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Materials Letters: X 17 (2023) 100183

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Data-driven predictive modeling of FeCrAl oxidation

Indranil Roy , Subhrajit Roychowdhury , Bojun Feng , Sandipp Krishnan Ravi , Sayan Ghosh ,
Rajnikant Umretiya , Raul B. Rebak , Daniel M. Ruscitto , Vipul Gupta , Andrew Hoffman *
GE Research, Schenectady, NY 12309, United States


Keywords: FeCrAl alloys are among the most promising candidates for accident-tolerant fuel cladding material in light water
FeCrAl nuclear reactors. Despite their high-temperature oxidation resistance in corrosive environments coupled with
Machine Learning their hydrothermal corrosion resistance, a key challenge remains in optimizing the composition of the alloy that
can be achieved through statistical analysis. However, the current literature on FeCrAl alloy design lack studies
for designing alloys based on oxidation resistance. This study addresses that gap by developing a predictive
model for the oxidation of FeCrAl alloys based on an experimental dataset, which lays the groundwork for model-
based optimization for alloy composition.

Introduction In this work, we applied conventional machine learning tools [5,6]

and a state-of-the-art Bayesian Hybrid Modeling tool developed by GE
After the events at the Fukishima Diaachi nuclear power station in Global Research [7] on a varied experimental dataset produced on
2011, there is an increasing demand for accident tolerant fuel cladding FeCrAl alloy both from literature and from current work being per­
material in nuclear power plants. This has led to growing interest in formed by GE. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is only one
oxidation resistant material discovery to modify/replace Zr-based al­ report on utilizing ML techniques for prediction of FeCrAl alloy prop­
loys. Among different high temperature (<1000 ◦ C) oxidation resistant erties, and this report has focused on mechanical property prediction
concepts, FeCrAl [1] is one of the most promising candidates due to its [8]. While leveraging of ML for nuclear material research is encouraged
several advantageous properties, e.g., superior mechanical properties in by Morgan et al [9], this work is the first approach towards data-driven
different radiation environment [2], high tensile and yield strength [3], modeling for prediction of FeCrAl alloy oxidation based on composition.
and excellent resistance to both hydrothermal corrosion and high tem­
perature steam oxidation [1]. However, an exceptionally vast compo­ Data & modeling
sitional space of the FeCrAl family presents a significant challenge to
find the optimal composition to meet desired set of objectives. One way The goal of this paper is to derive a data-driven model to predict
to address this challenge is to resort to model-based optimization tech­ specific mass change of the FeCrAl for a given compositional range. In
niques [4]. The current literature for FeCrAl lacks the predictive models particular, the weight % of Fe, Cr, Al, Mo and Ni are chosen as input
that forms the backbone of model-based optimization techniques. features to the model in addition to temperature, test duration and
Additionally, the physics is too complex to develop a physics-based environmental chemistries. Two different approaches, namely the
model of suitable fidelity that can be used for this purpose. The cur­ Random Forest (RF) and the Bayesian Hybrid Modeling (BHM) were
rent work takes the first step at bridging the gap by developing Machine chosen to develop the predictive models. Random forest is primarily
Learning (ML) based predictive models, which lays the groundwork for chosen for its ease of implementation, robustness to data quality (e.g.,
future optimization frameworks. The models employ a high volume of outliers) and ability to handle categorical and continuous values
data generated from corrosion experiments over the years on FeCrAl simultaneously. The BHM on the other hand provides additional insights
alloy under accident tolerant fuel (ATF) program at GE Research, Oak on uncertainty quantification and guide us to design experiments
Ridge National Laboratory, and many other institutions developing pointing to the data-scarce regions. Python scikit learn library is used for
FeCrAl alloys. development of the random forest models whereas proprietary GE

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Hoffman).
Received 3 June 2022; Received in revised form 3 January 2023; Accepted 15 January 2023
Available online 21 January 2023
2590-1508/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
I. Roy et al. Materials Letters: X 17 (2023) 100183

Fig. 1. The performance of (a) RF and (b) BHM for predicting mass change in 20% random split of the dataset; (c)Splitting of data into train and test set for ensemble
and separate models.

