C. Vilvens - Calliostomatidae II

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VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

New species and new records of Calliostomatidae

(Gastropoda: Trochoidea)
from western Pacific (II): Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea,
Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan
Research Associate
Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB),
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, CNRS, SU, EPHE, UA
CP 51, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France

KEYWORDS. Gastropoda, Calliostomatidae, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia,

Philippines, Taiwan, Calliostoma, Tristichotrochus, Fautor, Akoya, Bathyfautor, Venustatrochus,
Selastele, Phenacomargarites, Thysanodonta, new species.

ABSTRACT. New records of 23 known Calliostomatidae species from an area stretching from
Solomon Islands to Taiwan are listed, extending the distribution area of some of them. The depth
ranges of these species have been completely recalculated based on all the data available for over
30 years.
14 new species are described and compared with similar species: Calliostoma pheidolon n. sp.,
C. newguineense n. sp., C. thaumaston n. sp., C. achantodes n. sp., C. zhongshaense n. sp., C.
statheron n. sp., Fautor cosmopolites n. sp., F. panteles n. sp., Akoya zhui n. sp., Selastele
solomonense n. sp., Phenacomargarites tetratropeis n. sp., Thysanodonta brucemarshalli n. sp.,
T. eumetabolos n. sp. and T. aoristos n. sp.

RESUME. De nouveaux relevés de 23 espèces connues de Calliostomatidae provenant d'une aire

allant des Iles Salomon à Taïwan sont listés, étendant ainsi l'aire de distribution d'un certain
nombre d'entre elles. Les zones de profondeurs de ces espèces ont été entièrement recalculées sur
base de l'ensemble des données disponibles pour elles depuis pus de 30 ans.
14 nouvelles espèces sont décrites et comparées avec des espèces similaires : Calliostoma
pheidolon n. sp., C. newguineense n. sp., C. thaumaston n. sp., C. achantodes n. sp.,
C. zhongshaense n. sp., C. statheron n. sp., Fautor cosmopolites n. sp., F. panteles n. sp., Akoya
zhui n. sp., Selastele solomonense n. sp., Phenacomargarites tetratropeis n. sp., Thysanodonta
brucemarshalli n. sp., T. eumetabolos n. sp. et T. aoristos n. sp..

INTRODUCTION Poppe, 2004; Poppe et al., 2006, Poppe et al., 2014;

Taiwan and Chinese seas: S.-I Huang & I.-F. Fu,
This work is the next part of a new study of 2015, 2019, 2022; Poppe & Tagaro, 2020; Thach,
Calliostomatidae MNHN material collected in the 2023), only poor or often very old data are available
western Pacific area by the French IRD-MNHN for other areas (Papua New Guinea : Hinton, 1978
expeditions during these last 40 years, the first part of without any Calliostoma species; Indonesia :
this study about New Caledonia area having been Schepman, 1908; Knudsen, 1970; Dharma, 1988
published recently (Vilvens, 2023). The area without any Calliostoma species; Dharma, 2005 with
considered here start from Solomon Islands and goes mostly Australian Calliostoma species; Arafura Sea,
towards the West through Papua New Guinea, eastern between northern Australia and southern Indonesia :
Indonesia, South China Sea, Philippines and as far as Willan, 2002).
Taiwan. One can wonder about the large size of this Although the available samples for this study are
studied area, but this can be justified by the fact that it not very numerous regarding some campaigns and
has appeared that some species have indeed a wide some species, this study has revealed, apart from the
distribution, for example from Solomon Islands to extension of distribution of known species, that
Indonesia, or from Papua New Guinea to the numerous examined specimens belong to new species
Philippines and even Taiwan. that are described here.
While Calliostomatidae of some areas in the scope of
this work has been studied rather recently (Solomon
Islands: Vilvens, 2009; Philippines: Vilvens, 2000a, b;

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Material and methods studied. The most numerous samples were collected
during these last 20 years, but additional samples
The material studied in this paper was collected by collected during older campaigns were also found and
French IRD-MNHN expeditions started up with the therefore considered in the present work.
goal to study the biodiversity of invertebrates, The following table lists the expeditions that have
especially molluscs, in a wide range of habitats of the collected the studied samples (data from the reference
western Pacific (from Taiwan to Tonga Islands), here Web site of the MNHN campaigns). The last column
especially from Solomon Islands to Taiwan through is the digital object identifier (DOI) link (when
Papua New Guinea, western Indonesia and available) to websites with information about each
Philippines. More than 200 samples batches were expedition.

Table 1. List of the MNHN expeditions in the western Pacific where samples were collected (the abbreviations
of the campaigns are used on the following map (Fig. 1)).

Campaign Sampling area Date DOI

BIOPAPUA (BP) Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea 8-10/2010 10.17600/10100040
CORINDON 2 (C2) Indonesia, Makassar Strait 10-11/1980 10.17600/80005712
KARUBAR (KB) Indonesia, Kai and Tanimbar Islands 10-11/1991 –
KAVALAN 2018 (KV) North-eastern Taiwan 6-7/2018 –
KAVIENG 2014 (KG) Papua New Guinea: New Ireland 6-9/2014 10.17600/14004400
MADEEP (MA) Papua New Guinea 4-5/2014 10.17600/14004000

MUSORSTOM 2 (M2) Philippines 11-12/1980 10.17600/80010211

NanHai 2014 (NH) South China Sea –
PANGLAO 2004 (P4) Central Philippines 2004 –
PANGLAO 2005 (P5) Bohol and Sulu seas, Philippines 2005 –
PAPUA NIUGINI (PN) North-eastern Papua New Guinea 10-12/2012 10.17600/18000841
SALOMON 1 (S1) Solomon Islands 9/2001 10.17600/1100090
SALOMON 2 (S2) Solomon Islands 10-11/2004 10.17600/4100090
Solomon Islands: off Guadalcanal and 9-10/2007
SALOMONBOA 3 (SB3) 10.17600/7100070
TAIWAN 2000 (T00) South-western and eastern Taiwan 7-8/2000 –
5,7–8, –
TAIWAN 2001 (T01) Southern and north-eastern Taiwan
TAIWAN 2002 (T02) Southern and north-eastern Taiwan 5,8,9/2002 –

TAIWAN 2004 (T04) North east of Taiwan 7,8,9/2004 –

TAIWAN 2013 (T13) Southern Taiwan 5/2013 –

ZHONGSHA 2015 (ZA) South China Sea, Macclesfield Bank 7-8/2015 –

Regarding the distribution of the new species and the in the work of B.A. Marshall, 1995; Vilvens, 2005,
extension of the distribution of known species, the 2009, 2012, 2014a; Vilvens & Maestrati, 2006.
range is taken from the internal intervals of the two Moreover, each range is provided not only for all the
extremes values: the bathymetric ranges given are the available specimens but also for the only living
inner values of the recorded depths, that means the specimens only if applicable; when these ranges are
deepest minimum and the shallowest maximum of the same, the common range is cited once with the
each recorded depth range (Bouchet et al., 2008). "(lv)" annotation; if all the specimens are dead
These ranges were computed for all the available collected, the range is cited with the "(dd)" annotation.
known samples, that means published in this work and

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

Regarding the description methodology, the main ♦ spiral cords of the whorls (ontogeny, number,
conchological features used are (Figs 2 & 3): beads, strength);
♦ spiral cords on the base (number, beads, distance
♦ general shape of the shell (depressed, high spired between);
– conical, cyrtoconoidal, coeloconoidal - see ♦ shape of the aperture, the outer and the inner lip.
especially Fig. 3 below);
♦ shape of the whorls (convex, concave, straight -
with or without shoulder or keel);

Figure 1. Map of locations of MNHN campaigns referenced in this paper — the abbreviations of the campaigns
are those defined in table 1; inserts from the MNHN "Réferentiel BasExp" web site

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Figure 2. Features of Calliostomatidae shells; H : height; W : width; HA : height of the aperture; P1, P2, P3, ... :
primary cords; S1, S2, S3, … : secondary cords; T1, T2, T3, … : tertiary cords (shell : Calliostoma chlorum
Vilvens, 2005, Fiji, BORDAU 1, stn DW1454, 13.6 × 10.4 mm).

Figure 3. Shapes of Calliostomatidae shells (scale bars: 5 mm): A. Conical shape: Fautor boucheti (B.A.
Marshall, 1995), southern New Caledonia, NORFOLK 2, stn DW2081, 500–505 m, 10.1 × 9.4 mm;
B. Cyrtoconoidal shape: Laetifautor fundatus B.A. Marshall, 1995, north-eastern New Caledonia, Touho,
MONTROUZIER, stn 1269, 15–20 m, 4.2 × 3.5 mm; C. Coeloconoidal shape: Bathyfautor coriolis B.A.
Marshall, 1995, West of New Caledonia, Lansdowne Bank, EBISCO, stn CP5052, 684–715 m, 18.8 × 17.0 mm.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

Abbreviations Ti: all the tertiary cords (i=1…);

P'x, S'x: second part of a primary (secondary) cord Px
Repositories (Sx) splitting into two cords;
P"x, S"x: third part of a primary (secondary) cord Px
MNHN: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, (Sx) already split into two cords;
France. X, Y: in ontogeny description, the spiral cord X
HMNS: Houston Museum of Natural Science. appears a little earlier than Y;
IMT: Institute of Malacology of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. X; Y: in ontogeny description, the spiral cord X
MM: Manchester Museum, University of Manchester. appears clearly much earlier than Y;
NHMUK: Natural History Museum, London, United (X): in ontogeny description, the spiral cord X
Kingdom. disappears;
NIWA: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric stn: station;
Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand. lv: live-taken specimens present in sample;
NMMBA: National Museum of Marine Biology and dd: no live-taken specimens present in sample;
Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan. sub: subadult specimen;
NSMT: National Museum of Science, Tokyo, Japan. juv: juvenile specimen.
SMF: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany.
ZMA: Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam, The SYSTEMATICS
coll.: private collection. We follow here the classification of WoRMS (which
itself follows Bouchet et al., 2017) where
Other abbreviations Calliostomatidae are ranked as a family of superfamily
Trochoidea (besides e. g. Trochidae or Solariellidae),
H: height; with the five subfamilies Calliostomatinae,
W: width; Fautricinae, Margarellinae, Thysanodontinae and
HA: height of the aperture; Xeniostomatinae.
TW (tw on plates captions): number of teleoconch The different species are browsed trying to follow a
whorls; path starting in the Solomon Islands and ending at
P1, P2, P3, ... : primary cords = spiral cords appearing Taiwan.
on the first whorls (P1 is the most adapical; the last
one is the most abapical, usually peripheral); Superfamily TROCHOIDEA Rafinesque, 1815
Pi: all the primary cords (usually i=1,…,4); Family CALLIOSTOMATIDAE Thiele, 1924 (1847)
S1, S2, S3, ... : secondary cords = spiral cords Subfamily CALLIOSTOMATINAE Thiele, 1924
appearing after the Pi (S1 is the most adapical); (1847)
Si: all the secondary cords (usually i=1,…,4); Genus Calliostoma Swainson, 1840
T1, T2, T3, … : tertiary cords = spiral cords appearing Type species : Trochus conulus Linnaeus, 1758 (by
on the last whorls (numbered following appearing s.d. Herrmannsen, 1846) – Recent, Mediterranean Sea.
order); Grammatical gender: neuter.

Figure 4. Map of the eastern part of the area referenced in this paper (from p. 60).

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Calliostoma hexalyssion Vilvens, 2009 nearly straight to weakly concave with a suprasutural
Fig. 6A–H keel, at least 8 spiral cords (P2, P3; P1; P4, S3; S1, S2;
S'3; possible T1 subsutural, possible S"3 above S3)
Calliostoma (Benthastelena) hexalyssion Vilvens, with small, acute pointed beads and distance between
2009: 142–146, figs A1–A2, 73–78. Type locality: all Pi and Si much larger than their size, S3 making
Solomon Islands, Vella Gulf, between Vella Lavella keel, a subquadrangular aperture, an oblique columella
Is. and Kalombangara Is., 460–487 m. without tooth, an almost flat base with about 15 spiral
Calliostoma hexalyssion —Vilvens, 2014a: 44, 46, cords of which only the two most external and the
figs 32–33. three most internal are clearly visible and rather
strong, anomphalous, a pinkish white colour.
Material examined. Solomon Islands. SALOMON
2: stn CP2213, 07°39'S, 157°43'E, 495–650 m, 2 lv Remarks. This species was originally described from
(MNHN-IM-2007-34090, MNHN-IM-2007-34091); Solomon Islands and the new records from Papua
stn CP2214, 07°42'S, 157°44'E, 550–682 m, 1 lv New Guinea extend rather logically its distribution
(MNHN-IM-2007-34089); stn CP2243, 07°43'S, area.
156°27'E, 518–527 m, 1 juv lv (MNHN-IM-2007-
34150); stn CP2245, 07°43'S, 156°26'E, 582–609 m, 1
sub lv (MNHN-IM-2007-34149); stn CP2247,
07°45'S, 156°25'E, 686–690 m, 2 lv (MNHN-IM-
2007-34139, MNHN-IM-2007-34140); stn CP2248,
07°43'S, 156°25'E, 650–673 m, 2 lv (MNHN-IM-
2007-34137, MNHN-IM-2007-34138).
SALOMONBOA 3: stn CP2773, 09°25'S, 160°32'E,
537–619 m, 2 lv (MNHN-IM-2009-6260, MNHN-IM-
2009-6261); stn CP2849, 09°36'S, 160°46'E, 448–523
m, 1 juv lv (MNHN-IM-2009-6898).
Papua New Guinea. BIOPAPUA: stn CP3653,
02°13'S, 150°23'E, 680–700 m, 1 lv (MNHN-IM-
2013-57653), 1 lv; stn CP3654, 02°14'S, 150°16'E,
490–505 m, 1 lv (MNHN-IM-2013-57648); stn
CP3722, 06°01'S, 147°35'E, 608–625 m, 1 lv
(MNHN-IM-2013-57652); stn CP3737, 08°15'S,
150°45'E, 587 m, 1 lv (MNHN-IM-2013-57647,
MNHN-IM-2013-57654); stn CP3739, 09°09'S,
152°15'E, 503–546 m, 1 dd; stn CP3740, 09°12'S,
152°16'E, 556–645 m, 5 lv (MNHN-IM 2013-57656,
MNHN-IM-2013-57657, MNHN-IM-2013-57658,
MNHN-IM2013-57659, MNHN-IM-2013-576601 sub
lv (MNHN-IM-2013-57655), 3 lv; stn CP3742,
09°08'S, 152°19'E, 448–470 m, 1 dd; stn DW3749,
05°39'S, 153°59'E, 620–663 m, 1 dd; stn DW3757,
04°01'S, 153°36'E, 214 m, 1 dd. KAVIENG 2014: stn
CP4421, 02°23'S, 150°37'E, 470–525 m, 1 sub dd; stn
CP4422, 02°21'S, 150°38'E, 496–609 m, 3 dd; stn
CP4423, 02°20'S, 150°38'E, 550–649 m, 1 dd, 3 sub Figure 5. Map of the western part of the area
dd; stn CP4437, 02°23'S, 150°37'E, 416–535 m, 1 lv; referenced in this paper (from p. 68).
stn CP4439, 02°23'S, 150°35'E, 534–650 m, 2 lv, 1
sub dd; stn CP4440, 02°19'S, 150°37'E, 583–658 m, 1 Calliostoma simplex Schepman, 1908
lv; stn CP4448, 02°13'S, 150°12'E, 564–743 m, 2 dd, Fig. 6I–M
1 juv dd.
Calliostoma simplex Schepman, 1908: 64, pl. V, fig.
Distribution. Solomon Islands, 77–728 m, living at 5. Type locality: Indonesia, Arafura Sea, 05°48'S,
397–686 m (range computed using also data of 123°13'E, 304 m.
Vilvens, 2009; 2014a); Papua New Guinea, 214–680 Calliostoma simplex — Poppe et al., 2006: 123, pl.
m, living at 505–680 m. 64, fig. 5; Vilvens, 2009: 140, 151, figs 57–58.

Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are Material examined. Papua New Guinea. PAPUA
a height up to 22.1 mm, a width up to 18.2 mm, a very NIUGINI: stn DW3974, 04°34'S, 146°16'E, 710 m, 1
elevated, conical to slightly coeloconoidal shape, an juv dd; stn DW3976, 04°33'S, 146°17'E, 680 m, 1 dd;
angulate periphery, a teleoconch of up to 9.1 whorls stn DW3997, 06°03'S, 147°35'E, 352 m, 1 sub dd, 1
juv dd.
C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

Indonesia, Kai Islands. KARUBAR: stn DW14, C. aporia in being slightly larger, in having a S2
05°18'S, 132°38'E, 245–246 m, 1 sub dd. (commencing before S3), a keel on S3 and much
thinner spiral cords on the base.
Distribution. Eastern Indonesia, 246–304 m (range This species was originally described from Solomon
computed using also data of Schepman, 1908); Papua Islands and these new records from Papua New
New Guinea, 352–680 m (dd); Philippines, 191–192 Guinea extend rather logically its distribution area.
m (Poppe et al., 2006).
Calliostoma quadricolor Schepman, 1908
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are Fig. 7A–D
a height about 14 mm, a width about 11.5 mm, an
elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a Calliostoma quadricolor Schepman, 1908: 65, pl.V,
teleoconch of 7.5 straight whorls, 7 spiral cords (P2, fig. 7. Type locality: Indonesia, from Sape Strait to
P3, P1; S2; S3; S1; P4), no cord making keel, a Kei Dulat Lau, 52–69 m.
subelliptical aperture, a slightly oblique columella
without tooth, a nearly flat base with 10 beaded, rather Material examined. Indonesia, Kai Islands.
thin spiral cords with a distance between them at least KARUBAR: stn DW32, 05°47'S, 132°51'E, 170–206
1.5× their width, anomphalous, a yellowish colour. m, 1 sub dd.
Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands. KARUBAR: stn
Remarks. The few specimens here recorded and DW44, 07°52'S, 132°48'E, 291–295 m, 1 sub dd.
collected in Papua New Guinea are in a rather poor
state (incrusted, broken) and/or subadult. Some of Distribution. Indonesia, 69–291 m (dead) (range
them lack indeed S1 cord, but this seems too slight to computed using also data of Schepman, 1908).
consider a potential different species.
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
Calliostoma aporia Vilvens, 2009 a height up to 8.5 mm, a width up to 7.0 mm, an
Fig. 6N–O elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a
teleoconch of 7 straight whorls, up to 7 spiral cords
Calliostoma (Ampullotrochus) aporia Vilvens, 2009: (P1, P2, P3; S3; S1; P4; ?no S2), S3 making keel, a
150–151, figs F1–F2, 107–110. Type locality: subquadrangular aperture, a slightly oblique columella
Solomon Islands, south coast of Tetepare Is., New without tooth, an almost flat base with up to 13
Georgia Group, 105–128 m. beaded spiral cords, anomphalous, a yellowish to
Calliostoma aporia — Vilvens, 2014a: 46, figs 28–29. greyish colour, S3 with white and reddish brown
segments, first whorls purplish.
Material examined. Solomon Islands. SALOMON
2: stn CP2207, 07°44'S, 158°30'E, 336–341 m , 2 sub Remarks. This is a very poorly known species. The
dd, 3 juv dd; stn DW2237, 06°53'S, 156°22'E, 400 m, available syntype is clearly not the one that was used
1 juv dd. for the writing of the original description (Marshall,
Papua New Guinea. BIOPAPUA: stn DW3763, 1995: 401, 415). When comparing nevertheless this
04°40'S, 153°03'E, 160–170 m, 4 dd. KAVIENG syntype to the original description (text and drawing),
2014: stn DW4506, 02°35'S, 150°43'E, 94–95 m, 1 it appears that a question is if there is a S2 cord
dd, 1 sub dd. (description) or not (syntype). The two specimens here
studied from Indonesia are both in a poor state
Distribution. Solomon Islands, 128–400 m (dd) (especially the early whorls), one being subadult
(range computed using also data of Vilvens, 2009); (about 5.5-6 whorls). All that is a bit short to provide
Papua New Guinea, 95–160 m (dd). more accurate features about this species.

Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are Calliostoma pheidolon n. sp.
a height up to 11.2 mm, a width up to 8.8 mm, an Fig. 7E–F
elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:7E7FB1AB-0829-4C61-
teleoconch of up to 7.7 straight whorls with a 8DD0-806084F41B1C
suprasutural keel, at least 6 spiral cords (P1, P2, P3;
S3; P4; S1; Ti; no S2), S3 making a weak keel, a Type material. Holotype (8.8 × 7.7 mm) MNHN-IM-
roundly subquadrangular aperture, a weakly oblique 2000-39420.
columella without tooth, a weakly convex to almost
flat base with 9–10 strong, granular spiral cords, Type locality. Papua New Guinea, off New Ireland,
anomphalous, an off-white to light grey colour with BIOPAPUA, stn DW3764, 04°39'S, 153°03'E, 220 m.
possible brownish flames or shades.
Material examined. Papua New Guinea.
Remarks. As already pointed out in the original BIOPAPUA: stn DW3764, 04°39'S, 153°03'E, 220 m,
description, C. simplex Schepman, 1908 differs from 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39420).

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Distribution. Only known from the type locality. Colour of teleoconch cream; protoconch whitish.

Diagnosis. A Calliostoma species of rather small size, Discussion. Although there is a single specimen (but
with a rather elevated, conical spire, 6 granular spiral fully mature) of this new species, it can be
cords (P1, P2, P3; P4; S1; S4; no S2, no S3), P4 the distinguished rather easily from the similar existing
strongest with blunt sharp beads, a flat base with 8 species known in the area where it has been collected.
rather thin granular spiral cords with interspaces larger Calliostoma pheidolon n. sp. is rather close to C.
than cords, anomphalous, a cream colour. quadricolor Schepman, 1908 from Indonesia (Fig.
7A–D) but this more or less similar in size species has
Description. Shell rather small for the genus (H up to a less elevated spire, a different ontogeny of the spiral
8.8 mm, W up to 7.7 mm), slightly higher than wide, cords (especially with S3 present but no S4), rounded
conical in shape; spire rather elevated, height 1.1× beads on all the spiral cords on the spire and more
width, 3.8× aperture height, apical angle 60°; angulate numerous spiral cords on the base.
periphery; anomphalous. The new species can be compared to C. simplex
Protoconch about 350 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, rounded, Schepman, 1908 from Indonesia (Fig. 6I–M), but this
with tiny spits, without terminal varix. larger species with a smaller ratio H/W has a different
Teleoconch of 7.5 flat whorls; early whorls with 3 ontogeny of spiral cords (especially with S2) and no
spiral cords, last whorl with 6 cords. cord making keel.
Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated. The new species is also comparable to C. aporia
First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 15 Vilvens, 2009 from Solomon Islands and Papua New
rather thick, axial, prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral Guinea (Fig. 6N–O), but this more or less similar in
cords appearing almost immediately and size species has a slightly larger H/W ratio and a
simultaneously; beads produced by intersection of different ontogeny of cords (especially with S3 and
cords with ribs; P1 slightly thinner than the other some Ti)
cords; distance between ribs similar in size to their Calliostoma pheidolon n. sp. slightly remembers C.
width, distance between cords similar to their width. maekawai Poppe, Tagaro & Goto, 2018 from the
Second whorl flat, beads of cords stronger; P1 and P2 Philippines (Fig. 8O), but this similar in size species
similar in size, P3 slightly stronger than the other has a weakly coeloconoidal shape and much thinner
cords with rather thick, blunt sharp beads. On third spiral cords (the ontogeny of these cords is not
whorl, P4 emerging from suture, partially hidden by provided in the original description) without an
next whorl. On fourth whorl, P4 completely visible, obvious suprasutural keel on an abapical cord.
similar in size to P3, both with blunt sharp beads; P1
and P2 slightly weaker. On fifth whorl, P4 the Etymology. Thrifty (Ancient Greek : φειδωλóς, -ή, -
strongest. On sixth whorl, S1 appearing, much thinner όν) - with reference to reduced number of spiral cords
than the other cords; neither S2 nor S3. On seventh on the whorls.
whorl, S1 similar in size to P1 and P2. On last whorl,
S4 peripheral, thin; P4 still the strongest, distance Calliostoma philippei Poppe, 2004
between P3 and P4 larger than those between the other Fig. 7G–L
cords that are similar to the size of cords.
Aperture subquadrate. Columella straight, slightly Calliostoma philippei Poppe, 2004: 5–6, pl. 1. Type
oblique. locality: Philippines, off Aliguay Island, 80–200 m.
Base flat, with 8 granular spiral cords, beads produced Calliostoma philippei — Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker,
by intersection of cords with thin radial ridges; 2006: 122, pl. 63, fig. 6; Vilvens, 2009: 151, figs K1–
distance between cords slightly larger than cords. K2, 111–114; Vilvens, 2023: 54, figs 5N–O.

Figure 6 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–H. Calliostoma hexalyssion Vilvens, 2009. A–B. Solomon Islands, SALOMON 2, stn CP2214, 550–682 m,
20.7 × 12.5 mm, 8.7 tw. C–H. Papua New Guinea, BIOPAPUA. C–D. MNHN (MNHN-IM2013-57652), stn
CP3722, 608–625 m, 21.2 × 17.2 mm, 9.0 tw. E–H. MNHN (MNHN-IM2013-57653), stn CP3653, 680–700 m,
17.7 × 14.9 mm, 8.0 tw
I–M. Calliostoma simplex Schepman, 1908. I–J. Holotype ZMA, Indonesia, Arafura Sea, SIBOGA, stn 253,
304 m, 14 × 11.5 mm, 7.5 tw. K–L. Papua New Guinea, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3997, 352 m, 11.0 × 9.6 mm,
6.0 tw. M. MNHN (MNHN-IM-2014-10802), Philippines, Sulu Sea, North of Lubang, MUSORSTOM 2, stn
CP21, 191–192 m, 17.1 × 14.9 mm, 8.5 tw.
N–O. Calliostoma aporia Vilvens, 2009, Papua New Guinea, BIOPAPUA, stn DW3763, 160–170 m, 9.4 × 7.9
mm, 7.6 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Material examined. Solomon Islands. mm, a very elevated shape with a conical adapical part
SALOMONBOA 3: stn DW2818, 10°10'S, 161°55'E, and a weakly cyrtoconoidal abapical part, an angulate
250–258 m, 1 lv (MNHN IM-2009-6079); stn periphery, a teleoconch of 8.1 whorls, 7 spiral cords
CP2819, 10°11’S, 161°54’E, 250-296 m, 1 lv (P1, P2, P3; S3; S2, P4; S1), a subquadrangular
(MNHN-IM-2009-6663). aperture, a weakly oblique columella without tooth, an
Papua New Guinea. BIOPAPUA: stn DW3640, almost flat base with 10–13 granular spiral cords and
06°46'S, 148°00'E, 322 m, 1 dd; stn DW3719, strong axial spiral grooves, anomphalous, a
06°03'S, 147°36'E, 410 m, 2 dd, 2 sub dd. PAPUA porcellaneous white colour with P1, P2, S1 and S2
NIUGINI: stn stn DW3992, 06°03'S, 147°36'E, 450– brown.
480 m, 4 dd, 3 juv dd; stn CP4017, 05°39'S, 148°14'E,
280–315 m, 1 dd. Additional remarks. All the adult specimens from
Papua New Guinea are in a rather poor state, with
Distribution. Philippines, Aliguay Island, 80–150 m especially the early whorls systematically missing.
(range computed using material of Poppe et al., 2006); The ontogeny of cords has been described based upon
Solomon Islands, 277–283 m, lv at 283–305 m (also the shells of some subadult specimens: this leads to
using data of Vilvens, 2009); West of New Caledonia, (P1, P2, P3; S2; S3; P4; possible S1), meaning the
Chesterfield plateau, 386–428 m (dd) (Vilvens, 2023); only difference could be that S2 and S3 appear in the
Papua New Guinea, 315–450 m (dd). reverse order comparing to C. philippei in good state
from Solomon Islands.
Remarks. Calliostoma philippei Poppe, 2004 was
originally described from the Philippines based upon a Calliostoma newguineense n. sp.
single specimen. Two other specimens were recorded Fig. 8A–D
from the Philippines (Poppe et al., 2006), 5 additional urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:07ADF6A4-90F2-47E7-
specimens were recorded from Solomon Islands 8B08-0FC00490C290
(Vilvens, 2009) and another additional one has been
recorded from Chesterfield plateau, West of New Type material. Holotype (21.4 × 21.3 mm) MNHN-
Caledonia (Vilvens, 2023). IM-2000-39421.
The material here studied, collected in Solomon
Islands and Papua New Guinea, gives some additional Type locality. Papua New Guinea, New Ireland,
features about this species: two specimens are indeed KAVIENG 2014, stn CP4444, 02°15'S, 150°14'E,
much greater than the holotype and known samples, 417–421 m.
with a measure of 16.0 × 10.6 mm and 8.1 whorls for
the highest one, 14.4 × 11.5 mm and 7.4 whorls for Material examined. Papua New Guinea, Solomon
the widest one. Moreover, the two additional whorls Sea, Vitiaz Strait. BIOPAPUA: stn DW3719,
are convex (instead of straight), changing the general 06°03'S, 147°36'E, 410 m, 1 dd. PAPUA NIUGINI:
shape of the shell. stn DW3992, 06°03'S, 147°36'E, 450–480 m, 1 juv
Because the original description is a bit vague and the dd.
holotype is apparently not available, we propose here Papua New Guinea, Bougainville seamounts.
only a new diagnosis taking in account the new BIOPAPUA: stn DW3745, 05°33'S, 154°00'E, 369–
features, instead of a redescription that would need to 377 m, 1 dd, 1 sub dd, 1 juv dd.
have the type in hand. Papua New Guinea, New Ireland. KAVIENG 2014:
stn CP4444, 02°15'S, 150°14'E, 417–421 m, 1 dd
New diagnosis. The main characteristics of this (holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39421).
species are a height up to 16.0 mm, a width up to 11.5

Figure 7 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–D. Calliostoma quadricolor Schepman, 1908, Indonesia. A–B. Syntype ZMA, SIBOGA, stn 49A, Sape
Strait, Flores, Indonesia, 69 m , 6.6 × 6.1 mm, 6.8 tw. C–D. Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR, stn DW32,
170–206 m, 8.6 × 8.8 mm, 6.0 tw.
E–F. Calliostoma pheidolon n. sp., holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39420, Papua New Guinea, off New Ireland,
BIOPAPUA, stn DW3764, 220 m, 8.8 × 7.7 mm, 7.5 tw.
G–L. Calliostoma philippei Poppe, 2004. G–H. MNHN-IM-2009-6079, Solomon Islands, SALOMONBOA 3,
stn DW2818, 250–258 m, 16.0 × 10.6 mm, 8.1 tw. I–J. MNHN-IM-2009-6663, Solomon Islands,
SALOMONBOA 3, stn unknown, 14.4 × 11.5 mm, 7.4 tw. K–L. Papua New Guinea, Salomon Sea, Vitiaz Strait.
K–L. PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3992, 450–480 m, 12.4 × 10.8 mm. M–N. BIOPAPUA, stn DW3719, 410 m,
15.0 × 10.5 mm.
M–P. Calliostoma altena Knudsen, 1970, Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands, KARUBAR. M–N. Stn DW61, 235–
236 m, 14.5 × 14.0 mm, 7.0 tw. O–P. Stn CP84, 246–275 m, 11.9 × 11.0 mm, 6.8 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Distribution. Papua New Guinea, 377–450 m (dd). Colour of teleoconch yellowish to orangey cream;
protoconch whitish.
Diagnosis. A rather large Calliostoma species, with a
rather elevated, coeloconoidal spire, a subangular Discussion. Calliostoma newguineense n. sp. is rather
periphery, a teleoconch of 8.0 whorls, up to 13 close to Tristichotrochus tosaensis Kuroda & Habe,
granular spiral cords (P1, P2, P3, P4; S1; S2, S3; T1; 1961 from southern Japan (Fig. 8E), but this similar in
T2; T3, T4; additional Ti) with sharp beads, P3 the size species has a more elevated spire with a ratio
strongest, making a moderate keel, a weakly convex H/W greater than 1, a different ontogeny regarding the
base with 15–18 subgranular to granular spiral cords, order of appearance of the Si with (S2; S3; S1) instead
distance between cords more or less similar to their of (S1, S2; S3) and a double keel made by P3 et S3
width, anomphalous, a yellowish to orangey cream instead a single keel produced by P3.
colour. The new species is also rather close to Calliostoma
rufomaculatum Schepman, 1908 from Indonesia (Fig.
Description. Shell rather large for the genus (H up to 8G–H), but the holotype is smaller for the same
21.4 mm, W up to 21.3 mm), more or less as high as number of whorls, has a more elevated spire with
wide, slightly coeloconoidal in shape; spire rather slightly concave last whorls and a different ontogeny
elevated, height similar to width, 2.5× aperture of teleoconch cords (P1, P2, P3; S3; S1, S2; Ti).
height, apical angle 65°; subangulate periphery; C. newguineense n. sp. may also be compared to C.
anomphalous. sakashitai (Sakurai, 1994) from Japan and East China
Protoconch about 400 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, rounded, Sea (Fig. 8F), but this species has a smaller size for
with tiny spits, with a terminal varix. the same number of whorls, a more elevated spire with
Teleoconch up to 8.0 whorls, early whorls flat to a higher H/W ratio and a different ontogeny of spiral
slightly concave, last whorls with a slightly convex cords (S2; S3; S1) instead of (S1, S2; S3).
abapical part; early whorls with 3 spiral cords, last The general shape of the new species remembers the
whorl with up to 14 cords of uneven thickness. one of C. crassicostatum Schepman, 1908 from
Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated. Indonesia, Celebes Sea (Fig. 8M–N) but this species is
First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 16 much smaller (H of 9 mm) for a similar number of
rather weak prosocline ribs and 4 granular spiral cords whorls, has a peripheral suprasutural spiral cord and
appearing almost immediately and simultaneously; has a partially open umbilicus.
small beads produced by intersection of cords with
ribs; distance between ribs similar in size to their Remarks. The holotype is the single specimen fully
width, interspaces between cords twice their width. mature and in good state, the other samples being
Second whorl still weakly convex, cords, ribs and subadult and/or with broken parts, making them
beads of cords stronger; P4 sunkening under suture at inappropriate to be designated as paratypes.
beginning of whorl and becoming invisible; P3
stronger than the other cords with rather thick beads. Etymology. Named after the country of type locality.
Third whorl almost flat, P3 the strongest with blunt
sharp beads, P2 the thinnest; axial ribs much stronger; Calliostoma thaumaston n. sp.
S1 appearing, very thin. On fourth whorl, S1 still Fig. 8I–L, Table 2
much thinner than the other cords; P3 the strongest urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:F1D202EC-3D9A-49FA-
and producing keel; P4 slightly emerging from suture AB3B-7E81E7EBAE2A
but still almost completely hidden by next whorl. Fifth
whorl slightly concave, S2 appearing, S3 appearing a Type material. Holotype (15.0 × 14.1 mm) MNHN-
bit later; P3 and P1 stronger than the other cords, P3 IM-2000-39422. Paratype: 1 MNHN (MNHN-IM-
the strongest, Si thinner than P2, S3 the thinnest. On 2000-39423, as listed below).
sixth whorl, T1 appearing between P1 and S1, T2 later
between S1 and P2; beads of all Pi and Si pointed. On Type locality. Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR,
seventh whorl, T3 appearing between P2 and S2 and stn CP25, 05°30'S, 132°52'E, 336–346 m.
T4 between S2 and P3. On last whorl, P4 emerging,
additional Ti appearing on the large specimens; Material examined. Indonesia, Kai Islands.
moderate keel on P3; beads of all cords rather close KARUBAR: stn CP25, 05°30'S, 132°52'E, 336–346
and sharp, making a prickly appearance to the surface. m, 1 lv (holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39422).
Aperture subquadrate with a rounded outer lip. Papua New Guinea, Salomon Sea, Vitiaz Strait.
Columella straight, slightly oblique. PAPUA NIUGINI: stn DW3992, 06°03'S, 147°36'E,
Base weakly convex, with 15–18 subgranular to 450–480 m, 1 dd (paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39423).
granular spiral cords, innermost ones stronger, beads
produced by intersection of cords with thin radial Distribution. Indonesia, Kai Islands, 336–346 m (lv);
ridges, distance between cords more or less similar to Papua New Guinea, Salomon Sea, Vitiaz Strait, 450–
their width. 480 m (dd).

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

Diagnosis. A Calliostoma species of large size, with a flat, beads of cords stronger; P1 and P2 similar in size,
moderately elevated, conical to slightly cyrtoconoidal P3 slightly stronger than the other cords with blunt
spire, a subangulate periphery, up to 7.2 whorls flat sharp beads; axial ribs stronger. On third whorl, P3
except on the last whorls weakly convex, at least 10 much stronger than other cords with thicker beads; S2
granular spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; S2, S1; S3; P4; T1, appearing, very thin; S1 appearing a bit later; S3
T2; T3, possible T4), a weakly convex to almost flat appearing near the end of the whorl while S1 and S2
base with 14 rather thin subgranular to granular spiral already rather strong. On fourth whorl, axial sculpture
cords with interspaces less or equal to their width, vanishing; P3 still the strongest, P1 stronger than all
anomphalous, a light orange to brown colour. the other cords; P4 slightly emerging from suture,
partially hidden by next whorl. On fifth whorl, P4
Description. Shell rather large for the genus (H up to more visible. On sixth whorl, T1 appearing between
19.7 mm, W up to 18.0 mm), slightly higher than P1 and S1, T2 a bit later between S1 and P2; T3
wide, conical to slightly cyrtoconoidal; spire rather appearing near the end of the whorl between S2 and
elevated, height 1.1× width, 2.5× to 3.0× aperture P3 while T1 and T2 already rather strong; possible T4
height, apical angle 65° to 70°; subangulate periphery; between P2 and S2. On last whorl, P4 peripheral,
anomphalous. thinner than all other Pi and Si; all cords rather close,
Protoconch 390 μm wide (holotype, missing on distance between smaller than their width.
paratype), 1.25 whorls, rounded, with a few tiny spits, Aperture subelliptical. Columella slightly curved,
without terminal varix. slightly oblique.
Teleoconch up to 7.2 whorls, early whorls flat, last Base weakly convex to almost flat, with 14 spiral
whorls weakly convex; early whorls with 3 spiral cords, innermost cords stronger and granular,
cords, last whorl with at least 10 cords. innermost ones thinner and subgranular, beads
Suture visible, neither impressed nor canaliculated. produced by intersection of cords with thin radial
First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 16 ridges; distance between cords slightly equal or
weak prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral cords smaller than their width.
appearing almost immediately and simultaneously; Colour of teleoconch light orange to brown;
beads produced by intersection of cords with ribs; P1 protoconch light orange (holotype).
slightly thinner than the other cords; distance between Operculum circular, multispiral, corneous, light
ribs similar in size to width of ribs, interspaces brown.
between cords about 2× their width. Second whorl

Table 2. Calliostoma thaumaston n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

Holotype KARUBAR CP25
6.5 15.0 14.1 6.1 1.06 2.46
DW3992 MNHN-IM-2000- 7.2 19.7 18.0 6.5 1.09 3.03

Remarks. At first glance, the two specimens of the C. thaumaston n. sp. may be compared to Fautor
new species may look a bit different. But a more cosmopolites n. sp. from Papua New Guinea to
careful examination, especially of the ontogeny of the Taiwan (Fig. 18A–H), but this species is much larger
spiral cords, while taking in account the difference of for a same number of whorls (with a ratio H/TW of
size and the number of whorls, leads to the conclusion 1.3–1.7 instead of 2.3–2.7), has a H/W ratio less than
that there is no objective reason to separate them. 1.1 (instead of 1.1–1.2 for C. cosmopolites) and a
Discussion. Calliostoma thaumaston n. sp., especially different ontogeny of the Si (S2, S1; S3 while S2; S3;
the paratype, could remind of C. newguineense n. sp. S1 for C. cosmopolites)
from Papua New Guinea (Fig. 8A–D), but this similar The general shape of the new species (especially the
in size species has a coeloconoidal shape (not conical holotype) remembers the one of C. crassicostatum
or weakly cyrtoconoidal), a different ontogeny of the Schepman, 1908 from Indonesia (Celebes Sea) (Fig.
Si (S2, S1; S3 while S1; S2, S3; for C. newguineense) 8M–N) but this species is much smaller (H of 9 mm)
and rounded spiral cords beads instead of acute sharp for a similar number of whorls, has a peripheral
beads. suprasutural spiral cord and has a partially open
The new species is weakly similar to some samples of umbilicus.
C. emmanueli Vilvens, 2000 from the Philippines and
Solomon Islands (Fig. 9K–R), but this similar species Etymology. Surprising, unexpected (Greek:
has a different ontogeny regarding the Si (S2, S3; S1; θαυμαστόσ, -ή, -όν) - with reference to the apparent
P4), slightly more convex whorls and more numerous difference between the two types of the new species.
whorls for a same size.
C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Calliostoma altena Knudsen, 1970 Remarks. The peculiar ontogeny of the spiral cords
Fig. 7M–P and shape of the teleoconch makes it difficult to
mistake this species for another species of the
Calliostoma altena Knudsen, 1970: 18, pl. 1A–B, 2A– considered area. It seems that the present records are
B. Type locality: Pulu Tonijn, Makassar Strait, S.W. the first Recent ones since the description.
of Celebes, Indonesia, 900 m.
Calliostoma scobinatum (Reeve, 1863)
Material examined. Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands. Fig. 9A–F
KARUBAR: stn DW61, 09°05'S, 132°44'E, 235–236
m, 2 dd; stn CP84, 09°23'S, 131°09'E, 246–275 m, 2 Zizyphinus scobinatus A.Adams in Reeve, 1863: pl.V,
sub dd. fig. 29. Type locality: Bombay, depth unknown.
Ziziphinus scobinatus — Brazier, 1878: 44.
Distribution. Indonesia, Makassar Strait, 900 m; Calliostoma scobinatum — Kaicher, 1986: card TR1-
Tanimbar Islands, 236–246 m (dd). 2153.
Calliostoma (Fautor) scobinatum — B. A. Marshall,
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are 1995: 399-401.
a height up to 32.0 mm, a width up to 29.0 mm, an Calliostoma scobinatus — Subba Rao, 2003: 86, pl. 8,
elevated, conical to slightly cyrtoconoidal shape, a Fig. 7.
subangulate periphery, a teleoconch of 9 straight Calliostoma scobinatum — Poppe, Tagaro & Dekker,
whorls, at least 6 granular spiral cords (P2, P3; P4; S2; 2006: 123, pl. 64, figs 1-3; Vilvens, 2009: 140, figs
P1; S3; T1 between P2–S2, T2 between S2–P3; T3 45–50, M1–M2.
between P3–S3, T4 between P1–P2), P2 and P3 with
strong beads, other cords with sharp small pointed Material examined. Philippines, Bohol Sea.
beads, P3 the strongest, making keel, P2 making a PANGLAO 2004: stn P3, 09°31'N, 123°42'E, 100 m,
secondary carina, a subquadrangular aperture, a 1 dd; stn T27, 09°33'N, 123°51'E, 106–137 m, 1 dd.
vertical arcuate columella without tooth, a weakly
convex base with at least 10 flat, smooth spiral cords Distribution. India (Bombay area), depth unknown;
(30 in the original description), 2–3 innermost cords Torres Straits, 22 m (Brazier, 1878); Philippines, 81–
stronger, anomphalous, a whitish colour with some 106 m (range computed using material of Poppe et al,
darker flames. 2006); Solomon Islands, 82–83 m (Vilvens, 2009).

