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9. A spider and a fly are located at opposite vertices of a room of
1. An experiment consists of selecting three items from a box containing dimensions 1, 2 and 3 units. Assuming the fly is too terrified to move,
several items. The three items are classified as defective (D) or non- find the minimum distance the spider must crawl to reach the fly.
defective (N) as they are selected. Give the sample space for the event
that there is at most one defective in the three. A. √14 C. √20
B. √18 D. √26
B. {NND, NDD, DDD} D. {NNN, DNN, NDN, NND} 10. An expert on transformer design relaxed one Saturday by going to the
races. At the end of the first race he doubled his money. He bet $30 on
2. My house is on a road where the numbers run 1, 2, 3, 4… consecutively. the second race and tripled his money. He bet $54 on the third race and
My number is a three digit one and, by curious coincidence, the sum of quadrupled his money. He bet $72 on the fourth race and lost it, but
all house numbers less than mine is the same as the sum of all house still had $48 left. With how much money did he start?
numbers greater than mine. What is my number and how many houses
are there on my road? A. $25 C. $32
B. $29 D. $35
A. House number is 204, and there are 288 houses on the road.
B. House number is 205, and there are 298 houses on the road. 11. Sand is pouring from a spout at the rate of 25 cm³/sec. It forms a cone
C. House number is 215, and there are 300 houses on the road. whose height is always 1/3 the radius of its base. At what rate is the
D. House number is 225, and there are 500 houses on the road. height increasing when the cone is 50 cm high?

3. In European countries the decimal point is often written a little above A. 0.000241 cm/sec C. 0.000354 cm/sec
the line. An American, seeing a number written this way, with one digit B. 0.000758 cm/sec D. 0.000477 cm/sec
on each side of the decimal point, assumed the numbers were to be
multiplied. He obtained a two-digit number as a result, but was 14.6 12. For a circle of radius 18 cm, the area of a sector intercepted by a central
off. What was the original number? angle of 50° is:

A. 5.6 C. 6.5 A. 145 cm^2 C. 154 cm^2

B. 5.4 D. 4.5 B. 141 cm^2 D. 159 cm^2

4. A projectile is shot vertically upward from ground level with an initial 13. The height s above ground of a ball dropped from the top of the St.
velocity of 49 m/sec. What is its velocity at t = 2 sec? What is the Louis Gateway Arch is given by s = -4.9t² + 192, where s is measured
maximum height attained by the projectile? How long is the projectile in meters and t in seconds. Find the instantaneous velocity of the
in the air? What is its impact velocity? falling ball at t₁ = 3 sec.

A. 24.9 m/s; 122.5 m; 10 sec; -49 m/s A. -24.9 m/s C. -29.4 m/s
B. 24.9 m/s; 122.5 m; 12 sec; -49 m/s B. -25.8 m/s D. -28.5 m/s
C. 29.4 m/s; 122.5 m; 10 sec; -49 m/s
D. 29.4 m/s; 122.5 m; 12 sec; -49 m/s 14. The time required for two examinees to solve the same problem differs
by two minutes. Together they can solve 32 problems in one hour. How
5. A student beginning the study of trigonometry came across an long will it take for the slower problem solve to solve the problem?
expression of the form sin (X + Y). He evaluated this as sin X + sin Y.
Surprisingly he was correct. The values of X and Y differed by 10°; what A. 2 minutes C. 4 minutes
were these values, assuming that 0° < X < Y < 360°? B. 3 minutes D. 5 minutes

A. 175° and 185° C. 205° and 215° 15. You invested $1000 in an account whose interest is compounded
B. 150° and 160° D. 225° and 235° annually. After 2 years, the amount, or balance, in the account is
$1210. Find the annual interest rate.
6. A dart target board consists of a center circle having a radius of 2
inches a square section with dimension of 6 in x 6 in and the radius of A. 13% C. 10%
the biggest circle is 6 in. The three cross-sections have the same center B. 11% D. 9%
at 0. Assuming the dart is equally likely to hit any point inside the
target. Find the probability that a dart thrown at the circular target will 16. Compute the impact factor for a horizontal curve radius of 400 m if the
hit the area outside the square. design speed is 120 kph.

