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Campaign VI: The Trollslayer’s Oath

This campaign by Ken Rolston originally appeared in White Dwarf 134. It presents a larger,
five level dungeon with a number of thematic events and set pieces.

Once you're ready to begin their tarnished honour by, seeking death in
playing, read the following story to combat against the monstrous creatures
the Hero players: that have overrun the ancestral
You and your companions know better
subterranean homelands of the Dwarven
than to visit the Hammer and Horn Inn on
Dwarf Night. For one thing, Innkeeper,
According to your companions, you
Gunnar, puts all the furniture in the
have in return sworn a solemn oath to
cellar - sensible enough, but it makes proper
assist Kili the Trollslayer in returning an
social drinking a tad uncomfortable. And
ancestral relic to an altar in the ruined
since Dwarf Night is the one night a week
halls of the extinct Durrag clan. Last
that Gunnar lets Trollslayers into the
night the trifling matter of a nest of
tavern, those that do come are very thirsty
Skaven currently occupying those ruins
arid full of irrepressible manic energy.
seemed hardly worth mentioning; indeed,
But... well... you were thirsty, and it
you can't remember giving it a single
seemed a shame to waste such a pleasant
thought. You'd like to remember, but the
night polishing your weapons.
throbbing of your head and the industrious
The Trollslayer Kili Thekkrsson's
attempts of your stomach to rid itself of its
challenge to a drinking contest was
scant fugitive contents have been terribly
presented in such a cheerful and friendly
fashion, and in so loud and public a voice
Last night, under the influence of
that you didn't see how you could refuse.
spirits, Kili was almost cheerful and
And, after five rounds of ale and whiskey
fraternal. This morning his more typical
slammers, you were sure you could outlast
sour and morbid Trollslayer personality is
the fellow. Your companions report that
in evidence. You wince but struggle
you were indeed the last one standing,
manfully to conceal your discomfort as he
though only by a breath or two, and they
outlines in a gruff and booming voice the
also confirm that you had a long and
insignificant obstacles that may face you
apparently profound private conference
in your coating expedition into the ancient
with Kili while reclining at your ease
Dwarven colony of Durrag-Dol.
upon one another in the sawdust heaped on
Kili scratches a crude diagram in the
the floor to soak up the various by-products
wooden floor with a knife point as he tells
of earnest social drinking.
you in his thick Khazilid accent and
Though you have no recollection of it,
broken Old Wonder about the design and
Kili has apparently sworn a solemn oath to
layout of Dwarven colonies:
follow you as a faithful companion for the
"At top, near the surface, are High
rest of his days on earth - not such a long
Galleries." (Kili points to two levels clime
time, given the suicidal tendencies of
to the entrance to the underground colony.)
Dwarven Trollslayers. These Trollslayers
"Barracks, beast pens, warehouses,
are Dwarves who have been disgraced or
fodderhalls... depends on the colony. Narrow
humiliated by some private matter, and in
shafts to surface for light and water - too
consequence have sworn an oath to redeem
narrow for us. We go in front door, here, at

