Process Configuration

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Chapter 6

Process Configuration

This chapter provides details about the Business Center Foundation part Process

Process Configuration allows an easy and technically simplified configuration of

complex business scenario aspects. You do not have to consider any detailed SAP
Business Workflow related requirements. The following configuration aspects are
covered within Process Configuration:
• Profile configuration
• Profile assignment

6.1 Profile configuration

A profile within Process Configuration comprises the following definitions:
• which business rules must be checked for a business scenario
• which corresponding process steps should be executed
• which agent roles should execute them, using specific screen layouts and suitable
process actions

The profile configuration also offers versioning capabilities. This means, it allows
changing the defined business scenarios at any time without disrupting the already
running process instances in any way.

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Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Note: Within the standard delivery, a simple dummy profile PC_DEFAULT is

delivered. This profile is independent from any business scenario data context.
It can be easily used to start and test example processes.

The following customizing steps are necessary to configure profiles:

• “Defining a profile” on page 110

• “Defining a profile version” on page 111
• “Defining actions” on page 120
• “Defining roles” on page 129
• “Configuring characteristics” on page 130
• “Maintaining process steps” on page 131

6.1.1 Defining a profile

A profile is defined by a unique profile ID, a meaningful description, and a
responsible user name.

To define a profile:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to Process Configuration >


2. In the Profile Configuration Overview screen, define the profile using the
following parameters:

Profile ID
Define the profile with a unique ID.

Profile Description
Enter a meaningful profile description.

Enter the responsible person or creator for the profile.

You might want to copy an existing profile and all its dependent settings to a
completely different profile name. In this case, run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction
and navigate to Process Configuration > Copy Profiles.

Note: To run this activity, authorization for J_6NPF_ADM is needed. For more
information, see “Authorization objects” on page 184.

The copied version will always start with a first profile version again, independent
from the current version counter currently used by the copied profile.

110 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

6.1.2 Defining a profile version

In this step, you define the main settings for a profile version and the characteristic
and Processing Screen settings. For each profile, there must be only one active
version at the same time.

To define a profile version:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to Process Configuration >


2. In the Profile Configuration Overview screen, mark an entry and double-click

Version Definition.

3. In the Version Definition Details screen, define the version using the following

Next higher version counter

If you want to generate a new version for an existing profile by reusing all already
available settings (to be changed or enhanced afterwards), run the /n/OTX/
PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to Process Configuration > Create Profile

Note: To run this activity, authorization for J_6NPF_ADM is needed. For more
information, see “Authorization objects” on page 184.

This will set the old version to inactive and copy all current settings to a new active
profile version automatically.

Note: To remain consistent, running processes will always continue to use the
profile version for which they have been started. This also applies if the
corresponding profile version has been set to inactive in the meantime due to a
newer active profile version. Therefore, it is not allowed to delete profile
versions from the configuration at any time. Maintaining version settings

To maintain version settings:

• In the Version Definition Details screen (see “Defining a profile version”

on page 111), maintain the version settings, using the following parameters.

Version Description
Enter a meaningful description of the current profile version.

Select this check box to set the version to active. Clear the check box to set
the version to inactive.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 111

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Creation Date
Enter the date when the version has been created.
Created by
Enter the responsible person or creator for the profile version.
Profile Class
Enter the profile class. The profile class contains the highest level profile
related processing logic that is required to execute a profile configuration
during runtime. If no class is maintained, the standard class /OTX/
PF04_CL_PROFILE is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic has to be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF04_CL_PROFILE must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom profile class.
The following methods are supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText
recommends that you do not change any other method.
This method implements custom authorization checks based on the
current characteristic value, process step, and process ledger data.
When executing dialog work items, the method is called for the
activities 02 - Change and 03 - Display.
If any authorization check fails, the exception /OTX/
CX_PF04_EXCEPTION has to be raised passing a suitable error message.

You can use this method to implement any finalization or data cleanup
activities at the end of the overall business process.
Data Class
Enter the data class. The data class is used during profile processing. It
handles read and write database accesses to the corresponding process
ledger header and item data tables. It also handles the determination of the
characteristic value. If no class is maintained, the standard class /OTX/
PF04_CL_DATA is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic has to be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF04_CL_DATA must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom data class.
The following method is supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText
recommends that you do not change any other method.
This method dynamically determines the characteristic value based on
the current process ledger data. This is necessary if the characteristic
value cannot be determined statically by a single process ledger header
table field value.

112 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

This method is used when writing data back to the process ledger
header table and during processing of a profile configuration.
The determined characteristic value is written back to the process
ledger header table field BCF_CHAR.

Analyt. Prof.
Analytics Profile. For analytic evaluations, data may need to be prepared on
the database. Enter the Analytics profile with profile type 1 - Process KPIs
to finished documents if you want to trigger the update of Analytics
database tables designed for evaluations on finished documents. For details
how to maintain an Analytics profile, see “Configuring Analytics”
on page 31. Maintaining characteristic settings

To maintain characteristic settings:

• In the Version Definition Details screen (see “Defining a profile version”

on page 111), maintain the characteristic settings, using the following

Characteristic Field (optional)

The characteristic might be represented statically by the current value of
just one single process ledger header table field during runtime. In this case,
you can maintain the table field name here. All available process ledger
header table fields can be used, except the characteristic field BCF_CHAR
itself. The BCF_CHAR field always must store the latest determined value.
Default value: <Empty>

Note: As soon as a static process ledger header table field is

maintained, no dynamic characteristic determination using the
method CHARACTERISTIC_EXIT of the class /OTX/PF04_CL_DATA takes
place anymore. Maintaining Processing Screen settings

The Processing Screen is called when executing process steps in dialog. The
Processing Screen offers the corresponding business scenario related index data. It
also offers suitable process actions and further scenario or related data context
information. This is required to resolve issues represented by a dialog process step
in a fast and flexible way.

