Diplomatic Vocabulary

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// Diplomatic Vocabulary

政策 [Zhèngcè] Policy
組織 [Zǔzhī] Organization
領導人 [lǐngdǎo rén] Leadership
非政府組織 [Fēi zhèngfǔ zǔzhī] Non-Governmental Organization
國王/女王 [guówáng/nǚwáng] King/Queen
天皇 [tiānhuáng] Emperor (specifically used for the Japanese
首相 [shǒuxiàng] Prime Minister
總統 [zǒngtǒng] President
副總統 [fù zǒngtǒng] Vice President
總理 [zǒnglǐ] Premier
行政院長 [xíngzhèng yuànzhǎng] President of the Executive
Yuan (specific to Taiwan, equivalent to a Prime Minister)
蘇傑生 [Sū Jiéshēng] (S. Jaishankar, Indian Foreign Minister)
外交 [Wàijiāo] Diplomacy
國際關係 [Guójì guānxì] International Relations
地緣政治 [Dìyuán zhèngzhì] Geopolitics
權力 [quánlì] Power or authority
國家 [Guójiā] Country/Nation
外交部 [Wàijiāobù] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
外交政策 [Wàijiāo zhèngcè] Foreign Policy
智庫 [Zhìkù] Think Tank
國際法 [Guójì fǎ] International Law
大使館 [Dàshǐguǎn] Embassy
領事館 [Lǐngshìguǎn] Consulate
代表處 [dàibiǎochù] Representative Office
外交使節 [Wàijiāo shǐjié] Diplomatic Envoy
簽證 [Qiānzhèng] Visa
合作 [Hézuò] Cooperation
戰略 [Zhànlüè] Strategy
領土 [Lǐngtǔ] Territory
獨立 [Dúlì] Independent
主權 [Zhǔquán] Sovereignty
互惠 [Hùhuì] Reciprocity
條約 [Tiáoyuē] Treaty
協定 [Xiédìng] Agreement
和平談判 [Hépíng tánpàn] Peace Negotiations
人權 [Rénquán] Human Rights
知識產權 [Zhīshì chǎnquán] Intellectual Property Rights
文化交流 [Wénhuà jiāoliú] Cultural Exchange
經濟合作 [Jīngjì hézuò] Economic Cooperation
軍事演習 [Jūnshì yǎnxí] Military Exercises
防務 [Fángwù] Defense Affairs
疆域爭議 [Jiāngyù zhēngyì] Territorial Dispute
信息戰 [Xìnxī zhàn] Information Warfare
開放政策 [Kāifàng zhèngcè] Open Door Policy
非傳統安全 [Fēi chuántǒng ānquán] Non-Traditional Security
零和遊戲 [líng hé yóuxì] Zero-sum game
集團 [jítuán] Grouping
對話 [Duìhuà] Dialogue
論壇 [Lùntán] Forum
協議 [Xiéyì] Agreement
議題 [Yìtí] Issue/Topic
峰會 [Fēnghuì] Summit
多邊 [Duōbiān] Multilateral
雙邊 [Shuāngbiān] Bilateral
經濟 [Jīngjì] Economy
貿易 [Màoyì] Trade
發展 [Fāzhǎn] Development
關稅 [Guānshuì] Tariff
投資 [Tóuzī] Investment
制裁 [Zhìcái] Sanctions
開發中國家 [Kāifā zhōng guójiā] Developing Countries
發達國家 [Fādá guójiā] Developed Countries
貿易戰 [Màoyì zhàn] Trade War
經濟制裁 [Jīngjì zhìcái] Economic Sanctions
軍事 [Jūnshì] Military
安全 [Ānquán] Safety/Security
和平 [Hépíng] Peace
核武器 [Héwǔqì] Nuclear Weapons
中國 [Zhōngguó] China
中華人民共和國 [Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó] PRC
中華民國 [Zhōnghuá Mínguó] ROC (includes all islands = Taiwan,
Matsu, Kinmen…)
台灣當局 [Táiwān dāngjú] Taiwan authorities
台灣地區 [Táiwān dìqū] Taiwan region/area
國家主席 [Guójiā zhǔxí] President of the State
國務院總理 [Guówùyuàn zǒnglǐ] Premier of the State Council
外交部長 [Wàijiāobù zhǎng] Foreign Minister
中央委員會總書記 [Zhōngyāng Wěiyuánhuì Zǒng Shūjì] General
Secretary of the Central Committee
中央政治局常委 [Zhōngyāng Zhèngzhìjú Chángwěi] Standing
Committee Member of the Political Bureau
中央紀律檢查委員會書記 [Zhōngyāng Jìlǜ Jiǎnchá Wěiyuánhuì Shūjì]
Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
中央軍事委員會主席 [Zhōngyāng Jūnshì Wěiyuánhuì Zhǔxí]
Chairman of the Central Military Commission
中央書記處書記 [Zhōngyāng Shūjìchù Shūjì] Secretary of the
Secretariat of the Central Committee
國家主席 [Guójiā zhǔxí] President of the State (often held by the
CCP General Secretary)
中央委員會 [Zhōngyāng Wěiyuánhuì] Central Committee
政治局 [Zhèngzhìjú] Political Bureau (Politburo)
全國人民代表大會 [Quánguó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì] National People's
Congress (NPC)
中國人民政治協商會議 [Zhōngguó Rénmín Zhèngzhì Xiéshāng Huìyì]
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
一帶一路 [Yīdài yīlù] Belt and Road Initiative
開放政策 [Kāifàng zhèngcè] Open Door Policy
和平共處五項原則 [Hépíng gòngchǔ wǔ xiàng yuánzé] Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
反分裂國家法 [Fǎn fēnliè guójiā fǎ] Anti-Secession Law
獨立自主和平外交政策 [Dúlì zìzhǔ hépíng wàijiāo zhèngcè]
Independent Foreign Policy of Peace
和平與發展 [Hépíng yǔ fāzhǎn] Peace and Development
互利共贏 [Hùlì gòngyíng] Mutual Benefit and Win-Win
共同繁榮 [Gòngtóng fánróng] Common Prosperity
戰略伙伴關係 [Zhànlüè huǒbàn guānxì] Strategic Partnership
維護地區和平穩定 [Wéihù dìqū hépíng wěndìng] Maintain Regional
Peace and Stability
共商共建共享 [Gòng shāng gòng jiàn gòng xiǎng] Shared
Consultation, Joint Construction, Shared Benefits
互相尊重主權和領土完整 [Hùxiāng zūnzhòng zhǔquán hé lǐngtǔ
wánzhěng] Mutual Respect for Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity
不干涉內政 [Bù gānshè nèizhèng] Non-Interference in Internal Affairs
社會主義核心價值觀 [Shèhuìzhǔyì héxīn jiàzhíguān] Socialist
Core Values
