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‘Orenad fons Mane gener Ff Soe lbhs_ —Tt vs a tteanstermatton precess - —Jt zs plannin > Mcheduling 4 Con}refling. the achivite, that trans pores empet ey de wag of kaw maten/el! Machineny , Capcte}, Labours énpoamafton 2 dine, ime octtpup 24) he. fone queds senses hig, are A Value than fe emp - (sure —[pRecesy—fourraT} ~ Fro} peed Gyeeds — Semanices . Ppecise — — ing peta ey fentgn (Phagteal frets) —fronae dongs (Aire they — Locedé ies on cbaleye — Lag owt strated ott (ine scare, Breqanizattosy : — Supply Chetry Meso — Toyente m erp- (Ake ener 9 Raw maferiaby, tu oeceina rote, teks, ete, - Op true envenfory precy . Lysheuld mot be toohigh or Buppby = § cheduling fiteapped : — Meimt enanie + pecan a fit. | Bane Cow apts eo j Pe Ae Preeductfon Re freoductin’l fe at whey \ eee we ane Predege, \ oo. of Unit, Rate Teoduc tion, L) fren deed: = Oletput EM put aParctial A betel Preectuctive | ¢ ; te tale, comnd ent _ Oukpt oe femne of aKtM NT Capital ee ce > budput Laban (jo Dubpud LtK preeductivty Ne AL iP B— 4h —> Mackin, Mon, Materials 4 May, Y— Effecfivency 4 E Licterny, 3 E (seco? 3 aa anupactte co Senvéce O eration 1— z “Legnnok be Aforeea 3 Con be forced + | - Tangible preduek, * Tobengible 5 perctshabh.. | = Peco t “preduced . He eee with | + efonce, foe after ee i Sables. 1 Mae for focal -rvces: No combect wth, he vs boubien ts based dhe P “ Wie + ade ct whine anal ae _[icamspontoabton “Piecers Sodet + Output = f Cénpet) Porefers fo dreantformat ier, . Ps g eansteretna Pier Mean phyctece t Char ae. gulput tc tenathle. a \ egy automated * m echanied . Ll Tn cave ef terwtas , Me phpeicap charge, a out % injengi ble - . tt Greate reely heavily 0) Ape — Aumans . _— = & outpyb swore than en «t) Vabue dding * {ie I alue OAM CT costs fhe burners meney te transforem an tnpep “mmo bubpud. As aresut, value ts added. ( Transboremattosy Proters ¢— Th convicts Of Vanfouy 2bemenfe © Popup —s neceany tem reequieed ie © Outpur—s Peodues + Services Msed bat: one sy BA . © Feedback, Mechanivon ore eoforenafien —> j ender? Usborne Padbac machin « 2) Vu betd genuéce 4 Manufactuntng bieganibets A Chetured. fe ® Manebectuaing Organisation (Resrigenater) : Belk tangible Emfang = ble oadpuds, en Re A soaps of peas U7 — Prana bre :— OO ; 1- Flawring fre pogreaphicah Locahion. fF lecafion vf phent Ban Parcchar?V4 preanctien equipment + 2 ee U Bluepretn}. 4 Designing he odaction pai eS Freed wet Azidgn : , Caprecty eae. eee tan be. menuhactig,s mA ESS 2 man: ne. L mag. ne. OF Machine Cen be tosfelled é lanving R- ochededli np z FH Producten tad Le ated ty, et Pre tfi0 : ; a- Inventors mana gimente poptstsa fis of eovenpene : L palance bepn ter high & Loo Supply car i : ad i ox G0 > Biomonde. Oeesre quantity « _ Supply chain Ma dt = sen ST React eee ay pa dei yet Breccunerncr ap reas raapeniels fell rag De Hina) prcleck oe Cussfomert se Guotéty Com}rol + cum Sef get ge Pruokuction L equipren} rranagened : i staph selection py & taining: te Budgeting An cap tel