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Ambient Backscatter Assisted

Wireless Powered Communications
Xiao Lu, Dusit Niyato, Hai Jiang, Dong In Kim, Yong Xiao and Zhu Han

Abstract strongly raises the need for re-engineering back-

scatter transmitters for better reliability, higher data
Ambient backscatter communication technol- rates, and longer interrogation/transmission range.
ogy has been introduced recently, and is quickly However, traditional backscatter communication
becoming a promising choice for self-sustainable techniques, e.g., RFID, are hindered by three major
communication systems, as an external power sup- shortcomings:
ply or a dedicated carrier emitter is not required. • The activation of backscatter transmitters relies
By leveraging existing RF signal resources, ambient on an external power supply such as an active
backscatter technology can support sustainable and interrogator (also called a reader or carrier
independent communications and consequently emitter) which is costly and bulky.
open up a whole new set of applications that facili- • A backscatter transmitter passively responds
tate Internet of things (IoT). In this article, we study only when inquired by a reader. The commu-
an integration of ambient backscatter with wireless nication link is restricted in one hop, typically
powered communication networks (WPCNs). We with the distance ranging from a few centime-
first present an overview of backscatter communi- ters to a few meters.
cation systems with an emphasis on the emerging • A backscatter transmitter’s reflected signal
ambient backscatter technology. Then we propose could be severely impaired by adjacent active
a novel hybrid transmitter design by combining readers, significantly limiting the device usage
the advantages of both ambient backscatter and in a dense deployment scenario.
wireless powered communications. Furthermore, Recently, ambient backscatter communication
in the cognitive radio environment, we introduce a technology [3] has emerged to overcome some
multiple access scheme to coordinate hybrid data of the above limitations. An ambient backscatter
transmissions. The performance evaluation shows transmitter uses ambient RF signals for both back-
that the hybrid transmitter outperforms traditional scattering and batteryless operations through RF
designs. In addition, we discuss open issues related energy harvesting. Energy is harvested from ambi-
to ambient backscatter networking. ent RF sources in the radio environment, avoiding
the development and deployment cost of readers
Introduction as well as improving the flexibility in use. Despite
Information transmission based on modulated back- many benefits, the study of ambient backscatter
scatter of incident signals from external RF sources communications is still at its nascent stage. Various
has emerged as a promising solution for low-power challenges arise from the data communication and
wireless communications. The power consumption of networking perspectives. This motivates our work
a typical backscatter transmitter is less than 1 mW [1], in this article.
which renders excessively long lifetime, e.g., 10 years
for an on-chip battery. This low power consumption Backscatter Communications
well matches the harvestable wireless energy from This section first describes the backscatter com-
RF sources, e.g., typically from 1 mW to tens of mW munications from the system perspective and
[2]. This additionally renders RF energy harvesting to then reviews the fundamental principles of back-
be an alternative to power backscatter transmitters. scatter communications.
Furthermore, backscatter communications can be
embedded into small gadgets and objects, for exam- Backscatter Communication Systems
ple, a radio frequency identification (RFID) and pas- Following the standard communication terminolo-
sive sensor. Therefore, backscatter communications gy, a backscatter communication system has three
are also envisioned as the last hop in the Internet-of- major components: a carrier emitter, a backscat-
Things (IoT), which requires low cost and ubiquitous ter transmitter, and a receiver. The carrier emitter
deployment of small-sized devices. can be either a dedicated RF generator that only
Due to recent dramatic increases in application broadcasts continuous sinusoidal waves [4], or
demands, the requirement for backscatter com- an ambient RF transmitter communicating with
munications has gone beyond the conventional its own intended receiver(s) [3], e.g., a WiFi rout-
RFID toward a more data-intensive approach. This er [1]. A backscatter transmitter is a device that

Xiao Lu and Hai Jiang are with University of Alberta; Dusit Niyato is with Nanyang Technological University;
Digital Object Identifier: Dong In Kim (corresponding author) is with Sungkyunkwan University; Yong Xiao is with University of Arizona;
10.1109/MWC.2017.1600398 Zhu Han is with University of Houston and Kyung Hee University.

