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Can pigs walk on two feet?

Can you touch your elbow with your nose?

Can you fry vegetables in a pan?

Can you brush your teeth with a shoe?

Can you stretch a rock?

Can you grow a mustache on your foot?

Can you sleep in the day time?

Can you ride a bike without a helmet?

Can you drive a car wearing a blindfold?

Can you stir something with a spoon?

Can you wear pajama's to school / work?

Can you jump over a puddle?

Can you eat tomato soup with a fork?

Can you keep a horse inside your house?

Can you see in the dark without a flashlight?

Can you buy eggs by the dozen?

Can you teach a cat to talk?

Can a tiger be your pet?

Can you rake leaves with a hammer?

Can you ride a camel?

Can you use a shovel at the beach?

Can you eat without a mouth?

Can a circle have corners?

Can a fish live out of water?

Can you wear a tie?

Can you drive a car without wearing a seatbelt?

Can you make bread without using flour?

Can you freeze orange juice?

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