Campaign 6 - Page 1
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

first level." and true, and I know her name, the old
"Then we cross main shaft at third Durrag tell me so himself. He is... hch... was
level." (Kili points at a long, deep shaft clan earl-king, he dead maybe four-
that extends from the surface to deep thousand years, lie in the gods-forsaken
beneath the earth.) -Stairs go from High woods of Bretannia with rest of
Galleries to walkways that cross main hearthguard, butchered like sheep with all
shaft. One false step and die. No rails on his warriors by damned High Elf filth -
walkways, and the shaft is... deep. Perfect pardon, Sharp-Ears. Okay. Wood Elf is not
ambush spot. We fight Skaven guards sure, High Elf, and I intend you no offence of
maybe traps." honour."
"Then we take stairs down to Gauntlet, "I travel in woods, gets dark, I sleep out
fourth level, large chambers, secret passages under trees, and old Durrag comes to me in a
to let defenders trap and butcher dream, says go here and dig there and I find
intruders... like us. Skaven wait for us this magic hammer. Take her back to clan
there, too sure." altar, he says, or he haunts me in the world
"Finally, here, fifth level, past ever-after. Such Dwarfs are hard of word
Gauntlet, is Kinhearth, with Earl's Hall and honour, said and true; what Dwarf
and Hall of Ancestors. Here altar of Living says, Dwarf will do. So I take hammer and
Ancestor - altar always in Hall of swear to Ancestors."
Ancestors - hidden by secret door maybe. No, Kili shows the Heroes the hammer and
no. no - never been down here, no, but I seen lets each of them hold it. saying, "Listen
many like it, all the same. You know here! Shh! Be quiet! Listen very careful."
Dwarfs - find something that suits and And as each hero takes the hammer in his
stay with it, said and true." hands, he hears a mysterious, muted
"Here, down at bottom of main shaft, droning sound, a whispery roaring audible
workshops and mines. Many miles. Bottom only to the hammer's bearer. "Hear that?"
level flooded, so we not go them" Kili whispers, "What you hear, that is
"Now, Skaven," Kili said, rocking voices of Living Ancestors. They want to be
back on his huge feet and frowning. "Most passed on, but no Living Ancestor of Clan
slaves, some warriors. Maybe Beastmaster, Durrag to welcome them, all dead. I return
and Rat Ogres, maybe. Skaven use Rat them to clan altar, where they join spirits
Ogres for heavy work. If fate is a friend, we of clan hearth, join the Great Sleep,
find Troll. If we do," Kilt peers intently at maybe, maybe pass on, who knows."
you. "he's mine. Understood? Okay. What "So we go, you and I." Kili points to
else. Maybe Skryre warpshooters. Plague you. "We'll deliver hammer. You and I
Monks. maybe. Could be rat wizards, have sworn, so we do. True men like us
maybe. But this was small colony, never (Kili points at Human, Elf and Dwarf
finished, not many ratboys. Mines flooded, respectively) are nothing without name,
no warpstone, no ore, so maybe ratmen not honour, and word, said and true?"
interested." "So. Now. You know what you must
"Now I tell about hammer." Kili pulls know," Kili concludes. sheathing
it from his belt and takes the leather Sognirstane and stuffing his few possessions
sheath from its gleaming stone head. "Her into a small backpack. "We go. Now. Soon
hammer name is 'Sognirstane.' Yes, started, well started, said and true."
manlings, you see magic of the Dwarfs, said

Campaign 6 - Page 2
Version 6.1

Dungeon Layout Enemies
There is a single dungeons to Unless called out by Hazard or Quest
explore during the Trollslayer’s events, all Enemies in this campaign
Oath, consisting of five levels. are normally Skaven.
Follow the normal rules for setting The Skaven have also captured a
up the entry point each level. From number of Cave Trolls, so the GM may
there on you create the dungeon add these as Elites.
using the normal random Due to the number of Slaves found in
generation. The only differences this dungeon, whenever you create a
are as follows: group of Common enemies, add two to
Room Type: Use the following, the number of Enemies who appear in
modified, table to determine Room that group.
Type. The Slaves in this dungeon are
Room Type Table especially craven, and suffer 1 to all
2D12+ Room Room Bravery tests and to-hit rolls unless a
X type Section Skaven Character or Packmaster is
3-5 Normal Small present.
6-7 Normal Large
8-15 Hazard Small Characters
16-19 Hazard Large There are three Skaven characters
20-26 Lair Large available to you during the Trollslayer’s
27+ Quest Roll on the Oath. Each Character becomes
Quest available at a particular point in the
Room quest available until used. Characters
table. who Escape may be re-used later in
Stairs Down: if these are rolled the quest. However, these Skaven
up as a passage feature, they characters are unique - once one has
are replaced by stairs out. been killed, you can't use it again.
Quest Rooms: the first time (and Timing Characters
only the first time) that the Gained
Heroes find a Quest Room on When the Heroes Assassin
this level it will be the Objective enter Level 3
Quest Room and contain the When the Heroes Warlord
only set of stairs down. The GM enter Level 4
places these wherever you they When the Heroes Warlock
wish within the room. enter Level 5
Hazard Rooms: if these are
rolled up as a room, they are Danger
rolled for on the custom table The Dungeon in this Quest has a
for this Quest. Danger of 2.
When the Heroes descend from
the second level's Quest Room,
they enter the area depicted on the
GM map levels three to five, which
are Quest Locations. Unlike normal
Quests, the GM may use Dungeon
Counters in these Quest Locations.

