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Chapter 4

Inbound Configuration

This chapter provides details about the Inbound Configuration. It is part of the
Business Center Foundation.

With Inbound Configuration, you define how to import or capture incoming

documents and then dispatch them, for example to a subsequent workflow or to

Inbound Configuration allows you to configure scenario classification. Scenario

classification registers documents for further processing in Business Center
according to their business context, for example Sales Order or Delivery Note. You
also configure how the documents are processed coming from different channels.

Each document runs through defined process steps, which are indicated by the
inbound handler process. Each process step comprises several service modules.
These service modules are integrated components of Business Center Inbound that
offers the functionality.

For Inbound Configuration, you define the following:

• Channels define the way how a document is imported into the system. This can
be, for example, paper through scan, fax, email, or IDoc. To configure a channel,
you need the registration type.
• Scenario classifications identify the different types of business scenarios for
incoming documents. They also define the corresponding target application and
target system that are triggered at the end of the incoming document process.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 47

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

• Registration types define the scenario which is used to import documents. The
import can happen, for example, by email, IDoc or Document Pipeline.
Depending on the registration type, standard SAP customizing is needed, for
example, for ArchiveLink or SMTP.
• Document handlers and service modules route the incoming document through
the incoming documents process. You must customize them to sequentially
process the document, based on the respective document status.
• Business Center Capture automates the capture of paper documents by using
OCR to extract data. Business Center Capture uses SAP ERP as backend to store
and retrieve image information.

The Inbound Configuration customizing structure in the /OTX/PF00_IMG transaction

contains all customizing screens that are relevant for handling incoming documents.

Some authorizations are needed to monitor the Inbound Configuration. For more
information, see Example 7-1, “Authorizations necessary to monitor the Inbound
Configuration” on page 185.

4.1 Customizing basic settings for Inbound

You configure basic parameters for Inbound Configuration that apply to all
incoming document scenarios.

To customize basic settings:

1. Run the /OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business Center

for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Basic Settings.

2. In the Basic Settings Overview screen, configure settings, using the following

ArchiveID for XML

This parameter is mandatory. Enter the Content Repository for XML
Documents. The repository is used to store and archive the extraction result
of the Business Center Capture.

Capture Cancel Code

Status code delivered by Business Center Capture: Extraction/Validation is

Capture Error Code

Status code delivered by Business Center Capture: Extraction/Validation is
in error.

Capture Reject Code

Status code delivered by Business Center Capture: Extraction/Validation is

48 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.1. Customizing basic settings for Inbound Configuration

Capture Success Code

Status code delivered by Business Center Capture: Extraction/Validation is

Default Language
Enter the default language for error messages and fallback.

Delay for Extraction (Minutes)

Enter the delay before sending the document to extraction in minutes.
Use this parameter if there are frequent situations when a document is
selected for extraction but is not yet accessible from the archive.

Exit Extraction Sorting

Enter the exit function module to sort documents for extraction. By default,
sorting is done by registration key. Sorting works according to the available
registration data. After extraction, sorting can also work by the extracted
data. Use template function /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_EX_SORT.

Exit Validation Sorting

Enter the exit function module to sort documents for validation. By default,
sorting is done by registration key. Sorting works according to the available
registration data. After extraction, sorting can also work by the extracted
data. Use template function /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_VA_SORT.

Retry Counter Extraction

Enter the maximum allowed number of retries for extraction. When this
number is reached, the document status is set to error Maximum number of
retries reached.

Retry Counter Validation

Enter the maximum allowed number of retries for validation. When this
number is reached, the document status is set to error Maximum number of
retries reached.

Look-up Download Entries in Pack

Enter the number of packs that can be downloaded from the Business
Center Capture server to get data from staging tables. The download is
triggered from the Business Center Capture hotspot by calling the /OTX/
PF01_IF_LOOKUP_DOWNLOAD function. If no value is maintained, a default
pack size of 10,000 is used. For more information, see “To create a look-up:“
on page 90.

Look-up Hits Validation

Enter the number of entries within search in validation.
Enter the default number of entries that can be shown when the user
searches online in the validation client for entries in staging tables. The
look-up is triggered from Business Center Capture validation client by
calling the /OTX/PF01_IF_LOOKUP_VAL function. If no value is maintained
and also no maxhits are provided in the validation client, a default of a
1,000 maximum hits is used. For more information, see “To create a look-up:
“ on page 90.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 49

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Auto-Forward Extraction Retry

You might want to forward the document automatically to the target
application when the extraction retry counter is reached.
In this case, set this value to X. The document is not set to error status within
inbound processing.
Auto-Forward Validation Retry
You might want to forward the document automatically to the target
application when the extraction retry counter is reached.
In this case, set this value to X. The document is not set to error status within
inbound processing.
Limit for Counting Documents in Validation
Enter the maximum number of documents to be retrieved in the validation
client. The limit provides a performance optimization within the validation
HTTP Connection for Signature Validation Service (AIC)
Intended for future use.
HTTP Connection for OCR Service
Intended for future use.

4.2 Configuring channels

Channels define the way how a document is imported into the system. This can be,
for example, paper through scan, fax, email, or IDoc. The channel is assigned to a
specific document registration type. For more information, see “Customizing
registration types” on page 57. You can use the channel in solution accelerators to
identify how documents have been imported into the system.

To configure channels:

1. Run the /OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business Center

for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Channels.
2. In the Channels Overview screen, configure channels using the following

Technical ID of the channel
Registration Type
Select the type of the registration used for this channel. According to the
registration type, the channel ID is available in the registration
configuration. The following registration types are available: Early
Archiving, Idoc, Mail, Upload, Custom. For more information, see
“Customizing registration types” on page 57.
In the current version, the Registration Type is only used to control the F4-
Help in the registration configuration. It has no further technical impact for
any other component or processing logic.

50 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.3. Creating scenario classifications

Enter a description of the channel.

4.3 Creating scenario classifications

Scenario classifications are used to identify the different types of business scenarios,
for example Sales Order or Delivery Note, for incoming documents. Scenario
classification also defines the corresponding target application and target system.
The classification is assigned to a specific registration type. For more information,
see “Customizing registration types” on page 57.

To create a scenario classification:

1. Run the /OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business Center

for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Scenario Classification.

2. In the Scenario Classification Overview screen, configure the scenario

classification, using the following parameters:

Classification Profile
Technical ID of the classified business scenario

Enter a description of the classification.

Select the target application, which is triggered at the end of the Incoming
Document Framework process for the registered document. The following
target applications are available:

Trigger Process Foundation

Start a business process in Process Foundation (see “Process
Foundation“ on page 95).

