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Set-1 3. They have come a long way in _______ trust

1. If E = 10; J = 20; O = 30; and T = 40, what among the users.
will be P + E + S + T? A. created B. creating
A. 82 B. 164 C. creation D. create
C. 120 D. 51 Ans. B
Ans. C Sol. "The sentence requires the -ing form of the
Sol. P = 16 × 2 = 32 verb in order to make it correct. We generally
E = 5 × 2 = 10 use continuous tenses and verbs to be
S = 19 × 2 = 38 something that happens before and continue
T = 20 × 2 = 40 after some time.
P + E + S + T = 120 So the correct sentence: They have come a
2. On a horizontal ground, the base of straight long way in creating trust among the users.
ladder is 6m away from the base of a vertical 4. The lecture was attended by quite _________
pole. The ladder makes an angle of 45° to the students, so the hall was not very________.
horizontal. If the ladder is resting at a point A. few, quite B. a few, quite
located at one-fifth of the height of the pole C. few, quiet D. a few, quiet
from the bottom, the height of the pole is Ans. D
_____meter. Sol. "The lecture was attended by quite a few
Ans. *
students, so the hall was not very quiet."
Few and A few is a quantifier used with
plural countable nouns.
few emphasizes a very small
number/quantity of something.(almost zero)
A few means some.
Quite is an adverb used to describe when
something is a little or a lot but not
So, after Quite a few should be filled in the
question to represent some students.
h Quiet is an adjective used to describe
tan 45 = 5 something or someone that makes very little
30 So option D (A few and Quiet) is the correct

⇒ h = 30 m answer.

5. The CEO’s decision to quit was as shocking to 7. The increasing interest in tribal characters
the Board as it was to __________. might be a mere coincidence, but the timing
A. myself B. me is of interest. None of this, though, is to say
C. I D. my that the tribal hero has arrived in Hindi
Ans. B cinema, or that the new crop of characters
Sol. "Me" is the Objective Case of the Personal represents the acceptance of the tribal
Pronoun I and is used after a verb. character in the industry. The films and
So the correct sentence: The CEO’s decision characters are too few to be described as a
to quit was as shocking to the Board as it was pattern.
to me.
Who does the word ‘arrived’ mean in the
6. A square has sides 5cm smaller than the sides
paragraph above?
of a second square. The area of the larger
A. reached a terminus
square is four times the area of the smaller
B. came to a conclusion
square. The side of the larger square is
C. attained a status
D. went to a place
A. 15.10 B. 18.50
Ans. C
C. 10.00 D. 8.50
Sol. The sentence implies that the unrecognized
Ans. C
tribal hero in Hindi cinema has now arrived on
the big stage. He is now a subject of inquiry,
wonder and discussion. Therefore, the correct
meaning of 'arrived' here is attained a

Given, 8. The new cotton technology, Bollgard-II, with

(Area)B = 4 × (Area)A herbicide tolerant traits has developed into a

⇒ x2 = 4(x – 5)2 thriving business in India. However, the

⇒ x2 = 4[x2 + 25 – 10x] commercial use of this technology is not legal
⇒ x2 = 4x2 + 100 – 40x in India. Notwithstanding that, reports
⇒ 3x2 – 40x + 100 = 0 indicate that the herbicide tolerant Bt cotton
⇒ 3x2 – 30x – 10x + 100 = 0 had been purchased by farmers at an average
⇒ 3x(x – 10) – 10(x – 10) = 0 of Rs 200 more than the control price of
⇒ x = 10 or x= 10/3 ordinary cotton, and planted in 15% of the
10/3 is not possible as on subtracting 5 from cotton growing area in the 2017 Kharif
it, it gives negative value as the side of season.
smaller square. Which one of the following statements can be
Hence, the side of the larger square is 10 cm. inferred from the given passage?

