02 - Advanced HeroQuest Reforged Appendix 05 - Quests & Campaigns (2023!02!18) - PF

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Appendix V


After the Expedition
Once the Heroes and their 2. Recover Point Pools
Henchmen all leave a Dungeon Heroes and Henchmen recover
(whether via the stairs, or feet first), any Faith Points spent during the
the expedition is over. expedition.
If the Young Gods smiled on They also remove all Damage
them during their last expedition, they have suffered and all spent
the Heroes may have found Destiny.
treasure, and maybe even magic Other conditions such as Injuries,
items. Strength Loss and Disease, remain
They will have a chance to rest for now.
and recuperate before the next
expedition. 3. Quest Rewards
If the Heroes completed their
To represent the time spent Quest, their Fate Points may
between expeditions, play through increase - a reward from the Young
the following sequence: Gods for their victory.
1. Discard unused dungeon Further, as they benefit from your
counters. experiences and increased renown,
2. Recover Characteristic Pools. their Charisma, Experience and
3. Gain Charisma, Fate, Glory will increase too!
Experience, and Glory for The increases you receive
recovered Quest Treasures. depend on how many Expeditions it
4. Divide up other treasure. took the Heroes to complete the
5. Pay Henchmen and cost of Quest. Consult the Quest Effects
living expenses. Table below, and award the
6. Roll for random events. indicated number of Fate Points
7. Resolve Settlement Services. and other adjustments.
8. Embark on next expedition. Example: The Heroes have
completed a Quest with a Danger
1. Discard Dungeon Counters of four. They took five Expeditions
Any Dungeon Counters the GM to do this. This is the danger plus
did not spend are now lost. one. The heroes increase their
Glory by two and Experience and
Charisma by one apiece.

Quest Effects Table

Last Expedition Number Starting Glory Experience Charisma
Equals Danger minus two or less +2 +2 +1 +2
Equals Danger minus one +1 +2 +1 +2
Equals the Danger +1 +2 +1 +1
Equals Danger plus one +0 +2 +1 +1
Equals Danger plus two or more +0 +1 +1 +0

Page 1
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

4. Divide Up Treasure 5. Cost of Living

The players can now divide up Next the players must pay their
the other treasure recovered from cost of living expenses for both
the dungeon as they see fit. themselves and their Henchmen,
Treasures may be allocated as as detailed on the Cost of Living
the players see fit - if they cannot Table.
agree who should get what, they
Costs of Living
should each roll a dice, with the
highest having first choice. Item Cost
It is a good idea to divide Gold Living cost (per Glory times
crowns equally, subject to the limits expedition) 5GC
of how much money each figure Pay Henchmen Glory times
may carry. (per expedition) 5GC
Note that once the gold crowns Cost of living has priority over all
are shared out, each Hero can do other transactions. Players who
with his share as they please, cannot afford to pay their cost of
including loaning or gifting it to living must record the amount they
other players. haven't paid on their character
sheet, and pay off any debts as
soon as they possibly can, before
making any kind of purchase.
If any of a Hero’s Henchmen are
not paid, all Henchmen will leave
that Hero's employ, and they will
lose one point of Charisma.
You may also choose to dismiss
Henchmen after you have paid
them, at which point they will leave
your service. You will not need to
pay them any further money, but
you will not suffer a penalty to your
Either way, Henchmen leaving
your service will leave with any and
all Equipment they carry.
Note that the funds may be paid
from Gold crowns carried by
Heroes and their Henchmen only.

Page 2
Appendix V

6. Random Events
Each player two dice and refers random event is rolled, its effects
to the Random Events Table. If a must be resolved immediately.