Figure 8 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–D. Calliostoma newguineense n. sp., Papua New Guinea. A–B. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39421, New
Ireland, KAVIENG 2014, stn CP4444, 417–421 m, 21.4 × 21.3 mm, 8.0 tw. C–D. Bougainville seamounts,
BIOPAPUA, stn DW3745, 369–377 m, 16.6 × 21.3 mm.
E. Tristichotrochus tosaensis Kuroda & Habe, 1961, New Caledonia, eastern Lifou, Cap des Pins,
MUSORSTOM 6, CP465, 22.4 × 20.4, 8 tw.
F. Calliostoma sakashitai (Sakurai, 1994), Taiwan, Dali district, 15.2 × 12.6 mm, Fu coll.
G–H. Calliostoma rufomaculatum Schepman, 1908, holotype ZMA, SIBOGA, stn 204, Indonesia, peninsula of
Sulawesi, Buton strait, 22 m, 14.5 × 12.5, 8 tw.
I–L. Calliostoma thaumaston n. sp. I–J. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39422, Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR,
336–346 m, 15.0 × 14.1 mm, 6.5 tw. K–L. Paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39423, Papua New Guinea, Salomon Sea,
Vitiaz Strait, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3992, 450–480 m, 19.7 × 18.0 mm, 7.2 tw.
M–N. Calliostoma crassicostatum Schepman, 1908, Indonesia, Celebes Sea, SIBOGA, stn 133, Lirung,
Salibabu Island, 9 × 8 mm, 36 m, 7.5 tw, drawings from the original description.
O. Calliostoma maekawai Poppe, Tagaro & Goto, 2018, holotype HMNS 597890, Philippines, Balicasag Island,
50–150 m, 10.9 × 10.0 mm (© www.conchology.be).

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are Distribution. Philippines, depth unknown; Papua
a height up to 15.9 mm, a width up to 12.0 mm, an New Guinea, 64–74 m (dd); Taiwan, lv at 53 m.
elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a
teleoconch of 8 straight whorls, at least 7 rather thin Remarks and diagnosis attempt. The original
spiral cords (P2, P3; P1; P4; S3; S2; S1; some Ti first description of Calliostoma trotini Poppe, Tagaro & H.
on the abapical part) with weakly pointed beads, Dekker, 2006 from Philippines (unavailable NMP
distance between cords similar in size to cords, P3 the holotype: 11.8 × 11.3 mm, 6.5 whorls, 8 spiral cords
strongest on first whorls and S3 the strongest on next on the base) is very unclear regarding the ontogeny of
whorls making a weak keel, a subelliptical to the spiral cords. Also the pictures coming with it don't
subquadrangular aperture, a slightly oblique columella permit to establish this ontogeny. So all that can be
without tooth, a moderately convex base (only for said here is that these two specimens respectively
fully mature specimens, weakly convex to almost flat from Papua New Guinea and Taiwan look very like
on subadult specimens) with 8–12 beaded spiral cords this species with the following features:
(interspaces at most similar to their width),
anomphalous, a pinkish to yellowish cream colour ♦ 7.0 × 6.1 mm (KAVIENG 2014 - Papua New
with axial light brown flames, S3 with white and light Guinea) and 10.1 × 8.6 mm (TAIWAN 2002 -
brown segments for 2–3 beads. Taiwan);
♦ conical, moderately elevated spire;
Remarks. Originally described from India, this ♦ angulate periphery;
species was reported from the Philippines by Poppe et ♦ 6.6 to 7.9 straight whorls with the ontogeny (P1,
al. (2006) with a list of 4 stations. The specimens P2, P3; S1, P4), P3 the strongest, making keel;
figured in this work (pl. 64, figs. 1–3) are all smaller ♦ base with 3 poorly defined outer spiral cords and
than the types. Among the other available specimens 1 granular inner one;
cited but not figured in the same study, one show ♦ narrow umbilicus.
clearly an almost flat base with an angulate periphery
(stn L65-68) whereas a specimen with about 8 whorls The single specimen from Taiwan was first thought to
(stn T9) shows a more convex base with a subangulate be maybe a different unknown species, because of its
base, both with a number of whorls less or equal to 6. higher number of whorls (7.9 tw) for a similar height
and its smaller ratio H/W. But all the other features
Calliostoma trotini Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006 are the same as the known specimens of C. trotini,
Fig. 9G–J except that the Taiwanese specimen has additional Ti
on the last whorls. Only additional material from
Calliostoma trotini Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006: Taiwan could enlighten about the possible variations
126, pl. 67, fig. 2. Type locality: Balabac, Palawan of this species.
Island, Philippines, depth unknown.
Calliostoma emmanueli Vilvens, 2000
Material examined. Papua New Guinea. KAVIENG Fig. 9K–R
2014: stn DW4453, 02°36'S, 150°38'E, 64–74 m, 1
dd. Calliostoma emmanueli Vilvens, 2000: 4, figs 6–8.
South-western Taiwan. TAIWAN 2002: stn CP168, Type locality: Balicasag Island, Bohol, Philippines,
22°27'N, 120°27'E, 53 m, 1 lv. 180-240 m.

Figure 9 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–F. Calliostoma scobinatum (Reeve, 1863). A–B. Lectotype NHMUK (BMNH ) 19688277, India, Bombay,
depth unknown, 15.5 × 11.8 mm, 9.0 tw. C–F. Philippines, PANGLAO 2004. C–D. Panglao Island, stn T9, 97–
120 m, 11.3 × 9.4 mm, 8.1 tw. E–F. Pamilacan Island, stn L65–68, 55–81 m, 6.3 × 5.6 mm, 6.5 tw.
G–J. Calliostoma trotini Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006. G–H. Papua New Guinea, New Ireland,
KAVIENG, stn DW4453, 64–74 m, 7.0 × 6.1 mm, 6.7 tw. I–J. South-western Taiwan, TAIWAN 2002, stn
CP168, 53 m, 10.1× 8.6 mm, 7.9 tw.
K–R. Calliostoma emmanueli Vilvens, 2000. K–N. Philippines, Philippines, Bohol, Balicasag Island. K–L.
Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-30357, 180–240 m, 12.0 × 11.5 mm, 7.0 tw. M–N. 120 m, 10.5 × 9.0 mm, 6.8 tw,
Vilvens coll.. O–R. Indonesia, KARUBAR. O–P. Tanimbar Islands, stn DW49, 206–210 m, 8.5 × 8.2 mm, 6.6
tw. Q–R. Kai Islands, stn DW30, 111–118 m, 15.4 × 13.3 mm, 7.8 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Calliostoma emmanueli — Poppe et al., 2006: 118, pl. anomphalous, a light brown colour with large reddish
61, figs 5, 7. brown patches on first whorls.

Material examined. Indonesia, Kai Islands. Calliostoma paucicostatum Kosuge, 1984

KARUBAR: stn DW30, 05°39'S, 132°56'E, 111–118 Fig. 10A–I
m, 1 dd; stn DW49, 08°00'S, 132°59'E, 206–210 m, 1
lv, 1 sub lv, 1 juv. Calliostoma (Tristichotrochus) paucicostatum
Solomon Islands. SALOMON 1: stn CP1859, Kosuge, 1984: 5-6, pl. 2, figs 5–7. Type locality:
09°33'S, 160°37'E, 283–305 m, 1 juv lv. Punta Engano, Mactan, Philippines, depth unknown.
Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea. PAPUA Calliostoma paucicostatum — Vilvens, 2000: 88, figs
NIUGINI: stn DW3973, 04°34'S, 146°17'E, 411–430 10-11; Poppe et al., 2006: 121–122, pl. 60, fig 3.
m, 2 juv dd.
Philippines. Fishermen, Balicasag Is., 7/2004, 1 sub Material examined. Indonesia, Kai Islands.
dd. KARUBAR: stn CP05, 05°49'S, 132°18'E, 296–299
m, 3 lv; stn CP09, 05°23'S, 132°29'E, 368–389 m, 1
Distribution. Philippines, Visayas, 100–215 m (range dd; stn DW13, 05°26'S, 132°38'E, 417–425 m, 1 dd.
computed using also data from Poppe et al., 2006); Philippines, Bohol Sea. PANGLAO 2004: stn T9,
Indonesia, Malaku (Moluccas), 118–206 m, lv at 206– 09°34'N, 123°50–51'E, 97–120 m, 1 juv dd.
210 m; Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea, 411–430 m PANGLAO 2005: stn CP2350, 09°31'N, 124°01'E,
(dd); Solomon Islands, 411–430 m (lv). 602–738 m; 1 dd, 1 juv dd; stn CP2358, 08°52'N,
123°37'E, 569–583 m, 1dd, 1 juv dd; stn CP2363,
Remarks. These new records extend significantly the 09°06'N, 123°25'E, 437–439 m, 1 dd; stn CP2381,
distribution of this species. Originally described from 08°43'N, 123°19'E, 259–280 m, 1 lv, 1 sub dd; stn
the Philippines with a single specimen (holotype 12.0 CP2384, 08°46'N, 123°16'E, 624–647 m, 1 lv; stn
× 11.5 mm, 7 tw), this species was characterized CP2388, 09°27'N, 123°35'E, 762–786 m, 1 dd; stn
among other features by a moderately elevated conical CP2389, 09°28'N, 123°38'E, 784–786 m, 3 dd; stn
spire with a large apical angle. Poppe et al. (2006) CP2394, 09°29'N, 123°40'E, 470–566 m, 1 lv; stn
reported new specimens from Philippines, giving CP2397, 09°35'N, 123°42'E, 642–669 m, 2 dd.
frontal view of two shells: one of them matching
perfectly with the holotype (pl. 61, fig. 5 : 9 × 8.3 Distribution. Philippines, 100–784 m, lv at 280–624
mm) and another one (pl. 61, fig. 7 : 11.7 × 9.4 mm) m (also using data of Poppe et al., 2006); Indonesia,
more unusual regarding its apical angle and its more 299–417 m, lv at 296–299 m; Taiwan, depth unknown
elevated spire, but apparently matching all the other (Poppe et al., 2006).
features of C. emmanueli. So it seems that this species
has some variations about this apical angle. Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
This last form leads then to compare this species with a height up to 19.2 mm, a width up to 18.0 mm, an
C. simplex Schepman, 1908 (Fig. 6I–M): this species elevated, conical to slightly coleonidal shape, an
similar in size and in ontogeny is strictly conical with angulate periphery, a teleoconch of 8 straight whorls,
flat whorls, thinner spiral cords on these whorls and at least 5 granular spiral cords (P2, P3; P1; S1, S3;
granular (not nearly smooth) spiral cords on the base possible S2, Ti between P1-S1, S1-P2, P2-P3; P4)
The specimens of C. emmanueli from Indonesia have with sharp pointed beads, S3 the strongest, making
a S3 spiral cord appearing a bit later than on the keel, P3 making a secondary carina, a
specimens from Philippines. One of them is especially subquadrangular aperture, a slightly oblique columella
large (15.4 × 13.3 for 7.7 whorls), revealing, among without tooth, a weakly convex base with about 10
others, for the first time some additional Ti (T1 beaded spiral cords, anomphalous, a yellowish brown
between P1–S1, T2 between P1–T1, T3 between P3– colour.
S3. The diagnosis has then to be adjusted.
Remarks. The Indonesian records here reported
New diagnosis. The main characteristics of this extend considerably the distribution area towards the
species are a height up to 15.4.0 mm, a width up to South. This leaves however a large gap between the
13.3 mm, a moderately to rather elevated, more or less two parts of this area.
conical shape, an angulate periphery, a teleoconch of
7.7 whorls (early whorls almost flat, last whorls Calliostoma suduirauti Bozzetti, 1997
weakly convex), 7 spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; S2, S3; Fig. 10J–Q
S1; P4) with additional Ti on very large specimens, no
cord making keel, P1 slightly stronger, a Calliostoma suduirauti Bozzetti, 1997: 43, figs 1–4.
subquadrangular aperture, a slightly arcuate columella Type locality: Balicasag Island, Bohol, Philippines,
without tooth, an almost flat base with 10–12 nearly 140 m.
smooth to weakly subgranular flat spiral cords, Calliostoma suduirauti —Vilvens, 2000: 88, figs 4–5;
Poppe et al., 2006: 124, pl. 65, figs 5–6.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

Material examined. Solomon Islands. Calliostoma ticaonicum (A. Adams, 1851)

SALOMONBOA 3: stn DW2827, 10°26'S, 161°51'E, Fig. 11A–H
134–272 m, 1 lv.
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Sea. PAPUA Ziziphinus ticaonicus A. Adams, 1853: 167. Type
NIUGINI: stn CP4017, 05°39'S, 148°14'E, 280–315 locality: Ticao Island, Masbate, Philippines, 11 m (6
m, 1 dd. fathoms).
Papua New Guinea, New Ireland. BIOPAPUA: stn Calliostoma ticaonicum — Kaicher, 1986: card TR1-
CP3759, 04°00'S, 153°36'E, 287–352 m, 1 sub dd. 2158; Vilvens, 2000: figs 4–5; Poppe et al., 2006:
KAVIENG 2014: stn DW4505, 02°33'S, 150°47'E, 125, pl. 95, figs 2-4,7.
84–92 m, 1 dd.
Indonesia, Kai Islands. KARUBAR: stn DW18, Material examined. Indonesia, Makassar strait.
05°18'S, 133°01'E, 205–212 m, 1 dd; stn DW24, CORINDON 2: stn CH294, 02°38'S, 117°50'E, 46–57
05°32'S, 132°51'E, 230–243 m, 1 dd. m, 3 lv, 3 sub lv.
Philippines. Fishermen, Balicasag Is., 07/2004, 2 sub
Distribution. Philippines, 140 m (range computed dd.
using also data of Poppe et al., 2006); Solomon
Islands, 134–272 m; Papua New Guinea, 92–287 m Distribution. Philippines, 25–140 m (also using data
(dd); Indonesia, 212–230 m (dd). of Poppe et al., 2006); Indonesia, Makassar straits,
46–57 m.
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
a height up to 13.8 mm, a width up to 12.2 mm, an Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
elevated, conical to slightly coeloconoidal shape, an a height up to 17.0 mm, a width up to 15.0 mm, an
angulate periphery, a teleoconch of 7 straight whorls, elevated, slightly cyrtoconoidal shape, an subangulate
at least 6 spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; S2; S1; T1 between periphery, a teleoconch of 8.5 convex whorls, up to 15
P2 and S2; possible T2 between P1-S1 et S1-P2; P4; thin spiral cords (P1, P2, P3, P4; S1, S2, S3; Ti),
no S3), P3 the strongest with sharp nodules, S2 granular on the first whorls, subgranular on the next
thinner also with smaller sharp nodules, a whorls, P4 the strongest, a subelliptical aperture, a
subquadrangular aperture, a slightly oblique columella arcuate columella without tooth, a moderately convex
without tooth, an almost flat base with up to 12 base with about 20 beaded spiral cords, an open
beaded spiral cords, a narrow umbilicus partially narrow umbilicus, an ivory background colour with
covered by a columellar expansion, a light brown brownish flames, first whorls possibly darker.
colour with darker axial flames, P3 segmented into
alternate white and brown zones. Remarks. This is a rather variable species, as pointed
out by Poppe et al. (2006), especially regarding the
Remarks. Calliostoma paucicostatum Kosuge, 1984 height of the spire, the shape of the whorls and the
and C. suduirauti Bozzetti, 1997, both described from presence of not of a more or less marked keel on the
the Philippines, are clearly two close species. This was last whorl: the two Indonesian living specimens here
already pointed out in the original description, with as figured (Fig. 11A–D) render this variability very well.
justification of the difference "a stronger peripheral
keel, brighter coloration and smaller size", and also by Calliostoma poppei Vilvens, 2000
Poppe (2006), without more argumentation. Based Fig. 11I–J
upon the study of the available material of the two
species (especially their holotype), one can use mainly Calliostoma poppei Vilvens, 2000: 3–4, figs 1–3.
as distinction criteria: Type locality: Balicasag Island, Bohol, Philippines,
♦ a different ontogeny of the Si and Ti, with 180 m.
respectively (S1, S3; possible S2, Ti between P1-S1, Calliostoma poppei — Poppe et al., 2006: 122, pl. 63,
S1-P2, P2-P3) for C. paucicostatum and (S2; S1; T1 fig. 2.
between P2 and S2; possible T2 between P1-S1 et S1-
P2; P4; no S3) for C. suduirauti; Material examined. Philippines, Bohol. PANGLAO
♦ the double keel on P3 and S3 especially visible 2004: stn P1, 09°36'N, 123°45'E, 90–200 m, 1 lv.
on penultimate whorls with S3 the strongest on the
last whorl for C. paucicostatum and a single very Distribution. Philippines, 150–180 m (range
strong keel on P3 for C. suduirauti. computed using also data of Poppe et al., 2006).
On the other hand, the Indonesian, Papua New
Guinean and Solomon Sea samples here reported Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
extend surprisingly the distribution area of this species a height up to 15.0 mm, a width up to 12.0 mm, an
towards the South and the Southeast of its original elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a
locality (the Philippines). This leaves however some teleoconch of up to 8 flat whorls, 6 spiral cords (P2,
large gaps between these areas. P3, P1; P4; S1; S2), P3 the strongest with coarse thick
beads and making keel, P1 slightly thinner with

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

rounded beads, other cords subgranular to almost and cords of the base with alternate regular orange
smooth, a subquadrangular aperture, a vertical, arcuate blotches.
columella, an almost flat base with about 10 spiral Remarks. Since the original description of 2000,
cords (innermost cords granular, outermost thinner
greater specimens were found in Philippines and
and almost smooth), a narrow umbilicus partly
reported by Poppe et al. (2006). One of the figured
covered by the expansion of the columella, a pink or
specimens is unusually great (13.8 × 8.6 m) and have
reddish-brown background colour with brownish
about 8 whorls.
flammules or blotches, P3 and P4 with alternate white
and brown areas. Calliostoma vilvensi Poppe, 2004
Fig. 12A–B
Calliostoma dedonderi Vilvens, 2000
Fig. 11K–O Calliostoma vilvensi Poppe, 2004: 6–8, pl. 2, figs 1a–
2b. Type locality: Philippines, offshore Aliguay
Calliostoma dedonderi Vilvens, 2000: 87–88, figs 1– Island, depth unknown.
3. Type locality: Philippine Islands, Bohol, Balicasag Calliostoma vilvensi — Poppe et al., 2006: 127, pl.
Island, 140 m. 66, figs 1–2.
Calliostoma dedonderi — Poppe et al., 2006: 118, pl. Material examined. Philippines, Bohol. PANGLAO
61, figs 1–4, 6. 2004: stn L51-60, 09°38'N, 123°48'E, 62 m, 2 dd, 1
sub dd, 2 juv dd.
Material examined. Philippines, Bohol. PANGLAO
2004: stn P1, 09°36'N, 123°45'E, 90–200 m, 1 juv dd; Distribution. Philippines, 50–150 m (range computed
stn L35, 09°36'N, 123°46'E, 90 m, 1 juv dd; stn L69– using also data of Poppe et al., 2006).
73, 09°31'N, 123°41'E, 90–98 m, 5 juv lv; stn L79,
09°37'N, 123°46'E, 50 m, 3 dd. Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
Philippines, Aliguay Island. By fisherman: 140–160 a height up to 22.0 mm, a width up to 20.6 mm, a
m, 1 dd, 160 m, 1 dd. moderately elevated, conical shape, an angulate
periphery, a teleoconch of up to 9 flat whorls, up to 7
Distribution. Philippines, 50–140 m, lv at 50 m spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; P4; S1; T1 between P1–S1;
(range computed using also data of Poppe et al., S4), P1 the strongest, a subquadrangular aperture, a
2006). weakly arcuate and slightly oblique columella, a
weakly convex to almost flat base with about 12
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are granular to subgranular spiral cords, anomphalous, a
a height up to 13.8 mm, a width up to 8.6 mm, an yellowish brown colour with brownish streaks or
elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a flames.
teleoconch of up to 8 flat to weakly concave (big
specimens) whorls, up to 7 spiral cords (P2, P3, P1; Calliostoma formosense E. A. Smith, 1907
S3; P4; S1; S2), P3 the strongest with sharp beads, one Fig. 12G–N
bead for two to five on last whorls stronger and Calliostoma formosensis E. A. Smith, 1907: 205, text
sharper, a subquadrangular aperture, a weakly curved
fig. Type locality: South Formosa, depth unknown.
and slightly oblique columella, a weakly convex to
Calliostoma (Calliostoma) formosensis — Higo et al.,
almost flat base with 9-10 subgranular to nearly
1999a, 61.
smooth spiral cords, anomphalous, a nacreous white Calliostoma formosensis — Dong, 2002, 111, fig.
colour with reddish-brow axial flammules, P3, S3, P4 115.