You can control the basic technical functionality of the Processing Screen and its
different screen areas by maintaining the Processing Screen settings described in this

To use the Processing Screen in a proper way, a minimum screen resolution
of 1600 x 900 is required.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 113

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

The following screen areas are available and together form the overall appearance of
the Processing Screen during runtime:

Action Pane
The action pane integrates all process actions that have been configured for an
agent role. These process actions are available for a combination of the current
characteristic value (if applicable) and the process step. Each process action is
represented by a separate action button.
A maximum of 20 process actions is allowed. They are displayed by 5 action
button rows consisting of 4 action buttons each. The arrangement of the buttons
starts in row 1 and takes place from left to right using the process action
sequence as maintained in the action assignment configuration. For more
information, see “Defining actions” on page 120. As soon as a button row
exceeds the limit of 4 action buttons, the next row is populated.
Info Pane
The info pane displays all check results of the business rules assigned to the
current agent role, characteristic value (if applicable), and process step.
The rule check status is visualized by an indicator light icon in combination with
the return messages of the check. The first check result message is displayed
directly in the info pane area overview. All further check messages can be
displayed by clicking on the message line hyperlink.
Detail Pane
In the detail pane area, additional process data context information is displayed.
The detail pane uses the processing plug-in concept. For more information, see
“Configuring plug-in integration” on page 24.

114 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Tab Strip Area

Within the tab strip area, the index data itself is displayed. It is grouped into
several meaningful tab strip sections. Each tab strip allows calling a custom sub
screen containing the corresponding business scenario related index data fields.
Depending on the related business scenario, the index data fields can be
completely different.
You can activate a maximum of 6 different tab strip sections. Tab strips that have
not been activated will not be displayed during runtime.

To maintain Processing Screen settings:

• In the Version Definition Details screen (see “Defining a profile version”

on page 111), maintain the Processing Screen settings, using the following

Main Class
Enter the main class. The main Processing Screen class contains all logic
required for the screen processing. If no class is maintained, the standard
class /OTX/PF40_CL_IDX_SCREEN is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic has to be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF40_CL_IDX_SCREEN must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered
as custom Processing Screen class.

Note: A redefinition of the main class is not required.

Sub Class
Enter the subclass. The Processing Screen subclass contains all logic for the
subscreen processing. Copy the general class /OTX/
PF41_CL_IDX_SUBSCREEN, enhance it with business scenario specific logic,
and enter it as Processing Screen subclass.

Note: An inheritance of the general class is not possible because the

associated types of the following class attributes must be replaced
with suitable types that are business-scenario specific:


The attribute names themselves must remain unchanged.

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Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Action Pane Class

Enter the action pane class. This class provides the integration and handling
of process actions into the action pane. If no class is maintained, the
standard class /OTX/PF40_CL_ACTION_PANE is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF40_CL_ACTION_PANE must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered
as custom action pane class.

Note: In general, no redefinition of the action pane class is required.

Info Pane Class

Enter the info pane class. This class handles the integration of the business
rule check results into the info pane. If no class is maintained, the standard
class /OTX/PF40_CL_INFO_PANE is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF40_CL_INFO_PANE must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom info pane class.

Note: In general, no redefinition of the info pane class is required.

Tab Strip Class

Enter the tab strip class. This class handles the integration of the tab strip
control into the main index data tab strip area. If no class is maintained, the
standard class /OTX/PF40_CL_TABSTRIP is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF40_CL_TABSTRIP must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom tab strip class.

Note: In general, no redefinition of the tab strip class is required.

Field Handl. Class

Enter the field handler class. This class handles the general availability and
the input status of the business scenario related Processing Screen data
fields. If no class is maintained, the standard class /OTX/
PF40_CL_FLD_HANDLER is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
The maintained field settings determine whether a screen field is available
and what the field input status should be for a combination of current agent
role, characteristic value, and process step.
If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF40_CL_FLD_HANDLER must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered
as custom field handler class.

116 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

The following methods are supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText

recommends that you do not change any other method.

This method sets the screen field status of business scenario related
index header data fields.
This method has to be called in the PBO module of every business
scenario related tab strip header data sub screen.

This method sets the screen field status of business scenario related
index item data fields.
This method has to be called in the PBO module of every business
scenario related tab strip item data sub screen.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PCS_TAB_CONTROL Changing Table control containing the
current item field list

Note: The field handler class method FIELD_STATUS_HEAD_SET must

be called in the PBO module of every business scenario related tab
strip header data subscreen, regardless if it has been redefined or not.
Also the field handler class method FIELD_STATUS_ITEM_SET has to
be called in the PBO module of every business scenario related tab
strip item data subscreen regardless if it has been redefined or not. The
reason is that both methods can be used within the sub screens to
integrate the maintained field setting configuration without the need
to manually evaluate these settings in every scenario related sub
screen PBO module over and over again.

Tab Program
Enter the name of the main program where the business scenario related
subscreens are located in. Usually, this is the main program of a function

Note: You can use the general function group /OTX/

PF41_IDX_DEFAULT_SCRN as a copy template. It already contains basic
subscreens for header and item data. Moreover, the function group
contains the corresponding screen logic, which is independent of the
business scenario. The function group also contains the required
global data declarations.
After copying the function group, replace all associated types of the
general data declarations in the TOP include by suitable types that are
related to the business scenario. Resolve all activation errors resulting
from the type changes within the copied function group. Additionally,
adjust the subscreen table control of the item data following the type

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Chapter 6 Process Configuration

This approach significantly reduces development efforts when

implementing new business scenarios. It prevents developing the
same basic screen logic over and over again and therefore also lowers
maintenance efforts across different business scenarios.

Data Sync. FM
Enter the data synchronization function module. It must be created and
located in the function group where all the business scenario related
subscreens are located in. This function module allows data exchange
between the subscreens and the main Processing Screen frame screen or
If you have copied the template function group /OTX/
PF41_IDX_DEFAULT_SCRN, the data synchronization function is already in
To create a data synchronization function completely from scratch, copy the
template function /OTX/PF40_IDX_DATA_SYNC_TEMPL into the
corresponding subscreen function group and enhance it as needed. The
objects to be synchronized by this function module are the following:

• the index header and item data

• a data changed indicator (needed to save index data if not done
• the class instance of the field handler class

The following different data synchronization call modes are available. They
are initiated by the frame screen. They must be handled by the
synchronization function accordingly:
Import Mode
The import mode transfers the current screen data, the data changed
indicator, and the field handler instance to the subscreen function
group. It is called during initialization of the Processing Screen. It is
further called in the PAI section after execution of a process action and
also in the PAI after a possible change of the current characteristic
value. A characteristic value change could be caused, for example, from
changed data by a process action.
Export Mode
The export mode transfers the index data, the data changed indicator,
and the field handler instance from the subscreen function group back
to the frame screen program. It is called in the beginning of the PAI
Exit Mode
When finally leaving the Processing Screen the synchronization
function is called in exit mode. It executes any final cleanup or data
reset activities. The data changed indicator has a special importance
here. It is used to ask the user if data changes should be saved before
leaving the screen.

