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Campaign VII: The Eyes of Chaos

This scenario by Carl Sargent originally appeared in White Dwarf 145.

Once you're ready to begin playing, by a rock, and only survived because the Ogres
read the following story to the Hero thought he was dead. When he regained
players: consciousness, he discovered all his comrades
Hundreds of years ago, a desperate Chaos
had all been killed.
Warband was finally cornered and destroyed
"Their strength we know about," Pierre
in the foothills of the Vault Mountains. The
hung his head in his hands. "But such
battle was fierce and bloody, and the forces of
cunning - mon Dieu! Ogres do not hide behind
Chaos fought to the death. Hundreds of brave
rocks, mon amis - they eat them. I am the
Bretonnian warriors were killed, and rather
only survivor, and I feel ashamed to be alive
than taking their ripped and torn bodies back
when all my comrades are dead, but how can
to their families, the dead soldiers were
one man stand alone against a dozen Ogres?"
consecrated and buried in a great cave complex
Sven Hammerhalm nodded at the
carved into the side of a mountain. The caves
Bretorinian's words. Strictly speaking, Trolls
were ancient, possibly thousands of years old,
featured more heavily in the rock-eating
and appeared to be empty. The surviving
stakes than Ogres, but such cunning and
Bretonnian soldiers erected a cairn at the
trickery were unheard of among the loutish
mouth of the caves, and carved a new name
Ogre race. Magnus the wizard voiced the
above their entrance – the Tombs of the
thought which was in all their minds.
"This isn't the work of ordinary Ogres, they
Accounts of the soldiers' brave struggle passed
would never be able to act in such a
into legend and grew with the telling, but the
coordinated way. Something - or someone -
location of the Tombs has not been forgotten or
must be controlling. Their master would have
lost. Once a year, a group of veteran
to be very strong, and possibly he using magic
Bretonnian soldiers make a pilgrimage to the
to enforce his commands. I seem to remember
Tombs to hold a memorial service for the dead,
some tale about the Tomb of the Phalanx, now
so their sacrifice may not be forgot ten.
that Pierre has mentioned them."
This year, only one veteran returned front
Magus thought for a while, trying to
the service, rambling deliriously about Ogres of
remember. "According to the legends, there was
great cunning. Thinking that a group of Ogres
a source of Chaos magic deep in the Tombs. It
has moved into the Tombs, the local Lord sends
was latent magic which is why the Tombs
for the Heroes to deal with them.
themselves were not affected and the soldiers
have been able to hold their service of
The Bretonnian poured out his sorry tale to
remembrance there safely each year. But if
his attentive listeners. Marching to an old
this magic exists, it is possible that someone has
battle-site burial ground to conduct a
brought it alive. I think we should find out
remembrance service for the dead, he and the
what's going on and put a stop to it quickly,
other soldiers had been ambushed by Ogres. The
before the evil can spread."
brutes showed amazing cunning, throwing a
His friends and fellow Heroes nodded in
feint attack on one side of the beleaguered
agreement. Tomorrow, at first light, they
group of Bretonnians while a stronger group
would set out to the Tombs. This was truly a
rushed from rock cover to assault the soldiers
challenge worthy of their talents!
from behind. Pierre was knocked unconscious

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Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged


