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Analysis and Design of Optional Extradosed Double Deck

Girder Bridge for Abay River bridge

Elias Fekadu


January 24, 2024

A Project submitted to the School of Research and Graduate
Studies of Bahir Dar

Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of science in Structural engineering in faculty of civil and

water resources engineering.

Advisor Name: Mr. Alemayehu Golla (M.Sc)

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

January 24, 2024

Page i

I, the undersigned, declare that the Project comprises my own work. In compliance with
internationally accepted practices, I have acknowledged and refereed all materials used in this
work. I understand that non-adherence to the principles of academic honesty and integrity,
misrepresentation/ fabrication of any idea/data/fact/source will constitute sufficient ground for
disciplinary action by the University and can also evoke penal action from the sources which
have not been properly cited or acknowledged.

Name of the student: Elias Fekadu

Signature _____________
Date of submission: _21/07/20
Place: Bahir Dar

This Project has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.

Advisor Name: _________________________________

Advisor‘s Signature: ______________________________

Page ii

The work presented in this Project has been carried out at the Department of Civil Engineering,
Bahir-dar University Institute of technology.
My deepest gratitude and thank go to Mr. Alemayehu Gola (advisor of the Project) for
inspiring me to do the project on this fascinating topic and advising me on works.
My greatest appreciation is to the staff of Digital & Electronics Library, AAiT and Google , for
kindly updated with latest, relevant and valuable books and journals.
I would like to express my warmest gratitude to my colleagues for their support with sharing
materials and ideas during the preparation of this Project work.
At last and most, my deeper gratitude extends to Mr. Daniel and other work colleagues for
allowing me to work with enough time and motivation.

Page iii

With the aim of developing combined highway and Railway crossing over Abay river, which
enables its connections with the South city Part called Abay Mado, this proposed bridge over
the River was designed. whose sought to integrate elegance and efficiency rather than super
imposed one on the other on the same single lane.
With a current population of 300,000 and Continuous rising, Bahir-dar will become one of
the largest cities in Ethiopia and in Africa also. Its two metropolitan (In the near future) Abay-
mado and other city area is bisected by Major River called Abay River, in recent years,
because of the rising population growth and urbanization, proposing of additional bridge over
existing Girder bridge is required and there, proposed construction of new bridge.
Despite the effort made to relieve congestion by building a new bridge, the rapid growth of
the City will continue to outpace transportation planners’ traffic projections and the existing
bridge is not sufficient to handle the ever-increasing traffic. In response to this problem, the
city is planning to build about 380 m of transit tracks to reduce pressure on city roads, but in
addition to erecting another bridge in the future during a demand of rapid transit and flow
without conflicting with vehicular and pedestrian traffic, for modern traffic distribution nature
it is better to consider a bridge with train crossing.
This combined highway and railway bridge which is, Extradosed Double deck box girder
bridge draws half of its support to be from box girders and half from a cable stayed system
that can rely on shorter towers, the bridge uses a box cross section where the box girder is
trussed in the elevation. The box girder is 8 m high and 7.2 m clear inside width according to
AREMA clearance requirement, pedestrian walkway cantilevered from the top of box girder
making the top deck width of 21m.
This bridge will be the Second Crossing of Abay River in bahir dar with a total length of 380
So, in this project work, design of double deck partially cable stayed with the need of future
train crossing consideration for the increasing need of transportation for population and
commodity for the countries on the way to Gondor and Debretabor is made.
This bridge will have four lanes of highway traffic as well as pedestrian path on their upper
deck and it will carry single track of rail transit on their lower deck.

Page iv
The girders are steel truss structures with orthotropic plates and the towers are made of
Table of Contents

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................... iii
List of Symbols .................................................................................................................................. viii
List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ ix
List of Table ......................................................................................................................................... xi
List of figures ...................................................................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective ......................................................................................................................................... 4
General Objective ................................................................................................................................. 4
Specific objective .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Literature Review.................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Definition....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 General characteristics of a cable-stayed bridge ........................................................................... 6
2.3 Main Components of partially Cable Stayed Girder Bridge, ........................................................ 6
Deck:.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Truss girder; ................................................................................................................................... 6
Pylon; ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Cables: ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Cables arrangement ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Optimum design formulation of cable stayed bridge .................................................................... 9
2.5 Types of Bridges for Railway ......................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 Spacing Of Trusses, Girders, And Stringers (1995) R(2008)............................................. 10
2.5.2 Deflection (2001)1 R (2010) .............................................................................................. 10
2.5.3 Clearances (1995)1 R (2008).............................................................................................. 11
2.6 Bridge Type Selection................................................................................................................... 11
2.7 Loads on Bridge ............................................................................................................................ 16

Page v
2.7.1 Permanent loads ....................................................................................................................... 16
Highway bridges .......................................................................................................................... 16
Railway bridges ........................................................................................................................... 16
2.7.2 Live Load (1995)1 R (2008) .................................................................................................... 17
Highway bridges .......................................................................................................................... 17
Railway bridges ........................................................................................................................... 19
Distribution Of Live Load (1993)1 R(2008) ..................................................................................... 20
Ballasted Deck Structures............................................................................................................ 20
2.7.3 Dynamic loads .......................................................................................................................... 21
Highway Bridge [1] ................................................................................................................. 21
Rail way bridges .......................................................................................................................... 21
2.7.4 Braking Force: BR.................................................................................................................... 23
High Way Bridge ......................................................................................................................... 23
Railway bridges; .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.7.5 Wind forces on bridges............................................................................................................. 24
Highway Bridge ........................................................................................................................... 24
Wind Pressure on Structures........................................................................................................ 25
Wind Pressure on Vehicles:. ........................................................................................................ 25
Vertical Wind Pressure (effect of overturning) ........................................................................... 26
Railway Bridge ............................................................................................................................ 26
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Load Combinations ............................................................................................................................. 28
Highway bridges................................................................................................................................ 28
Load Factors and Load Combinations ......................................................................................... 28
Service Limit State ...................................................................................................................... 28
Fatigue and Fracture Limit State ................................................................................................. 28
Strength Limit state. .................................................................................................................... 29
Extreme Event Limit State .......................................................................................................... 29
Railway Bridge .................................................................................................................................. 30
Load combinations for steel bridges ................................................................................................. 30
High way Loadings input for the software ........................................................................................ 31
Dead load ................................................................................................................................. 31
Rail way Loadings input for the software ......................................................................................... 32
Dead load ................................................................................................................................. 32
Live load .................................................................................................................................. 32

Page vi
Impact load ........................................................................................................................... 33
Rocking effect (ch.15, 1.3.5 d) ............................................................................................. 33
Check for fatigue...................................................................................................................... 35
Applicable load combinations ..................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Analysis and Design Section .............................................................................................................. 38
4.1 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................. 38
Bridge Layout .............................................................................................................................. 38
Bridge Components ..................................................................................................................... 39
Pylon ........................................................................................................................................ 41
Deck ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Cables....................................................................................................................................... 44
Lateral Beams .......................................................................................................................... 44
4.2 Modeling Steps (Using SAP 2000 V. 20 Bridge Program) ......................................................... 45
After using cables with pre-tension force .................................................................................... 47
Deflection Limits ..................................................................................................................... 56
Final Design of cable:........................................................................................................................ 57
Design of pylon: ................................................................................................................................ 58
Design of composite section top Flange........................................................................................... 70
Recommendation for Better Results: ................................................................................................ 75
Reference ............................................................................................................................................ 76

Page vii
List of Symbols

Symbols Descriptions
A Detail category constant, cross-section area, axle load
As Area of steel
A The length of uniform deceleration(highway bridge braking force)
be Exterior effective width of composite section
bf Flange width
bt Width of tension flange
D Web depth, Degree of curve (Degrees based on 30 m chord)
Dcp depth of the web in compression at the plastic moment
DT Total depth of the composite section
do Transverse stiffener spacing (mm)
d Effective slab depth
E Modulus of elasticity of steel (MPa)
Distance between the centers of gravity of the basic beam and deck
W Wheel load
Ф Bar diameter, Resistance factors
Φf Resistance factor for flexure
Φv Resistance factor for shear
ηi Load modifier
ηD Ductility load modifier
ηR Redundancy load modifier

ηI operational importance load modifier

γi load factors
γp load Factors for Permanent Loads
γ EQ The load factor for live load in Extreme Event Load Combination I
γ TG The load factor for temperature gradient,
γ SE The load factor for settlement
Δ Vertical deflection
(ΔF) n Nominal fatigue resistance (MPa)

Page viii
Highway bridge load designations

BR Vehicular braking force

CE Vehicular centrifugal force
CR Creep
CT Vehicular collision force
EQ Earthquake
FR Friction
IM Vehicular Dynamic Load Allowance
LL Vehicular Live Load
LS Live Load Surcharge
WL Wind on Live Load
WS Wind Load on Structure

List of abbreviations
AREMA = American Railway Engineering Maintenance of Way Association.
DL = Dead load.
EBCS = Ethiopian building code standard.
LL = Live load.
LRT= Light rail transit.
PSC = Pre-stressed concrete.
RC = Reinforced concrete.
SDL= Superimposed dead load.
ULS = Ultimate limits state.
ACI = American concrete institute.

Page ix
Railway bridge notations

A Axle load
AS Area of steel reinforcement
Aw Area of web
A The transverse beam span(railway bridge load distribution )
c Distance from extreme fiber to neutral axis, (mm)
Ffat Allowable fatigue stress
Fy Specified yield strength of reinforcement, (MPa)

Tensile stress in reinforcement at service loads, (MPa).
ff Stress range in steel reinforcement, (MPa).
fV Shear stress
fr Modulus of rupture of concrete, (MPa).
f‘c Specified compressive strength of concrete, (MPa)

Extreme fiber compressive stress in concrete at service loads, (MPa), allowable service load Extrem
fc stress in compression fc = 0.40 f ‗c
Total maximum stress on cross-section

Railway bridge load designation

D DL Dead Load
L LL Live Load
I Impact
CF Centrifugal Force
EQ Earthquake (Seismic)
E Earth Pressure
SF Stream Flow Pressure
W Wind Load on Structure (can be and on train)
WL Wind Load on Live Load
LF Longitudinal Force from Live Load
N Lateral forces from equipment (noising)
LV ―Notional‖ lateral vibration load
LLT Live load that creates a total stress increase of 33% over design stress

Page x
List of Table

Table 1 Unit Weights for Dead Load Stresses ................................................................................................. 17

Table 2 dynamic load allowance (IM) [1] ....................................................................................................... 21
Table 3 Transverse Wind Pressure on Structures ............................................................................................ 25
Table 4 Transverse Wind Pressure on Structures with Skew angle .............................................. 25
Table 5 Load factor for various load combination .......................................................................................... 30
Table 6 load combination for steel railway bridge Super structure design ...................................................... 31
Table 7 Loads on Girders ................................................................................................................................ 35
Table 8 Table for Live loads Determination with corresponding Span length ................................................ 36
Table 9 Applicable load combinations ............................................................................................................ 37
Table 10 Mid Span Deflection Sap Output ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11 Mid span Deflection after pre tension Force..................................................................................... 50
Table 12 Cable Design Forces and Proposed Diameters .............................................................................. 57

Page xi
List of figures

Figure 0.1.1 Proposed Bridge site .................................................................................................................. 3

Figure 0.1.3 Cables arrangement classification of Cable stayed Bridge ............................................................ 8
Figure 0.2 General Layout of Main Bridge, Super Structure and Truss Girder .................................... 14
Figure 0.3 3D Visualization of Main Bridge ................................................................................................... 15
Figure 0.1 Cross Section of Train Way .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 0.1 The section detail of top and bottom section of pylon. ................................................................... 41
Figure 0.2 Pylon and Support Mechanism ...................................................................................................... 42

Page xii
Chapter 1

With a current population of 300,000 and Continuous rapid rising, Bahir-dar will become one of the
largest cities in Ethiopia and in Africa also. Its two metropolitan (In the near future) Abaymado and
other city area will bisect by Major River called Abay River, and It is the main way of transport for
Bahirdar to Gondor and other big City of the country. In recent years, because of the rising
population growth and urbanization, Additional bridge beside the existing Girder bridge is required
and there, proposed construction of new bridge. Despite the effort made to relieve congestion by
building a new bridge, the rapid growth of the Country will continue to outpace transportation
planners‘ traffic projection and the existing bridge is not sufficient to handle the ever-increasing
traffic for population and imported commercial commodity.