Campaign 6 - Page 3
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Running the Campaign

Kili: At the start of the campaign, The Death of Kili Thekkrsson:If Kili is
the Heroes gains the services of killed before Sognirstane is
Kili Thekkrsson, the Trollslayer. delivered to the Temple of the
Kili's character sheet is Living Ancestor in Durrag-Dol, Kili
presented at the end of this lives long enough to make a dying
volume. He has a number of speech to the Hero he follows. Kili
special rules presented in hands Sognirstane to the Hero and
places of Skills. croaks out the following last
Sognirstane: If Kili is slain before request to his Hero companions in
Sognirstane is returned to the a solemn and formal tone:
Alter of the Ancestors, then the "You honour my faith and blood, I
Heroes will gain Sognirstane in make you obligation of honour and
their loot, and may use it. truefriend – take Sognirstane, and
Bounty: A bounty of 5GC per pair complete my quest, and make good
of Skaven ears offered by the my word. You fail me, my spirit will
Council of the Imperial Dwarf wander without rest forever, said
League. Each pair of ears and true – I swear on Alfginnar.
counts as one gold crown for Grungi, Grommo, the Nine, and all
the purposes of how much a the Ancestors, you'll see my shade,
Hero can carry. you'll be sorry!"
Treasure: Other than GCs, no Kili will not tell the Heroes about
Treasure may be removed from Sognirstane's magical power, but if
Durrag-Dol without being a Hero uses it, they will discover its
affected by the Curse of the virtue in combat. Thereafter, at the
Living Ancestor. In order to end of any expedition until
remove such items, the Heroes Sognirstane is delivered, Kili's
will have to dedicate them at the ghost appears to the Heroes and
Shrine of the Living Ancestor on berates them as follows:
Level 5. "You are truefriends sworn on
Curse of the Living Ancestor: A blood, gods, and Ancestors. This
Hero who leaves Durrag-Dol affair is a great stain on your
with treasure looted from a honour. 'Til Sognirstane lies once
Dwarven tomb must have sworn more on the altar of Clan Durrag,
on the Altar of the Living your spirits shall find no rest.
Ancestor to dedicate that Shame nor me by craven
treasure to the restoration of the cowardice. Show yourself proud
Dwarven Empire, or upon and earn the Ancestor's blessing."
leaving must immediately Until the Heroes place
present that treasure to the Sognirstane on the Durrag
Imperial Guild. Otherwise that ancestral altar. The Heroes cannot
Hero loses one Fate gain new Fate, do not remove
permanently. The Living Spent Destiny between
Ancestor of Durrag-Dol is still a Expeditions, nor use Destiny stored
powerful spiritual presence and in Magic Items, regardless of the
his curse lies heavy on any who completion of any Quest.
would plunder the burial goods
of the clan.