planning Nctookdin ance coo —P \s rndurpeecl eleten- ok 4oe Cornpantes Weree- g Ay etsy Vb4 , & e clack bode. in t ove ywene fe esti Teetuey as basicaly demeT tn OHA OF 7 roduttieor raanagenent and Jo crate dee [specu Of fre opercee tion Mand: . rte The finding Abows 4 eri fretcap func? 1 OTe pirate) objective. ol pred eho 4 an perce fo by eet Lhe chesporme— poms UA atis bacfie® Ay clotivering Aas ota saa te | Na ay) fine 4 weducing fue cosf @ Vee mator problems faced dy fue nef 5 P | Let 4 5 penginy ae pivluction Ae Caqaccly Ahanming - 6) To all bypes oy tnduafee se oP conn “gy top producti. had mage 144 mi UTES {°) a 4 Pheoai sere duling , “production comfrak p Heat managencrd: ; ® Peoduefien pranegems cure Ne 7 teu desi4 cm basforeicalliy, mancedect IM dey ln ts geparated — ficor prechicy “r [Bra 4+ énvehued tn Types Of Peoduchirn ytems + 1— Combinucus — preotey: a- Yat Arodufion- 3- EB: i ina Priors: : bere ene jon Apops : (Predation ein stots) ‘Sense ne ~ 4Y— En peand tend tiers — Tob prreduch rn he. oN reodctton: ‘d J 5 Pdf 4 Balch Prod ucfiow'— pe 5 Tay batch preckachiom, geclacefion, ie stele fee preeducte in bapenes 07 Lot % fp ae Machines & £2 fe fanes, | Ladig 60m ae ee is Casey sere ena preetets - “fa 4 wtbonand cused ee ne a & . z feoduc> Job Ate D ee \ a > - se aly Satme precetsind sfeps (> fill ecent times) ei leaving x ed wes frrerp ULE Cer after fu cuh produc fier) fieene \ charac feaistis — - Henetactening as foropereeh to feb eredere i nembenie alpen a 6 praducts ane © ee wikin prebroed if Cation a fine & oot «Lew Volume F- Hagh varecety ap prod tS tt demand bared > fill based - Proje i Th ds oe grapes based » Voba tego aepity « 2 Tt Comes fines » LEWES. - TH zs aot reepehi na Life) i fastien once di fadve, 1 Natrve ~ Neaninc a Leche ues . Weck. Measuecement Ah “ids Techoriqcees : + Job design means ailaning various fasik, fo be ec poumed Ay a worker €D daly Youtine « : - 6 The behavdourel appreach fe fob design og lpr Mp} ool dak ning fre pak es herekned Lite designing #4 bub «Leo friuning that jeb does not betome Petey, fort Workers - ” Ti €s because “fa work. es enferey, zy Lis prepiners He performances tS actinitely pethen : vantiby + quekily D preduy Sc eat ed ty aparrfrclan eek Sacfory tmpuencing Soh Aer igns © ( @ The volume oy mor ® Tk trapbenitf de wmk- © The work press ee mature or HE peoph DrtAomis adie a ay volved: Le. Lnplo yed 79 Be ere em aregcinen$ — Hort ze , vinden Jor z. afap dcr, 2 Jeb ‘O ses enrichment _ verticaf heading A Job enbengement. = o tt és ont & dre concept em job aut b- 2 on} 45 fe fonizen fel adung or Lecorpen jh tear make, bby Bets oe . 