Dungeon Layout Characters

There is a single complete There are three characters
dungeon to explore during the Eyes available to you during the Eyes of
of Chaos. Chaos. Each Character becomes
Each dungeon consists of three available at a particular point in the
levels. campaign as called for in the Quest
For the first level of the dungeon, Notes.
the normal rules for setting up the
entry point each level are followed. Danger
From there on you create the This Dungeon has a Danger of 2.
dungeon using the normal random
generation. The only differences
are as follows: Room Type Table
Stairs Down: if these are rolled 1D12+X Room
up as a passage feature, they -5 or less Empty - Large
are replaced by a T-Junction. -4 Hazard – Large
Stairs Out: if these are rolled up -3 Lair – Small
as a passage feature, they are -2 Tomb – Small
replaced by a Dead End. -1 Empty - Small
Rooms: Use the table to the right 0 Hazard - Small
to determine Room Types: 1 Lair - Large
Tomb Rooms: Tomb Rooms are 2 Tomb - Large
special and explained below. 3 Empty - Small
Inner Rooms: Replace any 4 Hazard - Small
Empty Rooms generated this
5 Lair - Large
way with Tomb Rooms.
6 Tomb - Large
Quest Rooms: the first time (and
7 Empty - Small
only the first time) that the
8 Hazard - Small
Heroes find a Quest Room, it
will be the Objective Quest 9 Lair - Large
Room and contain the only set 10 Tomb - Large
of stairs down. This room will 11 Inner Room
always include two Ogres. The 12 Hazard - Small
GM places these wherever you 13 Lair - Large
they wish within the room. 14 Tomb - Large
When the Heroes descend from 15 Inner Room
the Objective Quest Room, they 16 Hazard - Small
enter the area depicted on the GM 17 Lair - Large
map, which is a Quest Location. 18 Tomb - Large
19 Inner Room
Enemies 20 Hazard - Small
Unless called out by Hazard or 21 Lair - Large
Quest events, all Enemies in this 22-24 Inner Room
campaign are Orcs, Undead, 25 Tomb - Large
Skaven, and Ogres. 26+ Quest*
X = the number of rooms revealed
on this level already, minus the
Party Strength

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Running the Campaign catacombs, exerting their baneful

Unfortunately for the Heroes, the effects over wide areas.
situation is not as simple as it seems! In summary, the Heroes have a
The Ogres who killed the old soldiers perilous task ahead of them. They
were more than just a random band think they will have to face some
of monsters. The Chaos Sorcerer Ogres, and perhaps lm Ogre
Johannes Wieschofer has discovered Chieftain, but they actually face a
a potent source of raw Chaos energy Chaos Sorcerer with a body as
deep in the catacombs, and is still strong as an Ogre's, a plethora of
working on controlling it. The last strange effects of Chaos, and more.
thing lie wants is to be disturbed, and This is a tough Quest indeed.
lie has instructed the Ogres to keep Pierre Chancier: The Bretonnian
the cave complex free from 'visitors'. Captain Pierre Chancier joins the
Johannes murdered his master and Heroes as a Henchman of a Hero,
stole his secrets. He was prompted preferring those with melee related
to do this when his master took character paths who have the most
delivery of a magical cloak, redolent Experience..
with the taint of Chaos. Impatient at Pierre joins the Heroes on the
the slowness of his master's condition that they do all in their
teaching, and eager for more power, power to kill the Ogres who wiped
Johannes desired possession of the out his friends and fellow men-at-
cloak. Before the old man could arms. Pierre will not allow the
properly study it, Johannes stabbed Heroes to plunder any of the
him in the back, and wrenched the soldiers' tombs, but treasure carried
cloak from his palsied hands. Before by monsters is quite another matter.
fleeing, Johannes gathered together During this Campaign, Pierre
the best of his master's magic books doesn't accept any payment (counts
and treasures, the cloak, and as as Fame 0), but if the Heroes have
much gold as he could find. He rode spare funds and offer him some
away from civilisation, heading south- extra equipment, he will not refuse.
east towards the mountains. He may also earn Quest Rewards
Eventually learned that a Chaos Flux for this Campaign only.
existed in an ancient cave complex in If any member of the party lose
the Vault Mountains. Fate as a result of the Tomb Rooms
The mysterious magic cloak turned in this Dungeon, Pierre automatically
out to be an Ogre Cloak, a marvel of leaves them and flees the dungeon.
chaotic magic. It could give the Otherwise, if the adventure is
wearer the form of an Ogre, and successfully completed, Pierre will
allowed him to control the minds of stay as a loyal Henchman to the
several Ogre servants. Johannes' Hero. Pierre’s Henchman sheet may
directions of his Ogre servants were be found later.
responsible for the ambush and
tactical cunning the Ogres displayed
when wiping out Pierre's band.
Johannes is currently investigating
a source of raw Chaos energy in the
cave complex below the Tombs of
the Phalanx. Protected by Ogres and
a rabble of other creatures which
have. been bullied into guard duty,
Johannes has begun to tap the
power of the Chaos Flux in several
ways, The most important of these is
the Eyes of Chaos which infest the
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Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