中國特色社會主義 [Zhōngguó tèsè shèhuìzhǔyì] Socialism with
Chinese Characteristics
人民民主專政 [Rénmín mínzhǔ zhuānzhèng] People's
Democratic Dictatorship
四個全面 [Sì gè quánmiàn] The Four Comprehensives
兩個一百年 [Liǎng gè yībǎi nián] The Two Centenaries Goals
中國夢 [Zhōngguó mèng] Chinese Dream
一國兩制 [Yīguó liǎngzhì] One Country, Two Systems
黨群關係 [Dǎng qún guānxì] Party-Mass Relationship
黨的領導 [Dǎng de lǐngdǎo] Party Leadership
習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想 [Xí Jìnpíng xīn shídài Zhōngguó
tèsè shèhuìzhǔyì sīxiǎng] Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with
Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
五院 [wǔ yuàn] The Five Branches (in Taiwan's government
立法院 [Lìfǎ Yuàn] Legislative Yuan (the legislative branch)
行政院 [Xíngzhèng Yuàn] Executive Yuan (the executive
司法院 [Sīfǎ Yuàn] Judicial Yuan (the judicial branch)
考試院 [Kǎoshì Yuàn] Examination Yuan (responsible for civil
service examination and management)
監察院 [Jiānchá Yuàn] Control Yuan (the audit and oversight
省 [Shěng] Province
首都 [Shǒudū] Capital of a country
州 [Zhōu] State (American)
邦 [Bāng] State (India)
南海 [Nánhǎi] South China Sea
東海 [Dōnghǎi] East China Sea
臺灣海峽 [Táiwān hǎixiá] Taiwan Strait
直轄市 [zhíxiáshì] Central municipalities (Beijing, Shanghai,
Chongqing, Tianjin)
廣東 [Guǎngdōng] Guangdong Province
四川 [Sìchuān] Sichuan Province
浙江 [Zhèjiāng] Zhejiang Province
江蘇 [Jiāngsū] Jiangsu Province
山東 [Shāndōng] Shandong Province
河南 [Hénán] Henan Province
福建 [Fújiàn] Fujian Province
廣州 [Guǎngzhōu] Guangzhou (Capital of Guangdong)
南京 [Nánjīng] Nanjing (Capital of Jiangsu)
成都 [Chéngdū] Chengdu (Capital of Sichuan)
武漢 [Wǔhàn] Wuhan (Capital of Hubei)
西藏 [Xīzàng] Tibet Autonomous Region
新疆 [Xīnjiāng] Xinjiang Autonomous Region
內蒙古 [Nèi Měnggǔ] Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
廣西 [Guǎngxī] Guangxi Autonomous Region
香港 [Xiānggǎng] Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
澳門 [Àomén] Macau Special Administrative Region
印度 [Yìndù] India
中國 [Zhōngguó] China
美國 [Měiguó] United States of America
俄羅斯 [Éluósī] Russia
日本 [Rìběn] Japan
巴基斯坦 [Bājīsītǎn] Pakistan
巴西 [Bāxī] Brazil
德國 [Déguó] Germany
法國 [Fǎguó] France
英國 [Yīngguó] United Kingdom
意大利 [Yìdàlì] Italy
加拿大 [Jiānádà] Canada
澳大利亞 [Àodàlìyǎ] Australia
南非 [Nánfēi] South Africa
伊朗 [Yīlǎng] Iran
沙特阿拉伯 [Shātè Ālābó] Saudi Arabia
韓國 [Hánguó] South Korea
朝鮮 [Cháoxiǎn] North Korea (北韓 in Taiwan)
新加坡 [Xīnjiāpō] Singapore
馬來西亞 [Mǎláixīyà] Malaysia
越南 [Yuènán] Vietnam
印尼 [Yìnní] Indonesia
菲律賓 [Fēilǜbīn] Philippines
泰國 [Tàiguó] Thailand
緬甸 [Miǎndiàn] Myanmar (Burma)
聯合國 [Liánhéguó] United Nations
安全理事會 [Ānquán lǐshìhuì] Security Council
世界貿易組織 [Shìjiè màoyì zǔzhī] World Trade Organization
世界衛生組織 [Shìjiè wèishēng zǔzhī] World Health
Organization (WHO)
世界銀行 [Shìjiè yínháng] World Bank
國際貨幣基金組織 [Guójì huòbì jījīn zǔzhī] International Monetary
Fund (IMF)
亞太經合組織 [Yàtài jīng hé zǔzhī] Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC)
環太平洋夥伴關係協定 [Huán tàipíngyáng huǒbàn guānxì xiédìng]
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
二十國集團 [Èrshí guó jítuán] G20
七國集團 [Qī guó jítuán] G7
金磚國家 [Jīn zhuān guó] BRICS
中國 [Zhōngguó] China
印度 [Yìndù] India
台灣 [Táiwān] Taiwan
國家全名 [Guójiā quán míng] Full name of the country
中華人民共和國 [Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó] People's Republic
of China (PRC)
印度共和國 [Yìndù Gònghéguó] Republic of India
中華民國 [Zhōnghuá Mínguó] Republic of China (ROC)
首都 [Shǒudū] Capital
北京 [Běijīng] Beijing
新德里 [Xīndélǐ] New Delhi
台北 [Táiběi] Taipei
領導人 [Lǐngdǎorén] Leader
國家主席 [Guójiā zhǔxí] President of the State (China)
總統 [Zǒngtǒng] President
行政單位 [Xíng zhèng dān wèi] Administrative unit/department
例子 [Lìzi] Example
直轄市 [Zhíxiáshì] Central municipalities
北京 [Běijīng] Beijing
上海 [Shànghǎi] Shanghai
重慶 [Chóngqìng] Chongqing
天津 [Tiānjīn] Tianjin
省 [Shěng] Province
廣東 [Guǎngdōng] Guangdong
四川 [Sìchuān] Sichuan
浙江 [Zhèjiāng] Zhejiang
江蘇 [Jiāngsū] Jiangsu
山東 [Shāndōng] Shandong
河南 [Hénán] Henan
福建 [Fújiàn] Fujian
省會 [Shènghuì] Capital of the province
廣州 [Guǎngzhōu] Guangzhou
南京 [Nánjīng] Nanjing
成都 [Chéngdū] Chengdu
武漢 [Wǔhàn] Wuhan
自治區 [Zìzhìqū] Autonomous Region (AR)
西藏 [Xīzàng] Tibet
新疆 [Xīnjiāng] Xinjiang
內蒙古 [Nèi Měnggǔ] Inner Mongolia
廣西 [Guǎngxī] Guangxi
特別行政區 [Tèbié xíngzhèngqū] Special Administrative Region
香港 [Xiānggǎng] Hong Kong
澳門 [Àomén] Macau
國家主席 [Guójiā Zhǔxí] State President
致電 [Zhì diàn] to make a phone call
夏巴茲謝裡夫 [Xiàbāzī Xièlǐfū] Shehbaz Sharif
祝賀 [Zhùhè] to congratulate
當選 [Dāngxuǎn] to be elected