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6.1. Profile configuration

Note: Index header data, index item data, the data changed indicator,
and the field handler class instance must be synchronized. Therefore,
suitable global data definitions must be made in the top include of the
corresponding function group.

PAI Sync. FM
Enter the PAI synchronization function module. Create it and locate it in the
function group where all the subscreens that are business scenario related
are located in. This function module allows the exchange of screen user
commands between the subscreens and the main Processing Screen frame
screen or program. If you have copied the template function group /OTX/
PF41_IDX_DEFAULT_SCRN, the PAI synchronization function is already in
To create a PAI synchronization function completely from scratch, copy the
function module /OTX/PF41_IDX_PAI_SYNC_DEF into the corresponding
subscreen function group and enhance it as needed.

Tab 1-6 Subscreens , Tab 1-6 Text

Assign all business scenario specific subscreen numbers to the tabs.
Maintain the texts for the single tabs as well.

Inquire Role
Enter the inquire role. Inquiry is a special simplified process step referral
functionality. It does not need a receiving role to be chosen but only
requires the target users to be entered. To allow maintenance of suitable
process actions and field settings, you must maintain a technical role name
that is used to maintain and evaluate these settings.

Display Role
Enter the display role. It is used to read the maintained Processing Screen
field configuration if the Processing Screen is called in standalone mode
outside of any running process.

Display Process Step

Enter the display process step. It is used to read the maintained Processing
Screen field configuration if the Processing Screen is called in standalone
mode outside of any running process.

Detail Pane State

Select the detail pane state from the list. When calling the Processing Screen
for the first time, this setting is used to determine if the detail pane should
be shown or hidden. Afterwards the current state is stored user-specifically
for all further screen calls.
Possible values: Hide, Show, No Detail Pane

Detail Pane Side

Select the detail pane side from the list. When calling the Processing Screen
for the first time, this setting is used to determine on which side the detail
pane should be docked. Afterwards the current docking side is stored user-
specifically for all further screen calls.

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Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Possible values: Left Justified, Right Justified

Detail Pane %
Enter the detail pane ratio in percent. When calling the Processing Screen
for the first time, this setting is used to determine the screen size of the
detail pane in percent. Afterwards the current size is stored user-specifically
for all further screen calls.

Note: Only ratio values between 5 and 90 % are allowed to prevent

that either the main screen or the detail pane is completely overlain.

Plug-In Type
Assign the plug-in type that shall be used in the detail pane.

Plug-In ID
Maintain the plug-in ID that should initially be displayed in the detail pane
when the screen is called for the first time. Afterwards the current plug-in
ID is stored user-specifically for all further screen calls.

6.1.3 Defining actions

In this step, you define the process actions which must be available to be assigned to
process steps in combination with the current characteristic value and agent role.

To define actions:

1. In the Version Definition Details screen (see “Defining a profile version”

on page 111), double-click Action Definition in the Dialog Structure.

2. In the Action Definition Overview screen, define actions, using the following

Action ID
Define the action using a 15 character unique action ID.

Note: Every action ID that is relevant for processing on Fiori side also
needs to be maintained as a corresponding work object type action
using the same action ID. For more information, see “Defining and
assigning node actions” on page 219.

Action Title
Enter the action title. It will be displayed as button text for the created
process action button in the action pane area of the Processing Screen.

Action Description
Enter a description of the action. The description will be displayed as tooltip
when the pointer is moved over the process action button.

Action Type
Select the action type from the list. The action type determines how a
defined action is handled during processing. It also determines whether the

120 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

action needs to be displayed in the action pane area of the Processing Screen
or not. The following action types are available:

Background Action
All actions of this type are not displayed in the action pane area of the
Processing Screen. However, these actions can be assigned to process
steps that are executed in background.

Dialog Action
For every dialog action, which is assigned to a process step, current
characteristic value, and agent role, an executable process action button
is created in the action pane area of the Processing Screen.

History Action
A history action is some kind of “dummy” action. It is nor available
from an Processing Screen process action button or within a
background process step. It can be used from anywhere in the process
to create a history entry for any purpose.

Referral Action
This action type is a special dialog action which is used to refer process
steps to other agent roles and/or users. It is displayed as an action
button in the action pane area of the Processing Screen.

The following actions are framework actions that must be available
in all profile definitions:

Action ID Action Title/ Action Action Class

Action Type
FRM_HIST_ACTIV Activate Rule History /OTX/
Action PF41_CL_ACTIO
FRM_HIST_BYPASS Bypass Rule History /OTX/
Action PF41_CL_ACTIO
FRM_WP_REASSIGN Reassign Referral /OTX/
Action PF41_CL_ACTIO
FRM_WP_CLASSI Reclassify Dialog /OTX/
Action PF41_CL_ACTIO

Action Class
Enter the action class. The action class contains the logic that is processed
when executing an action during runtime. If no class is maintained, the
standard class /OTX/PF04_CL_ACTION is always used.
Default value: <Empty>

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Chapter 6 Process Configuration

If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF04_CL_ACTION must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom action class.
The following methods are supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText
recommends that you do not change any other method.

This method provides logic that is executed for action of type Dialog
Action and Referral Action.
The method is called by the Processing Screen action pane when
pressing a process action button.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIT_ACTION_REASONS Importing This parameter contains
action reasons which could
potentially be selected
during executing actions
from the Fiori Task App.
PCS_PLH Changing Process ledger header data
that can be used and
changed by the action
PCT_PLI Changing Process ledger item data
that can be used and
changed by the action
PE_SUCCESS Exporting If the action has been
processed successfully, this
parameter has to be
returned with X. This
indicates that the ledger
data can be saved and the
process can be continued.