The Eyes Of Chaos: Johannes' affected. If the first Hero isn't

mastery of the raw Chaos he is carrying any magical items, the
studying has extended far enough second Hero is affected
for him to be able to place magical instead, and so on. This drain
Eyes of Chaos in the two lower lasts until the end of the
levels of the dungeon. These Eyes expedition. Weapons and
appear as glowing skulls with huge Armour act like their mundane
eye sockets; the 'bone' is white, the equivalents. Armour suits that
eye sockets red. You may use the cannot now be worn provide no
Wound Counters to represent these Toughness Bonus or Blocks.
in game play. 7 Tainted Power: Enemies of PV
4+ gain Regeneration.
These Eyes have effects which
Enemies with this Ability
will affect all of a room which they
regenerate twice each turn.
are placed in, irrespective of room
8 Slowness: it costs an additional
size, and up to 3 squares away in point of movement to leave a
all directions in any passage they square inside the zone.
are located in. This includes around 9 Warp Attack: All enemies gain
corners. It is possible for the the Armour Piercing ability
Heroes to be affected by an Eye of against all Heroes and
Chaos before they can see it if it is Henchmen wearing mundane
around a corner from them. Armour.
However, effects do not pass 10 Flame Attack: All melee
through walls, doors, or open weapons used by an Enemy in
doorways. The Enemies in the this zone spits fire within the
dungeon, are not affected by any and adds +1 damage die to its
adverse magical effects of the attack, which also gains the
Eyes. When Heroes enter a zone of Flaming ability.
influence of an Eye of Chaos, roll 11 Magical Null: All magic items
one dice and check the table below possessed by Heroes are
for the effect which will occur: nullified so long as they are
EYE OF CHAOS MAGICAL within the zone. Weapons and
EFFECT'S TABLE Armour act like their mundane
D12 Magical Effect equivalents. Armour suits that
1 Anti-magic: Any Wizard trying cannot now be worn provide no
to cast any spell in the zone Toughness Bonus or Blocks.
must make an additional Items are not permanently
Intelligence test to be able to drained, and will regain their
cast it. normal properties as soon as
2 Weakness: -1 to WS and they are taken out of the zone.
Strength Spells, however, work normally
3 Radiant Fear: -1 to all Bravely within the zone.
tests 12 Fate Aversion: Destiny is
4 Mental Enfeeblement: -1 to all useless within the Zone, and
Intelligence tests cannot be used at all. If a Hero
5 Distorted Vision: -1 to-hit for all wants to use a Destiny, simply
inform the player that for some
Ranged attacks BS
unknown reason, it just doesn't
6 Magical Drain: The first Hero to
seem to have any effect, but
enter the zone has one of his
their Destiny is not increased.
magic items drained of magic.
If he has more than one magic
item, the GM should randomly
decide which has been
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All these effects last only for as Johannes' Flux Attacks: While
long as the Heroes (or items, etc.) in location N, Johannes can draw
are within the zone, save for the one of three attacks from the power
Magical Drain which has a, of the Flux during each Combat
ongoing effect. Some Eyes of Turn. These are used as a
Chaos are special, and have Vigorous Minor Action. When he
effects described in the Quest does so, roll on the following table:
Notes do not roll on the for these. Flux Attack Table
Destroying an Eye of Chaos: D12 Effect
Eyes of Chaos hover around above 1-5 Arrows of Chaos: Roll a dice
the ground and can be struck at and divide by 2, rounding
with weapons in the usual way. fractions up. Johannes draws
They have 8 Toughness and 1 this many magical 'arrows' of
Wound, but all ranged weapon energy from the Flux and fires at
attacks with a range above 4 have the Heroes that Turn. He can
a -2 to-hit penalty because the select different targets if he has
more than one 'arrow' available.
Eyes are small. Eyes of Chaos can
Each 'arrow' causes 1 dice of
only be harmed by magical damage.
weapons or damaging spells; non- 6-10 Illusion of Terror: One target
magical weapons do not damage Hero, must make a successful
them. They are not affected by pass the target's choice of
spells which affect creature's minds Intelligence or Bravery test or be
(such as Flight), because they convinced that a nightmarish
have no minds. Whenever an Eye horror of Chaos is chasing them
of Chaos is destroyed, the chaos around the room. The GM may
energy flies apart in a miniature move the figure a number of
explosion. This will cause the Hero spaces equal to the number by
which the test was failed.
who struck the blow or cast the
spell to suffer any excess damage 11- Inferno of Chaos: The Chaos
they caused over and above the 12 Flux seethes with a tumult of
energy and almost seems to boil
one needed to destroy the eye! for an instant. A horrible
Dungeon Counters: Before screaming pandemonium fills
each Expedition, remove all the room and each Hero or
Character and Escape Dungeon Henchman in the room must
Counters. make a Toughness test or else
Tomb Rooms: Tomb Rooms suffer -1 to hit will all attacks and
contain a single coffin. They -1 to Tests whenever they are
contain no Treasure. Any Hero inside this room. This penalty is
Ransacking the Room or opening a permanent.
Coffin counts their Fate as one
point lower until the end of the Completing Objectives
expedition the first time. After that, Defeating Johannes Wieschofer
they actually lose one point of Fate. is the Objective. If the Heroes
The Ogre Cloak: Johanne can complete this, they earn any
don or remove the cloak at the rewards appropriately.
END of his Activation as a Free
Action. He has two cards for this