170 1536-1284/18/$25.00 © 2018 IEEE IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2018

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Frontend of a backscatter transmitter Backscatter demodulator component in the receiver
Incident signal
wave Antenna Envelope Threshold
Load modulator Antenna generator calculator Demodulated
Load 1 backscatter Modulated
Load 2 1 0 0 1 1 Comparator

Absorbed power

Backscatter Backscatter receiver
Backscatter receiver transmitter

Backscatter ...
transmitter Interrogator
Carrier Ambient RF receiver
emitter source

Monostatic backscatter Bistatic backscatter Ambient backscatter

Continuous carrier wave Ambient data transmission Backscattered signals

FIGURE 1. Paradigms for backscatter communications.

backscatters a signal from the carrier emitter for In semi-passive systems, the backscatter trans-
data transmission to the backscatter receiver. The mitter, instead of relying on the harvested ener-
receiver is capable of decoding the data from the gy from the carrier emitter alone, is equipped
modulated backscatter signal. In an RFID context, with an internal power source. Thereby, with-
the carrier emitter and receiver can be co-located, out needing to wait until enough energy is har-
and it is called an interrogator or reader. vested, the access delay is significantly reduced.
Backscatter communication systems can be The semi-passive device enjoys better reliability
classified as passive systems and semi-passive sys- and wider range of accessibility, typically up to
tems based on the type of power supply. tens of meters. Another benefit is that the bat-
In passive systems, the backscatter transmitter tery can support larger data memory size, which
relies on the exogenous RF waves from a carrier remarkably widens the functionality and usability
emitter for both operational power and a carrier of the device. However, the semi-passive device
signal to reflect. To communicate, the backscatter still utilizes the RF signals from a carrier emit-
transmitter first harvests energy from incident RF ter for backscattering, and thus does not largely
waves through rectifying, typically by a rectenna improve the transmission rate over its passive
or charge pump. Once the rectified DC voltage counterpart. Moreover, the semi-passive device
exceeds a minimum operating level, the device is has limited operation time subject to the battery
activated. The device then tunes its antenna imped- capacity.
ance to generate modulated backscatter using the Figure 1 illustrates three configurations of back-
instantaneously harvested energy. Therefore, passive scatter communication systems.
systems are featured with coupled and concurrent Monostatic Backscatter Configuration: This
backscattering and energy harvesting processes. For configuration consists of two components, an
example, the experiment in [5] demonstrates that a interrogator and a backscatter transmitter, e.g., an
batteryless backscatter sensor can function contin- RFID tag. The interrogator as the carrier emitter
uously with an input RF power of 18 dBm (equiva- first releases RF signals to activate the backscatter
lently, 0.1103 mW/cm2 power density) for energy transmitter. Once activated, the backscatter trans-
harvesting. Because part of incident RF waves are mitter performs modulation utilizing the same RF
utilized for energy harvesting to attain the operation- signals from the interrogator. The reflected mod-
al power, the effective transmission range of a pas- ulated backscatter signals are then captured by
sive device is relatively short, typically within a few the interrogator, which acts as the backscatter
meters. Moreover, it has limited data sensing, pro- receiver. Since the carrier emitter and the back-
cessing, and storage capabilities. Nevertheless, the scatter receiver are co-located, the backscattered
key benefit of the passive device is its low cost and signal suffers from a round-trip path loss [4]. The
small size. For example, the recent advance in chip- monostatic configuration is mostly adopted for
less implementation such as surface acoustic wave short-range RFID applications.
(SAW) tag [6] allows fabricating a passive device Bistatic Backscatter Configuration: This con-
with the cost of only 10 cents. figuration differs from the monostatic counterpart

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Energy consumption/ Center operating
Reference Energy source Rate @ operating range Bandwidth Year
efficiency frequency

Ambient backscatter Outdoor: 1 kb/s @ 2.5 feet; Transmitter: 0.25 mW;

Ambient TV signals 539 MHz 50 MHz 2013
prototype [3] Indoor: 1 kb/s @ 1.5 feet Receiver: 0.54 mW

mmo prototype [9] Ambient TV signals and/or solar power 1 Mb/s @ 7 feet Receiver: 422 mW 539 MHz 1 MHz 2014

mcode [9] Ambient TV signals and/or solar power 333 bps @ 30 feet Receiver: 8.9 mW 539 MHz 1 MHz 2014