122 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Parameter Parameter type Description

PE_NO_DIRECT_LEDGE Exporting This parameter can be used
R_SAVE to prevent a dialog action
from directly saving data
changes to the process
ledger tables after its
successful execution.
Therefore, it leaves the
handling of the database
save up to the calling
application. This may be
useful if any changes should
explicitly be saved by the
Save button of the
Processing Screen only. On
the other hand, the changes
should also be discarded if
the Confirm Save dialog
box is denied when leaving
the Processing Screen.
PET_MESSAGES Exporting All messages returned with
this parameter are saved as
action messages for the
corresponding history entry.
PET_REFERRAL_AGENT Exporting In case of the action type
S Referral Action, all
referral agents are returned
to the process by this
PET_COMMENT Exporting This parameter allows
returning comments, which
are written to the comment
PC_FINISH_STEP Changing This parameter contains the
customizing setting if a
dialog step should be
finished after executing the
corresponding process
action. It can be overwritten
if needed in some rare cases.
PC_FINISH_PROCESS Changing This parameter contains the
customizing setting if the
whole process should be
finished after executing the
corresponding process
action. It can be overwritten
if needed in some rare cases.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 123

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Parameter Parameter type Description

PC_RESTART_PROCESS Changing This parameter contains the
customizing setting if the
process should be restarted
after executing the
corresponding process
action. It can be overwritten
if needed in some rare cases.

This method allows to check if executing an action is allowed or should
be stopped. The method is called for actions of type Dialog Action and
Referral Action.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT Importing Corresponding action
assignment settings
defined in the
PIT_ACTION_REASONS Importing Corresponding action
reasons if applicable and
selected during execute
PIS_PLH Importing Process Ledger Header
PIT_PLI Importing Process Ledger Item
PET_MESSAGES Exporting If the execute action
should be prevented/
stopped, return any
messages of type E

This method provides logic that is executed for action of type
Background Action. The method is called when executing background
process steps.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PCS_PLH Changing Process ledger header data
that can be used and
changed by the action
PCT_PLI Changing Process ledger item data
that can be used and
changed by the action

124 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Parameter Parameter type Description

PE_SUCCESS Exporting If the action has been
processed successfully, this
parameter has to be
returned with X. This
indicates that the ledger
data can be saved and the
process can be continued.
PET_MESSAGES Exporting All messages returned with
this parameter are saved as
action messages for the
corresponding history entry.

This method provides logic that is executed for action of type History
This method can be called whenever a dedicated history entry needs to
be created independent from the regular functionality of dialog actions
in the action pane or background actions within background steps.
Standard history entries will be created for both scenarios automatically
without the need for further history handling.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_PLH Importing Process ledger header data
that can be used but not
changed by the action
PIT_PLI Importing Process ledger item data
that can be used but not
changed by the action
PIT_ACTION_REASONS Importing This parameter contains
action reasons which could
potentially be selected
during executing actions
from the Fiori Task App.
PE_SUCCESS Exporting If the action has been
processed successfully, this
parameter must be returned
with X. This indicates that
the history entry can be
saved to the database and
the process can be
PET_MESSAGES Exporting All messages returned with
this parameter are saved as
action messages for the
corresponding history entry.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 125

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

This method formats action messages for screen output. This can be
required if some special formatting requirements need to be fulfilled,
for example amount formatting. It can also be required if some
language specific description texts should be displayed, for example
agent role descriptions.
This method is called when displaying action messages from the
process history plug-in.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_HIST Importing History entry for which a
message line should be
formatted for screen display
PCS_MESSAGE Changing Formatted output message

This method can be used to dynamically skip the button creation for an
assigned dialog action during runtime. As soon as a button has been
skipped, it is not possible to execute the corresponding dialog action
This method is called when creating the buttons for assigned dialog
actions in the Processing Screen action pane and the Fiori screens.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_PLH Importing Process ledger
header data that can
be used but not
changed by the
PIT_PLI Importing Process ledger item
data that can be used
but not changed by
the action
PIS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT Importing Configuration
settings of the action
PIS_SCREEN_SETTINGS Importing Configured screen
PI_READ_ONLY_MODE Importing Indicates whether the
screen currently runs
in read only mode or

126 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Parameter Parameter type Description

PE_ACTION_SKIP_BUTTON Exporting If this parameter is
returned with value
X, no button will be
created for the dialog

This method allows to overwrite the Skip History setting of the action
configuration during runtime.
This method is used when preparing the process history entries for
screen output.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_HIST Importing History entry for the
executed action in the
process history
PIT_HISM Importing History message lines for a
process history entry
PE_ACT_SKIP_HIST Exporting If this parameter is returned
with value X, the
corresponding history entry
for the action will be
skipped in the process
history screen output.

This method allows to offer action reasons to be selected when
executing actions from the Fiori Task App.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_PLH Importing Process ledger header
data that can be used but
not changed by the
PIT_PLI Importing Process ledger item data
that can be used but not
changed by the action
PE_ACTION_REASON_STA Exporting This parameter controls
TE whether the selection of
action reasons is
required, optional, or

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 127

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Parameter Parameter type Description

PE_ACTION_REASON_OPT Exporting This parameter controls
whether the action
reasons are offered as a
multiple or single
PET_ACTION_REASONS Exporting Action reasons
represented by unique
IDs and suitable
descriptions. The default
action reason to be
preselected can also be
set here.

You can use this method to control whether action comments are
handled by one of the following:

• the action itself using a suitable inplace comment box (for example,
referral actions)

• the corresponding comment dialog box offered on framework side

Parameter Parameter type Description

PR_COMMENT_INPLACE Returning Set the parameter to X if
comments are handled
by the action itself,
otherwise return an
empty value.

Skip History
Select this check box to skip the display of history entries in the process
history. For example, adding a comment may not be relevant to be
displayed in the history as an executed action.

Action Icon
For dialog and referral actions, assign an icon symbol, which is displayed
on the created process action button in the action pane area of the
Processing Screen.

