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Practice Exercise – 1

Directions for questions 1 to 25: In each question, the word at the top of the table is used in four different ways, lettered
A to D. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.


A. Try not to interrupt her in the middle of her speech.

B. He appears to be a player of middle talent.
C. Unfortunately, most women tend to put on weight around the middle.
D. The resort was in the middle of nowhere.


A. Would you be so kind as to direct me to the nearest phone booth?

B. The Grand Trunk Express is a direct train between Chennai and Delhi.
C. She stared direct at us.
D. He has direct experience in the work.


A. The champion was so strong that the challenger was flat on his back with one punch.
B. In victory, the teams punch the air and raise shouts of joy.
C. Automobiles punch out thousands of tons of poisonous fumes every year.
D. How many guests would like fruit punch for starters?


A. It’s time you got off your high horse and mingled with people.
B. Cold beer is usually served in a high glass.
C. The choir boys were unable to hit the high notes with ease.
D. The stock market skyrocketed to its all-time high in January this year.


A. Both warring factions were certain that they had agreed to a highly uneasy truce.
B. If you feel uneasy about the children’s safety, leave them with their grandparents.
C. He was entrusted with the uneasy task of laying off the employees.
D. The scene reflects an uneasy mixture of pathos and horror.


A. Many items such as firearms and nuclear weapons are not easily procured from the open market.
B. The market for diamond jewellery has not yet picked up in Surat.
C. It is no easy task to market health foods to young children.
D. It is advisable to put your piece of land in the market.


A. Your contributions will affect how high your pension engagements will be.
B. She refused to break off her engagement to Wilbur, much to her parents’ dismay.
C. The engagement between the two hostile parties is likely to take place later today.
D. Vinod’s terms of engagement were sent to him in an intimation letter.


A. The attorneys were summoned to the judge’s chambers during the recess.
B. Baron Airheart had a special recess in the library for his favourite books.
C. The people of the town watched in relief, as the recess of the flood waters occurred.
D. Evil lurks in the dark recesses of one’s soul.


A. Evidently, the children’s appeal fell on deaf ears.

B. We appeal to you to stop this heartless massacre of innocent people.
C. From the warm reception that they received, it was obvious that the singers had not lost their appeal.
D. Their perseverance was viewed as an attempt to appeal and woo the favour of their employers.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/141
A. Poetry is often described as the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions.
B. His huge belly was clearly seen to overflow his belt.
C. The river is in spate and is certain to overflow its banks.
D. Watch the milk carefully and ensure that it does not overflow its vessel.

A. The church organ rang out the notes of the voluntary before the end of the service.
B. It is in cases of food poisoning that children are especially voluntary.
C. Ms. Miggins has agreed to consider voluntary retirement after 37 years of service.
D. Voluntary workers are the best kind, as they work with more diligence and greater inclination.

12. PACK
A. Please be sure to pack the batteries for the camcorder along with the rest of the luggage.
B. He certainly packs a powerful punch.
C. The play was so successful that, in its sixth week, it was still running to packed houses.
D. The price of the washing machine includes postage and pack.

13. YET
A. The derisive laughter was yet another dagger that rooted itself in the poor boy’s heart.
B. They are yet to confirm their availability for Sunday night.
C. This car is large, yet it is surprisingly spacious.
D. To the customer’s annoyance the prices of vegetables were slated to rise yet again.

A. How quick can a leopard chase its prey?
B. He is reputed to be quick on his feet.
C. Quick as a flash, he whipped out a gun and aimed it at her heart.
D. She was touched to the quick by his unkind words.


A. Suresh wore a lucky charm in the belief that it would ward off evil spirits.
B. Ensure that the moneylender does not charm you out of your assets.
C. He speaks in such an attractive and pleasing manner as to earn him the label, the charm.
D. She was dazzled by his wit, charm and elan.

A. Her parents did not fancy the idea of her going to the party without an escort.
B. The red tie with the blue stripes caught his fancy.
C. They preferred to dine at a restaurant where the prices were not too fancy.
D. It was pointless to sit through the trial, as it was, quite obviously, a complete fancy.

A. The only thing that will get us out of this dilemma is the power of positive thinking.
B. Almost all the criminals who were questioned spoke positive about their childhood.
C. The child has tested positive for the HIV AIDS virus.
D. She was positive that the knife was in the kitchen drawer.

A. The dog gave birth to a cute litter of pups.
B. The litter on the floor of the room was disgusting.
C. Young farm animals usually sleep in a litter.
D. It is considered a crime to litter on the streets.

19. PAR
A. The golfer managed to maintain his handicap well below par.
B. Her intelligence is said to be on par with her sister’s.
C. You need to work harder to bring your performance up to par.
D. If he has many shares in that company, he may be able to redeem them at par.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/142

A. If you are robbed, notify the authorities in the first instant.

B. Instant gratification of a child’s desires will not stop his/her tantrums.
C. His pompous attitude generated an instant dislike among his acquaintances.
D. Excessive doses of instant coffee may be harmful to one’s health.

A. This job demands a person who can field difficult questions from irate customers.
B. This field of study has been incorporated into the course only in the last 6 months.
C. The hikers decided to set up camp upon a field.
D. In my absence, the office gossip will probably have a field day.

A. The doctor said that it would take at least three days for you to recover.
B. I do hope that they managed to recover something from the crash site.
C. Thankfully, the economy is beginning to recover after yesterday’s slump.
D. This theme recovers multiple times in the novel.


A. He is a determined person and he wants to weather the storm.

B. To keep oneself in shape, it is advisable to exercise in all weathers.
C. India is a country which has a reasonably warm weather.
D. If you feel under the weather, don’t go to work today.

A. Nothing we do can really change the way things happen.
B. This particular film sequence happened in the locales of England.
C. I happened to see him walk past the window.
D. Did he happen to mention the details of the tragedy?

A. I have to admit that she is perfect in every respect.
B. Ironically, in movies, the police always arrive at the perfect moment.
C. To become a great violinist, one has to spend years trying to perfect the art.
D. He was appointed the perfect for monitoring the class.