A. 0.428 C. 0.726 A. 0.283 C. 0.177

B. 0.682 D. 0.814 B. 0.325 D. 0.488

7. In the final seconds of the game, your favorite NΒΑ team is behind 117 17. You are choosing between two texting plans. Plan a charges $25 per
to 118. Your center attempts a shot and is fouled for the last 2nd time month for unlimited texting. Plan B has a monthly fee of $13 with a
in the l 2 minutes as the buzzer sounds. Three to make two in the charge of $0.06 per text. How many text messages in a month make
penalty situation. Optimistic? Note: the center is only a 50% free- plan A the better deal?
thrower. What are your team’s overall chances of winning?
A. more than 200 C. more than 240
A. 9/16 or about 56% C. 13/16 or about 81% B. more than 220 D. more than 280
B. 11/16 or about 69% D. 15/16 or about 94%
18. An equipment costs P325,000 and has a life of 4 years. With a salvage
8. A 20-ft-long water trough has ends in the form of isosceles triangles value of P50,000. Determine the capitalized cost of using the machine
with sides that are 4 ft long. Determine the dimension across the top if the rate of interest is 16% per annum.
of the triangular end so that the volume of the trough is a maxim. Find
the maximum volume. A. P555,131 C. P664,238
B. P574,922 D. P724,152
A. 4√2, 160 ft³ C. 4, 175 ft³
B. 4√3, 150 ft³ D. 4√5, 148 ft³ 19. A lighthouse is 10 units of length northwest of a dock. A ship leaves the
dock at 8:00 am and travels west at 12 units of length per hour. At what
time will the ship be 8 units of length from the lighthouse?

Prepared by Engr. Matt

30. A frustum of a sphere of diameter 12.0 cm is formed by two parallel
A. 8:24 A.M. C. 8:41 A.M. planes, one through the diameter and the other distance h from the
B. 8:32 A.M. D. 8:54 A.M. diameter. The curved surface area of the frustum is required to be 1/3
of the total surface area of the sphere. Determine the thickness h of the
20. How many sides has a polygon if the sum of its interior angles is thrice frustum in cm.
the sum of its exterior angles?
A. 4 C. 6 A. 3.5 C. 4.0
B. 5 D. 8 B. 3 D. 4.5

21. A parking lot charges X for the first hour or fraction of an hour and 2/3 31. Two parallel rail roads, 25 m apart, are to be connected by two
X for each hour or fraction thereafter. Smith parks 7 times as long as reversing curves with unequal radii. If the chord distance of PT from
Jones, but pays only 3 times as much. How long did each park? (The PC is 159.81 m and Dr = 4.27°, determine: The deflection angle of PT
clock registers only in 5-minute intervals.) from the tangent through PC

A. Jones parked for forth an hour and Smith for 3 ½ hours. A. 9.0° C. 7.5°
B. Jones parked for forth an hour and Smith for 2 ½ hours. B. 10.5° D. 11.8°
C. Jones parked for half an hour and Smith for 2 ½ hours.
D. Jones parked for half an hour and Smith for 3 ½ hours. 32. If the population of a certain country is 55 million and is decreasing at
2.4% per annum, what will be the population in 5 years' time?
22. The annual yield per lemon tree is fairly constant at 320 pounds when
the number of trees per acre is 50 or fewer. For each additional tree A. 43.28 M C. 48.71 M
over 50, the annual yield per tree for all trees on the acre decreases by B. 49.91 M D. 46.67 M
4 pounds due to overcrowding. Find the number of trees that should
be planted on an acre to produce the maximum yield. How many 33. If radioactive carbon-14 has a half-life of 5750 years, what will remain
pounds is the maximum yield? of 1 gram after 3000 years?