WiFi backscatter Downlink: 20 kb/s @ 2.2 m; Transmitter: 0.69 mW;

Ambient WiFi signals 2.4 GHz 20 MHz 2014
prototype [1] 5 kb/s @ 3 m Receiver: 9.0 mW

5 Mb/s @ 1m;
BackFi prototype [8] Ambient WiFi signals 3.15 picoJoule/bit 2.4 GHz 20 MHz 2015
1 Mb/s @ 5 m
TABLE 1. Comparison of ambient backscatter communication prototypes.

in that the interrogator is replaced by a separate Interestingly, a recent study in [10] reveals that
carrier emitter and a separate backscatter receiv- ambient backscatter communications can even
er. The bistatic configuration allows setting up improve the legacy receiver’s performance if the
more flexible network topologies. For example, a legacy receiver can leverage the additional diver-
carrier emitter can be placed at an optimal loca- sity from the backscattered signals. Moreover,
tion for backscatter transmitters and receivers. in monostatic and bistatic backscatter configu-
Moreover, the bistatic configuration can mitigate rations, all the backscatter transmitters need to
the doubly near-far effect [7] by distributing sev- be located within the coverage of their dedicat-
eral carrier emitters in the field. It was shown ed interrogators or carrier emitters in order to
that the fabrication cost of the carrier emitter receive RF signals and to be scheduled, and thus,
and backscatter receiver in the bistatic configu- usually only one-hop communication is feasible.
ration is cheaper than that of the interrogator in In contrast, multiple ambient backscatter transmit-
the monostatic configuration due to less complex ters can initiate transmissions independently and
design [4]. simultaneously, thus making multi-hop commu-
Ambient Backscatter Configuration: This nications possible to overcome the short-range
configuration is similar to the bistatic configu- issue of backscatter links. Table 1 summarizes
ration. However, the carrier emitter is an exist- and compares the important ambient backscatter
ing RF source, e.g., a TV tower, base station, or communication prototypes.
WiFi access point, instead of a dedicated device.
Unlike the bistatic backscatter configuration in Fundamentals
which the communication is always initiated by Basic Principles of Modulated Backscatter:
the carrier emitter, the ambient backscatter trans- Different from other conventional wireless com-
mitter can harvest RF energy from the ambient munication systems, a backscatter transmitter
RF source and initiate transmission to its receiv- does not generate active RF signals. Instead, the
er autonomously. Nevertheless, compared with backscatter transmitter maps a sequence of dig-
the bistatic configuration, the transmission range ital symbols onto the RF backscattered wave-
of an ambient backscatter transmitter is limited forms at the antenna. The waveform adaptation
because the performance is affected by channel is done by adjusting the load impedance, i.e.,
conditions and by natural variations of the ambi- reflection coefficient, of the antenna to generate
ent signals [8]. different waveforms from that of the original sig-
In addition to lower cost and less energy con- nal. This is known as load modulation. Figure 1
sumption, the ambient backscatter configura- shows the diagram of a backscatter transmitter
tion does not need extra spectrum to operate. with binary load modulation. It has two loads
In the other configurations, the use of interroga- with the impedances intentionally matching
tors or dedicated carrier emitters costs not only and mismatching with the antenna impedance,
additional power but also frequency resources. respectively. The antenna reflection coefficient,
In addition, both the emitted signal from inter- and thus the amount of the reflected signal
rogators (or dedicated carrier emitters) and the from the antenna, 1 can be tuned by switching
reflected signal from backscatter transmitters between the two impedance loads. Specifically,
can cause severe interference to other wireless when the load with the matched impedance is
devices, especially in a dense deployment scenar- chosen, most of the incident signal is harvested,
io, e.g., large supply chains, and when high-gain i.e., an absorbing state. Conversely, if the anten-
antennas are employed. By contrast, the ambient na switches to the other load, a large amount
backscatter signal does not cause any noticeable of the signal is reflected, i.e., a reflecting state.
interference to other wireless devices unless their A backscatter transmitter can utilize an absorb-
distance to the ambient backscatter transmitter ing state and a reflecting state to indicate a bit
is extremely close, e.g., less than 7 inches, as “0” and a bit “1”, respectively, to its intended
1 The reflected signal is com- demonstrated in a real experiment in [3]. Thus, receiver. It follows that in the reflecting state, the
posed of two parts: structural the choice of working frequency of an ambi- receiver will observe a superposition of the origi-
mode and antenna mode scat- ent backscatter transmitter can be determined nal wave from the signal source (e.g., the interro-
terings [11]. The former is deter- based on the specific applications. For example, gator) and the backscatter transmitter’s reflected
mined by the antenna physical
property, for example, material an outdoor implementation can be based on TV wave. In the absorbing state, the receiver will
and shape. The latter is a func- frequency [3] while WiFi frequency [8, 9] would only see the original wave. The states are then
tion of antenna load impedance. be an appropriate option for indoor applications. interpreted as information bits.

