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Youtube-Rankers Gurukul Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

1 English By Prashant Sir

Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir Youtube-Rankers Gurukul

English By Prashant Sir 2

Youtube-Rankers Gurukul Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

3 English By Prashant Sir

Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir Youtube-Rankers Gurukul

01 Idioms & Phrases

S.N. Idioms English Meaning Hindi Meaning
1 A backseat driver(2) To give unnecessary advice ,slk O;fDr tks fcuk ekaxs gh lykg nsrk gSA
2 A baker's dozen(2) A group of 13 rsjgok¡ vkHkklh
3 A bad egg(3) Someone who is dishonest and unreliable csbZeku vkSj vfo'oluh; O;fDr
4 A bed of roses(3) Pleasant condition of life thou dh lq[kn fLFkfr
5 A bird in the hand It is better to have something small but certain miyC/ pht] vuqiyC/ phtksa ls vf/d
is worth two in the rather than the mere possibility of a greater one ewY;oku gS
6 A bird's eye view(8) A cursory look/Aerial view ljljh fuxkg ls ns[kuk
7 A black sheep (4) A disgrace for the family ifjokj ds fy, dyad@ukilan O;fDr
8 A blessing in disguise(17) Bad thing that turns out to be good. ,d vPNh ckr tks 'kq: esa cqjh yxsa
9 A bolt from the blue (22) An unexpected event oqQN ,slk tks vpkud gks
10 A bone of contention (7) A cause of dispute >xM+s dh tM+] fookn dk dkj.k
11 A bull in a China A clumsy person in a delicate situation fdlh [kkl@fo'ks"k fLFkfr ;k txg ds fy,
shop(5) vuqi;qDr O;fDr
12 A cake walk(8) Easy Task vklku dke
13 A change of heart (3)
Changed opinion about someone or something fdlh ds ckjs esa cnyh gqbZ jk;
14 A catch 22 situation (2) A difficult situation in which the solution to a ,d dfBu ifjfLFkfr ftlesa fdlh leL;k
problem is impossible dk lek/ku vlaHko gks
15 A child's play(4) An easy task vklku dke
16 A chip off the old A person who is similar to one's parents in vius ekrk&firk ds leku fn[kus okyk
block(6) behaviour or looks O;fDr
17 A close-fisted person(6) A miserly person datwl O;fDr
18 A close shave(2) A narrow escape from any danger or disaster nq?kZVuk ls cky&cky cpuk
19 A cock and bull A foolish and concocted story csrqdh ,oa eux<+ar dgkuh
20 A dark horse(12) An unexpected winner ,d vizR;kf'kr fotsrk
21 A dime a dozen (12)
Common and easily available vklkuh ls fey tkus okyk
22 A dog's life(6) A miserable existence n;uh; fLFkfr
23 A drop in the bucket/ A very small part of something big or whole/ fdlh cM+h ;k laiw.kZ oLrq dk cgqr NksVk
ocean(3) Insignificant comparison Hkkx
24 A dry run(3) A rehearsal iwokZH;kl
25 A fair-weather friend (4) A selfish friend LokFkhZ fe=k
26 A fish out of water (17) In an uncomfortable position tks vlgt fLFkfr esa gks
27 A fool's paradise (8) A state of imaginary happiness gokbZ egy] [;kyh iqyko
28 A green horn (7) An Inexperienced person vuqHkoghu O;fDr
29 A gut feeling (3) A instinct or intuition feeling vanj dh Hkkouk
30 A hard/tough nut to A problem or situation that is difficult to solve or ,slh leL;k ;k fLFkfr ftls gy djuk ;k
crack(16) deal with fuiVuk dfBu gks
31 A hornet's nest(4) An unpleasant situation ,d cqjh ifjfLFkfr
32 A hot potato (5) A controversial issue fooknkLin eqík
33 A leopard can't change You cannot change who you are vki tks gS mls cny ugha ldrs
his spots(8)
34 A live wire(4) A very active or energetic person cgqr lfØ; ;k ÅtkZoku O;fDr

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Youtube-Rankers Gurukul Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

35 A man of letters(9) Scholar/a well educated and a wise person Kkuh O;fDr
36 A mare's nest (7)
A false invention/a confused situation csdkj@>wBh [kkst
37 A needle in a Something impossible to find oqQN ,slk ftls [kkstuk vlaHko yxs
38 A piece of cake(13) An easy task ljy dk;Z
39 A pipe dream (3) An illusory plan/An unreal hope on your part ,d Hkzked ;kstuk
40 A Red letter day(16) A memorable and important day ;knxkj fnu (iy)
41 A shot in the arm (4) A boost or stimulant fdlh dks mdlkuk@c<+kok nsuk
42 A skeleton in the An embarrassing fact to be kept secret ,d xqIr Hksn tks 'kfe±nxh dk dkj.k cu
cupboard(4) ldrk gSA
43 A snake in the grass(5) Hidden enemy èkks[ksckt O;fDr] vkLrhu dk lk¡i
44 A square deal (3) A honest and fair transaction or trade [kjk lkSnk
45 A storm in a tea cup(9) A lot of anger and worry about trivial things NksVh NksVh ckrksa dks ysdj cgqr xqLlk vkSj
fpark djuk
46 A wet blanket(6) Someone who ruins other people's fun etk fdjfdjk djus okyk
47 A white elephant (5) A costly but useless possession dherh ysfdu vuqi;ksxh oLrq
48 A wild goose chase (8) A futile search/effort fujFkZd [kkst@iz;kl
49 A wolf in sheep's A dangerous person pretending to be harmless nksLr ds Hks"k esa nq'eu
50 Above board(6) Honest and frank bZekunkj
51 Actions speak louder What you do is more important than what you say dFkuh ls T;knk djuh dk iQoZQ iM+rk gSA
than words(7)
52 Add fuel to the fire(11) To worsen an already bad situation [kjkc fLFkfr dks vkSj [kjkc djuk
53 Add insult to injury (9) To make a bad situation worse cqjh fLFkfr dks vkSj cqjk cuk nsuk
54 Against the clock (6) In a great hurry to do something tYnckth esa gksuk
55 All and sundry(7) Everyone without distinction lHkh dks 'kkfey djuk
56 All bark and no bite (3) Full of talk, but low on action tks xjtrs gS] oks cjlrs ugha
57 All Greek to me (3) Incomprehensible le> ls ckgj
58 (3)
All in all Having all authority lHkh 'kfDr;ka@vf/dkj gksuk
59 An achilles' Heel (4) A vulnerable point or fault in one's character detksj fcanq
60 An apple of one's eye (6) A person of that someone loves very much vk¡[k dk rkjk] vfrfiz; gksuk
61 An arm and a leg(15) Very expensive cgqr eg¡xk
62 An axe to grind(5) A personal reason for being involved in something LokFkZiwfÙkZ djuk
63 A feather in one's An achievement to be proud of xoZ djus ;ksX; miyfCèk
64 A flash in the pan(2) Something that is successful for short time {kf.kd@dqN iy dh liQyrk
65 An eagle eye (3) Sharp vision, Ability to see or observer keenly rst fuxkg
66 Apple of discord (5) The cause of dispute,misunderstanding or fight. fookn dh tM+
67 Apples and oranges (4) Unequal Comparison vleku rqyuk
68 Argus-eyed (3) Carefully observant or attentive lko/kuh ls ns[kus okyk
69 A French leave (2) An unauthorised leave fcuk lwpuk ds fy;k x;k vodk'k
70 As Cool as a Calm and composed 'kkar vkSj la;fer
71 As fit as a fiddle(12) In good health LokLFk O;fDr
72 As hard as nails (4) Physically or mentally tough 'kkfjfjd ,oa ekufld :i ls n`< O;fDr
73 A good turn (2) A helpful act lgk;rk okyk dke
74 At a stone's throw (15) At a close distance cgqr utnhd
75 At a stretch(4) Continuously/at one time yxkrkj
76 A grey area(2) An unclear situation vLi"V fLFkfr
77 At an arm's length (3) At a distance with someone nwjh cukuk