Practice Exercise – 2
Directions for questions 1 to 25: There are two blanks in each of the following sentences. From the pairs of words
given, choose the one that fits into the blanks most appropriately.

1. _____ dedication or loyalty and excessive adoration superior person average.

or appreciation are some of the _____ used by the (A) egotism . . . pride
subordinates to get into the good books of their (B) stress . . . indolence
managers. (C) diligence . . . conceit
(A) Aggressive . . . strategies (D) indifference . . . lethargy
(B) Ostentatious. . . tactics
(C) Pretentious . . . plans 4. A good teacher always has _____ for knowledge and
(D) Sincere . . . methods tries to _____ the same in his/her students.
(A) delight . . . inject
2. India, while trying to make a serious ______ (B) thirst . . . instil
assessment of how large a nuclear force it really (C) desire . . . create
needs, accepts at face value the need for a nuclear (D) need . . . inculcate
(A) quantitative . . . deterrence 5. Our entire civilization is based on technology, and one
(B) qualitative . . . abeyance may with some _____ predict that further progress will
(C) controversial . . . abolition be dependent upon technological _____.
(D) comprehensive . . ceasefire (A) confidence . . . innovations
(B) intuition . . . inventions
3. Enthusiasm and persistence can make an average (C) clarity . . . reforms
person superior while _____ and _____ can make a (D) courage . . . requirements

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/143
6. Networks not only offer an ideal medium of 14. In rural India women who are victims of _____
communication around the world but also provide an violence are usually those that have their children in
ideal _____ for terrorists to create political impact and _____.
_____ this will be one of the government’s main (A) domestic . . . tow (B) extensive . . . trail
challenges. (C) inhuman . . . hunt (D) internal . . . pursue
(A) chance . . . fighting
(B) medium . . . opposing 15. Our sense of smell is _____ complex, yet often _____
(C) opportunity . . . setting when compared to sight or hearing.
(D) environment . . . combating (A) usually . . . dismissed
(B) generally . . . undermined
7. With the help of the various feminist movements, (C) amazingly . . . weakened
women have now come to _____ that they are (D) incredibly . . . undervalued
individuals with real ______, not just dependent
members of a family. 16. A research or a design engineer cannot be successful
(A) appreciate . . . strength if he does not make any effort to _____ or update both
(B) comprehend . . . vigour his basic and his _____ professional skills.
(C) realise . . . potential (A) refurbish . . . specialized
(D) recognize . . . knowledge (B) restore . . . particular
(C) remodel . . . limited
8. _____ of education holds the key for development, for (D) revise . . . peculiar
with it will come better governance, lesser inequality
and a better _____ of life. 17. Not only do dolphins use their flexible behaviour to
(A) Expansion . . . quality _____ to their physical world, but they also use it to
(B) Spread . . . status _____ to their highly complex social world.
(C) Prosperity . . . grade (A) shape . . . combine (B) adjust . . . adapt
(D) Growth . . . rank (C) tune . . . cohere (D) adhere . . . conform

9. Politicians should notice the changes taking place 18. According to author Peter Ustinov, a novel is ____ to
around them periodically, but unfortunately, history write when compared to a play because writing a play
suggests that they _____ the facts of life only when it is like _____ an election where one has to appeal to a
is their own political life which is imminently at risk due thousand people at a time whereas in a book one
to the __________. appeals to only one person.
(A) admit . . . reformation (A) simpler . . . running in
(B) realise . . . rebellion (B) faster . . . voting through
(C) recognize . . . alteration (C) easier . . . running for
(D) respect . . . revolution (D) fool proof . . . voting on

10. Most organizational relations in the management 19. People with a strong urge and determination can
sectors are already co-operative rather than _____ as easily give up a bad habit but _____ from the old habit
the corporate strategies are increasingly focused on is often more difficult than the _____ act of giving it
_____ and human resources. up.
(A) aggressive . . . talent (A) staying away . . . initial
(B) competitive . . . teamwork (B) staying on . . . critical
(C) authoritative . . . individuals (C) staying out . . . original
(D) combative . . . relationships (D) staying by . . . final

20. Feathers determine what a bird looks like and they

11. Children are _____ and so the parents have to adopt are useful to _____ and _____ birds.
a well-balanced approach towards their _____ on the (A) screen . . . cover
psychological, emotional and physical aspects. (B) guard . . . conceal
(A) weak . . . breeding (C) save . . . obfuscate
(B) adamant . . . upgrading (D) camouflage . . . protect
(C) delicate . . . upkeeping
(D) fragile . . . upbringing 21. One of the most wonderful _____ of mathematics is
that mathematical communication crosses the _____
12. _____ people believe that prayers can reduce stress at which languages stops.
and _____ the immune system in our body. (A) aspects . . . boundaries
(A) Devout . . . boost (B) advantages . . . margins
(B) Materialistic . . . enhance (C) abilities . . . limits
(C) Worldly . . . promote (D) ironies . . . borders
(D) Unselfish . . . sustain
22. Each country is expected to declare which portions of
13. Terrorists kill because they think that terrorism is its nuclear facilities are civilian and therefore open to
_____ and that it advances their objective of sowing _____ and _____; and which portions it would keep
fear in the _____ population. under wraps as defence-related.
(A) amusing . . . divided (A) modification . . . substitution
(B) effective . . . targeted (B) scrutiny . . . security
(C) thrilling . . . peaceful (C) inquiry . . . examination
(D) powerful . . . fatigued (D) supervision . . . search
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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23. The influence of films and tele-serials coupled with (B) earthly . . . transcendental
the explosion in the retail sector and higher (C) primitive . . . unique
disposable incomes have _____ a new fashion-crazy (D) early . . . traditional
being who is fairly _____ on the urban landscape
today. 25. To attain intercultural _____, a person should be
(A) unleashed . . . ubiquitous sensitive to his own cultural nuances and also learn
(B) created . . . common to see how similar or different they are to the cultural
(C) forced . . . global practices _____ among those in other cultures.
(D) released . . . attractive (A) unity . . . supplementary
24. Great saints believe that realisation of God will (B) support . . . predominant
liberate man from _____ bondage and this state of (C) harmony . . . accepted
release confers the privilege of serving the Lord in his (D) integration . . . prevalent
_____ abode.
(A) materialistic . . . permanent

Practice Exercise – 3
Directions for questions 1 to 40: For the word given in each question, a contextual usage is provided. From the
alternatives, select the word that is the most appropriate substitute for the question word in the given context and mark
its corresponding letter as your answer.

