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Intermediate reading week 9 answers

Put the following words into the sentences

stuck blue lack of sluggish irritable
mold emperor craftsman assemble estimate
wonder constant mood ancestor diet

1. We need to estimate how much paint we'll need for the job.
2. The game picked up after a sluggish start.
3. Do you pay attention to your diet every day?
4. We were stuck there for three days because of bad weather.
5. It is very important to worship to ancestors in many Asian cultures.
6. He suffers from constant headaches, but no doctors know why.
7. The candles are made in a mold.
8. A team of scientists was assembled to study the problem.
9. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job.
10. Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue?

Put the following words into the sentences

crabby therapy gloomy substantial crave for
authentic command humongous alter locate
excessive rapidly constitute linkage disperse

1. Experts have confirmed that the signature on the letter from the President is authentic.
2. A substantial number of people commute to work each day in Taipei.
3. The clouds dispersed, revealing blue sky above.
4. Her anxiety is being treated by a combination of therapy and medication.
5. Blue whales are humongous. They can grow up to 30 meters.
6. She was fired for her excessive tardiness (being late).
7. After the earthquake, the news continued to be gloomy for days.
8. She gets crabby if she doesn't get enough sleep.
9. After getting the phone call, the police force arrived the crime scene rapidly.
10. Military leaders commanded the troops to open fire.

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