Campaign 6 - Page 4
Version 6.1

Completing Objectives CHARACTERS

If the Heroes succeed in
delivering Sognirstane to the
Altar of the Living Ancestor,
and may claim their Quest
When they leave Durrag-
Dol, the spirit presence of the
Living Ancestor appears to
them and speaks the following:
As you emerge from the
halts of Durrag-Dol, a sphere of
radiant light forms before you.
Within: this sphere of light,
hundreds of Dwarven faces
seem superimposed upon one
another, and a voice with the
resonance of a thousand
echoes and harmonies rings in
your ears.
"No Durrag lives to bear the
Durrag name, to honour the
Durrag heritage, or to share the
Durrag inheritance. By
cleansing these halls of the
shame of conquest, you have
earned the right and duty to
take into your hand and heart
the Durrag Clan.
“Henceforth with honour
you may append Durrag to your
called-name and may enjoy the
hospitality of the Dwarven
hearth as a Clan Warrior. The
hearths of Durrag-Dol are now
your hearths. May your clans
increase in high regard and
prudent wealth."
If they have slain or
otherwise removed every
Sognirstane (Roaring Stone in Khazalid) is a magical
Skaven from Durrag-Dol, and if Warhammer. He who bears Sognirstane hears
they have not plundered mysterious, constant, muted sounds of whispery
Dwarven treasures without roaring audible only to the bearer. The sounds are the
dedicating them on the Altar of spirit voices of the Clan Durrag Living Ancestor bound
the Living Ancestor, each Hero in the magical hammer. Also, when inside Durrag-
is awarded an additional Fate Dol, the bearer of the hammer can hear the voices of
the stone around them, rich with the spirits of the
and Glory. Durrag dead. When in a Dwarven tomb, the hammer
speaks with one voice louder than others, but the
words are still lost in the crowd and unintelligible.
Range Damage Fumble Critical
M/8 D+1 1 12
Special:, Throw (Swift Shot, Exhaustion 7)

Campaign 6 - Page 5
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Levels One and Two: The Farm Galleries

When the Heroes enter Level When Heroes explore Levels
One, read the following text: One and Two of Durrag-Dol, use
Durrag-Dol was a modest the following Hazard Table and
colony in the World's Edge Hazard Descriptions instead of the
Mountains near the source of the standard Hazards.
River Stir, south of the great Dwarf
city Karak-Kadrin. Durrag-Dol was DURRAG-DOL HAZARD TABLE
never completed because its clan's D12 Hazard
earl-king, hearth guard, and clan 1-2 Wandering Monsters
warriors were slaughtered to the 3-4 Mould Frames
last Dwarf in a forest ambush far 5 Dwarf Slave*
from their home and hearth during 6 Grate
the closing months of the grim Elf- 7 Rat Coop
Dwarf wars of four thousand year 8 Moulder Rat Kennel
ago. Without the protection of its 9 Bat Coop
clan warriors, Clan Durrag 10 Sewer Drain
kinhearth was overrun and 11 Feed Pool
occupied in the early years of the 12 Dwarven Tomb
Goblin Wars. The ruins of the
*This Hazard is a one-off event.
colony are currently occupied by a
The second and subsequent times
Skaven clan nest.
this Hazard is rolled, treat the
Like most Dwarven colonies of
Hazard as Wandering Monsters.
its time. Durrag-Dol has several
levels of farm galleries near the
surface, a main shaft, a gauntlet,
and a Kinhearth. Durrag-Dol also
had workshops and extensive
mines at lower levels, like all Dwarf
colonies, but they are currently
flooded and inaccessible. You will
have to descend through the farm
galleries, main shaft, and gauntlet
to reach the Kinhearth and the
Temple of the Living Ancestor
where Kili has sworn to deliver
Clan Durrag's ancestral heirloom,
the hammer Sognirstane.