5 English By Prashant Sir

Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir Youtube-Rankers Gurukul
78 At cross purposes(3) Disagreeing with each other's ideas vlgefr trkuk
79 At daggers drawn with Bitterly hostile towards each other dVj nq'keuh
80 A herculean task(2) A Job that requires a large amount of physical ,d ,slk dke ftls djus ds fy,
strength cgqr vfèkd 'kkjhfjd Je ('kfDr) dh
vko';drk gks
81 A hobson's choice(2) A choice forced upon someone fdlh ij tcju Fkksik x;k fodYi
82 At large (3) Not caught/free/As a whole idM+s ugha tkuk] iwjh rjg ls
83 At loggerheads (5) Disagreeing with fdlh ls vlger gksuk
84 At one's wit's end (10) Puzzled and didn't know what to do my>k gqvk] gSjku
85 A kick in the teeth (2) A great disappointment cgqr cM+h fujk'kk
86 A lame excuse(2) An Inappropriate excuse csrqdk cgkuk
87 At sea (12) Perplexed/confused nqfo/k esa gksuk
88 A lot on one's plate (2) A lot to do/having many responsibilities ,d gh le; ij cgqr lkjk dke ckdh gksuk
89 A narrow escape (2) Just manage to avoid danger or trouble [krjs ;k ijs'kkuh ls cky&cky cpuk
90 At the drop of a dime/ Without hesitation, Immediately fcuk nsjh ds
91 At the eleventh At the last moment vafre le; ij
92 A pain in the neck(2) Someone or something that is very annoying dksbZ ijs'kku djus okyk O;fDr@oLrq
93 A rolling stone gathers A person who does not settle in one place for a tks O;fDr yacs le; rd ,d gh LFkku ij
no moss(2) long time, does not gain any wealth, name or fame ugha fVdrk] mls u rks /u] u uke vkSj
izflf¼ feyrh gS
94 A safe pair of hands(2) A person who can be trusted to do something ,d ,slk O;fDr ftl ij fdlh dk;Z dks
efficiently oqQ'kyrk iwoZd djus ds fy, Hkjkslk fd;k
tk ldrk gks
95 A shot/of slab in the A guess vuqeku] vanktk
96 A slap on the wrist(2) A mild punishment psrkouh] ekewyh ltk
97 A whale of a time (2) Enjoy oneself very much vlkèkkj.k :i ls etsnkj ;k jksekapd
vuqHko izkIr djuk
98 All eyes(2) Watching eagerly/To be attentive mRlqdrk ls ns[kuk@pkSdl jguk
99 All eyes and ears(2) With full focus & attention iwjs è;ku ds lkFk dqN djuk
100 An eye opener(2) A shocking revelation ,d pkSadkus okyk [kqyklk
101 An eye wash(2) A pretence fn[kkok] Nykok
102 An iron hand(2) Strict and harsh control l[r vkSj dBksj fu;a=k.k
103 An olive branch(2) A gesture of peace 'kkafr dk izLrko
104 Armed to the teeth(2) Fully armed, having many weapons gfFk;kjksa ls ;qDr
105 At a snail's pace(2) Very slowly cgqr èkheh xfr ls
106 Back to square one(9) Come to the original point eq[; eqís ij ppkZ djuk
107 Bad blood(9) Hostility between people fdlh ds izfr uiQjr gksuk
108 Back up(2) To support leFkZu djuk
109 Bag and baggage(4) With all one's possessions cksfj;k&fcLrj lesr
110 Bark up the wrong Doing wrong thing to achieve something intended xyr txg lansg djuk
111 Be all ears(12) To listen attentively è;ku ls lquuk
112 Be hard up(2) (To be) short of money /u dh deh
113 Beam/grin/smile from Smiling broadly, to look extremely happy cM+h eqLdku ds lkFk [kq'k fn[kuk
ear to ear
114 Bear the brunt of(5) To endure the impact of something cqjk izHkko lgu djuk] [kkfe;ktk Hkqxruk
115 Bear the palm (5) To be a winner fot;h gksuk

