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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Hari, tanggal :
Waktu :

1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan baik untuk jawaban pilihan ganda maupun jawaban uraian.
2. Tulislah menggunakan ballpoint dengan jelas: nama dan kelas.
3. Apabila menjawab dengan jawaban yang keliru/salah dan ingin memperbaikinya, hapuslah jawaban yang keliru itu kemudian ganti
dengan jawaban yang benar.
Contoh: pilihan semula A B C D dibetulkan menjadi A B C D
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
5. Awali dengan membaca Basmalah dan akhiri dengan Hamdalah.

I. Answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D!

1. Teacher : (1) … I have got some information about English Contest.
Student : Yes, Sir.
What is the correct expression of asking for attention?
A. I don’t understand C. I got it
B. Listen to me D. Can I have you?

Read the dialog for number 2.

Dory : Do you understand Mr. Asep’s story?
Nia : … (2). He speaks very fast.
2. What is the best answer to complete the blank?
A. I think so B. Not really C. I’d love to E. I don’t know

Read the dialog for number 3 - 5.

Teacher : If you have done your homework, collect the book tomorrow. (3)…?
Student : I am sorry, Sir. Could you repeat?
Teacher : (4) … After you have done your homework, collect the book tomorrow. Do you get it?
Student : (5) … OK. I will collect my book tomorrow.
3. What is the best answer to complete the blank?
A. Do you understand? C. Attention please
B. Do you think so? D. Sorry to trouble you
4. What is the best answer to complete the blank?
A. I don’t understand C. I know what you mean
B. Yes of course D. I’d like to
5. What is the best answer to complete the blank?
A. Yes, Sir. I got it C. I am afraid, I can’t
B. I don’t follow you D. I don’t agree with you

Read the dialog for number 6.

Siti : Did you watch “Tjimanoek Carnival” yesterday?
Aqila : Yes, I watched it with my younger brother.
Siti : What do you think of “Tjimanoek Carnival”?
Aqila : I think it was so amazing. It makes me so proud of being Indonesian and we have many
cultures but we are one Indonesia. We must always love our culture.
6. What is Aqila’s opinion about Tjimanoek Festival?
A. Doubt B. Proud C. Happy D. Sad
Read the dialog for number 7.
Wati : What do you think about our classroom?
Juita : I think it’s very dirty! Some students leave litter on the floor.
7. What is litter in Indonesia means?
A. Sampah B. Tempat sampah C. Kotoran D. Ember

Read the dialog for number 8.

Santy : I got 100 in English test!
Rossa : Good job!
8. What expression does Rossa give to Santy?
A. Giving opinion C. Giving compliment
B. Asking for D. Responding to compliment
9. Which sentence is a compliment?
A. That’s my brother C. My motorcycle is very clean now
B. Excellent D. I did it because you are my sister

Read the following dialog.

Mr. Irwan : Lina, your story is very interesting.
Lina : …, Sir.
10. What is the best response to complete the blank?
A. Sorry B. You’re welcome C. Thank you D. I don’t understand

Read the dialog for number 11 – 12.

Aqila : I will go to the beach with my family tomorrow. I will swim there. By the way, (11) … to the
Alfa : Yes, I can
Aqila : That’s good.
Alfa : Yeah, but I (12) … permission first to my parents.
Aqila : OK I will wait you in my house tomorrow.
11. What is the best answer to fill in the blank?
A. Will you swim with me? C. Will you swim?
B. Can you go with me? D. Can you swim?
12. What is the best answer to fill in the blank?
A. Will come B. Will ask C. Can ask D. Can’t go

Read and complete the dialog for number 13.

Linda : Gyta, can you write the message in English?
Rio : I don’t think I can. But (13) …
13. What is the best answer to fill in the blank?
A. I will not try B. I will try C. I won’t go D. I will go

Read and complete the dialog for number 14 – 16.