Random Events Table

2D12 Random Event
2 Frustrated followers: One of your Henchmen is frustrated at their lack of
personal progress. For each Henchmen you employ roll 1D12 against their
Experience. Each Henchmen who rolls equal to or less than their Experience is
fine. One random Henchmen from the rest takes their pay and then leaves your
3 Opportunity: You meet an old friend who has a gift for you. Count your
Resources as one point higher for the next Expedition.
4 Illness: You are struck by an illness. Your Hero counts as having been affected
by the Cause Disease Ability.
5 Hurt: A nagging reminder of the previous expedition is causing you pain. Roll 2
Damage Dice against your Hero, you will then start the next expedition with
6 Trouble with the Law: If you or your Henchmen are carrying Alchemical Fire,
the local Watch takes exception to the Fire Risk. You must pay 5GC fine for
each flask, and the flasks are confiscated.
7 Gratitude: The locals have collected 25GC in thanks for the monsters you have
killed so far.
8 Tithe: You must pay 10% (round up) of all money you have banked with a
Moneylender as a tithe to the City Fathers.
9 Replace Weapons: You have found one of your weapons to be irreparably
damaged. You must discard your most expensive Mundane Weapon. If all your
weapons are magical, treat this as a roll of Jealous Ruler instead.
10 Repair Armour: You have found some of your armour is damaged. You must
pay half the cost of your Mundane Suit of Armour (if any) to repair it. if you
cannot, it must be discarded. If your armour is magical, treat this as a roll of
Jealous Ruler instead.
11-12 Robbery! All money and Equipment you have left in lodgings during the last
expedition is stolen.
13 Quiet Visit: No event.
14-15 Pickpocket! You lose 25% (round down) of the cash you and your Henchmen
carry (i.e. not in lodgings or banked).
16 Henchman Retires: A random one of your paid Henchmen takes their pay and
retires as if you had dismissed them.
17 Debt of Honour: A Henchman offers his service to your Hero. Hire one
Henchman for free. You may not use any Paths that increase Glory or
Experience when creating this Henchman. You still pay for that Henchman at the
end of the Quest.
18-19 Risk Money: All Henchmen in your employ demand an immediate risk bonus.
This is equal to 5GC times their Glory, plus a further 5GC times their Glory for
each of your Henchman who died on the last expedition. Each Henchman who is
not so paid quits your service. If any quit, you reduce your Charisma by one.
20 Jealous Ruler: The city’s ruler demands a “gift” of a random magic item from
you. You cannot refuse, unless you have no item to give.
21 The Price of Glory: Increase your Glory by two.
22 Map for Sale: You are offered a Treasure Map for sale at a cost of 200GC. If
you purchase it, generate a Treasure Map from the Treasure section.
23-24 Sworn Vengeance: Your last visit cost the forces of darkness dearly and they
resolve to be better prepared next time. The GM may start the next Dungeon
with an extra Dungeon Counter.

Page 3
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

7. Settlement Services Moneylenders and Wills

The Heroes may now spend gold Heroes cannot carry large
crowns on Training, Healing, amounts of money with them (no
Equipment, hiring Hnew more than 250 gold crowns per
Henchmen, and engaging a Hero and Henchman), so they'll
Moneylender. If you do any of this, have to find somewhere safe to
remember to modify your character store any money they don't spend
sheet appropriately. between expeditions.
Moneylender Costs
Healing Item Cost
A Hero can visit a physician Moneylender Fee 5 GC
between expeditions and have their (per expedition)
ailments cured. Healers aren't Make or alter will 25 GC
cheap, but they are very useful: a Execute Will 20 GC
Healer is able to remove diseases, They can take the money to a
restore limbs that have been moneylender who will bank their
injured, and restore lost Strength. spare cash for a small fee of five
Heroes can similarly visit a gold crowns paid after every
Herbalist to purchase Healing expedition; the drawbacks are the
Herbs, an Alchemist to buy Healing potential to be charged tithes and
Potions, and even temples to have the fact that the money isn't so
the dead resurrected! easy to get to if a Hero dies.
Money belonging to a dead Hero,
The Healer if it's banked with a moneylender,
Item Cost Effect may only be accessed by other
Recover Charisma Recover one Heroes if the dead Hero has made
Strength times point of Strength a will.
10 GC lost to Strength A will names one or more of the
Hero's companions who will receive
Cure Charisma Removes the
Disease times effects of any money he has banked with a
25 GC Disease. moneylender upon his death - if the
Mend Injury Charisma Removes the other Heroes are dead too, the
times effects of one fortunate moneylender gets to keep
50 GC injury. the Hero's cash.
Resurrect Charisma Brings a dead A fee of 20 gold crowns is levied
Dead times Hero or on executing a will, so if the Hero
250 GC Henchman back
to life. You must had less than 20 crowns their
have the original companions get nothing.
body to do this!
Healing 20 GC Heal 4 Damage New Heroes
Herbs with appropriate Should any of the Heroes have
Action. Avoid been killed on the last trip, players
certain Hazard can bring in new ones.
Obviously, these new Heroes
Healing 75 GC Heal all Damage
Potion without an Action. have none of the treasure,
Avoid certain weapons or armour of the lost
Hazard effects. Hero. They start from scratch
(unless loaned cash or equipment
by other players).

