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by Gabrielle Goldsby

Hurt Comfort Disclaimer: Yep that’s in here.

Short disclaimer: This story is very short; on purpose in fact, it is a response to a challenge. I had to write a story that
was no more then 1000 words, not including the title and disclaimers and it had to have some plot and sex. Not easy to
do but this is what I came up with. I may play with these girls again; I think there is more story to tell.

Positive and constructive feedback will be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you want to hear the rest of their story.

“Do you know how much you put me through? I can’t believe you had the audacity to walk right up to me and say ‘hi’.”

I reveled in the fact that I was no longer the sixteen-year-old lightweight, cowering under her penetrating blue eyes.
Now, 10 years later, I was the one who was strong and although she was still beautiful, I am sure that I could stand toe-
to-toe with her if need be. When I saw her across the crowded high school auditorium, I could see instant recognition as
well as something else in her eyes. I felt those eyes follow me all night as I made small talk with balding ex-jocks and
successful businesswomen. Those same eyes watched me enter the girl’s locker room. I didn’t have to wait long before
she followed me.

It was the dream of all kids who were too skinny, too fat, too smart, or too poor to confront the bully of their school
years. Mine was Mackenzie Bryant. She terrorized me from the age of 12, when I moved to this small town, through the
age of 16, when she dropped out of school. Apparently she did ok for herself, because she was now of all things, the
owner of a floral nursery.

I pulled the slinky black dress up over my thighs and sat down in one of the shower stalls. “How much do you want to
get to know me now?”

“Very much,” she answered humbly

“Are you willing to apologize?”

She bowed her head, and nodded.

“Why, is this so important?” I asked her; I’m starting to feel a little…well, sorry for what I was about to make her do.

“Because I always thought you were worth knowing. Not like me at all.”

I smiled at her. I know I am being mean but I can’t help it. I had dreamed of this for so many years that it had become
the driving force that I used to run that extra mile or lift those extra weights.

“Kneel down,” I ordered her and shockingly she did as she was told. Her dark head still down, her hair, once always in
need of a brushing, now cascaded silkily over her shoulder.

“Do you know what I want?” I ask.

She nodded.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

She scooted closer to me as I leaned my head back against the wall. I could barely keep myself from screaming as her
warm mouth closed around my clitoris. She began to suckle me. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming out my
pleasure as she quickly scooped me up and laid me on the floor and commenced her apology. I gripped both sides of her
head and guided her to just where I wanted. My eyes closed as my mind provided that this had never been in my plan
for eventual revenge. Her tongue continued to glide over my clitoris, alternately stimulating me and lapping up
whatever moisture she found there.

I closed my eyes as the woman I had learned to hate brought me to orgasm not once but twice. My breathing became
calm. Suddenly, I regret taking out the dreams of a skinny kid on this woman so unlike my tormenter of the past.

Her head lay to the side, but from her breathing, I could tell that she wasn’t sleeping.

“Why? Why did you bully me like you did?” I asked her softly. I waited for the answer and was just about to nudge her
awake when she answered me, her voice gravely.

“I didn’t know how to talk to you. I didn’t know how to talk to anyone. I was having so many problems at home that it
just didn’t matter anymore. I was bigger than everyone else, so I used it to my advantage.”

I suddenly wished I could see her eyes.

“I also… was having these feelings a…about women. I didn’t know how to handle it.”

“Well, you don’t handle it by taking it out on other people. Why did you come here? You weren’t the most loved person
in school anyway.”

“I came…to see you.”

“To see me? What do you mean to see me?”

“I …I wanted to explain… to tell you that I’m sorry for how I treated you back then.”

I am inexplicably angry. “Yeah, well thank you for the apology it was most fulfilling. But you’re not forgiven.” I pushed
her off of me and started to stand up.

“Wait. I also wanted to ask you something.”

“What?” I growled as I shifted my dress into place, not liking the way I was feeling about what had just happened.

“Why did you let me?” She rose to her feet, not looking at me. I stared at this tall woman so unlike the teenager that
used to torment me that it was almost like two different people. This person was…well, humble, nice; someone I would
definitely meet and want to ask out. But I couldn’t, not this time, not with her. So I was angry.

“Stop with the cryptic shit, Bryant. What’s with you? What are you taking about?”

“Why did you let me bully you?” She answered unhurriedly, as if we were discussing the weather. “The year before I
left, I would catch you in here and make you sit with me for hours. I would tell you not to wear certain clothes and you
wouldn’t. I would make you tell me stories and you did. And I would threaten to hurt you if you ever told anyone and,
as far as I know, you never told a soul.”

“Well it’s not as if I wanted my eye put out with a paperclip,” I told her sarcastically. She nodded and took a deep

“But…I never hurt you. I never once hit you or anything.”

“Do you think you needed to hurt me to prove a point? I saw what you did to the others. I didn’t want to fight you! I
didn’t know how to fight then.”

She nodded and seemed to have to force herself to continue. “But why were you always here, Cameron? Why did you
stay in here after gym class was over? You could have left with all the other girls; you could have done so many things
to avoid me but you never did. If you hated me so much, why were you always in here alone?”

My breath left me like I had been hit in the stomach. Why had I let her catch me in the girl’s locker room every day for
nearly a year?
“This conversation is over. I have my apology. Good-bye, Mackenzie.”

“Wait, Cameron. I…” she stood up. “Will I ever see you again?”

“Why would you want to?” I asked her incredulously.

“Because I’m different. I want to prove that to you. I knew even back then that you were worth knowing.”

“Well I’m different too, Mackenzie. I’m not so sure you will like the older me. I’m not as innocent as I used to be.”

She smiled and I had to force myself not to smile back. I turned to walk away.

“Will I see you again?”

“Perhaps,” I called over my shoulder.

“How will you know where to find me?”

“I have a knack for those things. How do you think the reunion committee found you in the first place?”

I left her to contemplate that and walked out of the school not looking back once. I slammed the door to my car and sat
for a moment with my head back on the seat. I’m glad I left the top down; the night is so clear I feel like I can touch
each star with my fingertip. I started the ignition and roared out of the parking lot towards my home.

Would I call her? Yeah, I’m sure I will. I have to admit I’m curious as to what caused such a miraculous change in her
life. Perhaps she can help me make some changes in mine. Perhaps….

The End?

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