CSE 3505 SE Final Spring 2014

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s Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

International Islamic University Chittagong

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
B. Sc. in CSE Semester Final Examination, Spring 2014
Course Code: CSE 3505 Course Title: Software Engineering
Total marks: 50 Time: 2.5 hours

[Answer any two questions from Group-A and any three questions from Group-B;
Separate answer script must be used for Group-A and Group-B.]

1. a) Why validation of requirements document is needed? Which checks should be done during 5
requirements validation?
What are the types of interview? How can you make an effective interview with system 3
Explain enduring and volatile requirements with example. 2

2. a) Describe different ways to control subsystems.

What is cohesion? What are the types of cohesion? 5

3. a) Describe the repository model? Write down the advantages and disadvantages of the repository 5
Which factors affect the understandability of a software system? Which one is the desirable 3
characteristic of a system-Low coupling-High cohesion or High coupling-Low cohesion and why?
Why requirements elicitation and analysis is a difficult process? 2

5. a) Describe the V&V process with diagram. 4

Explain the advantages of program inspection over testing. 3
Write short note on the following: 3
i) Regression testing
ii) Stress testing
iii) Glass-box testing

6. a) What do you understand by the term “software maintenance”? Describe the factors that lead to 5
higher maintenance cost.
Describe the software evolution process with diagram. 5

7. a) Describe different techniques to estimate software cost. 5

What is the purpose of the COCOMO model? Describe the COCOMO 81 model. 3
Which factors should be considered during project staffing? 2

8. a) Define reliability and reliability metrics. Explain the common reliability metrics. 5

b) Briefly explain the software re-engineering process. 5

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