In response to this problem, the city is planning to build about 380 m of transit tracks to reduce
pressure on the city road, but in addition to erecting another bridge in the future during a need of
extra bridge and train crossing, it is better to consider a bridge with Train crossing. So, in this project
work the need of future train crossing bridge is considered for the increasing need of transportation
for population and Commodity to Bahir-dar - Gondor Road.
This Double deck exradosed Bridge is designed as a Steel Girder Cable stayed bridge with a center
span of 180 m and two side spans measuring 100 m (Figure 4). The main girder (Figure 5) is designed
as a steel truss structure with double decks. The upper and lower decks each accommodate four lanes
of highway traffic as well as pedestrian path on their upper deck and it will carry Rail transit on the
lower deck. The girders are steel truss structures with orthotropic plates and the towers are made of


Page 2
Figure 0.1.1 Proposed Bridge site

1.2 Problem Statement

Despite the effort made to relieve congestion by building a new bridge, the rapid growth of
Bahir-dar City and other connected cities on the main Road, the traffic consideration will continue to
outpace transportation planners‘ traffic projections and the existing bridges are not sufficient to handle
the ever-increasing traffic.
In response to this problem, the city is planning to build about 380 m of transit tracks to reduce
pressure on the city roads, but in addition to erecting another Train crossing bridge in the future train
crossing demand, it is better to consider a bridge with Train crossing.
In the future the ever increasing traffic and more safe way of transportation demand, and also the
increase of commodity supplies on this main road from Addis to Bahirdar, Gondor and Debretabor, the
need of road way train is crucial.
Taking this in mind, surrounding nature of the current bridge construction location, is the only right
place for construction of both truck and train crossing, because of, on one hand, urbanization and
topographic nature of the surrounding and on the other hand, the future railway crossing should be in
combination with the highway alignment for sake of easy functionality.
This combinelly designed highway and railway bridge helps in reducing the cost of construction for
the future train crossing construction and easy combined construction on elegance and functionality.
Consideration of combined highway and railway crossing reduces cost of construction, mobilization of
constructors for construction of new bridge, the need of extra right of way for constructing and
mobilizing separately and construction on other place requires extra land access to the bridge.
So, in this project work the need of future train crossing bridge is considered and proposed to be
designed and constructed combinelly.

Page 3
1.3 Objective
General Objective
The general objective of this project is Design of optional crossing over Abay Bridge with enough
current and future traffic consideration and rail line consideration.

Specific objective
To give a clue of cable stayed bridges and Partially Cable stayed Girder Bridge concepts,
To assess the point of consideration to state the bridge type.
double deck Extradosed Girder Bridge Modeling, Design and analysis,
Designs of structural Components of the bridge, i.e. Cables, Steel Girders, Pylon and other.

1.4 Methodology
The methodologies carried out for this project work started with Reviewing of different journals from
Internet, AA electronic library, and some bridge and highway design references that has been accessed
on internet, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ASHTO, American
Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association AREMA and many others, After critical
assessments of proper bridge type and parameters, trial section components setting out and modeling
has been made on SAP V. 19.

Dead load components of both highway and rail way bridge is automatically considered except parts
of the super structure like guard and curbstones which has been defined manually.

Live load components have been defined automatically based on ASHTO and AREMA load and
combination recommendations for both highway and railways respectively.

After definition of material properties, section properties, loading properties and combinations, the
modeling has been run for analysis only with dead load, the deflection requirement has been checked,
parts of sections that are not adequate to support the dead components has been enhanced in property
for stiffness.

The model is set to consider the staged construction process in cantilevering of each 10m deck
components in both the right and left parts of the pylon at a time, so, at this part the initial stressing
force that has to be installed on the cable has been obtained on trial and Error.

Page 4
Finally, after installation of all components, analysis and Design, the sections that are not adequate for
supporting the applied load are modified and the sections that are over considered and thought to be un
economical has been set to be economical and the sections approved after many trial and Error in
analysis, design, section modification, considerations and estimation to make deflection and other
design requirements in workable estimation. section check design feature of the software is used.

This project basically focused on developing analysis and design of combined highway and railway
crossing over abay river with span length of 380 m, which have double decked feature with both girder
action of the steel and cable stayed action load resisting mechanism. Called Double deck Extradosed
girder bridge.

The Scope of this project has been limited to give General Design of Double deck Cable stayed steel
girder bridge, and it is only limited to obtaining reaction load and stress‘s on the bridge components,
design of sections, i.e. truss girder section, composite deck section, pylon, cable requirements.

It didn‘t consider design of connections, Earth quake consideration, design of foundation requirement,
design of staged construction for cable stayed bridge, the preferred cable type selection, optimum
structural components design, and cable anchor mechanism.

Page 5
Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.1 Definition
The cable-stayed bridges consist a deck (superstructure) supported by straight and inclined cables
which are connected to one or two towers. So the structural system is composed by these three main
elements: the deck and the stiffening girder, the cables and the towers. In general, the design of these
elements is closely related to the other so we will detail it and how they relate to each other.

2.2 General characteristics of a cable-stayed bridge

The following figure shows the different parts of which comprises a cable - stayed bridge.

Thus, the general characteristics of a suspension bridge are 1:

 The length of a side span comes about 30-40 % of the main span.
 Cables formed from high strength steel wires with certain flexibility supporting the
whole structure.
 Two towers, which can be made by metal or reinforced concrete, situated between the
central span and the two lateral spans providing a support to the cables. Optimizations
indicate that towers heights are about 1/5 of the main span.

2.3 Main Components of partially Cable Stayed Girder Bridge,

Deck: The deck or road bed is the roadway surface of a cable-stayed bridge. The deck can be made of
different materials such as steel, concrete or composite steel-concrete. The choice of material for the
bridge deck determines the overall cost of the construction of cable stayed bridges. The weight of the
deck has significant impact on the required stay cables, pylons, and foundation.
Truss girder; the main girder, with a height of 8 m, is composed of two longitudinal trusses, upper
lateral bracing, lower lateral bracing, and crossbeams. To meet the headroom requirement of the lower
deck, lateral diagonal struts between the trusses were not allowed. Therefore, the crossbeams and
vertical members were designed to be rigid enough to satisfy the stability requirements.
The upper and lower deck systems are connected with the Diagonal truss member.
Pylon; Pylons of cable stayed bridges are aimed to support the weight and live load acting on the
structure. There are several different shapes of pylons for cable stayed bridges such as Trapezoidal

Page 6
pylon, Twin pylon, A-frame pylon, and Single pylon. They are chosen based on the structure of the
cable stayed bridge (for different cable arrangements), aesthetics, length, and other environmental

The first cable-stayed bridges used are steel towers. Since, towers are mainly loaded by
compression, concrete towers are more economical, therefore, concrete towers are mainly used
today. bad foundation conditions would require very long piles so in order to decrease the dead
weight of tower lighter steel towers are used in some bad foundation condition scenarios.

Cables: Cables are one of the main parts of a cable-stayed bridge. They transfer the dead weight of the
deck to the pylons. These cables are usually post- tensioned based on the weight of the deck. The cables
post-tensioned forces are selected in a way to minimize both the vertical deflection of the deck and
lateral deflection of the pylons. There are four major types of stay cables including, parallel-bar,
parallel-wire, standard, and locked- coil cables. The choice of these cables depends mainly on the
mechanical Properties, structural properties and economic criteria.

Cables arrangement

We will classify cable-stayed bridges according to the cable disposition in the longitudinal and
transversal direction. As it happens in suspension bridges the economical factor will be very important
so we don‘t have to be careful only with the design of the cables in terms of structural performance.
Thus, our layout will pretend to cover all the requirements (site conditions, aesthetic appearance…)
with the best possible design.
Harp system: The cables are parallel to each other and are connected to the tower at different heights
making the aesthetic of this kind of configuration very pleasant. However, with this system the towers
should be higher and have more inclination, which increases the stiffness of the system. Therefore, the
compression in the girder is very high and in terms of safety, this system is less efficient than the fan
arrangement because the inclination of the cables is less pronounced.
Semi-harp system: This system works almost as the fan configuration where all the cables are
connected to the tower at convenient distances without being parallel. We achieve the maximum
inclination of the cables rising then the maximum vertical force and consequently reducing the amount
of material required in the girder.
Fan system: the cables are anchored at the top of the towers, from the same point, which involves
problems in the details of the anchorages because of the cable congestion and therefore in the
construction and maintenance process which turns out to be complicated.
In the transversal direction we will classify them according to the plane where the cables are disposed:

Page 7
single central plane system, two lateral plane system and three plane system.

Figure 2.3.1 Cables arrangement classification of Cable stayed Bridge

- Single central plane system: This type of system has only one vertical plane of stay cables along the
middle longitudinal axis of the superstructure thus the space is used by the traffic. However the
torsional forces are very significant in this layout conditioning the design of the girder and in this case
his stiffness.
- Two lateral plane system: This arrangement has two planes situated in the lateral borders of the
bridge and depending on the shape of the tower the layout can be vertical or inclined.
- Three plane system: This last layout is a combination of the two previous models. On the one hand
we will achieve higher stiffness but on the other hand the economic cost of construction will be higher


Page 8
Figure 2.3.2 Single lateral plane system, two lateral plane system and three plane system
Longitudinal Cable arrangement of cable stayed bridge

2.4 Optimum design formulation of cable stayed bridge

2.4.1 Design variables

The design parameters that affect the optimum design cost of cable-stayed bridges are considered as
design variables in the proposed numerical design model. The vector of design variables x includes
the number of stay cables, geometric configuration, and cross-sectional dimensions of bridge
elements. Those are

1. Number of stay cables in each single group (N).

2. Diameter of each stay cable (Di), where i is the stay cable number.
3. Main span length (M), which is varied by changing a dimensionless parameter
(1 = M/L), where L is the total length of the bridge.
4. Pylon section depth, width, and thickness of the pylon cross section, (HP), (BP),
and (tP), respectively.
5. Thickness of the concrete deck slab (ts),
6. Height of the two steel main girders (HG),

2.5 Types of Bridges and requirements for Railway

According to AREMA 2010, for Rail way bridge with their corresponding span length‘s has
been defined on Ch.15.1.2

a) The preferred types of bridges are as follows:

i. Rolled or welded beams for spans of 50 feet (15.24 m) or less.
ii. Bolted or welded plate girders for spans over 50 feet (15.24 m) to 150 feet (45.72 m).
iii. Bolted or welded trusses for spans over 150 feet (45.72m).

Page 9
b) Pin connected trusses may be used for unusual conditions, but special provisions applicable
to their design and construction shall be prepared and furnished by the Engineer.

So, bolted trusses has been preferred for this Design of partially Cable stayed double deck steel
girder bridge over Abay river with span length of 100 m.

2.5.1 Spacing of Trusses, Girders, And Stringers (1995) R (2008)

a. The distance between centers of outside trusses or girders shall be sufficient to prevent
overturning by the specified lateral loads. In no case shall it be less than 1/20 of the span for
through spans, nor 1/15 of the span for deck spans.
b. Where the track is supported by a pair of deck girders or stringers, the distance center to center
shall be not less than 6-6. If multiple girders or stringers are used, they shall be arranged as
nearly as possible to distribute the track load uniformly to all members.

