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Dedication 3
Acknowledgment 4
About the Author 6
Preface/Prologue 8
CHAPTER 1: Introduction: A Wild Beginning 1

About the Author
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CHAPTER 1: Introduction: A Wild Beginning
Born in the heart of South Africa, where the wilderness is untamed and the
landscapes are vibrant. My childhood was filled with adventure and wonder as I
explored the bushveld, climbed mountains, and swam in the ocean. I learned to
respect the power of nature and the importance of living in harmony with it.
Amidst the untamed wilderness and vibrant landscapes, my life was filled with
unforgettable memories and remarkable experiences.

The grassland teemed with life, and the mountains towered into the sky. This
was my home, and I cherished it more than anything in the world. I would spend
hours exploring the wilderness, learning and sharing its secrets with my friends. I
was a wild child but was also kind and compassionate and cared deeply about the
land and the creatures that lived there.

My wild journey took me to many places and taught me many things. But I
will never forget my childhood home and always cherish the memories of my
time there.

South Africa, embedded with breathtaking beauty and diverse wildlife,

served as the backdrop for my early years. The sprawling savannas and rugged
terrains were playgrounds, and it was within this dynamic environment that I
fostered a connection with animals.

However, with the mesmerizing landscapes came a reality of constant

challenges that were entrenched in the local community – break-ins and robberies
- ultimately leading to fear dwelling in people’s lives. The wild beauty of Africa
was paired with the harsh truth of security.

Swirling into the tornado of my childhood, the vibrant city of Durban, with
its breathtaking coastal beauty, held a contrasting reality that eventually
unfolded. As the youngest among three siblings, I was just five years old when I
found myself navigating through the complexities of life, followed by my
parent’s divorce.

This significant event reshaped the landscape of my world, unfolding new

chapters of resilience and adaptation. In the wake of the divorce, the security
concerns heightened for us.

The blissful scene that Durban painted, with its sun-kissed horizons and
azure waves of water, seemed to juxtapose what was on the surface. Considering
robberies and break-ins impelled a general sense of vulnerability, casting a
shadow over the canvas of coastal paradise.

Amidst the swirling emotions emerging from my parent’s divorce and the
fear of escalating security issues, a furry companion entered my life, offering
solace and comfort.

As a child navigating through the complexities of the altering family

dynamic, I found strength and comfort in the presence of my beloved Russian
blue and Burmese cat.

With her gentle purr with each soft paw-step, my cat became more than just a
pet; she was an emotional anchor during those turbulent times. The bond we
shared extended beyond mere companionship; it was an unspoken agreement and
a silent understanding in each other's company that we could find an amnesty
from the uncertainties that surrounded us.

In the midst of my young mind's struggles to absorb the changes, my feline
friend stood as a source of unconditional love. Her warm nuzzles, and gentle
gaze became a soothing balm for the wounds left by the divorce.

With her presence, I discovered a companionship that required no words and

a camaraderie that surpassed the challenges that life had thrown my way.

Nonetheless, my cat's role extended beyond the peripherals of emotional

support. In a world where the phantom of security concerns lingered, my feline
friend assumed an unexpected role as a protector.

With her acute senses and keen instincts, she seemed to stand guard over our
home, providing a sense of security that fueled a sense of comfort. Her cautious
movements and observant eyes became a reminder that even in the face of
uncertainty, I was not alone.

As I navigated through the maze of emotions after my visits to my father's

home, my cat's presence remained a constant. In those compassionate moments, I
found relief from the storm within, a sanctuary where the simplicity and
innocence of our interactions could momentarily ease the weight of the harsh
realities of the world.

Through this small but profound relationship, I learned valuable lessons

about empathy, companionship, and the healing power of connection. My cat's
ability to offer both a sense of protection and emotional solace showed me that
the support we need often comes from unexpected places.

Reflecting back, I recognize that the adoption of my pet cat was not merely
an act of companionship—it was a choice to invite love into my life along with

unwavering loyalty. Her role as both an emotional refuge and protection against
unexpected events conveys the profound impact animals can have on our lives,
particularly during times of vulnerability.

In those formative years, the pawprints left an unfading mark on my heart,

reminding me that in the journey of embracing love and building connections, we
can find the strength to cope with the consequences of the storm.

