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SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS — Substituted benzene molecules have tremendous importance in industrial eben LD anplstions. Theyre commonlyanedaslvent ancl they are witen important intermediates in any syutheses, including those of powerful pharmaceutical agents _ 1m Aromatic Compounds §x1 stands for Substitution Nueleophilic Buecirophie Setttion Reactions Unimolecular BELG + NWS RNa LO Arene system is electron vich Rate=K/R 1G] hence, prefer to undergo subs- Mechanism : The Sy mechanism isa two steps titution by lectrophiles, provess, first one being the slow is the rate ilelermininy sep Stepl: In Aliphatic Compounds (Coinctoontitic Sabstittion Raactons ‘This substitution is carried out by| nucleophile Frog Radical Sabstitution Reactions. Mechanism : It isa wo steps reaction, Step 1: Ratedetermining step, Due tu homolysis of bond. tod Fa Sonim a wo iation step = ‘Gabvcilon earns eyptes sable ltsiodite ChB > 20 Inteumaite sepa a * Propagationstep: CH +e? SCH + CL +CH3 SOHC + # Termination step: rch, 1h CLC CHY +CH} SCH CHy Ht 3 , i Sb Ciampi testa Benzene ring isunreactive towards + Planar carbocarion isformed in the fist step it macleopailic substitution, the fy attacked from the Lunt as wells the beck presence uf els uuu wididrawinng side, ‘Thus, product lormudis racemicmixture. roupcan activate thering. + Reactivity depends on the stability of the a “This substitution is carried out by cecbocation formed. om electrophile Benzyl» Substituted allyl 3°> Ally > 2° "> TeacHOrT Llectrophilic substitution is very Methy a Rly rere inaliphaticcompounds, N02 NO? ais Some eaamplesure CS Rosction 8 + Replacententof metal stom inan os a organometalic compound by Sai ands forSubsitlion Nucloplaic lnjertal Iyogea the ilteencr bomeees Sul and Sul scaly | @ R-M1Hg »R-H MH thal the inn pair is nol completely dissociaed and * Decarbexylation of silver sat af therefore, unlike Sxl, na real carbucation excbosylic acid, a Th is basically an elimination ticipatesin Si RCH EONS | Bry parbelpatrainia addition process, I) & PSUs PEt, o Cee a | Bint NT RyCHBr + COs + Agbr S Z “6 5 + Agl Nita CANT Sy2 stands for Substitution Nucleophilic ‘Cie substi ON a saci mrelecsle af air presence ct Eee very sirong hase to givea hen7yne * Nudeophile approaches the intermedite qubsteite Fiom. rear side, Mechanism : The Sy2 mechanism isasingle step OnH. ook, pyonte Wlthe depactiag process without iniermediate i group. Thus, configuration gets ay — inverted wet penis ETT tenrme + Kewtivity onder: nat beste Cine substitution: In this, entering Mebylso2o2sAlys mil, 1 Ler < gtonp occupies the position Bena we adjacent tothe leaving group, : ctr

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