1. Brink: Modern society seems out of control and on the 10. Parochialism: The young citizens should dedicate
brink of irretrievable disasters. themselves to the service of the nation, eschewing all
(A) crux (B) core narrowness and parochialism.
(C) verge (D) nub (A) insularity (B) treachery
(C) dogmatism (D) xenophobia
2. Expound: Adolf Hitler’s imprisonment gave him the
opportunity to recount his experiences in Mein Kampf 11. Sagacity: His unique qualities of leadership and
and to expound his philosophy. sagacity, won him the spontaneous love and loyalty
(A) propagate (B) propound of his countrymen.
(C) portray (D) testify (A) tolerance (B) benevolence
(C) cognizance (D) astuteness
3. Imbued: They were imbued with the doctrine that, as
long as reason was silent and violence had the last 12. Priggish: Stanley was disliked by many because people
word, the best weapon of defence lay in attack. considered him to be priggish and opinionated.
(A) inundated (B) indicted (A) complacent (B) censorious
(C) suffused (D) implicated
(C) sentient (D) innocuous
4. Holistic: A holistic approach to illness works better 13. Blasé: He always believed in a spartan existence and
than conventional ones as patients get more than just was blasé to grandeur of any kind.
a prescription for medicines.
(A) poised (B) loath
(A) wholesome (B) revolutionary
(C) indifferent (D) resistant
(C) novel (D) comprehensive
14. Piqued: Piqued by his insinuating remarks, his
5. Malice: Generosity of spirit is showing no malice teammates protested vehemently.
towards others in thought, word or deed. (A) tired (B) irritated
(A) arrogance (B) derision (C) appalled (D) repelled
(C) vengeance (D) hatred
15. Enduring: The language in Thomas Hardy’s ‘Wessex’
6. Truism: It is a truism that truth is the forerunner of novels held an enduring appeal for its readers.
justice. (A) lasting (B) eloquent
(A) banality (B) sermon (C) tenacious (D) irrepressible
(C) maxim (D) canon
16. Livid: He was livid when he heard the specious
7. Simulation: Despite major advances in atmospheric allegations levelled against him.
science, simulation and prediction of the Indian (A) infuriated (B) flummoxed
monsoon remains a tough challenge. (C) pallid (D) peeved
(A) exaggeration (B) replication
(C) deception (D) concoction 17. Pacifist: Dwight Macdonald’s evolution from
revolutionary socialism to pacifist conservatism was
8. Terseness: The Gettysburg speech delivered by a gradual process.
Abraham Lincoln is a piece of matchless eloquence (A) reconciliatory (B) retrograde
remarkable for its brevity and terseness. (C) stoic (D) pampering
(A) bluntness (B) brusqueness
(C) pithiness (D) digressiveness 18. Vistas: Singapore, now the proud home to a century
old university, has begun to look for new vistas of
9. Impudence: Although I had an air of impudence, I was education in the context of the rise of China and India
really an arrant coward. as major players on the international stage.
(A) courage (B) wantonness (A) parameters (B) spectacles
(C) ruthlessness (D) temerity (C) opportunities (D) prospects
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/145
19. Riled: People belonging to all sections of the society 30. Effrontery: In spite of violating the traffic rules, the
were riled by the unprecedented increase in taxes. insolent young driver had the effrontery to challenge
(A) intimidated (B) disillusioned the authorities when he was questioned.
(C) burdened (D) provoked (A) audacity (B) chutzpah
(C) boldness (D) disdain
20. Dun: Representatives of credit card companies dun
defaulting customers. 31. Shambles: She was shocked to see her apartment in
(A) apprehend (B) persuade a shambles when she returned home in the evening.
(C) summon (D) badger (A) ruin (B) rubble
(C) disarray (D) catastrophe
21. Hauteur: People were appalled by his dogmatic
nature and aristocratic hauteur. 32. Initiate: City-lubbers need a knowledgeable escort to
(A) arrogance (B) loftiness initiate them into the mysteries of forest lore.
(C) splendour (D) stateliness (A) activate (B) introduce
(C) inaugurate (D) actuate
22. Ambit: The Mahabharata is unique among the
scriptural texts in that it encompasses all human 33. Primeval: As the sun sets over the forest, the
pursuits and interests within its ambit. landscape reverts to its primeval magic.
(A) frontier (B) horizon (A) pristine (B) primitive
(C) purview (D) realm (C) primordial (D) prehistoric

23. Purveyor: The recent bombings in one of the most 34. Resilient: The recent deluge which occurred in
crowded areas of the capital city have demonstrated Mumbai, shattered its cherished self-image as a
that the purveyors of terrorism do not follow a fixed resilient, all-terrain vehicle of enterprise that would go
pattern. on regardless, come hell or high water.
(A) traffickers (B) hawkers (A) buoyant (B) strong
(C) providers (D) stockists (C) tough (D) inflexible