2.5.2 Deflection (2001)1 R (2010)

a) The deflection of the structure shall be computed for the live loading plus impact loading condition
producing the maximum bending moment at mid-span for simple spans. The computation of
component stiffness shall be based on the following assumed behavior:
• For flexural members use the gross moment of inertia.
• For truss members without perforated cover plates use the gross area.
• For truss members with perforated cover plates use the effective area.
The effective area shall be the gross area reduced by the area determined by dividing the volume of
a perforation by the distance center to center of perforations.
b) The structure shall be so designed that the computed deflection shall not exceed 1/640 of the span
length center to center of bearings for simple spans.
c) Lateral deflection of spans shall be limited to 3/8 inch (10 mm) for tangent track as measured on a
62 foot (19 meter) chord. On curved track, lateral deflection shall be limited to 1/4 inch (6 mm) as
measured on a 31 foot (9.5 meter) chord. Allowable lateral deflection for spans shall be calculated
based on these limits taken in squared proportion to the span length under consideration.
The lateral deflection calculated is to be the maximum lateral deflection at track level due to all
applicable lateral forces and loads specified in Section 1.3 excepting those due to earthquake
(seismic) or wind on unloaded bridges. The maximum lateral deflection at track level shall be
referenced to the point on a vertical plane below which lateral deflection is restrained (i.e. base of
structure, span bearings, bottom flange of girder; depending on the lateral deflection being

Page 10
2.5.3 Clearances (1995)1 R (2008)

a) The clearances on straight track shall be not less than those shown in Figure 15-1-1. On curved
track, the lateral clearance each side of track centerline shall be increased 1-1/2 inches per
degree of curvature. When the fixed obstruction is on tangent track, but the track is curved
within 80 feet of the obstruction, the lateral clearance each side of track centerline shall be
increased as shown in Table 15-1-4.
b) Where legal requirements specify greater clearances, such requirements shall govern.
c) The super elevation of the outer rail shall be specified by the Engineer. The distance from the
top of rail to the top of tie shall be assumed as 8 inches, unless otherwise specified by the
d) Where there are plans for electrification, the minimum vertical clearance shall be increased to

that specified in Chapter 28, Clearances.

Figure 2.5.3 Minimum Railway Bridge Clearances in feet.

2.6 Bridge Type Selection

Navigational requirements and local geology demanded main span lengths of 380m. In addition, the
bridge girder had to be at least 8 m deep to accommodate transit rail tracks on its lower deck. Such a
deep girder has to be a truss for two reasons:

 To offer transit passengers a more open view of the area,

Page 11
 To increase the transparency of the bridges.

Why Cable stayed selected? This kind of bridge is selected because of the surrounding nature of
proposed bridge site and span length requirement.

Why Double deck is preferred? Why not Simple span together with the train crossing?

 Foundation condition (requirement), despite the cost of steel, the member and joint action of
truss members of box girders, box girder mechanism of the bridge decreases the amount of load
transmitted to the foundation.
 Load distribution and construction mechanism, a cantilever method construction is assumed to
be applied, and hence we require a high strength material.
 Aesthetically The rail and truck together on the same single deck demands too long pylons with
too short span and too wide section, which is not interesting. The tower shape of a double-deck
bridge is better than that of a single-deck bridge. Thus, the double-deck cable stayed box girder
bridge is preferred.

Why partially cable-stayed Girder bridge?

The position of cable-stayed bridges within all bridge systems, their spans range between continuous
girders and arch bridges with shorter spans at one end, and suspension bridges with longer spans at the
The economic main span range of cable-stayed bridges thus lies between 100m with one tower and
1100m with two towers. A typical cable stayed bridge is a deck with one or two pylons erected above
the piers in the middle of the span. The cables are attached diagonally to the girder to provide additional
supports. Large amounts of compression forces are transferred from the deck to the cables to the pylons
and into the foundation. Cable stayed-bridges have a low center of gravity, which makes them efficient
in resisting earthquakes. Cables are extremely well suited for axial tension, however are weak against
compression and bending forces. As a result, long span cable stayed bridges, though strong under
normal traffic loads, are vulnerable to the forces of winds. Special measures are taken to assure that the
bridge does not vibrate or sway under heavy winds. Because the only part of the structure that extends
above the road is the towers and cables, cable stayed bridges have a simple and elegant look.
Advantages of partial cable-stayed Girder bridges:
First of all, the bending moments are greatly reduced by the load transfer of the stay cables and truss
action of the girder, by installing the stay cables with their predetermined precise lengths the support
conditions for a beam rigidly supported at the cable anchor points can be achieved and thus the
moments from permanent loads are minimized.

Page 12
Even for live loads the bending moments of the beam elastically supported by the stay cables remain
Large compression forces in the beam are caused by the horizontal components of the inclined stay
cables. The normal forces in the main and side span equal one another so that only uplift forces have to
be anchored in the abutments which act as hold-down piers.

A second important advantage of cable-stayed bridges is their ease of construction; -

Arch bridges with large spans are not stable during erection until, the arch is closed and the horizontal
support forces are anchored. Self-anchored suspension bridges, which may be required when Their
horizontal cable component cannot economically be anchored Due to bad soil conditions, need
temporary supports of their beams until the main cables are installed.
In cable-stayed bridges, however, the same flow of forces is Present during free-cantilever construction
stages as after completion. This is true for free cantilevering to both sides of the tower as well as for
free cantilevering the main span only.

Page 13
Figure 2.5.4 General Layout of Main Bridge, Super Structure and Truss Girder

Page 14
Page 15
2.7 Loads on Bridge

2.7.1 Permanent loads

Highway bridges

Permanent loads are those that remain on the bridge for an extended period of time, perhaps
for the entire service life such loads include:[11]

 Dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments (DC)

 Dead load of wearing surfaces and utilities (DW) and future overlays and planned
 Dead load of earth fills (EV)
 Earth pressure load (EH)
 Earth surcharge load (ES)
 Locked-in erection stresses (EL)
 Down drag (DD)

Railway bridges

Superstructure dead load consists of the weight of the superstructure itself ,track, deck(open ballasted),
utilities(conduits ,pipes and cables),walk ways(some engineers also include walk way live load as a
component of super structure dead load.),permanent formwork, snow ,ice and anticipated future dead
loads( e.g. larger deck ties, increases in ballast depth, and
additional utilities).
Open-deck through-plate girder, through-truss, and some deck truss spans usually contain floor systems
comprised of longitudinal stringers and transverse floor beams (Fig 3.1 (a)).
Ballasted-deck through-plate girder spans generally have the concrete or steel plate decks supported on
closely spaced transverse floor beams framing into the main girder (Fig 3.1 (b)).
In some cases, such as through-truss spans, stringers with less closely spaced transverse floor beams are
In general Bridges shall be proportioned for the following load cases:

1. Dead load.
2. Live load.
3. Impact load.
4. Wind forces.

Page 16
5. Centrifugal force.
6. Forces from continuous welded rail – See Part 8, Miscellaneous; Section 8.3, Anchorage
of Decks and Rails on Steel Bridges on AREMA.
7. Other lateral forces.
8. Longitudinal forces.
9. Earthquake forces.
a. In estimating the weight for the purpose of computing dead load stresses, the unit weights found
in Table 15-1-5 shall be used.

Table 2.7.1 Unit Weights for Dead Load Stresses

Pounds per Kilo Newton

Cubic Foot Per M^3
Steel 490 76.90
Concrete 150 23.54
Sand, gravel, and
120 18.83
Asphalt-mastic and
bituminous 150 23.54
Granite 170 26.68
Paving bricks 150 23.54
Timber 60 9.42

b. The track rails, inside guard rails, and their rail fastenings shall be assumed to weigh 200 lb per
linear foot for each track.

2.7.2 Live Load (1995)1 R (2008)

Highway bridges

AASHTO LRFD specification recommends Vehicular live loading on the highways of bridges or
incidental structures, designated HL-93, consist of a combination of the:[11]
❑ Design truck
❑ Design tandem

❑ Design lane

Page 17
Design truck

Figure 2.7.1 Design truck

The design truck (shown in fig 3-2) is a model load that consists of front axle weighs 35 kN, and the
drive axle of 145 KN is located 4.3 m behind, and the rear trailer axle is also 145 kN and is positioned at a
variable distance ranging between 4.3 and 9 m.
Design tandem
The second configuration is the design tandem and consists of two axles weighing 110 KN each spaced at
1.2 m.
Design lane
The third load is the design lane load that consists of a uniformly distributed load of 9.3 N/mm and is
assumed to occupy a region 3000 mm transversely. This load is the same as a uniform pressure of 3.1 KPa

applied in a 3000-mm design lane.

Figure 2.7.2 Design Tandem and Design Lane Load

Application of Design Vehicular Live Loads [A3.6.1.3.]

 The load effects of the design truck and the design tandem must each be superimposed
with the load effects of the design lane load.

Page 18
 For both negative moment (tension on top) between points of contra-flexure under a
uniform load on all spans, and reaction at interior supports, 90 percent of the effect of
two design trucks spaced a minimum of 15 000 mm between the lead axle of one truck
and the rear axle of the other truck, combined with 90 percent of the effect of the
design lane load. The distance between the 145-KN axles of each truck shall be taken
as 4300 mm.

Railway bridges

A. The recommended live load in lb per axle and uniform trailing load for each track is the
Cooper E 80 load shown in Figure 15-1-2 or the Alternate Live Load on 4 axles spaced as
shown in Figure 15-1-3, whichever produces the greater stresses.
B. The Engineer shall specify the live load to be used, and such load shall be proportional to the
recommended load, with the same axle spacing.
C. For bridges on curves, provision shall be made for the increased proportion carried by any
truss, girder, or stringer due to the eccentricity of the load.
d. For members receiving load from more than one track, the design live load on the tracks
shall be as follows:

 For two tracks, full live load on two tracks.

Figure 2.7.3 Cooper E 80 Load

Figure 2.7.4 Alternate Live Load On 4 Axles

Page 19
 For three tracks, full live load on two tracks and one-half on the other track, For four
tracks, full live load on two tracks, one-half on one track, and one-quarter on the
remaining one.
 For more than four tracks, as specified by the Engineer.
 The selection of the tracks for these loads shall be such as will produce the greatest
live load stress in the member.

Distribution Of Live Load (1993)1 R(2008)

Ballasted Deck Structures


According to AREMA Art. Ch.15

The designated lateral and longitudinal distribution of live load is based on the following
a. Standard ties shall be used which are not less than 8 feet long, approximately 8 inches wide, and
spaced at not over 24 inches on centers. If another type of tie or greater spacing is used, the design
shall be modified for the greater load concentrations, or increased thickness of ballast used, or both.
b. Not less than 6 inches of ballast shall be provided under the ties.
c. The designated widths for lateral distribution of load shall not exceed 14 feet, the distance
between track centers of multiple track structures, nor the width of the deck between ballast
d. The effects of track eccentricity and of centrifugal force shall be included.

According to AREMA Art. Ch.15

a. Each axle load shall be uniformly distributed longitudinally over a length of 3 feet plus the
minimum distance from bottom of tie to top of beams or girders, but not to exceed 5 feet nor the
minimum axle spacing of the load system used.
b. In the lateral direction, the axle load shall be uniformly distributed over a width equal to the length
of the tie plus the minimum distance from bottom of tie to top of beams or girders.
c. The thickness of the deck shall not be less than 1/2 inch for steel plate, 3 inches for timber, or 6
inches for reinforced or pre-stressed concrete.
d. Timber and concrete decks shall be designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of
Chapter 7, Timber Structures and Chapter 8, Concrete Structures and Foundations, respectively

Page 20
2.7.3 Dynamic loads
Highway Bridge [1]

The dynamic load allowance (IM) is an increment to be applied to the static wheel load to account
for wheel load impact from moving vehicles. Dynamic effects due to moving vehicles may be
attributed to two sources:
 Hammering effect is the dynamic response of the wheel assembly to riding surface
discontinuities, such as deck joints, cracks, potholes, and delimitations, and
 Dynamic response of the bridge as a whole to passing vehicles, which may be due to
long undulations in the roadway pavement, such as those caused by settlement of
fill, or to resonant excitation as a result of similar frequencies of vibration between

bridge and vehicle.

Table 1.7.3 dynamic load allowance (IM)

All other components in Table 3.2 include girders, beams, bearings (except elastomeric bearings), and
columns. These factors are to be applied to the static load as,
UL+I = UL (1 + IM)
Where UL+I is the live-load effect plus allowance for dynamic loading, UL is the live-load effect of
live load, and IM is the fraction given in the Table 2.7.3.

Rail way bridges

Impact load

According to AREMA Ch. IMPACT LOAD (2007)1 R(2008)

Page 21
a) Impact load, due to the sum of vertical effects (Paragraph c) and rocking effect (Paragraph d)
created by passage of locomotives and train loads, shall be determined by taking a percentage
of the live load specified in Article 1.3.3 and shall be applied vertically at top of each rail.
b) For open deck bridges the percentage of live load to be used shall be determined in
accordance with Paragraph c and Paragraph d below. For ballasted deck bridges the impact
load to be used shall be 90% of that specified for open deck bridges. These formulas do not
cover direct fixation decks.
c) Impact load due to vertical effects, expressed as a percentage of live load applied at each rail,
shall be determined by the applicable formula below:

(1) Percentage of live load for rolling equipment without hammer blow (freight and
passenger cars, and locomotives other than steam):

d) Impact load due to rocking effect, RE, is created by the transfer of load from the wheels on
one side of a car or locomotive to the other side from periodic lateral rocking of the
equipment. RE shall be calculated from loads applied as a vertical force couple, each being
20 percent of the wheel load without impact, acting downward on one rail and upward on the
other. The couple shall be applied on each track in the direction that will produce the greatest
force in the member under consideration.

