CHEM 111 2018-S2 Test With Answers

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CHEM 111-S1 TEST MODEL APSWERS Monday, 10 September 2018 Family name (Print clearly): Given name: Student ID No: Signature: Instructions: Aer all questions This test paper is divided into two parts PART A contains 35 multiple-choice questions, which are answered by filling in the appropiate circle on the provided answer sheet IN PENCIL, Rough working ean be done on the back of the opposite sheet Each multiple-choice question is worth I mark, PART B contains three sections worth 40 mark in all. Answers are to be entered in the spaces provided (continue onthe back ofthe opposite sect if necessary). ‘Total marks: 75 Time allowed 90 minutes Note: Included asa separate sheet in accompaniment this paper are: 1. aperiodic table, and 2, asheet containing physical chemistry Formulae. For examiners’ use only: Question | Pata | BE Ba Bs | Total ae os) ee 5 |e 00/3) Page [2 BEFORE YOU ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS YOU MUST READ AND IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Step 1: Write your name and subject (CHEMI11) at the top right of the multi-choice answer sheet ‘Step 2: Read the instructions about filing in your answers ‘Step 3: Fillin your student ID number us both a column of digits and by fling circles, as instructed here. PART A, For each question, indicate your choice for the single correct answer by filling in the appropriate eirle on ‘the provided answer sheet Bach question is worth | matk AL, The gl. expeiment pero in Rhea confi he ‘lam png” modl fhe toms ied edcorery ofthe tone mks S)_ asthe bass for Thomson's mde! of he tom; 8) lade dove oft ecto 2. Which fthe flowing satements about an leon in an atom sincorre? GD tems ener ite noving in bit thas wave tne properties }) tteapanicte 8} sins eed by a mage it |A3._ A statement of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is that 2) itis impossible to know the postion ofa particle precisely b) itis impossible to know the momentum ofa particle precisely, @ itis impossible o simultaneously know both the positon and momentum ofa patce precisely; 1) scientists are uncertain of the existence of sub-atomic particles. 'AA, “Bach orbital can accommodate two electrons with opposite spins” i statement of @® the Pauli exclusion principle; 1). the de Broglie hypothesis; 2) Hind rales 4) the aufbau principle AS. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers isnot possible? % 4 4 m=0 matte AG, Which of the following isthe ground state electronic configuration of a nitrogen atom? a) 18826 2ph36 3p 1s 26 2p 3a 19226 2p° ) 1s 2p° A7. Which of the words below i use to describe the energy required to remove an electron from an atom to form a cation’? 4) clectronegativity ionisation enerays reduction potentials 4) setivation energy. AB. Which of the following comectly represents the process associated wi the lecuon afi of| phosphorus? » MH—P@+e » Pinte Pa Pag) ede AP O rote +P .A9, or which one ofthe fllowing molecules are resonance structures necessary to describe the bonding satisfactorily? ono peat Bro: onen Ao The sis of tte YSEPR modelo mlb i 1) reef eleton dens ine valence sel an stom vl aang hemes woasto muvee ove »)_ Mom ease te Dod tons mst ove fr bond fms © oe pn olen and bods of dots athe alte sel ofan om wll ange thenecies so arto mini th ter @ loepas electors and bond us of deconsin he alec sel oan tom wil arange emusic santo minse nea All, Whats th oxdton aunbe of he ntogen ton in NB? 0 Os 3 os ‘M12, Whatis te fal cargo the nope to inte following elton dt src? @ ba ows on A1B, Which ofthe following statements is incorrect forthe reaction Brs(aq) + 20(eq)—> 2Br (a) + 1(aq)? 