敗選 [Bài xuǎn] to lose an election
巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國 [Bājīsītǎn Yīsīlán Gònghéguó] Islamic
Republic of Pakistan
總理 [Zǒnglǐ] Prime Minister
伊斯蘭共和國 [Yīsīlán Gònghéguó] Islamic Republic
指出 [Zhǐchū] to point out
相信 [Xiāngxìn] to believe
新一屆 [Xīn yī jiè] new session (of government)
政府 [Zhèngfǔ] government
領導 [Lǐngdǎo] leadership
各界 [Gè jiè] all walks of life / all sectors
團結 [Tuánjié] unity
努力 [Nǔlì] effort
巴方 [Bā fāng] Pakistan (short form)
能夠 [Nénggòu] be able to / can
國家發展進步 [Guójiā fāzhǎn jìnbù] national development and
事業 [Shìyè] cause, enterprise
取得 [Qǔdé] to obtain / to achieve
成功 [Chénggōng] success / to succeed
成就 [Chéngjiù] achievement
強調 [Qiángdiào] to emphasize
賡續 [Gēngxù] to continue, to carry on
繼續 [Jìxù] to continue, to proceed
持續 [Chíxù] to continue, to persist
延續 [Yánxù] to extend, to prolong
接續 [Jiēxù] to follow, to go on
友誼 [Yǒuyì] friendship
傳統 [Chuántǒng] traditional
加強 [Jiāqiáng] enhance/strengthen
領域 [Lǐngyù] field or domain
交流 [Jiāoliú] exchange
交流合作 [Jiāoliú hézuò] exchange and cooperation
共同 [Gòngtóng] common/shared
中巴經濟走廊 [Zhōng-Bā Jīngjì Zǒuláng] China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor
打造 [Dǎzào] to forge, to build, to make
構建 [Gòujiàn] to construct, to build
深化 [Shēnhuà] to deepen, to intensify
建設 [Jiànshè] construction
升級版 [Shēngjí bǎn] upgraded version
全天候 [Quántiānhòu] all-weather
戰略 [Zhànlüè] strategic
夥伴 [Huǒbàn] partner
戰略合作夥伴關係 [Zhànlüè hézuò huǒbàn guānxì] strategic
cooperative partnership
命運 [Mìngyùn] fate, destiny
共同 [Gòngtóng] common, shared
命運共同體 [Mìngyùn gòngtóngtǐ] community with a shared future
新時代 [Xīn shídài] new era
緊密 [Jǐnmì] close
創造 [Chuàngzào] to create, to make
福祉 [Fúzhǐ] well-being
同日 [Tóng rì] on the same day
國務院 [Guówùyuàn] State Council
國務院總理 [Guówùyuàn Zǒnglǐ] Premier of the State Council
致 [Zhì] to send
賀電 [Hè diàn] congratulatory telegram
致賀電 [Zhì hè diàn] to send a congratulatory message
邦交國 [Bāngjiāo guó] countries with diplomatic relations
建交 [Jiànjiāo] to establish diplomatic relations
斷交 [Duànjiāo] to sever diplomatic relations
復交 [Fùjiāo] to resume diplomatic relations
中國 [Zhōngguó] China
瑞士 [Ruìshì] Switzerland
免簽 [miǎnqiān] visa exemption
政策 [zhèngcè] policy
政府 [zhèngfǔ] government
政黨 [zhèngdǎng] political party
政治 [zhèngzhì] politics
新南向政策 [Xīn Nánxiàng Zhèngcè] New Southbound Policy
印度-太平洋地區 [Yìndù-Tàipíngyáng] Indo-Pacific Region
兵役 [bīngyì] military service/conscription
領國 [lǐng guó] leading nation/country
試行 [shìxíng] to try out, to pilot, to test
來源 [láiyuán] source
新華社 [Xīnhuá Shè] Xinhua News Agency
北京 [Běijīng] Beijing
3 月 [sān yuè] March
7 日 [qī rì] 7th day
電 [diàn] message, telegram
外交部 [Wàijiāobù] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
領事司 [Lǐngshì Sī] Consular Department
通知 [tōngzhī] notification / notice
發佈 [fābù] to announce, to issue
為 [wèi] for, in order to
進一步 [jìn yí bù] further, to go a step further
促進 [cùjìn] to promote, to facilitate
中外 [zhōng wài] China and foreign countries
人員 [rényuán] personnel, staff
往來 [wǎnglái] to come and go, dealings
中方 [zhōngfāng] the Chinese side
決定 [juédìng] to decide
擴大 [kuòdà] to expand
縮小 [suōxiǎo] to shrink
國家 [guójiā] country
範圍 [fànwéi] range, scope
對 [duì] towards, for
愛爾蘭 [Ài'ěrlán] Ireland
匈牙利 [Xiōngyálì] Hungary
奧地利 [Àodìlì] Austria
比利時 [Bǐlìshí] Belgium
盧森堡 [Lúsēnbǎo] Luxembourg
持 [chí] to hold
普通 [pǔtōng] ordinary
護照 [hùzhào] passport
經商 [jīngshāng] to conduct business
旅遊觀光 [lǚyóu guānguāng] tourism
探親訪友 [tànqīn fǎngyǒu] to visit relatives and friends
過境 [guòjìng] transit
入境 [rùjìng] to enter (a country)
不符合 [bù fúhé] not meet
條件 [tiáojiàn] condition
辦妥 [bàn tuǒ] to obtain
簽證 [qiānzhèng] visa
印度 [Yìndù] India
中印邊境 [Zhōng-Yìn biānjìng] China-India border
增兵 [zēngbīng] to increase troops
北京 [Běijīng] Beijing
回應 [huíyìng] to respond
綜合 [zònghé] to synthesize
外電 [wàidiàn] foreign reports
高級官員 [gāojí guānyuán] senior official
派駐 [pàizhù] to station
士兵 [shìbīng] soldier
抽調 [chōudiào] to withdraw
守衛 [shǒuwèi] to guard
接壤 [jiēràng] to border
外交部 [Wàijiāobù] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
發言人 [fāyán rén] spokesperson
不利 [bù lì] not conducive
維護 [wéihù] to maintain
和平 [hépíng] peace
安寧 [ānníng] tranquility
軍力部署 [jūnlì bùshǔ] military deployment
緩和 [huǎnhé] to ease
局勢 [júshì] situation
軍事準備 [jūnshì zhǔnbèi] military preparedness
緊張 [jǐnzhāng] tension
加劇 [jiājù] to escalate
部隊調整 [bùduì tiáozhěng] troop adjustment
血腥衝突 [xuèxīng chōngtū] bloody conflict