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116 Beat a retreat(2) To leave a situation/to run away from a difficult gM+cM+k dj Hkkxuk] ihNs gV tkuk
117 Beat around the To avoid discussing the main topic eq[; eqn~ns ls gVdj b/j&m/j dh ckrs
bush(10) a djuk
118 Behind closed doors(3) Discussed or done secretly jgL;e; ckr
119 Behind one's back (3) In someone's absence fdlh ds ihB&ihNs@xSjekStwnxh esa
120 Behind the scenes (3) Unknown to everyone ftls dksbZ u tkurk gks
121 Bell the cat (5) To do the impossible task vlaHko dk;Z djuk
122 Bend over To exert a lot of effort towards some end cgqr vfèkd iz;kl djuk
123 Beside oneself(2) Almost out of one's senses, consumed by an vkis ls ckgj gksuk
124 Between a rock and a To be stuck in two equally unpleasant situations leku ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa iQ¡luk
hard place
125 Better late than never(4) Better to arrive late than not to come at all nsj vk;s nq#Lr vk;s@uk vkus ls csgrj gS
nsj ls vkuk
126 Between Scylla and Choice between two unpleasant alternatives nks vfiz; fodY;ksa ds chp pquko
127 Between the devil and Between two equally unacceptable choices nks leku :i ds fodYiksa ds chp pquko
the deep blue sea(3)
128 Bid defiance to To Ignore something fdlh ckr dks utj vankt djuk
129 Bigger fish to fry(2) Something more important to take care of egRoiw.kZ O;fDr dk è;ku j[kuk
130 Birds of the same People with similar characteristics leku fn[kus okys O;fDr
131 Bite the bullet(15) To decide to do something difficult or unpleasant fdlh dfBu dk;Z dks djus ds fy, Bku
that one has been putting off or hesitating over ysuk
132 Bite the dust(6) To suffer a defeat/To die ne rksM+uk] vliQy gksuk
133 Bite your tongue (4) To stop yourself from saying something [kqn dks oqQN dgus ls jksduk
134 Black and blue (2) Badly bruised/injured cqjh rjg ls ?kk;y
135 Blow hot and cold (2) Vacillate/To change your opinion too often nqfo/k esa iM+uk
136 Blaze a trail(7) To be the first to do something new and important dqN u;k 'kq: djuk
137 Blow own's own To boast about one's own qualities viuh [kqn dh rkjhiQ djuk
138 Blue blood(3) Member of a noble, socially prominent family dqyhu yksx] [kkunkuh] le`¼
139 Boil the ocean (4) Try to do something impossible vlaHko dk;Z djus dk iz;kl djuk
140 Body and soul (2) Wholly and entirely iw.kZ :i ls
141 Born with silver spoon Born in a very rich family vehj ifjokj esa iSnk gksuk
in one's mouth(2)
142 Bread and butter(4) Means of livelihood thfodk dk ekè;e
143 Break a leg (7) To wish someone good luck 'kqHkdkeuk,a nsuk
144 Break fresh / new To do something that was not done before dqN ,slk djuk tks igys dHkh u gqvk gks
145 Break the ice(20) To say or do sth that makes people more relaxed lkekU;r% igyh eqykdkr esa pqIih rksM+dj
especially at the beginning of a meeting/to start ckrphr 'kq: djukA
146 Bring home the To Earn the money that is needed to live thou&fuokZg ds fy, vko';d èku dekuk
147 Bring someone to To punish/scold someone fdlh dks n.M nsuk
148 Build castles in the To think of impossible hopes and dreams. vlaHko mEehnsa iSnk djuk
149 Burn one's finger(2) To suffer a loss by acting rashly uqdlku gksuk

7 English By Prashant Sir

Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir Youtube-Rankers Gurukul
150 Burn the midnight To work/read late into the night nsj jkr rd dke@esgur@i<+kbZ djuk
151 Burn your bridges(10) To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat okilh ds lHkh jkLrs@laHkkoukvks dks [kRe
152 Bury the hatchet(6) To forget past quarrels iqjkuh 'k=kqrk dks Hkqyk nsuk
153 Butterflies in one's Feel nervous fdlh dk;Z dks djus ds igys ?kcM+kuk
154 Buy a lemon(2) To buy something that is of much little value dksbZ ,slh oLrq [kjhnuk ftldk ewY;@egRo
de gksA
155 By and by(2) Gradually /hjs&/hjs] Øe'k%
156 By and large (2) On the whole lkekU; :i ls
157 By fair means or foul (3) To get one's way with honesty or dishonesty bZekunkjh ;k csbZekuh ls viuh jkg [kkstuk
158 By hook or by crook (11) Using whatever methods necessary fdlh Hkh rjhds ls
159 By leaps and Swiftly rsth ls
160 By the skin of one's By a very narrow margin cgqr de varj ls cpuk
161 Call it a day(18) To stop working on sth because you don't want to fdlh dk;Z dks ckn ds fy, LFkfxr dj
do anymore nsuk
162 Carry a chip on one's To seem angry all the time because you think you fiNyh ?kVuk ij eueqVko@fdlh chrh ckr
shoulder(2) have been treated unfairly dk va'k gksuk
164 Catch a tartar(6) To catch an opponent more powerful than cgqr 'kfDr'kkyh nq'keu
165 Caught red-handed(10) Caught at the moment doing of something wrong oqQN voSèk dke djrs gq, jaxs gkFkksa idM+k
166 Chapter and verse(2) An exact reference or authority lVhd lanHkZ
167 Chapter and verse(2) An exact reference or authority lVhd lanHkZ
168 Chew the fat(3) To talk to someone in an informal and friendly xi'ki djuk
169 Chew the scenery(3) To act overly emotional vR;fèkd Hkkouk izdV djuk
170 Chewing the cud (4) Contemplating fopkj
171 Chicken hearted(9) Someone who lacks courage and is easily dksbZ O;fDr ftlesa lkgl dh deh gks vkSj
frightened vklkuh ls Hk;Hkhr gks tk;
172 Come rain or shine(4) Under any circumstances fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa
173 Come to blows(2) To start fighting after a disagreement fookn ds ckn fdlh ls >xM+k djuk
174 Come what may(2) No matter what happens fdlh Hkh dher ij
175 Cook the books(2) To falsify financial records foÙkh; fjdkWMZ esa gsj&isQj djuk
176 Couch Potato(4) A lazy person/A person who watches too much vkylh O;fDr@,d O;fDr tks cgqr vfèkd
television Vsyhfotu ns[krk gSA
177 Crack someone up(4) To make someone laugh fdlh dks g¡lkus ds fy,
178 Crocodile tears(4) False tears >wBh lgkuqHkwfr@nq%[k
179 Cross one's mind(3) To think of something oqQN lkspuk
180 Cross swords(2) To fight yM+kbZ djuk
181 Cross the bridge(6) To solve the problem leL;k dk lekèkku djuk
182 Cry for the moon(6) To make an impractical or unreasonable request vO;ogkfjd ;k vuqfpr vuqjksèk djuk
183 Cry over spilt milk(16) To feel sorry over a mistake that can't be changed O;FkZ iNrkuk
184 Cry wolf(5) To raise false alarm of help enn dh >wBh iqdkj yxkuk
185 Cut a poor/ To put a bad impression cqjk izHkko NksM+uk
Sorry figure(2)
186 Cut corners(8) To do something perfunctorily so as to save time tYnckth esa dke dh xq.koÙkk dk è;ku j[ks
or money fcuk dksbZ dke djuk

