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1. Which of the following is NOT considered a macro skill in language learning?

a) Listening
b) Speaking
c) Vocabulary
d) Reading

2. Which macro skill focuses on understanding the meaning conveyed through written language?
a) Listening
b) Writing
c) Reading
d) Speaking

3. Which communicative skill involves the ability to convey ideas clearly and effectively in speech?
a) Vocabulary
b) Grammar
c) Pronunciation
d) Speaking

4. Which macro skill involves the ability to comprehend and interpret spoken language?
a) Writing
b) Reading
c) Listening
d) Speaking

5. Which communicative skill encompasses both verbal and non-verbal elements in conveying messages?
a) Listening
b) Speaking
c) Writing
d) Body language

1. What is the primary characteristic that distinguishes creole languages from pidgins?
a.) Developed from a simplified mixture of languages
b.) Lack of native speakers
c.) Formalized grammar and vocabulary
d.) Limited use in daily communication

2. Which of the following statements accurately describes a lingua franca?

a) A creole language spoken by a specific ethnic group
b) A pidgin language that has evolved into a fully developed language
c) A common language used for communication between speakers of different native languages
d) A language spoken primarily by indigenous peoples in remote regions
3. Which term refers to a language that arises as a means of communication between speakers of different native
languages, typically in a trade or contact setting?
a) Creole
b) Pidgin
c) Lingua franca
d) Dialect

4. Which of the following statements accurately describes the development of creole languages?
a) They originate from a mixture of languages with simplified grammar and vocabulary
b) They evolve from pidgin languages spoken in specific geographic regions
c) They are spoken exclusively by indigenous peoples in isolated communities
d) They lack standardized grammar and vocabulary due to their informal nature.

5. In which context would a lingua franca be most commonly used?

a) Political negotiations between countries
b) Cultural ceremonies within a specific community
c) Academic research conducted by linguists
d) Everyday conversations among native speakers of the same language

1. Describe the approach of the sentence. Julia ghosted her

boyfriend after seeing him face to face
a. Descriptive Approach, since it ends with a preposition
b. Descriptive Approach, since it uses slang words.
c. Prescriptive approach, since it does not split infinitives.
d. Prescriptive Approach, since it does not begin with a

2. I am going to gradually reach that dream I am thriving for.

What rule in prescriptivism does the sentence not follow?
a. Do not use the pronoun “I” in the object preposition.
b. Never start a sentence with a pronoun.
c. Do not split infinitives.
d. Do not use passive voice.

3. She ain’t gonna talk to you if you do that. The sentence is in a

descriptive approach because of the word/phrase _____________.
a. ain’t
b. She
c. ain’t gonna
d. talk to
4. To whom are you talking?
a. Audiolingual approach
b. Descriptive approach
c. Prescriptive approach
d. Direct approach

5. Ian bought a flower for Hershey and me.

a. Audiolingual approach
b. Descriptive approach
c. Prescriptive approach
d. Direct approach

1. By what way the study of linguistic development was presented in Diachronic?

a. By studying a specific era or time

b. By studying the origin of the linguistics
c. By studying the linguistics through time
d. By studying the history of the language

2. Old English was also known as_____.

a. Early English
b. Shakespeareian English
c. Shakespearean English
d. Far English

3. This is the study of how sound evolved through time. The example of this is the sea(/sæ/) and sea(/sí/)

a. Diachronic Linguistics
b. Diachronic Phonology
c. Synchronic Phonology
d. Synchronic Linguistics

4. This is the study of the relationship of word and its effect to the context and understanding of the speaker. For
example, the difference in using 'May' and 'may'.

a. Synchronic Morphology
b. Diachronic Morphology
c. Synchronic Linguistics
d. Diachronic Linguistics
5. This is the study of language in a specific point in time.

a. Synchonic
b. Diachronic
c. Synchronic
d. Synchronc

1. A type of communication that was done verbally.

a. floral c. coral
b. oral d. written

2. Journals, letters, texts, and emails falls under what type of communication?
a. verbal
c. written
b. spoken
d. non verbal

3. This term was defined as the statement that is true to all natural language.
a. linguistics universe c. linguistics multiverse
b. universal studio d. linguistics universal

4. What does LAD means?

a. Lingustics Approach Device
c. Language Acquired Device
b. Language Acquisition Device
d. Lingustics Approvement Divine

5. In accordance to the Universal Grammar, who is the proponent of the LAD?

a. Noah Chomsky
c. Noam Chomsky
b. Noam Chomper
d. Noah Chomki

1. It refers to lingua franca of different people with diverse linguistic backgrounds.


2. A form of English that is widely recognized and accepted as correct.


3. This includes examples of rules such as the correct use of punctuation, spellings, forms of verbs, etc.

4. The differences in the forms that emerge as it is used in various contexts across the world.

5. _______ is one of the most prominent lingua franca languages nowadays.