Table 1 √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

Prediction errors of Random Forest (RF) and BHM. √ 1 ∑ N
RMSE = √ (yi − ŷi ) 2
Normalized RMSE N i=1
Conditions No. of test cases RF BHM
NRMSE = (2)
Steam 18 1.80 3.20 ymax − ymin
Air 6 0.20 0.45
BWR-HWC 6 0.71 3.5 Here N is the size of test set, yi is the experimental mass change and ŷi
BWR-NWC 5 10.77 13.5 is the predicted mass change for ith data entry. Fig. 1 shows the per­
Ensemble 35 1.13 2.26 formance comparisons of the unified or ensemble models for (a)RF and
(b)BHM. The distribution of the training and test data is shown in Fig. 1
(c). Along with training RF and BHM with the whole dataset, we trained
and tested for four separate experimental conditions, e.g., steam, air,
libraries are used for development of BHM models.
BWR-HWC and BWR-NWC and the normalized RMSE of the four cases
Additionally, both modeling approaches are implemented in two
and listed in Table 1.
different ways. RF and BHM models are developed as a unified or
The importance of various features in predicting sp. mass change are
ensemble model first where they are trained for all oxidation conditions,
ranked and plotted (Fig. 2). Fig. 2(a) shows that for the former model Fe
e.g., steam, air, and prototypic boiling water reactor (BWR)-[hydrogen
concentration has the most impact in mass change prediction followed
water chemistry (HWC), and normal water chemistry (NWC)]. The
by the temperature. From the material science point of view, however,
different oxidation conditions are one hot encoded to the models. Then,
Fe is used as strengthening element for majority of Fe-containing alloys,
another two models of RF and BHM are developed for each individual
including steel, and thus should not be the most important factor from
oxidation perspective. The specific mass change is sensitive to concen­
tration of Al and Cr individually. Imagine two FeCrAl alloys where Fe
Result and discussion concentration is the same because the sum of Al and Cr concentration
remains fixed. But those two alloys are expected to have different
To compare the predictive performance of the different models oxidation chemistry, therefore, we reconstructed a model without Fe
quantitatively, Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) for the (filler element) concentration as an input feature. In that case, Fig. 2(b)
predictions are defined by the following equations:

I. Roy et al. Materials Letters: X 17 (2023) 100183

Fig. 2. Features importance in random forest for predicting mass change in FeCrAl alloy during steam test (a) with and (b) without wt. % of Fe as a feature.