Figure 10 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–I. Calliostoma paucicostatum Kosuge, 1984. A–B. Holotype IMT-84-46, Philipines, Cebu, Mactan, Punta
Engano, 19.2 × 18.0 mm, 8 tw. C–G. Philippines, Bohol Sea, PANGLAO 2005. C–D. Stn CP2384, 624–647 m,
19.0 × 18.5 mm, 7.5 tw. E–G. Specimen with repairs, stn CP2389, 784–786 m, 16.2 × 15.1 mm, 7.1 tw. H–I.
Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR, stn CP05, 296–299 m, 12.0 × 11.8 mm, 6.9 tw.
J–Q. Calliostoma suduirauti Bozzetti, 1997. J–K. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-30355, Philippines, Bohol,
Balicasag Island, 140 m, 14.1 × 12.4 mm, 7.0 tw. L–M. Solomon Islands, SALOMONBOA 3, stn DW2827,
134–272 m, 11.2 × 11.1 m, 7.1 tw. N–O. Papua New Guinea, Salomon Sea, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn CP4017,
280–315 m, 11.4 × 10.9 mm, 7.2 tw. P–Q. Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR, stn DW18, 205–212 m, 11.8 ×
11.0 mm, 7.3 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Material examined. Southern Taiwan. TAIWAN collected at stn CP79 of TAIWAN 2001, being 17.3 ×
2002; stn CP171, 22°14'N, 120°30'E, 195 m, 1 lv. 18.4 mm for 7.9 tw).
North-eastern Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: off Tashi,
depth unknown (fishermen), 2 lv, 3 sub lv. TAIWAN Calliostoma achantodes n. sp.
2001: stn CP75, 24°57'N, 122°02'E, 139 m, 1 juv dd; Fig. 12C–E
stn CP79, 24°50'N, 122°00'E, 145–200 m, 1 lv, 8 sub urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:85CB3F68-8162-49EE-
lv; stn CP80, 24°51'N, 121°59'E, 194–214 m, 5 lv, 2 A301-02B876905D75
sub lv, 2 juv lv; stn CP114, 24°51'N, 121°58'E, 128–
250 m, 4 lv, 5 sub lv, 6 juv lv. TAIWAN 2004: stn Type material. Holotype (12.0 × 10.7 mm) MNHN-
CP243, 24°52'N, 121°55'E, 117–120 m, 5 lv; stn IM-2000-39424.
CP244, 24°53'N, 121°56'E, 122–123 m, 14 lv, 1 juv
dd; stn CP249, 24°57'N, 122°05'E, 212–220 m, 1 lv. Type locality. South-western Taiwan, TAIWAN
Off Tashi, dredged, 5/2001, 3 dd. 2002, stn CP162, 22°10'N, 120°38'E, 190–200 m.

Distribution. Taiwan, 50–300 m, lv at 120–212 m Material examined. South-western Taiwan.

(range computed using also Higo et al., 1999a); TAIWAN 2002: stn CP162, 22°10'N, 120°38'E, 190–
southern Japan (Kyūshū), 190–210 m (Higo et al., 200 m, 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39424).
Distribution. Only known from the type locality.
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
a height up to about 55 mm, a width up to about 55 Diagnosis. A Calliostoma species of rather small size,
mm, a moderately elevated, coeloconoidal shape, an with a moderately elevated, conical spire, an angulate
angulate periphery, a teleoconch of up to 9 whorls, periphery, a teleoconch of 6.9 whorls, 7 granular to
more or less flat except the last ones convex, up to 25 finally spiny spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; S3, P4; S2; S1),
spiral cords (P1, P3; P4; P2; S1; S2; about 20 Ti P3 the strongest with sharp beads, making a moderate
appearing by successive intercalations), P4 much keel, a flat base with 10 granular spiral cords, distance
stronger on early and median whorls, but only a bit between cords similar to width of cords, anomphalous,
stronger on the last whorls, a subquadrangular a pinkish grey colour.
aperture, an arcuate, oblique columella, a weakly
convex to almost flat base with up to about 35 thin Description. Shell rather small for the genus (H 12.0
spiral cords, innermost granular and outermost mm, W 10.7 mm), higher than wide, conical in shape;
subgranular only, a large umbilicus, a light brow spire rather elevated, 3.5× aperture height, apical
colour with darker flames and patches. angle 60°; angulate periphery; anomphalous.
Protoconch about 420 μm wide (eroded on the single
Remarks. The protoconch of all the large specimens type), of 1.25 whorls.
studied here is systematically broken. But this Teleoconch up to 6.9 straight whorls; early whorls
protoconch is safe on smaller specimens (as for with 3 spiral cords, last whorl with 7 cords of uneven
example the protoconch of 300 µm of a specimen width.
Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated.

Figure 11 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–H. Calliostoma ticaonicum (A.Adams, 1851). A–D. Indonesia, Makassar straits, CORINDON 2, stn CH294,
46–57 m. A–B. 15.8 × 14.2 mm, 8.0 tw. C–D. 14.3 × 14.3 mm, 7.6 tw. E–H. Philippines, Bohol, Balicasag
Island, by fishermen, 140 m, Vilvens coll.. E–F.
18.2 × 15.6 mm, 8.6 tw. G–H. 16.9 × 14.7 mm, 8.5 tw.
I–J. Calliostoma poppei Vilvens, 2000, Philippines, Bohol, PANGLAO 2004, stn P1, 90–200 m, 10.7 × 8.8 mm,
7.5 tw.
K–O. Calliostoma dedonderi Vilvens, 2000, Philippines, Bohol, PANGLAO 2004. K–N. stn L79, 50 m. K–L.
7.9 × 6.3 mm, 6.9 tw. M–N. 8.3 × 6.3 mm, 6.9 tw. O. (scale bar: 1 mm) Juvenils specimen, stn L69–73, 90–98
m, 2.3 × 1.8 mm, 4.0 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by rather wide, The new species may also be compared to C. hungi S.-
prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral cords appearing I Huang & I.-F. Fu, 2019 from Taiwan Strait (Fig.
immediately and simultaneously; beads produced by 12F), but this smaller species has a less elevated spire
intersection of cords with ribs; distance between ribs and compact rows of rounded beads with interspaces
similar in size to width of ribs, distance between cords much narrow than width of cords. The ontogeny
smaller than their width. Second whorl flat, cords, ribs described in the original description of this species
and beads of cords stronger; distance between Pi (P1, P2, P3; S3; S2; S1) could be in fact (P1, P2, P3;
similar to their width; beads of P3 pointed beyond the P4; S2; S1; no S3) because S3 could be likely P4.
half of the whorl. On third whorl, P3 stronger than the
other cords with pointed, rather thick beads; S3 Etymology. Thorny (Ancient Greek: άχανθώδης, -ες)
appearing, P4 partially appearing but covered by next - with reference to the pointed beads on all the spiral
whorl. On fourth whorl, P4 sinking under suture, S2 cords of the teleoconch.
appearing, S3 almost as strong as P3 with similar
pointed beads, axial sculpture vanishing. On fifth Calliostoma zhongshaense n. sp.
whorl, beads of all the Pi and Si pointed; P3 making a Fig. 13A–F, Table 3
moderate keel. On last whorl, S1 appearing, very thin urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:04D3128E-B145-45A6-
and P4 emerging from suture. 8C84-ACB5BB2941E2
Aperture subquadrate with a rounded outer lip.
Columella straight, slightly oblique. Type material. Holotype (16.6 × 15.0 mm) MNHN-
Base almost flat, with 10 granular spiral cords, IM-2013-59731. Paratypes: 2 MNHN (MNHN-IM-
innermost ones slightly stronger, beads produced by 2013-59733, MNHN-IM-2000-39425), 1 NMMBA
intersection of cords with thin radial ridges, distance (as listed below).
between cords to width of cords.
Colour of teleoconch pinkish grey. Type locality. South China Sea, Macclesfield Bank,
ZHONGSHA 2015, stn CP4146, 16°09'N, 114°16'E,
Discussion. Considering the keel on P3 on 232–314 m.
Calliostoma achantodes n. sp., two other species seem
rather similar at first glance. Material examined. South China Sea, Macclesfield
The new species is rather close to C. paucicostatum Bank. ZHONGSHA 2015: stn CP4146, 16°09'N,
Kosuge, 1984 described from the Philippines (Fig. 114°16'E, 232–314 m, 3 lv (holotype MNHN-IM-
10A–I), but this slightly larger species has a slightly 2013-59731, paratype IM-2013-59733, paratype
coeloconoidal shape, thinner spiral cords with a NMMBA NMMB-M011800), 2 sub lv (MNHN-IM-
different ontogeny (especially with S1 and S3 2013-59732, MNHN-IM-2013-61909), 3 sub lv, 5 juv
appearing simultaneously) and a main keel on S3 with lv; stn CP4148, 16°07'N, 114°19'E, 218–281 m, 1 lv;
P3 making a secondary carina. stn CP4153, 16°14'N, 114°30'E, 318 m, 1 lv (paratype
C. achantodes n. sp. may also be compared to C. MNHN-IM-2000-39425), 4 sub lv; stn CP4154,
suduirauti Bozzetti, 1997 from the Philippines to 16°15'N, 114°34'E, 321–326 m, 6 lv.
Solomon Islands (Fig. 10J–Q), but this similar in size
species has thinner spiral cords except P3 with a Distribution. South China Sea, Macclesfield Bank,
different ontogeny (especially with S1 appearing 281–321 m (lv).
much sooner and no S3).

Figure 12 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–B. Calliostoma vilvensi Poppe, 2004, Philippines, Bohol, PANGLAO 2004, stn L51–60, 62 m, 13.1 × 12.7
mm, 6.6 tw.
C–E. Calliostoma achantodes n. sp., holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39424, TAIWAN 2002, stn CP162, 190–200
m, 12.0 × 10.7 mm, 7.0 tw.
F. Calliostoma hungi S.-I Huang & I-F. Fu, 2019, holotype NMNS-007817-00004, Taiwan Strait, 6.8 × 6.7 mm,
6.8 tw (original description).
G–N. Calliostoma formosense E. A. Smith, 1907, Taiwan. G–H. Depressed form, TAIWAN 2004, stn CP244,
24°53'N, 122–123 m, 47.7 × 63.1 mm, 8.5 tw. I–J. More elevated form, TAIWAN 2000, by fishermen, 44.0 ×
54.1 mm, 8.8 tw. K–N. Subadult with elevated form, TAIWAN 2001, stn CP79, 145–200 m, 17.3 × 18.4 mm,
7.9 tw. N. (scale bar: 1 mm) Details of the protoconch and early whorls.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Diagnosis. A Calliostoma species of medium size, ribs; distance between ribs about 1.5× their width,
with an elevated, conical spire, a weakly subangular interspaces between cords 1.5× their width. On second
periphery, a teleoconch up to 7.5 whorls, 10 to 13 whorl cords, ribs and beads of cords stronger, P3 the
spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; S2; S3, S1; T1, T2; T3; 3 strongest, interspaces between cords 2× their width.
possible additional Ti; P4) with sharp beads, P3 the On third whorl, P3 making a moderate keel with beads
strongest, making a strong keel, a weakly convex base becoming blunt sharp. On fourth whorl, S2 appearing,
with 9–10 granular spiral cords, outermost cords keel on P3 much stronger with beads strongly pointed;
closer than inner ones, a narrow and deep umbilicus, a beads of P2 blunt sharp. On fifth whorl, S3 appearing
pinkish white colour with light brown patches on close to P3, S1 appearing half a whorl later; beads of
abapical cords. all cords pointed; axial ribs vanishing, except under
S3. On seventh whorl, T1 appearing between P3 and
Description. Shell of medium size for the genus (H up S3, T2 a bit later between P2 and S2. On last whorl,
to 17.2 mm, W to 15.2 mm), conical (or very weakly T3 appearing between S2 and P3, possible additional
coeloconoidal) in shape, slightly higher than wide Ti between P1 and S1, S1 and P2 and above P1; P4
(ratio H/W of 1.1); spire rather elevated, 3.0× to 3.6× emerging, thin.
aperture height, apical angle 60°; weakly subangulate Aperture subquadrate with a rounded outer lip.
periphery; narrow and deep umbilicus. Columella straight, slightly oblique.
Protoconch about 400 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, rounded, Base weakly convex, with 9–10 granular spiral cords,
with reticulate pattern and with a thin straight terminal innermost cords stronger and outermost cords closer
varix. than inner ones; beads produced by intersection of
Teleoconch up to 7.5 slightly convex whorls, with a cords with thin radial ridges.
strong abapical keel at the two thirds of the height Umbilicus open on adult specimen (more than 7
except on the two earliest whorls; early whorls with 3 whorls), narrow and deep, partially bordered by an
spiral cords, last whorl with 10–13 spiral cords of expansion of the columella.
uneven width. Colour of teleoconch pinkish white, light brown
Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated. patches on P3, possibly also on S3 and P4; protoconch
First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 20 white.
low prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral cords P1, P2 Operculum circular, multispiral, corneous, light
and P3 appearing immediately and simultaneously; brown.
small beads produced by intersection of cords with

Table 3. Calliostoma zhongshaense n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

Holotype ZHONGSHA 2015
CP4146 MNHN-IM-2013- 7.5 16.6 15.0 5.20 1.11 3.19
Paratype 1 ZHONGSHA
2015 CP4146 MNHN-IM- 7.4 17.0 15.2 4.70 1.12 3.62
Paratype 2 ZHONGSHA
2015: CP4153 MNHN-IM- 7.5 16.6 15.2 5.50 1.09 3.02
Paratype 3 ZHONGSHA
2015 CP4146 NMMBA 7.3 17.2 15.0 5.10 1.15 3.37

Discussion. Calliostoma zhongshaense n. sp. is rather similar in size and a large open umbilicus with a spiny
close to C. thachi Alf & Stratmann, 2007 from South spiral cord at rim.
China Sea (off Central Viet Nam) (Fig. 13G–H), but One can compare the new species to C. thrincoma
this slightly larger species with a similar ontogeny of Melvill & Standen, 1903 from the Gulf of Oman (Fig.
spiral cords has clearly a coeloconoidal shape with a 13K–L), but this species is smaller, has two keels (the
shape of the whorls concave under the keel, a less strongest one on P3, the other one, double, on S3 and
elevated spire (ratio H/W of 1.0 instead of 1.1) and 2 P4) and lacks an umbilicus.
keels on P3 and P4 (instead of a single one on P3 with Calliostoma zhongshaense n. sp. remembers a little
P4 thin on the new species). Tristichotrochus aculeatus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1912)
The new species is also rather close to C. nanshaense from Japan (Figs 14K–N, 15A–N, 16A–N), but this
Z.-Z. Dong, 2002 from Nansha Islands (Fig. 13I–J), species has 3 keels on P2, P3, P4 and lacks an
but this species is smaller for more whorls (8), has a umbilicus.
coeloconoidal shape with concave whorls, spiral cords
C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

The new species is slightly similar to Calliostoma of cords with ribs; distance between ribs about 1.5×
katoi (Sakurai, 1994) from Japan (Fig. 13M–N), but their width, interspaces between cords 2× their width;
this species is smaller for more whorls (8), has a depressed suprasutural area. On second whorl cords,
weakly coeloconoidal shape, a more elevated spire, ribs and beads of cords much stronger, interspaces
and the beads of the spiral cords are thinner and not between ribs 2× their width; S2 appearing. On third
pointed. whorl, beads of Pi becoming blunt sharp, S1
appearing. On fourth whorl, axial sculpture vanishing,
Etymology. With reference to the type locality: the all 5 cords similar in size, interspaces between them
Macclesfield Bank is the main part of what China similar to their width. On fifth whorl, S3 appearing;
calls the Zhongsha Islands, grouping skerries, entirely P4 slightly emerging from suture. On sixth whorl, T1
submerged banks, seamounts and shoals in the South appearing between P1 and S1 simultaneously with T2
China Sea. between S1 and P2; T3 appearing between P2 and S2
a bit later. On last whorl, T4 appearing between S2
Calliostoma statheron n. sp. and P3; P1 slightly stronger than other cords;
Fig. 14A–B suprasutural area no more depressed, filled by S3
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:0F95E94F-7B2C-424F- becoming stronger.
9AB1-B693A3B49D52 Aperture subrounded. Columella weakly arcuate,
slightly oblique.
Type material. Holotype (17.5 × 17.6 mm) MNHN- Base weakly convex, with 15 spiral cords, innermost
IM-2013-44341. cords strong with interspaces wider than their width,
outermost ones thin with interspaces narrower than
Type locality. South China Sea, off An-Da Chiao, their width; beads produced by intersection of cords
NanHai 2014, stn DW4111, 10°25'N, 114°46'E, 462– with thin radial ridges.
1039 m. Umbilicus completely closed, covered by an
expansion of the columella.
Material examined. South China Sea, off An-Da Colour of teleoconch nacreous white.
Chiao. NanHai 2014: stn DW4111, 10°25'N, Operculum circular, multispiral, corneous, light
114°46'E, 462–1039 m, 1 lv (holotype MNHN-IM- brown.
Discussion. Calliostoma statheron n. sp. seems at first
Distribution. Only known from the type locality. glance rather close to C. thaumaston n. sp. from
Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (Fig. 8I–L), but this
Diagnosis. A Calliostoma species of medium size, species, although similar in size, ontogeny of the
with a moderatly elevated, cyrtoconoidal spire, a spiral cords and number of whorls, has a conical
weakly subangular periphery, a teleoconch with 6.3 shape, no depressed suprasutural area, a more angulate
whorls with depressed suprastural area except on the periphery and spiral cords P2, S2 and P3 thicker.
last one, 11 spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; S2; S1; S3, P4; C. statheron n. sp. seems also rather close to C.
T1 between P1 and S1, T2 between S1 and P2; T3 P2 shawni Poppe & Tagaro, 2020 from Japan to Malaysia
and S2; T4 between S2 and P3) with sharp beads, P3 (Fig. 14C–D), but this species is much smaller for a
the strongest), making a strong keel, a weakly convex similar number of whorls (holotype: 7.0 × 6.4 with
base with 15 granular spiral cords, outermost cords about 6–6.5 tw), has a more elevated spire and only 7
closer and thinner than inner ones, no umbilicus, a spiral cords Pi and Si without Ti.
nacreous white colour. The new species may remember C. lui S.-I Huang & I-
F. Fu, 2019 from north-eastern Taiwan (Fig. 14E–F),
Description. Shell of medium size for the genus (H = but this species is much smaller for a higher number
17.5 mm, W = 17.6 mm), slightly cyrtoconoidal in of whorls (holotype: 9.2 × 9.7 7.3 tw) and has strong
shape, as high as wide; spire moderately elevated, keels on P2, P3 and P4.
2.7× aperture height, apical angle 70°; very weakly One can compare the new species to C. basulense
subangulate periphery; anomphalous. Poppe, Tagaro & Vilvens, 2014 from the Philippines
Protoconch of about 600 µm, almost completely (Fig. 14G–H), but this smaller species (11.5–14.6 ×
broken on the single available specimen. 11.0-12.6 mm for about 7 tw) has a much more
Teleoconch up to 6.3 whorls, all more or less straight elevated spire with P3 stronger and making a weak
except penultimate one slightly convex and last one keel on the median whorls.
convex; early whorls with 3 spiral cords, last whorl One can finally also compare the new species to C.
with 11 spiral cords of uneven thickness. sakashitai (Sakurai, 1994) from Japan and East China
Suture weakly impressed, slightly canaliculated. Sea (Fig. 8F), but this species is smaller for a larger
First whorl almost straight, sculptured by about 25 number of whorls, a much more elevated spire (with a
strong, very prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral cords larger H/W ratio) and an ontogeny of cords different,
P1, P2 and P3 appearing immediately and especially regarding S3 and S1.
simultaneously; small beads produced by intersection