Trigger Vendor Invoice Management

Start an invoice process in VIM.

Trigger Custom Processing

Start a custom business application. The Exit Application function
module will be triggered.

Profile ID (PF)
Enter the profile ID of the corresponding Process Foundation (PF)
configuration used for Process Foundation trigger. For more information,
see “Process Foundation profile” on page 106.

Exit Application
Enter the exit function (see template function /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_APPL)
to start any business application used for the Custom Processing trigger.

Logical System
Enter the target system where the business application is started.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 51

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Exit System Determination

Optional: Enter the function that is run to determine the target system. Use
the /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_TARGET_SYS template.

4.3.1 Assigning document types to classifications

To avoid creating different channels for different scenarios, you must configure
additional document types for scenario classifications. This also allows defining
which document types are classified and which ones are not.

This configuration is only necessary in connection with document classification

scenarios. For more information, see “Document classification“ on page 333,
especially “Processing impacts” on page 336.

To assign document types to classifications:

1. Run the /OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business Center

for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Scenario Classification.

2. In the Scenario Classification Overview screen, mark a scenario classification

and double-click Classification Document Types in the Dialog Structure.

3. In the Classification Document Types Overview screen, assign document

types to the classification, using the following parameters.

Selected classification profile

Doc. Type
Enter document types that you want to assign to the classification.

Select the category of the document type from the list. The following
categories are available:

• Classified

• Unclassified

52 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

4.4 Customizing incoming documents through the

document handler
The document handler manages the registration types and the process flow of
incoming documents. Thereby, the document handler considers the corresponding
status handling.

Basis for the document handler is a status queueing engine. You must plan the /
OTX/PF01_P_IDF_TRIGGER report as a periodic job to trigger the service modules
accordingly. For more information, see “Document handler” on page 343.

Status When a service module finishes its step, it assigns a status to the document. This
status then triggers the next step in the processing sequence.

In Business Center Capture, for example, the status helps to identify documents that
are ready for validation or need to get extracted.

• The delivered status must not be changed. For custom service modules,
use a new status in the corresponding customer namespace and number
• Do not change the delivered customizing entries of BC Sets but create
new profiles and new settings.
• New configuration must have the prefix Z_ or 9xx according to the data

4.4.1 Creating a document handler process

A service module identifies a processing step in the document handler. The
processing steps are assigned to a document handler, which represents the
document flow in Inbound Configuration.

At the last step of the handler process, the target business application is
triggered. The status is set to 99 (Business application / Process
started). After that, the handler is set to the handler end status.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 53

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration Configuring the document handler status

The document handler status defines the status of the document during the Inbound
Configuration process. The status is shown on the History tab of the Detail Pane in
Business Center Workplace. With the BC set of the Inbound Configuration, status
entries with values between 1 and 100 are delivered.

Do not change the delivered status! If you need to configure an own status,
use a number starting with 900. For more information, see “Customizing
Business Center” on page 17.

To configure the document handler status:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >

2. In the Status Overview screen, configure statuses, using the following


Enter a unique status number.

Enter a meaningful description. Creating a document handler

The document handler describes the process flow for each incoming document. The
document handler processes different service modules according to their
registration type. For paper-based documents, there is a document handler for
manual indexing and a document handler for processing documents in the Business
Center Capture.

To create a document handler:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >

2. In the Handler Overview screen, configure the document handler, using the
following parameters.

Technical ID of the document handler

Enter the description of the document handler.

Start Handle
Enter the start status of the document handler process.

54 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

The start status identifies the status when the document handler is triggered
and processed.

End Handle
Enter the end status of the document handler process.
The end status identifies the status when the whole document handler
process is finished.

Handle Class
Optional: Enter an exit class that implements the /OTX/PF01_IF_HANDLER
interface. The EXIT_HANDLER_END method allows you to trigger own logic at
the end of the handler processing after the target application is started or in
error case. Configuring modules for the required processing steps

Modules are the processing steps of the document handler. A module is triggered in
the step sequence. This happens when the end status of the previous module has
been set. This also happens when the corresponding start status is set within the
status engine or outside.

To configure a module:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >

2. In the Handler Overview screen, mark a row and double-click Modules in the
Dialog Structure.

3. In the Modules Overview screen, configure the modules, using the following

Module ID
Technical ID of the module

Define the sequence how the modules are processed.

Enter the description of the module.

Select this check box to activate the module.

Module Class
Enter the implementation class of the processing logic. Modules must
implement the /OTX/PF01_IF_MODULE interface.
There are possible methods for a custom implementation in the /OTX/
PF01_IF_MODULE interface. For a custom implementation, use a redefinition
of the /OTX/PF01_CL_MODULE_HANDLER class:

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 55

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

This method provides logic to process the service module.
The method is called in /OTX/PF01_CL_IDF_TRIGGER within document
handler program /OTX/PF01_P_IDF_TRIGGER

Optional: Enter an XSLT transformation program to process an XML
transformation within the module class.

End Status
Enter the status of the module that is set at the end of a module.
The end status must be unique. Do not use status 99. It is reserved for the
business application start.

Start Stat
Enter the start status. You can configure it for modules that must be
triggered only when the start status is set. It is, for example, used in the
communication with Business Center Capture to route documents to the
correct steps, or when steps must be skipped. For example, validation can
be skipped in some cases.

Error Stat
Enter the error status, which is set in error case.

Time limit
Enter the maximum time limit (in seconds) for a module to finish its
processing. If the time limit is reached, the module is set into error status.
The time limit is only taken into account if the document handler is globally
in processing status. Also the No.ofRetry setting is not relevant because the
module is set into error status immediately after the time is reached.
A module waiting for the extraction result of a Business Center Capture
integration should have a time limit of 7200. A module waiting for the
validation result of a Business Center Capture integration should have a
time limit of 3600.

Enter the number of retry attempts for a service module in error case. When
the number is reached, the processing handler or document flow is set into
error status.
A module waiting for the extraction or validation result of a Business
Center Capture integration should have a retry of 3.

56 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

4.4.2 Customizing registration types

Document registration is the initial touch-point of a document with SAP ERP and
the entry point for Inbound Configuration. Document registration in Inbound
Configuration can be done in different ways. The following registration types are

• Early Archiving
• Inbound IDoc
• Incoming Mail
• Pipeline
• Custom / Others
If you need to configure a custom registration within a completely new incoming
document scenario, you must implement the /OTX/PF01_IF_REGISTRATION
interface. You can use the custom registration type to configure and access
specific settings.