Page 4
Appendix V

Between expeditions Heroes and Training 2: To increase a
Henchmen may improve their Characteristic by one, put a “+1” in the
Training 2 box on the Character Sheet.
capabilities through Training.
Each Characteristic may only be subject
Each Hero and each Henchman to Training 2 once. Also increase your
may only train once after each Experience by one.
Expedition. Heroes pay the GC Training 3: To increase a
costs for training their Henchmen. Characteristic by one, put a “+1” in the
To train, the Hero chooses one of Training 3 box on the Character Sheet.
these items and pays the listed Each Characteristic may only be subject
to Training 3 once. Also increase your
cost in Gold Crowns.
Experience and Glory by one each.
If this is a multiplier of a Value Heroes only.
Pool, use the Value Pool as it Wounds: Simply increase your
stands before the Training. Wounds, Glory, and experience values
Training by one.
Fate: Simply increase your Fate and

GC Cost

Glory values by one. Heroes only.




Resources: Simply increase your

Resources and Glory values by one.
Heroes only.
Skill: Each Skill on the read of the
Training 1 200 0 1 Hero’s Character Sheet lists it’s own
Training 2 400 0 1 price. Simply toick the box, and fill in any
Training 3* 1200 1 1 required notes for that skill. In addition,
Gain +1 Wound 50x 1 1 increase your Experience by one.
Gain +1 Fate* 250x 1 0 Heroes only.
Glory Spell: Tick the Spell you wish to learn
Gain +1 100x 1 0 on your Spell Book and increase your
Resources* current Experience by one.
Hero Skill* listed 0 1 Prayer: Tick the Spell you wish to
cost learn on your Prayer Book and increase
Starting Spell 150 0 1 your Experience and Faith by one.
Cantrip Spell 200 0 1 Feat: Tick the Spell you wish to learn
Ritual Spell 400 0 1 on your Feat Scroll or Prayer Book (as
Starting Prayer** 75 0 1 appropriate) and increase your Glory by
Litany Prayer** 150 0 1 one (for Proficiency Feats) or two (for
Blessing Prayer** 250 0 1 Mastery Feats). Heroes only.
Gain +1 Faith 100 1 0 Faith: Simply increase your Faith and
Proficiency Feat* 50 1 0 Glory values by one.
Mastery Feat* 100 2 0 Conditioning: the Hero gains the
Conditioning* 0 0 0 Fortified Ability until the end of the next
Find Work* -25 0 0 Expedition. Heroes only.
Secure Loan* -50 2 0 Find Work: the Hero gains the
*Heroes only Weakened Ability until the end of the
** and gain 1 Faith next Expedition. Note that the negative
cost mean they will gain GCs. Heroes
Training 1: To increase a Secure Loan: note that the negative
Characteristic by one, put a “+1” in the cost mean they will gain GCs but will
Training 1 box on the Character Sheet. also increase their Glory by two. Heroes
Each Characteristic may only be subject only.
to Training 1 once. Also increase your
Experience by one.

Page 5
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

New Henchmen Money and Equipment in Lodgings

When the Heroes returns to a Heroes cannot carry large
town after an expedition, the Glory amounts of money with them (no
of their exploits begin to spread. If more than 250 gold crowns per
they have been particularly Hero and Henchman), so they'll
successful, their names are heard have to find somewhere safe to
far and wide, and tales of their store any money they don't spend
adventures are related in taverns between expeditions.
and around camp-fires across the They can leave their money in
land. Some of those who hear their lodgings - this is free and the
these tales are so impressed by the money won't be subject to tithes,
Heroes' deeds that they seek to but there is a chance that the
join them, hoping to share in their money might be stolen.
glory. These followers are Similarly the Hero may leave any
Henchmen. of their Equipment they wish in
There are many different types of their Lodgings at a similar risk.
Henchmen: some are eager young Money and Equipment belonging
warriors, seeking to make their to a dead Hero that is kept at his
fortune in the Hero's employ; some lodgings may simply be shared out
are old hands, skilled in the arts of among the other Heroes.
war; others are specialists with
unusual skills. New Equipment
Any Hero with enough gold Heroes may buy new Armour,
crowns may hire one or more weapons, Adventuring items, and
Henchmen to their service between ammunition, at the cost listed on
Expeditions by paying five times the opposite page.
that Henchman’s Glory in GC’s. In addition, old Weapons and
Each Hero may have in their pay a Armour may be traded in for one
number of Henchmen equal to or quarter of their.
less than their Charisma. This does not apply to items that
Once hired, Henchmen must also are damaged due to random
be paid for by the Hero at the end effects, which have a resale value
of the expedition. of 1GC.
In addition, any ammunition and
Spell Components the Henchman
may need must be supplied by the 8. Embark On Next Trip
hiring Hero at their own expense. The Heroes are now ready for
There are many different types of their next expedition. If they return
Henchmen available. While a small to a previously-entered dungeon,
selection are presented ready for they may start from the bottom of
play, Appendix VIII details the rules any of the stairs they have already
for designing you own Henchmen. entered or exited by.