4) Brisbeing reduced, »). Brais the oxidising agent 1 iste reaucing agent. Fis being reduced ‘Ad, fan element is oxidised during «redox process, which ofthe following statements is normecessarity correct? ‘The element has reacted with oxygen, | 5) The oxidation numberof the element has increase. ©) The element has lost electrons. 2) The element is acting asa reducing agent. AIS, Which ofthe following statements is eoprect forthe reaction 2CrO¢* (a) + 2H(aq) > 2C203* (aq) + HOW? ‘This isa redox reaction ‘The oxidation number of Crin both CxO4™ and C07 is 6. ©) HT isthe oxidising agent, | 8) The oxidation number of H*is 0, 6, Which fhe lowing ian expression of Boyle's lw? aPav par @rxw opavr [AUT Which ofthe following i valid expression forthe idea as av? | AAIB, Acconding tothe kinetic theory of gases, pressure canbe determined by considering: 8). the number of gas molecules; b)_ the speed of gas molecules; 12) the masses of the gas molecules; ‘momentum change upon collisions of gas molecules wit the walls of the container tolding them, [A19, According tothe kinetic theory of gases, inreasing the amount of gas ina balloon causes an initial 8) in volume, followed by a decrease in pressure, with no final volume change: in pressure, followed by a decrease in volume, with no final pressure change; in pressure, followed by an increase in volume, with no final pressure change; 1) in volume, followed by an increase in pressure, with no final volume change, |A20, Which ofthe following has the highest boiling point? a) He Xe @ Kr 0 tsa tobe sevotiemis: — @gnothemics —exermnics ends. 132, Ataparelartempratre, Mf =2 1) mol ee 28-» 2nd A= 81 moor 2M, What ‘Ste luc of hd KS a fork FL M atte sam pera? 0 ys Os ato 133, Aas bons 50 oat whi a he sane ine tere is20Jo work a eu sve ¢afandng What iste cangein nr eer othe as 3-70 30 O-0 0x0 ‘A, The molar heat eapacity at constant pressure of H:O(g) at 25 °Cis 38.6 J mot" KInunts of 4g" K, what is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure of HaO(4) at 25 °C? @'s1 baa 9233 336 A3S. For which ofthe following would you normally use a constant pressure colorimeter? 8) Determination ofthe enthalpy change of a melting process. 'b) Determination ofthe enthalpy change ofa dissolution process, Determination ofthe enthalpy change ofan acid-base reaction, Allo the above, ‘TURN OVER FOR PART B Page |8 Page |9 PARTB Answers are tobe entered in the spaces provided (continue on the back ofthe apposite sheet i necessary) ‘Question BI (15 marks) @ scan have the principal quantum numbern=3? "= J (mark) 82 | my =O > Sobel 110-1 > potted: Y obi Bee eats dl orbifele “2 160 ® in (a) how many canbe clasified a cand? mark) ae BS 25 £O (2) Onte axes given below ketch the shapes or “boundary src’ dngrams) of (mark) (the 35 orbital (the 3 orbital 0 1,2 plont Page [10 Page| Tae] 30° 30° t ull sve mat? (8). The graph above shows the first ionisation energies for elements 1-20. Explain why He, Ne and Ar have th hes ergs espsive pods? Gimarks) Lech of thy Elennje Inve ecquicel a full wlerce che / elo cei ‘elecfrove corfig > very tfuble em ce fo remore € froma the o skd more enrey eg CG. (©) Draw the Lewis dot strutue fr the [XeF” cation, and select from the possibilities below the numberof single bonds, duble bonds and Tone pairs (Circle your answer.) @marks) Wo dss G4 116 Ke has 8 vederce 7, edlery wif I each prom eect Foofom gives €, bubprat i re chee =) 1267 around Xe > Shere pair + 1 doe pate. 2 sbp,odb, lb hep: (Use VSEPR theory to esabish the mos ikely geometry fr [Xe marks) Draw a diagram that clay ilustrates the geometry of [XePs. E (i) Whatis the name ofthis shape? Sgvare / grandad (fronts U ¢d Page |I2 Page [33 (marks) (© For lowing unladen iis Kones 44 MnO«(aq) + rea) aa Soa) + Fea) (Wie lances jn-letn al equstion fr the redueton proces = t . 