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Context: The students came up with their idea after looking around their
campus and watching other students. They saw their fellow students getting ready for quizzes, just like
them. They noticed that many students had certain problems with their way of studying. Some couldn't
stop using their phones while reviewing their handouts, and others had messy study areas. Problem
Identified: The problems they noticed were that students had trouble with schedules, got distracted by
their phones, crammed at the last minute, procrastinated, didn't have good study methods, and
struggled with time management.

2. Opportunity: They saw a chance to create something useful. Then, they come up with the idea of
making a device based on the Pomodoro Technique. This device could help students study better.
Further, it would keep them focused and avoid distractions. Plus, it could provide helpful motivational
quotes that could boost their confidence to study more.

3. Target Customers: Their main customers would be students who have trouble managing their time.
Further, it could be also useful for employees struggling on allocating their time to their tasks or
workload. Moreover, persons who just love organizing their daily activities can be one of the target
markets as well of the product device.

4. (blank)

5. The job to be done is to help people manage their studying time effectively, reduce distractions, and
improve their studying techniques. These tools are designed to help individuals effectively plan their
study time, reduce distractions, and improve their study techniques. Additionally, they give users a
flexible tool to better manage their workload by incorporating the Pomodoro technique into a
multipurpose lamp, which further encourages productivity and concentration during study sessions.

6. As a useful substitute for electronic gadgets like mobile phones, these Pomodoro Technique lights with
to-do lists help students resist the urge to engage in distracting activities. These lamps, which provide a
dedicated physical timer, are intended to foster a focused working atmosphere, assisting those in
maintaining their productivity and remaining on task. This strategy promotes a more favorable
environment for learning or working while also reducing reliance on digital devices.

7. In the digital age, many people utilize timers or Pomodoro mobile apps to boost their productivity.
These devices help people manage their time effectively by dividing tasks into focused work intervals and
quick breaks. The use of mobile devices, which can be distracting, makes this strategy potentially less
successful. The suggested product uses the pomodoro approach and incorporates a lamp that changes
color to signal transitions, helping users stay on target without the need for a smartphone app. These
alternatives make it simpler to practice the Pomodoro Technique and boost productivity since they
lessen the distractions that come with using a mobile phone timer.


9. Yes, for those looking for a practical and effective way to fit frequent short breaks into their daily
schedules while keeping their focus on their tasks, this clever product item is an excellent choice.
Utilizing this product helps consumers achieve deadlines by gently reminding them of their unfinished
business. It also promotes occasional relaxation for increased productivity. It supports a healthy work-
rest cycle and is a valuable instrument for time management and task completion.

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