4 beng U Joo. wore cere ane Added fo hig * Jobe 2 atch Reet? OL Heer I? Juan dre job enbergemerds x: -TH as et 7 a nts , Bighly reeqefi tive Jan in O° AH ernbls Aroap ore 2 anong He nerhey fe 1S ke lag Oe 7 jus 41s Soret Be ceapain qe & sari emunicyorsrd 7 “ Tt is ale cle4 vertical Locking an awenkin seb: fiend Feet tomsitily 3 Tt mcerrd nd oe. BE thy rrore_ ete oe pe ab hol ¢ eu Joh Wisi ning? eee) OMelseq amnaels ® Flee preecess Chanh + =) A, ce machine a ctivity Cae YD) Frimciptd’ ct Medien *¢emmG ° Obed ancy i . + Th isa Gmple arbi, vhih qj ued oe Dre job ore zm reo vingy fe existing feb +Te axet meted onalaris , bye pb 7 cally bregen info Vartiows Afeps reetets ‘ Te mork Wade: axcrenaeesd | fools + Y ites yee t production time ruined P te “Obata ere a fits Fees of em werehen ic * ce et ey 4 fd lenes - toa Stope- fore tnerces, 1 here i emplorgee. + acking firme. faren yur 8 ont fe encling pre dan pims af Prin ipa? 1 duedte . epepefine & jue - hedy fueh eff. ake: dong” tae Hs, z Magimezing fre ebliecencey wenkees clang Re erfuremance dp job - The uma beds works est onden_ & Preede. Yermined ways + Thene ane fidt principles of mofion Att sarstte — Meaning of werk Mee ~ Metheds Gp calcalating wdeotK WCAC tif = Objectives of Pere casero ered © WORK meaburcemer: Bs contenna wif, fre déferminapion eee gt hee fim’, eepired by roy uni} oe Merk An, psa. ansernbes pe¢e ‘ Meng 4 ni sey eka 1: ae ond Sorcery | 1 Tn werk meaharctinenp- » NEKO varios time, Ath as obsercued frre aaa Oe Sforferaa tine + sperfrrancee GF ‘ z ( hith 2s obs, © Observed firme af fine. nh Pm by ape cenginsers hike ong ap fr, Opertafien - ae we ‘The tlecdate. = Biden _moieg Fee) |) fie Ne uri preedieced ry ha A (ie (oriral Fine. = Obsenved fine. x per Perna, re reer Rabi » Pere porerrance wahig can be Atfined as pe ptotedune truth, fre ~tmdcprief hen efs 18° tnin day | Teechorhyance- reatting eMo. «4-40. Doranel Fime = Worcicing Hee X Percfrrimance j mo- punt roduced eating. = M2 xe - ast ®- ee ts ti he tek from 4forh Hime, f Stender fine = OT 7 abe} aby “yw yor 4-0 4- Aliowance- . done om an epenaffen- An experienced ena Oe Conduct} fe pad and teedorded tre ali Hime. tetated oof + used 10H ablontane, | Deepocsine e- Afandand Hike Lipete nD my at obs-1f) Qo Bh Yo Pe 1 ay ag j 24 34 3q fie sfu= 1 tle Lime. amount Of e+ fz, eae ae eee - Arg. cg ote fimes 147 oe. : = Observed fover UF mine. A forded fines _Nownebfine 4 AMesomee Vernal dine = obrceued Hine x Perforce w Nilo. = WX lee, we Honda fine < os a? 4- tee Aaod cs ~ os. OF 2 O44 = = copy Plenning : of Ca peed : ef Capa city _ Come 4 eb & i liza fied’ we ef ficdence . _ calcautapien or capact dy Ok plenf - eaning. af Capactey:- eyy zs Ine maodimem output 4 facility an fe ma ven peated of fime- . Capac ty meg be dattecerf hype Ope py OH ayy : r+ 7s Jue Mant: ouput ae sperm 6O-7 $ undeee aderf cond tee both fondest he Aacfors Like dew fares matnfeinance yasreep toms” £ne @ ehtective peer fie MAK out pet a syste can jpreedlice work fons conviderce Gy ioe y A> Sfpen } en thar KDergr cop fe albvras qe elt « ® Chap or Capaci}y i— These ree fees fo tte cpu a cob pet pect eC teodue Aya «py pvert 2 ; ire ed “eval alf tele ores émfo ecownf- whch bed dre ‘frente om . | doce eo dale, t (, ES RL ES - a” “ rv “Acqual tapee’ty to Loss fhen — Q=]) an curfomebi£e factory , th fre Aesicpncapuy . reach ta dark fee ehheetr vie Capacity 7S So frewepdy fee achal ovefpee & 36 toes, - 4 | Larue