Ulangan Harian

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Answer the questions below correctly!

Read the text below!

The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was an enchanted forest known for its
magical creatures and hidden treasures. In this forest, there lived a young wizard named
Aiden. Aiden was curious and adventurous, always seeking new spells and magical artifacts
to enhance his powers.

One day, while exploring deeper into the forest, Aiden stumbled upon a mysterious
portal. The portal shimmered with golden light, tempting him to step through and discover
what lay beyond. Without hesitation, Aiden entered the portal, finding himself in a realm
unlike any he had ever seen.

The new realm was filled with floating islands, each adorned with unique flora and
fauna. Aiden marveled at the beauty of this magical world but soon realized that he was not
alone. The inhabitants of the realm were friendly creatures called Skywhispers, beings with
wings made of pure light.

The Skywhispers welcomed Aiden and offered to teach him their ancient magic. Excited
to learn, Aiden spent weeks mastering spells that could control the elements and
communicate with nature itself. As he grew stronger, Aiden also discovered a dark secret
lurking in the shadows of the realm—a powerful sorcerer who sought to harness the realm's
magic for his own selfish desires.

Determined to protect his new friends and the magic of the realm, Aiden embarked on a
quest to confront the sorcerer. With the help of the Skywhispers and his newfound powers,
Aiden faced numerous challenges, including enchanted traps and fierce magical creatures.

After a series of epic battles and clever strategies, Aiden finally reached the sorcerer's
lair. There, he engaged in a magical duel, using all he had learned to counter the sorcerer's
dark spells. In the end, Aiden emerged victorious, banishing the sorcerer and restoring peace
to the enchanted realm.

As a token of gratitude, the Skywhispers gifted Aiden with a magical amulet that would
allow him to visit their realm whenever he wished. With a grateful heart and newfound
wisdom, Aiden returned to his own world, forever changed by his adventure in the enchanted

After you read the text, please answer these question!

1. Explain Aiden's main role and how his character evolves in the story "The Enchanted
2. What is the main conflict Aiden faces? How does he resolve it?
3. What moral message about courage, friendship, and sacrifice does this story convey?
4. How would you respond to challenges like those faced by Aiden? Can Aiden's
experience provide lessons for real life?
5. What can we learn from Aiden's relationship with Skywhispers regarding teamwork
and mutual respect?

Good Luck  

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