Timeline Icon
Assign an icon for visualization in the Fiori history screens.

Tip: All available icons are defined in the “SAP UI5 Icon Explorer”: The URL
might be object to changes.

128 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

6.1.4 Defining roles

In this step, you define the agent roles that participate in the processing of the dialog
process steps. You also define how these roles are resolved during runtime. The
roles are also used to assign process actions, possible referral, and Processing Screen
field settings to the corresponding agents. An agent role can represent a group of
users or just one single user responsible for specific process steps.

To define roles:

1. In the Version Definition Details screen (see “Defining a profile version”

on page 111), double-click Role Definition in the Dialog Structure.

2. In the Role Definition Overview screen, define roles using the following

Role ID
Define the role using a 15 character unique role ID.

Role Description
Enter a meaningful role description.

Role Type
Select the role type from the list. Based on the defined role type, the system
determines how the role has to be resolved. You can select one of the
following role types:

Organizational Object Assignment

You can assign a fixed organizational object type and ID to the role, for
example work center.

Role Resolution Logic

You can program a dynamic role resolution logic, which will be used
for the role resolution. For this role type, the assignment of a custom
role class is mandatory.

Role Class
Enter a custom role class if necessary. It contains all required logic to
resolve the assigned role users during runtime. If no class is maintained the
standard class /OTX/PF04_CL_ROLE is always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF04_CL_ROLE must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom role class.
The following method is supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText
recommends that you do not change any other method.

Within this method, you can define any custom role resolution logic.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 129

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

This method is called by the role resolution function modules when

creating dialog process steps and when referring process steps in dialog
to propose the possible recipient list.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PET_ROLE_RESULT Exporting List of resolved users

Object Type
Enter the organizational object type, for example work center to be selected
for the role type Organizational Object Assignment.

Agent ID
Enter the agent ID or the ID of another organizational object, for example
work center, depending on the chosen object type.

Note: The IDs of organizational object assignments may be different

across the system landscape. Therefore, the /OTX/PF04_ADM_ROLE
transaction is available to adjust the values in test and production
systems, which in general do not allow any configuration changes.
The transaction is protected against a special administration
authorization. For more information, see “Authorizations”
on page 146.

Maintain the evaluation path. A special evaluation path might be required
to resolve the connected users for a role. As long as no special evaluation
path has been set up, the standard evaluation path WF_ORGUS is always

6.1.5 Configuring characteristics

The characteristic value is supposed to represent any criteria that can be determined
from the current set of business data field values in order to structure the relevant
process configuration.

Example: If different business rule checks are required in a sales order processing scenario,
the characteristic configuration can be used to execute different rule checks based on the
current sales organization value. It also may combine different fields like the sales
organization, sales office, and distribution channel to form some kind of virtual criteria from
this multiple criteria. The virtual criteria can then be used to distinguish different process

To configure characteristics:

1. In the Version Definition Details screen (see “Defining a profile version”

on page 111), double-click Characteristic Configuration in the Dialog

2. In the Characteristic Configuration Overview screen, configure characteristics

using the following parameters:

130 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Characteristic Value
Enter a direct (for example sales organization) or an indirect virtual
characteristic value (for example a transcoded combination of sales
organization, sales office, and distribution channel). Values up to 10
characters are allowed.
Direct characteristic values can be represented by a single statically
assigned process ledger header field. For more information, see
“Maintaining characteristic settings” on page 113.
Indirect virtual characteristic values need to be dynamically determined by
coding logic and transcoded into a key value. For more information, see
“Maintaining version settings” on page 111.

Note: If no special characteristic configuration is required at all,

configure an empty characteristic value.

Characteristic Description
Enter a meaningful description for the defined characteristic.

Note: Multiple similar characteristic configurations might need to be

performed. In this case, you can use the /OTX/PF04_CHAR_COPY
transaction to copy any characteristic configuration (and all its dependent
settings) to a different characteristic value. Afterwards the different
settings can easily be adjusted without the need to completely define each
single characteristic value from scratch over and over again. The copy
transaction only allows to copy characteristic values of currently active
profile versions to prevent old versions from being changed by mistake.

6.1.6 Maintaining process steps

The process step maintenance is based on a profile version and connected to the
current characteristic configuration. It contains all processing aspects for a business
scenario including business rule checks, process action assignments, and referral
settings as well as business rule simulate/bypass, index data field, and general
Processing Screen settings.

During runtime, each process step is represented by a SAP Business Workflow

dialog or background work item depending on the corresponding step type.

The following customizing steps are necessary to maintain process steps:

• “Defining a process step” on page 132
• “Defining business rules” on page 134
• “Assigning process actions” on page 137
• “Maintaining referral settings” on page 139
• “Maintaining simulate settings” on page 141
• “Maintaining bypass rules” on page 142

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 131

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

• “Maintaining field settings” on page 142

• “Maintaining screen settings” on page 143 Defining a process step

To define a process step:

1. In the Characteristic Configuration Overview screen (see “Configuring

characteristics” on page 130), mark an entry and double-click Process Steps in
the Dialog Structure.
2. In the Process Steps Overview screen, configure process steps using the
following parameters.

Process Step ID
Define the process step using a 10 character unique ID.
Process Step Description
Enter a meaningful process step description.
Step Type
Select the process step type from the list. The process step type controls how
a process step is determined and executed. The following process step types
are available.
Background Processing Only
Use this step type to execute background actions. It can be executed
only a fixed number of times. Otherwise, it would result in an endless
processing loop if the background processing fails over and over again.
The assignment of a background action ID is mandatory here. See
Action ID on page 133.
Background Processing with Dialog (Dialog on Fail)
Use this step type as the usual choice for steps that must be processed in
background. It automatically sends the process step to dialog if the
background action fails and therefore offers more flexibility than simple
background steps. The assignment of a background action ID is
mandatory here. See Action ID on page 133.
Dialog Processing
Use this step type for all dialog processing steps. They must be defined
using this step type.
Data Preparation Only
Use this step type for simple background activities, for example data
enrichments. The step type will be executed in background. However,
unlike the step type Background Processing Only, it will be executed
within the regular business rule check sequence without creating
separate work items.

