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Guiding question: How does Kambili develop as a character while staying with her Aunt Ifeoma in

Nsukka, and how does Adichie convey this development?

Instructions: Read from ‘“Do you think Godless men have any sense?”...’ to ‘…“You have good legs for
running.”’ (Pages 201-5)

• Amaka’s conversation with Kambili on the phone. Examine both what’s said, and what’s not said,
and what this may indicate
- In the conversation between Kambili and Amaka, there’s a noticeable change in Amaka’s tone, Amaka
sounds more relaxed and friendly in contrast to her usual self. This change could indicate a change in the
relationship dynamics between Kambili and Amaka. Also, Kambili’s response, although also polite,
there is some uncertainty or level of surprise in her voice about the interaction, suggesting that their
relationship may be complex.
• Kambili’s recollections of her confirmation, and what they reveal
- Kambili is startled by the revelation, though she quickly disconnects from thoughts of her father and instead
thinks about the painting of Papa-Nnukwu she has stashed away. Kambili’s unwillingness to think about her
father as a child suffering a horrid punishment such as the one she has endured shows that she does not wish
to humanize him in her mind. It is a small act of rebellion even in the face of her fear and pain. Though Papa
has attempted to make Kambili understand that his abusive acts are unwanted, necessary, and ultimately
guided by her own actions, Kambili’s growth in Nsukka cannot be totally undone, and she mentally rejects
her father’s emotional explanations for his horrific behavior.
• Kambili’s behavior after the phone call
- After the phone call, Kambili was thinking about what Aunty Ifeoma said during the phone call, she was
contemplating whether Father Amadi asked about her and Jaja or Aunty Ifeoma said it out of politeness.
She was wondering whether Father Amadi would first ask about her and then Jaja. Moreover, she was
also doodling Father Amadi’s name all over a sheet of paper. Before going to Nsukka all she was
thinking about was her school life and her home life, and all she was writing on sheets of paper was
schoolwork. However, after the visit, and now after the phone call her behaviour has changed. She never
used to doodle anyone’s name on paper, and she wouldn’t think of anyone in a different manner, but now
she did. After she visited Nsukka, after the phone call she was acting different, not in the way she used
to before. This shows her development as a character and shows how she has grown as a woman.
• Kambili’s fixation with Father Amadi over the following weeks (see the final paragraph) and what
this means.
(SEXUAL AWAKENING) So as Kambili’s character develops in the story, she starts to explore her
relationships, not only with God, Amaka but also with Father Amadi. She questions when Aunty
Ifeoma sends his greetings, she thinks of him often, she sees him in other people, fantasizes and spends
her time scribbling his name and doodling his figure. She becomes infatuated. This means that she is
forming emotional attachments to things outside of her old oppressive relationships which could be a
form of freedom. Overall, after her stay in Nsukka with Aunty Ifeoma, she is exposed to a different
perspective on relationships in her life, especially a male in her life, compared to her strict father, who is
more relaxed and friendly.

- Father Amadi represents a figure of freedom, compassion, and understanding, qualities that are lacking
in her life under her father's oppressive rule.

Marks Awarded:12/15
Comments on work:your paragraph is well-structured. However, it lacks a clincher. This is the last
sentence that ties your argument back to the main purpose of the text, which is often implied in the
guiding question.

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