A. Farmers want to access the new 300 = 105 + 70 +50 + 25 + 15 + 30 + n(C
technology for experimental purposes + H +F)
B. Farmers want to access the new n(C + H +F) = 5
technology if India benefits from it
% of people playing at least 2 sports
C. Farmers want to access the new
25 + 15 + 30 + 5
technology by paying high price =  100
D. Farmers want to access the new
technology even if it is not legal =  100 = 25%
Ans. D
Sol. Option B is correct as the paragrapgh states 10. P, Q, R, S and T are related and belong to the
that states that New cotton technology is not same family. P is the brother of S. Q is the
legal in India and Farmers planeted in 15% of wife of P. R and T are the children of the
the cotton growing area in the 2017 Kharif siblings P and S respectively. Which one of
season. It means farmers want to access it. the following statements is necessarily
9. In a sports academy of 300 people, 105 play
only cricket, 70 play only hockey, 50 play only
A. S is the sister-in-law of Q
football, 25 play both cricket and hockey, 15
B. S is the aunt of T
play both hockey and football and 30 play
both cricket and football. The rest of them C. S is the aunt of R

play all three sports. What is percentage of D. S is the brother of P

people who play at least two sports? Ans. B
A. 23.30 B. 50.00 Sol.
C. 28.00 D. 25.00
Ans. D

‘T’ is a child of ‘S’. So 'S' is either father or

mother of T, not aunt. Hence, option B is
necessarily false.
Let's check for other options too.
We cannot say anything about the gender of
'S'. 'S' is either female or male.

Total n = 300 Option A can be true if S is female, as S is the

only play cricket n(C) = 105 sister in law of Q

only play hockey n(H) = 70 Option C can be true If S is female, as S is the
only play football n (F) = 50 aunt of R.
play both cricket and hockey n(C + H) = 25 Option D can be true If s is male, as S is the
play both hockey and football n(H + F) = 15 brother of P.
paly both cricket and football n(C + F) = 30
SO, we choose option B which is necessarily
n= n(c) + n(H) + n (F) + n(C + H) + n(H +
F) + n(C + F) + n(C+H+F)

Set-2 Total volume of bricks required = 2160 ×
106 × 0.6 cm3 = 1296 × 106 cm3
1. Suresh wanted to lay a new carpet in his new
Volume of one brick = 8 × 6 × 6 = 288 cm 3
mansion with an area of 70×55 sq. mts.
1296  106
However an area of 550 sq. mts had to be left ∴ No. of bricks required =
out for flower pots. If the cost of carpet is Rs.
= 4.5 × 106 = 45 lakhs
50 per sq. mts, how much money (in Rs.) will
4. Hima Das was _______ only Indian athlete to
be spent by Suresh for the carpet now?
win _____________ gold for India.
A. Rs. 1,65,000 B. Rs. 1,92,500
A. the, many B. an, the
C. Rs. 1,27,500 D. Rs. 2,75,000
C. an, a D. the, a
Ans. A
Ans. D
Sol. Area of mansion = 70 × 55 = 3850 m2
Sol. Hima Das is a famous personality known for
Area for flower pots = 550 m2
her unique achievement; therefore, "The"
∴ Area left for carpet = 3850 – 550 = 3300m2
article is filled in the first blank.
∴ Cost = 3300 × 50 = 165000
Here Gold is a noun, and pronunciation starts
2. Daytime temperature in Delhi can ______
as a consonant sound; therefore, "A" article
is filled in the second blank.
A. Peak B. reach
Hima Das was the only Indian athlete to win
C. get D. stand
a gold for India.
Ans. B
Thus, option D is the correct answer.
Sol. The correct option to be used here is 'reach'.
5. The Newspaper report that over 500 hectares
The sentence is talking about a kind of
of tribal land spread across 28 tribal
progression, and hence Daytime temperature
settlements in Mohinitampuram forest
in Delhi can reach 40°C is the correct
division have already been “alienated’. A top
forest official said, “First the tribals are duped
So, option B is the correct answer.
out of their land holdings. Second, the
3. A retaining wall with measurements 30 m ×
families thus rendered landless are often
12 m × 6 m was constructed with bricks of
forced to encroach further into the forests”.
dimensions 8 cm × 6 cm × 6 cm. If 60% of
On the basis of the information available in
the wall consists of bricks, total no of bricks
the paragraph, _______ is/are responsible
used for the construction is ___________
for duping the tribals.
A. The newspaper
A. 45 B. 30
B. Landless families
C. 40 D. 75
C. forest officials
Ans. A
D. it cannot be inferred who
Sol. Volume of wall = 30 × 12 × 6 = 2160 m 3=
Ans. D
2160 × 106 cm3

Sol. A passage says that A top forest official said, Sol. Given that No pair should work for more than
"First the tribals are duped by their holdings. 5 hours. Ram and John have worked together
Second, thus landless families are often for 5 hours, so they needed to change their

forced to make further encroachments into partner.

the forests." Since Krishna doesn't want to work with Ram,

It means the passage only says that tribals so Ram can only partner with Amir.

are duped but does not mention who duped So the remaining two people, John and

them. Krishna, will form a pair.