A. 60 trees, 800 lbs C. 55 trees, 500 lbs A. 0.30 gram C. 0.62 gram
B. 70 trees, 1100 lbs D. 65 trees, 900 lbs B. 0.55 gram D. 0.70 gram

23. A geologist wishes to determine the distance CB across the base of a 34. 4 — A man inherited a regular endowment of P100, 000 every end of
volcanic cinder cone. Distances AB and AC are measured to be 425 m 3 months for 10 years. However, he may choose to get a single lump
and 384 m, respectively, and SCAB is 98.3°. Find the approximate sum payment at the end of 4 years. If the cost of money is 14%
distance across the base of the cinder cone. compounded quarterly, determine the following. Determine the
effective annual interest rate.
A. 612.53 m C. 551.84 m
B. 592.99 m D. 530.06 m A. 14.75% C. 14.49%
B. 14.66% D. 14.84%
24. A construction worker built a parabolic hut which is 16.1 meters wide
at the base and 12.4 meters high at the center. How high above the base 35. Two identical conical containers with vertical axes, one inverted and
should the 12.2-meter wide ceiling be constructed? the other upright have base radii of 1.2 m and altitudes of 3.6 m. Each
cone contains equal volume of oil with specific gravity of 0.8. If the
A. 5.28 m C. 6.0 m depth of oil in the inverted cone is 2.4 m, what is the depth of oil in the
B. 4.13 m D. 5.50 m upright cone?

25. If 2340 vehicles per hour pass a certain lane of road with average A. 0.40 m C. 0.35 m
speed of 52 kph, determine the appropriate spacing between these B. 0.50 m D. 0.55 m
36. A gardener has 16 m of fencing material. He wishes to fence off a grass
A. 22.2 2 m C. 26.67 m plot in the form of a circular sector. Determine the radius must the
B. 17.78 m D. 33.33 m gardener use to have a maximum area

26. A tree casts a 45 ft shadow when the angle of elevation of the sun is A. 6m C. 3 m
34°. Find the height of the tree if its shadow is cast straight down a B. 4m D. 5 m
hillside that slopes 12° relative to the horizontal.
37. A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of
A. 30.15 ft C. 99.59ft depression of the top and bottom of the monument viewed from the
B. 59.96 ft D. 20.33 ft top of the PLDT tower at 13° and 35° respectively. If the height of the
tower is 50 m, determine the height of the monument.
27. The cables of a horizontal suspension bridge area supported by two
towers 120 m apart and 40 m high. If the cable is 10 m above the floor A. 29.13 m C. 32.12 m
of the bridge at mid-span of the bridge, how high is the cable vertically B. 30.11 m D. 33.51 m
above the floor of the bridge at the distance 30 meters from the mid-
span of the bridge? 38. The perimeter of a triangle is 271 cm. The interior angles measure 50°,
A. 25 m C. 22.5 m 60°, and 70°, respectively. What is the length of the longest side of the
B. 20 m D. 17.5 m triangle?

28. A 6-cm radius circle passes through the center of a 4-cm radius circle. A. 80.72 cm C. 99.02 cm
The points of intersection of the circles are points A and B. A segment B. 91.26 cm D. 93.65 cm
is drawn from point C to D and passes through the centers of the
circles. If point C is on the circumference of the first circle and point D 39. The two parallel sides of a trapezoid measure 41.9 cm and 64.6 cm. If
on the second and angle ADB = 50°, determine the measure of angle the trapezoid is divided into two parts such that the ratio of area is 2:3.
ACB. If the bigger portion is adjacent to the longer side, determine the length
A. 40° C. 60° of the dividing line.
B. 80° D. 100° A. 54.88 cm C. 52.18 cm
B. 56.62 cm D. 49.52 cm
29. Find the area between the x-axis and the parabola y = x2 in the interval
[0, 4]. 40. On its first pass, a pendulum swings through an arc whose length is 24
inches. On each pass thereafter, the arc length is 75% of the arc length
A. 80/3 C. 32/3 on the preceding pass. Find the total distance the pendulum travels
B. 64/3 D. 88/3 before it comes to rest.
Prepared by Engr. Matt
A. 90 inches C. 94 inches
B. 92 inches D. 96 inches