Note: The step type Data Preparation Only can be useful to

always ensure a correctly prepared data basis within the business

132 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

rule check sequence if needed. However, it is not suitable for

complex background actions like SAP document creations.
Technical errors cannot be handled in a comfortable way using the
SAP Business Workflow functionality Restart after error.

Process Node Assignment

Use this step type as an enhanced step type whose usage should not be
required in general. It allows assigning technical process nodes defined
in the Process Foundation to fulfill special requirements which cannot
be implemented using any of the above mentioned process step types.
Process Step Class
Enter the process step class. It contains all logic required to check the

• if a process step should be raised

• which initial role it should be assigned to
• which logic should be executed in dialog or background depending on
the defined step type

If no class is maintained, the standard class /OTX/PF04_CL_CATEGORY is

always used.
Default value: <Empty>
If the standard logic must be changed for any reasons, the class /OTX/
PF04_CL_CATEGORY must be inherited, redefined as needed, and entered as
custom process step class.
The following method is supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText
recommends that you do not change any other method.
You can use this method to dynamically determine the initial role if no
fixed initial role assignment is possible.
The method is called after a process step has been determined to be the
next active process step, and no fixed initial role assignment is

Parameter Parameter type Description

PE_ROLE_ID Exporting Determined initial role

Define the processing sequence of the process steps within a characteristic
Action ID
Enter the Action ID. For all process steps with type Background Processing
Only and Background Processing with Dialog (Dialog on Fail), it is
mandatory to assign an action ID that contains the logic to be executed in

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 133

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Note: An action ID can only be assigned to step types Background

Processing Only and Background Processing with Dialog (Dialog
on Fail).

Role ID
To define the initial role assignment statically, enter the role ID.

Note: You can set an initial role only for the step types Background
Processing with Dialog (Dialog on Fail), Dialog Processing
and Process Node Assignment.

Process Node ID
For the process step type Process Node Assignment, enter a corresponding
process node defined in the Process Foundation.

Note: This setting is mandatory for process step type Process Node

Time Value
Maintain the time value when processing of a dialog or background step
should be started.
Time Unit
Maintain the time unit when processing of a dialog or background step
should be started: Minutes, Hours, Days, or Working days Defining business rules

Business rules are assigned to process steps. As soon as at least one business rule
check fails, the process step is relevant for processing. It will result in a dialog or
background work item depending on its step type. If no business rule for any of the
defined process steps fails, no work item is created and the overall process is
successfully completed.

To define business rules:

1. In the Process Steps Overview screen (see “Defining a process step”

on page 132), mark an entry and double-click Rules in the Dialog Structure.
2. In the Rules Overview screen, define the business rules using the following

Rule ID
Define the business rule using a 10 character unique rule ID.
Rule Description
Enter a meaningful business rule description.
Rule Type
Select the business rule type from the list. The business rule type controls
how a business rule is handled during runtime. The following rule types are

134 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Check Data Only

The business rule is a check-only rule. That means, it cannot change any
data but only check the given data for its validity.

Note: This rule type cannot be selected for business rules that are
assigned to the process step type Data Preparation Only.

Change Data
If this business rule type is selected, the corresponding business rule
may change the given data, for example data enrichments. It is not
possible to set this rule type to status failed.

Note: This rule type must only be selected for business rules
assigned to the process step type Data Preparation Only.

Rule Class
The business rule class contains all logic required to execute a business rule
during the business rule run in background or during business rule
simulation (if applicable).
For every business rule, a valid business rule class must be inherited from
the standard class /OTX/PF04_CL_MODULE, redefined as needed, and entered
as custom rule class.
The following methods are supposed to be redefined if needed. OpenText
recommends that you do not change any other method.

This method defines business rule check logic for the rule type Check
Data Only.
This method is called when running the business rule run in
background or during simulation in dialog.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_PLH Importing Process ledger header data
to be used for the check but
not changeable
PIT_PLI Importing Process ledger item data to
be used for the check but
not changeable
PIS_CATEGORY_DATA Importing Customizing settings for the
process step to which the
rule has been assigned to
PE_MOD_RUN_STATUS Exporting Return the business rule
check result (see fixed
domain values of the
corresponding data type)
PET_MOD_MSG Exporting Business rule check return

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 135

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

This method defines business rule change logic for the rule type Change
This method is called when running the business rule in background or
during simulation (if applicable) in dialog.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PI_SIMULATION_MODE Importing Indicates that a module is
currently executed in
simulation mode. No
changes to database tables
other than the process
ledger tables should be
performed at all. All
changes to the process
ledger tables are reverted
after a simulation run
automatically. However,
changes to other tables
cannot be reverted and
therefore should not be
done in simulation mode.
PIS_CATEGORY_DATA Importing Customizing settings for the
process step to which the
rule has been assigned to
PCS_PLH Changing Process ledger header data
to be changed
PCT_PLI Changing Process ledger item data to
be changed
PET_MOD_MSG Exporting Business rule change return
messages (if needed)

This method formats the business rule message(s) for dialog screen
output, for example amount or quantity conversions.
This method is called when displaying rule check result messages from
the business rule simulation (if applicable).

Parameter Parameter type Description

PCS_MESSAGE Changing Business rule return
message to be formatted for
dialog screen output

Note: For check rules which should always fail by default without
further check requirements, you can use the /OTX/
PF41_CL_RULE_CHK_FAILED class without the need to create similar
classes for every rule check over and over again.

136 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Define in which sequence the business rules are executed within a process

Define how often a business rule is executed within a process step. The
following values are available.

This means that a business rule will always be executed.

For this frequency, you must define a fixed number.

Note: For business rules that are assigned to process step type
Background Processing Only, you must restrict the number of
executions to prevent endless loops.

Frequency Count
If a Custom frequency is assigned, define how often a business rule is

Select this check box to skip processing the corresponding background
action and to directly force dialog processing. This setting is only available
for process steps of type Background Processing with Dialog (Dialog on

Select this check box to set the business rule to active. Clear the check box to
set the business rule to inactive. Assigning process actions

The action assignment defines which process actions are available for an agent role
based on the used UI, current characteristic value, and dialog process step.