Therefore option D “it cannot be inferred who” So, option B is the correct answer.
8. “Popular Hindi fiction, despite – or perhaps
is the correct answer.
because of – its wide reach, often does not
6. The growth rate of ABC Motors in 2017 was
appear in our cinema. As ideals that viewers
the same ________ XYZ Motors in 2016 .
are meant to look up to rather than identify
A. As those of B. As that off
with, Hindi film protagonisits usually read
C. As that of D. As off
books of apsirational value: textbooks,
Ans. C
English books, or high value literature”.
Sol. When two things are compared for similar
Which one of the following CANNOT be
characteristics, qualities, or attributes,
inferred from the paragraph above?
instead of repeating the name of a feature,
A. Textbooks, English books or high literature
'as that of' is used.
have apsirational value, but not popular Hindi
Correct Sentence: The growth rate of ABC
Motors in 2017 was the same as that of XYZ
B. People do not look up to writers of
Motors in 2016.
textbooks, English book or high value
So, the option C is correct. literature
7. Mohan, the manager, wants his four workers C. Though popular hindi fiction was wide
to work in pairs. No pair should work for more readh, it often does not appear in the movies
than 5 hours. Ram and John have worked D. Protagonists in Hindi movies, being ideals
together for 5 hours. Krishna and Amir have for viewers, read usually books of aspirational
worked as a team for 2 hours. Krishna does value.
not want to work with Ram. Whom should Ans. B
Mohan allot to work with John if he wants all Sol. As the passage states that "Hindi film
the workers to continue working? protagonists usually read books of
A. Amir B. Krishna aspirational value: textbooks, English books,
C. Ram D. None of the three or high-value literature".From this, Option A

Ans. B can be inferred, but we can't infer option B

from this.

Option C can be inferred as the passage  x 
1 + 100  ( x − y ) 100
clearly says that "Despite – or perhaps = – 1  100 =
because of – its wide reach, Popular Hindi 1 + y  100 + y
 100 
fiction often does not appear in our cinema."
-- makes Option true 10. An oil tank can be filled by pipe X in 5 hours
"Hindi film protagonists usually read books of and pipe Y in 4 hours, each pump working on
aspirational value", So, option D can be its own. When the oil tank is full and the
inferred from the passage. drainage hole is open, the oil is drained in 20
So, only Options B can't infer from the
hours. If initially the tank was empty and
someone started the two pumps together but
9. Population of state X increased by x% and the
population of state Y increased by y% from left the drainage hole open, how many hours

2001 to 2011. Assume that x is greater than will it take for the tank to be filled? (Assume
y. Let P be the ratio of the population of state that the rate of drainage is independent of the
X to state Y in a given year. The percentage head)
increase in P from 2001 to 2011 is_________
A. 2.50 B. 1.50
100 ( x − y )
A. x – y B. C. 2.00 D. 4.00
100 + x
Ans. A
100 ( x − y ) x
C. D. 1
100 + y y Sol. In one hour Pipe X will fill the oil = of the
Ans. C
Sol. Let population of X is ‘A’ in 2001
and Population of Y is ‘B’ in 2001 1
In one hour Pipe X will fill the oil = of the
 x 
∴ Population of A in 2011 = A 1 +
 100  tank

y  In one-hour Drainage, hole will drain out the

& Population of B in 2011 = B 1 +
 100  1
oil = of the tank
Given, =P
B ∴ Total tank filled in one hour
 x  1 1 1  2
A 1 + = + − tank = tank
 100  
 5 4 20  5
 y 
B 1 +
100  2
% increase in P =   100 tank gets filled by oil in = 1 hour
A 5
∴ Whole tank gets filled by oil in = 1
  x   2
 P  1 + 100   5
   – P  
  y  
 1 + 100   5
=      100 = = 2.5hr
P 2


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