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ZONE MANAGER Jun 2023 • Pn,son\ MOBII.E: 703-965-0142
Para-dies Lagord~re
EMAIL: S'qtd 3@gmail,com
• A chieve sates g oa1s by ad l'le.ring to com pany performance
metrics a nd imple menting prom otional pro9 ra.ins
ADDRESS: f olls Church. VA. 22041
• I g o betw een sbcof our shops t o supervise our employees to
ensure on tim e opening/ dosiflg a nd develop their skill sel
• I would oversee the financial aspect as well as Increasing o ur
profll margins b y wo rking with our sale conderges
ASSISTANT • Proficient in SAP. SAP Fiori. OTS
Paradies LagardE!re • Expert in Microsoft office
• Excellent at multitasking
• I'm ,esponsible for tho c.ount and f(!Cone:flo of dally cash • Managing a o( forty-five pt:ople
dcposit.s. safo., and petty cash funds • Expe.r'ien« with POS .systems such a.s Arst Cl.ass
• I crC!ate, verify. and oversee ful@lment of change orders with • Ptoficlent in Amharic
bank and stores as per of the business
• Efficiently and ac.curotaJy eomplota required process controls
(bookkeeping and administratively)
GUEST SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Jun 2022 • Jan 2023 • Took c ha rge of trainfng all of ou r sales associates ~Paradies
Bfuegreen Vacations Lag afdefe)
o I learned the new POS system ahead of time .and
• I wa.s responsible for openlng dosing the managing large-
provided a through training
a mounts of incoming calls, a n d directing p eople to tile.Ir desired o I registered., supervised, and asslst·e d with their yearty
loca tion s
onllr\.• training
• I w as In c ha rge of handling w heelchair accesslbibty. loadlng
• Trained muttlple Guest Service Represe.ntal:ives (Bluegreen
and dis-tributing $1,000 Vlsa.s that only I had acc:ess to, as well Vacationsl
as filltng out and filing the paperwork for both Items li~d o Instructed traineH and gave them helpful Information
that I learned with oxf)(!rienca to ease their transition
• Took on e,xtra respontlb!llty by drafting schedules and setting
• S•ction loader (Multipl• Choirs)
up into.Mews for different positloM at oUI' location o Taught musfc, corrected mistakes. helped blend thoJr
MEMBER OF THE CHOIR Sept 2017 • Mor 2019 • Amorican Ct,or.11 Ditectots Assodatron (ACDAt Student
SL Pot.,.s In tho Woods ChapterTreasurer {Georgl! Mason University)
o In charge oHinallces indud1ng money colfectJons,
• As a singer, I wa5 responsible-for memorizing and refining an deposits fofthe orgonizotion. ;ind creating tundraiser
average of si>e songs per week event$
• Assl$1ed by noddng mi.takes to correct • S19ma Alpha Iota tSAI) Program Coordinator (George Mason
• Attended rel,e;,Jrsats and performances University)
o Created events, programs, and encouraged others ~o
SA LES ASSOCIA'TE Jul 2017 • Jon 2018 Joln to cultivate e,c«iflence in musitaS performance..
Party City

• As a me111ber of the Ries associate team, I was respon!iiibht for

the upkeep of the store aild handllog the registe-r
• Managing the balloon counter by keeping It organ~ed and
HtGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Sept 2013 • Jun 2017
compli!ting otders in a timely man!ltr
• In charge of ~ocklng and relabeling the shelves J.E.S. Stuart High Scllool

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