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187 Cut straight to the To avoid unnecessary introduction and go to the egÙoiw.kZ Hkkx ij è;ku dsfUnzr djuk
chase(7) more important part
188 Cut the mustard(8) To reach the expected or necessary standard liQy gksuk
189 Cut someone slack (2) To not manage someone very strictly or critically fdlh dks cgqr l[rh ls izcaf/r u djuk
190 Cut to the chase (7) To get to the point lh/s eqís ij vkuk
191 Cut to the quick(3) To hurt intensely tkucw> dj pksV igq¡pkuk
192 Dance to someone's To do what others want you to do ogh djuk tks nwljs vkils djkuk pkgrs gS
193 Devil's advocate(2) One who takes an opposing position for the sake fcuk fdlh otg ds cgl djuk
of argument
194 Die in harness(3) To continue an occupation till death/ To die while dke djrs&djrs ej tkuk
195 Do sth by the skin of Just manage to do sth eqf'dy ls dqN dj ikuk
one's teeth(4)
196 Donkey's years(6) A very long time yEck le;
197 Down-to-earth(4) Practical and direct O;kogkfjd O;fDr
198 Drag one's feet(4) To delay taking a decision fu.kZ; ysus esa nsj djuk
199 Draw a blank (5) To get no results dksbZ Hkh ifj.kke izkIr u dj ikuk
200 Easier said than Not as easy as it appears to be dguk vklku gksrk gS djuk eqf'dy
201 Eat a humble pie(4) To feel sorry and apologise for a mistake fouezrk ls ekiQh ekaxuk] ukd jxM+uk

202 Elbow grease(3) Hard physical efforts dfBu 'kkjhfjd iz;kl

203 Elbow room (5) Very little freedom uk ds cjkcj NwV
204 Every cloud has a Every difficult situation has a hopeful aspect to it fdlh Hkh dfBu ifjLFkfr esa oqQN vk'kktud
silver lining(11) gksrk gSA
205 Every dog has its Everyone has good luck or success at a point of le; vkus ij gj fdlh dks liQyrk feyrh
day(2) time gSA
206 Face the music(23) To accept unpleasant consequences cqjk ifj.kke Lohdkj djuk
207 Fair and square / (4) Honest/Honestly bZekunkjh ls@fu;eksa ds vuqlkj
Fairly and squarely(2)
208 Fall flat(6) To fail to have an effect izHkko Mkyus esa foiQy
209 Feather their own To promote their own interest vius fgrksa dks c<+kok nsuk
210 Feel the pinch(4) iSlksa dh raxh eglwl gksuk@ijs'kkuh dk
To have less money than you used to have before/
Experience hardship lkeuk djuk
211 Few and far between(3) Not very many or not appearing very frequently cgqr de
212 Fight shy of(5) To try to avoid something nwj jguk] cpus dh dksf'k'k djuk
213 Find one's feet(2) To begin to understand the work and feeling dke dks le>us yxuk vkSj vkRefo'okl
confident eglwl djuk
214 Find oneself in (To be) in difficulties dfBu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa gksuk
troubled waters(4)
215 First and foremost(2) Most important aspect lcls egRoiw.kZ igyw
216 Fish in troubled To take advantage of a difficult situation dfBu ifjfLFkfr dk ykHk mBkuk
217 Flog a dead horse(2) To waste time on useless things iQkyrw dk;ksZ esa le; cckZn djuk
218 Fly into a passion(2) To become angry suddenly vpkud xqLlk gksuk
219 Fly off the handle(2) To lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly vpkud ls viuk vkik [kksuk
220 Follow suit (3) To do the same as others nwljksa dk vuq'kj.k djuk
221 Food for thought (3) Something worth thinking seriously about dksbZ pht ftlds ckjs esa fpUru fd;k tk
222 For good(4) For ever ges'kk ds fy,

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223 Forty winks(6) A short nap ,d NksVh lh >idh
224 From far and wide (2) In all directions lHkh fn'kkvksa esa
225 Get a foot in the To have a chance to do something oqQN djus ds fy, ekSdk ikuk
226 Full of beans(10) Lively/full of energy tks'k ls Hkjk gqvk
227 Full of hot air (3) To talk a lot of rubbish/talking nonsense ew[kZrkiw.kZ ckrsa djuk
228 Get a second wind (3) To have renewed energy iqu% 'kfDr@tks'k@ÅtkZ izkIr djuk
229 Get down to brass To start taking up the most important facts of a fdlh fLFkfr ds lcls egRoiw.kZ rF;ksa dks
tacks(5) situation le>uk
230 Get into hot water(20) To get into trouble eqlhcr esa iQaluk
231 Get on one's nerve (6) To annoy or irritate someone. ijs'kku djuk
232 Get out of hand (12) To become difficult to control fdlh fLFkfr dk fu;a=k.k ls ckgj gks tkuk
233 Get something off To express something that has been worrying fny dk cks> gYdk djuk
your chest(3) you, and you want to say
234 Get the axe(3) To lose the job ukSdjh [kksuk
235 Get your act together(4) To start to organize yourself so that you do things izHkkoh :i ls dk;Z djuk
in an effective way
236 Give a piece of one's To rebuke someone strongly fdlh dks dM+h iQVdkj yxkuk
237 Get on/along like a To get on extremely with someone fdlh ds lkFk feydj jguk@vPNk rkyesy
house on fire(2) fcBkuk
238 Get someone's goat(2) To irritate someone fdlh dks ijs'kku djuk
239 Get up on the wrong Someone who is having a horrible day dksbZ ,slk O;fDr ftldk fnu cgqr cqjk
side of the bed(2) xqtjk gks
240 Give the slip(2) To escape Hkkx tkuk
241 Give up the ghost(3) To stop working/to die dksbZ dke djuk can dj nsuk] ej tkuk
242 Glad to see the back To be happy when a person leaves fdlh O;fDr ds pys tkus ds ckn [kq'k
of(6) jguk
243 Go against the grain(3) Something in conflict with one's value system tks vkids fopkjksa ds fo:¼ gks
244 Go bananas (2) To become angry, irrational or excited ixyk tkuk
245 Go belly up (2) To fail completely/to go bankrupt vliQy gksuk] fnokfy;k gksuk
246 Go down in flames(2) To fail completely/To be destroyed by fire iwjh rjg ls foiQy gksuk
247 Go back to the To start planning all over again u;s fljs ls 'kq:vkr djuk
drawing board(4)
248 Go from rags to From very poor to very rich jad ls jktk cuuk
249 Go the extra mile(3) To go above and beyond whatever is required for fdlh dke ds fy, tks oqQN Hkh vko';d
the task at hand gS mlls ijs tkuk
250 Go through fire and To pass through all types of hardships lHkh izdkj dh dfBukb;ksa ls xqtjuk
251 Go to the dogs(6) To become worse cckZn gks tkuk] u"V gks tkuk
252 Go to the wall (2) To fail vliQy gksuk
253 Go/run around in To be very active but with no results cgqr esgurh gksus ds ckn Hkh liQy uk gksuk
254 Grasp/clutch/catch Trying to find some way to succeed when nothing liQyrk ds fy, jkLr [kkstuk
at a straw/straws(3) you choose is likely to work
255 Grease someone's To bribe someone fj'or nsuk
256 Green-eyed(3) Envious or jealous bZ";kZyq@fdlh ds izfr tyu Hkkouk
257 Halcyon days (3) Period of calm during the winter, when storms vkuane; fnu] 'khrdky esa 'kkafr dk le;
don't occur/Peaceful days
258 Hale and hearty(2) Strong and healthy etcwr vkSj LoLFk

