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Reflective Writing Assignment #2

Please follow these instructions:

Reflective writing: Question & answer essay format.

1. Provide an image of your choice for your answer.

2. Write a 2 page answer (Times New Romans- 12 font) that is a thorough analysis of the image
you have provided.

Visual Persuasion

Do a thorough analysis of Visual Persuasion. How does your image relate to Shock Advertising,
Persuasion, or Propaganda? What is the role your image plays in using factual information and
emotional appeal to promote a desired response and/or behavior?

Criteria for Reflective Writing Assignment:

 answer + a supporting image.

 Double spaced, Times New Roman font 12pt.
 Include title page
 APA format, at least 4 references.
 Submit final document to course upload box.

Grading Matrix:

The answer is valued at 10% of your total course grade.

 On Topic (2%)
 Depth (4%)
 Grammar (2%)
 References (2%)

Due Week 8

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