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Intermediate reading week 10 answers

Put the following words into the sentences

struggle organizer senate convention divide
individual at a time ascend grip slip
block deaf canal induce overstress

1. They watched their balloons slowly ascend into the sky.

2. The ambulance was blocked by cars in the road.
3. She divided the pie into eight pieces.
4. As teachers, we go to the weeklong annual teachers' convention every summer.
5. She's partially deaf in her right ear, that is why you have to talk close to her left ear.
6. Unfortunately, he slipped on the wet floor and broke his arm.
7. He has been struggling with the problem of how to keep good workers from leaving.
8. Her illness was induced by overwork.
9. The little boy gripped his mother's hand tightly as he saw a stranger.
10. Students will receive as much individual attention as possible in small classes.

Put the following words into the sentences

fusion thereafter relocate tear constitute
acute exhilarating rescue charm occur
straight concerned booming activate long- lasting

1. The small town was exhilarated by the news of Sherry’s success.

2. Tina is out now, but she told me that she would return shortly thereafter.
3. The patient looked very concerned after his doctor told him the result of his test.
4. Women constitute 70 percent of the student population at this college
5. No one was ready for what was about to occur, that was why we all looked so clueless.
6. A rescue team is usually sent after an Earthquake.
7. You don’t need to make an appointment to speak to me. You can just go straight into my office anytime.
8. If I get this job, I will have to relocate to South America for up to 5 years.
9. Good politicians usually know how to charm their voters.
10. The trip had a long- lasting effect on the kids as they look at their world very differently now.

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