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Group 4- Sick People

Jesus says, “the most important thing to do is to care for the needs of others”. Analyze the given
situation by creating a list of the risks, temptations, and moral dilemmas your group might face
in the scenario, then draft a plan of action that will help your group counter this situation. How
are you going to show mercy to others by tending to their needs whenever you can?

Risk Temptations Moral Dilemmas

1. Sick people are suffering 1. 1. One of the temptations of sick 1.When healthcare professionals
from a contagious disease. people is resisting from curing discuss a major medical
themselves—sometimes it came procedure with the patient and
2. In this time of pandemic, from the feeling of helplessness. family (in the midst of this
travelling and visiting are risky pandemic), it may include an end
and people are encouraged to life-support discussion.
better stay at home to 2. 2. Sick people are most likely to
minimize the spread of think of ways on how he/she can 2. Particularly in the midst of this
CoVid-19. escape from the feeling of being pandemic, sick people either
in pain. However, when they can't have the decision to share the
find a way anymore and they think virus with their family members or
3. Nowadays, people who are
of having no hope at all, the last also be quarantined all alone
sick are the one who will be a thing in their mind is to attempt to done entirely in the service of
testing tool to be able to get end their lives. others, protecting them from
the right vaccine/medicine for possible infection.
Covid-19. 3. 3. Sick people are tempted to
consume foods they aren’t 3. Sick patients due to covid-19 or
4. Limited financial support allowed to eat, and even do things other diseases tend to have
and resources given by the they aren’t allowed to do. alternative traditional treatment
higher authorized people. or quackery because some of
4. Sick people tend to distance them can’t afford medical
5. Some of the Government themself or are demanding for assistance, allowing the virus to
alliance didn’t pay attention space because they do not want continue to thrive.
when it came to curing the the thought of being taken care of,
sick people especially the maybe their mindset is they see 4. Plenty of covid-19 patients
marginalized sector. themselves as a burden to the sacrifice the intensive care from
ones who care for them. To put it nurses and doctors for other
in words, sick people don't like to patients with the highest chance
feel pity from their friends and of therapeutic success due to
relatives. overwhelming count of cases and
limited healthcare facilities.
5.Sick people tend to give up or
lose hope easily and think ahead 5. Sick people are often linked to
of time that they can't handle it discrimination and prejudice that’s
anymore and can barely survive why it develops dear and anxiety
life. to the patients which could result
to self-harm.
Moral Virtues:
Fortitude and Justice
Action Plan:
In today's current situation, the pandemic allows the population of ill people to
continuously increase wherein it comes to the point where it can no longer cater everyone. As
students, donation drives and establishing partnerships with various companies can be one of
the best options to be able to bridge the gaps of insufficient materials needed to cure the sick. A
simple action as it may seem, but it can greatly give justice to the ill people having the right to
be cured. And in some ways, through this action allows them to conquer their fears from not
being saved from death because we are fighting and facing it with them.

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