24. Legitimate: The citizens of Iraq denounced the suicide 35. Dramatic: The dramatic advances in information
bombings in the country as the work of foreign jihadis technology have transformed working life by
rather than as a means of legitimate revenge. removing the drudgery from many tasks, that, in an
(A) licit (B) licentious earlier era, had to be performed by tedious manual
(C) authentic (D) justifiable methods.
(A) phenomenal (B) melodramatic
25. Ineptitude: The fastidious young boss believes in (C) animated (D) sizeable
meticulousness and does not tolerate ineptitude in
others. 36. Caveats: Mumbai’s ordeal-by-deluge holds important
(A) oafishness (B) incompetence caveats for India’s dynamic of unconsidered,
(C) inferiority (D) tardiness runaway urbanisation.
(A) stipulations
26. Diplomacy: A repartee is often ‘an insult with its dress (B) limitations
suit on’ and those who indulge in repartee should (C) admonitions
have considerable tact and diplomacy to avoid giving (D) warnings
offence to others.
(A) sensibility 37. Deign: With his patrician upbringing he will not deign to
(B) canniness ingratiate someone to get things done in his favour.
(C) subtlety (A) humiliate (B) concede
(D) shrewdness (C) vouchsafe (D) stoop

27. Eclipsed: The Chateau of Versailles stands today as 38. Sybaritic: He always believes in abstemiousness and
a representation of royal grandeur and extravagance was loath to a sybaritic lifestyle.
that was eclipsed by the storming of Bastille. (A) opulent (B) hedonistic
(A) shrouded (C) restrained (D) obtrusive
(B) besmirched
(C) obliterated 39. Fecklessness: He was rebuked for his fecklessness
(D) occluded that was evident in the way he completed the
assigned job.
28. Intuition: Most often we fail to realize the fact that our (A) insouciance
convictions are formed not by argument but by (B) facetiousness
instinct and intuition. (C) incompetence
(A) suspicion (B) foreboding (D) flippancy
(C) impression (D) perception
40. Dissemination: The invention of the printing press has
29. Bullying: The senior students were admonished by played a phenomenal role in the dissemination of
the principal for bullying the juniors. information.
(A) suppressing (B) subjugating (A) proclamation (B) dispersal
(C) constraining (D) harassing (C) promulgation (D) proliferation

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/146
Practice Exercise – 4
Directions for questions 1 to 40: In each question below, a word and its usage is given. Select as your answer, the
word that is inappropriate as a replacement to the word in the main sentence.

1. Lackadaisical: The lackadaisical attitude of the 14. Jostle: The cell phone service providers are jostling
students watered down the teacher’s enthusiasm. with each other to win over the customer.
(A) disrespectful (B) unenthusiastic (A) fighting (B) pushing against
(C) listless (D) idle (C) elbowing (D) colliding with

2. Garrulous: People find it difficult to put up with his 15. Encapsulate: It is better to encapsulate your thoughts
garrulous nature. for posterity.
(A) talkative (B) arrogant (A) summarize (B) condense
(C) loquacious (D) chattering (C) abridge (D) record separately

3. Doleful: Her doleful eyes spoke of her misery. 16. Ignominy: The tainted cricketer has to face the
(A) dull (B) mournful ignominy of a life ban.
(C) sad (D) dejected (A) shame (B) disgrace
(C) humiliation (D) punishment
4. Cajole: You can cajole her into accepting this part in
our play. 17. Embezzle: The company became notorious as it had
(A) wheedle (B) persuade embezzled public funds.
(C) improvise (D) coax (A) stolen (B) used
(C) misappropriated (D) defalcated
5. Hostile: A hostile environment does not encourage
tourism. 18. Fictitious: The unaccounted money was diverted into
(A) antagonistic (B) warlike fictitious accounts.
(C) unfriendly (D) insecure (A) spurious (B) incorporeal
(C) counterfeit (D) fake
6. Sequester: It is necessary to sequester a patient of
any contagious disease. 19. Intrinsic: Charitable trusts have always been an
(A) cloister (B) seclude intrinsic part of life in India.
(C) isolate (D) remove (A) essential (B) explicit
(C) inherent (D) ingrained
7. Vacuous: His vacuous remark is the manifestation of
his low I.Q. 20. Eschew: Every year, tens of thousands of women in
(A) empty (B) unintelligent Asia eschew natural birth and opt for surgery.
(C) hollow (D) inaudible (A) take the plunge
(B) avoid
8. Torpid: Your torpid demeanour will not further your (C) abstain from
career prospects. (D) opt out of
(A) sluggish (B) ingenuous
(C) inactive (D) slothful 21. Afflict: What has afflicted the market is a crisis of
9. Zenith: He chose to retire at the zenith of his career. (A) troubled (B) burdened
(A) apex (B) prime (C) inflicted (D) influenced
(C) pinnacle (D) projection
22. Purge: He tried to purge his sins by heavily donating
10. Buoy: Buoyed up by a revival in the manufacturing to charity.
sector, industrial production doubled. (A) atone (B) absolve
(A) uplifted (B) encouraged (C) cleanse (D) reduce
(C) pushed (D) sustained
23. Vitiate: Excessive pillage of environment for man’s
11. Rampant: The recent revelation of unethical behaviour needs has vitiated the forest cover worldwide.
of a multinational corporation indicated that corporate (A) spoilt (B) destroyed
wrongdoings were rather rampant in the country. (C) deteriorated (D) downgraded
(A) rife (B) prevalent
(C) unrestrained (D) raging 24. Revamp: The present business scenario made it
necessary to revamp one’s products and processes
12. Pernicious: The RSS made a pernicious demand of to cut costs and to become more efficient.
trifurcating the strife-torn state of Jammu and Kashmir. (A) modify (B) refurbish
(A) destructive (B) ruinous (C) regulate (D) redesign
(C) detrimental (D) imbecile
25. Mutinous: The mutinous workforce stuck to their
13. Abate: Market tensions abated as the stock market demands.
staged a cautious recovery. (A) unruly (B) rebellious
(A) diminished (B) lessened (C) stubborn (D) seditious
(C) rallied (D) subsided
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/147
26. Perplex: She was perplexed by the contradiction 34. Swindle: Conmen posing as policemen swindle
existing between her manager’s verbal gullible people.
communication and his non-verbal body language. (A) defraud (B) rob
(A) confounded (B) bewildered (C) fleece (D) victimize
(C) upset (D) nonplussed
35. Acrimonious: There existed acrimonious relations
27. Ethereal: Her ethereal beauty captivated everybody. between USA and the then British colony of Canada
(A) delicate (B) heavenly at one point of time.
(C) fairy like (D) unmatched (A) benign (B) bitter
(C) rancorous (D) acerbic
28. Memorable: India’s memorable victory in the Indo-
Pak series will remain etched in the minds of the 36. Pristine: In today’s world of commercialisation, to
spectators for a long time to come. everyone’s wonder, the hill station continues to bask
(A) momentous (B) momentary in its pristine glory.
(C) remarkable (D) notable (A) virginal (B) unspoiled
29. Impetus: The US model was the impetus behind the (C) unviolated (D) unwholesome
(A) reason (B) momentum 37. Repugnance: Her repugnance for explicit display of
(C) force (D) stimulus wealth is well-known.
(A) aversion (B) dislike
30. Replicate: Few Indian scientists seem comfortable (C) antipathy (D) apathy
with replicating the same strategy in India.
(A) emulating (B) imitating 38. Ephemeral: Observation of constantly changing
(C) duplicating (D) copying sensations permits the realisation of one’s own
ephemeral nature.
31. Perspicacity: A shrewd businessman usually has the (A) empathetic (B) transient
gifts of perseverance and perspicacity. (C) transitory (D) evanescent
(A) acuteness (B) insight
(C) exactness (D) acumen 39. Ubiquitous: Spam or unsolicited e-mails is ubiquitous
in the present global marketing scenario.
32. Laconic: His laconic replies implicitly expressed his (A) necessary (B) omnipresent
disinterest in the topic. (C) pervasive (D) inescapable
(A) brief (B) rude
(C) concise (D) terse 40. Intractable: Caught in a web of intractable problems,
the officials came up with a novel solution.
33. Infancy: It is sad to note that the movement died in its (A) ungovernable (B) difficult
infancy. (C) unmanageable (D) complex
(A) genesis (B) beginning
(C) early stage (D) teething stage