4 Bay MnO iy) + SRyyy + Se 2 Miva) + 410 63 <0 > <2] wie nbtton etn afequton e e ndaton pros 5 - . g ZV 2 Liw +% a 9 Wetea balanced over equation fo the ex ecto, > AMa0; + lop! + joe” —2 ZMnrt + SHO ee py —> SE + jor ® ZMMndy lay) + Hag) 1° Heagy —P? 2 fn’ ogy tHE 1 STG (Gv) 16,42 ml. of 0.1327 mol L-1 MnO solution is needed to titate aginst 20.00 mi of an aqueous iodide Taq) solution. What s the conceatration ofthe aqueous iodide solution? From (it) we knoe 5 poor Lereles Moy” recaps ih po cet aracy = 4 (dmg) = 07 1527 X © + OME = 2199 x 10S webs /o nr) => x 2174 yw? = 020109 moles > CL = oo oor = 0-545 mol L7 Page [14 Page [1S Question B2 (10 marks) tne water's surface, where the temperature is @5 "Cand the prssdreys (0 atm.) Caleite he final Soman es Dene i (2 marks) n=. R= b-4 afm , - Br mb >AiM ~ ay Tr 8% Vee Pp KO cafe * i a } ye ? Ty = sre - } =" ©) ons pa 0) soe ve dermpatian otc s = tolled over water as depicted inthe figure. The volume of the 1 ‘riled Onat 24°C and a presse of LOT6 ba is 128m. The peste of water vapour at 4° i 029 ba pe onagh. (0) Caleuate the patil prestre of the > gas collected. ima) Dlfols Lodi Fee Py t Py 2 Pye Pr~Pay = fore - 0-024 0-987 bac marks) i) Caleuate the mass of O» gas cllected. Pv=0 RT = RT = O°987 x 0-128 X 32.00 0-084 xX RaF Mo, el 32:00 ayfnol T= 247K R = 0:0834)| L bar mel P= 0198? bar Page [16 BOK Page [17 ee ee ee go ‘density is 7.66 gL" at 36 °C and 2.88 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the ‘determine ts molecular formula. (marks) Fon fre dengfy we know freer are Fr66q iq 1h D> nunbr ff oe) aan be calewtafed ly 4y agen, fhe J deol gos quohiw- ne PV RT eS 2:86 ber | X pooh e854 L bar moll! x BO7K = 0-2 rl. S metenlar mass 16 giver by a M= a = 7-665 MeL) = 36 Kobi O12] meh ms) = (00 sha = 68°32 4 /rool Clo, 7? M = 30:65 t(tewoxr) _ = OF-S5 /wol ny oper Com bunopp ons give wrong A, a oO Page [18 Page [12 ‘Question BS (15 marks) Below isa table of thermodynamic data for ethanol, which evaporates (C2H1,OH() ~> C3HsOH(@)) at 351.6 K (784°C) under standard atmospheric presse. In the table all symbols have their usual meanings. Substance | — Gua OK mot Ady (ad mo") CoHOR(S) us a7 CHLOHO, 1124 ama CLOW) 783 2353 (@) Calla the standard molar enthalpy change for evaporation of C3HsOH at 298K, (2 marks) Balan = dP ay(C3HSOH() AeFPan(CHOHO) 235.3 kd mol! 277.4 KI mol! = 42S mor () Caleulate the standard molar internal energy change for evaporation of G11,0H at 298K. marks) For CHOH() ~ CANON), Arg Using AH = AU+ RT Mtg! Bgl? Srl seCOXE))~ RT Arg =-H4.1 J mot! —0.008314 Kd K" mot! «298 K x (©) Caleulate the standard molar enthalpy change for evaporation of CH-O1 at 784°C. marks) For CsH,OH() > CaHsOH(g), ACn = CyaCsHOH(Q) ~ Cy HOH(D) =-34.1 IK mot! Using Kirehhot?'s la Balas. = 42.1 KI mot! + 0.0381 KI K" mob) (453.4 K) = +403 I mot eal? a3 + BCpm (351.6 K 298.2 K) Page |13 (@)__Woite down the reaction for which di(CoHsOH(@)) is the enthalpy change @marts) 2C{graphite) + 40x(e) + 3H(a) > CsHOH(e) (©) Name the type of instrument used for determining Ay?(CHOH(e)) (1marky [A constant-volume calorimeter (aka bomb calorimeter) is used, NB. A constant-pressure calorimeter anno be used for a eaction involving gases, such in, asthe ses need to be contained! NB. Ang, =~2.5 #0 forthe reaction of (2, hence A*(C:HsOH(g) needs to obtained from {A(CaH,O8)), 8 yielded by a bomb calorimeter, via the methodology of (b). (What type of (thermodynamic) system docs this instrument in (e approximate? (mar) approximates an slated system, (2) Fstimate the molar heat capacity at constant volume, Cm of gaseous ethanol, CH OH). @ marks) Assuming C:H1,0H to bean ideal (i, perfect) gus: 83 8.314) 1K" mol! = 70.05 K" mot" NB. Cum Chin +R for an idea! gas is a result from lectures. (8) Bstimate the molar eat capacity at constant volume, Cy of liquid ethanol, HOT. (L mark) Cin Cyn fo ligula solids), hone Cf CHsOHA)~ 11243 * mor! [NB. Thisis als a result from lectures END OF PAPER

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