41. The capacities of two hemispherical tanks are in the ratio of 64:125. If
4.8 kg of paint is required to paint the outside surface of the smaller
tank, then how many kilograms of paint would be needed to paint the
outside surface of the larger tank?

A. 6.0 kg C. 7.5 kg
B. 6.5 kg D. 9.38 kg

42. It is defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a

section of roadway at a given instant in time, and is usually measured
in vehicles per mile per kilometer.
A. Capacity C. Volume
B. Flow D. Density

43. A contractor estimates that he could finish a project in 15 days if he has

20 men. At the start, he hired 10 men then after 6 days, 10 more men
are added. How many days was the project delayed?

A. 5 C. 6
B. 3 D. 4

44. An engineer selects a sample of 5 iPods from a shipment of 100 that

contains 5 defectives. Find the probability that the sample contains at
least one defective.
A. 0.230 C. 0.285
B. 0.211 D. 0.271

45. The tide in Bay of Fundy rises and falls every 1 hours. The depth of the
water at a certain point in the bay is modeled by a function d = 5 sin
(2s/13)t + 9, where t is time in hours and d is depth in meters. Find
the depth at t = 13/4 (high tide) and t = 39/4 (low tide).

A. The depth at high tide is 15 m and at low tide is 3 m.

B. The depth at high tide is 16 m and at low tide is 2 m.
C. The depth at high tide is 14 m and at low tide is 4 m.
D. The depth at high tide is 17 m and at low tide is 1 m.

46. A car driver travelling at a speed of 65 mph approached a hazard and

travelled 72.2 m during the perception-reaction time. What was the
driver’s PIEV (perception, identification, emotion, and volition) time
in seconds?

A. 2.3 C. 2.1
B. 2.5 D. 2.7

47. Oil spilled from a tanker spreads in a circle whose circumference

increases at a rate of 40 ft/sec. How fast is the area of the spill
increasing when the circumference of the circle is 100n feet?

A. 1000 ft2 /s C. 3000 ft2/s

B. 2000 ft2 /s D. 4000 ft°/s

48. Cars A and B leave a town at the same time. Car A heads due south at a
rate of 80 km/hr and car B heads due west at a rate of 60 km/hr. How
fast is the distance between the cars increasing after three hours?

A. 70 km/hr C. 100 km/hr D

B. 90 km/hr D. 140 km/hr

49. The capacities of two hemispherical tanks are in the ratio of 64:125. If
4.8 kg of paint is required to paint the outside surface of the smaller
tank, then how many kilograms of paint would be needed to paint the
outside surface of the larger tank?

A. 6.0 kg C. 7.5 kg
B. 6.5 kg D. 9.38 kg

50. What is the surface area of the sphere whose volume is 36 cu. m.?
A. 52.7 sq.m C. 54.2 sq.m
B. 53.1 sq.m D. 55.6 sq.m

Prepared by Engr. Matt


Answer Key Answer Key

1. D 26. D
2. A 27. D
3. B 28. B
4. C 29. B
5. A 30. C
6. B 31. A
7. B 32. C
8. A 33. D
9. B 34. A
10. B 35. A
11. C 36. B
12. B 37. D
13. C 38. C
14. D 39. C
15. C 40. D
16. A 41. C
17. A 42. D
18. C 43. B
19. D 44. A
20. D 45. A
21. D 46. C
22. D 47. B
23. A 48. D
24. A 49. C
25. A 50. A

Prepared by Engr. Matt

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