Library of Variants - D 10 - Dual Program Beta Thal - S Homoz Transfused

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Patient report

Bio-Rad DATE: 08/07/2008

D-10 TIME: 12:13 PM
S/N: #DB7G153204 Software version: 3.50-A1
Sample ID: RACK04-1-51-23-7-2008
Injection date 07/23/2008 07:32 PM
Injection #: 51 Method: HbA2/F
Rack #: 04 Rack position: 1

Peak table - ID: RACK04-1-51-23-7-2008

Peak R.time Height Area Area %
Unknown 0.14 14390 34701 2.0
A1a 0.24 3134 14063 0.8
F 0.43 6047 29263 1.6
LA1c/CHb-1 0.67 695 5001 0.3
A1c 0.78 1821 17330 7.0
P3 1.46 1855 19641 1.1
A0 1.75 57440 229440 13.2
A2 3.07 2962 59579 4.2
S-Window 4.07 202834 1292116 74.1
C-Window 4.70 10711 41523 2.4
Total Area: 1742657

%F 1.6
% A1c 7.0
% A2 4.2
The chromatogram and data in this case report are actual laboratory findings.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. does not validate or confirm the sample data included in
this database. All information contained herein is for informational use only and is
not meant as a definitive identification of hemoglobin genotype.
Hb name: Sickle Cell Disease

Genotype: SS with transfusion

Age: 31
Gender: Female
Transfusion: transfusion 2 months prior to testing
Diagnosis: Hb-SS disease with crisis
WBC (K/uL): 33.38 (4.5 - 10.9)
Corr WBC: 28.29 (4.5 - 10.9)
RBC (M/uL): 2.07 (12.0 - 16.0)
Hgb (g/dL)
Hct (%): 18.0 (37.0 - 47.0)
MCV (fL): 87.2 (71.4 - 94.6)
MCH (pg): 32.1 (26.6 - 31.6)
MCHC (g/dL): 36.8 (30.5 - 35.5)
RDW (%): 24.4 (11.5 - 15.1)
Plt (K/uL): 290 (130 - 400)
MPV (fL): 10.7 (6.4 - 12.2)
Aniso Flag : ++
Micro Flag : ++
Macro Flag : +
Var Flag : ++
Hypo Flag : ++
NRBC Flag : +
Neut (%): 59 (40 - 74)
Band (%): 13 (0 - 10)
Lymph (%): 14 (19 - 48)
Mono (%): 7 (3 - 11)
Eos (%): 2 (0 - 7)
Baso (%): 1 (0 - 2)
Meta (%): 3 (0 - 0)
Myelo (%): I (0 - 0)
nRBC/100: 18 (0 - 0)
RBC Morph: 2+ polychromic, ovalocytes, sickle cells, target cells
Plt Est : adequate (adequate)
Comment : results confirmed by repeat analysis
Reference Laboratory:
Dr. Peter Howanitz
Kings County Hospital Center
Brooklyn, NY, USA

Bio-rad Comments:
SS transfused. At distance from transfusion only trace amounts of HbA are observed.

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