To assign process actions:

1. In the Process Steps Overview screen (see “Defining a process step”

on page 132), mark an entry and double-click Action Assignment in the Dialog

2. In the Action Assignment Overview screen, assign actions using the following

UI Type
Select the UI type from the list. The following values are available.


• Web

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 137

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

Role ID
Enter the role ID. With this field, you can define to which role the
corresponding actions are assigned. The assigned actions will be available
in the action pane of the Processing Screen and within the Fiori screens,
depending on the chosen UI type.

Note: If not all roles should have a special action assignment, it is also
possible to leave the Role ID field empty. This simplifies the
configuration. This general setting will then be used for roles that do
not have a dedicated action assignment. However, as soon as a role
specific setting is made, the general settings will not be considered for
this special role anymore.

Action ID
Assign the action ID, which should be available for execution.

Define the sequence. It determines the order in which the action buttons are
created in the action pane area of the Processing Screen.

Process Node ID
Enter the process node ID. This setting allows assigning a process node ID
defined in the Process Foundation. When executing an action, the assigned
process node ID will be started next. Similar to the Process Node
Assignment in the process step definition (see Process Node Assignment
on page 133), this should not be required in general. You should use it only
in very rare cases where the requirements cannot be implemented using the
regular functionality.

Time Value
Maintain the time value when processing an assigned process node ID
should be started. The setting is only used if a process node ID is assigned.

Time Unit
Maintain the time unit when processing an assigned process node ID
should be started. The setting is only used in case a process node ID is
assigned. Possible values: Minutes, Hours, Days, or Working days

Finish Step
Select this check box to determine that a process step should be finished
after executing the corresponding process action. After finishing a process
step, the defined business rules will be checked automatically to determine
the next required process step. The current value of this setting will be
passed into the method of the action class, which contains the action logic,
and can be overwritten there if needed.

Finish Process
Select this check box to determine that the whole process should be finished
after executing the corresponding process action. The current value of this
setting will be passed into the method of the action class, which contains the
action logic, and can be overwritten there if needed.

138 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Restart Process
Select this check box to determine that the process is restarted after
performing the corresponding process action. The current value of this
setting is passed into the method of the action class, which contains the
action logic. The value can be overwritten there if needed.
A process restart runs the process initiation again and therefore
redetermines the Process Configuration profile and the corresponding
active profile version. Additionally, the current status of all related business
rules is reset, for example, whether a business rule has been bypassed or
how many times a business rule has been run already, or the business rule
Comment Required
Select this check box to determine that a comment is required before
executing a process action.
Confirmation Required
Select this check box to determine that a confirmation dialog box is
displayed before executing a process action.
Select this check box to set the action assignment to active. Clear the check
box to set the action assignment to inactive.

Note: The role ID which has been defined as Inquire Role (see
“Maintaining Processing Screen settings” on page 113) must only have one
“return action” (Finish Step check box selected) assigned. It must not be
allowed to send the process to further steps or roles using the inquire
functionality. The inquire step is only intended to represent a simple send/
return pattern. As soon as any “return action” is executed within the
inquire step, the process is directly returned to the sender of the inquiry. Maintaining referral settings

The referral settings define to which roles the current role can refer a process step.
Referral is based on the used UI, current characteristic value, and dialog process

To maintain referral settings:

1. In the Process Steps Overview screen (see “Defining a process step”

on page 132), mark an entry and double-click Referral Settings in the Dialog
2. In the Referral Settings Overview screen, maintain referral settings, using the
following parameters.

UI Type
Select the UI type from the list. The following values are available.


OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 139

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

• Web

Note: Referral settings for the Fiori screens are intended for future
use only. They are not evaluated so far.

Action ID
Enter the action ID. If multiple different referral actions have been defined
in a business scenario, you can use this setting to refine the referral settings
for these different referral actions.
If the referral settings should be used for all referral actions in the same
way, leave the field empty.

Role ID
Enter the role for which the referral settings should be relevant.

Note: You might want to configure that not all roles should have
special referral settings. In this case, it is possible to leave the Role ID
field empty. This simplifies the configuration. This general setting will
then be used for roles that do not have a dedicated referral setting.
However, as soon as a role specific setting is made, the general
settings will not be considered for this special role anymore.

Refer to Role
Maintain which referral roles should be available. The maintained referral
roles will be available when executing a referral option. As soon as one of
the offered referral roles is selected in the refer action dialog box, all
corresponding users will be resolved accordingly.

Define the sequence in which the possible referral roles should be offered in
the refer action dialog box.

Comment Required
Select this check box to determine that a comment is required during

Evaluation Path
Maintain the evaluation path. A special evaluation path might be required
to resolve the connected users when selecting a referral role. As long as no
special evaluation path has been set up, the standard evaluation path
WF_ORGUS is always used.

interface. The following interface method is available:

CHANGE_REASSIGN_REFER_OPTIONS - This method allows to change the

corresponding referral options. It is called when processing a referral action from the
SAP GUI processing screen or the SAP GUI workplace.

140 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Parameter Type Description

PI_REFERRAL_MODE Importing Referral mode. Possible values:
S - Standard Referral Mode
R - Reassignment Mode
I - Inquire Mode
PIS_PLH Importing Process Ledger Header Data
PIT_PLI Importing Process Ledger Item Data
PCT_REASSIGN_REFER_OPTIONS Changing Referral Options to be changed by
the BAdI Maintaining simulate settings

Using the simulate settings, you can define which process types can be simulated
depending on the current characteristic value, process step, and agent role.

Note: This presumes that the general simulate business rules functionality has
been assigned to the corresponding agent role using the action assignment. If
the functionality has not been assigned to an agent role, the settings described
in this section are not relevant.

To maintain simulate settings:

1. In the Process Steps Overview screen (see “Defining a process step”

on page 132), mark an entry and double-click Simulate Settings in the Dialog

2. In the Simulate Settings Overview screen, maintain simulate settings, using the
following parameters.

Role ID
Enter the role for which the simulate settings should be relevant.