Practice Exercise – 5
Directions for questions 1 to 50: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the given choices.

The pedestrian stood up, apparently with a robust 4. (A) image (B) figure
determination and looked ___(1)__. The roads appeared (C) picture (D) impression
to be familiar to her. She carefully __(2)__ the fence as
she slowly walked along. Presently there became visible 5. (A) approach (B) access
a dim white shape; it was another __(3)__. She drew her
fingers across. “Two More!” she said. (C) knowledge (D) information

1. (A) across (B) about 6. (A) disperse (B) broadcast

(C) around (D) up (C) disseminate (D) publish

2. (A) crossed (B) scanned 7. (A) remunerative (B) constructive

(C) investigated (D) glanced (C) enriching (D) creative

3. (A) pillar (B) touchstone One day good fortune __(8)__ him for he hit upon Lane’s
(C) millstone (D) milestone translation of ‘The thousand Nights and a Night’. He was
captured first by its __(9)__, and then he began to read,
The traditional __(4)__ of the Indian farmer is that he is to start with, the stories that dealt with magic and then the
poor and uneducated. He has no _(5)__ to the new
others; and those he liked to read again and again. He
developments in farming, he may be even unaware that
there are any new developments. With so many means of could think of nothing else. He forgot the life about him.
communication available, it is no longer a hard task to __(10)__ he formed the most delightful habit of reading.
__(6)__ information that will help the farmer to make his He did not know that thus he was __(11)__ himself with a
work productive and __(7)__. __(12)_ from all the distresses of life.

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8. (A) chanced (B) befell 23. (A) traditional (B) usual
(C) came about (D) happened on (C) customary (D) ancestral

9. (A) decorations (B) illustrations 24. (A) approach (B) attitudes

(C) descriptions (D) graphics (C) partiality (D) brains
10. (A) Unconsciously (B) Blindly A happy-looking person is welcomed everywhere. Even in
(C) Inertly (D) Obliviously an interview or a conference, there is nothing wrong in
showing that you like ___(25)___. In fact, it demonstrates
11. (A) supplying (B) presenting
how alive and sanguine you are. You can even laugh out
(C) imparting (D) providing
loud if something ____(26)___ you a great deal. But don’t
12. (A) resort (B) hideout give in to ____(27)___ laughter.
(C) refuge (D) shelter
25. (A) humility (B) challenge
Her presentation, while not entirely __(13)_ held great (C) humour (D) laudation
promise. She was articulate, anxious to please, eager to
learn and above all __(14)_ to listen to the feedback and 26. (A) gladdens (B) puzzles
suggestions. The hideous face, with all its nervous (C) relaxes (D) amuses
twitches ceased to be of any great __(15)__as I settled
27. (A) uncomfortable (B) violent
down to hear what she had to say. I was __(16)__ she
(C) furious (D) uncontrollable
would be an asset to my company.
While Gandhi remained a firm believer in God, he __(28)_
13. (A) flawless (B) defective that ‘Truth is God”, was a better statement of that
(C) acceptable (D) accurate Ontological belief than “God is Truth”. So stated, his
ontological belief, he felt, could be __(29)_ even by his
14. (A) inclined (B) pleased agnostic and atheistic opponents.
(C) willing (D) agreeable
28. (A) maintained (B) claimed
15. (A) significance (B) concern (C) declared (D) professed
(C) interest (D) consequence
29. (A) shared (B) assisted
16. (A) persuaded (B) assured (C) accompanied (D) rejected
(C) confirmed (D) convinced
Till recently, Indian writing for children was driven by the
The Irish writer looked at language as a lens, and the lens burning desire to __(30)__, to teach the young
as we know, not only __(17)__ but inevitably distorts. It is impressionable minds the difference between right and
precisely that distortion, the product of a willed linguistic wrong, and good and evil. Thankfully, this trend is __(31)__
__(18)__ that Irish writers __(19)__ and revel in. James and even though most stories do have some kind of a
Joyce, for example, wrought a revolution in English prose ‘moral’ __(32)__ in them, it is no longer __(33)__ into the
by reducing language to its essentials without losing any of mind of the young reader with a staple gun.
its __(20)__or concrete force. He believed that plain words
carry a meaning that leads us out of books and __(21)__ 30. (A) moralize (B) preach
life making it more practical and real. (C) educate (D) advise