172 IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2018

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The information rate can be adapted by vary- vester implementation in terms of hardware sensi- We propose a novel
ing the bit duration. As the backscatter transmitter tivity, RF-to-DC conversion efficiency, circuit power hybrid transmit-
only works as a passive transponder that reflects consumption, and so on. This has made it feasible ter that combines
part of the incident signals during modulation, the to power active radio communications by ambient ambient backscatter
implementation can be very simple and requires RF energy harvesting. For example, a recent design
no conventional communication components such and implementation of an RF-powered transmitter communications and
as oscillator, amplifier, filter, and mixer. Typically, [14] showed that the transmission rate could reach wireless powered
the backscatter transmitter only consists of a digital up to 5 Mb/s. communications, both
logic integrated circuit, an antenna, and an option- We propose a novel hybrid transmitter that of which can harvest
al power storage, making it cheap, small, and easy combines ambient backscatter communications RF energy and sup-
to deploy. and wireless powered communications, both of
Modulation and Demodulation: In backscatter which can harvest RF energy and support self-sus- port self-sustainable
communications, information is usually carried in tainable communications. On the one hand, a communications. The
amplitude and/or phase of the reflected signals. wireless powered transmitter requires a long time design proposed here
Binary modulation schemes such as amplitude shift to accumulate enough energy for active transmis- allows highly flexible
keying (ASK) and phase shift keying (PSK) are most sion when the ambient RF signals are not abun- operation to perform
commonly adopted in passive backscatter systems. dant. In this circumstance, ambient backscattering
However, due to low spectrum efficiency, binary may still be employed as it has ultra-low power RF energy harvesting,
modulations result in a low data rate, e.g., up to consumption. On the other hand, since the ambi- active data transmis-
640 kb/s for FM0 and Miller coding. This calls for ent RF signals may alternate between the ON state sion/reception, and
research efforts in multilevel modulation, i.e., high- (i.e., the signals are present) and OFF state (i.e., the backscattering.
er-order constellations, to accommodate demand signals are absent), ambient backscattering cannot
from data-intensive applications. Recent studies be adopted when the RF signals are OFF. In this
have shown that backscatter systems can support case, a wireless powered transmitter can be adopt-
M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), ed to perform active RF transmission using energy
e.g., 16-QAM [12] and 32-QAM [13], as well as that was harvested and stored before when the RF
N-PSK, e.g., 16-PSK [8]. A passive RF-powered signals were ON. Therefore, these two technolo-
backscatter transmitter [13] operating on 5.8 GHz gies can well complement each other and result in
can achieve 2.5 Mb/s data rate with a 32-QAM better data transmission performance.
modulation at a 10-centimeter distance. Moreover, Figure 2 illustrates the block diagram of the
4-PSK and 16-PSK modulations have been imple- hybrid transmitter. The transmitter consists of
mented in an ambient backscatter prototype, i.e., the following components: an antenna, a power