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Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Level 2: The Upper Tombs

Location A north wall as a Minor Action. Doing
This is a simple guardroom. so will open or close the Pit Traps
at Location F.
Locations B & C The Ogre here is incredibly
The monsters in these locations greedy, and has all the group's
have been very well trained. As Treasure to himself. There is no
soon as the Heroes open the door Loot here, and any rolls for
to either room, the door to the other Ransacking will produce no
room will open as well. If either of treasure. However, the Treasure
the Eyes of Chaos in the wide Chest's contents is determined with
passage between the rooms is three rolls on the Treasure Chest
destroyed, it makes a loud bang as Table.
it disappears. This noise is
automatically heard by the Location F
monsters inside the rooms, and These Pit Traps cannot be
they gain +6 to their Surprise rolls. spotted or be disarmed by them.
They will be activated by Figures in
Location B Location E. The Pits open or close
The Leadbelcher a great hatred of when the lever is pulled.
Dwarfs, and if he enters hand-to- Any Hero standing on one of the
hand combat with a Dwarf he can four Trap squares automatically
Berserk. falls in.
Any figure standing next to an
Location C open pit who is hit in combat must
The Orcs and Goblins here are pass a Speed Test or fall in.
cowards and will not move into an Jumping over an open pit requires
Ogre's Death Zone. two spaces of movement and a
successful Speed Test. A failed test
Location D causes the figure to fall in.
There is a pile of three rocks Any figure falling into the pit
beside the Ogre here, but he uses automatically loses one Wound.
his Club in the doorway. He only Getting out of these pits requires a
uses the rocks if the Pit Traps at Speed Test and three points of
Location F are activated (see below Movement.
for location details).
Location G
Location E The bridge here has a special
The Ogre here is continually trap. If a figure is stood on the
shouting at his Orc servants and Bridge at the end of a turn, the
may not hear noises outside. The Door to Room H opens, if it has not
Heroes receive +1 to Surprise rolls. already been opened.
There are two doors to this room. If nobody is stood on the Bridge at
The one at the south of the the end of a turn, the Door to Room
passage is a special one-way door H automatically closes.
which only opens outwards (out of
the room into the passage). This Location H
means it cannot open it from the The stairway leads down to the
passage. third Level.
Any figure may pull a lever on the