The impact factor for railway bridge comprises the effects due to vehicle rocking, RE, and the
vertical effects due to superstructure –vehicle interaction, Iv, or
If = RE + Iv (Vertical effect)
Vertical effects
Superstructure vibration is induced by the moving load (locomotives and cars) suspension systems
as the loads traverse a railway bridge with surface irregularities. AREMA (2010) recommended
impact due to vertical effects for simply supported open deck steel bridges as
Percentage of live load for rolling equipment without hammer blow (freight and
passenger cars, and Locomotives other than steam):

 For L less than 24m:

Page 22
 For L 24m or more:

Percentage of live load for steam locomotives with hammer blow:

 For beam spans, stringers, girders, floor beams, posts of deck truss spans carrying
load from floor beam only, and floor beam hangers:

For L less than 30m:

For L 30m or more:

For truss spans:

 The impact load for ballasted deck steel bridges may be reduced to 90% of the total impact
load determined for open deck bridges. Design impact load is the sum of the impact load due
to rocking and vertical effects.

2.7.4 Braking Force: BR

High Way Bridge

Based on energy principles, and assuming uniform deceleration, the braking force determined as a
fraction of vehicle weight is:

Where a is the length of uniform deceleration and b is the fraction. Calculations using a braking length
of 122 m and a speed of 90 km/hr. (25 d sec.) yield b = 0.26 for a horizontal force that will act for a
period of about 10 seconds.

The factor b applies to all lanes in one direction because all vehicles may have reacted within this
time frame. The braking force shall be taken as the greater of:

o 25% percent of the axle weights of the design truck or design tandem or,
o 5% percent of the design truck plus lane load or 5 percent of the design tandem plus
lane load, These forces shall be assumed to act horizontally at a distance of 1800 mm
above the roadway surface in either longitudinal direction to cause extreme force effects.

Railway bridges;

Longitudinal forces, due to train braking (acting at the center of gravity of the live load) and
locomotive tractive effort (acting at the freight equipment draw bars or couplers), are considerable
Page 23
for modern railway freight equipment, the longitudinal force for E-80 loading shall be taken as the
larger of:

o Force due to braking, as prescribed by the following equation, acting 2500 mm above
top of rail:
o Longitudinal braking force (KN) = 200 + 17.5 L
Force due to traction, as prescribed by the following equation, acting 900 mm above top of rail:
Longitudinal traction force (kN) = 200 √L

L is length in meters of the portion of the bridge under consideration. For design loads other than
EM-360, these forces shall be scaled proportionally. The points of force application shall not be

The distribution of longitudinal forces for the design of span bracing ,bearings, substructures, and
foundations need careful consideration .the distribution and path of longitudinal forces between their
point of application and the bridge supports depend on the arrangement ,orientation, and relative
stiffness of
 Bridge members in the load path
 Bearing type
 Substructure characteristics.

2.7.5 Wind forces on bridges

Highway Bridge

Wind loading offers a complicated set of loading conditions which must be idealized in order to
provide a workable design. Although the problem of modeling wind forces is a dynamic one, with
winds acting over a given time interval, these forces can be approximated as a static load being
uniformly distributed over the exposed regions of a bridge.
The loading on a bridge due to wind forces is specified by AASHTO based on an assumed wind
velocity of 160 Km/h. With regard to the superstructure, wind forces are applied in a transverse and
longitudinal direction at the center of gravity of the exposed region of the superstructure. AASHTO
LRFD offers a set of wind loading values for truss and girder bridges based on the angle of attack
(skew angle) of wind forces. Conventional slab on stringer bridges, however, with span lengths less
than or equal to 38.1 m can utilize the following basic loading,

Page 24
Wind Pressure on Structures: WS [1]
 Transverse Loading

Table 2.7.5 Transverse Wind Pressure on Structures

 Longitudinal loading = 0.57 KN/m^2

The total wind loading shall not be taken less than 4.4 N/mm in the plane of a windward chord and 2.2
N/mm in the plane of a leeward chord on truss and arch components, and not less than 4.4 N/mm on
beam or girder spans.

Wind Pressure on Vehicles: WL

When vehicles are present, the design wind pressure shall be applied to both structure and vehicles.
Wind pressure on vehicles shall be represented by an inter reputable, moving force of 1.46 N/mm
acting normal to, and 1800 mm above, the roadway and shall be transmitted to the structure. When
wind on vehicles is not taken as normal to the structure, the components of normal and parallel force
applied to the live load may be taken as specified in Table 2.7.6 with the skew angle taken as

referenced normal to the surface.

Table 2.7.6 Transverse Wind Pressure on Structures with Skew angle

Page 25
 Longitudinal loading=0.58 KN/m2
The transverse and longitudinal loads are to be placed simultaneously for both the
structure and live load.

Vertical Wind Pressure (effect of overturning)

To account for the effect of overturning, AASHTO specifies A vertical upward wind force of
9. 6 *10 MPa times the width of the deck, including parapets and sidewalks, shall be considered to
be a longitudinal line load. This force shall be applied only for limit states that do not involve wind
on live load, and only when the direction of wind is taken to be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
of the bridge. This lineal force shall be applied at the windward quarter-point of the deck width in
conjunction with the horizontal wind loads. This load may govern where overturning of the bridge is

Railway Bridge

Wind forces on loaded bridge

In contrast to long span or flexible bridges (such as suspension or cable stayed bridges), ordinary
bridges (such as those composed of beam, girder, truss, and arch spans) need not consider
aerodynamic effects of the wind in design. However, the aerostatic effects of the wind on the
superstructure and moving train must be considered, particularly in regard to lateral bracing design.
In general, the wind force shall be considered as a moving load acting in any horizontal direction.

As a minimum, the bridge shall be designed for laterally and longitudinally applied wind forces
acting independently as follows:

Lateral wind loading on train

 On the train, the lateral wind force shall be taken at 1.33 KN per linear meter applied
normal to the train on one track at a distance of 2.4m above top of rail.

Lateral Wind loading on bridge

 On the bridge, lateral wind pressure shall be taken at 1.48KN/m2 (The AREMA (2010))
design recommendations for wind load on a loaded steel railway bridge superstructure
assume that the maximum wind velocity at which trains can safely operate (to avoid

Page 26
overturning of empty cars) will produce a wind pressure of 1.48KN/m2 normal to the
following surfaces:
A. For girder spans, 1.5 times the vertical projection of the span. (in order to account
for the effects of paired or multiple girders, these wind pressures are to be applied to
a surface 50% greater than the projected surface area of a girder span.)
B. For truss spans, the vertical projection of the span plus any portion of leeward
trusses not shielded by the floor system.
C. For viaduct towers and bents, the vertical projection of all windward and leeward
columns and bracing.
 The lateral wind force on girder and truss spans, however, shall not be taken as less than
0.89 KN/m for the loaded chord or flange and 0.665KN/m for the unloaded chord or
flange, neglecting the wind force on the floor system.

Longitudinal wind loading

 The longitudinal wind force on spans shall be taken as:

a) For girder spans, 25 percent of the lateral wind force.

Page 27
Chapter 3
Load Combinations

Every component of substructure and superstructure should be proportioned to resist all combinations of
forces applicable to the type of bridge and its site. Members subjected to stresses from dead, live, impact,
and centrifugal loads should be designed for the basic allowable unit stress or the allowable fatigue stress,
whichever governs.

Highway bridges

Load Factors and Load Combinations

The load factors for various load combinations and permanent loads are given in Tables 3.1 and 3.2,
respectively. Explanations of the different limit states are given in the sections as follow,

Service Limit State

The service limit state refers to restrictions on stresses, deflections, and crack widths of bridge
components that occur under regular service conditions [A1.3.2.2]. For the service limit state, the
resistance factors φ = 1, and nearly all of the load factors γi are equal to 1.0. There are four different
service limit state load combinations given in Table 3.2 to address different design situations

Fatigue and Fracture Limit State

The fatigue and fracture limit state refers to a set of restrictions on stress range caused by a design
truck. The restrictions depend on the number of stress-range excursions expected to occur during the
design life of the bridge [A1.3.2.3]. They are intended to limit crack growth under repetitive loads
and to prevent fracture due to cumulative stress effects in steel elements, components, and
connections. For the fatigue and fracture limit state, φ = 10.

Page 28
Strength Limit state
The strength limit state refers to providing sufficient strength or resistance to satisfy the inequality of
Eq. 2.1 for the statistically significant load combinations that a bridge is expected to experience in its
design life [A1.3.2.4]. Strength limit states include the evaluation of resistance to bending, shear,
torsion, and axial load. The statistically determined resistance factor φ will usually be less than 1.0
and will have different values for different materials and strength limit states.

Extreme Event Limit State

The extreme event limit state refers to the structural survival of a bridge during a major earthquake
or flood or when collided by a vessel, vehicle, or ice floe [A1.3.2.5]. The probability of these events
occurring simultaneously is extremely low; therefore, they are specified to be applied separately. The
recurrence interval of extreme events may be significantly greater than the design life of the bridge

Under these extreme conditions, the structure is expected to undergo considerable inelastic

Page 29
deformation by which locked-in force effects due to TU, TG, CR, SH, and SE are expected.

Table 3.1 Load factor for various load combination

Railway Bridge
Load combinations for steel bridges

Every component of substructure and superstructure should be proportioned to resist all combinations
of forces applicable to the type of bridge and its site. Members subjected to stresses from dead, live,
impact, and centrifugal loads should be designed for the basic allowable unit stress or the allowable
fatigue stress, whichever governs.
With the exception of floor beam hangers, members subjected to stresses from other lateral or
longitudinal forces, as well as to dead, live, impact, and centrifugal loads, may be proportioned for
125% of the basic allowable unit stresses, without regard for fatigue. However, the section should not
be smaller than that required to satisfy basic unit stresses or the allowable fatigue stress range when
those lateral or longitudinal forces are not present.
Components subject to stresses from wind loads only should be designed for the basic allowable
stresses. Also, no increase in the basic allowable stresses in high-strength bolts should be taken for
connections of members covered in this article. Elastic analysis procedures are usually used for steel

Page 30
railroad bridges.
Table 3.2 load combination for steel railway bridge Super structure design
Chap. 15 of the AREMA MRE provides recommendations for allowable stress design. The design
service life of railroad bridges is generally considered to be about 80 years.
AREMA MRE does not provide explicit load combinations but incorporates combinations in various
design recommendations (Sorgenfrei and Marianos, 2000). Table 6 outlines load combinations that
apply to steel superstructure design found in various recommendations of AREMA.

The Load combinations used are (LRFD Method)

Strength I U = η [1.25D1 + 1.50D2 + 1.25D3 + 1.75 (LL + IM)]
Service I U = η [DC + DW + (LL + IM)]
Service II U = η [DC + DW + 1.3(LL + IM)]
Fatigue U= η [0.75 (LL + IM)]

High way Loadings input for the software

Dead load
Dead components of the Slab and Frame Section Has been automatically considered on the software.

Three separate dead loads are calculated

D1= the dead load of the structural components and their attachments (acting on
the non-composite section.) this part is automatically defined on the software.
D2= the future wearing surface, 75-mm bituminous overlay (density 2250Kg/m3)

Line load applied on the girder

( )
Moment applied on the girder

D3 =barriers dead load (assumed to be distributed on the girders as normal line load and
moment actions.) (Density of concrete 2500 Kg/m3)
Moment applied on girder by Internal Barrier 1 anti-clockwise moment
( (( ) ( )) )

Moment applied on girder by Internal Barrier 2 clockwise moment

( (( ) ( )) )

Moment applied on girder by Externall Barrier anti clockwise moment

( (( )) )

Finally, (11.808+15.303)-8.093= 19.018 KNm/m of anti-clockwise moment will apply on both girders.

Page 31
These moments are made to act as clockwisely and anti clockwisely on the girders on their
corresponding load Direction and are defined on the software.