BackFi [8]. The experiments demonstrate a 5 Mb/s management module, an energy storage, a load
data rate at the range of one meter. modulator, an RF energy harvester, an active RF
Because of amplitude and/or phase modula- transceiver, a digital logic and microcontroller,
tion, a backscatter receiver needs to determine the and a memory storage connected to an external
amplitude and/or phase change. It is relatively sim- application (e.g., a sensor). We can see that many
pler to implement an amplitude demodulator. Fig- circuit components such as the RF energy harvest-
ure 1 again shows the diagram of binary amplitude er, memory, and energy storage, can be shared
demodulation based on envelope detection at between ambient backscatter and wireless pow-
the receiver. The circuit has four components [3]: ered communications. Based on state-of-the-art
an antenna, an envelope generator, a threshold circuit technology for ambient backscatter trans-
calculator, and a comparator. The instantaneously mitters [3, 8, 9] and wireless-powered transmitters
incoming waves at the antenna are smoothed at [2, 7], the proposed design for the hybrid transmit-
the envelope generator, which gives an envelope ter may not require a considerably more complex
of the instantaneous signals. The threshold calcu- hardware implementation than that for performing
lator generates a threshold value by taking the wireless powered transmission alone.
mean of the long-term averaged envelope. Then The design proposed here allows highly flexible
the comparator makes a comparison between the operation to perform RF energy harvesting, active
smoothed instantaneous envelope of the received data transmission/reception, and backscattering.
modulated backscatter and the threshold to decide Such integration in the proposed design has the
the value of the information bits. Alternative- following advantages.
ly, demodulating from backscattered waves with •It supports a long duty cycle. When the hybrid
phase variation requires phase detection. Some of transmitter has data to transmit, but not enough
the most common practices of phase demodula- energy to perform active RF transmission, the
tion include the adoption of a homodyne receiver device can perform backscattering for urgent data
with an RF in-phase/quadrature demodulation [12] delivery. Since ambient backscatter communica-
and channel estimation [8]. For example, BackFi tions can use instantaneously harvested energy,
[8] uses a preamble to estimate the combined for- it does not consume the energy in the storage
ward-backward channel. This estimated value of reserved for active RF transmission. Consequently,
the channel is then used for decoding the informa- the duty cycle is improved significantly. Addition-
tion bit modulated on the phase. ally, the delay to respond to the data transmission
request is much shorter.
Ambient Backscatter Assisted •In comparison with an ambient backscatter
transmitter, the hybrid transmitter can achieve a
Wireless Powered Communication Networks longer transmission range using active RF trans-
Wireless powered communication is an active mission when necessary.
radio transmission paradigm powered by RF ener- •The hybrid transmitter is capable of offload-
gy harvesting [2]. Recent development in circuit ing transmission from active RF broadcast to pas-
technology has greatly advanced an RF energy har- sive backscattering, thus alleviating interference