Her skill was once displayed when she triumphantly hunted a three-meter-
long green Mamba snake, leaving the headless body as a demonstration of her
bravery. Eager to share this unbelievable sight, I screamed, “Mom! Mom!”
further exclaiming while excitement rang in my tone, “You won’t believe what
just happened.”

However, my Russian blue and Burmese cat wasn’t the only feline that
developed a taste for killing; other cats that I had adopted over the years also
developed a liking for hunting snakes, along with hunting smaller prey like rats
and birds. The thrill of chasing the prey coursed through their veins, putting me
in the feeling of awe to witness their instinctual drive to pursue their game.

One unforgettable incident involving one of my cats happened during

Christmas. As the family gathered around three, one of my cats strolled in,
bearing a live rat as an unexpected gift – making us laugh while at the same time

However, due to persistent robberies at our home and, as a result, the

frequent need to call the cops, we were advised to adopt dogs as a security

Once under the cloak of night, while the moon’s feeble light cast shadows, a
group of masked robbers breached the perimeters of our house, barging through
our backyard and entering our house through the window.

Each time, we used to lose something valuable – either the chickens from our
backyard, parts of our vehicle, or sometimes even the clothes that we used to
hang on the terrace. However, this time, it was appalling to witness the theft –
leaving all of us shattered. As the dawn approached, the thieves disappeared into
the darkness, leaving behind nothing but chaos.

Early morning, witnessing the sunlight gleaming through the shattered hole
in the glass window stood as stark evidence of the impertinent intrusion of
robbers – a jarring sight, one that immediately communicated the violation of our

Whereas, inside the house, chaos had reigned supreme. Furniture was toppled
with cushions on the floor, and other belongings scattered in the living room. The
room, once a haven of comfort, had been ruthlessly turned upside down.

In the wake of the havoc, it became painfully evident that valuable

possessions had been stolen. Thereby, the sense of violation hung heavy in the
air, a reminder that security and safety were fragile; they could be shattered as
easily as the glass that lay in shards on the floor.

The recurring break-ins prompted the following decisions, leading us to

believe that having dogs would act as a defense against potential thieves.


The continuous cycle of thefts and police involvement instilled a sense of

vulnerability, encouraging us to proactively take measures in order to raise our
safety walls.

As a result, we adopted two black dogs, Dobermans. Nonetheless, the canine

companionship filled the void of both emotional and protection needs.

As I embarked on the path of teenage, the wave of hedonism continued to

escalate. Embracing a life of pleasure, I always sought to unsheathe the moment
of joy from every experience, similar to how a sword is unsheathed from its

While some may view hedonism as an unheeding pursuit, for me, it was
about indulging in the richness of life and embracing multifaceted realms of life.

My formative years were imprinted by a rather untamed existence in the

vibrant landscape of Africa. The environment I grew up in provided a fertile
ground for the seeds of hedonism to grow roots and eventually flourish in
blooming flowers. The essence of the country, embedded in its rich culture and
experience, played a vital role in altering my perspective on the world during my
teenage years.

In those days, the lure of hedonism seemed irresistible. It was a period of

discovery and exploration, a time when boundaries were meant to be pushed, and
experiences smacked to the fullest. The very essence of hedonism, indulgence
without restraint and pursuing pleasure, resonated deeply within me.

When I was thirteen years old, I experienced hitchhiking into night clubs –
which reflected my adventurous spirit. Despite my young age, I was attracted to
the vibrant music and atmosphere that African clubs offered, feeling the profound
sense of hedonism characterized by the sensual pleasure and joy that burst the
cloud of worries from my mind. Hence, reflecting back to my teenage years is
like traveling back through a time machine and recalling my daring personality.

Another particular memory stands out vividly from my teenage years,

engraved into the frames of my past. It was a typical day in downtown Durban,
brimming with life and palpitating energy.

With my close-knit group of friends, we embarked on an adventure that has

forever remained in the ocean of our hearts. We discovered the hustling and
bustling of the city, where the rhythm of life could be perceived while touching
the depths of our hearts.

Amidst the urban discordance, we sought an undisturbed spot, a place where

our youth could unfold from inquisitive stares. It was within the peripherals of
the chosen area that we decided to indulge in cannabis, a substance that held a
sense of rebellion and fascination for us at that moment.

As the sun descended below the horizon, beaming a warm, golden hue across
the cityscape, we sparked up our chosen means of escape. The bottleneck, a tube
manufactured from simple materials, became the channel connecting us to
another realm. The penetrating aroma swirled in the air as we passed it around. In
those transitory moments, the concerns of the world seemed to melt away.

