right Campus” program, which promotes
a healthy food environment in settings where individuals spend Conflicts of interest
a considerable amount of time, such as workplaces, colleges, There are no conflicts of interest.
universities, and similar institutions.[3] Since these campuses
often accommodate a range of food‑service establishments, Vinu A. K. Vij
including in‑house canteens, catering services, food delivery, Department of Physiology, AIIMS, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
restaurants, and cafes, it is essential to address multiple issues to
Address for correspondence: Dr. Vinu A. K. Vij,
ensure the provision of safe and wholesome food. These issues Room No 117, Academic Block, AIIMS, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
include maintaining hygiene standards, offering healthy food E‑mail: vijvinuvij@gmail.com
options, practicing environmentally sustainable food practices,
and engaging consumers to make informed food choices.[3] As References
part of the Eat Right Campus initiative, FSSAI has developed 1. Shekhar R, Prasad N, Singh T. Lifestyle factors influencing medical
a comprehensive checklist of best practices that campuses and nursing students’ health status at a rural healthcare institute. J Educ
Health Promot 2022;11:21.
should follow, covering four key parameters: ensuring safe 2. Faria MG, Fernandes RC, Gallasch CH, Alves LV. Contributions of
food, providing healthy food, implementing sustainable food the health‑promoting universities’ movement: An integrative literature
practices, and building awareness.[3] Campuses that meet the review. J Educ Health Promot 2021;10:114.

450 © 2024 Indian Journal of Community Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Letter to Editor

3. Eat Right Campus. Available from: https://eatrightindia.gov.in/

This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
EatRightCampus/aboutUs. [Last Accessed on 2023 Jun 08].
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
4. FSSAI. Available from: https://www.fssai.gov.in/book-details. remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit
php?bkid=149%5D. [Last Accessed on 2023 Jun 08]. is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

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How to cite this article: Vij VA. Implementing a settings‑based approach

for health promotion – A government initiative in India. Indian J Community
Med 2024;49:450-1.
Received: 08-06-23, Accepted: 18-08-23, Published: 07-03-24
© 2024 Indian Journal of Community Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

Indian Journal of Community Medicine ¦ Volume 49 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ March-April 2024 451

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