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With a single antenna
setting, the hybrid
transmitter cannot
RF energy harvester Power management Energy
backscatter, harvest module storage
energy, and perform
active data transmission
Active RF Digital logic and Memory
simultaneously. There- ••• transceiver microcontroller
fore, the transmitter
has to determine when Load 1 Load n
and how long each modulator Application
operation mode should
be activated to achieve FIGURE 2. The structure of the hybrid transmitter.
the optimal trade-off
among RF energy
issues. This is especially beneficial in a dense/ or harvest energy to replenish their battery [3].
harvesting, ambient ultra-dense network with high spatial frequency When the PT is not transmitting, i.e., the channel
backscattering, and reuse, as there are various signal sources to facil- is idle, the STs can perform active data transmis-
active RF transmission. itate backscattering, and ambient backscattering sion to the SAP over the channel with the stored
The problem becomes does not cause noticeable interference to many energy.
more complicated with other users. The network requires a multiple access
•The hybrid transmitter can still be used even scheme for the STs and SAP, which is proposed
multiple transmitters in without licensed spectrum, e.g., in cognitive radio as shown in Fig. 3. Let N = {1, 2, …, N} denote
the network. networks. Coexisting with a primary user who is the set of STs. Let P T and t denote the transmit
assigned a licensed channel, the hybrid transmit- power and the normalized transmission period
ter can harvest energy and perform backscatter- of the PT, respectively. The normalized channel
ing when the primary user is transmitting. When idle period is then represented as 1 – t. The first
the primary user is idle, the hybrid transmitter can part of the channel busy period is an energy har-
use active RF transmission to access the channel vesting subperiod with time fraction r. During
as a secondary user. this subperiod, all the STs harvest energy from the
Despite the above advantages of the hybrid PT’s signal to be used for later active data trans-
transmitter, some technical issues arise. With a sin- mission. Then the time fraction 1 – r during the
gle antenna setting, the hybrid transmitter cannot channel busy period is used for backscattering.
backscatter, harvest energy, and perform active Let a n denote the time fraction assigned to STn
data transmission simultaneously. Therefore, the for backscattering and S nNa n = 1. When an ST
transmitter has to determine when and how long is backscattering, the other STs can also harvest
each operation mode should be activated to energy from the PT’s signal. Thus, the total energy
achieve the optimal trade-off among RF energy harvesting duration for STn is [r + (1 – r)SmN\{n}
harvesting, ambient backscattering, and active RF am]t. Let hn and m denote the channel gain coeffi-
transmission. The problem becomes more com- cient between the PT and STn, and RF-to-DC ener-
plicated with multiple transmitters in the network, gy conversion efficiency of the STs, respectively.
which will be discussed next. The total amount of harvested energy by STn can
then be computed as En = P Th nmt [r + (1 – r)
Multiple Access Scheme for Hybrid S mN\{n}a m]. During the channel idle period, STn
can perform active data transmission for a time
Transmitters in Cognitive Radio Networks fraction, denoted by b n, in a sequential fashion,
In this section, we aim to examine the proposed where SnNbn = 1. Evidently, there exists a trade-
hybrid transmitter in a cognitive radio network off among energy harvesting, backscattering and
scenario where there exists no licensed chan- active transmission. The throughput of the STs can
nel for the hybrid transmitter. To coordinate the be optimized by exploring this trade-off. Let a =
hybrid data transmissions of multiple devices, {a1, a2, … , aN} denote the set of the time fractions
we devise a multiple access scheme for ambient for backscattering and b = {b1, b2, … , bN} denote
backscatter assisted wireless powered communi- the set of time fractions for active data transmis-
cations. sion of the STs. The objective of our proposed
multiple access scheme is to explore the optimal
System Model combination of r, a, and b to maximize the sum
We consider a cognitive radio network consisting throughput of the STs.
of a primary transmitter (PT), multiple secondary
transmitters (STs), which are the hybrid transmit- Multiple Access Control
ters as described earlier, and a common second- The transmission rate of backscattering depends
ary access point (SAP), e.g., gateway. The SAP on the physical configuration of the circuit [3].
works as both the controller for coordinating data Through the real implementation in [3], an ST
transmissions and the data sink for collecting data can backscatter by load modulation without con-
from the multiple STs, e.g., sensors. In order to suming energy from its battery. When the PT is
decode the hybrid transmission from the STs, the transmitting and an ST is not scheduled for back-
SAP is equipped with both a conventional radio scattering, it can harvest energy, part of which,
receiver and a backscatter receiver. When the PT denoted by EC, is consumed by the circuit compo-
transmits data on the licensed channel, the STs nents. The surplus energy is stored in the battery
can backscatter for data transmission to the SAP and reserved for future active data transmission.