Rail way Loadings input for the software

Dead load

The dead component of structure has been considered automatically in the software.
A. Design of Reinforced Concrete Deck
Taking 1m Strip
Load computations
 Dead load of ballast +tie +track
=170mm*19Kg/m3 (density of ballast including tie ch.15, 1.3.2a)*9.81m/s2
= 3.168KN/m+0.64KN/m (allowance for track weight)
 Concrete slab dead load
=300mm*2400Kg/m3 (density of concrete)*9.81m/s2
=7KN/m Curb dead load (treated as concentrated load)
=300mm*680mm*2400Kg/m3*9.81m/s2 = 4.8KN

Live load

According to (ch.15, and (Ch. 15, 1.15.1), the governing live load is that of cooper E80
(EM360). The maximum axel load to be used for design of slab is 360KN which distributed
according to (Ch. 15, to a length of L tie+ L bottom of tie to top of girder = 2.934m to
yield 123KN/m laterally distributed load.
 (ch.15, 1.3.3 ), Analysis of load effects (taking 1m wide slab), is computed on SAP V.19.
DL M max +ve=1.36KNm
DL M max -ve=-5.26 KNm(along with the LL Mmax –ve ),
&-1.55KNm (at face of support)
LL M max +ve=82.65 KNm
LL Mmax –ve=-32.6 KNm

Page 32
Figure 3.1 Cross Section of Train Way
Impact load
According to (ch.15, b), the impact load is applied that of steel bridges, for L<53m full impact
for double track. Vertical effects (ch.15, 1.3.5 c) The train is assumed to be modern railroad equipment
(diesel locomotives and modern freight cars)
for L>80ft (24.38) , which is 328.08ft (180m).

Rocking effect (ch.15, 1.3.5 d)

RE is calculated from loads applied as a vertical force couple, each being 20 percent of the wheel load
without impact, acting downward on one rail and upward on the other on equally loaded girders and
( )
Thus, impact load = Vertical effects+ Rocking effect
= 18.012%+12.12%
= 30.13 %
 Impact load for ballasted deck can be reduced to 90% of the impact calculated (ch.15, 1.3.5 b).
The Design impact load in 90 %*(30.13%) =27.11 %. Accordingly,
LL + IM M max +ve=82.65 KNm*1.33
LL+IM M max –ve=32.6 KNm*1.33

Page 33
Combination 1 is Applicable
Group 1 D + L + I + CF + E + B + SF

 Load combination applicable for design of concrete slab (ch.8, 2.2.4b), Group loading
and Can be reduced to group 1 D+L+I
Design moment (DL+LL+IM) +VE=110KNm+1.36KNm
Design moment (DL+LL+IM) –VE =-43.4KNm-1.55KNm
Concrete slab thickness = 300mm
Width of slab = 1000mm
d=300mm-40(8, 2.6.1 minimum cover)-10(use Ф20)

 For balanced design of concrete slab

( )

√ √ , db =231mm<d=250mm

Use d=250mm

√ √

√ √ , which is 3140mm2

[ch.8, 2.7a] states that at any section of a flexural member where tension reinforcement is required by
analysis, the reinforcement provided shall be adequate to develop a design moment strength ФMn at
least 1.2 times the cracking moment calculated on the basis of the modulus of rupture for normal
weight concrete [ch.8,2.26.1a].
Mcr=Snc*fr= (bh/6 )*0.62√f‘c
= (1*0.32/6 )*0.62 √30 =51KNm

Page 34
1.2 Mcr=61.1KNm<Mn=117.3KNm …………………..OK
Mn=AS (fs*j*d) =3140mm2*(170MPa*0.879*.25m)
Check for fatigue
Mean Impact load for fatigue (ch.15, 1.3.13) is taken as 35% of the impact load computed, which is,
Fatigue IM = 35 %( 33%) =11.55%
Fatigue LL + IM M max +ve =82.65 KNm*1.1155
The fatigue stress limit according to (ch.8, 2.26.2 b) is
( ) , fmin =0 for this case.
r/h =0.3,

( ) ( )

The provided section seems to be OK.

Table 3.3 Loads on Girders

Taking the quarter span section of the bridge with a length of 100m.
From (ch.15, 1.15.1, Table ch.15-1-15) Cooper E80 governs for L=100m (328 ft)
(wheel load per rail, per girder in this case). And the effects are,

Page 35
Table 2.4 Table for Live loads Determination with corresponding Span length

For span length of 100m wich is 328ft, by interpolation

 Mmax +ve=42,575.08 KNm
 V@end =3499.97KN
 M@ quarter points =45,452.08 KNm
 V@quarter E80 =2202.75KN
 V@center E80 =949.49KN
And the impact load, as already determined =33%
M LL+IM max +ve=42575.08KNm*1.33
V LL+IM max +ve=3499.97KN*1.33
 Fatigue Loads
Mean impact for fatigue is 11.55% (calculated earlier)
M fatigue LL+IM max +ve=42575.08KNm*1.1155

Page 36
=47492.5 KNm

Table 3.5 effects of other Loads on Girders

V fatigue LL+IM max +ve=3499.97 KN*1.1155

=3904.21 KN

Applicable load combinations

According to [5] section 4.47 the applicable load combinations are Table A-3

Table 3.6 Applicable load combinations

Load combinations uses for girder design are A1, B1 and C, the rest applies for design of

 Comparing load combinations A1 and B1

 Combination A1 V=3,499.97 KN M=42,275.08 KNm
 Combination B1 DL+LL+I+W+LF+N+CWR

WL (wind load on live load) =4.4KN/m wind on live load acting @2.45m above the rail
(ch.15, 1.3.7a). Vertical distributed load on exterior girder can be calculated as

 Moment from WV=158 KNm on exterior girder

 Shear from WV=21 KN on exterior girder

Longitudinal wind load (which produce shear force and longitudinal horizontal force)

Page 37
 For loaded bridge =50% of lateral wind force for truss span (0.00144MPa) (ch.15, 1.3.7d)
Longitudinal wind=0 .50*8.635KN/m
=4.312KN/m acting @ 2.45m above rail
Shear force = (additive with shear force computed Shear

from WV to compare with the shear force for unloaded longitudinal calculated below)
 Total wind shear force on the truss =10.32KN+21KN (governs) =31.3KN

For unloaded bridge=50% of lateral wind force (0.0024MPa) (ch.15, 1.3.8b)

Longitudinal wind = 0.50*14.33KN/m
=7.15KN/m @ 2.45m above rail
Shear force =
LF (vertical shear from longitudinal force)
LFBRAKING=200 + 17.5 L = 1950KN acting at 5.74m from rail
LFBRAKING shear= 104.13

LFTRACTION=200 √L =2000 KN acting at 4.214m from rail


Combination B1

V=3499.97 + 84.28+31.3=3615.55 KN

M=42575.08 + 158=42733.08 KNm

Chapter 4
Analysis and Design Section
4.1 Functional Requirements

Bridge Layout

1. Bridge Structural Type: Partially cable stayed Girder Bridge

2. Span Arrangement: 100+180+100=380m
Page 38
3. Stay Cable Arrangement: Semi-harp system
4. Stay Cable: Strand Cables
5. Pylon Type: Reinforced Concrete A-Shaped Column
6. Pylon Height: 60m
7. Assumed Navigation Clearances: 10m Above H.H.W.L
8. Bridge Width: 21 m

Bridge Components

Partially Cable-Stayed Girder bridges have 3 main components: -

1) Pylon
2) Deck
3) Cables
4) Truss Girder
5) Lateral Beam

Page 39
Figure 4.1 3DModel

Page 40

 The Pylon is the main support of cable-stayed bridges. Cables link the deck to the pylon, so it
can carry the deck safely. Our pylon is a Reinforced Concrete A-Shaped Column. The section

of the pylon is a non-prismatic section.

Pylon top pylon bottom

Figure 4.2 The section detail of top and bottom section of pylon.

Page 41
Figure 4.3 Pylon and Lateral Support Mechanism


Deck Properties: -
Top Deck Property; - 20.00-meter width (Consists of 4 lanes of highway traffic- 2 lanes in each
direction, 2 sidewalks of width equals 2.0 m, one in each side, and an island of width equals 1.5
meters on the median)
Bottom Steel Girder property; - 6.6 m width between the steel girders for one-way train crossing for
Assumed Cooper E80 load,

 Providing 170mm thick ballast and a standard tie 2.45m long and 205mm wide spaced at
610mm (ch.15,
 providing concrete deck thickness of 300mm (ch.15, Use f’c= 30 MPa and M270
Grade 345 steel.

Page 42
Figure 4.4 Rail way section

Material Properties for Pylon and Deck: concrete has a specified compressive strength equals 400MPa,

Considering Creep and Shrinkage.

Figure 4.5 SAP input Concrete Property

Page 43
Figure 4.6 Cables Arrangement Model


In this bridge we have 8 cables lied in each side of A shaped pylon on the median plan of the deck. The
distance between the cables and 2 meters at its link to the pylon on the top.

Cable Material Properties:

 Fu = 17.7 T/Cm^2
 Fy= .89* 17.7 = 15.7 T/Cm^2
 E = 1950 T/Cm^2
 Diameter = 15.7 mm
 Diameter of the first two cables 7cm, the second three cables 10 cm and the
rest three cables are 12 cm from the pylon side to outside sequence

Lateral Beams

In this bridge two lateral beams exists, that connects the two pylon columns with the pylons
concrete nature and designed reinforcement requirement.

Page 44
4.2 Modeling Steps (Using SAP 2000 V. 20 Bridge Program)
1) Drawing the layout Grid lines of the bridge.
2) Defining the bridge and Girder sections, first assumed and then designed.

 longitudinal girder sections,

 upper lateral bracing,
 lower lateral bracing,
 slab
 Cable
 crossbeams
 Pylon
 Curbstone
 Pylon head

3) Drawing the bridge and other sections with previously defined sections.
4) Defining and drawing the pylon.
5) Defining and drawing the rigid links to link the deck sec. to cables as one unit.
6) Defining springs and releases.
7) Analysis of the model to get the deformation due to dead load.
8) Defining the cables (Diameter & Pretension Force) which achieve deformation equals to zero.
9) Defining the design vehicle and vehicle class.
10) Defining All Cases of Moving Load.
11) Solving due to moving load and getting deformation.
12) Defining the wind loads, the Earth quake force is not considered hence Bahir-dar is located in Zone
13) Defining load combinations.
14) Design the bridge for applied load cases i.e traffic loads, wind loads, impact loads, lane loads, to
make within the deflection requirement limit.
15) Checking and verifying the assumed bridge structural components, with trial and error iterations.
16) Design of cables and final Pylon Design as a concrete column.

Page 45
Philosophy of Analysis:
1-Find the value of cable tension that will give optimum deck profile for
final model.
2- Stage construction analysis to find cable force during erection.
3- Final checks with Wind and other effects

The Program Outputs: Deformation due to Dead Load only (Without Cables) Joints Labels These joints
are at the center of the deck.

Deformation due to Dead Load Only (Without Cables)

Figure 4.7 Deformation due to Dead Load Only (Without Cables)

Table 4.1 Mid spans maximum joint deflection withought cable supports

Page 46
Thus from the table: - The max deflection is at P1557, P1558 and P1560 which are at the mid span
joints, and equals to 0.808 m. the other displacement results has been attached on the attached
After troublesome trial and error checking of pretension forces estimation that produces the deflection
requirement with in the allowable limit and staged construction consideration,
Final pretension requirement of cables has been classified in to three groups according to estimated

After using cables with pre-tension force

We will use 3 groups of cables,

The 1st group one consists of 2 cables (the nearest cables to the pylon) This group has cables of
diameter equals to 7.00 cm, and a tension force of 340 ton of its end, which is linked to the pylon.
The Force in cables is put in a load pattern called Target.

Figure 4.8 First Group of cables with 340ton Pre-stress force

Page 47
The 2nd group consists of the next 3 cables. This group has cables of diameter equals to 10.00 cm,

and a tension force of 450 ton of its end, which is linked to the pylon.

Figure 4.9 Second Group of Cable with 450 ton pre tension Force

The 3rd group consists of the next 3 cables. This group has cables of diameter equals to 12.00 cm,

Page 48
and a tension force of 620 tons of its end, which linked to the pylon.

Figure 4.10 Second Group of Cable with 620 ton pre tension Force

Deformed Shape: after The target forces on the cable.