1. Who is the linguist behind the 3 Concentric Circles of English?

A. Noam Chomsky
C. Braj Kachru
B. Benjamin Whorf
D. Edward Sapir
2. There are names for each circle in the 3 Concentric Circles of English. Which one doesn’t belong to the said

A. Inner Circle
C. Expanding Circle
B. Outer Circle
D. Extending Circle
3. Philippines belongs to ______________.
A. Inner Circle
C. Expanding Circle
B. Outer Circle
D. Extending Circle
4. USA belongs to _______________.
A. Inner Circle C. Expanding Circle
B. Outer Circle D. Extending Circle
5. Considered as the colonial legacy of the Inner Circle that’s why English is their _____________
A. Second Language
C. Native Language
B. Mother Tongue
D. Foreign Language

1. It is a feature of Human Language that states that a meaningless sound can have its own meaning when it is
combined altogether in a specific manner.

a. Semanticity
b. Productivity
c. Learnability
d. Duality of Patterning

2. The ability of the Language user to create lies and meaningless statements.
a. Interchangeability
b. Total Feedback
c. Prevarication
d. Discreetness

3. A feature defined as “every language user has the capability to talk about what happened in the past and what
could possibly happen in the future despite not being present in the immediate environment.''
a. Productivity
b. Displacement
c. Reflexiveness
d. Rapid Fading .

4. A linguistic anthropologist who listed all the features of human language that occurred as a universal
commonness of all languages.
a. Charleston Hocket
b. Charley Hockket
c. Charles Hockett
d. Charles Huccket

5. The feature of Human Language that allows the speaker to become the listener and vice versa.
a. Interchangeability
b. Broadcast Transmission
c. Arbitrariness
d. Vocal-Auditory Channel

1. How do animals communicate? through

a variety of signs b. through the use of language c. through the use of ASL
2. Visual communication is everything that can be seen. What are the two types of Visual communication?
patches and displays b. badges and displays c. pictures and shapes
3. What is a secreted chemical signal used to trigger a response in another individual of the same species?
a. phosphorus
b. nicotine
c. pheromones
4. In animal communication, this is an example of arbitrariness as a property of language.
a dog barking at an intruder b. a cat hissing while asking for head pats c. a cub roaring at its predator
5. What is the difference between “productivity” in Human communication and “productivity” in animal
a. productivity in animal communication has an unlimited set of signals while productivity in human
communication has limited.
b. productivity in animal communication has a limited set of signals while productivity in human
communication has unlimited.
c. there is no difference between the two

1. It is the quality or state of self-awareness within a non-human animal.

A. Animal Consciousness
B. Animal Awareness
C. Animal Cognition
D. Animal Communication

2. It means to be conscious and means to be awake and receptive to stimulus received from the surrounding
A. Language Capacity
B. Critical Thinking
C. Animal Language
D. Self – Awareness

3. It is the capacity to reason, think, analyze, and make logical decisions.

A. Language Capacity
B. Critical Thinking
C. Animal Language
D. Self – Awareness

3. Animals can communicate with each other but they are not considered to have a language.
A. Language Capacity
B. Critical Thinking
C. Animal Language
D. Self – Awareness

5. The Two Modes of Animal Communication

A. Verbal and Non-Verbal
B. Vocal and Olfactory
C. Visual and Auditory
D. Tactile and Chemical

1. According to this theory, language began when our ancestors started imitating the natural sounds around them
A. The bow-wow theory
B. The ding dong theory
C. The la-la theory
2. According to this theory, language evolved from the grunts, groans, and snorts evoked by the heavy physical
A. Yo-he-ho theory
B. The la-la theory
C. The ding dong theory

3. According to this theory, language evolved through the romantic period of life
A. The ding dong theory
B. The bow-wow theory
C. The la-la theory

4. According to this theory, the language arose through the help of the sounds that are associated with it
A. The ding dong theory
B. The la-la theory
C. Yo-he-ho theory