Registration There are possible methods for a custom implementation in the /OTX/
Class PF01_IF_REGISTRATION interface:

This method registers a document in the /OTX/PF01_T_1REG table and sets the
status in the /OTX/PF01_T_STA table.
This method is called in the available registration classes:

• Early Archiving: /OTX/PF01_CL_REGISTER_OAWD

• Document Pipeline: /OTX/PF01_CL_REGISTER_PIPELINE

All incoming documents are registered within the /OTX/PF01_T_1REG table. The
registration uses a SAP number range object.

To create a number range interval:

1. Run the SNUM transaction for number range object /OTX/PF01.

Note: This object is not delivered in the BC set.

2. Maintain the number range 01 with the range 1 to 999999999999.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 57

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration Customizing the early archiving registration type

The early archiving registration type describes a process in which a scanned
document is archived before the details of the underlying business transaction are
available in the SAP ERP system.

Document registration with early archiving is processed in the standard

ArchiveLink interface. This section describes the document registration, and also the
mandatory settings for the ArchiveLink configuration.

Note: You can use any scan client and content repository that are certified by
SAP, for example OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan and OpenText Archive
Center. Maintaining general ArchiveLink settings

Incoming paper documents are scanned and archived, using the early archiving
registration type.

In ArchiveLink, every document type is assigned to a workflow. The workflow is

started when a document with the given ArchiveLink document type is uploaded in
the OAWD transaction.

You must perform the following configuration when the content repository (Archive
Center) is installed and the basic ArchiveLink settings are completed. Depending on
your requirements, the number and attributes of the ArchiveLink settings might be

• For further details about ArchiveLink, see the SAP documentation.
• For the early archiving registration type, use an ArchiveLink document type
that is assigned to the Inbound Configuration workflow task WS00297300
and object type /OTX/PF01R. Creating a Content Repository ID

To determine where the scanned document is archived, you must maintain the
Content Repository ID. This is standard ArchiveLink customizing. If you already
have a working ArchiveLink customizing, you can skip this section.

To create a Content Repository ID:

1. Run the OAC0 transaction.

2. In the Change Content Repositories Overview screen, click Create .
3. Enter the following parameters:

Note: For more details on the parameters, see Section 9.2 “Maintaining
HTTP content repository in the SAP application” in OpenText Archiving
and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

58 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

• Content Rep.: Content Repository ID

• Description
• DocArea (Document Area): ArchiveLink
• Storage type: HTTP content server
• Protocol: This setting defines the file source for archiving and image
displaying media.
• Version no.: for example, 0046
• HTTP srvr:port (HTTP server and port)
• HTTP script: archive
• Transfer drctry (Transfer directory)

4. Click . Creating the presetting folder for Business Center

A presetting folder groups document types that are related by workplace or by

application. Grouping document types together in a presetting folder provides a
more effective overview of document types on the initial screen of the storage
process Store Documents in the OAWD transaction.

For each document type, you determine the agents that are responsible for the work
item. You also choose which storage scenario is used. The following storage
scenarios are available for Early Archiving:
• Storing for subsequent entry
• Storing for subsequent assignment
• Store and enter
• Store and assign

The scenario “Storing for subsequent entry”, for example, consists of assigning the
document type and processing the work item.

To create the presetting folder for Business Center:

1. Run the OAWS transaction.

2. In the Default setting: Overview screen, click New Entries in the application
tool bar.

3. Create the new presetting folder using the following parameters:

Enter the presetting folder name.

Long text
Enter a description of the new folder.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 59

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

4. Click .

To add a document type to the presetting folder:

Note: If you store the Archive Document Type in the presetting folder during
its creation, you do not have to perform this action. Nevertheless, if you need
to reassign any Archive Document Type to another folder or you need to
assign Archive Document Types to the presetting folder, you can perform this
action. Assigning all relevant Archive Document Types to the presetting folder
is useful for identifying the Archive Document Types easily. For more
information, see “Creating an ArchiveLink document type” on page 60.

Tip: With the Business Center Foundation BC set, the presetting folder /OTX -
Business Center Inbound is already available.

1. Run the OAWS transaction.

2. Select the presetting folder and double-click Entries.
3. In the Entries Overview screen, click New Entries in the application tool bar.
4. Add the Doc. type, for example /OTX/SO4, and select the appropriate storage
scenario check box, for example Storing for subsequent entry.

Note: Optionally, you can select an Object Type in the OT column and an
Agent ID for the document type.
5. Click to save your changes. Creating an ArchiveLink document type

In this step, you create an ArchiveLink document type, for example /OTX/SO4, and
store it in the presetting folder created before. For more information, see “Creating
the presetting folder for Business Center” on page 59. Then, you assign the
ArchiveLink document type to Early Archiving (Storing for subsequent entry).

After the ArchiveLink document type is maintained, every incoming document that
is associated with the given document type will be stored in a predefined archive
and a customized workflow will start afterwards.

To create an ArchiveLink document type:

1. To start the Document Type Customizing Wizard, run the OAD5 transaction.
On the Start screen, click Continue.
2. Document type

Enter a name for the new document type. For example, use archive
document type /OTX/SO4 or another document type for your namespace.
Enter a description.

60 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

Click Continue in the upcoming screens until you reach the Workflow
document type screen.

3. Workflow document type

Select the Workflow document type check box and click Continue.

4. Document class
Enter Doc. class PDF and click Continue.

5. Object, method and tasks

Enter the following information:

Obj. type



Click Continue.

6. In the Workflow Parameter screen, click Continue.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 61

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

7. Storage system and link table

Click Continue.

62 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

8. Selection from available presettings

Select the ID of the delivered presetting folder (available in the Business Center
Foundation BC set) and click Continue.
9. In the Create new presettings screen, click Continue.
10. Details of presettings
Select the Storing for subsequent entry check box and click Continue.
11. End
To save the archive document type /OTX/SO4, click Complete and confirm the
changes. Linking an ArchiveLink document type to a registration object

Every incoming document is associated with an ArchiveLink document type and a

business object.

To know where to store the incoming document , you must maintain the links, as
described in this section.

To link the ArchiveLink document type to the registration object:

1. Run the OAC3 transaction.

2. In the Links for Content Repositories Overview screen, click New Entries.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 63

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

3. Enter the following parameters:

Object Type

Document type
Enter /OTX/SO4

Link Status
Enter X

Storage system
Enter the Content Repository ID. For more information, see “Creating a
Content Repository ID” on page 58.

Enter TOA01

4. Click .

You can also link the document to the relevant SAP target business object. To do
this, continue as described in this section for any SAP business object that you want
to link to the document. For details about the related settings and the supported
business objects, see the description in the related Solution Accelerator Guides (for
example Sales Order with the related Business Objects for Sales Orders).