shows Al and Cr concentration to have the most impact in mass change Conclusions
prediction among the constituents. This emphasizes the need to bring in
the available domain knowledge in constructing the machine learning The work described in this article is the first step towards developing
models to generate meaningful outputs that should always be cross a systematic optimization framework for FeCrAl composition design,
validated by expert knowledge. which is of immediate importance in the nuclear power industry. A
Using both RF and BHM models, we analyze the effect of varying Cr predictive model forms the backbone of such optimization work. As
(12 to 25 wt%) and Al (0 to 10 wt%) concentration on sp. mass change complicated physics precludes the possibility of developing a physics-
prediction of FeCrAl. For high temperature oxidation for 2 h, we choose, based model of suitable fidelity, data-driven modeling remains the
(1) 1000 ◦ C and (2) 1200 ◦ C, to demonstrate the ability of predictive most obvious choice. Although the skewness in the dataset makes it
modeling. We have also plotted the confidence of each of these models in difficult for the predictive models to perform well in all ranges, the
a surface plot (Fig. 3). Although the results from BHM and RF are benefits of ML in conjunction with domain expert knowledge are
similar, the trend of the heatmap of sp. mass change is more continuous demonstrated, nevertheless. To summarize, a cumulative approach of
for BHM than RF because of the inherent smooth nature of the gaussian predictive modeling, optimization, and explainable artificial intelli­
process which is the underlying model in the in BHM framework. gence needs to be integrated with conventional metallurgic theoretical
The eight subplots in Fig. 3 presents the response surface of specific and experimental, computational tools for faster convergence of optimal
mass change across different Al and Cr wt. % using the BHM (Fig. 3 composition for alloy design, and this work is an early step towards that
(a–d)) and RF (Fig. 3(e–h)) models. Fig. 3(a, c, e, g) represent the 2D vision.
plots where the colormap correspond to the specific mass change and
Fig. 3(b, d, f, h) represent the 3D plots where the Z axis correspond to the CRediT authorship contribution statement
specific mass change and color map correspond to the uncertainty
(standard deviation) of the predictions. From Fig. 3(a), it can be seen Indranil Roy: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,
that low Cr (12–14 wt%) and Al (0–2 wt%) results in high negative Project administration, Supervision. Subhrajit Roychowdhury: Vali­
specific mass gain and the model has high confidence in that region as dation, Methodology, Visualization. Bojun Feng: Formal analysis,
well (Fig. 3(b)). It comes as no surprise as without a protective Alumina Validation, Methodology, Visualization. Sandipp Krishnan Ravi:
layer, Chromia tends to vaporize at high temperature (1200 ◦ C). The Formal analysis, Validation, Methodology, Visualization. Sayan Ghosh:
high Al and high Cr in Fig. 3(a, c) regions for both 1000 ◦ C and 1200 ◦ C Formal analysis, Validation, Methodology, Visualization. Rajnikant
show very small mass gain after two hours that may look ideal compo­ Umretiya: Data curation, Validation. Raul B. Rebak: Funding acqui­
sition space for alloy development. Both these regions fall under low sition. Daniel M. Ruscitto: Supervision. Vipul Gupta: Supervision.
confidence regime Fig. 3(b, d), indicating that more experimental data is Andrew Hoffman: Supervision, Data curation, Validation.
necessary. From a metallurgic point of view, we cannot blindly trust ML
alone and disregard regions in the Al-Cr composition space without a
Declaration of Competing Interest
deeper dive into the domain knowledge. Furthermore, specific mass gain
is only one of the many deciding parameters of high temperature
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
oxidation. However, in this study we show how predictive modeling and
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
intelligent visualization techniques allows us to focus on regions of in­
the work reported in this paper.
terest where the model has high confidence and design future experi­
ments is low confidence regime.
Data availability

Data will be made available on request.

I. Roy et al. Materials Letters: X 17 (2023) 100183

Fig. 3. Specific mass gain is predicted during oxidation after 2 h in steam of FeCrAl alloy with varying Cr and Al concentration (left column) and the uncertainty of
the model (right column). BHM prediction for (a)1200 ◦ C, (c)1000 ◦ C with their respective uncertainty (b and d). RF prediction for (e)1200 ◦ C, (g)1000 ◦ C with their
respective uncertainty (f and h).

I. Roy et al. Materials Letters: X 17 (2023) 100183

Acknowledgment [4] V.K. Gupta, N.C. KUMAR, A.J. Vinciquerra, L.C. Dial, V.S. Dheeradhada, T. Hanlon,
L. Salasoo, X. PING, S. Roychowdhury, J.J. GAMBONE, In-Situ Monitoring System
Assisted Material and Parameter Development for Additive Manufacturing,
This work is supported by the US Department of Energy, National US20200298499A1, 2020.
Nuclear Security Administration, under award number DE-NE0009047 [5] A. Roy, I. Roy, L.J. Santodonato, G. Balasubramanian, JOM 74 (2022) 1406–1413.
[6] S. Felix, S. Ray Majumder, H.K. Mathews, M. Lexa, G. Lipsa, X. Ping, S.
Roychowdhury, T. Spears, Sci. Rep. 12 (2022) 8503.
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