English By Prashant Sir 10

Youtube-Rankers Gurukul Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

259 Hand over(2) To give charge gokys djuk

260 Hand and glove (11) Very intimate terms ?kfu"B laca/
261 Hang in there (4) Don't give up gkj u ekuuk
262 Hang up your boots (3) To take retirement lsokfuo`fÙk ysuk
263 Hard and fast (4) Strict/not to be changed dBksj
264 Hard of hearing (3) Partially deaf vkaf'kd :i ls cgjk gksuk
265 Haste is waste Doing things in a hurry does not give fruitful tYnckth esa fd;k x;k csdkj dke
266 Hats off to someone(3)/ Congratulations to/praise for someone 'kqHkdkeuk,a] iz'kalk djuk
hat tip
267 Have cold feet(4) To become nervous or frightened ?kcjkuk@Mj tkuk
268 Head in the clouds (3) Being absent minded fnu esa lius ns[kuk
269 Highest priority (3) First and foremost lokZf/d egRoiw.kZ
270 His heart's content (2) As much as he wanted to t:jr osQ vuqlkj izkIr
271 Hit a brick wall(2) To encounter an obstacle #dkoV dk lkeuk djuk
272 Hit below the belt (5) Unfairly and cruelly Øwj vkSj vuqfpr rjhds ls
273 Hit the books (4) To study hard cgqr esgur ls i<+kbZ djuk
274 Hit the hay (2) To go to bed lksus tkuk
275 Hit the jackpot (3) To be very successful at something vR;f/d liQy gksuk
276 Hit the nail on the To do something exactly right lgh oDr ij lgh dke djuk
277 Hit the sack(2)/hay(5) To go to sleep lksus tkuk
278 Hold good (3) To remain valid oSèk@ekU; gksuk
279 Hold one's horses(17) To tell someone to stop and consider carefully fdlh dks la;e@/S;Z ls dke djus dh
lykg nsuk
280 Hold water(4) To appear to be valid or reasonable fo'okl ;ksX; gksuk
281 I don't buy it(2) I am not convinced ;dhu uk gksuk
282 Hue and cry(6) Protest fojks/ djuk
283 Ignorance is bliss(2) To remain ignorant of things that may cause ftlds ckjs esa gesa irk ugha ge mldh
stress/If you don't know about something you fpark ugha djrs
cannot worry about
284 Ill at ease(6) Feel uncomfortable or worried in a situation fdlh ifjLFkfr esa fpafrr ;k vlgt eglwl
285 In a nutshell(13) Briefly and concisely laf{kIr :i ls
286 In a pickle (3) In trouble eqlhcr esa
287 In black and white (9) In writing fyf[kr :i ls
288 In cold blood (3) Deliberately and cruelly tkucw>dj@funZ;rkiwoZd
289 In dire straits(5) In a very bad or difficult situation eqf'dy esa gksuk
290 In full swing (2) To be very active iwjh rjg ls
291 In high spirits (11) Cheerful vkuan ,oa tks'k ls Hkjiwj
292 In seventh heaven (7) Extremely happy vR;f/d [kq'k gksuk
293 In the dark (2) Know something others are aware of fdlh ,slh tkudkjh ls cs[kcj gksuk ftls
ckdh yksx tkurs gks
294 In the driver's seat(2) To have control gkFk esa ckxMksj gksuk
295 In the blink of an Within a very short period of time cgqr gh de le; esa
296 In the eye of a storm(3) Deeply involved in a difficult situation dfBu ;k fooknkLin fLFkfr esa 'kkfey gksuk
297 In the fast lane(2) A life filled with excitement mRlkg ls Hkjk thou
298 In the fast lane(2) A life filled with excitement mRlkg ls Hkjk thou
299 In the Pink (2) In good health vPNs LokLF; esa

11 English By Prashant Sir

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Youtube-Rankers Gurukul Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