64 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler Customizing the ArchiveLink registration

For the registration of documents, the ArchiveLink document type is linked to the
document handler, to a channel, and to the classification profile.

To customize the ArchiveLink registration:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >
Registration > Early Archiving.

2. In the Registration - Early Archiving Overview screen, configure the

registration, using the following parameters.

Document Type
ArchiveLink document type used for the registration

Enter the Channel ID used for this registration type. For more information,
see “Configuring channels” on page 50.

Enter the Handler ID that represents the processing steps of the service
modules for this document. For more information, see “Customizing
incoming documents through the document handler” on page 53.

Enter the Classification ID of the incoming document. For more
information, see “Creating scenario classifications” on page 51.

Pre Exit Registration

Optional: Enter the function that is executed before the document is
registered in Inbound Configuration. Use template /OTX/

Past Exit Registration

Optional: Enter the function that is executed after the document is
registered in Inbound Configuration. Use template /OTX/
PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_AFTER. Customizing the Inbound IDoc registration type

The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) scenario is based on the standard SAP
document format Intermediate Document (IDoc). IDocs allow different application
systems to be linked through a message-based interface. The following list shows
some examples of how you can benefit from using IDocs.

• Business documents are exchanged in a structured way in order to process them

• The various degrees of structural complexity as displayed by different
application systems can be reduced to a structure that is as simple as possible.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 65

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Example: The structure of an SAP application document and the structure of the
corresponding EDI message under the UN/EDIFACT standard

The function module /OTX/PF01_UTIL_IDOC_INPUT for inbound documents creates

a registration entry from incoming IDocs. To enable this, the following configuration
steps are necessary. The configuration describes a possible incoming order
configuration. Depending on your requirements, the number and attributes of the
inbound IDoc settings might be different.

Note: For further details about inbound IDoc processing, see the SAP
documentation, for example
2a60ef507d11d18ee90000e8366fc2/content.htm. Defining settings for the inbound function module

In this step, you choose the input type for the IDocs.

To define settings for the inbound function module:

1. Run the BD51 transaction.

2. In the Characteristics of Inbound Function Modules view, click New Entries.

3. Define the inbound function module, using the following parameters:

Function module (inbound)


Input type
Enter 0 (for Mass processing).

Dialog allowed
If you want to process IDocs in dialog mode, select this check box. With
baseline implementation, the check box is cleared.

4. Click Save . Linking the inbound function module to IDoc type and message type

In this step, you establish the link between the inbound function module, the basic
IDoc type, and the message type.

To link the inbound function module to IDoc type and message type:

1. Run the WE57 transaction.

2. In the IDoc: Assignment of FM to Log. Message and IDoc Type view, click
Change .

3. Click New Entries.

4. Configure the assignment using the following parameters:

66 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

Function module

Function type
Select Function Module.

Basic type
Enter the basic type, for example ORDERS01.

Message Type
Enter the message type, for example Orders.

Select Inbound.

Enter a meaningful description.

5. Click Save . Creating a new process code

In this step, you create a new process code and assign the inbound function module
to this process code.

The process code is a logical name for the processing function module. The process
code is used to uniquely determine a function module that processes the received
IDoc data and converts an IDoc to an SAP document.

To create a new process code:

1. Run the WE42 transaction.

2. In the Inbound process code view, click Change .

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 67

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

3. Click New Entries.

4. Define the new process code using the following parameters:

Process code
Enter the process code name.

Note: You can choose a name for the process code that suits your

Enter a meaningful description.

Enter the inbound function module /OTX/PF01_UTIL_IDOC_INPUT.

Option ALE
Click Processing with ALE service.

Processing type
Click Processing by function module.

5. Click .

6. Double-click Logical message in the Dialog Structure.

68 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

7. Assign the new process code to the logical message using the following

Process code
Process code name as defined in Step 4.

Message type
Enter the message type, for example Orders.

8. Click Save . Configuring the partner profile

When data is exchanged between partners, it is important that sender and receiver
define the exact syntax and semantics of the data to be exchanged beforehand. The
partner profile defines the type of data and communication paths of that data

In this step, you assign the new process code to the IDoc partner profile. You must
specify partner and partner type. You must also specify whether you define a profile
for inbound or outbound data exchange. You can use an existing partner profile. The
partner type must be Logical system (LS).

Tip: If you want to create a new partner profile, you must first create a new
logical system. See the SAP documentation for details.

To configure the partner profile:

1. Run the WE20 transaction.

2. Select the partner profile under Partner Profiles > Partner Type LS.

3. Below the Inbound parmtrs. panel, click Add .

4. Configure the inbound parameters.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 69

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Partner No.
ID of the partner profile
Partn. Type
Partner Type: Enter LS for logical system.
Message type
Enter the message type, for example ORDERS.
5. On the Inbound options tab, enter the Process code that you created in
“Creating a new process code” on page 67.
6. Click Save . Linking inbound IDoc with document handler, channel, and classification

For the registration of documents, you link the IDoc parameters with the handler
process, a channel, and the classification profile. You also process the relevant field
mapping of the IDoc segments.

To configure the inbound IDoc registration:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >
Registration > Inbound IDoc.
2. In the Registration IDoc Details screen, configure the registration, using the
following parameters.

70 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

Partner Number, Partner Type, Partner Role, Message Type, Message Code,
Message Function, Test
For these parameters, see the SAP documentation: IDoc Interface /
Electronic Data Interchange (BC-SRV-EDI) (

Enter the Channel ID used for this registration type. For more information,
see “Configuring channels” on page 50.

Module Handler
Enter the Handler ID that represents the processing steps of the service
modules for this document. For more information, see “Customizing
incoming documents through the document handler” on page 53.

Enter the Classification ID of the incoming document. For more
information, see “Creating scenario classifications” on page 51.

Document Type
You can configure a document type that is used to create and archive a
readable PDF out of the IDoc. To create and archive a PDF, you must
implement the Pre Exit Registration.

Document Type Attachment

If the IDoc also delivers an attachment (for example embedded in DOC
segments), you can configure the corresponding ArchiveLink document
type. To archive an attachment, you must implement the Pre Exit
Registration. To support different mime types, leave the document class
empty for this ArchiveLink document type in the OAC2 transaction.

Pre Exit Registration

Enter a function that is executed before the document is registered in
Inbound Configuration. Use template /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_BEFORE.
You can use this function to configure the document type that is used to
create and archive a readable PDF out of the IDoc.