The weight of responsibilities, along with the city’s bustle, evaporated into
thin air, replaced by a sense of excitement and companionship. Time itself


embarked on a divergent dimension as laughter echoed through the night, our

voices harmonizing with the distant hum of the city.

Shedding light on one of the joyous moments, that episode encapsulated the
essence of my hedonistic phase. It inaugurated a time of pushing boundaries,
challenging orthodox norms, and embracing experiences.

Yet, as years passed, perspectives and priorities evolved, but the hedonistic
pursuits triumphed throughout my journey. While the memory of that night in
Durban remains a colorful thread in the woven piece of my past, it serves as a
reminder of the journey that brought me to where I am today.

From the captivating wildlife encounter to social issues to the unapologetic

pursuit of pleasure, my journey has been anything but ordinary. I, Juan Gonzalez,
have lived life to the fullest, and despite the chaos in my personal life, my
journey has been a symphony of exploration, laughter, and commitment.

Africa's wild spirit, the allure of hedonism, and the companionship of youth
have all subscribed to molding my identity. And though the wildness of youth
has transformed, the vibrant memories and lessons have persistently illuminated
my path forward.

Chapter 2: Furry Companions

In the quiet suburbs of my hometown, nestled among green landscapes,

amusing wildlife, and chirping birds, my journey with the two dogs, Mr.
Solomon and Stripe began during the autumn season. It was a crisp Autumn
morning, a time of the year transitioning from summer to winter when I decided
to bring two dogs into my life – well, not just into my life but my son, Josh’s life

Josh became a part of my life after his nine years of existence in this world.
Sometimes the cloud of thoughts dwells in my mind about how unfortunate I was
to not spend the early years of Josh’s life with him.

The moment I stumbled upon Josh’s life was like the missing piece had been
fitted into the puzzle that I didn’t know was solving. My heart shattered into a
million pieces when I became aware of the abuse he endured by his alcoholic
mother, receiving an unexpected call from his uncle, who definitely was a beacon
of hope. The scars of the past traumas coursed deep in his veins, traced by the
abuse he endured.

Meeting Josh for the first time after nine years was a blend of emotions –
anxiety, excitement, and an overwhelming desire to heal his wounds.

As soon as I met him, my connection with him established - a profound bond

that started to build on the foundation of love, compassion, and care.


Taking on the responsibility of raising Josh and obtaining full custody wasn’t
an easy process. Navigating through the complicated process of the child custody
proceedings was an uphill battle.

The weight of Josh's trauma, intricately woven into the fabric of his young
life, threatened to overshadow his future. With the guidance of a skilled
barrister, we encountered the court’s challenges and fought against his mother
with the determination to provide him with the stability and love he deserved.

Despite the hurdles along the way, I ultimately received the custody of Josh,
while the seed of gratefulness enfolded my heart. However, life is not a bed of
roses, and our journey is embedded with the notion of opportunity cost.

My partner, Lucinda, a kind soul, who had entered my life after we

connected on Tinder and stayed with me. We shared a bond that was cemented
on the similar values and companionship, despite that, I didn’t feel the love
towards her. Nonetheless, she stood like a support system and pillar of strength
as Josh entered into our lives.

Lucinda had two miniature dachshunds, who were a major part of our lives.
Eventually, they tend to become a source of joy and solace for Josh as well,
soothing his pain and trauma with abundant love. However, she left us after a few
months of Josh becoming a part of our lives.

The following event left a void in Josh’s heart, considering how attached he
was to the dogs, and suddenly they had to leave, creating a vacuum of joy in his
life. This further deepened the wound in his heart.
Thereafter, noticing the sadness on his face, we surfed The Dachshunds
Association's portal, and that's where our two adopted fur companions, Stripe and
Solomon entered the picture.

Josh’s emotions were the primary factor in adopting our fur companions, but
security and protection of the house were another factor. Due to this, I decided to
adopt the dachshunds, known as badger dogs, who are loyal companions together
with possessing the keen watchdog trait.

Despite everything, the pursuit of dachshund companionship led me to adopt

through a local non-profit organization, where we met both my dogs, having
sleek black three-layered coats and curiosity sparkling in their wide gloomy eyes,
while spunky dapple-patterned breeds, full of mischief and energy.