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Etymology. Stable, steady, firm (Ancient Greek dd; stn CP4175, 25°25’N, 122°28’E, 434–535 m, 1
σταθερός, -ά, - όν) - with reference to the similar dd.
height and width of the shell making a steady shape. South west of Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn CP11,
22°16'N, 119°14'E, 263–276 m, 1 dd; stn DW34,
22°01'N, 120°36'E, 240–246 m, 1 dd; stn DW36,
Genus Tristichotrochus Ikebe, 1942 21°54'N, 120°36'E, 300–331 m, 2 dd, 1 sub dd.
Type species: Calliostoma aculeatum G. B. Sowerby North of the South China Sea. ZHONGSHA 2015:
III, 1912 (by o.d.) – Recent, Japan. stn CP4135, 19°59'N, 114°38'E, 211–218 m, 2 sub dd.
Grammatical gender: masculine. Philippines, Bohol Sea. PANGLAO 2004: stn P1,
09°36'N, 123°45'E, 90–200 m, 1 sub lv, 2 juv dd; stn
Tristichotrochus aculeatus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1912) P3, 09°31'N, 123°42'E, 100 m, 1 lv. PANGLAO 2005:
Figs 14K–N, 15A–N, 16A–N stn DW2339, 09°32'N, 123°44'E, 164–176 m, 1 dd;
stn CP2340, 09°29'N, 123°44'E, 271–318 m, 3 lv, 2
Calliostoma aculeatum G.B.Sowerby III, 1912: p. sub dd; stn CP2343, 09°27'N, 123°49'E, 273–356 m, 9
473, text-fig. 3. Type locality: Japan. lv, I juv dd; stn CP2344, 09°28'N, 123°50'E, 128–142
Calliostoma (Tristichotrochus) aculeatus — Ikebe, m, 2 lv; stn CP2349, 09°32'N, 123°56'E, 219–240 m,
1942: 257–258, pl. XXVII, figs 1–3. 1 lv; stn CP2360, 08°49'N, 123°38'E, 357–372 m, 1
Tristichotrochus aculeatus — Kira, 1962: 11, pl. 8, lv; stn CP2361, 08°53'N, 123°34'E, 516–543 m, 1 dd;
fig. 12; Kuroda et al., 1971: 23–24, pl. 10, figs 11–12. stn CP2362, 08°57'N, 123°33'E, 679–740 m, 1 dd; stn
Calliostoma aculeatum — Kaicher, 1986: card TR1- CP2381, 08°43'N, 123°19'E, 259–280 m, 2 dd; stn
2078; Higo et al., 1999a, b: 61; Sasaki, 2000: 71–72, CP2395, 09°36'N, 123°44'E, 382–434 m, 1 dd, 1 juv
fig. 99; Dong, 2002, 102, fig. 103; Qi Zhongyan, lv; stn CP2407, 09°41'N, 123°49'E, 256–268 m, 2 dd;
2004: 20, pl. 009, fig. A. stn CP2409, 09°45'N, 123°45'E, 220–257 m, 1dd.
Calliostoma aculeatum aliguayensis — Poppe et al.,
2006: 115, pl. 60, figs 1–2. Syn. nov. Distribution. Japan, East China sea and Korea, 50–
100 m (Higo et al., 1999a); Philippines (as subspecies
Material examined. Indonesia, Kai and Tanimbar aliguayensis), 100–679 m, lv at 100–382 m (range
Islands. KARUBAR: stn DW02, 05°47'S, 132°13'E, computed using also data of Poppe et al., 2006);
209–240 m, 1 dd, 1 sub dd, 1 juv dd; stn CP05, Indonesia, 221–356 m, lv at 275–346 m; Taiwan,
05°49'S, 132°18'E, 296–299 m, 2 lv; stn DW15, 200–487 m, lv at 145–200 m.
05°17'S, 132°41'E, 212–221 m, 1 dd, 1 juv dd; stn
CP16, 05°17'S, 132°50'E, 315–349 m, 1 dd; stn CP69, Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
08°42'S, 131°53'E, 356–368 m, 3 dd, 1 sub dd; stn a height up to 18.3 mm, a width up to 16.7 mm, an
CP78, 09°06'S, 131°24'E, 284–295 m, 1 lv; stn CP77, elevated, conical to slightly cyrtoconoidal shape, an
08°57'S, 131°27'E, 346–352 m, 1 lv; stn CP84, angulate periphery, a teleoconch of up to 9 weakly
09°23'S, 131°09'E, 246–275 m, 3 lv. convex whorls, up to 11 granular spiral cords (P2, P3,
North east of Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn CP58, P1; P4; S2; S1, S3; T1 between P2 and S2 the earliest
24°33'N, 122°06'E, 221–254 m, 1 dd; stn DW36, of the Ti; other Ti possible between P1 and S1, S1 and
21°54'N, 120°36'E, 300–331 m, 1 sub dd. TAIWAN P2, S2 and P3, P3 and S3; ) with pointed beads, P3 the
2001: stn CP79, 24°50'N, 122°00'E, 145–200 m, 1 lv; strongest, P2 and P4 almost as strong as P3, the three
stn CP114, 24°51'N, 121°58'E, 128–250 m, 1 dd. cords making keel, a subquadrangular aperture, an
TAIWAN 2004: stn CP247, 24°52'N, 122°02'E, 487– oblique columella without tooth, a slightly convex
540 m, 1 dd. base with up to 13 subgranular spiral cords,
East China Sea, North east of Taiwan. KAVALAN anomphalous, an ivory to hazel background colour
2018: stn CP4173, 25°29’N, 122°23’E, 261–330 m, 1 with brownish flames.

Figure 13 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–F. Calliostoma zhongshaense n. sp., South China Sea, Macclesfield Bank, ZHONGSHA 2015. A–D. Stn
CP4146, 232–314 m. A–B. Holotype MNHN-IM-2013-59731, 16.6 × 15.0 mm, 7.5 tw. C–D. Paratype MNHN-
IM-2013-59733, 17.0 × 15.2 mm, 7.5 tw. E–F. Paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39425, stn CP4153, 318–318 m, 16.6
× 15.2 mm, 7.5 tw.
G–H. Calliostoma thachi Alf & Stratmann, 2007, South China Sea, Central Viet Nam, off Nha Trang (from the
original description). G. Holotype SMF 328943, 16.7 × 16.9 mm, 8 tw. H. Paratype D.Stratmann coll., 19.8 ×
20.2 mm.
I–J. Calliostoma nanshaense Z.-Z. Dong, 2002, drawings from the original description Nansha Islands, 14.0 ×
14.0 mm, 8 tw.
K–L. Calliostoma thrincoma Melvill & Standen, 1903, syntype NHMUK 1903.12.15.122, Gulf of Oman, 10.0
× 8.8 mm.
M–N. Calliostoma katoi (Sakurai, 1994), holotype NSMT, Japan, 13.1 × 11.2 mm, 8 tw.
C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Remarks. The subspecies Tristichotrochus aculeatus Additional remark. The close species Calliostoma
aliguayensis was described by Poppe et al. from the soyoae Ikebe, 1942 from Japan (Fig. 14I–J) is rather
Philippines (2006), the differences pointed out being easy to distinguish at a glance from C. aculeatus by its
"its much thicker and heavier shell, the more more convex whorls and a much thinner sculpture
pronounced sculpture and in general its lower spire" - with weaker keels.
likely a rather light criteria to separate the nominal
species and the supposed subspecies, the both ones Genus Fautor Iredale, 1924
sharing particularly the same ontogeny of spiral cords Type species: Ziziphinus comptus A. Adams, 1855 (by
on the teleoconch. One can just add that the original o.d.) – Recent, southern Australia.
description of C. aculeatus aliguayensis points out an Grammatical gender: masculine
open umbilicus, while the specimens from Japan are
usually anomphalous. Remarks. This genus, of which the types species is
Qi Zhongyan (2004) had already illustrated a the Australian Fautor comptus (A. Adams, 1855) (Fig.
specimen of C. aculeatum that has a moderately (not 17M–N), was early considered as a subgenus of the
rather) elevated spire. But the new material here genus Calliostoma. B. A. Marshall (1995) has
reported from Indonesia, East China Sea and Taiwan characterized it by having narrower and more finely
bring specimens beaded spiral cords, opposed to those of Calliostoma.
One can add to this feature the presence of axial ribs
♦ with moderately (KARUBAR DW15 and CP77, on the early whorls whereas this sculpture is usually
TAIWAN 2001 CP79 and CP114, Kii (Japan) very weak or absent on Calliostoma species (B. A.
specimen) to rather elevated spire (KARUBAR CP84 Marshall, 1995) and also a rather typical more or less
and CP69, KAVALAN 2018 CP4175, TAIWAN 2000 conical shape. There are by now 21 accepted Fautor
CP58, Minabe (Japan) specimens) species (WoRMS, 2023). But other species has been
♦ with closed (TAIWAN 2001 CP79, KARUBAR described as belonging to the subgenus Fautor and
DW15, CP84 and CP77, Minabe (Japan) and Kii should be added to this list: Calliostoma (Fautor)
(Japan) specimens) to partially or even almost aprosceptum Vilvens, 2009, C. (F.) diaphoros
completely open umbilicus (TAIWAN 2001 CP114, Vilvens, 2009.
Fautor paradigmatus (B. A. Marshall, 1995)
Most of the specimens from the Philippines have Fig. 17A–L
indeed a moderately elevated spire and a (usually
partially) open umbilicus. PANGLAO 2005, stn Calliostoma (Fautor) paradigmatum B. A. Marshall,
CP2395 sample brings a large specimen with an open 1995: 395–397, figs 13–15, 119, 155. Type locality:
umbilicus (Fig. 16G–H) and a much smaller specimen southern New Caledonia, 505–550 m.
with a closed umbilicus (Fig. 16I–J). There is also a Calliostoma (Fautor) paradigmatum — Vilvens,
completely anomphalous specimen in the material 2005: 2; Vilvens, 2009: 132, figs 25–26; Vilvens,
recorded by Poppe et al. in their original description 2012: 18, figs 51–54.
(PANGLAO 2005, stn CP2380 - Fig. 16E–F). Calliostoma paradigmatum — Vilvens, 2014a: 44,
Finally, it then seems likely that C. aculeatus is a figs 26–27; Vilvens, 2014b: figs 55–56.
widespread species with variations regarding the Fautor paradigmatus — Vilvens, 2023: 54–55, figs
height of the spire (moderately elevated to rather 6A–H.
elevated) and the umbilicus (closed, partially closed or
open), without subspecies.

Figure 14 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–B. Calliostoma statheron n. sp., holotype MNHN- IM-2013-44341, South China Sea, off An-Da Chiao,
NanHai 2014, stn DW4111, 462–1039 m, 17.5 × 17.6 mm, 6.3 tw.
C–D. Calliostoma shawni Poppe & Tagaro, 2020, holotype MNHN, Japan, Okinawa Island, 12–13 m, 7.0 × 6.4
mm, about 6.5 tw (from the original description).
E–F. Calliostoma lui S.-I Huang & I-F. Fu, 2019, holotype NMNS-007817-00003, north-eastern Taiwan,
"shallow water", 9.2 × 9.8 mm, 7.3 tw (from the original description).
G–H. Calliostoma basulense Poppe, Tagaro & Vilvens, 2014, holotype MNHN-IM-2012-18895, Philippines,
Mindanao, Surigao, Basul Island, 14.6 × 12.5 mm, about 7 tw (from the original description).
I–J. Calliostoma soyoae Ikebe, 1942, Nada, pref. Wakayama, Japan, 14.2 × 13.7 mm, 7.2 tw, Vilvens coll..
K–N. Tristichotrochus aculeatus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1912). K–L. Japan, Minabe,
17.8 × 16.0 mm, 7.6 tw. M–N. Japan, Kii, 36 m, 17.6 × 17.2 mm, 7.5 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Material examined. Solomon Islands. Remarks. It's a wonder to record here this originally
SALOMONBOA 3: stn CP2823, 10°27'S, 162°02'E, New Caledonian species so far from its known range,
240–572 m, 1 juv dd. although a few specimens were already recorded in
Papua New Guinea. PAPUA NIUGINI: stn the Entrecasteaux Reefs in the north east of New
DW4076, 04°01'S, 144°55'E, 860 m, 1 juv dd. Caledonia. More overall, it's also amazing that this
Indonesia, Kai Islands. KARUBAR: stn CP09, species has been recorded along a so large area, from
05°23'S, 132°29'E, 368–389 m, 1 lv; stn DW13, Tonga and even French Polynesia to South China Sea
05°26'S, 132°38'E, 417–425 m, 2 sub dd, 2 juv dd; stn and southern Taiwan. But the ontogeny and the shape
CP20, 05°15'S, 132°59'E, 769–809 m, 1 lv. of the spiral cords, coupled with the peculiar shape of
Philippines, Bohol. PANGLAO 2004: stn P1, the whorls with a depressed suprasutural area, of all
09°36'N, 123°45'E, 90–200 m, 1 lv juv. the specimens studied match perfectly those of the
PANGLAO 2005: stn CP2361, 08°53'N, 123°34'E, holotype from New Caledonia. More far to the North,
516–543 m, 1 juv dd. Calliostoma uranipponense (Okutani, 1969) from
Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn DW37, 21°52'N, Japan (Honshu) (Fig. 18I–J) is rather close: it has
120°35'E, 420–503 m, 1 dd; stn FP16, 22°18'N, similar spiral cords on the teleoconch but without S3,
119°15'E, 351–360 m, 1 juv dd. a larger suprasutural area, all cords except P1 and S1
South China Sea. ZHONGSHA 2015: stn DW4161, thinner and almost smooth.
20°33'N, 116°39'E, 538–560 m, 1 dd.
Fautor cosmopolites n. sp.
Distribution. Southern New Caledonia, 410–795 m, Fig. 18A–H, Table 4
lv at 550–795 m (B. A. Marshall, 1995; Vilvens, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:9D9FC92E-E390-4C05-
2009; Vilvens, 2023); northern New Caledonia, 585– 9D2B-923FDD2F9F88
622 m, lv at 585 mm (B. A. Marshall, 1995; Vilvens,
2023); West of New Caledonia, 300–900 m, lv at Type material. Holotype (8.8 × 7.7 mm) MNHN-
900–950 m (Vilvens, 2023); Solomon Islands, 240– IM-2000-39426. Paratypes: 3 MNHN (MNHN-IM-
572 m (dd); Papua New Guinea, 860 m (dd); 2000-39427, MNHN-IM-2000-39428, MNHN-IM-
Indonesia, Kai Islands, 389–769 m (lv); Philippines, 2000-39429 (as listed below).
Bohol, 200–516 m (lv); Taiwan, 360–420 m(dd);
South China Sea, 538–560 m (dd); Tonga, 342–500 m Type locality. Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR,
(dd) (Vilvens, 2005); Austral Archipelago, 570–620 m stn CP16, 05°17'S, 132°50'E, 315–349 m.
(dd) (Vilvens, 2014a); Tarava Seamounts, 660–670 m
(dd) (Vilvens, 2012). Material examined. Papua New Guinea, Salomon
Sea. MADEEP: stn DW4268, 05°33'S, 153°59'E,
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are 383–720 m, 1 dd (paratype 1 MNHN-IM-2000-
a height up to 13.9 mm, a width up to 11.4 mm, an 39427).
elevated, conical shape, a subangulate to slightly Papua New Guinea, seamounts near Bougainville.
rounded periphery, a teleoconch of up to 7.6 weakly BIOPAPUA: stn DW3748, 05°37'S, 154°01'E, 398–
convex whorls, at least 6 granular spiral cords (P2, P3; 399 m, 1 dd (paratype 2 MNHN-IM-2000-39428).
P1; P4; S2; S1; S3 possibly missing or weak if Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea, South-east of
present; possible Ti between Pi and Si), a depressed Vokeo Island. PAPUA NIUGINI: stn DW4074,
suprasutural area above the impressed suture, S3 if 03°16'S, 144°05'E, 460–605 m, 1 juv dd; stn CP4079,
present and P4 thinner than the other cords, a 04°34'S, 145°52'E, 960 m, 1 juv lv.
subelliptical aperture, an oblique columella without Indonesia, Kai Islands. KARUBAR: stn CP16,
tooth, a weakly convex base with 12-17 subgranular 05°17'S, 132°50'E, 315–349 m, 1 lv (holotype
spiral cords, anomphalous, a nacreous white colour. MNHN-IM-2000-39426).

Figure 15 (scale bar: 5 mm)

A–N. Tristichotrochus aculeatus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1912). A–B. Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR, stn
DW15, 212–221 m, 14.9 × 15.7, 6.8 tw. C–D. Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands, KARUBAR, stn CP77, 346–352 m,
17.0 × 17.0 mm, 6.9 tw. E–F. Specimen without Si, North east of Taiwan, TAIWAN 2000, stn CP58, stn CP79,
145–200 m, 13.6 × 13.5 mm, 6.5 tw. G–H. Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands, KARUBAR, stn CP84, 246–275 m,
13.7 × 12.6 mm, 7.0 tw. I–J. Specimen with umbilicus partially covered, East China Sea, North east of Taiwan,
KAVALAN 2018, stn CP4175, 434–535 m, 14.9 × 14.1 mm, 7.1 tw. K–L. North east of Taiwan, TAIWAN
2000, stn CP58, 221–254 m, 15.9 × 15.4 mm, 7.0 tw. M–N. Specimen with umbilicus partially covered, north
east of Taiwan, TAIWAN 2001, stn CP114, 128–250 m, 14.5 × 15.5 mm, 5.9 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Southern Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn DW5, their width; S2 appearing; axial sculpture vanishing.
22°41'N, 119°56'E, 213–236 m, 4 dd (including On fourth whorl, P1 the strongest with strong beads
paratype 3 MNHN-IM-2000-39429); stn DW36, axially elongated on some specimens (Indonesia); S3
21°54'N, 120°36'E, 300–331 m, 1 dd. appearing neat the end of the whorl. On fifth whorl,
North-eastern Taiwan. TAIWAN 2001: stn CP74, S1 appearing; S3 still rather thin, depressed
24°51'N, 121°59'E, 220 m, 1 dd . suprasutural area still visible. Additional Ti may
appear on some specimens (especially those collected
Distribution. Papua New Guinea, 399–960 m, lv at near Taiwan): T1 between P2 and S2, T2 between S2
960 m; Indonesia, Kai Islands, 315–349 m (lv); and P3, T3 between S1 and P2. On last whorl, P4
Taiwan, 220–300 m (dd). peripheral, thin.
Aperture subquadrate with rounded angles. Columella
Diagnosis. A Fautor species of rather small size, with straight, slightly oblique.
a rather elevated, conical spire, a subangulate to Base nearly flat to weakly convex, with 10–12 spiral
slightly angulate periphery, a teleoconch of up to 6.4 cords, inner cords granular with distance between
flat to weakly convex whorls, at least 7 granular spiral them similar to their width, outer cords thinner and
cords (P1, P2, P3; S2; S3; S1; P4; possible Ti), a subgranular with distance between them slightly
nearly flat to weakly convex base with 10-12 spiral smaller than their width.
cords, innermost ones granular, outermost ones Colour of teleoconch yellowish to whitish ivory;
thinner and subgranular, anomphalous, a yellowish to protoconch white.
whitish ivory colour. Operculum circular, multispiral, corneous, brown.