Campaign 6 - Page 6
Version 6.1

Durrag-Dol Hazards
Bat Coop Destiny may not be used to stop
Dozens of large, fat bats dangle this Damage. In addition, these
front on the ceiling. In the centre of bates have the Cause Disease
the room an emaciated, sickly- ability. A single specimen of a
looking dog-sized rat lies on its vampire bat killed by hand is worth
side. 10 GC to a scholar; other
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, specimens collected on this or
read the following: Kili yells, "Blood- other expeditions are worthless.
suckers! Disease! Watch bites!" Slam the Door: The Heroes can
The Heroes have several slam the door. The Expedition
choices: Mapper must record that the room
Screech Bug: If the Heroes have contains non-cleared Bat Coop.
a Screech Bug, they may use it to
kill the Bats. This will take one
exploration turn, during which they Clan Moulder Rat Kennels
may not do anything else. Once A pack of huge, snarling, dog-
used, the Screech Bug must be sized rats lunge at the door as you
discarded. open it.
Alchemical Fire: If the Heroes If Kili accompanies die Heroes,
have two flasks of Alchemical Fire, read the following: Kili yells, "Warp
they can use them to flame the rats! Disease! Watch bites!"
room and kill the Bats. This takes Go immediately to combat.
one exploration turn, during which There will be a number of Giant
they may not do anything else. One Rats here equal to the Party
flask doesn't kill enough Bats to Experience. In addition to their
have any effect. normal rules, they cause an extra
Mystical Powers: Any damage Damage Dice when attacking, and
dealing Spell or Prayer that affects have the Cause Disease special
at least nine spaces may be used rule.
to clear the room. If this Power These warp rats always move,
requires the Hero to stand in the then attack. They always attempt to
room, they automatically lose a move as far as possible – in other
Wound words, attempt to Escape – before
Fight It Out: The Heroes can they attack. The rats are not
wade into hand-to-hand combat affected by a Hero's Death Zone
with the Bats. This will take one and Heroes are not affected by a
exploration turn, during which they warp rat's Death Zone. The rats
may not do anything else. If the attempt to escape from the room
Heroes choose this option, they and the Heroes. For each rat that
must decide who will enter. The escapes, the GM may draw one
GM then rolls a dice, divides the dungeon counter at random.
score by 2 (rounding up). The The skin of a single dead warp
result is the total number of rat is worth 5 GC as a scholar's
Damage inflicted on those Heroes specimen, other skins collected
who entered the room, which must now or later are worthless.
be divided as evenly as possible
amongst them. The GM decides
what to do with any 'odd' points.

Campaign 6 - Page 7
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Dwarf Slave and Skaven had missed. I got as

Two slaves and a wretched- far as the main shaft, where the
looking, half-naked Dwarf are rats crippled me and took me
pounding long strands of mould in captive. It's a tricky spot. There's
a shallow trough in the floor with walkways around the right and left
wooden mallets. The Skaven are walls, but there's a bunch of magic
unfettered, but the Dwarf-wears a traps on them, little runic things
stout chain fastened to metal cuffs inscribed on the stone flags that
around his ankles. A Slavemaster burst into flame when you step on
is supervising the labour. The them. Almost impossible to find
Dwarf looks at you with dull them in the bad light. 'There's a
incomprehension for a moment centre walkway, too, runs right
then, croaking hoarsely with across fix open shaft, no rails and
excitement, he turns and swings walls on the edge of course. That's
his mallet at the nearest Skaven. the way to go, but they had a
If the Dwarf is rescued froth bunch of ratboys with slings, and
captors, he becomes a Henchman they flung a hailstorm of stones at
to a Dwarf Hero if there is one, or me. One broke my ankle, and that
another if not. Ties go to the Hero was that. Don't know nothing about
with the highest Strength score. the lower levels - they kept me up
The Dwarf Henchman does not here in the slave pens with the
have to be paid for this expedition, other Skaven,"
but he has no weapons or armour, If at least one Skaven escapes,
these must be provided by the the GM may take a random
Heroes. Create a Dwarf dungeon counter.
Henchman, but they cannot take
any paths that boost Glory, and
have zero GCs to spend on
While wearing the chained
cuffs, the Dwarf's Speed is reduced
to 2 before modifications for
equipment. The cuffs can be
broken open, but each attempt
takes one major action in an
exploration turn. No more than two
Heroes can attempt to break open
die cuffs at a time. Roll a dice and
add the Heroes' Strengths – if the
score comes to 20 or greater, the
cuffs are broken open and the
Dwarf may move at his normal
III addition, if the Dwarf Slave is
rescued, lie tells the Heroes what
lie knows about Durrag-Dol. Read
the following aloud:
"I came down here two years
ago. I thought I might find
something the filthy Orcs, Goblins