pi Lisafien & Cl biting Dose Aue] ote 36 ef fective Co polly Perr @ poet =? = BD: TT TT ce Bis as ewe Uilire ym = ON at oni 9 = aoe = (BaD IS, edfibenegy 2 3h a ge RE wme 187 | Yeak Capacthy 2 wat @ & the 2 s + This ieeplecle” Jere comce pt . he Man: OUPpPK 4 snip eed he Mice panied acti 4 ° jne pert, 2 pa Hos 4 oe Jaigh 4 4 + peak produc w Managing & cenderecfetedin ote capattiy erecta aa q tts Fyre he production eptientlg - optimize : prea prncting, jee dBaand F 6c A factlify works fore ptuae ofasp wre ® dl ont co eon ted e+ prcducs Nhoce tpreabects a 4 ane qe annual [Lemna op fhe prealadk One 3 respectively gourunib, ‘15? & sxe reospeetively b And fre evens fime fP@ 4a formeevnids ace Shes Yh, bd reespectireg~ Carlee bepy, <2) Preceawing i ‘ a one Ft pried ace Lk ev The | precdeceton oe Ore Machine zn efardacd fronts. (WD Find OF fre me: ge machines reequireed ote Capect ly Of fue fecihety « QO iaed As teedecn Dene Preaanengtnt Tela} Prreceg: Dime Ty \ Bos Ss B06x5 teaph Ys 4saxq= [Roo 4” B 1 \ 42 [Reo 4” c 550 L S80XLz 3300K, hie) = OPS pitecanicg Hire land ay CG) Aenuel Capacthy of ome machine on Bet hou c TXAEE = 2z04hm UD No @ meactines teepureed = Tete] preseetving fie Armua coped fy op one machine = FAT _ 2.94 = 3 machines - 23 O4 : Q- A com toduces O four freedacts hy b Cid. i Asanane pe heel 02 peerpec are esth ann 26 Baby, BM Se tL pe ively « ‘he Facility ervey den. wil, 242 Merkin - Fig oat few ye machin eared Tay produce, AB) YD. eceuring Hi Tota] preeceti Aye [ro duced Demand Pesceting Hepa “E & 330 3h 4086 8 Uzt Y 4tes c sx SF BEI > go> + yoly y Me ( viedt| preening June = Shyer 3 X292 = Q336hw’ Ne- Ob Machines ree quareed = point? Q3346 = 4-34 a5 machines Objectives;— ——- = — Minimice cost | mart mize preebit « = Morimize cyfomen— Service. « _ Karim te eenvenbong envertnent « — Mint Change pcdnetion (Rate * _ initia Onaneye an vo orketyerece- Leet ~ pninizegeliu tien Sp plank t- eget pred « Q- A fem Ayes foure wore ABFapten A,B OX? od Teg operate. #9 _gercies with ute endividuel capacities am unit fem bp i Given mm fre Aellening. Ata LAty ___3[B > {e 5 [B}> cop parjoad ws ae eS ce wobec es ae wai fre Doyphemeck_ cent | wd ta acify 2a bet és fre agsfer fon ee ilizafien reafe ? Ans — work spapien op Da \o see Of 300. Thertetere, caek Afahion hel fe —————— t | . mick tenten: . ad wykich h Sys fey Cane acts ¢ A eopactly ge bof kemekK Cerf, opera pes - . Av, Sc etm capacily = 300° (© Sas} Jems yeti Lizediva ead e = Actua) out pt Aleo design capacity = 2ee Xloe = Joo/« ud «A LEE venfen en We ob fe det ng orefs here foo cht me venlons mapes prt ple Copies aon wowing tite Fo i -~_ Ofna facfous The Lenjer Opertapes 250 days pee yee with Shee shépts The Management Lo cle'e ty, frata fre capaciteg Cashion OF £57- Fegeng te ie Here 2s fee herb Ip has woaenge. Ceurercenlig nse. eof ipattine + bared on dre fo} ering ee pencwtien aaa how bang paaebines Are Theo crizot%, Lied Y. heme) Demand 2000 6 eee Ajanducep fealty tie) 03% or Kvq. Le Side ao 30 i 0s o-4o Atandad 444° fine /eeaSS— 7 cecessing dime, foe cleen . 