Act 2

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Haiqkal terduduk termenung bersandar di dinding.

Kawannya Izuddin berdiri memerhatikannya

Haiqkal : I;ve tried everything. Well almost everything. BUT look at me…..I am hopeless. I don’t
have any talent in anything. Arrgh

Izuddin : Come on! Don’t give up that easily.

Haiqkal : Well that’s it for me. I am done. I don’t want to do this again!

TEACHER HAMIEZAN : Well not so fast, Haiqkal!

Haiqkal : MR Hamiezan!

Teacher HAmiezan: Come on! I know everything. Izuddin told me.You should not give up that
easily. You really want to win something this year?

Haiqkal: Yes! Well I hope so!

Teacher hamiezan menunjukkan poster pertandingan paper plane competition, the one the fly the
furthers win!

Haiqkal dan Izuddin merenung poster tersebut dengan keterujaan

Haiqkal : A paper plane competition?

Teacher Hamiezan : Yes…, this could be the competition for you! Want to try?

Haiqkal : You bet I do! Plus, its just a paper plane competition, how hard could it be?

Terus ke montaj Haiqkal cuba berlatih melipat kertas buat kapal terbang, dibantu oleh Teacher
Hamiezan dan Izuddin tetapi itupun Haiqkal tidak reti.

Montaj lipatan kapal terbangnya yang tidak kemas, kapal terbangnya melayang jatuh. Dan montaj

DHIA :Well well well, what do we have here. Practicing for the paper plane competition I see…

Dhia kelihatan sombong melihat Haikal yang sedang berlatih.

Haiqkal dan Izuddin menoleh dan tertanya siapalah pulak ni. Teacher Hamizan
memperkenalkankan kna juara bertahan Paper Plane competiton Dhia Dhuha daripada kelas

Teacher Hamiezan : Everyone, meet the defending champion, Dhia Dhuha. Good luck on the
upcoming competition Dhia. This is Haiqkal your new contender!

Dhia : Huh! I NEVER LOSE! Look at you. You don’t even know how to fold a paper plane. PITY! I’ll
crush you like a bug in the competition.

You might just give up!

That title, the winner is all mine. Keep dreaming to win it, because you never will!

Dhia berjalan berlalu melintasi Haiqkal dengan sombong dan pergi……

Haiqkal menggeram dan semakin berkobar2 untuk terus mencuba. Dia tidak akan mengaku kalah.
Kelihatan babak Haiqkal mencuba sekali lagi berlatih melipat dan menerbangkan kapal terbang
kertas. Dia yakin dia boleh.

Andra : Hahaha do you think you can win this competition? A paper plane competition? What kind
of competition is that?

Andra seorang murid cemerlang dan selalu menang pelbagai pertandingan.

Haikal : As long as it a competition, I will try my best. I will win!

Andra: Haha…good luck with that!

Nada mengejek…dan berlalu pergi

Qu Ayra : Don’t waste your time, Haikal! You know you are not good enough. Give up, go back to
the old you! You will never win anything!

Qu ayra, juga antara murid cemerlang dan selalu menang pelbagai pertandingan.

Haikal pejam mata, tetap yakin dengan apa yang dibuat.

Haikal : Say anything that you want! I will not let words bring me down! You will see and I
promised that I CAN WIN THIS THING!........


Montaj Dhia dan haiqkal lepaskan kapal terbang kertas masing

Dan acara final…..

Monolog haiqkal…..imbas segala usahanya

Shot melepaskan kapal terbang kertas melayang jauh (haiqkal punya lagi jauh sikit dari dhia

Montaj jerit juara possibly ada extra dibelakang sorak gembira

Ending monolog haiqkal…….

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