300 In the heat of the At time when you cannot think carefully Øksèk ds dkj.k fcuk lksps le> oqQN dguk
moment(5) ;k djuk
301 In the long run(7) Eventually/In the end vkf[kjdkj
302 In the nick of time (9) At the last possible moment vafre laHko {k.k esa
303 In the same boat (13) To be in the same difficult situation as someone fdlh vkSj ds leku dfBu ifjfLFkfr esa
else gksuk
304 In the teeth of(3) In direct opposition to lhèks fojksèk esa
305 In two minds (5) To be in a dilemma vleatl esa gksuk
306 In vogue (3) In fashion izpyu esa
307 Ins and outs (5) Detailed description iw.kZ fooj.k
308 It takes two to tango (3) For an argument both parties are equally cgl ds fy, nksuksa i{k ftEesnkj gksuk
309 It's a small world(2) You frequently see the same people in different ckj&ckj feyuk
310 Ivory tower(4) A place or situation remote from problems and nqfu;knkjh ls nwj
practical affairs of normal life
311 Jump on the Follow a trend fdlh izpyu dks fcuk lksps &le>s viuk
bandwagon(4) ysuk
312 Jump the gun(7) To start something too soon or act hastily tYnckth ls@le; ls iwoZ dk;Z djuk
313 Keep a straight face(2) Not laugh or change your expression even though vius goHkko Nqikuk eq[r% galh
you want to laugh
314 Keep an eye on(3) To watch over closely/attentively è;ku ls ns[kuk@utj j[kuk
315 Keep someone at To avoid becoming too close or friendly with ?kfu"B fe=krk ls cpuk
arm's length(11) someone
316 Kick up a row(4) To Cause a disturbance xM+cM+h iSnk djuk
317 Kill two birds with one To achieve two things by doing a single action ,d gh dke djds nks phtsa gkfly djuk
318 Know inside out(2) To know something thoroughly fdlh pht dks iwjh rjg ls tkuuk
319 Latin and Greek (3) Incomprehensible le> esa u vkus yk;d
320 Lay our heads To work in consultation feydj dke djuk
321 Lead someone by the To control someone completely fdlh dks iwjh rjg ls fu;af=kr djuk
322 Learn the ropes(6) To learn how to do a job or activity fdlh dke dks djus dk rjhdk lh[kuk
323 Leave no stone To make all possible efforts gj laHko iz;kl djuk
324 Leave someone in the To desert someone in his difficulties eqlhcr esa NksM+ nsuk
325 Left handed An insult iz ' ka l k ds :i es a viekutud fVIi.
compliment(2) kh djuk
326 Lend an ear(4) To pay attention to è;ku nsuk@è;ku ls lquuk
327 Lend me your ears (6) To politely ask for someone's full attention fouezrk ls fdlh dk iwjk è;ku viuh vksj
328 Let bygones be To forgive and forget ekiQ djuk vkSj Hkwy tkuk
329 Light at the end of Hope of success, happiness after a long period of dfBu le; esa liQyrk dh vk'kk dh [kq'kh
tunnel(2) difficulty
330 Lily-livered(2) Cowardly or fearful dk;j ;k Mjiksd
331 Little/no love lost(2) Persons who do not like each other at all ,d nwljs dks ukilan djus oky yksx
332 Loaves and fishes(2) Tangible benefits or rewards, especially when they lcwr nsuk
serve as one's motivation for action
333 Lock horns(2) To fight with someone fdlh ls yM+uk
334 Let the cat out of the To reveal a secret dksbZ jgL; mtkxj djuk

13 English By Prashant Sir

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335 Live from hand to To be extremely poor, having only enough money fdlh izdkj xqtkjk djuk
mouth(7) to provide food and shelter
336 Lock, stock and Completely/including everything iwjh rjg@lc oqQN
337 Long in the tooth(2) To be too old to do something cgqr gh iqjkuk] izpyu ds ckgj
338 Look after(2) To take care of someone or something ns[kjs[k djuk@ns[kHkky djuk
339 Look before you leap(2) To think carefully of the consequences ifj.kkeksa ds ckjs esa è;ku ls lkspuk
340 Look down upon (3) To consider someone inferior fdlh dks ghu@uhpk le>uk
341 Loosen the purse Allow more money to be spent. T;knk [kpZ djuk
342 Lose (one's) marbles(6) To go insane/To be or become mentally deficient, ikxy gksuk
343 Lose face(3) To become less respected by others ukd dVkuk
344 Lose one's head (3) To lose one's self-control vkRela;e [kksuk
345 Make a bee line (5) To stand in a queue drkj esa [kM+s gksuk
346 Make a clean breast (3) To confess one's crime viuk xqukg dcwy djuk
347 Make both ends To have just enough money to live ftruk t:jr mruk dekuk
348 Make off with(2) To run away Hkkx tkuk (dqN pqjkdj)
349 Make no bones To state something clearly oqQN Li"V:i :i ls crkuk
350 Make one's blood To make someone extremely angry fdlh dks xqLlk fnykuk
351 New kid on the block(2) Someone new to the group or area. fdlh ny ;k txg ij vkus okyk u;k
352 Milk and water(2) Weak ideas, insipid ukle>] detksj fopkj
353 Neck of the woods (2) Neighbourhood iM+kslh
354 Make one's mark (4) To attain success/Attain recognition liQyrk ikuk@ekU;rk izkIr djuk
355 Make up one's mind (3) To decide oqQN djus dk Bku ysuk
356 Miss the boat(6) To miss an opportunity volj pwduk ;k [kks nsuk
357 Nip someone in the To destroy early 'kq:vkr esa gh [kRe dj nsuk
358 Not mince one's To speak in a very direct and honest way without lh/s cksy nsuk (fdlh dh ijokg fd,
words(2) worrying about offending someone cxSj)
359 Of the first water(2) Of the best quality mÙke xq.koÙkk dk

360 Off and on(5) Sometimes but not regularly dHkh&dHkh

361 On cloud nine (15) Very happy cgqr [kq'k
362 On edge(2) Nervous and unable to relax ?kcjkgV] vkjke u dj ikus dh fLFkfr
363 On purpose(2) Deliberately tkucw>dj
364 On tenter hooks (7) Worried or nervous about sth that is going to foLe; dh fLFkfr esa] fpafrr
365 On the back burner(2) To temporarily not deal with some matter because fdlh eqís dks izkFkfedrk ds vk/kj ij dqN
it is not urgent le; ds fy, Vky nsuk
366 On the ball(5) Doing a job in a quick and competent manner pkSdUuk jguk
367 On the breadline (2) Be very poor cgqr xjhc
368 On the cards (4) Possible or likely lEHkor%
369 On the horizon (2) An event that is likely to happen soon ,d ,slh ?kVuk ftldh 'kh?kz gksu dh
laHkkouk gS
370 On the spur of the Acting impulsively without thinking fcuk lksps le>s oqQN dk;Z djuk
371 On the wane(2) On the decline fouk'k dh vksj