國防部長 [Guófáng Bùzhǎng] Defense Minister
警告 [jǐnggào] to warn
攻擊 [gōngjī] attack
適當 [shìdàng] appropriate
轉彎抹角 [zhuǎnwān mǒjiǎo] indirectly
矛頭 [máotóu] finger pointed at; criticism
同時 [tóngshí] simultaneously
辛赫 [Xīn hè] Singh
則 [zé] then
要是 [yàoshi] if
受到 [shòudào] subjected to
任何 [rènhé] any
新德里 [Xīn Dé lǐ] New Delhi
都會 [dūhuì] will
給予 [jǐyǔ] give
適當的 [shìdàng de] appropriate
回應 [huíyìng] response
轉彎抹角地 [zhuǎnwān mǒjiǎo de] indirectly
把 [bǎ] put
指向 [zhǐxiàng] point towards
中國兩會 [Zhōngguó liǎnghuì] China's Two Sessions
來源 [láiyuán] source
一年一度 [yīnián yīdù] annual
統稱 [tǒngchēng] collectively referred to as
全國人大 [Quánguó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì] National People's
Congress (NPC)
政協會議 [Zhèngxié Huìyì]Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC)
揭開序幕 [jiē kāi xùmù] to unveil
李強 [Lǐ Qiáng] Li Qiang
總理 [zǒnglǐ] Premier
政府工作報告 [zhèngfǔ gōngzuò bàogào] government work report
政策方向 [zhèngcè fāngxiàng] policy direction
人大代表 [Rén Dà Dàibiǎo] deputies to the National People's
政協委員 [Zhèngxié Wěiyuán] members of the CPPCC
決定 [juédìng] to decide
政策方向 [zhèngcè fāngxiàng] policy direction
中國憲法 [Zhōngguó xiànfǎ] Constitution of China
最高權力機關 [zuìgāo quánlì jīguān] highest organ of state power
自治區 [zìzhìqū] autonomous region
直轄市 [zhíxiáshì] municipality directly under the central
特別行政區 [tèbié xíngzhèngqū] special administrative region
解放軍 [jiěfàngjūn] People's Liberation Army
五年任期 [wǔ nián rènqī] five-year term
全國政協 [Quánguó Zhèngxié] CPPCC
中共 [Zhōnggòng] Communist Party of China
民主派 [mínzhǔ pài] democratic factions
無黨派 [wú dǎngpài] non-partisan
民團 [míntuán] civil organizations
少數民族 [shǎoshù mínzú] ethnic minorities
僑胞 [qiáobāo] overseas Chinese
邀請人士 [yāoqǐng rénshì] specially invited individuals
慣例 [guànlì] convention
中央政治局 [zhōngyāng zhèngzhìjú] Politburo of the CPC Central
常委 [chángwěi] Standing Committee
團組 [tuánzǔ] group
出席 [chūxí] to attend
分組討論 [fēnzǔ tǎolùn] group discussions
風向球 [fēngxiàngqiú] weather vane
回顧 [huígù] to review
成績 [chéngjì] achievements
公布 [gōngbù] to announce
年度目標 [niándù mùbiāo] annual objectives
維持 [wéichí] to maintain
經濟成長 [jīngjì chéngzhǎng] economic growth
數字 [shùzì] figure
不意外 [bù yìwài] not surprising
北京地鐵 [Běijīng dìtiě] Beijing Subway
支付寶 [Zhīfùbǎo] Alipay
來源 [láiyuán] source
市民 [shìmín] citizens
刷碼 [shuā mǎ] scan code
乘 [chéng] ride
獲悉 [huòxī] learned
開通 [kāitōng] opened
功能 [gōngnéng] function
只需 [zhǐxū] only need
乘車碼 [chéngchē mǎ] ride code
進站 [jìn zhàn] enter station
享受 [xiǎngshòu] enjoy
月度 [yuèdù] monthly
累計 [lěijì] cumulative
優惠 [yōuhuì] discount
此前 [cǐqián] before this
公交 [gōngjiāo] public transport
全部 [quánbù] all
體驗 [tǐyàn] experience
點擊 [diǎnjī] click
首頁 [shǒuyè] homepage
出行 [chūxíng] travel
圖標 [túbiāo] icon
進入 [jìnrù] enter
出行頁面 [chūxíng yèmiàn] travel page
進一步 [jìn yí bù] further
減少 [jiǎnshǎo] reduce
步驟 [bùzhòu] steps
方便 [fāngbiàn] convenient
快速 [kuàisù] quick
高頻 [gāo pín] high frequency
乘坐 [chéngzuò]ride
添加 [tiānjiā] add
手機桌面 [shǒujī zhuōmiàn] mobile desktop
提供 [tígōng] provide
線路網圖 [xiànlù wǎngtú] route network map
路線規劃 [lùxiàn guīhuà] route planning
不熟悉 [bù shúxī] unfamiliar
線路 [xiànlù] route
乘客 [chéngkè] passengers
查詢 [cháxún] inquire
通過 [tōngguò] through
此外 [cǐ wài] additionally
同步 [tóng bù] simultaneously
綠色出行 [lǜ sè chū xíng] green travel
螞蟻森林 [mǎ yǐ sēn lín] Ant Forest
能量 [néng liàng] energy
每天 [měi tiān] every day
領取 [lǐng qǔ] collect
上限 [shàng xiàn] maximum
五次 [wǔ cì] five times
記者 [jì zhě] reporter
外交部 [Wàijiāobù] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
發言人 [fāyán rén] spokesperson
林劍 [Lín Jiàn] Lin Jian
主持 [zhǔchí] to host
例行 [lìxíng] routine, regular, customary
韓國 [Hán guó] South Korea
新壹社 [Xīn yī shè] New One Agency (hypothetical or
stylized news agency name)
記者 [jì zhě] reporter
今天 [jīn tiān] today
起 [qǐ] starting
在 [zài] in
舉行 [jǔ xíng] hold
“民主峰會” [“mín zhǔ fēng huì”] “Democracy Summit”
據說 [jù shuō] it is said
臺灣 [Tái wān] Taiwan
方面 [fāng miàn] side
人士 [rén shì] personage, people
也 [yě] also
參加 [cān jiā] participate
這次 [zhè cì] this
會議 [huì yì] meeting
中方 [Zhōng fāng] China's side
對此 [duì cǐ] regarding this
有 [yǒu] have
何 [hé] what
評論 [píng lùn] comment
第二個 [dì èr gè] second
問題 [wèn tí] question
今天 [jīn tiān] today
早上 [zǎo shang] morning
朝鮮 [Cháo xiǎn] North Korea
時隔 [shí gé] after a period of
壹個月 [yī gè yuè] one month
發射 [fā shè] launch
彈道 [dàn dào] ballistic
飛彈 [dǎo dàn] missile
對此 [duì cǐ] regarding this
中方 [Zhōng fāng] China's side
有 [yǒu] have
何 [hé] what
評論 [píng lùn] comment