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RF signals for RF signals for RF signals for Backscattered Active data
energy harvesting backscattering reference signals transmission
Busy Idle Busy Idle Busy Idle Busy Idle Busy Idle
 1-  1-  1-  1-  1-
ρτ (1-ρ)τ1 (1-ρ)τN (1-)β1 (1-)βN

••• •••


••• ••• ••• ••• •••


Passive data backscattering

RF energy harvesting Active data transmission
and RF energy harvesting

FIGURE 3. A multiple access scheme for ambient backscatter assisted wireless powered communication network.

We consider two important requirements in has better active transmission rate. Therefore, to
this multiple access scheme. One is the quali- achieve better sum throughput, more active trans-
ty-of-service (QoS) requirement that the minimum mission time should be allocated to ST1 once the
throughput of each ST should be greater than or minimal throughput requirement of ST2 is met.
equal to the demand threshold, denoted by R t. Then, in Fig. 4b, we investigate how b 1 should
The other is the physical constraint that, during be taken with the variation of a 1 to maximize
active data transmission, the allocated transmit the sum throughput when r is fixed at r = 0.5.
power of STn cannot exceed the maximum power We observe that when a 1 takes a small value

limit, denoted as Pt. Under the constraints of the (e.g., close to 0), the maximal sum throughput
above two requirements, we formulate an optimi- is achieved by choosing a large value of b 1. On
zation problem to maximize the sum throughput the other hand, when a1 takes a large value (e.g.,
of the STs. close to 1), the maximal sum throughput can be
obtained by assigning a small value of b1.
Numerical Results Figures 4a and 4b show the maximal sum
We consider the PT as a small cell base station throughput when either a 1 or r is fixed. This
with 1 Watt transmit power. The bandwidth and implies that the proposed multiple access scheme,
the frequency of the primary channel are 100 kHz by solving our formulated optimization problem,
and 900 MHz, respectively. The antenna gains of can achieve the design goal of maximizing the
the PT, STs, and SAP are all set to 6 dBi. For ambi- sum throughput over all possible combinations of
ent backscatter communications, we consider a a, b, and r.
100 kb/s transmission rate. The circuit power con- In Fig. 5, we compare the sum throughput
sumption EC, minimal demand threshold R t and when the STs are:

maximum transmit power Pt of each ST are –25 • The proposed hybrid transmitters with the
dBm, 10 kb/s and 1 Watt, respectively. The ener- optimal solution to the formulated problem,
gy conversion efficiency m and data transmission labeled as “HT.”
efficiency are set at 0.15 and 0.6, respectively. • Wireless powered transmitters only, which are
The power of additive white Gaussian noise is equivalent to HT with r = 1, labeled as “WPT.”
10–10 Watt. In addition, we use the CVX toolbox • Backscatter transmitters only, which are equiva-
in MATLAB to solve the formulated sum through- lent to HT with r = 0 and SnNb n = 0, labeled
put maximization problem. as “BT.”
For ease of presentation, we first consider The wireless powered transmitters harvest ener-
N = 2 STs. We first show how the sum through- gy when the PT is transmitting, and sequentially
put changes with varying b1 and r when the chan- perform active RF transmission when the PT is
nel busy duration t is 0.7. Both STs are placed idle. The backscatter transmitters sequentially per-
at 11 m away from the PT. The distance between form backscattering during the PT’s transmission
ST 1 and the SAP is 2 m, and that between ST 2 and remain idle when the PT is silent. For demon-
and the SAP is 2.5 m. Figure 4a shows the sum stration purposes, we also plot the sum active
throughput versus r and b1, when a1 = a2 = 0.5, transmission throughput and sum backscattering
that is, ST1 and ST2 have equal backscatter dura- throughput of the hybrid transmitters, labeled as
tion. We observe that when the energy harvest- “HT-WPT” and “HT-BT,” respectively. We consid-
ing time fraction r varies from 0 to 1, the sum er that the SAP is located 15 m away from the PT.
throughput first increases and then decreases Let N = 1, 2, …, 8. The N STs are aligned on the
after reaching a maximum value. The maximum line segment between the SAP and the PT with
sum throughput is achieved when b 1 is greater intervals of every 1 m starting from 2 m away
than 0.5. The reason is that ST 1 is located near- from the SAP toward the PT. As shown in Fig. 5,
er to the SAP than ST 2, and consequently ST 1 the hybrid transmitter outperforms the others by

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Optimal point: 185.65 kbps x105
x105 (1 = 0.61,  = 0.39) 2.2 Optimal point: 206.02 kbps
( 1 = 0.86, 1 = 0)
Sum throughput (b/s)

1.8 2

Sum throughput
1.75 1.9
1.6 1.7
1.55 1.6
1 1
0.8 0.5
0.6 1.5
0.4 1 0.5
1 0.2  0.8 1
0 0.6 0.4
0 0.2 0 0
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4. Sum throughput of two secondary transmitters with varying r, a1, and b1: a) sum throughput versus r and b1 (a1 = 0.5);
b) sum throughput versus a1 and b1 (r = 0.5)