17. (A) augments (B) expands 31. (A) departing (B) oscillating
(C) inflates (D) magnifies (C) materializing (D) fading away

18. (A) doubt (B) ambiguity 32. (A) fundamental (B) inherent
(C) confusion (D) clarity (C) inborn (D) fixed

19. (A) long for (B) work into 33. (A) revised (B) riveted
(C) aim at (D) live up to (C) dragged (D) put

20. (A) unity (B) dynamism Smitha’s curiosity is __(34)__ by the death of a young
(C) coherence (D) consistency man at a music concert. Unwilling to take it as yet another
strange __(35)__, she decides to investigate. Her quest
21. (A) into (B) towards leads to some unnerving situations and mysterious
(C) above (D) beyond happenings where she finds that there is more to life than
___(36)__ the eye.
Inheritance laws in India have of late become more
equitable and humane. The ____(22)___ of the male birth 34. (A) prompted (B) arrested
right have been clipped. Legislation has sought to end the (C) aroused (D) captured
____(23)___discrimination against daughters. But it is
easier to change the law than to bring about changes in 35. (A) occurrence (B) episode
____(24)___ in social reality. (C) event (D) coincidence

22. (A) prejudice (B) arms 36. (A) sees (B) lures
(C) nails (D) wings (C) fixes (D) meets

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/149
Never was any generation of men intent upon the pursuit 41. (A) obligation (B) covenant
of well-being more (37) placed to attain it, who yet, with (C) resolution (D) commitment
seeming deliberation, took the opposite course towards
chaos instead of order, towards breakdown instead of 42. (A) retrospect (B) reflection
stability, towards death, destruction and darkness instead (C) re-examination (D) revelation
of life, creativity and light. The current decade has ceased
to belong to the category of the lost decades in point of 43. (A) extraneous (B) extenuating
economics, but not in point of national leadership and (C) extraordinary (D) expository
social cohesion. The three facts that never cease to
44. (A) dictator (B) apostle
amaze me are the persistent (38) of governments in
(C) outcast (D) matriarch
charge of one of the most intelligent nations on earth, the
abysmal depths to which the nation with the finest spiritual 45. (A) absolving (B) dispensing
(39) has sunk, and the phenomenal capacity for (C) preparing (D) relinquishing
endurance of our simple, honest, down-trodden poor. One
is driven to believe the __(40) of ancient Indian Culture Destroying art is less evil than destroying life however
that the law of Karma operates not only for individuals but authentic the inspiration in either case is. But Gujarat has
also collectively for groups, nations and races, in which now witnessed both, carried out with __(46)__. While the
individuals necessarily participate. riot cases flounder in a legal maze, the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad and the Bajrang Dal activists in Surat have been
37. (A) precipitously (B) advantageously at it again. Nothing they have done this time is new. Works
(C) accurately (D) gradually of art have been __(47)_ before in India, and gallery
owners threatened. The objections are tediously familiar
38. (A) incompetence (B) disability – obscenity, hurt religious feelings. What is new this time
(C) inferiority (D) bungling is the success with which vandals have managed to
_(48)_ the owner of the gallery who has made a written
39. (A) ancestry (B) heredity promise that not only would the __(49)__ works be
(C) background (D) heritage removed but the local Hindu right will also be consulted
before any future display of art, to make sure nothing
40. (A) opinion (B) theory causes offence. Quite __(50)__, the entire community of
(C) tenet (D) hypothesis artists is outraged. This is a sad and shaming defeat for
them and for those who value their freedom.
For years anthropologists have been trying to work out
what binds a family together in a lifetime of __(41)__. 46. (A) humility (B) snobbishness
Raising a family isn’t something I put on my resume, but I (C) piety (D) impunity
have to ask myself: would I apply for the same job again?
It’s been hard work but in ___(42)___, no matter what 47. (A) blemished (B) defaced
deeds my life yielded, I have done something (C) injured (D) disfigured
rather___(43)___. For three decades, I have been a/an
___(44)___ of my family bonding them together, waiting 48. (A) intrigue (B) instigate
for stragglers to grow up, catch up or make up, adding a (C) intimidate (D) master
little glue for cohesion here, patching a few harsh 49. (A) abstruse (B) repulsive
exchanges there, and daily ___(45)___ a portion of love (C) obtrusive (D) offending
and loyalty to something bigger than all of us. Why is it
then, that we continually test one another’s patience, 50. (A) officiously (B) authoritatively
loyalty and love? Could it be these that the survival of a (C) understandably (D) spectacularly
family is based on?

Practice Exercise – 6
Directions for questions 1 to 20: In each question, there are five sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words that are
italicised and highlighted. From the italicised and highlighted words, select the most appropriate words (a or b) to form
correct sentences. The sentences are followed by options that indicate the words, which may be selected to correctly
complete the set of sentences. From the options given, choose the most appropriate one.