Page 6
Appendix V

Equipment Costs

Weapons Cost Armour Cost

Axes 25 Armed Shirt 350
Battleaxes 75 Buckler 40
Bows 15 Chainmail Coat 200
Clubs 15 Dwarven Chain 1800
Crossbows 15 Dwarven Plate 2400
Daggers 10 Elven Breastplate 1000
Elf Bows 80 Elven Mail 1200
Flails 25 Enchanter's Armour 1800
Greathammers 70 Enchanter's Breastplate 800
Greatswords 85 Enchanter's Chain 1500
Great Weapons 50 Field Plate 350
Handguns 50 Heater Shield 50
Halberds 50 Hide Armour 75
Longbows 40 Kite Shield 50
Morning Star 15 Knight's Helm 80
Pistols 30 Knight's Plate 500
Pistol Crossbows 20 Leather Jack 100
Short Bows 10 Legionnaire's Helm 55
Sickle 20 Pauper's Armour 30
Slings 10 Quilted Coat 125
Spears 15 Ring Mail 150
Staffs 10 Scale Mail 300
Swords 30 Simple Helm 35
Warhammer 20 Tower Shield 70

Ammunition Cost Adventuring Items Cost

Arrow 2 Alchemical Fire (flask) 25
Crossbow Bolt 2 Guildsman's Signet 50
Shot (& Powder) 4 Healing Herbs 20
Sling Bullet 1 Healing Potion 75
Hide Cloak 20
Iron Spikes (ten) 10
Lock Picks 20
Lucky Charm 50
Rat Poison (flask) 30
Rope (ten feet) 5
Screech Bug 30
Signet of Leadership 15
Spell Components 25
Tool Kit 50

Page 7
The core of Advanced HeroQuest Quest Locations
is the Quest. Each Quest consists At certain points in the dungeon
of one or more Dungeons, each there will also be areas known as
with a set of Objectives. Each time Quest Locations. A Quest Location
an Objective has been completed, is a pre-generated section of
the Heroes will gain a bonus. dungeon for which the GM has a
Completing all the Dungeons in a map that details the Enemies, traps
multi-Dungeon Quest typically and treasures to be found therein.
gives some form of additional Quest Locations are usually the
bonus. Heroes' ultimate objective within a
This volume includes ten pre- dungeon - the one area that they
designed Quests, plus a system for must enter to achieve their goals.
generating your own random Quest Locations are designed by
quests. the GM before the quest begins,
either using the dungeon
Objective Quest Rooms generation tables as a guide, or
Quest Rooms contain features purely from his own imagination.
that are vital to the Heroes' They should be the most exciting
successful completion of their and dangerous parts of the
adventure. They might, for dungeon. Here will be usually
example, be the arcane found the greatest treasure that the
laboratories of mad Alchemists; Heroes seek, guarded by the most
they could be the heavily guarded powerful Enemies they've yet to
chambers of powerful Warlords; or face. Many dungeons have only
they might contain strange puzzles one Quest Location, often in the
that have to be solved before the deepest level of the dungeon, but
Heroes can descend to the next there's no reason why you can't
level and continue their quest. design your dungeons with two or
While there can be many Quest more Quest Locations.
Rooms on any Level of a dungeon, In a Quest Location, the GM may
only one (normally) will be the not play Trap, Wandering Monster,
Objective Quest Room. This Quest Ambush or Spell Dungeon
Room, in addition to its normal Counters. Further, all Enemies gain
content, also includes the Objective the Sentry ability, and the GM
of the Dungeon. automatically has Surprise.