關於 [guān yú] about

提到 [tí dào] mentioned
堅決 [jiān jué] resolutely
反對 [fǎn duì] oppose
韓方 [Hán fāng] South Korea's side
邀請 [yāo qǐng] invite
當局 [dāng jú] authorities
參加 [cān jiā] participate in
所謂 [suǒ wèi] so-called
“領導人民主峰會” [“lǐng dǎo rén mín zhǔ fēng huì”] “Leaders'
Democracy Summit”
世界上 [shì jiè shàng] in the world
只有 [zhǐ yǒu] only have
領土 [lǐng tǔ] territory
不可 [bù kě] not
分割 [fēn gē] divide
中華人民共和國 [Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó] People's Republic
of China
政府 [zhèng fǔ] government
代表 [dài biǎo] represent
唯一 [wéi yī] only
合法 [hé fǎ] legal
任何 [rèn hé] any
外部 [wài bù] external
勢力 [shì lì] force
干涉 [gān shè] interfere
內政 [nèi zhèng] internal affairs
縱容 [zòng róng] connive
支持 [zhī chí] support
“臺獨” [“tái dú”] "Taiwan independence"
註定 [zhù dìng] doomed
要 [yào] to
失敗 [shī bài] fail
已 [yǐ] already
嚴正 [yán zhèng] sternly
敦促 [dūn cù] urge
恪守 [kè shǒu] adhere to
原則 [yuán zé] principle
停止 [tíng zhǐ] stop
向 [xiàng] towards
提供 [tí gōng] provide
講臺 [jiǎng tái] platform
為其 [wèi qí] for it
張目 [zhāng mù] open eyes (figuratively, to pay attention)
民進黨 [Mín jìn dǎng] Democratic Progressive Party
打著 [dǎ zhe] waving
“民主” [“mín zhǔ”] "democracy"
“人權” [“rén quán”] "human rights"
等 [děng] and others
旗號 [qí hào] banner
謀求 [móu qiú] seek
擴大 [kuò dà] expand
活動 [huó dòng] activities
空間 [kōng jiān] space
圖謀 [tú móu] scheme
和 [hé] and
做法 [zuò fǎ] practice
蒙騙 [méng piàn] deceive
不了 [bù liǎo] cannot
世人 [shì rén] the world
只會 [zhǐ huì] only
自取 [zì qǔ] bring upon oneself
其 [qí] its
辱 [rǔ] disgrace
註定 [zhù dìng] doomed
失敗 [shī bài] failure
註意 [zhù yì] noticed
有關 [yǒu guān] related
報道 [bào dào] report
韓美 [Hán Měi] South Korea and the United States
此前 [cǐ qián] previously
舉行 [jǔ xíng] held
針對 [zhēn duì] against
朝方 [cháo fāng] North Korea's side
聯合 [lián hé] joint
軍演 [jūn yǎn] military exercise
維護 [wéihù] to maintain, to uphold
半島 [bàndǎo] peninsula
穩定 [wěndìng] stability
符合 [fúhé] to be in accordance with, to conform to
利益 [lìyì] interest, benefit
共同 [gòngtóng] common
中國文化 [Zhōngguó wénhuà] Chinese culture
中國的傳統節日 [Zhōngguó de chuántǒng jiérì] Traditional Chinese
西方文化對中國文化的影響 [Xīfāng wénhuà duì Zhōngguó wénhuà de
yǐngxiǎng] The influence of Western culture on Chinese culture
春節 [Chūnjié] Spring Festival
婚禮 [hūnlǐ] wedding
孔子 [Kǒngzǐ] Confucius
中國國慶節 [Zhōngguó guóqìng jié] National Day of China
端午節 [Duānwǔjié] Dragon Boat Festival
中國的天氣 [Zhōngguó de tiānqì] China's weather
印度文化 [Yìndù wénhuà] Indian culture
中國的節氣 [Zhōngguó de jiéqì] China's solar terms
中國的民主 [Zhōngguó de mínzhǔ] Chinese democracy
天干地支 [tiāngān dìzhī] Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches

24 節氣 [24 jiéqì] 24 Solar Terms (reflect temperature, rainfall,

and phenology)
主管 [zhǔguān] subjective
客觀 [kèguān] objective
反應 [fǎnyìng] to reflect (從 A 可以看出 B or 透過 A 看出 B)
由於 [yóuyú] because of (因為 A 所以 B or 由於 B,因此 B)
則 [zé] then (A+ VP, B 則 VP)

蔣介石 [Jiǎng Jièshí] Chiang Kai-shek (CKS)

中正紀念堂 [Zhōngzhèng Jìniàntáng] Chiang Kai-shek Memorial
孫中山 [Sūn Zhōngshān] Sun Yat-sen (SYS)
國父紀念館 [Guófù Jìniànguǎn] Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
棺材 [guāncái] coffin
土葬 [tǔzàng] burial
火葬 [huǒzàng] cremation
海葬 [hǎizàng] sea burial
陵墓 [língmù] mausoleum
清明 [Qīngmíng] Qingming (one of the 24 solar terms)
節氣 [jiéqì] solar term
客觀 [kèguān] objective
反映 [fǎnyìng] to reflect
降雨 [jiàngyǔ] rainfall
物候 [wùhòu] phenology
氣候變化 [qìhòu biànhuà] climate change
農事 [nóngshì] farming activities
純粹 [chúncuì] purely
時令 [shílìng] seasonal order
標誌 [biāozhì] sign

清明節 [Qīngmíngjié] Qingming Festival

傳統節日 [chuántǒng jiérì] traditional festival
祭祀 [jìsì] sacrifice
祭祖 [jìzǔ] ancestor worship
掃墓 [sǎomù] tomb-sweeping
上墳 [shàngfén] tomb-sweeping (colloquial)
死者 [sǐzhě] deceased

攜帶 [xiédài] to carry
紙錢 [zhǐqián] joss paper
墓地 [mùdì] gravesite
供祭 [gòngjì] to offer sacrifices
焚化 [fénhuà] to burn
叩頭 [kòutóu] to kowtow
行禮 [xínglǐ] to salute

踏青 [tàqīng] spring outing

陽曆 [yánglì] Gregorian calendar
悼念 [dàoniàn] to mourn
逝 [shì] to pass away
盛行 [shèngxíng] to be popular

春節 [Chūnjié] Spring Festival

最重要的節日 [zuì zhòngyào de jiérì]most important festival
通常 [tōngcháng] usually
一月或二月 [yīyuè huò èryuè] January or February
慶祝 [qìngzhù] to celebrate
標誌 [biāozhì] to mark
新的一年 [xīn de yī nián] new year
年夜飯 [niányè fàn] New Year's Eve dinner
鞭炮 [biānpào] firecrackers
舞獅表演 [wǔshī biǎoyǎn] lion dance performance
紅包 [hóngbāo] red envelope
拜年 [bàinián] New Year's greetings
新年快樂 [xīnnián kuàilè] Happy New Year
萬事如意 [wànshì rúyì] May all your wishes come true

清明節 [Qīngmíngjié] Qingming Festival

重要節日 [zhòngyào jiérì] important festival
四月初 [sìyuè chū] early April
紀念 [jìniàn] to commemorate
祖先 [zǔxiān] ancestors
親人 [qīnrén] relatives
掃墓 [sǎomù] tomb-sweeping
上香 [shàng xiāng] to burn incense
思念 [sīniàn] to miss
尊重 [zūnzhòng] respect
踏青 [tàqīng] spring outing
春天 [chūntiān] spring
美景 [měijǐng] beautiful scenery
反思 [fǎnsī] to reflect
珍惜 [zhēnxī] to cherish

端午節 [Duānwǔjié] Dragon Boat Festival

傳統節日 [chuántǒng jiérì] traditional festival
農曆五月初五 [nónglì wǔyuè chūwǔ] the fifth day of the fifth lunar
粽子 [zòngzi] rice dumplings
雄黃酒 [xiónghuángjiǔ] realgar wine
龍舟比賽 [lóngzhōu bǐsài] dragon boat race
起源 [qǐyuán] origin
詩人 [shīrén] poet
屈原 [Qū Yuán] Qu Yuan
紀念 [jìniàn] to commemorate
敬意 [jìngyì] respect
親近自然 [qīnjìn zìrán] closeness to nature
祈求 [qíqiú] to pray for
健康平安 [jiànkāng píng'ān] health and safety
中秋節 [Zhōngqiūjié] Mid-Autumn Festival
重要節日 [zhòngyào jiérì] important festival
農曆八月十五 [nónglì bāyuè shíwǔ] the fifteenth day of the eighth
lunar month
賞月 [shǎngyuè] moon gazing
月餅 [yuèbǐng] mooncake
慶祝豐收 [qìngzhù fēngshōu] to celebrate the harvest
團圓 [tuányuán] reunion
象徵 [xiàngzhēng] to symbolize
思念 [sīniàn] to miss
遠方 [yuǎnfāng] distant
感恩 [gǎn'ēn] to be grateful
分享喜悅 [fēnxiǎng xǐyuè] to share joy
秋天美景 [qiūtiān měijǐng] autumn scenery