Figure 4.11 Deformation after Pretension Force

Almost no deformation … The output values are due to the combination between Target and Dead

Page 49
Table 4.2 Mid span Deflection after pre tension Force
The max Deflection at P437 & P438 equals to 3.2 cm.

The Pylon Sway due to Dead Load:

Figure 4.12 Pylon Sway Due to Dead Load

The moment Diagram:

Page 50
Page 51
Figure 4.13 Moment Diagram, Axial force and Shear Force Diagram by Self Weight

The Max Sway from D.L. equals to17.6 cm.

The Moment Diagram: Max Moment = 6402.09 KN.m.
The Shear Force Diagram: Max Shear = 2157 KN.
The Normal Force Diagram: Max axial compression force in deck =61.29 KN.
Reaction for pylon Column = 5516 KN.

Moving Loads:
The Bridge consists of

 4 lanes, 2 lanes in each direction, and

 2 sidewalks of 2100 m width in each one and
 Central median 1.2 m Width, for cable anchorage places.

Page 52
 The lane width equals to 3.90 meters.

Figure 4.14 the lane layout of top deck section

Moving Load Model (1): Consists of concentrated and distributed load. Truck 60ton,
Truck40ton and Truck 20ton. Uniform 0.25t/m^2 for The rest of road width Uniform 0.5t/m^2 for

Pavements and Median and Train Loading.

Page 53
Figure 4.15 Joint Displacement After Moving Loads Installation

Page 54
TABLE: Joint Displacements
Joint OutputCase
CaseType StepType U1 U2 U3
Text Text Text Text m m m
162 COMB A1 Combination Min 8.02E-06 0.001101 -0.00566
163 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.91E-06 0.00043 0
163 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00227
163 COMB A1 CombinationMax 8.72E-06 0.001289 -0.00455
163 COMB A1 Combination Min 5.82E-06 0.000859 -0.00682
190 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.84E-06 0.000407 0
190 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00683
190 COMB A1 CombinationMax 8.51E-06 0.00122 -0.01367
190 COMB A1 Combination Min 5.67E-06 0.000813 -0.0205
191 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.77E-06 0.000409 0
191 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.008
191 COMB A1 CombinationMax 8.32E-06 0.001228 -0.01601
191 COMB A1 Combination Min 5.54E-06 0.000819 -0.02401
192 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.7E-06 0.000422 0
192 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00709
192 COMB A1 CombinationMax 8.11E-06 0.001266 -0.01417
192 COMB A1 Combination Min 5.4E-06 0.000844 -0.02125
193 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.63E-06 0.00043 0
193 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00768
193 COMB A1 CombinationMax 7.88E-06 0.001289 -0.01536
193 COMB A1 Combination Min 5.26E-06 0.000859 -0.02304
194 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.55E-06 0.000439 0
194 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00688
194 COMB A1 CombinationMax 7.65E-06 0.001316 -0.01375
194 COMB A1 Combination Min 5.1E-06 0.000877 -0.02063
195 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.47E-06 0.000449 0
195 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00758
195 COMB A1 CombinationMax 7.4E-06 0.001346 -0.01516
195 COMB A1 Combination Min 4.94E-06 0.000897 -0.02275
196 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.38E-06 0.000455 0
196 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00682
196 COMB A1 CombinationMax 7.15E-06 0.001366 -0.01364
196 COMB A1 Combination Min 4.76E-06 0.00091 -0.02046
197 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.29E-06 0.000465 0
197 DEAD NonStatic Min 0 0 -0.00753
197 COMB A1 CombinationMax 6.88E-06 0.001396 -0.01506
197 COMB A1 Combination Min 4.59E-06 0.000931 -0.02259
198 DEAD NonStatic Max 2.2E-06 0.00047 0
Table 4.3 Mid span Deflection after application of all forces.
The maximum deflections have been highlighted on the above table and all are in the margin of
allowable deflection. The max deflection equals to 2.4 cm.

Page 55
Chapter 5
Result and Discussion
This chapter of the paper includes the design result output from the software, separate design
verifications to check output result of the software and general results obtained that makes the bridge

Deflection Limits

The maximum allowable live load deflaction ot center of the main span should be, maximum of the
deflection requirement of the highway and rail way, so for the median span of 180m.

 Highway deflection limit 1/500 of the main span, which is 100,000/500, 200 mm which is
measured along the centerline of the bridge.
 Railway Deflection Limit, 1/680 of the main span, which is 100,000/680, 147.7mm which is
measures along the centerline of the bridge,
So, the deflection requirement will governed bey the railway is greater than the design output
of the software.

Page 56
Final Design of cable: Subjected to Tension with Small Compression Values:

Table 4.4 Cable Design Forces and Proposed Diameters in Ton

Page 57
Design of pylon: pylons designed as Columns subjected to Axial Force and Biaxial


TABLE: Element Forces - Frames

Frame OutputCase CaseType P V2 M2 M3 FrameElem
Text Text Text KN KN KN-m KN-m Text
146 DEAD NonStatic 4412.993 0 0 0 146-1
146 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 146-1
146 DEAD NonStatic 5516.241 6.53E-13 0 1.63E-12 146-2
146 DEAD NonStatic 4412.993 5.23E-13 0 7.51E-13 146-2
146 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 1.63E-12 146-2
146 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 146-1
146 DEAD NonStatic -4412.99 0 0 0 146-1
146 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 146-2
146 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 146-2
146 DEAD NonStatic -5516.24 -6.5E-13 0 0 146-2
146 COMB B1 Combination 11032.48 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB B1 Combination -5516.24 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB B1 Combination 13790.6 1.63E-12 0 4.08E-12 146-2
146 COMB B1 Combination 11032.48 1.31E-12 0 1.88E-12 146-2
146 COMB B1 Combination -6895.3 -8.2E-13 0 4.08E-12 146-2
146 COMB B1 Combination 5516.241 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB B1 Combination -11032.5 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB B1 Combination 6895.301 8.17E-13 0 2.04E-12 146-2
146 COMB B1 Combination 5516.241 6.53E-13 0 9.39E-13 146-2
146 COMB B1 Combination -13790.6 -1.6E-12 0 2.04E-12 146-2
146 COMB A1 Combination 8825.985 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB A1 Combination -4412.99 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB A1 Combination 11032.48 1.31E-12 0 3.27E-12 146-2
146 COMB A1 Combination 8825.985 1.05E-12 0 1.5E-12 146-2
146 COMB A1 Combination -5516.24 -6.5E-13 0 3.27E-12 146-2
146 COMB A1 Combination 4412.993 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB A1 Combination -8825.99 0 0 0 146-1
146 COMB A1 Combination 5516.241 6.53E-13 0 1.63E-12 146-2
146 COMB A1 Combination 4412.993 5.23E-13 0 7.51E-13 146-2
146 COMB A1 Combination -11032.5 -1.3E-12 0 1.63E-12 146-2
147 DEAD NonStatic 4412.993 0 0 0 147-1
147 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 147-1
147 DEAD NonStatic 5516.241 9.8E-13 0 2.45E-12 147-2
147 DEAD NonStatic 4412.993 7.84E-13 0 1.13E-12 147-2
147 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 2.45E-12 147-2
147 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 147-1
147 DEAD NonStatic -4412.99 0 0 0 147-1
147 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 147-2
147 DEAD NonStatic 0 0 0 0 147-2
147 DEAD NonStatic -5516.24 -9.8E-13 0 0 147-2
147 COMB B1 Combination 11032.48 0 0 0 147-1

Page 58
147 COMB B1 Combination -5516.24 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB B1 Combination 13790.6 2.45E-12 0 6.12E-12 147-2
147 COMB B1 Combination 11032.48 1.96E-12 0 2.82E-12 147-2
147 COMB B1 Combination -6895.3 -1.2E-12 0 6.12E-12 147-2
147 COMB B1 Combination 5516.241 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB B1 Combination -11032.5 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB B1 Combination 6895.301 1.23E-12 0 3.06E-12 147-2
147 COMB B1 Combination 5516.241 9.8E-13 0 1.41E-12 147-2
147 COMB B1 Combination -13790.6 -2.5E-12 0 3.06E-12 147-2
147 COMB A1 Combination 8825.985 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB A1 Combination -4412.99 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB A1 Combination 11032.48 1.96E-12 0 4.9E-12 147-2
147 COMB A1 Combination 8825.985 1.57E-12 0 2.25E-12 147-2
147 COMB A1 Combination -5516.24 -9.8E-13 0 4.9E-12 147-2
147 COMB A1 Combination 4412.993 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB A1 Combination -8825.99 0 0 0 147-1
147 COMB A1 Combination 5516.241 9.8E-13 0 2.45E-12 147-2
147 COMB A1 Combination 4412.993 7.84E-13 0 1.13E-12 147-2
147 COMB A1 Combination -11032.5 -2E-12 0 2.45E-12 147-2

Page 59
TABLE: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - Euro code 2-2004
Rainforcement NO. of
Frame DesignSect DesignOpt PMMCombo ErrMsg WarnMsg
area required Dia. 32
Text Text Text Text m2 used Text Text
145 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
145 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
145 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
146 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
146 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
146 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
146 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
146 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
147 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
147 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
147 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
147 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
147 Pylon bott Design DCON3 0.3 373 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
163 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
229 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
229 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages
229 Pyl. top Design DCON3 0.16 199 No Messages No Messages

Design of Concrete beams: pylons designed as Columns subjected to Axial Force and

Biaxial Moments.

Page 60
Verified truss sections

The load flow mechanism

1. Stringers; - are longitudinal beams that receives a load directly from composite section of the
top flange and transfer to cross beams, these stringers lied beneath both the highway and rail
way slab of the bridge.

Figure stri nger section parameters.

Page 61
2. cross beam;- these are lateral steel beams

3. Top bracing

4. Top chord;- the top truss member of the bridge which acts as the

Page 62
5. Diagonals

6. Bottom chord

Page 63
7. Floor Beams

Page 64
8. Bottom bracing


Page 65
Page 66
pylon Bottom
- Column Design According to EBCS 2 - 1995.
Ib1 1




cross-section column elevation
Material Properties
Concrete - Grade C-40 Steel - Grade S500
Fck 40,000 kpa [EBCS 2 Table 2.3] Fy k 500,000 kpa
Fctk 1,500 kpa [EBCS 2 Table 2.4] PSF 1.15
PSF 1.5 [EBCS 2 Table 3.1] Fy d 434,783 kpa
Fcd 22666.67 kpa Es 200,000 kpa
Fctd 1,000 kpa As(min) 0.24 [EBCS-2]
Ecm 28,000 kpa [EBCS 2 Table 2.5] As (max) 2.4 [EBCS-2]

Analysis Result: Structure Classification:

Axial Mom. x-x Mom y-y Second-order global elastic analysis
397070.83 -18807.75 -15025.72 was done. Therefore both s way and
-316246.70 -43004.60 42789.93 non-sway are taken care of.

Dimensions in x-x direction: Dimensions in y-y direction:

Depth Width Depth Width
B1 = 1.00 1.00 B1 = 1.00 1.00
B3 = 1.00 1.00 B3 = 1.00 1.00
C1 = 6.00 5.00 C1 = 5.00 6.00
C2 = 6.00 5.00 C2 = 5.00 6.00
C3 = 6.00 5.00 C3 = 5.00 6.00
Lb1 = 5.00 Lb1 = 5.00
Lb2 = 0.00 Lb2 = 0.00
Lc1 = 20.00 Lc1 = 20.00
Lc2 = 20.00 Lc2 = 20.00
Lc3 = 10.00 Lc3 = 10.00

Page 67
Limits of Slenderness:

æ M1 ö
l £ 50 - 25çç ÷÷ EBCS - 2, 4.4.6
è M2 ø

M 1
M 1
= 1.252 = -1.005
M 2
M 2

l£ 18.707 l£ 75.125

But, the slenderness ratio is:

Ig Ag = 30.000
l= i = Radius of gyration =
Ag Ig = 90.000 EBCS-2, 4.4.5
= 1.732

Le =Effective buckling length

Effective Buckling Length:

I c1 L c1 + I c 2 L c 2
a + 0.4 a1 =
Le = m L ³ 0.7 L I b1 L b1 + I b 2 L b 2
a m + 0.8
a1 + a 2 I c1 L c1 + I c 3 L c 3
a2 =
am = I b3 Lb3 + I b 4 Lb 4

About x-x direction. About y-y direction.