Note: If not all roles should have special simulate settings, you can
leave the Role ID field empty. This simplifies the configuration. This
general setting will then be used for roles that do not have a dedicated
simulate setting. However, as soon as a role specific setting is made,
the general settings will not be considered for this special role

Simulate Step
Enter the process step that should be considered in the business rule
simulation run.

Select this check box to set the simulation setting to active. Clear the check
box to set the simulation setting to inactive.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 141

Chapter 6 Process Configuration Maintaining bypass rules

By defining bypass rules, you can control which rules of a simulated process step
can be bypassed to be skipped during further processing.

To maintain bypass rules:

1. In the Simulate Settings Overview screen (see “Maintaining simulate settings”

on page 141), mark an entry and double-click Bypass Rules in the Dialog
2. In the Bypass Rules Overview screen, maintain bypass rules, using the
following parameters.

Rule ID
Enter the business rules of the corresponding process step that can be
bypassed if required.
Select this check box to set the bypassing of a business rule to active. Clear
the check box to set the bypassing to inactive. Maintaining field settings

You can maintain the business scenario related index data field settings using the
settings described in this section. All maintained settings will be read by the field
handler class and provided to the tab strip subscreens used in the Processing Screen
tab strip area.

To maintain field settings:

1. In the Process Steps Overview screen (see “Defining a process step”

on page 132), mark an entry and double-click Field Settings in the Dialog
2. In the Field Settings Overview screen, maintain field settings using the
following parameters.

UI Type
Select the UI type from the list. The following values are available.

• Web

Role ID
Enter the role for which the field settings should be relevant.

Note: If not all roles should have a special simulate settings, you can
leave the Role ID field empty. This simplifies the configuration. This
general setting will then be used for roles that do not have dedicated
field settings. However, as soon as a role specific setting is made, the
general settings will not be considered for this special role anymore.

142 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.1. Profile configuration

Field Type
Select the field type from the list. Possible values: Header Field, Item

Field Name
Enter the name of the header field and/or item index data field. The fields
must be available in the header and/or item process ledger table assigned to
the used business scenario.
Field Status
Select one of the following field status values from the list:

• Input
• Required
• Hide
• Display Only

• The field statuses Input, Required, and Display Only are only
evaluated if the current agent role opens the Processing Screen in
change mode.
• Field status settings for the Fiori screens are intended for future use.
They currently only support read-only fields.

This setting is only relevant for the UI type Mobile.
Define the sequence of index data fields within the Fiori screens.
Mobile Priority
This setting is only relevant for the UI type Mobile.
Select this check box for the fields that should always be displayed in the
Fiori screens without the need to switch to the detail view. Maintaining screen settings

By maintaining the screen settings. you can configure some general parameters for
the Processing Screen.

To maintain screen settings:

1. In the Process Steps Overview screen (see “Defining a process step”

on page 132), mark an entry and double-click Screen Settings in the Dialog
2. In the Screen Settings Overview screen, maintain screen settings using the
following parameters.

UI Type
Select the UI type from the list. The following values are available.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 143

Chapter 6 Process Configuration


• Web

Note: Screen settings for the Fiori screens are intended for future
use only. They are not evaluated so far.

Role ID
Enter the role for which the screen settings should be relevant.

Note: If not all roles should have special screen settings, you can leave
the Role ID field empty. This simplifies the configuration. This
general setting will then be used for roles that do not have dedicated
screen settings. However, as soon as a role specific setting is made, the
general settings will not be considered for this special role anymore.

Initial Tab
Select the initial tab from the list. This defines which tab of the tab strip
containing the index data fields is the starting point when opening a process
step. You can select from of a maximum of 6 available tabs.

Allow Changes
Select this check box to determine that an agent role is allowed to change
As soon as a role is not allowed to perform changes, the screen field settings
Input, Required, and Display Only are not relevant anymore.

Display Image
Select this check box to determine that the scanned image is automatically
opened and closed in a separate window when executing a process step.
This is independent form the currently chosen detail pane plug-in, which
could be Display Image at the same time as well.

6.2 Profile assignment

Within the profile assignment, a Process Configuration profile is assigned to a
Process Foundation profile.

• The Process Foundation profile covers the technical SAP Business Workflow
• The Process Configuration profile mainly focuses on pure business scenario
related aspects.

You can make the profile assignment static by maintaining a fixed one-to-one
relationship. You can make it dynamic by maintaining a flexible one-to-n
relationship between Process Foundation profile and Process Configuration profile.
In general, no dynamic profile assignment is required. This would only make sense
if multiple Process Configuration profiles should be processed by one Process
Foundation profile due to any reasons.

144 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

6.2. Profile assignment

To maintain the profile assignment:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to Process Configuration >

Profile Assignment.

2. In the Profile Assignment Overview screen, maintain the profile assignment

using the following parameters.

PF Profile
Enter the name of the corresponding Process Foundation profile, which
covers the technical SAP Business Workflow aspects.

PC Profile
In case of a fixed one-to-one assignment, enter the name of the Process
Configuration profile, which handles the business scenario requirements.

Profile Determination Class

If a dynamic Process Configuration profile determination is required, enter
a suitable profile determination class. The profile determination class
always must be inherited from the /OTX/PF04_CL_PROFILE_DETERMINE
class. The following method must be redefined as needed.

This method allows to implement any custom logic to dynamically
determine a Process Configuration profile and version.
This method is called by the Process Foundation when initializing the
Process Configuration profile.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIS_HEAD Importing Process ledger header data
to be used but not changed
PIT_ITEM Importing Process ledger item data to
be used but not changed
PE_PROFILE_ID Exporting Determined Process
Configuration profile ID
PE_VERSION Exporting Determined Process
Configuration profile
version (this must be the
currently active version)

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 145

Chapter 6 Process Configuration

6.3 Authorizations
During processing of dialog work items, the standard authorization object
J_6NPF_PRF is checked. Therefore, it must be implemented using suitable
authorization roles or profiles. The /OTX/PF04_ADM_ROLE transaction also uses the
authorization object to check if administration authorizations are available.

The authorization object J_6NPF_PRF offers the following authorization fields:

Process Configuration profile ID

Current characteristic value

Current process step

Activity (02 - Change, 03 - Display, 70 - Administer)

146 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide


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