排燈節 [Pái dēng jié] Diwali

印度重要節日 [Yìndù zhòngyào jiérì] important festival in India
10 月或 11 月 [shíyuè huò shíyīyuè] October or November
萬燈節 [wàn dēng jié] Festival of Lights
光明戰勝黑暗 [guāngmíng zhànshèng hēi'àn] light conquers
好人戰勝壞人 [hǎorén zhànshèng huàirén] good triumphs over
古代史詩 [gǔdài shǐshī] ancient epic
王子 [wángzǐ] prince
壞人 [huàirén] evil person
點燈 [diǎndēng] to light lamps
歡迎 [huānyíng] to welcome
勝利 [shènglì] victory
裝飾房子 [zhuāngshì fángzi] to decorate houses
分享甜點 [fēnxiǎng tiándiǎn] to share sweets
放煙火 [fàng yānhuǒ] to set off fireworks
送禮物 [sòng lǐwù] to give gifts
熱鬧 [rènào] lively
團結 [tuánjié] unity
希望生活更好 [xīwàng shēnghuó gèng hǎo] to hope for a better
對未來有希望 [duì wèilái yǒu xīwàng] to have hope for the
春節 [Chūnjié] Spring Festival
性別 [xìngbié] gender
正月初一 [zhēngyuè chūyī] the first day of the lunar new year
以...為... [yǐ...wéi...] to regard A as B
子時 [zǐshí] 11 PM to 1 AM
丑時 [chǒushí] 1 AM to 3 AM
寅時 [yínshí] 3 AM to 5 AM
卯時 [mǎoshí] 5 AM to 7 AM
辰時 [chénshí] 7 AM to 9 AM
巳時 [sìshí] 9 AM to 11 AM
午時 [wǔshí] 11 AM to 1 PM
未時 [wèishí] 1 PM to 3 PM
申時 [shēnshí] 3 PM to 5 PM
酉時 [yǒushí] 5 PM to 7 PM
戌時 [xūshí] 7 PM to 9 PM
亥時 [hàishí] 9 PM to 11 PM

斷片 [duànpiàn] fragment
微醺 [wēixūn] tipsy
結婚 [jiéhūn] marriage
先生 [xiānsheng] gentleman (husband)
娶 [qǔ] to marry (a woman)
嫁給 [jià gěi] to marry (to a man)

短文 [duǎnwén] short essay

句子 [jùzi] sentence

主題 [zhǔtí] subject
中巴關係 [Zhōng-Bā guānxì] China-Pakistan relations
中美關係 [Zhōng-Měi guānxì] China-US relations
中印關係 [Zhōng-Yìn guānxì] China-India relations
印度製造 [Yìndù zhìzào] Made in India
鄧小平 [Dèng Xiǎopíng] Deng Xiaoping
APEC [APEC] Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
印度的國際角色 [Yìndù de guójì juésè] India's international role 一帶一
路 [Yídài Yílù]Belt and Road Initiative
躺平 [tǎng píng] lying flat (not striving)

北約 [Běiyuē] NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

俄羅斯 [Éluósī] Russia
烏克蘭 [Wūkèlán] Ukraine
以色列 [Yǐsèliè] Israel
巴勒斯坦 [Bālèsītǎn] Palestine
伊朗 [Yīlǎng] Iran
加沙 [Jiāshā] Gaza
東盟 [Dōngméng] ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian
北約 [Běiyuē] NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定 [Qūyù Quánmiàn Jīngjì Huǒbàn Guānxì
Xiédìng] RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)
跨太平洋夥伴關係協定 [Kuà Tàipíngyáng Huǒbàn Guānxì Xiédìng]
CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-
Pacific Partnership)

俄烏戰爭 [É-Wū zhànzhēng] Russia-Ukraine War

發生戰爭 [fāshēng zhànzhēng] to break out a war

新華社 [Xīnhuá Shè] Xinhua News Agency

柏林 [Bólín] Berlin
北約 [Běiyuē] NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
多國 [duōguó] multiple countries
軍援 [jūn yuán] military aid
力度 [lìdù] strength
德國 [Déguó] Germany
媒體 [méitǐ] media
報導 [bàodào] report
消息 [xiāoxi] information
透露 [tòulù] reveal
總理 [zǒnglǐ] Chancellor
朔爾茨 [Shuò'ěr cí] Scholz
同意 [tóngyì] agree
提供 [tígōng] provide
主戰坦克 [zhǔzhàn tǎnkè] main battle tank
波蘭 [Bōlán] Poland
輸送 [shūsòng] transport
分析人士 [fēnxī rénshì] analysts
指出 [zhǐchū] point out
危機 [wēijī] crisis
加劇 [jiājù] intensify

英國 [Yīngguó] United Kingdom

首相 [shǒuxiàng] Prime Minister
蘇納克 [Sūnàkè] Sunak
挑戰者 [tiǎozhěnzhě] Challenger (tank)
主戰坦克 [zhǔzhàn tǎnkè] main battle tank
成員國 [chéngyuánguó] member state
宣布 [xuānbù] announce
美國 [Měiguó] United States
防空導彈 [fángkōng dǎodàn] air defense missile
步兵戰車 [bùbīng zhànchē] infantry fighting vehicle
高機動性多用途輪式車輛 [gāojīdòng xìng duō yòngtú lúnshì chēliàng]
high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle

單獨行動 [dāndú xíngdòng] act alone

同步 [tóngbù] synchronize
國防部長 [Guófáng Bùzhǎng] Minister of Defense
達成一致 [dáchéng yīzhì] reach consensus
外交部長 [Wàijiāo Bùzhǎng] Foreign Minister
阻攔 [zǔlán] to block