7 1 4 Time pow lien} X Arnel nd RAlencare 4 Prreceeying 2 200? xo-s Hew ~ Adootes - 2 Yee: clien} Y = fooe x0-F yet we Att up Hequireed = Beco 2 loo fim. Ao to, Veted Act up pime = Loox a = An gen Eo. a Aetp reequsned = BE0° = 20° fires 3 ge, Petel Act Aap Fine = ree AP" lig = 80 dr’ ) - Se, Toted Apreoeersivgy ime fare bets cheer AA) | = jooet 26-4 @ Yree $89 £305 ba - ae x b, Machéne werk 4a pen fem Gicctmnctn de yoo +) Toda) mactinn bine s a0ce x Co oS) Be = locker Kos ay Machines required = = $308 S3er | feo HS Bela = Y mackine, We eee 2 . Agrey. je Phawnings «= (Ie ms) “seme Ane = get preeductiva Pp planning cae No. et vents! wy aye preeduccd feo be prekucey OM Q weekly Cf trem hty basis efor Comm na Clo 4s rv fis - « The ban stould be with fre overcaM bees, th, of ve Cornpany “te, Adqnegate means Corp lope ore fetop . ence fre peo encludss all fre Varlorug Models of dre parduct and sive Corner: plekune ob edu preedutet ion (eqccree~ ments. Aas Tee (and Feel Alors Tt * vi He [oreo ] Cf tne Meneeting 4 aceprnenf ¥ m i ae of port ee aprckge Sheahegies ize bor ps pute | _ Agameget et planai “a | G io a an| yareyi preipt lala As sean) le ide si wat? tn atbh red plan: de ariniye feed aga sr rel ‘afew titan TT aA un —F si ac poe [eer ae 4] 2 adative mare preeductien gchedule. aa és Vani whe snvenforg of Cg dior 2 * ae ’ nant abe és bo) dee firem can rmainfsin x sige cavern TIED | binun combibner t “kK denen ae he foe 2 kare - Bub fe damand ~€s Que Be ee ts tnverforfe- “TL éneceane | resfend ate OF Thad demoed He dnd 2s I F the Mena of fre fort (es 4 preeductivily eo Workers. neath: — Tt empties mmafching demand 4 Capeet ectly ports = Deck) peopel én rom stdenc bee. Ohrotnd— Oe b> hiring L firing are Lagolt « ant — This creeades insecure + uervhap py Se Eo more ;moree ep opt Nand 4 i how, Lew emplogecs oa kath a3/a/24 |. Th gs oe 04. whortt- Lb Liz ft Bean ts vie reeping fe oD tavento cons te : Duntng te mon yrs a few dtmand, works pre Joy, + bho anand 4s high, Wwertkens bused He veeK ondati, 1-0. OU ercHime. Cosfe Wyo 2 . Awe to has duelped a hoae tert fore grep 9 hay feat be felling prod. Ceemuta be : 2 3 pene ‘ 4 ayo Wklinand i 2 qev A7o ; 3 i a ve 4 ye s 1432 b 4S, Qe €O ; RE OBE ‘ ae 2920 4 Cot psi se fo erreese Liter ashi mates Jnat 2 pee unit to deercage \ the Je preeduction ate & PS 200 Ant out pu . tt costs &S sO pen mit te eeg dfems 2 ) erventerg : Lo py costs ™ dao percent fo Anche teat : dna lost pone tread ei Corn put dhs I FN cy rtahel cesper row en] cnutahef Core fr ~~ dsand | oe de create yla any Ato “ae 5%, coo By See qe aso x 1S? 23 4se? gougeo Le 32 aoe X 1S? L reeMper | 20K TE yuoco Qo oO zy Hoee a3 5? pore xwe Bboveo == Beer? \ asso yo xwe moo = l(42e0 24r0 {Fo X1s° Qesre 2259? P 4, 14,0°° tate ee legin. . RR cot ence t Meee J fro 5- Leve} cfral eps ~ —~" ae ( Stomd Alta} ye fan PY) where producti, trate es tomstat prone OP Tee Meee i comsfany | 1 Bud demand fp rede by waccifing He Envoy Level Thos fype & Afrel eye cs called Jove) 3 cepencla