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‫كلية التقنيه الهندسة‪-‬جنزور‬

‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‪-‬شعبة التحكم‬

‫المادة‪ :‬تحكم ‪2‬‬

‫اسم الطالب‪:‬انس محمد سالم التير‬
‫رقم القيد‪5121227:‬‬
Q1-determine the range of values of K for which the closed-loop system
is stable.

The code

The answer is
Q2_Consider the closed-koop control system which controls the
thickness of metal sheets, shown in figure. Determine the root locus.

Solving the closed loop above we get the next equation: 3 2
s +s

The code :-

The answer :-
Q3 Consider the system shown in Figure. Determine the parameters of PI
controller in order to achieve an overshoot of 25%.

We solve by hand the value of kp and ki, we obtain ki=20 and kp=1
And we use these values in simulink and choose the pi controller as following

And we obtain the following wave in the scope

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