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372 On thin ice(6) In a risky situation tksf[ke Hkjh fLFkfr@ladV esa gksuk@iM+ tkuk
373 Once bitten, twice More careful next time fdlh cqjs vuqHko ds ckn vkxs ds fy,
shy(2) lrdZ gksuk
374 Once for all(5) Conclusively, completely & finally iw.kZ :i ls] fu.kkZ;d :Ik ls
375 Once in a blue Very rare nqyZHk gksuk@dHkh dHkkj gksuk
376 One's back against Feel extremely excited or happy vR;f/d iz'kUu gksuk
the wall(3)
377 One's cup of tea(2) One's chosen or preferred thing fdlh dh pquh gqbZ pht] ftles og csgrj
378 One's green fingers/ Expert in gardening ckxokuh esa fuiq.k
379 One's hands are full(3) Very busy cgqr O;Lr jguk
380 Out of date(2) Something old fashioned iqjkus tekus dk
381 Out of the blue(9) Completely unexpected iwjh rjg ls vizR;kf'kr
382 Out of the wood (2) To be out of danger [krjs ls ckgj
383 Over my dead body (3) Opposing something fiercely fdlh ckr dk tedj fojksèk djuk
384 Over one's head (3) Beyond one's capability to understand something tks le> ls ijs gks
385 Over the moon (2) To be extremely happy cgqr [kq'k
386 Part and parcel (6) Basic or essential element lkekU; rFkk t:jh
387 Pass the buck(4) Blaming another person fdlh O;fDr ij vkjksi yxkuk
388 Pass the hat(2) To collect money /u bdV~Bk djuk
389 Pat on the back of Go praise or approval for doing good oqQN vPNk djus ds fy, iz'kalk ;k
something(2) vuqeksnu djuk
390 Pay lip service(4) To publicly support or approve of sth [kqyk leFkZu nsuk
391 Pedal to the metal (2) To go full speed, especially while driving a vehicle dksbZ okgu pykrs oDr iwjh@rhoz xfr ls
392 Pocket an insult(2) To tolerate insult without protest fcuk fojksèk ds vieku lguk
393 Penny wise and pound Careful and Economical in small matters while NksVh jde cgqr lksp&le>dj [kpZ djrk
foolish(3) being wasteful and extravagant in large one gS ysfdu cM+h jde fcuk fopkj fd, gh
[kpZ dj nsrk gSA
394 Play devil's advocate(9) To argue, just for the sake of it fcuk fdlh otg ds cgl djuk
395 Play ducks and drakes To use recklessly ykijokgh ls bLrseky djuk
396 Play it by ear (7) To do something without special preparation fcuk rS;kjh ds dksbZ dke djuk
397 Play with fire (6) To take a foolish risk csotg tksf[ke ysuk
398 Poke your nose (2) To interfere unnecessarily Vkax vM+kuk
399 Pour cold water on (7) To spoil someone's plan fdlh dh ;kstuk cckZn djuk
400 Pour oil in/on To calm a dispute or placate a situation fookn 'kkar djuk
troubled water(2)
401 Pull a face(4) To make a silly or rude expression eqag cukuk
402 Pull a fast one (3) To trick someone fdlh dks ew[kZ cukuk (cgdkuk)
403 Pull up his socks (2) To make a greater effort to improve lqèkkj ds fy, vfèkd ls vfèkd iz;kl
404 Pull someone's leg(12) To joke with someone fdlh dk etkd cukuk
405 Pull yourself Calm down after an upsetting incident 'kkar gksuk
406 Pull/have a long face(2) To look sad mnkl fn[kuk
407 Put two and two To make a correct guess based on what has been lquus rFkk fn[kus ds vk/kj ij lgh vuqeku
together(3) seen or heard yxkuk
408 Put your best foot To try as hard as one can ftruk gks lds mruk iz;kl djuk

15 English By Prashant Sir

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409 Queer pitch(2) Spoil somebody's chance of doing something fdlh dk ekSdk [kjkc djuk
410 Rain cats and dogs (5) To rain very heavily cgqr rst ckfj'k gksuk
411 Rain on someone's To spoils someone's plans fdlh dh ;kstuk fcxkM+uk
412 Raise a few eyebrows(2) To cause surprise or shock vk'p;Z dk izn'kZu djuk
413 Raise the bar (3) To be better than before/To set higher goals igys ls csgrj cuuk@mPp y{; fuèkkZfjr djuk
414 Read between the To understand something that is not said outright Nqih gqbZ ckr@vFkZ dks le>uk
415 Receive a new lease of To become energetic again fiQj ls ÅtkZoku gksuk
416 Red tape/red tapism(2) Official rules and bureaucracy that make it diffi- nÝrj'kkgh
cult to do something
417 Rise like a phoenix(2) To become successful after seeming to have failed fiQj ls mHkj ds vPNk djuk
418 Rise to the occasion(2) To Show you can deal with a situation success- fdlh fLFkfr ls liQyrk iwod
Z fuiVus dh
fully {kerk dk izn'kZu djuk
419 Rock the boat(2) Disturb a stable situation [kjkc djuk
420 Rub a person up the To annoy or offend a person fdlh dks ijs'kku djuk
wrong way(3)
421 Rule the roost(6) To be in complete control iw.kZ fu;a=k.k esa
422 Sea change(6) Major transformation iw.kZ ifjofrZr
423 See eye to eye(2) To agree with someone fdlh ls lger gksuk
424 Sell like hot cakes (8) To sell quickly tYnh ls fcduk
425 Separate the wheat To separate the valuable from the invaluable/ ewY;oku dks csdkj ls vyx djuk
from the chaff(3) worthless
426 Shake off(4) To get rid off NqVdkjk ikuk
427 Shed light on(2) To explain a situation fdlh ckr dks Li"V djuk] fdlh ckr ij
izdk'k Mkyuk
428 Sit on the fence(17) To be not able to take decision dksbZ fu.kZ; ysus esa vleFkZ gksuk
429 Speak one's mind (2) To voice one's thoughts plainly or bluntly. vius fopkjksa dks Li"V :i ls O;Dr djuk
430 Split one's sides (2) Be extremely amused cgqr [kq'k
431 Suit (one) to a 'T' (2) To look very good on your face psgjs dks vPNk fn[kkuk
432 Speak/talk of the The person we were just talking about showed up fdlh O;fDr dk ftØ djrs le; mlh
devil(4) O;fDr dk vk tkuk
433 Spick and span(20) Neat and clean LoPN vkSj lkiQ
434 Spill the beans (30) To reveal a secret information unintentionally dksbZ Hksn (jgL;) crk nsuk
435 Spread like wild fire (3) To Spread rapidly rsth ls iSQykuk@iQSyuk
436 Stab one in one's the To betray someone Ny djuk] /ks[kk nsuk
437 Start from scratch(3) To start entirely from the beginning 'kq#vkr ls 'kq: djuk
438 Start/set/get the ball To begin or start something fdlh izfØ;k dks 'kq: djuk
439 Steal someone's To get praise for doing something before someone tks dke djus dk lksp jgk gks mlls igys
thunder(5) gh oks dke dj nsuk
440 Steer clear of(4) Avoid someone or something because it is fdlh pht ls nwjh cukuk
dangerous for you
441 Stir up a hornet's Provoke trouble ,slk dke djuk tks ijs'kkuh [kM+h dj ns
442 Straight from the From the person directly concerned or involved lh/s rkSj ij lacaf/r
horse's mouth(6)
443 Strain every nerve(12) To try extremely hard to do something gj laHko iz;kl djuk
444 Strike while the iron To act promptly lgh le; ij lgh dke djuk
is hot(5)

