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Delivery Note

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Reference Number: 000-000-000
Address line 1
Date: 21.8.2021
City, Postcode
Location: London
Phone: 1234 567 890
Order Number: 1 of 1
Client number: 000-000
Carrier: Delivery company
Delivery Method: Air Freight/Courier
Total Weight: 25kg
Customer’s Company
Customer’s Name
Address line
City, Postcode
Product code Description Quantity Price (incl. VAT)
Phone: 1234 567 890
SKU16152 Example product 5 £5.99

SKU16152 Example product 5 £5.99

Additional Information
SKU16152 Example product 5 £5.99
Returns must be made within 30 days. Please use the included returns label.
SKU16152 Example product 5 £5.99

Goods received by:

Signature: Date

________________________ ___________________

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