Each Quest (or each dungeon of
a multi-dungeon Quest) has a
Danger, which modifies how
difficult it is to find the Objective
Quest Room and how many
Expeditions the Heroes can afford
to make before losing their bonus

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Appendix V

One of the most important Heroic Legends
aspects of Advanced HeroQuest is When you're playing a campaign,
the campaign. The basic idea of a it's a good idea to keep a record of
campaign is that the players keep the quests that your Hero has
using the same Heroes in different undertaken. You can even write
quests, making their Heroes more this up as a continuous legend,
and more powerful as they go from adding new adventures each time
adventure to adventure. So, when your Hero finishes another quest:
you've finished your first quest, write down his most spectacular
you're really only just beginning. fights, his closest escapes, the
When you start playing a new great treasures they've found, the
campaign, it can be a good idea to terrible Enemies they've slain.
have someone else play as the Using your Hero's legend, you
Gamesmaster. This prevents it can give them additional names.
becoming one player against the Your Warrior might begin life as
rest all the time, and allows Albrecht; if he kills a Troll, you
different people to throw in their could rename him Albrecht
ideas. Trollbane. If in a later adventure he
You don't have to use the same kills a Daemon he could become
Heroes if you don't want to. You Albrecht Daemonslayer or Albrecht
can retire a Hero at any time - they the Mighty. All great Heroes have
drop out of the campaign, taking all heroic nicknames to remind the
their gold, equipment and magical world of their exploits and to throw
treasures with him. And if you want fear into the hearts of their
to bring them back after a while, enemies.
then you can simply get out your
old character sheet and start
playing again.
Each player can have more than
one Hero if they want, though it's
not a good idea to use more than
one at a time - you should keep
playing the same Hero for the
whole of a quest, but you can swap
to another Hero between quests.

Page 9
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Designing Quests
Once you understand how the game the ordinary rooms, or you can space
works, you will find it much easier to everything out, creating the possibility
design your own Quests. of long chases through empty
The most important thing you'll need passages and rooms.
to come up with as you design your Naturally, you can also change the
own quest is a good story! treasures that can be found. Use the
Heroes need something, epic, existing treasure tables as a guide,
dangerous and risky to drag them from and then invent your own magical
the comfort of an inn's hearth. Be items. Perhaps one of these could be
creative when you design a quest. the focus of a new quest, where the
Think of all the great fantasy stories Heroes have to search through a huge
you've read, or films you've seen, and dungeon complex to find it.
use them as a source of inspiration. You can use Quest Locations, but
This is the story that explains why they these should not be interesting rather
are fighting down a particular dungeon than deadly. Don't over-use traps - just
and links separate dungeons together. put in a couple here and there to give
From this you can decide what the Heroes a surprise and keep them
Enemies should be living in the on their toes. Remember, you will
dungeons and what the Quest have great tactical flexibility in the
Treasures are going to be. already-mapped areas. The best
Once you've decided what your starting point might be to generate the
Quest is going to be, you can choose area with the tables you have invented
what dungeon layout you'll use. You for your new adventure, and then
can of course, simply allow the move things around for your own
Exploration Tables to design the purposes. Once you're thoroughly
dungeon for you. Otherwise, you must familiar with designing dungeons,
decide how you will adjust the there's no reason why you can't
dungeon. Perhaps it is a small sometimes have a whole Dungeon as
dungeon on one level with only a a Quest Location.
single Quest Room and no stairs You will need to designate a Danger
down. Perhaps it is a huge dungeon level for the Dungeon, the bigger the
with a dozen levels. dungeon, the higher it should be.
There is no limit to the number of While many Quests consist of just a
rooms, Hazards or Lairs that can be single Dungeon, other epic multi-
created for a dungeon. Nor is there dungeon Quest can be devised by
any limit to the number of Quest connecting some of the Quests from
Rooms that could appear, though you the Random Quest Generator. For
may decide that not all of them have a instance, a rescued kidnap victim can
special purpose. give the Heroes information which
You can change things around for sends them off after a stolen item, and
any adventure you design so that when they recover the item they have
events can happen in a different order. to take it to someone who wants to
For example, you could have a game send them on a revenge mission, and
in which three hostages were being still further adventures! You can
held in a dungeon. The adventure you combine the Stop the Ritual Quest
invent around this may rule that one with the Rescue Quest theme by
hostage will be found in each of the having the minions of the evil sorcerer
first three Lairs encountered, and that carry off a kidnap victim for sacrifice in
the Quest Rooms will contain Wizard's the ritual.
Laboratories, centres of diabolical
research. You can choose to arrange
things so that few or no rooms are
empty, by creating a monster table for