fue Afr Meany, « Q ‘4 ag t alae fury lad Quanfen | Demand frealutin | proeductay 12 \Tn vente : ite! ene R40 2» Bos 36S Is \ g 220 442 Bes 430 3 430 {bao | 3h IS 4 43S y i pogo | bs 160 A=1Fo] s | usc | o0ge oes [Yer (Aes) i | ave | asso [aor | 8te itee) + aeo asso | 36S a8 & | ago | ame | ats |7F° fn 2 ° Toventony soe x Mjerhcf inning | eh ris 2554 begin Enverey —Cemetatinn f 350 350x soe It00 \ Ys Yasxso =Klgts © NG: Preedeuey, \ 340 34oxso> 45°? = 2420 es 5 esxso= 425° e oO ore = 2 = 2h qs sxc = 475° 260 abeyso = [3008 aoe ospxs? = [245 © aa _lésoe Be am Na b Plan Be 1 _Vareging- ufilication Sfrategs: ae 34 Apeeteyy EA FLY OF Srcbewndnecp J heree— Me preduction reafe és cmstirty fre 2 » vinboreg co sf— HS negtp ple but theme ts Wigh Aubstan ete] Sublensteacp cosp SANE be worksize, 25 consfarp- | Quarter demand Producto Anche nfnact subion free , ! ato 200 yo Fox woz Foo 2 Qr0 we 20 nece 3 440 ye8e Ato azo? y 640 qo 440 Upoee 5 us oe as? asore wo qoee £ Lye a yo , + 8 Lowe g oe \to a 1,322" ° Subs 6 mand - bree Auten + * Sey the levef Ane ay es fre beapeepoed re oe thu Lear +o Ie ort en lSasjen \ There A4ae’ aa] C4 level Sfnabegy = Vaites ecilizetion Atret a= 132200 u ' ue b qe ene Planer ng log 1 ———, OReria Cost be apt “2 mM Yee. “This he test reelepied to yeeceaticf ing be feat d 3 they Abrrand 4S vend Ligh - , ce Se ty 4 Cui ce4 ‘ Po cle try Chase cfrafe a Ne Wor \prece. when eter changes 7 t ( att antses token deinand ts igh + - et encledoy adverpi sin Cost » rg ency bees latttnent doef ay well % potential de * fo. doteged @ la eae Cai . - If abe anise 77 chase spate ay 7 ~ bth “Fis. Coro parry de fore: When Armand is Lew: — Tf mead Severance packages out pacing ana al fats 1 ot, rodiced Vidy ae —T} alo empaets fee moreaf ® P tAmnaining ep arn vee beh mt eda : ) Inve Cog : & zy ned en Case pel Pt ahead 1 : é . Chan a tre on vero eer 4 C preeliced + 25 Onieg ; he Lyi fre ke PF aD «of Aekding 4 ee — Tt enwles ‘ m4 gen lng fe Sch inane oF eal, ? om ( obsolescence + f gusk of ee. duty Lew demand oe 7c ncreCAages - 4a an, amet fee ize fe 40 VEN), dia QVAecKouf tects - — [hee arte fue Costs whith are Asgectafed w'fh mel hav tng cong Fa ven}oreg fo meep- -fre Casfemern olemands — Dp If has fifteen} Compomperts — & (Q) Luvs of Heevenuer pe | ‘ When ater Customers Can oof perechase_ reoducts aut fe Afock— eu + }re emer foses podemtiet peewee nee - fr chy Back=ortdene Cosp im of fre thet b Th Cusfomercs aree wend fe oe reoduice Jne company mete endures Mrmpenses reefing te taping “AE omete Loyalty *— (enters ee Catt” JK an empon Pe cacapes qpispe disel™ pecesf ay fre com parg * 2 pre Long fem olernage— fe Ke bran rept Rest Co sts ane. stant ceopitabilitg 4 ind reepeta pion. : planar Bkrocld 2 Therefore fee aggre gate re 4 e be Aone. 2 (pice fig fo rink mize. fre risk . 1 oyereatl aul } tcan} om aw Compand - (emcee reesei Pactitties deca tion - ee Ftien pore actlity Mey out ~ Factory. a 4 Wendt ta tively Se Ones : Reareny/ RE Bao chowe! 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