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COMM 310 - Feasibility Proposal Report Assignment

For this assignment, you will be constructing a brief feasibility study in the internal memo format.

The memo will relate to the ACME Bowling Ball scenario we used for the mid-term:

You’ve been asked by your boss, who has a great deal of trust in you and your abilities, to research
and make a recommendation about the feasibility of allowing the sales staff of your company, ACME
Bowling Balls, to work from home (telecommute). Note, this is in a time after COVID, but not during.

Under the plan, sales staff will be able to work from home two of the five days of the work week. (You
will recommend to your boss that it’s a good idea.)

Until COVID lockdowns, sales people were not allowed to work from home, so this would be a new
policy for ACME.

Specific Requirements—assignment particulars

There are four written particulars for this assignment.

1. The assignment must be formatted as a standard memo from you to your boss.
(see graphic below)
2. The assignment must not exceed three full pages (750 words). No cover page, please.
3. Because it’s a memo do not follow APA style. Your font should be 11- or 12-point, Arial, Calibri
or Times New Roman, left-justified, single-space text.
4. The following four headings must appear exactly as indicated and in the sequence shown.
• Introduction
• Recommendations
• Analysis
• Conclusion

The top part of the memo should look something like this using: Date, To, From, Re.
Content of memo: (remember, you are recommending in favour of telecommuting for sales

For each of the headings, you should include at least the content described below.

a) Introduction: Provide a short synopsis of the situation, and the reason for your
communication—to your boss, not to me (your instructor).

b) Recommendations: Briefly and concisely, specify what you think would work and why.
Propose moving ahead to the next phase. Format and phrase the actual recommendations

c) Analysis: Include an initial, general estimate of the costs (possible downsides, financial and
otherwise) and benefits (financial and other) of allowing telecommuting. Include a provisional
timeline for when the plan would take effect and what a typical work week would look like for the
sales staff involved.

d) Conclusion: Summarize very briefly.

Grading Rubric:

Introduction: Provide a short synopsis of the situation, and the reason for your communication. / /15

Recommendations: Briefly and concisely specify what you think would work and why.
Propose moving ahead to the next phase. Format and phrase the actual recommendations appropriately. / /15

Analysis: Include an initial, general estimate of the costs (financial and other) you would foresee,
/ /20
contrasting them against the probable benefits of telecommuting. Include a provisional timeline.

Conclusion: Summarize very briefly. / /10

Reasonableness and/or practicality: Does the submission appear to be reasonable and practical?
/ /10

Clarity / Precision: Is your writing clear and precise enough to result in effective communication?
Correct grammar, word choice and punctuation? 2 /20

Format: Appropriately professional format and presentation including: an internal memo indicator plus / Date / To line /
From line / Re line / /10

Total / /100

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