Past Exit Registration

Enter a function that is executed after the document is registered in Inbound
Configuration. Use template /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_AFTER.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 71

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration Mapping IDoc fields to target fields

Each IDoc field can be mapped to a target field. The mapping result is stored in the /
OTX/PF01_T_1EXT table, which collects all extracted data intermediately.

The final mapping of the fields to the target business application is done within the
Data Model Configuration. For more information, see “Data model configuration”
on page 98.

To configure the IDoc mapping:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >
Registration > Inbound IDoc.
2. In the Registration IDoc Details screen, double-click IDoc Mapping in the
Dialog Structure. In the IDoc Mapping Overview screen, double-click an entry.
3. In the IDoc Mapping Details screen, configure the IDoc mapping, using the
following parameters.

Partner Number, Partner Type, Partner Role, Message Type, Message Code,
Message Function, Test
For these parameters, see the SAP documentation: IDoc Interface /
Electronic Data Interchange (BC-SRV-EDI) (
Object Name
Development object name: the IDoc type ORDERS01
Segment Type
Segment type in IDoc type
Field Name
Segment field
IDoc Qualifier
Qualifier of the segment
Qualifier Value
Value of the segment qualifier
Field Type
Select either Header or Item type.
External Field Name
Enter the Intermediate field name.
Field Mapping Type
Select one of the following mapping types from the list:

• Segment Field (from IDoc)

72 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

• Constant (fixed value)

• System variable

• Function Module

If you have selected Constant (fixed value), System variable, or
Function Module as the field mapping type, enter the corresponding value.
If you have selected Function Module, you can use the /OTX/
PF01_UTIL_EXIT_IDOC_MAP function module as a template. Customizing the IDoc hierarchy item

For the item fields, an assignment to an intermediate external table name is

necessary. This table is mapped to the final target business ledger item table. The
mapping is done within the Data Model Configuration. For more information, see
“Data model configuration” on page 98.

To customize the IDoc hierarchy item:

1. In the IDoc Mapping Details screen, double-click IDoc Hierarchy Item in the
Dialog Structure.

2. In the IDoc Hierarchy Item Details screen, customize the IDoc hierarchy item,
using the following parameters.

Partner Number, Partner Type, Partner Role, Message Type, Message Code,
Message Function, Test
For these parameters, see the SAP documentation: IDoc Interface /
Electronic Data Interchange (BC-SRV-EDI) (

Object Name
Development object name: the IDoc type, for example ORDERS01

Segment Type
Segment type in IDoc type which represents an item segment (only one item
segment supported)

External Field Name

Enter the intermediate table field name.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 73

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration Customizing the incoming email registration type

SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP supports the Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP). This enables email exchange between the SAP ERP system and an
SMTP email server, without having to use additional external components.

All information of the incoming email object is logged. This means, all incoming
email data received through the SMTP interface can be viewed in SAPconnect. Later
on, the information can be used, for example, for reporting.

Note: The product standard does not support sending emails back to the
sender or forwarding messages to SAP Business Workplace.

• The email server must be SMTP-compatible.
• The customized address space for the default domain must match the DNS
address on the external email server.

To enable the incoming email registration, the following customization steps are

Note: For further details about incoming SMTP email processing, see the SAP
documentation. Checking the SMTP service

1. To check the customizing of the SMTP service, run the SMICM transaction.

2. On the Goto menu, click Services.

The SMTP service is active on port 25.

3. If the port is not set to 25, select the SMTP service. In the Service menu, click

4. Set the port value to 25 and save the changes.

74 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler Configuring the profile parameters

If you want to use the SMTP function, you must adjust the system profile of the SAP
ERP system.

To configure profile parameters:

1. To access the Edit Profiles screen, run the RZ10 transaction.

2. Choose the instance profile, click Extended maintenance, and then click

3. Configure the following new profile parameters as a Name = Value pair.

The placeholder <*> stands for the sequence number (starting at zero) of
frequently occurring parameters.

icm/server_port_<*> = PROT=SMTP,PORT=25
This parameter opens a TCP/IP port for receiving emails through the SMTP

Note: After adding this parameter, the ICM service is set

automatically to port 25 when the application server is restarted.

is/SMTP/virt_host_<*> = <host>:<port>, <port>,...;

This parameter defines a virtual email host for receiving emails. If all
incoming emails are received and processed by one single client of the SAP
ERP system, this parameter is not required.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 75

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration Creating a service user

You must create a service user for processing incoming emails in every SAP ERP
system client in which you want to receive emails. Every user that receives emails in
an SAP ERP system requires an Internet email address. This is also used as a sender

To create a service user:

1. Run the SU01 transaction.

2. Create a user with type Service and assign the profile S_A.SCON to this user.

3. On the Address tab, under E-Mail, enter the Internet email address for the user. Assigning the SAP ERP system client to an SMTP server

Every SAP ERP system client that receives and processes incoming emails must have
an SMTP server. One SMTP server (called SAPconnect) has already been created in
the SICF transaction and is delivered with every SAP ERP system.

To assign the SAP ERP system client to an SMTP server:

1. Run the SICF transaction and open the Virtual Host SAPCONNECT.

2. Select SAPconnect. To display the Create/Change a Virtual Host screen, click

Change .

3. Configure the following settings on the SMTP servers:

Host Data
Enter the sequence number of the is/SMTP/virt_host_<*> parameter from
the profile. For more information, see “Configuring the profile parameters”
on page 75. If you have only created one client and therefore have not
specified this parameter type, enter 0.

76 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

Logon Data
Enter the logon data of the system user that you created for the incoming
Handler List
At position 1, enter CL_SMTP_EXT_SAPCONNECT.
4. For each additional client, create another SMTP server.

Note: You must activate each SMTP server (Service/Virt. Host > Activate)
after creating or changing it. Inactive servers appear dimmed. Administering SAPconnect

You must configure SAPconnect settings for every client that is used for send

To administer SAPconnect:

1. Run the SCOT transaction.

2. On the Settings menu, click Default Domain.

3. Default Domain
Define the domain of the SAP ERP system client.
This action has the following consequences:

• The SMTP plug-in logs on to the email server using this domain as the ID.
• The message ID of the outbound emails is assembled with this domain.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 77

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

• An SAP user might not have an Internet email address. If such a user sends
an email, a sender address consisting of the SAP user name and this domain
is generated.

Each client has an SMTP node. This node is created by the SAP ERP system and
cannot be deleted.