5. According to this theory, the speech began with interjections

A. The ding dong theory
B. The la-la theory
C. The pooh-pooh theory

1. What is the title of the biblical mythological account of the origin of language?
a. The Tower of Babel
b. The Building of Babel
c. The Babel Story
d. Destruction of Babel
2. Babel means _____.
a. to destroy
b. to confuse
c. to shuffle
d. to create
3. How many theories are listed by Max Muller in the origin of language?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
4. What mythologcal story says that langauge originated by eating the flesh of a human?
a. The Death of Wururri
b. The Death of Wurruri
c. The Death of Wururi
d. The Death of Waruri
5. What mythological story in the origin of language that says language came from scattered branches of a tree?
a. The Hindu World Tree
b. The Himalayan World Tree
c. The World Tree
d. The Knowledge Tree

____ 1. What is the full name of the Danish Linguist and foremost an authority in English grammar.
a. Jens Otto Harry Jespersen
c. Jans Otto Harry Jespersen
b. Hens Otto Harry Jespersen
d. Hans Otto Harry Jespersen

____ 2. In what particular year he published the book entitled, “Language: It’s Nature, Development and
a. 1902 b. 1912 c. 1922 d. 1932

____ 3. It is a human system of communication that uses arbitrary signals such as voice sounds, gestures or
written symbols.
a. Hand Signals
c. Dialogue
b. Language
d. Expression

____ 4. How many classified theories of how language begins?

a. 6 b. 4 c. 9 d. 5

____ 5. The idea that speech emerged from the sounds of inspired playfulness, love, poetic, sensibility, and
a. Yoheho Theory
c. Bow-Wow Theory
b. Lala Theory
d. Ding dong Theory

1. What is semiotics?
A. the study of sign and symbol
B. sign language
C. language in alphabet
D. signifier and signified

2. What is the two parts of sign language?

A. signifier and signified
B. connotation and denotation
C. icon and index

3. Who is the founder of semiotics?

A. sigmund Freud
B. charles sander pierce
C. ferdinand de saussure

4. What is connotation and denotation?

A. The connotation is opposite of signified
B. Connotation is the actual meaning and denotation is the interpretation
C. Connotation is the interpretation and the denotation is the actual meaning.

5. What is sign language in semiotics?

A. anything we use to communicate
B. hand gestures
C. letters

1. This is a way of communicating using hand movements, gestures, facial expressions, and body language
instead of spoken words. It's used by deaf and hard-of-hearing people to convey messages and ideas.
a. Hand Language
b. Sign gestures
c. Sign Language
d. Sign language movement

2. It is a component of sign language where individual letters or words are represented by specific hand shapes.
It enhances communication by spelling out names, places, or unfamiliar words.
a. Finger signing
b. Finger spelling
c. Spelling fingers
d. Finger spelling gestures

3. Which letters are different between the American Sign Language alphabet and the Filipino Sign Language
a. A, D, Z, NG, Ñ
b. Ñ, NG, T, K, M
c. G, Ñ, NG, B, C,
d. E, G, T, Ñ, NG

4. What is the act/law that declared Filipino Sign Language (FSL) as the national sign language for the Filipino
deaf community?
a. R.A 11106
b. R.A 11109
c. R.A 11061
d. R.A 11160

5. It is a visual language used by deaf and hard-of-hearing people in the Philippines, characterized by its own
unique grammar and vocabulary, to communicate. It involves hand movements, gestures, facial expressions, and
body language instead of spoken words.
a. American Sign Language
b. Filipino deaf language
c. Philippine Sign Language
d. National Sign Language

1. Linguistic relativity states that language structure affect the way people ______ a word.

A. use

B. determine

C. conceptualize

D. spell

2. Linguistic determinism states that structure of a language can strongly influence or determine

someone’s __________

A. opinion

B. motto

C. personality

D. world view

3. This describes a consistent and integral sense of existence and provides a theoretical framework for

generating, sustaining and applying knowledge.

A. language

B. world view

C. culture

D. history

4. It shows how the techniques of unique oral performances enhance the aesthetic value of their

performances within their specific cultural context.

