Agreement 1

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Short-Term Place Borrowing Agreement

This Agreement is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between:

Owner/Lessor: [Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

Borrower/Lessee: [Borrower’s Full Name]

[Borrower’s Address]

Terms and Conditions:

1. Duration of Borrowing:
The Borrower is granted permission to occupy the premises located at [Your Address] from
[Start Date] to [End Date].
2. Responsibilities:
a. The Borrower agrees to maintain the premises in good condition.
b. Any damages caused by the Borrower will be their responsibility to repair or cover the cost
of repair.
3. Utilities:
a. The [List specific utilities, e.g., electricity, water, internet] are included/not included during
the borrowing period.
4. Rules and Regulations:
The Borrower agrees to abide by all rules and regulations related to the premises.
6. Indemnity:
The Borrower agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any liabilities or
damages arising during the borrowing period.


Owner/Lessor: [Your Signature] Date: [Date]

Borrower/Lessee: [Borrower’s Signature] Date: [Date]

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