Seeing the smile tugged with the cheeks on Josh’s face, with his eyes
twinkling as he interacted with Solomon and Stripe, was a sight to behold. The
bond between them radiated heartwarming happiness as if they understood the
pain of each other.

These dachshunds weren't just pets; they became our companions in healing,
teaching about trust and unconditional love, which Josh hadn’t experienced in his
nine years. With that, he learned the concept of love that is without any confined
boundaries, and how the plant of trust grows within the seed of unconditional

As our little family paved the route of healing, companionship, and love
through the complexities, it gradually became transparent that life had its own


way of gluing the unexpected pieces together, devising a mosaic of hope,

resilience, and newfound happiness.

The intertwined narratives of resilience, love, and second chances connected

me to the cherished moments of our dogs. The path that brought us all together in
one frame was far from conventional, beginning with the unexpected presence of

As time passed, our house transformed into a harbor of love, woven together
with the threads of newfound connections, shared experiences, and the
imperishable bond between a father and son – without excluding our two furry

Through the waves of pain flowing in Josh’s heart, the obstacles of the
custody, and the unorthodox path to perceive love, Solomon and Stripe became
the hope of healing – radiating the positive energy within the walls of our house.

Nonetheless, adopting the dachshunds wasn’t an expeditious one. Their

distinctive appearance and unique charm have captivated my attention. While
known for endearing short legs and elongated body like a sausage, with tapering
muzzles and a deep chest.

Historically, their appearance is rooted in the origins of Europe from the 15 th

century. Evidently, in German, their name even translates to “badger hound”
which highlights the characteristics – of hunting burrowing animals.

Bringing them home was a soul-stirring experience, while humorously, the

first night was an adventure in itself, with Solomon's assonant howls echoing

through the house. Whereas, on the other hand, Stripe's attempts at ascending
furniture that was clearly too big for him.

Little did I know, while realizing after a few moments, that their behavior
was just a glimpse of the quirks and humor, cheerfully lightening our lives.

As I delved deeper to learn the traits of dachshunds, I discovered their

fascinating history as hunting dogs in Germany. They were used as messenger
dogs in World War I, and thereby, over the years their popularity grew in the

Despite their keen traits, their uniqueness in developing a sense of adoration

won me over. For instance, their unwavering loyalty, and amusingly, their
tendency to believe that they are larger in size than they actually are, along with
their connate ability to find warmth, even if it means snuggling in the sheath of

Life with Solomon and Stripe is like a rollercoaster of mischief, laughter and
joy – swirling into the flashbacks of their memories and yet continuing to count
the endless moments of hilarity.

There was a time when they both were just admiring little pups and teamed
to steal the sandwich from the table. Another moment was when Solomon’s
fierce barking scared the mailman.


Through the hilarious moments, these two pups became more than just pets;
they were our partners in adventure, our confidants, and the spring of amusement
that abundantly sprinkled the joys.

As I reflect back on our moments, I can't help but smile at the memories we
created and how they became a ray of hope for my son while teaching him the
true meaning of joy, love, loyalty, and laughter along the way.

With that, until the present, Solomon’s and Stripe’s mischievous behavior
does not mark the line of limits. One fine Sunday morning, as the sun painted
golden hues across the room, Solomon and Stripe embarked on an adventure that
deserted us in stitches.

It all began with an attractive scent, an aroma that tingled through their
nozzles while promising them the way to untold treasures.

I had just returned from Mr. Francisco, the neighborhood bakery that freshly
baked the bread and cakes, carrying a bag of fresh pastries for Josh. Little did I
know that these mischievous dachshunds had their all senses imprisoned to our
buttery goodness.

As I kept the brown bag, stained with the butter, and barely turning my back,
a rustling sound traveled across my eardrums. To that, I turned my back and
caught Stripe perching on his hind legs while quivering with excitement and the
gaze locked on the bag.

Whereas, Solomon not to be missed from the picture, had taken the strategic
position by the edge of the table while his eyes fixated on the mouthwatering
In a blink of an eye, Stripe leaped into action. With a graceful miniature
stature, he managed to clutch the packet with his paw. The bag wavered for a
second, tottering on the edge of the table. Nonetheless, it was a comedic sight,
giving me a fit of laughter, as Solomon joyfully cheered her on with excited

And then, with a victorious force, the bag descended to the floor, pastries
scattering like confetti. Solomon and Stripe hurriedly swooped on the fallen
treasures, as their furry tails were wagging with delight and the furs around the
mouth sank in the cream. The scene resembled a chaotic yet rejoiced carnival of

Amused by their audacity and fearlessness, I couldn't help but laugh. These
little troublemakers had orchestrated a daring heist worthy of a Netflix series – or
maybe a Hollywood movie. They devoured the pastries with satisfying their zest
to have a sugary starchy treat, leaving behind crumbs and an air of
mischievousness that swirled in the room.