A. ethnopoetics

B. theatrical act

C. ritual

D. poetry

5. Which is not an example of ethnopoetics?

A. chants
B. proverbs

C. prophecies

D. painting

1. Who proposed the Oral Gesture Theory or also known as Speech Gesture Theory?

a. Richard Paget

b. Richard Piaget

c. Richvon Paget

d. Richvon Piaget

2. This gestures are a type of non-verbal communication used by a speaker to aid communication.

a. Iconic Gesture

b. Representational Gesture

c. Beat geasture

d. Interactive gesture

3. A monkey saw how the caretaker is opening and giving the banana to them. Which mirror neuron is being


a. Mouth mirror neurons

b. Gustatory mirror neurons

c. Optic-auditory mirror neurons

d. Audiovisual mirror neurons

4. A particular case study that shows the development of language evolution is the emergence of the ______.

a. Indian Sign Language

b. Nicaraguan Sign Language

c. Hispanic Sign Language

d. Siberian Sign Language

5. Fogassi & Ferrari (2014) investigated the motor cortex in monkeys, also known as _______.

a. F2

b. F4

c. F3

d. F5
1. His revolutionary book “Syntactic Structures,” laid the foundation of his non-empiricist theory of language.

A. Chomsky

B. Aristotle

C. Lowth

D. Jones

2. He is the one who identified the basic components of sentences such as the verb and noun?

A. Aristotle

B. Jones

C. Lowth

D. Chomsky

3. He was convinced that English is rule-governed.

A. De Saussure

B. Chomsky

C. Jones

D. Lowth

4. In 1771, he published A Grammar of the Persian Language, which proved to be one of the best grammar texts

ever published in English about a language the Western world considered "exotic."

A. Lowth

B. Jones

C. Aristotle

D. De Saussure

5. His main contribution to structuralism was his theory of a two-tiered reality about language.

A. Chomsky
B. De Saussure

C. Aristotle

D. Lowth

1. Who proposed the Evolutionary theory of language development?

A. Charles Darwin
B. Vygotsky
C. Noam Chomsky
D. Jean Piaget

2. Where did Darwin published his idea about language?

A. Evolution theory
B. Descent of Man
C. Origin of Language
D. Book of language evolution

3. According to Darwin, it may have contributed to the evolution of language.

A. Their environment
B. The sound of primate individuals
C. The development of Language Acquisition Device
D. Sexual and natural selection

4. What scientific theory of language origin is it similar to? Explain.

A. Bow-wow
B. Pooh pooh
C. Ding Dong
D. Yo-he-ho

5. What stage of language development does Charles Darwin stated that people started to add meanings to the
sounds that they were making.
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3
D. It is not included in the stages

1. Which of the following events marked the beginning of the English language’s development from its

Anglo-Saxon roots?

A. The Norman conquest in 1066

B. The arrival of the Romans in Britain

C. The establishment of the kingdom of England

D. The Viking Invasions

2. During the Middle English period, which significant event influenced the English language through its

impact on vocabulary?

A. The great vowel shift

B. The Renaissance

C. The Black death

D. The printing press invention

3. Who is often credited with standardizing the English language through the publication of the king James

bible in 1611

A. William Shakespeare

B. Geoffrey Chaucer

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. King James 1 of England

4. Which of the following factors contribute to the expansion of English as a global language during the

Early Modern period?

A. Colonialism and British Empire Expansion

B. The hundred year’s war

C. The Protestant Reformation

D. The Industrial Revolution

5. Which of the following individuals played a crucial role in the development of American English during

the 19 century ?

A. Noah Webster

B. Alexander Pope

C. Jonathan Swift

D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

1. What is the largest language family in the whole world?

a. Proto-Germanic Language

b. Indo-European Language

c. Romance Languages

d. Anglo-Saxon

2. After the 1066 invasion, with the lead of William the Conqueror with his Norman army, this language exist,

and better known now as Old English.

a. Germanic Languages

b. Old Norse

c. Old French

d. Romance Languages

3. The Old English belongs to Germanic language family. First brought to the British Isles in the 5th and 6th

centuries by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. The Germanic dialects they spoke would become known as?

a. Proto-Germanic Language

b. Indo-European Language
c. Romance Languages

d. Anglo-Saxon

4. This is the common ancestor of various romance languages such as Latin, English, Swedish, German, and many


a. Proto-Germanic Language

b. Indo-European Language

c. Romance Languages

d. Anglo-Saxon

5. This language family includes nearly all languages historically spoken in Europe, as well as large parts of

Southern and Western Asia.

a. Proto-Germanic Language

b. Indo-European Language

c. Romance Languages

d. Anglo-Saxon

1. It serves as a reconstructed language, pieced together by linguists through the analysis of similarities among

various Indo-European languages.

A) Proto-Indo-European

B) Ancient Greek

C) Latin

D) Sanskrit

2. The most well-known Anatolian language.

A) Hittite

B) Lycian

C) Lydian

D) Luwian

3. This period began in 449 AD with the arrival of three Germanic tribes from the Continent: the Angles,

Saxons, and Jutes.