Susi : I often get remedial but you never get remedial and you always be the best in the class.
Dina : If you want to be the best student you must study hard and you must be diligent.
Susi : Yes, you are right.
14. From the dialog above, what we must do in order to be the best in the class?
A. We must be lazy
B. We must study hard and be diligent
C. We must come on time
D. We must follow our friend
15. Read the following statements!
1. We must keep our class clean
2. We must not come in until the security guard gives us permission
3. We must not come on time to school
4. We must wear sandals to school
5. We must wear uniform.
Which of the above statements are the obligations for students?
A. 1, 3, 5 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 3, 4, 5 D. 1, 2, 5
16. We … pay our school’s fee.
A. Can B. Must C. May D. Will
Read the dialog for number 17 – 18.
Nana : I want to be healthy but I like eating fast food. I can’t go diet.
Rina : I think you should have diet to be healthy. You should eat more fruits and vegetables.
17. We should clean our bathroom regularly in order to be ….
A. Strong B. Healthy C. Weak D. Tired
18. What expression include in the dialog above?
A. Suggestion B. Opinion C. Obligation D. Prohibition

Read and complete the dialog for number 19 – 20.

Mr. Harry : Look at your class! What a messy class. (19)… .
Alvin : Yes, Sir. I will clean it up after I finish eating these snacks.
Mr. Harry : After you eat your snacks, please (20)… .
19. What is the correct answer to complete the dialog above?
A. Go to your class! C. don’t enter your class!
B. I will clean it up! D. Clean up your classroom!
20. What is the correct answer to complete the dialog above?
A. Wash the dishes B. Check C. Don’t do D. Throw the rubbish

Read these following statements!

1. May I use your pen, Dayu?
2. Don’t be lazy. Get up and have an exercise outside!
3. May I wash my hands, ma’am?
4. Let’s take a rest first.
5. Do you mind if I sit here?
21. From the above statements and questions which are asking for permission?
A. 1, 3, 5 B. 2, 4, 5 C, 3, 4, 5 D. 1, 2, 5

Read the dialog for number 22.

Budi : I want you to come to my birthday party tonight.
Dessy : I am afraid I can’t. I have a lot of homework to do.
22. From the dialog above, we can conclude that Dessy will … to Budi’s party.
A. Join B. Come C. Not come D. Deny

Read the text below to answer number 23 – 25.

To : Dessy
Is celebrating 13th birthday
Please join us to celebrate it.
Sunday, March 5th 2023
3.30 p.m – 05.30 p.m.
Rinjani Ball room
Please come on time.
To confirm your attendance, Please contact
Fatimah WA/SMS only (085) 454 – 69731
From : Linda
23. Who is invited to the party?
A. Fatimah B. Rossie C. Dessy D. Linda
24. How old is Rossie?
A. Ten years old C. twelve years old
B. Eleven years old D. thirteen years old
25. How long will the party be held?
A. One hour B. Two hours C. Three hours D. Four hours
26. What is the synonym “on time”?
A. Punctually B. Slowly C. Late D. Fast

Read the dialog for number 27 – 28.

Alfa : Riana, there will be “Panggung Gembira” in our town square this weekend. There are many
popular singers. Senior high school has no class every Saturday. So, I am free every Saturday.
You will watch “Panggung Gembira” with me?
Riana : I wish I could, but junior high school still has 6 days school. So I have class on Saturday.
Alfa : why don’t you ask permission to your teacher?
(The next morning, Riana asks permission to his teacher)
Riana : ma’am, may I watch Panggung Gembira on Saturday?
Teacher: Sorry (28) … you have to study at school. If you want to watch “Panggung Gembira”, you can
watch it on Sunday.
Alfa : OK, ma’am.
27. In sentence “you will watch “Panggung Gembira” with me?” how should you correct it?
A. You will watched “panggung gembira” with me?
B. You will watching “panggung gembira” with me?
C. Will you watch “panggung gembira” with me?
D. You will watch “panggung gembira” with me
28. Which one is the best answer to complete the dialog?
A. I agree with you C. I’d love to
B. I think so D. I don’t think I can make it

Look at the greeting card below to answer number 29 – 30.