1. A deficiency in the amount of folic acid in a woman's 2. If I were in your place, I'd guard against exciting the
system is known to affect (a) / effect (b) pregnancy. children any farther (a) / further (b).
The apology was accepted (a) / excepted (b) by the Unlike junk food, vegetables and fruits are healthy
offended party, leading to renegotiations. (a) / healthful (b) foods that satisfy hunger and
Beside (a) / besides (b) her, I have several other optimally nourish the body.
friends who are willing to take the trip. The illusion (a) / allusion (b) created by the artist
We were all ready (a) / already (b) to leave at ten was so effective that many were tricked into believing
o’clock, though it was still raining heavily. what they saw on screen.
New York's immigrants (a) / emigrants (b) are Though Susan's intention had been to infer (a) /
responsible for $229 billion in economic output in imply (b) that she was unhappy with the lodging, she
New York State. ended up chatting with the landlord so much that any
(A) babab (B) aabaa further discussion was futile.
(C) aabba (D) bbaab
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/150
The factory had its (a) / it's (b) walls scrubbed clean Ilahi teaches arcane (a) / archaic (b) theories of
and painted afresh. modern breathing techniques in a remote town in
(A) bbaba (B) aabba Syria.
(C) baaaa (D) ababb If seeds are sown by hand, there is a high likelihood
that the aspersion (a) / dispersion (b) of seeds will
3. The city is so beautiful that you will easily lose (a) / be uneven.
loose (b) yourself in it. The news of Ariana's pregnancy augurs (a) / augers
The principal (a) / principle (b) reason for the (b) happiness for her in the days to come.
dramatist's failure was the awkwardly articulated All gossips are born (a) / borne (b) by an ill wind.
pathos that ended up looking histrionic. (A) bbbab (B) bbbbb
Though she wasn't quite (a) / quiet (b) reputed, (C) abbbb (D) aabab
Nigella our neighbour cooked such a tasty meal that
no one had much space left for stray thoughts. 8. Keira brazed (a) / braised (b) a statue of a famous
It had rained a lot last year, so (a) / so that (b) there leader of the Irish War of Independence.
were a lot of mushrooms for us to enjoy. The Election Commission has directed politicians not
The train was stationery (a) / stationary (b) when to canvas (a) / canvass (b) for votes for two weeks
the accident occurred. prior to the day of elections.
(A) bbbaa (B) aaaba The residents refused to construct a building there
(C) bbaab (D) aaaab because they consider it wholly (a) / holy (b) ground.
Dorothy grew up on a dairy (a) / diary (b) farm and
4. I don’t care who's (a) / whose (b) doing the cleaning was familiar with the tending of cattle.
tonight, but I want the place spick and span when I'm Shankar can pay the fine for parking his car in a no-
back. parking zone, or alternately (a) / alternatively (b) go
The soap and shampoo are complimentary (a) / to court.
complementary (b) gifts from the hotel. (A) bbbab (B) abbab
They come every so often (a) / ever so often (b). I (C) baaab (D) aaaaa
wish they would stay home.
If you are not a basketball player, don’t expect 9. The pace of the volleyball game was kind of (a) /
admission (a) / admittance (b) to the basketball rather (b) slow.
fraternity. Though they share the same room, the pair likes to
Being discreet (a) / discrete (b) should be second maintain their toiletries discretely (a) / discreetly (b).
nature for a counsellor as people expect absolute Negotiations are best conducted when the arbitrators
confidence regarding sensitive matters. are uninterested (a) / disinterested (b).
(A) bbbbb (B) bbabb The statement made by the celebrity may be
(C) aaaaa (D) aaaba interpreted in divers (a) / diverse (b) ways.
The physiotherapist's excellent care enervated (a) /
5. I am looking for a job, can I speak to someone in the innervated (b) her weak limbs.
personal (a) / personnel (b) department? (A) abbbb (B) bbaba
Until you resolve to put in adequate practice (a) / (C) aaaaa (D) babbb
practise (b), there is no point in getting a better
coach. 10. Ethereal (a) / Ephemeral (b) beings are believed to
I overheard you saying the movie was awful. I didn't be light, airy and intangible.
like it as well (a) / either (b). There are few sights more awe-inspiring than a bolt
It is highly desirable that you check your rear view
of lightening (a) / lightning (b) striking the Earth.
mirror before you overtake (a) / take over (b) another
Raghu was loathe (a) / loath (b) to ask for an
Ileana bated (a) / baited (b) her pace to let her extension on his term paper.
partner catch up with her. Most candidates got elected by pandering (a) /
(A) babaa (B) aaaaa pampering (b) to special interest groups.
(C) abbab (D) bbbba Since the basic premise was (a) / premises were (b)
wrong, all the ensuing conclusions were also wrong.
6. The students will have to choose between (a) / (A) bbbbb (B) abaab
among (b) three institutes they could attend. (C) bbbab (D) abbaa
Emma is totally amoral (a) / immoral (b); she is either
helping others or helping herself at their expense. 11. A sedentary (a) / stationary (b) lifestyle adversely
The child was bemused (a) / amused (b) by the affects one’s health.
antics of the dolphins.
The bank authorities decided to waive (a) / wave (b)
I'd like to have the publication twice a month. So I'll the charges for senior citizens.
choose the bimonthly (a) / semi-monthly (b) option
The raisin and black current (a) / currant (b) pudding
in the catalogue.
served as the last course of the meal was simply
Any one (a) / Anyone (b) can drink a glass of milk in
three gulps; that's no big challenge!
(A) abbaa (B) abaab The barmy (a) / balmy (b) weather of the hill station
(C) baaba (D) aabbb had a soothing effect on our frayed nerves.
The audience watched the climax of the movie with
7. A great deal of expertise and specialized equipment baited (a) / bated (b) breath.
are required to correctly appraise (a) / apprise (b) a (A) aabba (B) aabbb
diamond. (C) abbbb (D) babab
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/151
12. He inherited a huge fortune from his adoptive (a) / Mr. Ray, one of the eminent business tycoons in the
adopted (b) parents. city, is very down to earth and does not believe in
I am not adverse (a) / averse (b) to constructive flaunting (a) / flouting (b) his wealth or status.
criticism. I made discreet (a) / discrete (b) enquires about his
The bomb was defused (a)/ diffused (b) due to the credentials before employing him.
timely action of the police, before there were any (A) aaaaa (B) aabab
casualties. (C) abbaa (D) abaaa
The CEO gave his assent (a) / ascent (b) to the
proposals made by the H. R department. 17. He exulted (a) / exalted (b) over his winning the
The Chief of Army staff placed a wreath (a) / wreathe election with a thumping majority.
(b) at the war memorial. The minister said that several measures to
(A) abaaa (B) aaaab ameliorate (a) / alleviate (b) poverty are in the
(C) abaab (D) abbab pipeline.
The drastic climatic (a) / climactic (b) changes that
13. The fractious (a) / factious (b) old man was very are now being witnessed in many parts of the world
hard to please are attributed to carbon emissions.
The winning team won huge applause from the
We had a pleasant stay at a luxuriant (a) / luxurious
spectators for their incredulous (a) / incredible (b)
(b) hotel at the hill station. performance.
The long period of drought does not augur (a) / auger The police force was complimented for its adept (a) /
(b) well for the peasants. adapt (b) handling of the situation.
Mr.Roy preceded (a) / proceeded (b) Mr.Dey as the (A) abbbb (B) baaaa
principal of the Government College of Arts. (C) aaaba (D) ababa
Social discrimination is abhorrent (a) / aberrant (b)
to a civilized society. 18. The final round would be a real test of the candidates’
(A) abaaa (B) aaaaa mettle (a) / meddle and will help us pick the best
(C) bbaaa (D) abbbb candidate.
The young artists were given free rein (a) / reign (b)
to their imagination.
14. Climatologists have attributed the continual (a) /
Many Indian nationals had become victims of racist
continuous (b) changes in the weather to the (a) / racial (b) attacks in recent years.
depletion in the ozone layer The grizzly (a) / grisly (b) murder which took place
The tyrannical ruler inflicted (a) / afflicted (b) great is our locality recently, shocked people beyond
hardship on his people. words.
Girls should be encouraged to learn marital (a) / The complicated surgery was performed by Dr.
martial (b) arts like judo and karate for self –defence. Trehan, one of the eminent (a) / imminent (b)
We had to take a tortuous (a) / torturous (b) route cardiologists of the city.
(A) aaaba (B) aabba
to reach the airport as the main road was temporarily
(C) abbaa (D) ababa
cordoned off for security reasons.
Consumption of diary (a) / dairy (b) products like 19. More and more people these days prefer car pooling
cheese, yogurt etc. might trigger an allergic reaction which is very economical (a) / economic (b).
among some people. The committee is composed (a) / comprised (b) of
(A) aaaaa (B) aaaab eminent personalities from diverse fields.
(C) abaab (D) aabab The fraudster who managed to elude (a) / allude (b)
the police for a long time was finally apprehended.
15. The police forces and rescue teams were deployed to The police officer adjured (a) / abjured (b) the
the accident cite (a) / site (b). suspect to come out with the truth.
Many affluent (a) / effluent (b) countries have come My grandmother was such a good raconteur that she
forward to help the nation beleaguered by war. had the ability (a) / capacity (b) to captivate the
The boss complimented (a) / complemented (b) the listeners with her interesting anecdotes.
team for successfully executing the project within the (A) ababb (B) aaaaa
stipulated deadline. (C) aaabb (D) abbaa
Mr. Chatterjee is loath (a) / loathe (b) to investing all
his money is shares. 20. Several bureaucrats were indicted (a) / indited (b)
Alzheimer’s disease, which hampers the functioning for their involvement in the scam.
of the brain, generally affects (a) / effects (b) elderly He had ambivalent (a) / ambiguous (b) feelings
people. about going abroad to pursue higher education.
Historical (a) / Historic (b) novels do not find favour
(A) aaaaa (B) baaba
with many readers.
(C) baaaa (D) bbbba
It cannot be said with certainty (a) / certitude (b) that
the new tax policies will benefit the salaried class.
16. One’s reflexes should be as quick as lightning (a) /
She had a strange foreboding (a) / forbidding (b)
lightening, (b) while driving on our city roads.
that the news would be bad.
People of the past believed that it was important to
(A) baaaa (B) bbaaa
horde (a) / hoard (b) wealth.
(C) aaaaa (D) abbba
The ruling party’s flagrant (a) / blatant (b) misuse of
public funds drew a lot of flak form the opposition.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/152
Exercise – 1
1. B 6. D 11. B 16. D 21. C
2. C 7. A 12. D 17. B 22. D
3. C 8. C 13. C 18. D 23. C
4. B 9. D 14. A 19. B 24. B
5. C 10. B 15. C 20. A 25. D