A) Early Middle English

B) The Migration Period

C) The Anglo-Saxon Period

D) Old English Period

4. It emerged after the Norman Conquest of 1066, when the Normans conquered England.
A) Middle English

B) The Migration Period

C) The Anglo-Saxon Period

D) Old English Period

5. This period is characterized by standardized spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, although it continues to

evolve with new words and expressions.

A) Early Middle English

B) The Migration Period

C) The Anglo-Saxon Period

D) Modern English

1. Who is the first person who studied the Great Vowel Shift?

A. Otto Jespersen

B. Karl Marx

C. Johann Herder

D. Max Muller

2. In what time or era did the vowel shifts happened?

A. 1986-1987

B. 1600

C. 1500-1800

D. 1700-1900

3. What is continuously changing over time?

A. Bible

B. Language

C. Consonants

D. Books

4. What do you call the systematic change in the pronunciation of vowels?

A. Chain Shift

B. Vowel Shift

C. Language Shift

D. Pronunciation Shift

5. What is the other term or name of Great Vowel Shift?

A. Chain Shift
B. Language Shift

C. Pronunciation Shift

D. Vowel Shift

1. It refers to the understanding of two native language or dialect speakers.

A. Comprehension
B. Mutual Intelligibility
C. Communication
D. Mutuality
2. A type of dialect that is unique to a person’s way of speaking can be referred to as __________.
A. Sociolect
B. Regiolect
C. Ethnolect
D. Idiolect
3. A general or widely used in a country that is a tool for communication.
A. Language
B. Ethnolect
C. Dialect
D. Linguistics
4. Differences of language between dialect are stated below except one.
A. In language, there is no mutual intelligibility.
B. Language is the standardized spoken tool in a country.
C. Language is more on in general side.
D. There can be a mutual intelligibility in language.
5. Slangs are the example of what type of dialect?
A. Sociolect
B. Regiolect
C. Ethnolect
D. Idiolect

1. refers to a group of people who share rules for conducting and interpreting at least one variety of a language or
a. community
b. speech
c. language variation
d. speech community

2. also called lect—is a general term for any distinctive form of a language or linguistic expression.
a. community
b. speech
c. language variation
d. speech community

3. a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society.

a. community
b. speech
c. language variation
d. speech community

4. As for a speech community,

Its ________ is the language shared by the members.
a. Population
b. area
c. facility
d. interaction

5. the last element that shall be omitted when considering identifying a speech community.
a. area
b. interaction
c. language
d. population

1. It refers to regional, social, or contextual differences in the ways that a particular language is used.
a. Language
b. Dialect

2. Chavacano is an example of what linguistic variation?

a. Pidgin
c. Standard Language

3. It is a variation in grammar and vocabulary in addition to sound variations.

b. Sociolect
c. Idiolect

4. What are the four types of dialect?

a. Yaya Language, Beki Language, Conyo Language, AAVE
c. Registers, Tone, Voice, Volume

5. It is a variety of language that is recognized and adopted by its government and spoken and written by the
majority of people in a country.
a. Standard Language
b. Pidgin

1. It refers to historic language or communication that is intended to remain unchanged and it is often learned by rote
A. Frozen
B. Intimate
C. Formal
D. Casual

2. It is a straightforward style, it follows a prescriptive format and the speaker uses complete sentences, avoids
slang, and may use technical and academic vocabulary.
A. Casual
B. Formal
C. Static
D. Intimate

3. It refers to a style of language or communication that is used in professional or formal settings that requires two-
way participation.
A. Consultative
B. Formal
C. Casual
D. Frozen

4. Also known as informal language or colloquial language, refers to a style of communication that is relaxed,
spontaneous, and suitable for informal settings that is characterized by its simplicity, use of everyday vocabulary, and lack
of strict adherence to grammatical rules or formal conventions.
A. Consultative
B. Intimate
C. Casual
D. Formal

5. I love you so much babe, I will miss you, keep safe, are the example of this type of register
A. Frozen D. Formal

B. Intimate

C. Casual
1. A process that occurs when a language is no longer spoken across the world.

a. Language Shift

b. Language Death

c. Language Vitality

d. Language Maintenance

2. It is a type of language death that is widely known as “Language Suicide”.

a. Gradual

b. Bottom-to-Top

c. Sudden

d. Radical

3. The type of language death that involves the slowly declining number of speakers of a particular language.

a. Gradual

b. Bottom-to-Top

c. Sudden

d. Radical

4. A type of language death where the speakers naturally died, or intentionally killed due to various possible


a. Gradual

b. Bottom-to-Top

c. Sudden

d. Radical

5. It refers to the type of language death where a particular language only survives in some contexts, but are no

longer spoken nor used for daily conversations.