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Level 3: The Lower Tomb

Location I character failing the Strength test
This is the laboratory of Gregor cannot move two squares
Wieshofer. You may place him here backwards because he comes to
wherever you wish. rest against a wall, that is where his
There is a special magical trap on forced move ends.
the door here. When a Hero opens If another character is in the way
the door, a massive blast of wind of the backward movement, that
hits all Heroes or Henchmen within character must move to the side to
three squares of the door. Each allow the pushed-back character to
character must make a Strength move past
test. If he fails, the character- is Due to the Eye of Chaos here,
moved backwards two squares and any Hero or Henchmen entering or
may not move in any other way this room must spend an additional
during the next Combat Turn. If a point of Movement. In addition, any

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Hero or Henchmen starting their Location K

Activation in this room has their There are two Eyes of Chaos in
Movement reduced by one. the passageway outside, and in
If the Eye of Chaos is still alive some squares their effects overlap.
when Gregor is killed, the Eye Heroes and Henchmen in those
explodes. all figures within the room squares are subject to both adverse
suffer five 5 dice of damage in the effects!
GM Phase of the following turn. This is where the main group of
As part of the Loot in this room, Ogres live, although two of them
the Heroes will find a Warpstone are permanently acting as
Key. Whoever carries this must Johannes' bodyguards. If the
pass a Bravery Test each turn or Heroes only open one of the doors
suffer one Wound. to this room, the Ogre standing
The Treasure Chest here is guard at the other door will open it
trapped with a Spike Trap. In and emerge into the passage,
addition to the Treasure Chest's trying to pincer the Heroes and
normal content, there is a single Henchmen.
Scroll of Pool of Many Places. These Ogres will emerge from
Lastly, the Chest also contains the their room and chase the Heroes all
mad, demented diary of Gregor, in the way to the steps leading back
a turquoise leather binding. Most of up to the next dungeon level if they
its content; are insane ramblings try to flee, but the Greatgut himself
and pseudo-philosophical drivel will not leave this room in pursuit.
about the survival of consciousness The Treasure Chest is trapped
in the warp following death, but the with a Mantrap, but contains two
following section should be read to rolls of the Treasure Chest Table.
"Brother Johannes is close to Location L
controlling the Flux now, and soon I This passageway has several
shall have to strike. With that damn traps and will be a real test for the
cloak of his I can't hope to Heroes.
overcome him. I have to find some The squares marked at L1 have a
way of getting one of the Ogres on Fireball trap placed on them.
my side somehow. With his magical At L2, there is a deep pool of
control, it seems hopeless. But I steaming acid. Jumping the Pool
cannot let him triumph when I, costs two points of Movement and
Gregor, should he the Master.'' a successful Speed Test. A figure
failing the Speed Test takes
Location J Damage equal to the amount they
The solitary Ogre in this room failed by. They may also opt to lose
hates Bretonnians, and if he gets their Armour, each point of
into hand-to-hand combat with Toughness bonus mitigating one
Pierre Chancier he adds +1 to his such Wound.
damage dice against him in At L3 there is a Magic Circle. Any
combat. Wizard Hero will know that this is
deeply tainted with the power of
Chaos. The circle may be jumped
for three points of Movement and a
successful Speed Test. Anyone
stepping onto the Circle must roll
on the following table:

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D12 Result This, door has a glowing keyhole.
1 Pain: Lose 1 Wound Only the Warpstone Key from
2 Agony: Lose 2 Wound Location I can open this door.
3 Dark Fate! You count your Absolutely nothing else works, an
Fate as one point lower until no effect can allow the Heroes or
the end of the Expedition. If their Henchmen to enter this room
this leaves your Destiny unless the Key is first used. Unless
higher than your Fate, you the user possessed the Warpstone
suffer from Toxin. Key, Mystic Powers that allow the
4 Coward: Cursed* to Lose 1 un-revealed room to be seen into
point of Bravery. will fail to reveal anything, and the
5 Destruction: Chose one of Wizard will get a severe headache
the Hero's weapons at for their troubles.
random. Mundane weapons When the Heroes enter this room,
are twice as likely to be the Chaos Sorcerer Johannes
affected as magical ones. The Wieschofer is in Ogre form.
affected weapon rusts and/or The Ogre by the door has the a
rots away to nothing. Potion of Regeneration which he
6 Dizzy: Cursed* to Lose 1 point will drink on his first Activation. If
of Bow Skill. the Heroes kill him before this, add
7 Clumsy: Cursed* to Lose 1 the Potion to the Loot.
point of Weapon Skill. The Ogre in the middle of the
8 Weakness! Cursed* to Lose 1 room wears an Amulet of Iron. This
point of Strength will by added to any Loot.
9 Moron! Cursed* to Lose 1
The Eye of Chaos radiates the
point of Intelligence
following effects:
10 Skeleton Attack: A number of
Skeletons with a PV equal to
• All Attacks and/or Mystic
half the figure's Experience Powers by Enemies inside their
appear as close to the figure room inflict an additional point
as possible. (not die) of damage.
11 Destruction: Chose one of • Enemies within the room have a
the Hero's Armour items at Bravery of 11.
random. Mundane Armour • All ranged attacks targeting
Items are twice as likely to be Enemies in this room have a
affected as magical ones. The two Range Band penalty to hit.
affected Item rusts and/or rots Johannes will flee through the
away to nothing. open door when one of the two
12 Blessed Fortune! Gain 1 Ogres here is killed and/or when
Fate. the other one has Damage within
*These Curses are permanent. four of their Wounds. GMs should
however, a High Priest will be able to do their best to get him out alive.
remove any-and-all such Curse on a He runs off down the passageways
Hero in-between expeditions for a into Location N and awaits the final
donation of 100GC to the Temple. shoot-out with the Heroes there. If a
The Door at location L4 contains Hero is going to catch up with him,
a very fiendish Block Trap which then the GM may use Dungeon
has a -2 penalty to Spot and/or Counters to add +4 per counter to
Disarm. If it goes off, then EVERY Johannes' move for one Turn
figure standing in the shaded area during the pursuit.
suffers the same damage roll.

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Location N Entering the Chaos Flux: If a

Use the Large Room With the Hero or Henchman wants to charge
circle motif for this room. The circle Johannes in hand-to-hand combat
is the zone of Chaos Flux with he will probably have to move
which Johannes has been working. through the Flux. Movement into a
He will make for the far wall beyond space covered by the flux costs two
the Flux Zone, and he suffers no ill- points of Movement. While a
effects front passing through it. character enters the Flux, roll a dice
From the far wall, standing beside and consult the Magic Circle Table
the Treasure Chest, he uses spells from location L.
and special attacks drawn from the The Explosion of Chaos: When
Chaos Flux. Johannes is killed here, the Chaos
To determine the contents of the Flux begins to boil and swirl around
Treasure Chest roll 8D12. The and the characters will know that an
Heroes may put them into pairs as imminent explosion is at hand.
they wish and resolve the results on They now have four Exploration
the Treasure Chest Table. Turns to get out before the Flux
The Chaos Flux: The area explodes, filling the room with a
shown by the circle within Location devastating blast of raw Chaos
N is covered with a very thin, energy and killing anything and
slightly phosphorescent grey mist anyone inside the room.
which seems to contain writhing This should be just enough time
bodies and screaming Faces. to get to the Treasure Chest and
Clawed hands, tentacles, and make a run for it, but of course
worse seem to flit about within the matters won't end there. The Chaos
thin mist, grabbing at the Heroes as Flux expands front the room and
they approach. Oddly, the mist along the long passage outside at a
doesn't seem to restrict visibility; it's variable rate. Roll a dice each
possible to see what is on the other Exploration Turn as the Heroes
side of it quite clearly. However, all flee. Divide the number rolled by
ranged attacks within or across the two, and add 3 to it, so that the
Flux suffer a two Range Band Chaos Flux advances between 4
penalty to hit rolls by Heroes and and 9 squares up the Passage
Henchmen. each Turn. Anyone caught within
the Chaos Flux is forever lost to
Chaos with all their equipment!

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