Page 10
Appendix V

Quest Design Ideas THE WAR BAND

"They're gathering strength in those
THE NECROMANCER caves up beyond the forest. If we don't
"There have been so many attacks kill 'em now, they'll destroy every farm
on our village by Undead -there must in this valley!"
be a Necromancer in the Caves!" The GM should set a total limit on
The Enemies in the dungeon are the defenders. This can be
Undead; create a powerful Human reinforced between expeditions, but
Wizard as the sole character otherwise those killed are not
monster. The Heroes must hunt replaced. Are the Heroes bold
him down and destroy him, but he enough to defeat them?
can appear at any time to harass
them with his creations. You need JAIL BREAK
a Quest Location from which the "There has to be some way out of
Necromancer cannot escape, and here!"
which he has to defend of lose all This quest starts from inside the
his powers - his Laboratory, a dungeon, and involves the Heroes
heavily-guarded complex of rooms trying to get out! Objective Quest
and passages. Rooms should have stairs leading
up; there should be no other stairs
THE WAGER in the dungeon. Naturally, the
"I don't think you've got the guts to Heroes start from a room on the
go down there. In fact, I've got 500 third or fourth (or deeper!) level,
gold crowns right here that says you
having just managed to strangle
won't stay down there for an hour"
the warder and open the door to
The GM can seal the entrance for
their cell with his keys. Can they
40 turns. The Heroes will need to
get out? Oh, and did we mention
find another way out, because the
that their equipment has been
GM should also have some
stashed somewhere else in the
powerful wandering monsters and
characters available to chase them
away from the entrance or any
other exit they find.
"Hey, Magnus - was that you?"
Add this to a normal exploration
dungeon. Create a table which
"He's getting away!"
allows you to start destroying the
An important prisoner escapes,
dungeon once the Heroes have
and must be hunted down by the
recovered the object of their quest.
Heroes. But he enters the dungeon
Rubble will block the passages;
ahead of them, and tries to keep
chasms will open in the rooms. Can
one step ahead. The GM controls
they get back out?
the prisoner, secretly generating
the rooms and passages he finds
as he runs. Can the Heroes keep
tip, or must they find him the hard
way, exploring the dungeon piece
by piece.

Page 11
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged


"Has anyone seen the Dwarf in the "Leave now? Are you crazy? I must
last few minutes?!" find out what's beyond that door, "
A normal exploration dungeon, An explorer hires the Heroes to
but with only one level, and that map a dungeon. Heavily reduce the
partially underwater. Halve all amount of gold crowns on offer, but
movement rates. Reduce all tell the players that the explorer will
damage dice by -1. Then add a few pay them 5 gold crowns per room
hazards and traps which bring the discovered. Make sure that he
water level up a few feet... wants to keep going until he has
met a fearsome monster or lost a
HOSTAGES! few Wounds. Keeping him alive so
"My daughter.. Please find my the Heroes can get paid should be
daughter!" a fraught business...
The object of the quest is to
recover a prisoner, or a group of THE CROWN JEWELS
hostages. The defenders in the "Bring them back to me and I'll
Quest Location can be make you wealthy men. But if you
programmed to kill the prisoner(s) if tell a soul... I'll have you hanged!"
the Heroes aren't aggressive A hunch of Goblins got lucky and
enough. More importantly, the stole a fabulous treasure -a bride's
prisoner(s) aren't fit enough to get dowry, perhaps, or the regalia of a
out under their own steam, so the prince. The Heroes have to get it
journey back will be a slow-moving back. Each piece is valuable, but
nightmare, as they stagger out, the real value comes if it is returned
trying to keep the enemy from to the owner as a set. Of course,
killing the sick prisoners. the Goblins don't recognise its
value as a set, and the jewels are
THE ORC WARLORD scattered amongst the toughest
"They say the Orc armies we have Enemies... If you reduce all the
heard of were led by a great Warlord, other treasure, the confidence the
but that he was gravely hurt in battle Heroes have at the beginning can
with the Imperial host. If he could be
become quiet desperation as they
killed, there would be a handsome
reward..." realise their only alternative to
Create a Quest Location where starving would be to - gulp! - sell
an Orc Warlord lies wounded. He one of the treasures... ("Maybe we
has been badly injured, and neither can buy it back, later...").
he nor his guards can pursue the
Heroes, which is just as well - they THE MIRROR ROOMS
"We've faced everything else - but
should be much too strong for the
how do we deal with this?"
Heroes to defeat at first. But they
The Quest Rooms should be
might succeed with some help,
defended by mirror images of the
perhaps discovered in another
Heroes, just as well-armed and
Quest Location - a magical item, or
armoured as they are. The threat
some prisoners who could be
will grow as they grow stronger.
The final encounter can then be
with the most powerful images to
date - and the mad, evil Wizard
who created them.

Page 12

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