a. Gradual

b. Bottom-to-Top

c. Sudden

d. Radical

1. It refers to the biological and physiological differences between men and women.

a. Gender
a. Sex
a. language and gender
a. homosexual
2. It refers to the socially constructed characteristics of men and women, such as norms, roles, and relationships
among and between groups of men and women.

a. Gender
a. Sex
a. Language and Gender
a. Homosexual

3. Which of the following is the topic of conversation among women?

a. Self, feeling, affiliations with others, home and family

a. Sports, business, politics and competition.
a. Imperial issue
a. Talk about women and machines in the same way

4. Theories about gender differences state that men and women belong to different subcultures and preferences,
resulting in a clear difference in the way in which groups speak.

a. Dominance theory
a. Deficit theory
a. Difference theory
a. Gender schema theory

5. Theories about gender differences state that there is a conviction about women’s lack of language.

a. Dominance theory
a. Deficit theory
a. Difference theory
a. Gender schema theory

1. It is the change in one’s language or speech style to move closer in the style of the person they are speaking


a. Divergence

c. Social Class

b. Convergence d. Prestige

2. It is the change in one’s language or speech style to move away in the style of the person they are speaking


a. Divergence c. Social Class

b. Convergence d. Prestige

3. Which among the following is an informal version of language which usually contains colloquialisms and


a. Standard English c. English

b. Non-standard English d. Verbal Gen Z

4. This language register is frozen and unchanging.

a. Static c. Frozen

b. Casual d. Formal

5. This language register is used between closed acquaintances.

a. Casual c. Consultative

b. Intimate d. Formal

1. Which of the classifications of languages are spoken by the Austronesian peoples outside of Taiwan, in

the island nations of Southeast Asia?

a. Malayo-Polynesian Languages c. Auxiliary Language

b. Chavacanos d. Cantonese

2. Which of the national or official languages in the Philippines became the lingua franca in the 19th and

20th centuries? It was also the language of the Philippine Revolution.

a. English c. Spanish

b. Chinese d. Filipino

3. What do you call a group of 600 American teachers who traveled from the United States to the newly

occupied territory of the Philippines on the US Army Transport Thomas?

a. Tomasites c. Thomasetes

b. Thomasites d. Thomasates

4. The language is usually called _______ within the Philippines and among Filipinos to differentiate it from

other Philippine languages.

a. Filipino c. Baybayin

b. Pilipino d. Tagalog

5. Which of the major foreign languages is spoken as a lingua franca in the southernmost parts of the

Philippines, from Zamboanga down to Tawi-Tawi among a minority of the Tausog, Bajau, and Yakan peoples?

a. Arabic c. Japanese

b. Malay d. Chavacanos
1. This is the most prestigious variety of Philippine English

A. Mesolect English B . Basilect English C. Hybrid English D . Acrolect English

2. Basilect English is being spoken by

A. English Majors B . Politicians C. Celebrities D. nonprofessional speakers.

3. Variety of English that is being spoken with exaggeration

A. Conyo B . Conyo English C. Taglish D. Taglish English

4. Refers to the English of those who are taking care of children who are fluent in English.

A. English Maid. B . Yaya English. C. Helper English D. yaya

5. Colegiala English refers to the English of the girls inside the

A. Convent. B . converse . C. School. D military.

1. What is the term that is defined as the use of multiple languages at the same time in the same place?

a.) Linguistics Borrowing

c.) Code-Switching Mechanism Of Interference
b.) Language Contact
d.) Code-Switching Place Immersed

2. What type of Language Contact that has occurred through the transmission of literature, media, or through
new technologies such as television, mobile phones, radio, and the internet?

a.) Deceptive Contact

c.) Indeceptive Contact
b.) Direct Contact
d.) Indirect Contact

3. Linguistics Borrowing is also known as?

a.) Labialization Borrowing c.) Lexeme Borrowing

b.) Lexical Borrowing d.) Language Associate Borrowing

4. What do you call this outcome of Language Contact in which language is born from the contact of two
languages, such as: pidgin, creole, and bilingual mixed languages?

a.) Creation of Language

c.) Language Shift
b.) Language Switching
d.) Death of Language
5. What is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another?

a.) Language Contact

c.) Structural Diffusion
b.) Linguistics Borrowing
d.) Language Adaptation

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