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First day unassessed teaching practice

Aim: To introduce yourself to your students; to practice key zoom functions needed for teaching
online (screen sharing and breakout rooms)

- You all have a trainee letter (A,B,C etc.) which is important to remember for teaching
practice, see teaching practice groups on google classroom to find yours.
- Listed below is a simple procedure we ask you to follow when you introduce yourselves
and practice using zoom
- Please stick to the procedure and use only the material which is relevant to your lesson.
- Please do not exceed your allotted time - max 20 minutes
- Your tutor will support you during your lesson time (if needed) so ask for help if you get
stuck with something
- This is not assessed, relax and enjoy getting to know your students!

Trainee A (Jimmy): Topic -- Public transport (Lesson time 20-25 mins)

1) Introduce yourself quickly (1min)

2) Introduce the topic of public transport and tell them quickly about the last means of
transport you used and what you liked/disliked about it. (1min)
3) Use the screen share and show the students the picture about different means of
transport 1). Ask some individual students to identify them and ask: ‘ Which ones exist in
your town/city?’
4) (2-3mins)
5) Show the discussion Qs and give ss 1 min to think about the Qs alone (1min) Prepare
your break out rooms (students need to be grouped in 2s or 3s)
6) Put ss into break out rooms to ask and answer the questions with their groups (4mins)
7) Close the break out rooms and bring students back altogether. Find out 1 or 2 things
about the students and their discussions (4mins)

Trainee B (Fatima): Topic -- Music (Lesson time 20-25 mins)

1) Introduce yourself quickly (1min)

2) Introduce the topic of music and tell students quickly if music is important to you and
what you listened to earlier that day.
3) Use the screen share and show students the picture introducing the topic of music. Ask
them Do you listen to music every day? Is music important to you? (1-2mins).
4) Show the students the questions and let them prepare something to say for a minute (1
5) Put ss into break out rooms to ask and answer the questions with their groups
(students need to be grouped in 2s or 3s, check the break out rooms before you
open them) (4mins)
6) Close the break out rooms and bring students back together. Find out 1 or 2 things
about the students and their discussions (4mins)

Trainee C (Chadi): Topic -- The media (Lesson time 20-25 mins)

1) Introduce yourself quickly (1min)

2) Introduce the topic of the media and quickly tell the students about how you usually
read/listen to the news (1min)
3) Use the screen share and show students the picture showing the traditional and new
media and ask students the questions: How many media types can you name? What is the
difference between the traditional and new media? What are social media?, and get
responses from different students (2mins)
4) Show students the questions in ex ii), tell them to prepare to talk about the media using
the questions to help them; they work alone for a minute (1-2mins)
5) Put the students into breakout rooms to answer the questions with partners
(students need to be grouped in 2s or 3s, check the break out rooms before you
open them) (4mins)
6) Close the break out rooms and bring students back altogether. Find out 1 or 2 things
about the students and their discussions (4mins)
Trainee D (Kate): Topic -- Language learning (Lesson time 20 mins)

1) Introduce yourself quickly (1min)

2) Introduce the topic of language learning and quickly tell the students about your
language learning experience (1min)
3) Ask students the questions ‘Which foreign languages do people in your country speak? Are
they good language learners in general? Why yes/not?’ (2-3mins)
4) Show students ex ii) and give them time to think alone first (1-2mins)
5) Put students into breakout rooms to tell their partner(s) about their language learning
habits (students need to be grouped in 2s or 3s, check the break out rooms before
you open them) (4mins).
6) Close the break out rooms and bring students back altogether. Find out 1 or 2 things
about the students and their discussions (4mins)

Trainee E (Kinga): Find someone who activity (Lesson time 20 mins)

1) Introduce yourself quickly (1 min)

2) Tell the group 1 interesting/unique thing about yourself - you could show a picture to
illustrate this (1 min)
3) Use the screen share and show the students the ‘find someone who’ task. Tell students
they are going work in groups and find out some information about each other. Students
need to ask questions and fill in the table. You can demo this yourself (1 min)
4) Put students into break out rooms and let them do the task - join the rooms and help
where necessary (10 mins)
5) Close the break out rooms and bring the students back altogether. Find out 1 or two
things about what they said (4 mins)

Extra Topic -- Home office (Lesson time 20 mins)

1) Introduce yourself quickly (1min)

2) Introduce the topic of working and studying from home and talk about how you are
finding online teaching/learning/working. (1min)
3) Use the screen share and show students the pictures and ex i). Ask them the
questions: ‘Do you know a lot of people who work from home now? Do they like it? Why
yes/not?’ (2-3mins)
4) Tell students to look at ex ii) and give them a minute to think about the questions alone
5) Put students into breakout rooms to ask and answer the questions in exercise ii) with
their partner(s) (students need to be grouped in 2s or 3s, check the break out
rooms before you open them) (4mins).
6) Close the break out rooms and bring students back altogether. Find out 1 or 2 things
about the students and their discussions (4mins)

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