Description. Shell rather small for the genus (H up to Discussion. The new species is rather close to Fautor
10.6 mm, W up to 8.7 mm), slightly higher than wide, paradigmatus (B. A. Marshall, 1995) widespread in
conical in shape; spire rather elevated, height 1.1× to the Indo-Pacific (Fig. 17A–L), but is different mainly
1.2× width, 3.0× to 3.5× aperture height, apical angle by having S1 and S3 cords appearing systematically in
65°; subangulate to slightly angulate periphery; the opposite order (S1 first on F. paradigmatum, S3
anomphalous. first on F. cosmopolites); moreover, S3 is always
Protoconch of 360–400 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, present on the new species, producing a much less
rounded, with tiny spits, without terminal varix. depressed suprasutural area.
Teleoconch up to 6.4 flat to weakly convex whorls; F. cosmopolites n. sp. remembers also Calliostoma
early whorls with 3 spiral cords, last whorl with 7 diaphoros Vilvens, 2009 from Solomon Islands (Fig.
cords. 19A–B), but this similar in size species has a S3
Suture impressed, not canaliculated. appearing the first (before the other Si) with spiral
First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 20 cords different in size, P1 being much stronger than
moderately thick prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral the other spirals cords that are relatively thin.
cords P1, P2, P3 appearing almost immediately and The new species may also be compared to C.
simultaneously; beads produced by intersection of emmanueli Vilvens, 2000 from the Philippines (Fig.
cords with ribs; P1 slightly thinner than the other 9K–R), but this species lacks the suprasutural
cords; distance between ribs similar in size to width of depressed area with P3 making a moderate keel and
ribs, distance between cords about 2× their width. On has nearly smooth to weakly subgranular flat spiral
second whorl, flat beads of cords stronger; P1, P2 and cords on the base, instead of (sub) granular ones.
P3 becoming similar in size; axial ribs more
prosocline, distance between them 1.5× their width; Etymology. Cosmopolitan (Ancient Greek:
P3 making a moderate keel, producing a depressed χόσμουπολίτης, -ου) - with reference to the large
area above the suture. On third whorl, beads of cords distribution area of the new species (from Papua New
strong and separate; distance between cords similar to Guinea to north-eastern Taiwan).

Figure 16 (scale bar: 5 mm)

A–D. Tristichotrochus aculeatus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1912). A–B. Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands, KARUBAR,
stn CP69, 356–368 m, 19.2 × 17.7 mm, 7.2 tw. C–D. Southern Philippines, Davao, Talikud Island, 13.7 × 13.8
mm, 6.5 tw.
E–N. Tristichotrochus aculeatus aliguayensis (Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006), Philippines, Bohol Sea,
PANGLAO 2005, determination by Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006. E–F. Off Balicasag IslanStn CP2380,
150–163 m, 14.9 × 14.4 mm, 6.9 tw. G–J. Maribojoc Bay, stn CP2395, 382–434 m. G–H. 19.0 × 17.9 mm, 7.1
tw. I–J. 10.4 × 10.0 mm, 5.9 tw. K–L. Off Pamilacan Island, stn CP2343, 273–356 m, 14.2 × 14.4 mm, 6.9 tw.
M–N. Off Balicasag Island, stn CP2340, 271–318 m, 18.3 × 18.0 mm, 7.3 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Table 4. Fautor cosmopolites n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

Holotype KARUBAR CP16
6.2 10.6 8.7 3.1 1.22 3.42
Paratype 1 MADEEP
DW4268 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.1 9.1 8 3 1.14 3.03
Paratype 2 BIOPAPUA
DW3748 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.2 8.1 7.3 2.7 1.11 3.00
Paratype 3 TAIWAN2000
DW5 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.4 9.5 8.4 2.7 1.13 3.52

Fautor panteles n. sp. base with 8 weakly subgranular to granular spiral

Fig. 18K–O, Table 5 cords with distance smaller than cords, anomphalous,
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E35C17E9-2329-4B4F- a white background colour with spiral cords orange
B035-7280D5556BA8 except S3 white.

Type material. Holotype (9.9 × 8.3 mm) MNHN- Description. Shell rather small for the genus (H up to
IM-2000-39430. Paratype: (MNHN-IM-2000-39431, 9.5 mm, W up to 8.3 mm), higher than wide, conical
as listed below). in shape; spire rather elevated, height 1.2× width, 3.7×
to 3.8× aperture height, apical angle 60°; angulate
Type locality. Papua New Guinea, off New Ireland, periphery; anomphalous.
BIOPAPUA, stn DW3745, 369–377 m. Protoconch about 450 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, rounded,
with a reticulate pattern of tiny spaces, without
Material examined. Papua New Guinea, off New terminal varix.
Ireland. BIOPAPUA: stn DW3745, 05°33'S, Teleoconch up to 6.5 whorls; early whorls weakly
154°00'E, 369–377 m, 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM- convex with 3 spiral cords, next whorls flat, last whorl
2000-39430). with 7 granular spiral cords.
Solomon Islands, Sealark channel. SALOMONBOA Suture poorly visible, neither impressed nor
3: stn DW2860, 09°20'S, 160°13'E, 328–342 m, 1 sub canaliculated.
dd (paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39431), 1 juv dd. First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 15
Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands. KARUBAR: stn rather weak prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral cords
DW50, 07°59'S, 133°02'E, 184–186 m, 1 juv dd. P1, P2, P3 appearing almost immediately and
simultaneously; beads produced by intersection of
Distribution. Papua New Guinea, 369–377 m (dd); cords with ribs; P1 very thinner than the other cords;
Solomon Islands, 328–342 m (dd); Indonesia, distance between ribs about 1.5× to 2× their width,
Tanimbar Islands, 184–186 m (dd). distance between cords more or less the same as their
width. On second whorl flat, P3 much stronger than
Diagnosis. A Calliostoma species of rather small size, the other Pi, with blunt sharp beads; P1 becoming
with a rather elevated, conical spire, 7 granular spiral similar in size to P2 only near the end of the whorl.
cords (P1, P2, P3; S2, S3; S1, P4), S3 the strongest
with blunt sharp beads and making keel, a almost flat

Figure 17 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–L. Fautor paradigmatus (B.A.Marshall, 1995). A–D. Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR. A–B. Stn CP20,
769–809 m, 12.5 × 11.6 mm, 6.1 tw. C–D. Stn CP09, 368–389 m, 10.1 × 9.0 mm, 6.2 tw. E–F. Philippines,
Bohol, PANGLAO 2004, stn P1, 90–200 m, 7.5 × 6.4 mm, 5.4 tw. G–H. Southern Taiwan, Bashi channel,
TAIWAN 2000, stn DW37, 420–503 m, 10.9 × 9.8 mm, 6.9 tw. I–J. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-31531, New
Caledonia, MUSORSTOM 4, stn DW220, 505–550 m, 11.4 × 10.0 mm, 6.7 tw, goldened for SEM. K–L.
MNHN-IM-2013-65483, West of New Caledonia, KANADEEP 1, stn CP5055, 900–950 m, 13.9 × 11.2 mm, 7.2
M–N. Fautor comptus (A. Adams, 1855), lectotype NHMUK, 11.1 × 7.9 mm.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Near the middle of the third whorl, S2 and S3 as thin as S1; distance between cords (except S1)
appearing, quickly as strong as P1; P3 the strongest about 1.5× their width.
with strong pointed beads and making keel. On fourth Aperture subquadrate. Columella straight, slightly
whorl, S3 with thick beads and stronger than the other oblique.
cord except P3 still the strongest. On fifth whorl, S3 Base almost flat, with 8 spiral cords, innermost ones
definitively the strongest with blunt sharp beads and stronger and granular, outermost ones subgranular to
making keel; P3 similar in size to P1, other cords nearly smooth; distance between cords slightly smaller
slightly thinner. On last whorl, S1 appearing, much than their width.
thinner than the other cords; P4 emerging from suture, Colour of teleoconch white, with spiral cords orange
except S3 white; protoconch white.

Table 5. Fautor panteles n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

DW3745 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.5 9.9 8.3 2.6 1.19 3.81
DW2860 MNHN -IM-2000- 6 8.5 7.2 2.3 1.18 3.70

Discussion. Fautor panteles n. sp. is close to P4, although the accurate description of the ontogeny
Calliostoma quadricolor Schepman, 1908 from of cords can't be found in the original description)
Indonesia (Fig. 7A–D) but this similar in size species instead of a single keel on S3.
has a less elevated spire (with a ratio H/W of 1.0–1.1 Fautor panteles n. sp. slightly remembers C.
instead of 1.2 for the new species), a different maekawai Poppe, Tagaro & Goto, 2018 from the
ontogeny of spiral cords with S2 absent (instead of Philippines (Fig. 8O), but this slightly larger species
present) and a smaller H/TW ratio (1.4–1.5 instead of has a weakly coeloconoidal shape and much thinner
1.4–1.5). spiral cords (the ontogeny of these cords is not
The new species is comparable to Calliostoma simplex provided in the original description) without an
Schepman, 1908 from Indonesia (Fig. 6I–M) but this obvious suprasutural keel on an abapical cord.
species has all its spiral cords similar in size, whereas
S3 is significantly the strongest making keel on the Remarks. Again, one can wonder about the large
new species with P1 and P3 stronger than the other distribution of this species, in the same way as Fautor
cords. paradigmatus or Calliostoma emmanueli.
The new species may be compared to C. soloensis van
Regteren Altena, 1938 from Java (Pliocene) (Fig. Etymology. Perfect (Greek: παντελής, -ές) - with
19C–D) but this much larger species (20 × 19 mm, 10 reference to the perfectly conical shape of the shell.
tw) has a double peripheral keel (apparently on S3 and

Figure 18 (scale bar: 5 mm)

A–H. Fautor cosmopolites n. sp.. A–B. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39426, Indonesia, Kai Islands, KARUBAR,
stn CP16, 315–349 m, 8.8 × 7.7 mm, 6.2 tw. C–D. Paratype 1 MNHN-IM-2000-39427, Papua New Guinea,
Salomon Sea, MADEEP, stn DW4268, 383–720 m, 9.1 × 8.0 mm, 6.1 tw. E–F. Paratype 2 MNHN-IM-2000-
39428, Papua New Guinea, BIOPAPUA, stn DW3748, 398–399 m, 8.1 × 7.3 mm, 6.2 tw. G–H. Paratype 3
MNHN-IM-2000-39429, Southern Taiwan, TAIWAN 2000, stn DW5, 213–236 m, 9.5 × 8.4 mm, 6.4 tw.
I–J. Calliostoma uranipponense (Okutani, 1969), holotype NSMT-Mo 69544, off Akita, North-east of Honshu,
10.1 × 8.8 mm,
K–O. Fautor panteles n. sp. K–M. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39430, Papua New Guinea, off New Ireland,
BIOPAPUA, stn DW3745, 369–377 m, 9.9 × 8.3 mm, 6.5 tw. N–O. Paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39431, Solomon
Islands, Sealark channel, SALOMONBOA 3, stn DW2860, 328–342 m, 8.5 × 7.2 mm, 6.0 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Genus Akoya Habe, 1961 Remarks. The specimens here studied are very
Type species: Calliostoma akoya Kuroda, 1942 (by crumbly and hardly broken. On the specimen from
o.d.) – Recent, Japan. Solomon Islands, the first and the last whorls are
Grammatical gender: feminine. missing, while the remaining whorls have huge holes.
On the specimen of Philippines, the first and the last
Diagnosis. Based upon the type species Akoya akoya whorls are also missing while the teleoconch surface
(Kuroda, 1942), the features of the genus are a rather is so encrusted that it is very difficult to distinguish
elevated spire, an angulate periphery, numerous thin the numerous and thin spiral cords.
spiral cords finely beaded on the early whorls and As already pointed out by Poppe et al. (2006), this
nearly smooth except the most adapical ones on the species has been found in Japan, Taiwan area and
last whorls, a weakly convex base with thin, low spiral Shanghai area. It seems very scarce in the Philippines
cord, a subquadrate aperture, a nearly closed area.
umbilicus covered more or less completely by the
expansion of the columella. Genus changing. Considering the diagnosis of the
genus Akoya and the one of Tristichotrochus
Akoya haliarchus (Melvill, 1889) haliarchus (Melvill, 1889), it seems likely that this
Fig. 19G–L species should be placed into the genus Akoya. The
name Akoya haliarchus (Melvill, 1889) new comb. is
Zizyphinus haliarchus Melvill, 1889: 32–33, pl. 2, fig. therefore proposed for it.
3. Type locality: Australia, depth unknown.
Tristichotrochus haliarchus — Kira, 1961, 12, pl.8, Akoya zhui n. sp.
fig. 20; Kuroda, 1971, 22, pl. 10, fig. 15. Fig. 19E–F, Table 6
Calliostoma (Calliostoma) haliarchus — Higo et al., urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:93241ADD-A576-4E4F-
1999a, 61. 8E68-4C09498D3E6A
Calliostoma haliarchus — Sasaki, 2000, 73, fig. 97;
Dong, 2002, 108–109, fig. 102; Poppe et al., 2006:
119, pl. 62, fig 4. Type material. Holotype (17.8 × 17.8 mm) MNHN-
IM-2000-39432. Paratype: 1 MNHN (MNHN-IM-
Material examined. Solomon Islands. SALOMON 2000-39433, as listed below).
2: stn CP2187, 08°17'S, 160°00'E, 482–604 m, 1 dd.
Philippines, Bohol Sea. PANGLAO 2005: stn Type locality. South west of Taiwan, TAIWAN 2000,
CP2368, 08°56'N, 123°17'E, 318–322 m, 1 dd. stn DW34, 22°01'N, 120°36'E, 246–240 m.
Taiwan. Southern Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn
DW36, 21°54'N, 120°36'E, 300–331 m, 1 dd. Material examined. South west of Taiwan.
East of Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn DW60, 24°40'N, TAIWAN 2000: stn DW34, 22°01'N, 120°36'E, 240–
122°12'E, 418–532 m, 1 sub dd. 246 m, 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39432 ); stn
DW36, 21°54'N, 120°36'E, 300–331 m, 1 sub dd
Distribution. Japan, 50–200 m (Kuroda et al., 1971); (paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39433 ).
Philippines, 150–318 m (range computed also using East of Taiwan. TAIWAN 2000: stn DW60, 24°40'N,
data from Poppe, 2006); Taiwan, East China Sea, 122°12'E, 418–532 m, 1 juv dd.
100–418 m (range computed also using data from
Dong, 2002); Solomon Islands, 482–604 m (dd). Distribution. South west of Taiwan, 246–300 m (dd);
East of Taiwan, 418–532 m (dd).
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
a height up to 50 mm, a width up to 50 mm, a Diagnosis. A calliostomatid species of medium size,
moderately elevated, conical shape, an angulate with a rather elevated, conical spire, an angulate
periphery, a teleoconch of up about 9 straight whorls, periphery, a teleoconch of up about 7.6 straight
more or less 20 spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; P4; S2; S1, whorls, 16–18 thin, smooth spiral cords (P1, P2, P3;
P4; T1 between P2 and S2 the earliest of the Ti; T2 S2; P4, S1, P4; T1 between P2 and S2; T2 between S1
between S1 and P2, T3 between S2 and P3; other and P2, T3 between S2 and P3; other numerous Ti by
numerous Ti by intercalation between the existing intercalation between the existing cords), all very thin
cords), all granular on earliest whorls, adapical cords and similar in size except P4 slightly stronger, a
granular and abapical cords subgranular on the last subquadrangular aperture, a straight columella without
whorls, all very thin except P4 much stronger, a tooth, a weakly convex base with about 25 thin,
subquadrangular aperture, a arcuate columella without smooth spiral cords, anomphalous, a whitish beige
tooth, a weakly convex base with at least 30 thin, background colour with one spiral cord in two light
smooth spiral cords, anomphalous, a beige brown, P4 uniformly beige.
background colour with light orange brown flames
and P4 white with regular brown wide dots.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

Description. Shell of medium size for the family (H suture, smooth, partially covered by next whorl; S1
up 17.8 mm, W to 17.8 mm), as high as wide, conical appearing; axial sculpture vanishing; no S3. On fourth
in shape; spire rather elevated, height 1.0× to 1.3× whorl, P1 the strongest cord; P4 completely visible;
width, 2.8× to 2.9× aperture height, apical angle 65°; T1 appearing between S2 and P2 and a bit later T2
angulate periphery; anomphalous. and T3 respectively between S1 and P2, P2 and P3.
Protoconch about 350–360 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, On next whorls, other numerous Ti appearing by
rounded, with a reticulate pattern of tiny spaces, intercalation between the existing cords; abapical
without terminal varix. cords becoming smooth, adapical cords smooth about
Teleoconch up to 7.6 whorls; two first whorls weakly two whorls later; all cords thin and similar in width
convex with 3 spiral cords, next whorls flat, last whorl except P4 weakly stronger. On last whorl, at least 16
with 16–18 smooth spiral cords. thin smooth spiral cords except P4 peripheral slightly
Suture poorly visible, impressed, not canaliculated. stronger; distance between cords less or equal to their
First whorl weakly convex, sculptured by about 20 width.
thin prosocline ribs and 3 granular spiral cords Aperture subquadrate. Columella more or less straight,
appearing almost immediately and simultaneously; slightly oblique.
beads produced by intersection of cords with ribs; P1 Base weakly convex, with 25 very thin, smooth spiral
thinner than the two other cords; distance between ribs cords; distance between cords greater or equal to their
similar to their width, distance between cords more or width.
less the same as their width. On second whorl flat, P1 Colour of teleoconch whitish beige, one in two spiral
almost as strong as the other Pi, S2 appearing near the cord light brown, P4 uniformly beige; protoconch
end of the whorl. On third whorl, P4 emerging from white.