better exploiting the signal resources. In particu- Networks: The performance of the hybrid trans-
lar, the sum throughput of backscatter transmit- mitters can be potentially improved in a network
ters remains constant due to passive transmission with multiple PTs and multiple licensed channels,
only when the PT is transmitting. By contrast, the because there are richer signal resources for ener-
sum throughput of the wireless powered trans- gy harvesting and more possible spectrum holes
mitters gradually increases as the number of STs to allow concurrent active data transmissions. This
increases because more energy is harvested by dynamic environment complicates the coordination
more STs for active transmission. Indeed, wire- among the hybrid transmitters as it introduces an
less powered transmitters achieve more active additional trade-off among energy harvesting, back-
transmission throughput than HT-WPT. Howev- scattering, active transmission and channel selection.
er, by exploiting ambient backscattering, the sum
throughput obtained by hybrid transmitters is Conclusions
greater than that of the wireless powered trans- Ambient backscatter communication technology,
mitters. Interestingly, under our parameter set- emerging as an integration of wireless backscat-
ting, the sum backscattering throughput of the ter technology and RF energy harvesting based
STs remains unchanged (saturated) when there on existing radio resources, enables sustainable
exist three or more STs, because in cases of three and ubiquitous connections among small devices,
or more STs, an ST is scheduled to harvest energy paving the way for the development of IoT. In this
only when another is backscattering (i.e., r = 0). article, we have proposed and evaluated a hybrid
With the increase in the number of STs, the sum transmitter that combines ambient backscatter
throughput of hybrid transmitters and that of wire- and wireless powered communication capabilities.
less power transmitters become steady because Through numerical simulation and comparison, we
of saturation in resource utilization. have demonstrated the superiority of the hybrid
transmitter. With self-sustainability and licensed
Future Directions and Open Issues channel-free operation, our design is suitable for
In this section, we discuss some future research low-power data communication applications. The
directions for the proposed ambient backscatter trade-off among energy harvesting, active transmis-
assisted wireless powered communication network. sion and ambient backscatter communication has
Integration of Ambient Backscatter with been studied. Future research issues that can be
RF-powered Relay: Similar to the idea of a hybrid further addressed have been discussed.
transmitter, incorporating ambient backscatter
capability in an RF-powered relay network would Acknowledgment
also be an interesting research direction. The This work was supported in part by a Nation-
operation of this relay network would additionally al Research Foundation of Korea Grant fund-
include the scheduling and resource allocation for ed by the Korean Government under Grant
the relay links. 2014R1A5A1011478, in part by Singapore MOE
Full-Duplex Wireless Powered Communi- Tier 1 under Grant RG33/16 and Grant RG18/13,
cations: With full-duplex operation, during the MOE Tier 2 under Grant MOE2014-T2-2-015
energy harvesting process, our hybrid transmitter ARC4/15, Grant MOE2013-T2-2-070 ARC16/14,
can simultaneously perform energy harvesting and NRF2015-NRF-ISF001-2277, in part by the
and active wireless transmission [15]. With this U.S. NSF under Grant CNS-1717454, Grant
implementation, the optimal control of the hybrid CNS-1731424, Grant CNS-1702850, Grant CNS-
transmitter needs to be obtained by taking into 1646607, Grant ECCS-1547201, Grant CMMI-
account the extra benefit of full-duplex operation. 1434789, Grant CNS-1443917, and Grant
Multiple Access Scheme for the Hybrid Trans- ECCS-1405121, and in part by the Natural Scienc-
mitters with Multiple Channels in Cognitive Radio es and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

176 IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2018

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degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Univer- the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua Univer-
sity of Manitoba, Canada, in 2008. He is currently a professor sity in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and
in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang computer engineering from the University of Maryland, College
Technological University, Singapore. His research interests are Park, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. From 2000 to 2002, he
in the area of energy harvesting for wireless communication, was a research and development engineer of JDSU, German-
Internet of Things, and sensor networks. town, MD. From 2003 to 2006, he was a research associate
with the University of Maryland. From 2006 to 2008, he was
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and M.Sc. degrees in electronics engineering from Peking Uni- currently a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering
versity, Beijing, China, in 1995 and 1998, respectively, and the Department and the Computer Science Department, University
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of of Houston, TX. His research interests include wireless resource
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in 2006. He is currently allocation and management, wireless communications and net-
a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- working, game theory, big data analysis, security, and smart grid.
neering, University of Alberta, Canada. His research interests He is currently an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished
include radio resource management, cognitive radio network- Lecturer. He received an NSF Career Award in 2010, the Fred
ing, and cooperative communications. W. Ellersick Prize of the IEEE Communication Society in 2011,
the EURASIP Best Paper Award for the Journal on Advances in
Dong In Kim [S’89, M’91, SM’02] ( received Signal Processing in 2015, the IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize in
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University the field of Communications Systems (Best Paper Award in the
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 1990. He IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications) in 2016, and
was a tenured professor with the School of Engineering Sci- several best paper awards at IEEE conferences.

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