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Some of the words in this list may have more

than one meaning. The meaning listed here
reflects the way the word is used in the book.

down toward the ground or

found past tense of find; to
discover accidentally or as
-ed as in goat
the result of seeking
a mammal with horns that

bed is often raised on farms for

its milk
problem a situation that needs a
solution or thought

Amanda Rondeau shirt a piece of clothing for the

top part of the body
Consulting Editor Monica Marx, M.A./Reading Specialist

tool a device you use to help

you do a chore


Some of the words in this list may have more
than one meaning. The meaning listed here
reflects the way the word is used in the book.

cell a microscopic part of a

person, animal, or plant
dell a small valley

-ell as in microscope an instrument you look

through to see things
that are too small to see

well pump
with just your eyes
a device that forces
liquid or gas from one
place to another

Mary Elizabeth Salzmann swell to grow larger

Consulting Editor Monica Marx, M.A./Reading Specialist well a deep hole that you
can get water, oil, or
gas from

Ned is sleeping in his And they set it at the
end of the bed!
4 21

And Nell never

went back
to the well
Kim helps ring the bell. in the dell.

4 21
Ted led Ed
Bill led his friends. to the shed.

6 19

Hal holds his turtle Nell was so scared

that she gave a loud yell!
by its shell.
6 19
He told his
to his
brother Ted.
We keep tools in the
8 17

So Nell threw the shell and

the bell back into the well.

There is a pump on this

8 17
Ed Is Too Tall
for His Bed

10 15

Nell and the

Wishing Well

So she tried again

and wished for a bell.

10 15
Ed was very tall.
His dad kept
him well fed.

12 13

She came upon She put a coin in the well

a wishing well. and wished for a shell.

12 13

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