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445 Take a rain check(3) To refuse an offer or invitation politely LohÑfr uk nsuk
446 Take a toll (2) To harm or damage Hkkjh uqdlku igq¡pkuk
447 Take heart (5) To gain courage or confidence fgEer tqVkuk
448 Take stock of (2) To assess a situation fdlh fLFkfr dk vkdyu djuk
449 Take something with a To believe only part of something/Doubt the truth 'kd ds lkFk ekuuk
pinch/grain of salt(12) or value of something
450 Take the bull by the To handle difficulties eqf'dyksa ls fuiVuk
451 Take to one's heels(9) To ran away Hkkx tkuk
452 Take to task To rebuke fuUnk djuk] xkyh nsuk
453 Talk chalk and (To express) difference between two different nks vyx oLRkq dh rqyuk djuk
cheese(2) things or people
454 Talking through his Talking nonsense csodwiQrk djuk
455 The best of both An advantageous situation from two different ,d le; esa nks vyx&vyx phtksa ls
worlds(5) things at a time ykHkizn fLFkfr (nksgjk ykHk)
456 The crux of the Critical/Main point of the issue/problem egRoiw.kZ fcan
457 The elephant in the A problem that people are avoiding ,d ,slk eqík ftl ij yksx ppkZ djus ls
room(6) drjk jgs gksaA
458 The gift of the gab(7) The ability to speak easily and confidently vPNk cksyus dk gquj
459 The last straw(8) The final problem in a series of problems that leL;kvksa dh ,d series esa vafre leL;k
makes the situation intolerable tks fLFkfr dks vlguh; cukrh gSA
460 The icing on the Something that makes a good situation even tks vPNh fLFkfr dks vkSj Hkh csgrj cuk
cake(2) better nsrk gS
461 The lion's share(6) The largest portion lcls cM+k Hkkx
462 The rank and file(2) Ordinary people vke yksx@lk/kj.k yksx
463 The pros and cons(5) Merits and demerits xq.k vkSj nks"k
464 The sword of An impending threat vkus okyk [krjk
465 The whole nine yards(4) The entirety of something fdlh pht dh laiw.kZrk
466 The whys and Reasons or explanation dkj.k ;k Li"Vhdj.k
467 Through thick and In good and bad times vPNs vkSj cqjs le; esa
468 Throw caution to the To do something without worrying about the risk tksf[ke mBkuk
469 Throw up the sponge(5) To surrender or give up the contest vkReleZi.k dj nsuk
470 Till the cows come For a long, long time yacs le; ds fy,
471 Tit for tat(2) Counter attack tokch geyk
472 To draw the line(3) (To have) to set a limit on something fdlh pht dh lhek fuèkkZfjr djuk
473 To Egg on(2) To encourage someone to do something izksRlkfgr djuk
474 To end in smoke(2) To not produce concrete or positive result dksbZ ifj.kke u fudyuk
475 Toffee-nosed(2) Pretentiously superior, one who thinks himself of dqyhurk dk fn[kkok dj vU; yksxksa ls
a high class and looks down on people of lower cnlywdh djus okyk vkneh
476 Turn over a new leaf (6) To begin again iqu% vkjaHk djuk
477 Twiddle one's To be idle oDr cckZn djuk
478 Twist someone's arm(4) To try to force someone to do something fdlh ds oqQN djus ds fy, etcwj djus
dh dksf'k'k djuk

17 English By Prashant Sir

Telegram-Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir Youtube-Rankers Gurukul
479 Under a/the cloud(12) In disgrace/under suspicion lansg ds ?ksjs esa
480 Under duress (2) Under pressure ncko esa
481 Under the nose (2) In full view of somebody Bhd lkeus
482 Under the weather (23) Feel sick vLoLFk] chekj gksuk
483 Up in arms (10) In rebellion fonzksg esa
484 Up to the mark (2) Up to the required standard vPNk@t:jr ds vuqlkj
485 Upset the apple cart(3) To cause trouble, to spoil someone's plans fdlh dh ;kstuk fcxkM+ dj eqlhcr [kM+h
486 Vanish into thin air(5) To disappear completely iwjh rjg ls xk;c gksuk
487 Walk on air (2) To be extremely happy cgqr [kq'k gksuk
488 Walk the tight rope (5) To be very cautious performing risky tasks cgqr lko/ku jguk
489 Wash your dirty linen To discuss private matters in front of others nwljs ds lkeus vius futh ekeys ij ppkZ
in public(2) djukA
490 Water under the Something from the past that isn't significant or chrh gqbZ dksbZ ckr tks ek;us ugha j[krh
bridge(5) important anymore
491 Wear your heart on To display one's emotions openly Hkkouk,¡ izdV djuk
your sleeve(10)
492 When it rains, it Problems seem to happen together ,d lkFk vusd leL;k dk vkxeu
493 When pigs fly(7) Something that is impossible ,d ,slk le; tks dHkh ugha vk,xk@
vlaHko fLFkfr
494 When the crunch At the moment of decision rqajr fu.kZ; ysuk
495 Where there is a will, If you are determined enough, you can find a vkRefo'okl dk gksuk
there is a way(2) way to achieve what you want
496 Whistled in the dark(2) Tried to keep up his confidence vkRefo'okl Mxexk tkuk
497 Win laurels(4) To achieve honours and glory lEeku vkSj xkSjo izkIr djuk
498 With open arms(6) Warmly [kqys fny ls
499 Worth his weight in Extremely valuable and useful mi;ksxh oLrq
500 Zero tolerance(2) A policy of not allowing any violations of a rule iw.kZ vlgu'khyrk dh uhfr
or law

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