4. Nodes
Enter the specific customizing data like output format for SAP documents and
other types of documents. See details in the SAPconnect documentation (http://

5. Inbound Processing
You may want incoming emails that have a particular address or particular
content to automatically start a program that processes these emails. In this
case, configure the following on the menu: Settings > Inbound Processing.

6. Add new entries using the following parameters:

Communication Type
Select Internet Mail.

Recipient Address
Enter email address.

Document Class
Enter the * wildcard.

Exit Name
Enter the default framework class name /OTX/PF01_CL_REGISTER_MAIL.

Call Sequence
Enter the call sequence according to your requirements.

7. Save your settings.

For a more detailed description of how to enable the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Service in SAP ERP, see the SAP Help:

78 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler Customizing inbound email registration

For the registration of documents, the email address is assigned to the handler
process, a channel, and the classification profile.

To customize the inbound email registration:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >
Registration > Incoming Mail.

2. In the Registration - Mail Overview screen, customize the inbound email

registration, using the following parameters.

Recipient Mail
Email address that receives the email. This address is configured within the
SCOT transaction. For more information, see “Administering SAPconnect”
on page 77.

Enter the ID of the channel that is used for this registration type. For more
information, see “Configuring channels” on page 50.

Enter the ID of the document handler that represents the processing steps of
the service modules for this document. For more information, see
“Customizing incoming documents through the document handler”
on page 53.

Enter the Classification ID of the incoming document. For more
information, see “Creating scenario classifications” on page 51.

Document Type
You can configure a document type that is used to archive the leading
application document, for example order or delivery note. To archive any
document, you must implement the Pre Exit Registration.

Document Type Attachment

You can configure a document type that can be used to archive any
attachment. Leave the document class empty for this ArchiveLink
document type in the OAC2 transaction. To archive any document, you must
implement the Pre Exit Registration.

Document Type Mail

You can configure a document type that can be used to archive the email
body. Leave the document class empty for this ArchiveLink document type
in the OAC2 transaction. To archive any document, you must implement the
Pre Exit Registration.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 79

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Attach Body
Select this check box to archive the email body. The email body is archived
according to the format configured in the SAPConnect interface (text/html
Pre Exit Registration
Enter a function that is executed before the document is registered in
Inbound Configuration. Use the /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_BEFORE
template. For the email processing function, /OTX/
PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_MAIL is delivered to process the relevant archiving of
the various documents (leading document / attachments / mail body). The /
OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_MAIL function archives the leading documents
according to the mime type assigned to the ArchiveLink document type. If
more than one document with the mime type of the leading document
exists, each document is registered of its own.
Past Exit Registration
Enter a function that is executed after the document is registered in Inbound
Configuration. Use the /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_AFTER template.

Note: The email addresses might be different across the system landscape.
Therefore, the /OTX/PF01_ADM_SMAI transaction is available to adjust the
values in test and production systems. In general, production systems do not
allow any configuration changes. The transaction is protected against a special
administration authorization. For more information, see “Authorizations”
on page 146. Customizing the Document Pipeline registration type

You can handle incoming documents using the OpenText Document Pipeline
(Document Pipeline).

You must link the Document Pipeline processing to the defined function module of
the Inbound Configuration inside SAP ERP. You must set a specific RFC mode that
must match the customizing entry on the remote Document Pipeline.

For details about the Document Pipeline, see OpenText Document Pipelines - Overview
and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP). Maintaining general settings

Add a new entry to the J_6NGTE26 table with the following values:



The Document Pipeline typically requires one COMMANDS and one IXATTR file in
addition to the actual image file (for example image.pdf) and the LOG file. See the
following example:

80 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.4. Customizing incoming documents through the document handler

COMP data PDF image.pdf


The document attributes must be transferred according to the business application

target table settings. For more information, see “Data model configuration”
on page 98. The attributes and values are stored in the /OTX/PF01_T_1EXT table,
which collects all extracted data intermediately.

The final mapping of the fields to the target business application is done within the
Data Model Configuration. For more information, see “Data model configuration”
on page 98. Customizing the Document Pipeline registration

For the registration of documents, the ArchiveLink document type is assigned to the
handler process, a channel, and the classification profile.

To customize the Document Pipeline registration:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >
Registration > Pipeline.

2. In the Registration - Pipeline Overview screen, customize the Document

Pipeline registration, using the following parameters.

Document Type
ArchiveLink document type that is used for the registration

Enter the ID of the channel that is used for this registration type. For more
information, see “Configuring channels” on page 50.

Enter the ID of the document handler that represents the processing steps of
the service modules for this document. For more information, see

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 81

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

“Customizing incoming documents through the document handler”

on page 53.

Enter the Classification ID of the incoming document. For more
information, see “Creating scenario classifications” on page 51.

Pre Exit Registration

Enter a function that is executed before the document is registered in
Inbound Configuration. Use the /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_BEFORE

Past Exit Registration

Enter a function that is executed after the document is registered in Inbound
Configuration. Use the /OTX/PF01_UTIL_EXIT_REG_AFTER template. Customizing a custom registration type

Besides the registration types that are described in the previous sections, you can
customize document registration using a custom registration. You might need to
configure a custom registration within a completely new incoming document
scenario. In this case, you must implement the /OTX/PF01_IF_REGISTRATION
interface. You can use the custom registration type to configure and access specific

To customize a custom registration:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Document Handler >
Registration > Custom / Others.

2. In the Registration – Custom / Others screen, customize the registration, using

the following parameters.

External Profile
Unique ID to identify the setting and access the setting for the custom
registration type in your custom registration implementation.

Enter the channel ID that is used for this registration type. For more
information, see “Configuring channels” on page 50.

Module Handler
Enter the handler ID that represents the processing steps of the service
modules for this document. For more information, see “Customizing
incoming documents through the document handler” on page 53.

Enter the classification ID of the incoming document. For more information,
see “Creating scenario classifications” on page 51.

82 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.5. Customizing Business Center Capture

Document type
You can configure a document type that is used to archive the leading
application document, for example an order or a delivery note. To archive
any document, you must implement the Pre Exit Registration.

Document type att.

Document Type Attachment. You can configure a document type that is
used to archive any attachment. Leave the document class empty for this
ArchiveLink document type in the OAC2 transaction. To archive any
attachment, you must implement the Pre Exit Registration.

Pre Exit Reg.

Pre Exit Registration. Enter a function that runs before the document is
registered in Inbound Configuration. Use the /OTX/

Past Exit Reg.

Past Exit Registration. Enter a function that runs after the document is
registered in Inbound Configuration. Use the /OTX/

4.5 Customizing Business Center Capture

For solutions that require OCR, you can integrate OpenText Business Center
Capture for SAP Solutions (Business Center Capture) into Business Center.