Table 6. Akoya zhui n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

Holotype TAIWAN 2000
DW34 MNHN-IM-2000- 7.7 17.8 17.8 6.3 1.00 2.83
Paratype TAIWAN 2000
DW36 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.7 11.6 9.1 4.0 1.27 2.90

Discussion. Akoya zhui n. sp. is clearly rather close to Etymology. Conical (Chinese: 锥 or錐 - Zhuī) - with
Akoya haliarchus (Melvill, 1889) originally described reference to the perfect conical shape of the shell.
from Japan (Fig. 19G–L), but this species, similar in
shape and with a close ontogeny of spiral cords, is Genus: Bathyfautor Marshall, 1995
very much larger for a similar number of whorls, has a Type species: Bathyfautor rapuhia B.A. Marshall,
smaller protoconch (about 500 µm instead of about 1995 (by o.d.) – Recent, New Zealand.
350 µm) and has a peripheral spiral cord P4 much Grammatical gender: masculine
stronger than the other cords, a white colour with
regular brown wide dots (for the n. sp., P4 is only very Bathyfautor multispinosus (Schepman, 1908)
weakly stronger than the other cords and has the same Fig. 20A–B
colour as the other ones).
The new species may be compared to Akoya akoya Calliostoma multispinosum Schepman, 1908: 64-65,
(Kuroda, 1942) from Japan (Fig. 19O–P), but this pl. V, fig. 7. Type locality: Indonesia, Makassar Strait,
larger species (25 × 29, mm, 8 tw) has much more 00°32'S, 119°40'E, 655 m.
convex whorls, a different ontogeny of spiral cords Bathyfautor multispinosus — B. A. Marshall, 1995:
(P1, P2, P3; S2; S1; T1 between P1 and S1; T2 420.
between P2 and S2; T3 between S1 and P2; P4; Calliostoma multispinosum — Poppe et al., 2006:
numerous additional Ti) and adapical spiral cords of 121, pl. 60, fig. 5.
the last whorls granular, not smooth.
Considering the straight whorls and the numerous thin Material examined. Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands.
spiral cords, the new species may be compared to KARUBAR: stn CP39, 07°47'S, 132°26'E, 466–477
Calliostoma connyae Poppe, Tagaro & Vilvens, 2014 m, 3 lv; stn CC56, 08°16'S, 131°59'E, 549–552 m, 4
from the Philippines (Fig. 19M–N), but this much lv; stn CP72, 08°36'S, 131°33'E, 676–699 m, 3 dd, 4
larger species (34.5 × 29.5 mm, 8 tw) has a much sub dd, 1 juv dd; stn CP75, 08°46'S, 131°36'E, 451–
more elevated spire for a similar number of whrols, 452 m, 3 dd, 2 sub dd.
granular (not smooth) spiral cords on the last whorls
and two suprasutural peripheral cords making
moderate keels.
C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Distribution. Indonesia, 550–650 m (range computed Papua New Guinea, Solomon Sea. MADEEP: stn
using also data of Schepman, 1908), lv at 477–549 m; DW4305, 10°46'S, 151°10'E, 666–680 m, 1 dd.
Philippines, 552–592 m (Poppe et al., 2006). Papua New Guinea, New Ireland. KAVIENG 2014:
stn CP4420, 02°24'S, 150°36'E, 425–442 m, 1 sub dd;
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are stn CP4422, 02°21'S, 150°38'E, 496–609 m, 4 dd; stn
a height up to 21.8 mm, a width up to 21.0 mm, an CP4439, 02°23'S, 150°35'E, 534–650 m, 1 dd.
elevated, conical to slightly coeloconoidal shape, an BIOPAPUA: stn CP3653, 02°13'S, 150°23'E, 680–
angulate periphery, a teleoconch of up to 8.5 more or 700 m, 1 sub lv.
less straight whorls, 11 spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; P4; West of New Caledonia, Lansdowne. EBISCO: stn
S2, S3; S1; T1, T2, T3 respectively between P1 and CP2623, 20°06'S, 160°19'E, 691–886 m, 1 dd.
S1, P2 and S2, S2 and P3; S4), beads of P1 sharp, South of New Caledonia, Banc Athos. NORFOLK
beads of S3 sharp and finally fused into a strong keel, 2: stn DW2064, 25°17'S, 168°56'E, 609–691 m, 1 lv
a subquadrangular aperture, an oblique columella (MNHN-IM-2007-18334).
without tooth, a moderately convex base with a large North-eastern Taiwan. TAIWAN 2004: stn CP248,
median smooth area bordered by 4 smooth external 24°52'N, 122°02'E, 516–557 m, 1 sub dd.
and 4 strongly beaded internal spiral cords,
anomphalous, an ecru to off-white colour. Distribution. Solomon Islands, 487–523 m, lv at 523
m (range computed using also data of Vilvens, 2009);
Genus: Venustatrochus Powell, 1951 Papua New Guinea, 442–680 m, lv at 680–700 m;
Type species: Venustatrochus georgianus Powell, West of New Caledonia, Lansdowne, 609–691 m (lv);
1951 (by o.d.) – Recent, Antarctica. South of New Caledonia, Athos & Porthos Bank, 691–
Grammatical gender: masculine 795 m, lv at 609–691 m (range using also data of
Vilvens, 2009); North-eastern Taiwan, 516–557 m
Venustatrochus malaita (Vilvens, 2009) (dd).
Fig. 20C–N
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
Calliostoma (Benthastelena) malaita Vilvens, 2009: a height up to 20.7 mm, a width up to 22.7 mm, a
146–147, figs C1–C2, 87–90. Type locality: Solomon rather elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a
Islands, Indispensable Strait between Santa Isabel and teleoconch of up to 6.3 convex whorls with a median
Malaita, SALOMON 2, stn CP2186, 08°17'S, shoulder, up to 12 beaded spiral cords (P1, P2, P3; P4;
160°00'E, 487–541 m. S1, S2; T1 between P2 and S2, possible T2 between
Venustatrochus malaita — B. A. Marshall, 2016: 123, S1 and P2, P1 and S1; possible additional Ti), P2 the
figs 2E–F. strongest making a moderate keel on the median
shoulder, a subquadrangular aperture, a slightly
Material examined. Solomon Islands. SALOMON oblique columella without tooth, a moderately base
2: stn CP2184, 08°17'S, 160°00'E, 464–523 m, 1 lv with about 20 smooth spiral cords; 10 innermost cords
(MNHN-IM-2007-18521). slightly thicker than 10 outermost cords,
anomphalous, a nacreous white colour.

Figure 19 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–B. Calliostoma diaphoros Vilvens, 2009, holotype MNHN-IM-2000-22076, Solomon Islands, New Georgia
Sound, off Santa "isabel, SALOMON 2, stn CP2201, 307–310 m,
11.2 × 9.1 mm, 7.2 tw.
C–D. Calliostoma soloensis van Regteren Altena, 1938, Java (Pliocene), 20 × 19 mm, 10 tw, pictures of the
original description.
E–F. Akoya zhui n. sp., south west of Taiwan, holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39432, TAIWAN 2000, stn DW34,
246–240 m, 17.8 × 17.8 mm, 7.7 tw.
G–L. Akoya haliarchus (Melvill, 1889). G–H. Solomon Islands, SALOMON 2, stn CP2187, 482–604 m, 32.5 ×
28.4 mm, 5 tw. I–J. Holotype MM MANCH FF 7778, Australia, 40 × 36 (in the original description), 39 × 40
mm (estimated from the photograph). K–L. Japan, 90 m, 42.7 × 41.6 mm, 8.8 tw, Vilvens coll..
M–N. Calliostoma connyae Poppe, Tagaro & Vilvens, 2014, holotype, Philippines, Mindanao, Balut Islands,
34.4 × 29.5 mm, 8 tw.
O–P. Akoya akoya (Kuroda, 1942), Japan, 17.2 × 18.6 mm, 6.5 tw, Vilvens coll.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Remarks. These new records enlarge significantly the Papua New Guinea, Solomon Sea. MADEEP: stn
distribution area of this species. It appears clearly that, DW4327, 08°17'S, 149°45'E, 666–695 m, 1 dd
whereas the number of specimens in the various (paratype 2 MNHN-IM-2000-39436).
stations of the collects is small and that this species is
found only in deep waters (range of 523–691 m), this Distribution. Solomon Islands, 520–650 m (dd);
species is widespread in the western Indo-Pacific area. Papua New Guinea, 370–666 m (dd).
One can also observe some variations among the
various specimens. Larger specimens have a more Diagnosis. A Selastele species of rather large size,
elevated spire. The only specific feature of the with an elevated, conical spire, 7 granular spiral cords
specimens of Papua New Guinea is the tertiary cord (P1, P2, P3; S3; P4; S2; S1), all cords with beads
between P1 and S1, appearing more or less at the separate and more or less pointed, P3, S3 and P1 the
same time as the T2 between S1 and P2. The strongest, an almost flat base with 8 spiral cords of
specimen from Lansdowne (EBISCO stn CP2623, east which intermediate ones possibly indistinct, no
of New Caledonia) has less numerous spiral cords on umbilicus, a yellowish white colour.
the base, but this is the only difference with the
specimens from Solomon Islands. Finally, the Description. Shell of large size for the genus (H up to
specimen from Taiwan is a bit more atypical regarding 7.5 mm, W up to 5.5 mm), higher than wide, conical
his smaller size for a number of whorls (5.9) almost in shape; spire elevated, height 1.2× to 1.4× width,
similar to the one of the other specimens. 2.5× to 3.9× aperture height, apical angle about 60°;
angulate periphery; anomphalous.
Subfamily FAUTRICINAE B.A. Marshall, 1995 Protoconch about 360–450 μm wide, 1.25 whorls,
Genus Selastele B.A. Marshall, 1995 rounded, sculptured by a network of hexagonal spaces
Type species: Calliostoma onustum Odhner (by o.d.) – clearly visible, without terminal varix.
Recent, northern New Zealand. Teleoconch of 5.9 whorls, flat except the first one
Grammatical gender: neuter. convex; first whorl with 3 spiral cords, last whorl with
7 cords.
Selastele solomonense n. sp. Suture impressed, not canaliculated.
Fig. 21F–I First whorl convex, sculptured by 3 spiral cords with
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3174AD82-4930-4F04- rounded beads; P1, P2 and P3 appearing immediately,
9C21-F45C6382D17C P3 the strongest, P1 much thinner than the two other
ones; prosocline threads very close on the first half of
Type material. Holotype (6.2 × 5.2 mm) MNHN-IM- whorl, distance between threads becoming 2× their
2000-39434 Paratype : 2 MNHN (MNHN-IM-2000- size on the second half; threads connecting beads of
39435, MNHN -IM-2000-39436, as listed below). cords. On second whorl, S3 emerging from suture,
almost completely covered by next whorl; P2 slightly
Type locality. Solomon Islands, New Georgia, thinner than P1; distance between threads at least 3×
SALOMON 2, stn CP2219, 07°58'S, 157°34'E, 650– their width; beads of cords largely separate, becoming
836 m. more or less sharp. S2 appearing near the end of
second whorl (paratype 1) to the beginning of fourth
Material examined. Solomon Islands, New Georgia. whorl (paratype 2); S1 appearing half a whorl to one
SALOMON 2: stn CP2219, 07°58'S, 157°34'E, 650– whorl later. On third whorl, S3 fully visible; P4
836 m, 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39434), 1 sub partially emerging from suture; axial threads still
dd. present and rather strong with interspaces 3× their
Solomon Islands, Vela Gulf. SALOMON 2: stn width. On next whorls, P3, S3 and P1 the strongest
CP2263, 07°55'S, 156°51'E, 485–520 m, 1 dd. cords; axial threads weakening and widening. On last
Papua New Guinea, Bismack Sea. PAPUA whorl, P4 completely visible, peripheral, thinner than
NIUGINI: stn DW4031, 04°53'S, 145°49'E, 370 m, 1 other cords.
dd (paratype 1 MNHN-IM-2000-39435).

Figure 20 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–B. Bathyfautor multispinosus (Schepman, 1908), Indonesia, Tanimbar Islands, KARUBAR, stn CC56, 549–
552 m, 21.8 × 21.0 mm, 8.6 tw.
C–N. Venustatrochus malaita (Vilvens, 2009). C–D. MNHN-IM-2007-18521, Solomon Islands, SALOMON 2,
stn CP2184, 464–523 m, 21.2 × 23.3 mm, 6.2 tw. E–F. Papua New Guinea, New Ireland, KAVIENG 2014, stn
CP4439, 534–650 m, 23.7 × 18.4 mm, 6.5 tw. G–H. Papua New Guinea, Solomon Sea, MADEEP, stn DW4305,
666–680 m, 28.2 × 26.9 mm, 6.6 tw. I–J. West of New Caledonia, Lansdowne, EBISCO, stn CP2623, 691–886
m, 18.8 × 20.8 mm, 6.1 tw. K–L. South of New Caledonia, Banc Athos, NORFOLK 2, stn DW2064, 25°17'S,
168°56'E, 609–691 m, 23.5 × 23.6 mm, 6.5 tw. M–N. North-eastern Taiwan, TAIWAN 2004, stn CP248, 516–
557 m, 12.5 × 13.1 mm, 5.9 tw.
C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Aperture subquadrate. Columella slightly curved, spire, a rounded periphery, 19 spiral cords (P1, P3, P4;
vertical. P2; S4; T1, T2; T3; T4, T5; other Ti) and 4 keels on
Base almost flat, with about smooth to subgranular 8 P3, P4, S4 and P5, a convex base with 25 smooth,
spiral cords, distance between them similar to their rather thin, close spiral cords, a very narrow umbilicus
size; innermost cord the strongest, penultimate partially covered by an expansion of the columella, a
outermost cord stronger than all other cords, cords in white colour.
the middle area possibly weak to almost completely
eroded; no umbilicus. Description. Shell rather small for the genus (H of
Colour of teleoconch and base yellowish white. 17.2 mm, W of 18.1 mm), wider than high,
cyrtoconoidal in shape; spire moderately elevated,
Discussion. Among the known Selastele species, the height 0.95× width, 1.8× aperture height, apical angle
new species is only rather close to Selastele pictum B. 90°; rounded periphery; narrow umbilicus.
A. Marshall, 1995 from the Loyalty Islands (Fig. 21J), Protoconch about 440 μm wide, 1.2 whorls, rounded,
but this similar in size species has a very peculiar with a reticulate pattern, without terminal varix.
ontogeny of cords with S1 absent and P2 vanishing Teleoconch of 5.0 convex whorls; early whorls with 5
and replaced par two Ti. spiral cords, last whorl with 19 spiral cords.
Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated.
Remarks. There are some variations among the First whorl convex, sculptured by 3 smooth spiral
available specimens of Selastele solomonense n. sp., cords P1, P3 and P4 appearing immediately and
regarding simultaneously; P2 appearing after the half of the
♦ the shape of beads of the cords on the whorls: whorl; P5 appearing near the end of the whorl, almost
almost rounded and blunt sharp (paratype 1) to prickly completely covered by suture with the next whorl;
pointed (paratype 2) distance between cords about 2× their width, except
♦ the spiral cords on the base that can be P1 and P2 closer. On second whorl, P4 the strongest,
subgranular (paratype 1) to completely smooth P3 stronger than the other cords, both making weak
(holotype, paratype 2), even completely indistinct in keels; weak, flat prosocline ribs appearing after the
the middle area (holotype, paratype 2) half of the whorl between cords, stronger in the area
♦ as already mentioned, the position of the between suture and P3 and making P1, P2 and P3
beginning of the Si. weakly subgranular, beads produced by intersection of
cords with ribs; interspaces between ribs about 2×
Etymology. From the Solomon area - with reference their width; S4 appearing near the end of the whorl,
to the Solomon Islands and the Solomon Sea (and subgranular. On third whorl, P3 and P4 making
neighbouring Bismarck Sea) where the specimens stronger keel, S4 stronger; surface between suture and
have been collected. P3 with a reticulate pattern; T1 and T2 appearing near
the end of the whorl, respectively between suture and
Genus Phenacomargarites B. A. Marshall, 2016 P1, P1 and P2. On fourth whorl, T3 appearing
Type species: Phenacomargarites williamsae B. A. between P3 and P4, T4 a bit later between P2 and P3,
Marshall, 2016 (by o.d.) – Recent, Solomon Islands, T5 between P4 and P5; S4 making an additional keel.
SW of Santa Isobel, 8°24′S, 159°22′E, 897–1057 m. On last whorl, P5 emerging from suture; new
Grammatical gender: masculine. additional thin spiral cords appearing on the abapical
half, giving a total number of cords of 19; P2 and P3
Phenacomargarites tetratropeis n. sp. still making strong keels, S4 and P5 making two
Fig. 21A–B slightly weaker keels.
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B53A804B-60C4-4354- Aperture subcircular. Columella slightly arcuate,
928A-F848E79993D0 vertical.
Base convex, with 25 smooth, rather thin, close spiral
Type material. Holotype (17.2 × 18.1 mm) MNHN- cords.
IM-2000-39437. Umbilicus very narrow (about 5% of the width of the
base), with almost vertical wall, partially covered by
Type locality. Solomon Islands, SALOMON 1, stn an expansion of the columella.
CP1807, 09°42'S, 160°53'E, 1077–1135 m. Colour of teleoconch and protoconch white.

Material examined. Solomon Islands. SALOMON Discussion. Phenacomargarites tetratropeis n. sp.

1: stn CP1807, 09°42'S, 160°53'E, 1077–1135 m, 1 dd slightly remembers P. incomptus B. A. Marshall, 2016
(holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39437). from Chatham Rise (East of Chatham Islands, New
Zealand) (Fig. 21E), but this larger species (28.9 ×
Distribution. Only known from the type locality. 33.0 mm, 5.3 tw) is rather different, having only a
single angulation on P4.
Diagnosis. A Phenacomargarites species of rather In the same geographical area of Solomon Islands,
small size, with a moderately elevated, cyrtoconoidal P. williamsae B. A. Marshall, 2016 (Fig. 21C–D) is

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

slightly larger than tne new species (20.2 × 22.1 mm, Material examined. Solomon Islands.
5.3 tw) with only two keels and a weak angulation. SALOMONBOA 3: stn CP2823, 10°27'S, 162°02'E,
240–572 m, 1 juv dd.
Etymology. Carinated with four keels (Ancient greek:
τρόπίς, -εως (carina) with τετρα (four times) as prefix) Distribution. Southern New Caledonia to Norfolk
- with reference to the four carinas on the last whorl of Ridge, 360–805 m, lv at 365–680 m (range computed
the shell. using also data of B. A. Marshall, 1995; Vilvens &
Maestrati, 2006); Solomon Islands, 240–572 m (dd).
Subfamily THYSANODONTINAE B. A. Marshall,
1988 Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
Genus Thysanodonta B. A.Marshall, 1988 a height up to 12.0 mm, a width up to 9.0 mm, an very
Type species: Thysanodonta aucklandica B. A. elevated, conical shape, a rounded periphery, a
Marshall, 1988 (by o.d..) – Recent, New Zealand. teleoconch of up to 7.0 whorls flat except the last ones
Grammatical gender: feminine. convex, 9–11 thin, granular spiral cords on the last
whorls (P3, P4; P1, P2, S1, S2; S3; up to 4 Ti on the 4
Thysanodonta boucheti B. A. Marshall, 1988 last whorls); P3 stronger and flange-like on first
Fig. 21K–L whorls, all cords similar in size, a subcircular aperture,
a slightly curved, vertical columella without tooth, a
Thysanodonta boucheti B. A. Marshall, 1988: 219– convex base with 9–13 nearly smooth, rather strong,
220, figs 3 G–I. Type locality: northern New rounded spiral cords, anomphalous, a white colour.
Caledonia, 300–350 m.
Thysanodonta boucheti — B. A. Marshall, 1995: 434, Remarks. This single, and moreover juvenile,
fig. 168; Vilvens & Maestrati, 2006: 3, figs 1–2; specimen extends the distribution area of this species
Vilvens, 2023: 72, fig. 13E–F. towards the North. Additional material is clearly
needed to confirm is presence in the Solomon Islands.
Material examined. Solomon Islands.
SALOMONBOA 3: stn CP2823, 10°27'S, 162°02'E, Thysanodonta brucemarshalli n. sp.
240–572 m, 1 sub dd. Fig. 21Q–S
Distribution. North-west of New Caledonia, 350–613 8FC8-F80FE2B23DED
m, lv at 502–516 m; east of New Caledonia, 435–510
m (dd); west of New Caledonia, 443–569 m (dd); Type material. Holotype (9.2 × 7.5 mm) MNHN-IM-
southern New Caledonia, 365–685 m, lv at 361–365 m 2000-39438.
(all using data of New Caledonia - see Vilvens, 2023);
Wallis et Futuna, 640–730 m (dd) (Vilvens & Type locality. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea,
Maestrati, 2006); Solomon Islands, 240–572 m (dd). PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3973, 04°34'S, 146°17'E,
411–430 m.
Diagnosis. The main characteristics of this species are
a height up to 8.9 mm, a width up to 6.9 mm, an Material examined. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck
elevated, conical shape, an angulate periphery, a Sea. PAPUA NIUGINI: stn DW3973, 04°34'S,
teleoconch of up to 6.0 whorls flat except the last one 146°17'E, 411–430 m, 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM-
convex, 5 granular spiral cords on the last whorl (4 on 2000-39438).
penultimate whorl) (P3; P1, P2; S3, P4; neither S1 nor
S2), all broad except P4 very thin and only visible on Distribution. Only known from the type locality.
the last whorl, a subquadrate aperture, a vertical
columella without tooth, a convex base with 7–8 Diagnosis. A Thysanodonta species of medium size,
subgranular to granular (innermost one only), rather with a moderately elevated, slightly cyrtoconoidal
strong rounded spiral cords, no umbilicus, a white spire, 8 granular spiral cords on the last whorl (P3; P1,
nacreous colour. P2; S3; S1, S2; P4; P'1), S3 peripheral with beads
looking as opisthocline narrow ribs, a subquadrate
Thysanodonta eucosmia B. A. Marshall, 1995 aperture, a straight, slightly oblique columella, an
Fig. 21M–P almost flat base with 10 smooth spiral cords, without
umbilicus, a nacreous yellowish white colour.
Thysanodonta eucosmia B. A. Marshall, 1995:437–
439, figs 113–115, 148–149, 158. Type locality: Description. Shell of medium size for the genus (H of
southern New Caledonia, 675–680 m. 9.2 mm, W of 7.5 mm), higher than wide, slightly
Thysanodonta eucosmia — Vilvens & Maestrati, cyrtoconoidal in shape; spire moderately elevated,
2006: 3, figs 3–4; Vilvens, 2023: 72–73, fig. 13A–D. height 1.2× width, 3.0× aperture height, apical angle
62°; angulate periphery; anomphalous.