29. What kinds of card does Tomi make?

A. Graduation Poster C. Graduation Announcement
B. Graduation Invitation Card D. Graduation Greeting Card
30. Why does Tomi give the greeting card above?
A. To make Zahra proud of him C. To announce Zahra about graduation day
B. To invite Zahra to her graduation D. To congratulate Zahra on her graduation

For number 31 – 33 Fill in the blank space using the best answer!
Ayu : What do you usually see in the Ragunan zoo?
Neyla : (31)… many animals in the zoo.
Ayu : What do you like most beside looking the animals in Ragunan zoo?
Neyla : There is a huge animal museum. You can see a giant Dinosaur’s fossil there.
31. What is the correct answer to fill in the blank?
A. There is B. There are C. There was D. There were
32. “A huge animal museum”. The bold word in the dialog above has similar meaning with …
A. Tiny B. Small C. Mini D. Big

Read the text for number 33 – 35.

Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom. There are many things I can see in the
traditional market. The seller, butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stalls, groceries, fashion shops and
street vendors. There are lots of vehicles in the parking lot, such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and
pedicabs. My mom usually buys vegetables such as; carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, spinach. Fruits such as
mango, apple, banana, watermelon, and melon. She also buys daily needs at one of the groceries in
traditional market such as; 20 kg rice, 1 kg of eggs, milk, tea, coffee, sugar and butter. I like shopping in
traditional market. It is complete and the price is cheaper than the price in the supermarket. I can bargain
the price but there is one thing I dislike. There are few trashcans in the traditional market. It’s a little bit
dirty, stinky and wet during the rainy season.
33. When does the writer usually go to traditional market?
A. Every day B. Every morning C. Every afternoon D. Every weekend
34. Which statement is not true according to the above?
A. The price is cheap
B. The buyer can bargain the price
C. The price is fixed price (the buyer cannot bargain the price)
D. Sometime uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bad, a bit dirty and wet.
35. “it’s little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainy season.” The word “stinky” means?
A. Clean B. Large C. Smells bad D. Fragrance

II. Essay
My School Library

My school library is located in front of my school. It is big and tidy.

There are many kinds of book put on the shelf, they are text books, novels, encyclopedias, folk stories,
dictionaries and magazines.
The students can visit the library every day when they need. The visitors of the library always keep their
voice to be silent because if they make noise, they will disturb others.
The students can read the books and borrow them to read in their house if they have a member card of the
library. The library can help the students to get more information and knowledge.

Answer the questions below!

36. Make a dialog of asking and giving opinion about the library based on the text you have read!
Mamat : … (asking opinion)
Julia : … (giving opinion)
37. Lina : Siti, next week is my birthday, and I want to invite you to come. Will you join me?
Siti : … (accepting invitation)
38. Please rewrite these sentences into a good greeting card!
 Your friend, Anna.
 Congratulations for being the first winner of the news reading contest!
 To Ganjar
 I am so happy for you!
39. Nathan : “my aunt is often angry with my cousin, Lusi. She makes a mess, but she will not do the
cleaning. She will not even clean her own room.”
According to Nathan :
- Lusi will not do the cleaning
40. “We will use more English now. You should greet me and your friends in English. You should ask
questions in English. You should answer questions in English. You should take leave in English, too. But
don’t worry, when you need, I’ll help you.”
Find the verbs (kata kerja) from the text above!


1. B 11. B 21. A 31. B

2. B 12. B 22. C 32. D
3. A 13. B 23. C 33. D
4. B 14. B 24. D 34. C
5. A 15. D 25. B 35. C
6. B 16. B 26. A
7. A 17. B 27. C
8. C 18. C 28. D
9. B 19. D 29. D
10. C 20. D 30. D

1. Mamat : What is your opinion about our school library?
Julia : I think it’s big and tidy
2. Yes, of course / Yes, I’d love to
3. To : Ganjar,
Congratulations for being the first winner of the news reading contest!
I am so happy for you!
Your friend, Anna.
4. Lusi will not even clean her own room
5. Use, ask, greet, answer, need, help.

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