The OCR solution OpenText Business Center Capture for SAP Solutions (Business
Center Capture) can be integrated into Business Center. Business Center Capture
automates the capture of paper documents by using OCR to extract the data.
Business Center Capture uses SAP ERP as backend to store and retrieve image
information through the inbound process.

Using service modules of Inbound Configuration, you can control all tasks that are
related to the following actions of Business Center Capture:
• Storing documents
• Retrieving documents
• Extracting documents
• Validating documents

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 83

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Steps from the paper invoice to document registration with Business Center
Capture (BCC)

1. SAP ERP calls the scan client through the Early Archiving registration type,
using the OAWD transaction.
2. The scan client deposits the image to the content repository (Archive).
The OAWD transaction creates a registration entry in SAP ERP using the
registration interface class implementation /OTX/PF01_CL_REGISTER_OAWD.
The registration method inserts an entry to tables /OTX/PF01_T_1REG and /OTX/
PF01_T_1IMG and sets status Registered.
Alternative: Incoming email is used for registration of a new document.
3. The document handler (periodic job for report /OTX/PF01_P_IDF_TRIGGER)
processes the required service modules in SAP ERP and sets the status
4. The BCC Extraction service calls the API function /OTX/
PF01_IF_GET_NEW_DOC_LIST using a scheduled batch job on BCC side and gets
new documents for processing:
• Gets all documents in status Ready for OCR extraction along with secure
URL for image and XML document, which will be created by the BCC
Extraction service.
• Updates the document status to Sent to OCR.
5. The BCC Extraction service picks the documents from 3 on page 84 and imports
the corresponding images from the Archive.
6. The Export module of the BCC Extraction service calls the API function /OTX/
PF01_IF_OCR_DATA_UPDATE_N with call point EX:

84 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.5. Customizing Business Center Capture

• Updates the status and OCR data appropriately. This API exports the data to
SAP ERP after completion of the extraction phase. Table /OTX/PF01_T_1EXT
will be updated with extracted data.
• Updates the document status to Extraction Completed.

7. The BCC Extraction service sends the detailed results XML file of the exported
data to the Archive using the URL retrieved from SAP ERP in 4 on page 84. The
BCC Validation engine uses the XML file.
Results for each data exported to SAP ERP are stored in an XML file and

8. The document handler picks up the registered items with status Wait for
Extraction completed and checks the time elapsed. If it exceeds the configured
time, the status is set to Error.

9. The document handler picks up the registered items with status Extraction
Completed. The document handler checks if validation is required or not. If
validation is required, the status is set to Ready for Validation. If validation is
not required, the document handler will process the corresponding service
modules and trigger the target application.

10. The BCC Validation service calls the /OTX/PF01_IF_GET_VAL_DOC_LIST API

and gets a list of documents for validation:

• Gets all the documents in status Ready for Validation.

• For each document, it gets the secure URL for image and XML documents,
which will be used by the BCC Validation Client.

11. The BCC Validation service picks documents (both image and XML) from the
Archive for each validation document, using the URL retrieved from SAP ERP.

12. The BCC Validation service calls the /OTX/PF01_IF_OCR_DATA_UPDATE_N API

with call point VA:

• Updates the status and OCR data appropriately. This API exports the data to
SAP ERP after completion of the validation phase. The /OTX/PF01_T_1EXT
table is updated with validation data.
• Updates the document status to Validation Completed.

13. The document handler picks up registered items with status Wait for
Validation completed, and after elapsed time sets the status to Error.

14. The document handler picks up registered items with status Validation
Completed, processes the corresponding service modules, and triggers the target

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 85

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

4.5.1 Checking archive settings for XML documents

The component type for the XML document that is created by the BCC Extraction
service is assigned to the used archive. Usually, you do not need to change this
entry, except for some cases (according to the used archiving system) to configure
the component ID data for the related content repository.

4.5.2 Customizing validation

The validation framework determines whether a document that is created by BCC
needs validation or not. The Validation framework also assigns the validation agents
to validate the document. The framework bases on the customizing defined for the
ArchiveLink document type associated with the document created by BCC. Creating a validation

You can customize if and when an incoming document is validated. The validation
can always be active or only if defined check fields have no values. You can also
define who must manually validate the document.

To create a validation:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Validation.
2. In the Capture - Validation Overview screen, configure general validation
settings, using the following parameters.

Validation ID
Technical ID of the validation settings
Enter the description of the validation setting.
Validation Determination
Select the determination from the list. The following values are possible:
Validate always
Validation is always active.
Validate never
Validation is not active.
Validate for selected fields
If check fields are missing, validation is run. For more information, see
“Maintaining validation check fields” on page 87.
Validation / Agent Determination
Use this function to control when the validation is run, and also to
determine the validator. Use template function /OTX/
PF01_UTIL_EXIT_VAL_DETERM to create a custom logic.

86 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.5. Customizing Business Center Capture Maintaining validation check fields

For the validation setting Validate for selected fields, you can customize the
external field names.

To configure validation check fields:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Validation.

2. In the Capture - Validation Overview screen, mark an entry and double-click

Capture - Validation Check Fields in the Dialog Structure.

3. In the Capture - Validation Check Fields Overview screen, configure check

fields, using the following parameters.

Step ID
Field counter

Field Name
External field name

Note: You must configure the field name in the same way as it is
delivered (case-sensitive). Assigning an ArchiveLink document type to a validation

You must assign the ArchiveLink document type used in the Early Archiving
registration to the validation ID. For more information, see “Customizing the early
archiving registration type” on page 58.

To assign the ArchiveLink document type to the validation ID:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Validation Assignment.

2. In the Capture - Validation DocType Assignment Overview screen, assign the

ArchiveLink document type to the validation ID, using the following

Document type
ArchiveLink document type of registration

Validation ID
Enter the validation ID for processing. For more information, see
Validation ID on page 86.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 87

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration Assigning an agent to an ArchiveLink document type

If validation is required for an ArchiveLink document type and you do not use a
custom logic to determine the validator, you must assign the corresponding agent to
the ArchiveLink document type.

To assign an agent to an ArchiveLink document type:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Validation Assignment.

2. In the Capture - Validation DocType Assignment Overview screen, mark an

entry and double-click Capture - Validation Agent Assignment in the Dialog

3. In the Capture - Validation Agent Assignment Overview screen, assign the

agent to the ArchiveLink document type, using the following parameters.

Document Type
ArchiveLink document type

Object Type
Enter the organizational object that must be configured. The following
objects are supported:

• Rule

• Organizational Unit

• Center

• Position

• Work Center

• User

Agent ID
Enter the corresponding agent ID for the related organizational object.