Ic1 = 90.00000 Ic1 = 90.00000 Ic1 = 90.00000 Ic1 = 90.00000
Ic2 = 90.00000 Ic3 = 90.00000 Ic2 = 62.50000 Ic3 = 62.50000
Ib1 = 0.08333 Ib3 = 0.08333 Ib1 = 0.08333 Ib3 = 0.08333
Ib2 = 0.00000 Ib4 = 0.00000 Ib2 = 0.00000 Ib4 = 0.00000
a 1 = 810.000 a 2 = 810.000 a 1 = 457.500 a 2 = 645.000
a m = 810.000 a m = 551.250

- the effective buckling length:

Le = 19.990 Le = 19.986

- Slenderness ratio:

l= 11.541 Not Slender l= 11.539 Not Slender

Ignore Secondary Effects Ignore Secondary

Design Actions:

Calculate Eccentricities in the x-x Direction Calculate Eccentricities in the y-y Direction

Total = e tot = e e + e a + e 2 Total = e tot = e e + e a + e 2

Page 68
ee = max of 0.6e 02 + 0.4e 01 ee = max of 0.6e 02 + 0.4e 01
0.4e 02 0.4e 02

e01 = -0.0474 e01 = -0.1353

e02 = 0.0475 e02 = -0.1083

e e = 0.0190 e e = -0.0433
Le Le
ea = ³ 200mm ea = ³ 200mm
300 300
= 0.066633777 = 0.066618362

e 2 = 0.00 e 2 = 0.00

e tot = 0.0856 e tot = 0.0233

Nsd = 397070.830 kn
Msd x-x = 34004.685 kn-m
Msd y-y = 9250.368 kn-m

Reinforcement Calculation:

Cover ratio = 0.0

Nsd M sd,x - x M sd,y - y

 sd = m sd,x - x = m sd,y - y =
fcd Ac fcd Ac h fcd Ac b

nsd= 0.6 msd,x-x = 0.008 msd,y -y = 0.003

w= 0 EBCS 2 - 1995: Part 2 Biaxial Chart No. 17

wAc fcd
As,tot =
f yd
As,tot = 0.240000 m

Use 32 f  300 bars wich will aranged uniformlly on four

faces with cover ratio specified on
biaxial chart.

Page 69
1. Composite Section Top Flange Design 26.752 Gpa (Modulus Elasticity of concrete) 0
1. Typicalof composite section top Flange
Section 175
1.1. Deck Thickness > 175mm >
- Minimum recommended thickness of the slab, to control deflection is t smin =175 mm [AASHTO Art.] mm
Or (Gs +3000)/30 =340mm > 175mm 340 340
- h tf > 1/20
- htf
of >clear
of clear
span between
fillets fillets =1/20(7.2*1000-500-2*50)= 330mm 330.00 330 330 =1/20(7.2*1000-500-2*50)= 330mm
- h tf > 1/18
- htf
1/18 of effective
length oflength
flangeof flange =1/18(7.2*1000-500)= 372.22mm 372.22 370 380 =1/18(7.2*1000-500)= 372.22mm
Use ts= 380 mm 380 340
1.2. Web Thickness No. of bars in a row 3
Minimum thickness of the web, b min =200 mm without prestressing duct. [AASHTO Art.] bmin
bars in one
3 barsrow
in require
one rowa require
beam width
a beamof: width of: 10 Φ
bmin= 3Φ+2(1.5Φ)+2*cover =242mm [b min = 300mm, AASHTO Art.] 240 242
Use b= 500 mm 500
Actual bar spacing= 99mm 99 Dw
1.3. Girder Depth 8620 180.4
Structure depth, Dw = 7m Minimum clear opening for the rail. AREMA Art. 1.2.6a 180400

Dw= Dw = 9000 mm 10820 10824

200 Including 400mm Top Composite Slab section and b= 500 mm 9000
Bottom flange section of 500mm 385

1.4. Girder Spacing and overhang Dw = 9000 mm 250

Gs = 7.2 5.5 m Clear spacing Requirement for Rail AREMA Art. 1.2.6a
between the Girders and other accesories
Numbers of girders, Ng =INT(Rw/Gs)+1
Ng= 2 ( Two girders with c/c spacing of 7.2 m is used.) Two
Cx=0.5(Rw-(Ng-1)Gs) = 5.1 m 5.1
Cx+Cw = 5.9 m (Overhang) 5.9
Number of lanes loaded = Int (14/3.6)=2 But, Pedestrian Crossing and bicycle crossings are 2 3.888888889
2. Deck Design proposed instead of one lane
ts = 380 mm (deck thickness )

2.1. Weight of components

1) Top flange (380mm thick) =0.38*2400*9.81/1000 = 8.95 KN/m2
2) Wearing surface (75mm thick) = 0.075*2250*9.81/1000 =1.66 KN/m2
3) Overhang Slab (385mm above slab) =0.385*2400*9.81/1000 =9.06 KN/m2
4) Curb (250mm above slab) =0.25*2400*9.81/1000 =5.89 KN/m2
5) Barriers -------------------------------------------------- = 3.6 KN/m

2.1. Dead load moments

An approximate analysis of strips perpendicular to girders will be considered.
The strips vshall be treated as continuous beams with span length equal to the c/c distance between girders.
The girders are assumed rigid.
For case in applying load factors, the bending moments will be determined for slab dead load, wearing surface and vehicle loads

2.1.1 Slab dead load

A one-meter strip width is taken for the analysis.

Who= 9.06
Wcb= 5.89 KN/m
Ws= 8.95 KN-m/m
Who+Wcb= 14.95 182.17

Ws'=Who+Wcb-Ws= 6.00


57.605 57.605
Me = Ws(Cx+Cw)^2/2+Ws'*Cw(Cw/2+Cx) 46.30333333 58.97 Influence segment coeff.
= 8.95*5.9^2/2+6*0.8*(0.8/2+5.1) =182.17 KN-m/m 18.13666667 18.137 -80.77 -0.125
Moment at supports Symetricall on Right and Left side 32.22 21.305 106.515 -0.25
M b =M c = 8.95*(-0.125)*7.2^2+182.17*(-0.125)= -80.77 KN-m/m 32.22 32.22 106.515
Mws= 37.117 KN-m/m Mws 37.117
A1= 57.605 KN/m B1= 18.137 KN/m RA= 106.515 KN/m
A2= 58.97 KN/m B2= 21.305 KN/m RB= 106.515 KN/m
Influence segment coefficient for moment is obtained from tables.
- Me = End moment at support A (exterior girder)
- Mws= moment due to dead weight of the slab
- Mb and Mc are support moments at supports B and C respectively
- B1, B2, A1 and A2 are shear forces at the left and right of supports B and A respectively.
- RB and RA are reactions at supports B and A respectively.

Page 70
2.1.2 Wearing Surface

Wdw= 1.66 21.59

8.466 8.466 15.572

7.105722222 7.106 10.822
Mew = Wdw*Cx^2/2 =21.59 KN-m/m 4.846277778 4.846
Moment at supports 5.976 5.976 -13.45555
Maw =Mb w = 1.66*(-0.125)*7.2^2+21.59*(-0.125) =-13.456 KN-m/m 5.976 5.976 -13.456
Mbr 13.956
Ar= 8.466 KN/m Br= 4.846 KN/m RA= 15.572 KN/m Mdw 6.884
A l = 5.262 KN/m Bl= 8.466 KN/m RB= 15.654 KN/m 0.71478272
M br = 13.956 KN-m/m Mdw= 6.884 KN-m/m
where 2.14368
Mbw = end moment at support A due to wearing surface
Mbw and Mcw are support moments at supports B and C due to wearing surface respectively
Bl, Br are shear forces at the left and right of supports B respectively.
RA and RB are reactions at supports A and B respectively.
2.1.3 Barriers
Me= BL*(Cx+Cw)=(3.6+0)*5.9= 21.24 KN-m/m BL*(Cx+Cw)
M b =M c = 21.24*(-0.125)=-2.655 KN-m/m 21.24 -2.655
Moh 169.834
2.1.3 Moment due to overhang
Moh= A2*0.4*Gs =58.97*0.4*7.2=169.834 KN-m/m
3. Vehicular Live Load
When decks are designed using the approximate strip method (Art. and the strips are transverse, they shall be designed for the
145 KN axle load (Art. The design truck load shall be positioned transversely to produce maximum force effects.
3.1. Maximum Positive Live Load Moment
For repeating equal spans, the maximum positive bending moment occurs near the 0.4 points of the first span.
The equivalent width of the strip over which the live load is applied is:
E=660+0.55Gs = 4620 mm

0.4*Gs= 2.88 m

(within the
Position of the second wheel = 0.4*Gs+1.8 = 4.68 m < 7.2 m (within the same span) same span)
Using moment distribution method, 4620
Reaction due to the above loading (maximum raection and moment at the interior girder) 4.62
Ra = 55.042 KN Rb= 100.376 KN mp 1.2
Rb1 = 89.958 KN Mmaxp = 158.52 KN-m Mp 41.174
Rb2 = 10.418 KN 26.072
M p = 1.2*158.52 KN-m/4.62m =41.174 KN-m/m
Rb = 1.2*100.376 KN/4.62m =26.072 KN/m
3.2. Maximum Interior Negative live load moment
The critical placement of live load for maximum negative moment is at the first interior support.
The width of equivalent transverse strip is E=1220+0.25*Gs

The equivalent width, E= 1800 mm

Using moment distribution method, 1800
Ra = 14.98 KN Rb= 112.387 KN mp 1.2
Rb1 = 57.52 KN MmaxN = -30.497 KN-m Mn -20.331
Rb2 = 54.867 KN 74.925

M maxN = 1.2*-30.497 KN-m/1.8m =-20.331 KN-m/m

Rb = 1.2*112.387 KN/1.8m =74.925 KN/m

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3.3. Maximum Live Load reaction on The Girder
The maximum live load reaction on the exterior girder is obtained when the exterior wheel is placed 300mm from the curb.

The equivalent width of the strip over which the live load applied is:
E=660+0.55Gs = 3020 mm 3020
Using moment distribution method, the reactions at supports A and b becomes 3.02
Ra = 237.44 KN Rb= -102.906 KN mp 1.2
Rb1 = -92.44 KN 94.347
Rb2 = -10.467 KN -40.89
Ra = 1.2*237.44 KN/3.02m =94.347 KN-m/m
Rb = 1.2*-102.906 KN/3.02m =-40.89 KN/m 1
4. Select Resistance Factors 1 1
Strength Limit States (RC) 1 1 0.95
Flexure & Torsion Flexure & Torsion 1 i) Strength Limit State 1.00 1.05
Resistance Factor = 1 Shear & Torsion 1 ii) Service Limit State 0.90 1
Bearing on Concrete 1 0.70
5. Select Load Modifiers Concrete in strut & Tie model 0.70
i) Strength Limit State 1
i) Ductility 0.95 1.25 [Art. 1.3.3] dc 1.25
ii) Continuous 0.95 1.50 [Art. 1.3.4] dw 1.5
iii) Importancy 1.05 1.75 [Art. 1.3.5] LL 1.75
Load Modifier = 0.95 1.00 FR 0.75
6. Select Applicable Load Combinations 1
i) Strength Limit State U=0.95(1.25DC+1.50DW+1.75(LL+IM)+1.00(FR+TG)

7. Investigate Strength Limit State

Temperature gradient effect reduces gravity load effects.Because temperature gradient may not be there, assume TG=0
Thus, U=0.95(1.25DC+1.50DW+1.75(LL+IM))