As I broomed the crumbs, I couldn't suppress my wide chuckles. Solomon

and Stripe, the dynamic duo of dachshunds, had turned into a sidesplitting
spectacle from an ordinary Sunday morning.

Their bond reflected a wave of determination, teamwork, and undaunted joy

while devouring the deliciousness of pastries reflected their hilarious personality
in all their glory.


From that day forward, this moment became a tale frequently shared among
our family and friends, an indication of the endless amusement and unexpected
capers that my two furry companions brought into our lives.

It was surely a reminder that laughter is truly the best medicine, particularly
when served with complimentary pastry-pilfering dachshunds.

One sunny afternoon, as I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite

show, the warm golden rays filtered through the windows, casting a light in the
room. Witnessing the bright positive morning, Josh and I decided to take
Solomon and Stripe for a walk in the nearby park.

As we walked along the pathway, Solomon and Stripe twitched at their

leashes with enthusiasm, and their short legs connected with the cloud-like body,
moving in a comically rapid fashion.

Admiring their little paws moving in a petite fashion sparkled Josh’s eyes
with joy, exclaiming while his laughter echoed in the air, “Dad, these guys are
like little rockets on legs”. Little did we know that this outing would embrace the
transiting curve of hilarious escapade.

Witnessing this, I chuckled, “You’re right, Josh. They've got so much energy
crammed into those tiny bodies.”

As we reached the park, we took off their leashes, so they could explore and sniff
around – noticing their furiously wagging tails as they vaulted through the grass,
and their noses sniffing every nook and cranny.

Suddenly, Stripe’s sight gazed at a group of white pigeons and thereby he
took off like a miniature greyhound. As he followed them with his little legs
working in overdrive, and further encouraged to chase the flock of birds as Josh
cheered, “Go, Stripe, go!”.

How could Solomon choose to stay out of the image? Hence, he decided to
join the chasing game of Stripe and eventually ended up stumbling over his own

He fell into a patch of daisies, causing a mini floral explosion while some
stuck to his furs, giving a little pretty face. Seeing that, Josh remarked, “Whoops!
Looks like Solomon got a little too excited”, stifling a laugh. Well, it was funny
yet adoring at the same time.

As these two bounced into the bunch of flowers, their behavior attracted the
attention of a group of kids nearby. “Look, Mom! Those wiener dogs are so
funny!” one of the kids exclaimed, pointing at Solomon and Stripe.

Josh and I exchanged amused glances, the sight of our furry companions
becoming a source of entertainment not merely for us but for others too. As Josh
chuckled, “They surely know how to put on a show”.

After the daisy incident, Solomon had learned his lesson while Stripe was a
bit exhausted, upon which both of them decided to take a break under a shaded


As they rested by the side of the tree trunk, their tongues were hanging out
and tails still wagging. Josh knelt down to pat them, while scratching behind their
ears, “You guys are like little comedians, aren't you?”

Just as we thought the laughter-inducing moments were over, but to our

misunderstanding, Solomon and Stripe possessed an unexpected burst of energy.
When they spotted a squirrel on the tree, with excitement, they barked and tried
climbing the tree. And there I exclaimed, “Oh boy, they're on squirrel patrol

Watching them two attempting to climb the tree trunk as if they were part of
the squirrel’s clan. We couldn't help but join in their laughter, while Josh
jokingly commented, “I guess they're determined to befriend that squirrel”.

Indeed, it was unexpectedly a fun day. As the sun descended below the
horizon, submerging in the blanket of darkness, we headed home with cheerful
smiles while our hearts swelled with joy.

Our furry friends had once again proven that their ability to find joy in the
simplest things and their zest for life was a constant source of entertainment.

During that brief period in the park, among the squirrels, pigeons, and
flowers, Solomon and Stripe yet again had created memories that we would
cherish for years to come – shedding a ray of light during our darkest phase of


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