分析人士 [fēnxī rénshì] analysts

表態 [biǎotài] state one's position 施壓 [shīyā] to pressure
立場 [lìchǎng] position
爆料 [bàoliào] revelation
進展 [jìnzhǎn] progress
攻勢 [gōngshì] offensive
專家 [zhuānjiā] expert

總統 [zǒngtǒng] President
新聞秘書 [xīnwén mìshū] Press Secretary
螺旋上升 [luóxuán shàngshēng] spiral upward
捲入 [juǎnrù] involved
供應 [gōngyìng] supply

國際組織 [Guójì zǔzhī] international organization

七國集團 [Qī guó jítuán] G7
二十國集團 [Èrshí guó jítuán] G20
聯合國 [Liánhéguó] United Nations
安全理事會 [Ānquán lǐshìhuì] Security Council
世界貿易組織 [Shìjiè màoyì zǔzhī] World Trade Organization
世界衛生組織 [Shìjiè wèishēng zǔzhī] World Health
Organization (WHO)
世界銀行 [Shìjiè yínháng] World Bank
國際貨幣基金組織 [Guójì huòbì jījīn zǔzhī] International Monetary
Fund (IMF)
亞太經合組織 [Yàtài jīng hé zǔzhī] Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC)
環太平洋夥伴關係協定 [Huán tàipíngyáng huǒbàn guānxì xiédìng]
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
金磚國家 [Jīn zhuān guó] BRICS
上海合作組織 [Shànghǎi hézuò zǔzhī] Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO)
歐洲聯盟 [Ōuzhōu liánméng] European Union (EU)
東南亞國家協會 [Dōngnányà guójiā xiéhuì] ASEAN (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations)
北大西洋公約組織 [Běi Dàxīyáng Gōngyuē Zǔzhī] NATO (North
Atlantic Treaty Organization)

文章 [wénzhāng] article
背景介紹 [bèijǐng jièshào] background introduction
說明 [shuōmíng] to explain
正面意見 [zhèngmiàn yìjiàn] positive opinion
反面意見 [fǎnmiàn yìjiàn] negative opinion
結論 [jiélùn] conclusion

主題 [zhǔtí] subject
一帶一路 [Yídài Yílù]Belt and Road Initiative

假期 [jiàqī] holiday
高峰期 [gāofēng qī] peak period
四月 [sìyuè] April
數據 [shùjù] data
顯示 [xiǎnshì] show
熱門線路 [rèmén xiànlù] popular route
與此同時 [yǔ cǐ tóngshí] at the same time
機票 [jīpiào] air tickets
預訂 [yùdìng] booking
高峰期 [gāofēng qī] peak period
提前 [tíqián] in advance
超過 [chāoguò] exceed
年度 [niándù] annual
春運 [chūnyùn] Spring Festival travel season
假期前一天 [jiàqī qián yī tiān] day before the holiday
火車票 [huǒchē piào] train tickets
在線旅行平台 [zàixiàn lǚxíng píngtái] online travel platform

五一 [Wǔ Yī] May Day

假期 [jiàqī] holiday
機票預訂 [jīpiào yùdìng] flight booking
高峰 [gāofēng] peak
預訂量 [yùdìng liàng] booking volume
超過 [chāoguò] exceed

探親 [tàn qīn] to visit relatives

達到 [dádào] to achieve
目的 [mùdì] purpose
熱門 [rèmén] popular
冷門 [lěngmén] unpopular
出發地 [chūfādì] departure place
目的地 [mùdìdì] destination
離峰時間 [lí fēng shíjiān] off-peak time
高峰期 [gāofēng qī] peak period
經濟艙 [jīngjìcāng] economy class
商務艙 [shāngwùcāng] business class
頭等艙 [tóuděngcāng] first class
國內 [guónèi] domestic
國外 [guówài] overseas
出境 [chūjìng] exit
入境 [rùjìng] entry
去程 [qù chéng] outbound journey
回程 [huíchéng] return journey

五一 [Wǔ Yī] May Day

假期 [jiàqī] holiday
火車票 [huǒchē piào] train tickets
數據 [shùjù] data
顯示 [xiǎnshì] show
預訂 [yùdìng] booking
熱門 [rèmén] popular
四月 [sìyuè] April
提前 [tíqián] in advance
超過 [chāoguò] exceed
年度 [niándù] annual

台灣海峽 [Táiwān hǎixiá] Taiwan Strait

馬英九 [Mǎ Yīngjiǔ] Ma Ying-jeou (former president)
陳水扁 [Chén Shuǐbiǎn] Chen Shui-bian (former president)
民主進步黨 [Mínzhǔ Jìnbù Dǎng] Democratic Progressive Party
習近平 [Xí Jìnpíng] Xi Jinping
行政院 [Xíngzhèng Yuàn] Executive Yuan (Taiwan)
立法院 [Lìfǎ Yuàn] Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)
司法院 [Sīfǎ Yuàn] Judicial Yuan (Taiwan)
考試院 [Kǎoshì Yuàn] Examination Yuan (Taiwan)
監察院 [Jiānchá Yuàn] Control Yuan (Taiwan)
行政院長 [Xíngzhèng Yuànzhǎng] Premier of the Executive Yuan
副院長 [Fù Yuànzhǎng] Vice Premier
閣揆 [gé kuí] Premier
業界 [yèjiè] industry
產業界 [chǎnyèjiè] industrial sector
期盼 [qīpàn] hope
兩岸三地 [liǎng'àn sāndì] three regions across the Taiwan Strait
(mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong/Macau)
大陸地區 [Dàlù dìqū] mainland China

中-印 [Zhōng-Yìn] China-India

關係 [guānxì] relations
互相 [hùxiāng] mutually
幫助 [bāngzhù] help
彼此 [bǐcǐ] each other
釋出 [shìchū] to release
機會 [jīhuì] opportunity
善意 [shànyì] goodwill
工作 [gōngzuò] work
解釋 [jiěshì] explanation
說明 [shuōmíng] to explain
兩岸三地 [liǎng'àn sāndì] three regions across the Taiwan Strait
(mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong/Macau)

主題 [zhǔtí] subject
一帶一路 [Yídài Yílù]Belt and Road Initiative

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