8. Design Moment and Reaction Computaions

Ra= 0.95*[1.25(106.515)+1.5(4.846)+1.75*1.33(94.347)]=342.01 KN/m = 342.01 KN/m 342.010
Ma= 0.95*[1.25(-182.17)+1.5(21.59)+1.75*1.33(0)]= -185.56 KN-m/m = -185.56 KN-m/m -185.560
Mmaxp= 0.95*[1.25(Moh-Mws)+1.5(Mbr+Mdw)+1.75*1.33(Mp)]= 278.339 KN-m/m 278.339 194.550
M B= 0.95*[1.25(Mb)+1.5(Mbw)+1.75*1.33(Mn)]= -160.044 KN-m/m -160.044 = -160.044 KN-m/m
-160.044 160.044
reinfor For reinforcement computation, negative moment may be taken at face of support. The T-beams are bmin wide.
cemen Thus, we calculate moments at support B , bmin=500mm.
M DC= Mb-Ws*(bmin/2)^2/2+B2*(bmin/2)=-80.77-8.95*(0.25)^2/2+21.305*0.25=-75.723 KN-m/m -75.723
M DW = Mbw-Wdw*(bmin/2)^2/2+Bl*(bmin/2)=-13.456-1.66*0.25^2/2+5.976*0.25=-12.014 KN-m/m -12.014
M LL = 1.2*(-30.497+54.867*0.25)/1.8=-11.187 KN-m/m -102.616 -11.187
Mneg= 0.95*[1.25*(-75.723)+1.5*(-12.014)+1.75*1.33*(-11.187)]= -131.777 KN-m/m = -131.777 KN-m/m
-131.777 131.777

9. Reinforcement
a) Positive Moment Reinforcement
dp= 347 dp=347 mm (effective depth,dp=380-16/2-25)
Mmaxp= 278.339 KN-m/m 1.000

Checking the adequacy of the section 1.000 342.01

The section is checked for the maximum design moment whether the initial depth under consideration is sufficed or not.
278.339E+6 The section is #REF!
d ic =Sqrt( ) =201.27mm The section is sufficed!
0.254*b*f'c As, provided 201.27
ρ =0.0068 ( Using 16 mm diameter reinforcing bars) 2512 0.00681
ρ > ρ min Ok! 1.000 178.73
As=0.0068*1000*347 = 2363.35mm2 0.00680
S =85mm Use Φ 16 c/c 80 mm (As, provided= 2512 mm2) 1.000 2363.35
1.000 80.000 80
1.000 Φ
b) Negative Moment Reinforcement 1
dn= 312 dn=312 mm (effective depth,dn=380-16/2-60)
Mneg= = -131.777 KN-m/m
ρ =0.0039 ( Using 16 mm diameter reinforcing bars) 1256 0.00389
ρ > ρ min Ok!
As=0.0039*1000*312 = 1212.83mm2 1 0.00390
S =166mm Use Φ 16 c/c 160 mm (As, provided= 1256 mm2) 1.000 1212.83

Page 72
c) Distribution Reinforcement
The amount of distribution reinforcement at the bottom of the slab to distribute the loads may be taken as a percentage of the primary
reinforcement and a minimum spacing of 250mm.

Pe= min[67,3840/√Se] 67
Pe = Percentage of distribution reinforcement
Se = Clear spacing of geiders = Gs-bmin
Se = 7200-500 =6700 6700
Thus Pe= min [67, 3840/sqrt (6700 )] = 0.469 47% 46.91 46.91
A s = Pe*A sp = 1178.46mm2 ( Using 12 mm diameter reinforcing bars) 0.469130666
Sdi =min(3.14 (dd)2 1000/A ti ,250] = Min (90,250 ) 95.92 9 90 90
S = 95.92 mm Provide Φ 12 c/c 90 mm at bottom, longitudinal direction.

d) Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement

Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall be provided near surfaces of concrete exposed to daily temperature
changes. For members greater than 150 mm in thickness, the steel should be distributed equally on both sides.
A st ≥ 0.75A g /Fy
Where: A g is the gross concrete area
A st = 0.75*1000*340/400=637.5 mm2/m
Top layer A st =1/2*637.5= 318.75 mm2/m 354.64 35 350 350
Spacing =min (3.14 (dt)2 1000/Ast, 450, 3ts) = Min (350, 450 ,1020 ) 1020
S = 354.64 mm Provide Φ12 c/c 350 mm at top, longitudinal direction.

10. Investigation of Service Limit State

i) Durability
For durability, adequate cover shall be used (for bottom of cast in place slab the cover is 25mm). A 25mm concrete cover is provided
here, thus there is no problem of durability.

a) Check positive moment reinforcement

The load factors used above in all dead and live loads are taken as unity.
Thus, M p= 194.55 KN-m/m 194.550 KN-m/m

Reinforcement :
Mpu Assume; j =0.875 and fs=0.6*Fy 2669.82
AS =
fs *j*dp 2669.82
AS = = 2669.82mm2/m (Provided reinforcement)

b) Check negaitive moment reinforcement

Mn = -102.61571 KN-m/m -102.616 102.616
Reinforcement :
Mnu Assume; j =0.875 and fs=0.6*Fy 1566.17
AS =
fs *j*d n 1566.17
AS = = 1566.17mm2/m (Provided reinforcement)

ii) Control of Cracking.

Cracking may occur in the tension zone for RC members due to the low tensile strength of concrete. The cracks may be controlled by
distributing steel reinforcements over the maximum tension zone in order limit the maximum allowable crack widths at the surface of the
concrete for given types of environment.
Components shall be so proportioned that the tensile stress in the mild steel reinforcement at the service limit state, f sa doesn‘t exceed.
Fs ≤Fsa
Fsa=Z/(d c*A)1/3 ≤ 0.6fy
d c= concrete cover + (diam. of bars/2)
- clear cover to compute d c≤50mm
A c= 2d cS
Fr=0.63√ (fc‘)
Z= Crack width parameter
A c= area of concrete having the same centroid as the principal tensile reinforcement are bounded by the surfaces of the
cross section and a line parallel the neutral axis divided by the number of bars (mm2), clear cover here also≤50mm.
S = spacing of bars. 3.33 2.66
Fr = modulus of rupture 11
Fr=0.63√ (fc‘) = 3.33 Mpa 0.8fr = 2.66 Mpa
If fs > fsa, then the area of reinforcing bars has to be increased by reducing the spacing of bars.

Page 73
a) Positive moment reinforcement

26.752 Gpa (Modulus Elasticity of concrete)

Ec = 0.043Yc1.5 (fc')1/2 d1= 33 mm
=26.752 Gpa (Modulus Elasticity of concrete) d2= 68 mm
n= 7 dp= 347 mm
dn= 312 mm

The equivalent concrete area, n*A p = 17584.000 mm
0.5*bX2 =n*Ap*(d 2 -X)+n*An*(dp-X) X= 69.48 mm 69.48 -52.752 191.716096 69.48204805 1000000000
500 1 52.752 -8493.072
Icr=(b*X3 )/3+(n*A p *(d 2 -X)2 )+(n*An*(dp-X)2 ) = 788.979 *E+06 mm4 677126550.4 111814102 38622.66559 7.89E+08
fs =(n*MPu*(d p -X))/Icr = 479.02 Mpa For bottom steel, dc= 4.79E+02
411.96 479.02
240 788.979
For bottom steel, dc=33 mm, A= 2*33*80 =5280mm2 5280 240
fsa=23000/(d c*A) = 411.96 Mpa fsa =240 Mpa 240 fsa ( =240 Mpa
where: There is a problem of Cracking.
X is the neutral axis depth from top fiber > Increase the amount of reinforcing bars provided (reduce
MPu= unfactored max positive moment 222 (Provide Φ16 c/c 80 mm)
Icr = moment of inertia of the composite transformed section
The above results show that :
Trial Δs= 0 mm (change in spacing of bars)
Try S = 80 mm As =2512 mm2 0 2512 80
Ap =2512mm2, S=80mm dp=347mm, n=Es/Ec =7, d2=68 mm, An =1256mm2, Mpu=194.55 KN-m/m
Upon substitution, the corresponding values become: 69.48 -52.752 191.716096 69.48204805 1000000000
X=69.48 mm, Icr= 788.979E+06 mm4, fs=479.02Mpa, fsa=411.96Mpa 500 1 52.752 -8493.072
fs= 479.02 Mpa > fsa ( =240 Mpa) 677126550.4 111814102 38622.66559 7.89E+08
Increase the amount of reinforcing bars provided 4.79E+02 479.02 788.979
Provide Φ16 c/c 80 mm Increase the amount
> of reinforcing
411.96bars provided 240 240
5280 fsa =240 Mpa 240 fsa ( =240 Mpa
b) Negative moment reinforcement

d1= 33 mm
d2= 68 mm
1.26764E+22 dp= 347 mm
dn= 312 mm

The equivalent concrete area, n*A n = 8792.000 mm
0.5*bX2 =(n-1)*Ap*(d 1 -X)+n*An*(dn-X) X= 60.1 mm 60.1 -47.728 167.933921 60.10296074 1000000000
3 2 2
Icr=(b*X )/3+(n*A p *(d 1 -X) )+(n*An*(dn-X) ) = 643.159E+06 mm4 557871024.9 72371295.1 12916687.34 6.43E+08
fs =(n*MPn*(d p -X))/Icr = 281.33 Mpa 2.81E+02 281.33 643.159

Where:- MPn= unfactored negative moment For top steel, dc= 201.93
For top steel, dc=68 mm, A= 2*68*160 =21760mm2 21760 240
fsa=23000/(d c*A) = 201.93 Mpa fsa = Mpa fsa ( = Mpa
30 (change in spacing of bars)
Trial Δs= 30 mm (change in spacing of bars)
Δs S = 130 mm As =1545.85 mm2 30 1545.85 130.00000 13 13.00
An =1545.85mm2, S=130mm dn=312mm, n=Es/Ec =7, d2=68 mm, Ap =2512mm2, Mpn= -102.61571 KN-m/m
Thus, the corresponding values of X, Icr, fs and fsa are: 65.85 -51.7859 183.493538 65.85381921 1000000000
X=65.85 mm, Icr= 769.795E+06 mm4, fs=229.68Mpa, fsa=216.4Mpa 500 1 51.7859 -7747.0248
fs= 229.68 Mpa > fsa ( =216.4 Mpa) 17680 655619094.4 95196645.8 18979702.51 7.70E+08
There is a problem of Cracking. Therefore increase areas of rebars 229.683427 229.68 769.795
Thus, Provide Φ16 c/c 130 mm There is a problem
> of Cracking.
Therefore increase areas
240 of rebars 240
8580 fsa =240 Mpa fsa ( =216.4 Mpa
Investigation of Fatigue Limit State -13.28 -13.28
Fatigue need not be investigated for concrete decks in multi-girder applications. [AASHTO Art 9.5.3]

Page 74
Result and Discussion
Recommendation for optimum design for cost and general characteristic combined highway
and railway double deck cable stayed box girder bridge design includes,
 Proper measuring and assumption of number of cables used inside a group of
strands, and over all span cable requirement.
 Selection of adequate diameter and strength requirement of cables,
 Proper Span length and depth proportioning of the box girder
 Excellent pylon number selection, proportioning of height, size and other.
 Weight parameter of construction materials and quality parameters.
 Construction methodologies and others.

Recommendation for Better Results:

1- We can use pre stressed tendons inside the longitudinal Girders to achieve the tensile
stresses and get Small effective cross section.
2- We can do camber for Pylon and the deck to prevent high deflections for the deck and
lateral Displacements of the pylon.
3- We can recommend optimization of bridge structural components for better cost and

Page 75

1. M.M. Hassan, A.O. Nassef, and A.A. El Damatty, Optimal Design of semi fan cable stayed
2. Víctor Folqué Ceballos, Feasibility of a hybrid bridge: suspension and cable – stayed model 2016,
June 2016.
3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD
Bridge design specification, sixth edition, 2012.
4. American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Manual
for Railway Engineering (MRE), 2010.
5. Nuruye Adane, Comparison of analysis models of highway and railway bridges loads and load
combinations, Adiss Ababa university school of civil and environmental Engineering, 2013
6. K. Humpf & M. Müller John f . Design, analysis and construction of Puente Mercosur—
third bridge across the Orinoco River, Germany.
7. Ladislav Fryba, Dynamics of railway bridges, second revised edition, co-published with
Thomas Telford ltd., London, 1996, printed in the Czech Republic.
8. Temesgen Dolla, Analysis and Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete (PSC) Girder Railway Bridge, A
project submitted to Addis Ababa institute of technology, 2016.
9. Mohamed and Ahmed, Suez Canal cable stayed bridge Project, Kafr EI sheik university, faculty
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10. Roger L. Brockenbrough, Frederick S.Merritt, Structural steel designer‘s Handbook,
Fourth Edition, the McGraw-Hill companies,Inc.,2006.
11. Edwin H.Gaylord, JR, Charles N. Gaylord, James E. Stallmeyer ,Structural engineering
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