Note: The IDs of organizational object assignments might be different

across the system landscape. Therefore, the /OTX/PF01_ADM_VALA
transaction is available to adjust the values in test and production
systems. In general, production systems do not allow any
configuration changes. The transaction is protected against a special
administration authorization. For more information, see
“Authorizations” on page 146.

Maintain the evaluation path. A special evaluation path might be required
for specific object types. As long as no special evaluation path has been set
up, the standard evaluation path WF_ORGUS is always used.

88 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.5. Customizing Business Center Capture

4.5.3 Customizing feedback

Business Center 16 SP1 introduces the feedback function for BCC. After the inbound
process has been finished, the Business Center process framework returns the
maintained values of a process as a feedback to BCC. BCC then can use the final
values as input for learning.

To activate feedback for BCC:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Feedback.

2. In the Feedback Overview screen, activate feedback for document types, using
the following parameters.

Document Type
Document type for which feedback shall be activated

In the list, click true or false.

The first time BCC extracts a document of a new document type, the
customizing entry for this document type is automatically created, with Active
set to true.

4.5.4 Creating reject reasons

In the BCC validation client, users can select a reason when they reject a document

The reject reason is displayed in the document registration table /OTX/PF01_T_1REG.

To create reject reasons:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Reject Reasons.

2. In the Capture - Reject Reasons Overview screen, configure reject reasons,

using the following parameters.

Reject Reason
Reason code of the rejection

Enter the description of the reject reason.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 89

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

4.5.5 Customizing look-ups

You customize look-ups to provide the following features in the BCC application:

• Searching for any related SAP information in the validation client

• Enabling the access and download of master data to the BCC database

In Business Center, the look-up for business partners is done on staging tables. A
staging table collects all relevant information of vendor, customer, or company code.
A staging table can also collect information from multiple systems, when BCC is
connected to one SAP ERP system as single point of contact.

The staging tables are filled with corresponding reports, which can be planned as
periodic job on SAP ERP side.

Report to fill staging table for company codes

Report to fill staging table for customers

Report to fill staging table for vendors

For more information, see “Staging tables for the BCC integration” on page 344.

For more information from BCC side, see Section 4.10 “Configuring a Partner
function” in OpenText Business Center Capture for SAP Solutions - Customization Guide
(CPBC-CGD) and Section 4.12 “Configuring a LookupList function” in OpenText
Business Center Capture for SAP Solutions - Customization Guide (CPBC-CGD).

Look-up fields are used to map the SAP fields of the related data selection fields
structure to the external field names used in the Business Center Capture
application. For more information, see “To map a look-up field:“ on page 93

To create a look-up:

1. Run the /n/OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business

Center for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center
Capture > Look-up.

2. In the Look-up Overview screen, configure look-ups, using the following


LookUp ID
Describes the technical identification of data search and retrieval in SAP

Enter a description of the look-up.

90 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.5. Customizing Business Center Capture

Data selection fields

Enter the structure of the fields. These fields are used within the mapping.
They assign the external field name of BCC to the internal SAP field name
of the corresponding database table or database view. For more information
about the mapping, see “To map a look-up field:“ on page 93.

Source Table Name

Enter the database table or view used for the data retrieval.

Handler class
You can use the handler class to implement custom logic in your own
handler class for a look-up. The handler class needs to implement the /OTX/
PF01_IF_LOOKUP interface. If no custom handler class is configured, the
standard handler class /OTX/PF01_CL_INTERFACE_LOOKUP is called.
The standard class allows to search entries with selection criteria that is
concatenated by AND. All search criteria is character-based and used with
The function has no special treatment for date or amount values.

Handler Class - The following methods are possible for a custom

implementation in the /OTX/PF01_IF_LOOKUP interface.

Note: The parameter naming in Business Center follows the following


1st Character
P fix, indicates a parameter

2nd character
I (Importing) or C (Changing) or E (Exporting)

3rd character
<empty> (variable) or S (structure) or T (table)

The LOOKUP_DOWNLOAD method provides a look-up processed from Business
Center application to download data.
This method is used in the BCC API function /OTX/

Parameter Parameter type Description

PIT_QUERY Importing Query attributes from BCC
PET_DATA Exporting Look-up result in csv-format
PET_FIELDS Exporting External look-up fields
PE_COMPLETE Exporting Parameter to indicate if all
possible entries have been

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 91

Chapter 4 Inbound Configuration

Parameter Parameter type Description

PET_RETURN Exporting Return messages
PE_RC Exporting Return error code

The LOOKUP_DOWNLOAD_INIT method initializes the download processed
from Business Center application to download data.
This method is used in the BCC API function /OTX/PF01_IF_LOOKUP_INIT.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PET_RETURN Exporting Return messages

The LOOKUP_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE method completes the download
processed from Business Center application to download data.
This method is used in the BCC API function /OTX/

Parameter Parameter type Description

PI_COMPLETE Importing Parameter to indicate if all
possible entries have been
PET_RETURN Exporting Return messages

The LOOKUP_VALIDATION method provides a look-up processed from
Business Center Capture validation client.
This method is used in the BCC API function /OTX/PF01_IF_LOOKUP_VAL.

Parameter Parameter type Description

PI_MAXHITS Importing Maximum number of hits
PIT_QUERY Importing Query attributes from BCC
PET_DATA Exporting Look-up result in csv-format
PET_FIELDS Exporting External look-up fields
PE_COMPLETE Exporting Parameter to indicate if all
possible entries have been
PET_RETURN Exporting Return messages
PE_RC Exporting Return error code

92 OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide

4.5. Customizing Business Center Capture

To map a look-up field:

1. Run the /OTX/PF00_IMG transaction and navigate to OpenText Business Center

for SAP Solutions > Inbound Configuration > Business Center Capture >

2. In the Look-up Overview screen, mark an entry and double-click Look-up

Fields in the Dialog Structure.

3. In the Look-up Fields Overview screen, configure look-up fields, using the
following parameters.

External Field Name

Name of the field in the BCC application

Field Name
Enter the name of the SAP field of the configured structure. For more
information, see Data selection fields on page 91

Case sensitivity
Select Case-sensitive or Case-invariant from the list.
BCC already provides a search operation for a specific field. For example,
the user can enter search options in the validation client. You can configure
how this search is processed. Either the search is case-sensitive or the search
is case-invariant.

Tip: A case-invariant search is the slower search option.

Row number
Enter the column number to identify the related field in BCC.

OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions – Configuration Guide 93


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