Exercise – 2
1. B 6. D 11. D 16. A 21. A
2. A 7. C 12. A 17. B 22. C
3. D 8. A 13. B 18. C 23. A
4. B 9. C 14. A 19. A 24. B
5. A 10. B 15. D 20. D 25. D

Exercise – 3
1. C 9. D 17. A 25. B 33. A
2. B 10. A 18. D 26. C 34. A
3. C 11. D 19. D 27. A 35. A
4. D 12. B 20. D 28. D 36. D
5. D 13. C 21. A 29. D 37. D
6. C 14. B 22. D 30. A 38. B
7. B 15. A 23. A 31. C 39. C
8. C 16. A 24. D 32. B 40. B

Exercise – 4
1. A 9. D 17. B 25. C 33. D
2. B 10. C 18. B 26. C 34. D
3. A 11. B 19. B 27. D 35. A
4. C 12. D 20. A 28. B 36. D
5. D 13. C 21. D 29. A 37. D
6. D 14. A 22. D 30. A 38. A
7. D 15. D 23. D 31. C 39. A
8. B 16. D 24. C 32. B 40. D

Exercise – 5
1. C 10. A 19. C 28. A 37. B 46. D
2. B 11. D 20. C 29. A 38. A 47. B
3. D 12. C 21. A 30. A 39. D 48. C
4. A 13. A 22. D 31. D 40. C 49. D
5. B 14. C 23. A 32. B 41. D 50. C
6. C 15. A 24. B 33. B 42. A
7. A 16. D 25. C 34. C 43. C
8. B 17. D 26. D 35. A 44. D
9. B 18. B 27. D 36. D 45. B

Exercise – 6
1. B 5. A 9. D 13. A 17. D
2. A 6. D 10. D 14. D 18. A
3. D 7. D 11. B 15. C 19. B
4. C 8. B 12. A 16. D 20. C

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : SM1002209/153

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