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Protoconch 350 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, rounded, Colour of teleoconch nacreous yellowish white;
sculptured by a network of hexagonal spaces protoconque white.
detectable even at low magnification and without
terminal varix. Discussion. Thysanodonta brucemarshalli n. sp. has
Teleoconch up to 6.1 weakly convex to almost flat highly distinct features, especially regarding S3 and
whorls; early whorls with 1 strong spiral cord, last P1. It is rather close to T. boucheti B. A. Marshall,
whorl with 7 cords. 1988 from New Caledonia (Fig. 21K–L) but this
Suture weakly impressed and not canaliculated on first similar in size species lacks S1 and S2 and none of the
whorls, harder to detect on last whorls. peripheral cords has opisthocline ribs.
First whorl convex, sculptured by about 20 thin, weak, The new species may also be compared to T.
slightly prosocline threads, four weak indistinct spiral aucklandica Marshall, 1988 from New Zealand (Fig.
threads on the adapical part and one strong, making 22S), but this similar in size species has a strictly
keel, weakly subgranular spiral cord P3; interspaces conical shape, a different number and ontogeny of
between threads similar to their size. On second cords (P3; P1, P2, S2; S3; P4; no S1) and the
whorl, P1 and P2 resolving, granular; axial threads peripheral cord lacks opisthocline ribs.
thicker and more prosocline, connecting beads of
cords; P3 still stronger than the other cords; S3 Etymology. After Bruce Anders Marshall, thorough
emerging from suture at half of whorl; S1 and S2 malacologist, expert on New Zealand Mollusca of the
appearing near end of whorl. On third whorl, all cords Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa and
more or less similar in size; axial ribs and keel on P3 founder, among numerous other taxa, of the genus
vanishing, making an almost flat shape to the whorl. Thysanodonta and of the Thysanodontinae family.
On fourth whorl, P4 appearing, narrower than other
cords. On fifth whorl, P1 dividing into two cords of Thysanodonta eumetabolos n. sp.
the same width; beads of all the other cords Fig. 22A–D, Table 7
lengthening axially. On last whorls, beads of all cords urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:69379648-6102-4011-8FF2-
axially lengthened except those of P4 emerging, 982228FAA301
subperipheral; beads getting narrower and more
numerous from P1 to S3; S3 peripheral with its beads Type material. Holotype (5.9 × 4.5 mm) MNHN-IM-
transforming into opisthocline narrow ribs. 2000-39439. Paratype: 1 MNHN (MNHN-IM-2000-
Aperture subquadrate. Columella straight, slightly 39440, as listed below).
oblique, ending abruptly at meeting with outer lip.
Base almost flat, with 10 smooth spiral cords, distance Type locality. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea,
between them similar to their size; outermost cords PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3973, 04°34'S, 146°17'E,
dividing into two similar parts. 411–430 m.

Figure 21 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–B. Phenacomargarites tetratropeis n. sp., holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39437, Solomon Islands, SALOMON

1, stn CP1807, 1077–1135 m, 17.2 × 18.1 mm, 5.0 tw.
C–D. Phenacomargarites williamsae B.A. Marshall, 2016, holotype MNHN IM-2007-18543, Solomon Islands,
South-West of Santa Isobel, 897–1057 m, 20.2 × 22.1 mm, 5.3 tw.
E. Phenacomargarites incomptus B.A. Marshall, 2016, holotype NIWA 54346, Aloha Seamount, East of
Chatham Islands, New Zealand, 801–823 m, 28.9 × 33.0 mm, 5.3 tw.
F–I. Selastele solomonense n. sp. F–G. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39434, Solomon Islands, New Georgia,
SALOMON 2, stn CP2219, 650–836 m, 6.2 × 5.2 mm, 5.7 tw. H–I. Paratype MNHN-IM-2000-39435, Papua
New Guinea, Bismack Sea, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW4031, 370 m, 5.5 × 4.2 mm, 5.7 tw.
J. Selastele pictum B.A. Marshall, 1995, holotype MNHN-IM-2000-31679, south-eastern New Caledonia,
Loyalty Islands, SMIB 5, stn DW 87, 370 m, 5.5 × 4.2 mm (goldened for Scanning Electron Microscopy).
K–L. Thysanodonta boucheti B. A. Marshall, 1988, Solomon Islands, SALOMONBOA 3, stn CP2823, 240–
572 m, 6.2 × 4.8 mm, 5.6 tw.
M–P. Thysanodonta eucosmia B. A. Marshall, 1995. M–N. Juvenile, Solomon Islands, SALOMONBOA 3, stn
CP2823, 240–572 m, 3.8 × 3.2 mm, 4.2 tw. O–P. MNHN-IM-2013-57605, south-eastern New Caledonia,
EXBODI, stn DW3077, 420–540 m, 10.3 × 7.1 mm, 7.0 tw
Q–S. Thysanodonta brucemarshalli n. sp., holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39438, Papua New Guinea, Bismarck
Sea, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3973, 9.2 × 7.5 m, 6.1 tw.

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Material examined. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck detectable even at low magnification (especially on
Sea. PAPUA NIUGINI: stn DW3973, 04°34'S, the paratype) and with a thin terminal varix.
146°17'E, 411–430 m, 1 dd (holotype MNHN-IM- Teleoconch up to 6.2 weakly convex whorls; early
2000-39439), 2 sub dd, 1 juv dd. whorls with 3 spiral cords, last whorl with 6 (possibly
Solomon Sea. MADEEP: stn DW4287, 09°12'S, 7) ones.
153°56'E, 340–375 m, 2 juv dd; stn DW4290, Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated, harder to
09°13'S, 153°54'E, 593 m, 1 sub dd (paratype MNHN- detect on last whorls.
IM-2000-39440). First whorl convex, sculptured by about 25 very thin,
close, strongly prosocline threads and with P1, P2 and
Distribution. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea, P3 appearing immediately; P1 and P2 very thin and
411–430 m (dd); Solomon Sea, 375–593 m (dd). hard to detect, P3 much stronger, subgranular, making
keel. On second whorl, P1 and P2 stronger but thinner
Diagnosis. A small Thysanodonta species, with a than P3, granular; axial threads thicker, connecting
moderately elevated, slightly cyrtoconoidal spire, 6 beads of cords, interspaces 1.5×–2× their width; S3
(possibly 7) granular spiral cords on the last whorl and then S2 appearing near half of whorl. On third
(P3; P1, P2; S3; S2; P4, possible T1), all cords similar whorl, P1 and S3 similar in size, stronger than P2 and
in size except P4, a subcircular to subelliptical S2, weaker than P3; axial ribs vanishing. On next
aperture, a straight, slightly oblique columella, a whorls, all cords gradually similar in size; distance
weakly convex base with 10 subgranular to smooth between them similar in size to their width. On last
spiral cords, without umbilicus, a light brown to white whorl, P4 appearing, much narrower than other cords;
colour. T1 possibly appearing between S2 and P3 (holotype).
Aperture subcircular (holotype) to subelliptical
Description. Shell small for the genus (H up to 6.1 (paratype). Columella straight, slightly oblique,
mm, W up to 4.9 mm), higher than wide, ending abruptly at meeting with outer lip.
cyrtoconoidal in shape; spire moderately elevated, Base weakly convex, with 10 spiral cords, subgranular
height 1.2× to 1.3× width, 2.7× to 2.8× aperture (holotype) to smooth (paratype), distance between
height, apical angle 65° to 75°; subangulate periphery; them similar to their size, innermost cords slightly
anomphalous. stronger.
Protoconch about 350-400 μm wide, 1.25 whorls, Colour of teleoconch light brown to white;
rounded, sculptured by a network of hexagonal spaces protoconque white.

Figure 22 (scale bars: 5 mm)

A–D. Thysanodonta eumetabolos n. sp. A–B. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39439, Papua New Guinea, Bismarck
Sea, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3973, 411–430 m, 5.9 × 4.5 mm, 6.2 tw. C–D. Paratype MNHN-IM-2000-
39440, Solomon Sea,. MADEEP, stn DW4290, 593 m, 6.1 × 4.9 mm, 5.5 tw.
E–F. Thysanodonta cassis Vilvens & Maestrati, western New Caledonia, Coral Sea, EBISCO, stn DW2634,
342–347 m, 7.2 × 5.6 mm, 6.0 tw.
G–N. Thysanodonta aoristos n. sp., Papua New Guinea. G–H. Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-39441, Solomon Sea,
MADEEP, stn DW4295, 516 m, 9.6 × 6.9 mm, 6.7 tw. I–N. Vitiaz strait, PAPUA NIUGINI, stn DW3992, 450–
480 m. I–J. Paratype 1 MNHN-IM-2000-39442, 8.2 × 6.7 mm, 6.9 tw. K–L. Paratype 4 MNHN-IM-2000-39445,
8.1 × 6.0 mm, 6.7 tw. M–N. Paratype 5 MNHN-IM-2000-39446, 7.9 × 6.0 mm, 6.0 tw.
O–P. Thysanodonta festiva Marshall, 1995, MNHN, southern New Caledonia, BERYX 11, stn DW18, 250–270
m, 6.5 × 4.4 mm.
Q–R. Thysanodonta pileum Vilvens & Maestrati, 2006, holotype MNHN-IM-2000-5957, New Caledonia,
SMIB 8, stn DW152–154, 305–367 m, 5.0 × 3.3 mm, 6.0 tw.
S. Thysanodonta aucklandica B.A. Marshall, 1988, holotype, 10.2 × 8.5 mm, 6.3 tw (from the original

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Table 7. Thysanodonta eumetabolos n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

DW3973 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.2 5.9 4.5 2.20 1.31 2.68
Paratype MADEEP DW4290
5.5 6.1 4.9 2.20 1.24 2.77
MNHN -IM-2000-39440

Discussion. Thysanodonta eumetabolos n. sp. is rather Diagnosis. A Thysanodonta species of medium size,
close to T. cassis Vilvens & Maestrati, 2006 from with a rather elevated, conical to very slightly
New Caledonia (Fig. 22E–F), but this slightly larger cyrtoconoidal spire, a more or less angulate periphery,
species has a different ontogeny of the spiral cords at least 6 (possibly up to 10) granular spiral cords on
(P3; P1, P2; P4; S2; S3) with moreover P1 and S3 not the last whorl (P3; P1, P2; S3; S2; P4; possible T1;
similar to the other ones. possible T2, T3, T4), all cords similar in size except
The new species may be compared to T. pileum Vilvens P4 a bit thinner, a weakly convex to almost flat base
& Maestrati, 2006 from New Caledonia (Fig. 22Q–R), with 8–10 smooth to subgranular spiral cords, without
but this species similar in size and shape has a more umbilicus, a ivory colour, possibly with light brown
elevated spire and a very different ontogeny of spiral hue.
cords ((P3, P4; P1, P2; S2, S1; no S3).
Description. Shell of medium size for the genus (H up
Etymology. Variable (Ancient Greek: εύμετάϐολος, - to 9.6 mm, W up to 7.1 mm), higher than wide, more
ον)- with reference to the variability of the new or less conical to slightly cyrtoconoidal in shape; spire
species, regarding the small differences between the rather elevated, height 1.2× to 1.4× width, 3.0× to
holotype and the paratype, although they share the 4.6× aperture height, apical angle 60°; subangulate to
main typical features. angulate periphery; anomphalous.
Protoconch about 360-420 μm wide, 1.25 whorls,
Thysanodonta aoristos n. sp. rounded, sculptured by a network of hexagonal spaces
Fig. 22G–N, Table 8 (visible only on paratypes 2 and 3) and without
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2994BC2A-181F-414E- terminal varix.
A688-E6EFF412936C Teleoconch up to 6.9 flat whorls, except the first one
weakly convex and possibly the last one very convex
Type material. Holotype (9.6 × 6.9 mm) MNHN-IM- (paratypes 4 and 5); early whorls with 4 spiral cords,
2000-39441. Paratypes : 5 MNHN (MNHN-IM-2000- last whorl with at least 6 (possibly up to 10) ones.
39442, MNHN-IM-2000-39443,MNHN-IM-2000- Suture weakly impressed, not canaliculated, harder to
39444, MNHN-IM-2000-39445, MNHN-IM-2000- detect on last whorls.
39446, as listed below). First whorl convex, sculptured by about 15–20 rather
thin, rather close, prosocline threads (features a bit
Type locality. Papua New Guinea, Solomon Sea, variable on the types) and P3 appearing immediately,
MADEEP, stn DW4295, 09°36'S, 152°54'E, 516 m. subgranular, making keel; P1 and P2 appearing a bit
later, S3 near end of whorl. On second whorl, P1 and
Material examined. Solomon Sea. MADEEP: stn P2 stronger but thinner than P3 and S3, granular; axial
DW4295, 09°36'S, 152°54'E, 516 m, 1 dd (holotype threads thicker with interspaces wider (1.5–2× their
MNHN-IM-2000-39441). width); S2 appearing near end of whorl. On third
Papua New Guinea, Vitiaz strait. BIOPAPUA: stn whorl, keel on P3 and axial threads vanishing; all 4
DW3719, 06°03'S, 147°36'E, 410 m, 1 dd (paratype 3 cords gradually similar in size. P4 partially emerging
MNHN-IM-2000-39444), 1 sub dd, 3 juv dd. from suture near end of third whorl or on fourth
PAPUA NIUGINI: stn DW3992, 06°03'S, 147°36'E, whorl. On next whorls, all cords similar in size;
450–480 m, 4 dd (paratype 1MNHN-IM-2000-39442, distance between them similar in size to their width.
paratype 2 MNHN-IM-2000-39443, paratype 4 On last whorl, P4 appearing, narrower than other
MNHN-IM-2000-39445, paratype 5 MNHN-IM- cords; T1 possibly appearing between P1 and S1
2000-39446), 1 juv dd. (holotype); T2, T3 and T4 possibly appearing
Solomon Islands. SALOMON 1: stn DW1825, respectively between P2 and S2, S2 and P3, P3 and S3
09°51'S, 160°58'E, 340–391 m, 1 dd. (paratypes 4 and 5).
Aperture subquadrate. Columella straight, weakly
Distribution. Solomon Sea, 516 m (dd); Papua New oblique, ending abruptly at meeting with outer lip.
Guinea, Vitiaz strait, 410–450 m (dd); Solomon Base weakly convex to almost flat, with 8–10 smooth
Islands, 340–391 m (dd). (holotype, paratype 1) to subgranular (paratypes 3, 4

C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

and 5) spiral cords, distance between them similar to Colour of teleoconch ivory, possibly with light brown
their size, innermost cords slightly stronger. hue; protoconch white.

Table 8. Thysanodonta aoristos n. sp.: Shells measurements in mm for types.

Holotype MADEEP DW4295
6.7 9.6 6.9 2.9 1.39 3.31
DW3992 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.9 8.2 6.7 2.7 1.22 3.04
DW3992 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.6 9.6 7.1 2.3 1.35 4.17
Paratype 3 BIOPAPUA: stn
DW3719 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.3 7.4 5.9 1.6 1.25 4.63
DW3992 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.7 8.1 6.0 2.2 1.35 3.68
DW3992 MNHN-IM-2000- 6.0 7.9 6.0 2.2 1.32 3.59

Discussion. Thysanodonta aoristos n. sp. is close to T. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

festiva B. A. Marshall, 1995 from southern New
Caledonia (Fig. 22O–P), but this smaller species (H up This paper is based on material originating from many
to 7.4 mm for 7.3 tw) is brightly coloured, has a cruises carried between 1980 and 2015 on board
narrower apical angle (42°–44°) and has a peculiar, French, Taiwanese, Indonesian and Philippines
more complicated ontogeny of spiral cords (P3; (P4); research vessels, mostly as part of the "Tropical Deep-
P1, P2, S2, S3; S'3) with P4 fused with S3 and S3 Sea Benthos" programme (formerly "Campagnes
dividing later into two cords. Musorstom"). Scientific partners included National
The new species is also rather close to T. boucheti B. Taiwan Ocean University (Keelung), National Taiwan
A. Marshall, 1988 from New Caledonia (Fig. 21K–L) University (Taipei), University of Papua New Guinea
but this species is smaller for a similar number of (Port Moresby), Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan
whorls and has only 5 spiral cords, lacking S2. Oseanologi LIPI (Jakarta), University of San Carlos
(Cebu City) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Remarks. One could at first glance consider that Resources (Manila). Specifically, material from
paratypes 4 and 5 do not belong to the same species as Taiwan and the South China Sea was collected as part
the other types of Thysanodonta aoristos n. sp., of the French–Taiwanese deep-sea project TF-
mainly because they have multiple Ti and a last whorl DeepEvo funded by ANR and NSC (ANR 12-ISV7-
very convex. But simultaneous careful examination of 0005-01, PIs Sarah Samadi,Wei-Jen Chen). Access to
the specimens collected at the station DW3992 of the French ship time was made possible through Institut
PAPUA NIUGINI campaign, from which almost all de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, formerly
types do come from, shows that they share the same Pi ORSTOM), IFREMER (formerly CNEXO), and the
and Si cords ontogeny while the holotype is Flotte Océanographique Française. Additional
intermediate between the "no Ti" state and the expedition funding was provided by the Total
"numerous Ti" state. Also, regarding the convexity of Foundation, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,
the last whorl, the paratype 5 is intermediate between Stavros Niarchos Foundation. All expeditions
strong convexity (paratype 4) and almost flat shape operated under the regulations then in force in the
(holotype and paratype 1) for this last whorl. countries in question.
I thank Philippe Bouchet, Barbara Buge, Virginie
Etymology. Hesitant, indecisive (Ancient Greek : Héros, Pierre Lozouet and Philippe Maestrati
άόριστος, -ον) - as if the personified new species (MNHN) for assistance throughout my work, from
could not choose between Ti of no Ti spiral cords, curation of expedition material, access to the
convex or flat last whorl. malacological resources of the MNHN and issuing
loans, to cataloguing relevant specimens, and
especially Virginie Héros for reading and completing
the manuscript.

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

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C. VILVENS NOVAPEX 25(2): 55–110, 10 juin 2024

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37–48. Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries
of the Northern Territory 18: 9–14.

C. VILVENS New species and new records of Calliostomatidae. Part II

Appendix : list of the Calliostomatidae species studied in this work

Calliostoma hexalyssion Vilvens, 2009 - p.60

Calliostoma simplex Schepman, 1908 - p.60
Calliostoma aporia Vilvens, 2009 - p.61
Calliostoma quadricolor Schepman, 1908 - p.61
Calliostoma pheidolon n. sp. - p.61
Calliostoma philippei Poppe, 2004 - p.61
Calliostoma newguineense n. sp. - p.64
Calliostoma thaumaston n. sp. - p.66
Calliostoma altena Knudsen, 1970 - p.68
Calliostoma scobinatum (Reeve, 1863) - p.68
Calliostoma trotini Poppe, Tagaro & H. Dekker, 2006 - p.70
Calliostoma emmanueli Vilvens, 2000 - p.70
Calliostoma paucicostatum Kosuge, 1984 - p.72
Calliostoma suduirauti Bozzetti, 1997 - p.72
Calliostoma ticaonicum (A.Adams, 1851) - p.73
Calliostoma poppei Vilvens, 2000 - p.73
Calliostoma dedonderi Vilvens, 2000 - p.74
Calliostoma vilvensi Poppe, 2004 - p.74
Calliostoma formosense E. A. Smith, 1907 - p.74
Calliostoma achantodes n. sp. - p.76
Calliostoma zhongshaense n. sp. - p.78
Calliostoma statheron n. sp. - p.81
Tristichotrochus aculeatus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1912) - p.82
Fautor paradigmatus (B.A. Marshall, 1995) - p.84
Fautor cosmopolites n. sp. - p.86
Fautor panteles n. sp. - p.90
Akoya haliarchus (Melvill, 1889) - p.94
Akoya zhui n. sp. - p.94
Bathyfautor multispinosus (Schepman, 1908) - p.95
Venustatrochus malaita (Vilvens, 2009) - p.96
Selastele solomonense n. sp. - p.98
Phenacomargarites tetratropeis n. sp. - p.100
Thysanodonta boucheti B. A. Marshall, 1988 - p.101
Thysanodonta eucosmia B.A. Marshall, 1995 - p.101
Thysanodonta brucemarshalli n. sp. - p.101
Thysanodonta eumetabolos n. sp. - p.102
Thysanodonta aoristos n. sp. - p.106


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