Campaign 6 - Page 8
Version 6.1

Dwarven Tomb
The door opens on a low-roofed DWARVEN TOMB TREASURE
chamber with a number of TABLE
horizontal, man-sized niches cut 2D12 Result
into the walls, some open, some 2-6 The tomb seems promising
covered with rock slabs. at first, but finally nothing of
If a Wizard enters the room, value is discovered. The
read the following: GM may draw a dungeon
You feel the tension of magical counter.
force in this room. When you close 7-16 Nothing of value remains,
your eyes for a moment and but searching the room is
concentrate, you sense a diffuse easy and results in no
aura of power in the air before you appreciable delay.
and hear a distant, indistinct 17- The Hero finds an unusual
murmuring as of a thousand voices 22 piece of ornamental
whispering together. jewellery dating from the
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, early Dwarven occupation
read die following: of the colony. Count this as
Kili says, "Dwarf common folk - a non-magical Jewel. See
all but nobles - buried in simple Curse of the Living
vaults down colony passageways. Ancestors in Leaving
Each vault has several family Durrag-Dol.
burials. Once the burials were all 23 The Hero discovers a
sealed by stone slabs; some looted treasure chest hidden in the
later by Orc and Skaven filth. tomb. Roll a dice to see it
Families bury their dead and the treasure chest is
treasure with him, but most is gone, trapped. If the roll is odd,
stolen by rats and filth. (Piui!) Traps the chest is trapped; if the
and curses of Dwarf tombs are roll is even, the chest is not
death. You smart? Don't touch." trapped. If there is a trap,
If a Hero Searches a tomb for roll on the Traps Table to
treasure (makes a Ransack action), determine the type of trap.
roll two dice and consult the Roll two dice and consult
following table. Before you roll the the Treasure Chests Table
dice, warn Lite Hero that searching to determine the contents of
involves opening burial niches and the Treasure Chest. See
disturbing the final remains of long- Curse of the Living
dead Dwarves. Kili advises strongly Ancestors in Leaving
against disturbing Dwarven dead. Durrag-Dol.
The Hero may not be willing to risk 24 The Hero finds a hidden
searching the room under the magical treasure dating
circumstances. If they do search from the early Dwarven
the room, they must be prepared to occupation of the colony -
deal with the consequences. roll two dice and consult the
Magic Treasure Table See
Curse of the Living
Ancestors in Leaving

Campaign 6 - Page 9
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Feed Pool Mould Frames

A cluster of whitened bone Lattice frames made from dried
fragments lie scattered across the giant Mushroom stalks are spiked
bottom of a clear, shallow pool. to the ceiling. From these lattices
Among the bones a tiny silvery hang thick curtains of glistening
metallic object glints. varicoloured moulds, with long
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, vine-like strands supporting damp
read the following: clots of densely-twined mould
Kili scratches his head, puzzled. fibers.
"Should be water well for the farm. There is always at least one exit
Looks and smells clean – but the from this room. Because of these
bones, don't know...." curtains of mould, line of sight to
The pool contains Blind Cave any target in these rooms is
Piranha, a choice Skaven delicacy partially obscured.
which they harvest by sticking a If Kili accompanies the Heroes,
haunch of meat into the pool, then read the following:
flipping the ravenous piranha out of Kili whispers, "Ratmen eat soft
the pool as they clamp their moulds. Beat .stalks into pulp and
powerful jaws into the hunk of use fibres for rope cloth, and other
flesh. Any Hero who sticks his hand such. Use Slaves, they do all work.
into the pool searching for treasure Slaves not fight, or fight badly, but
unwittingly reinvents this distinctive Slavemasters – ones with whips –
Skaven fishing technique. Roll four are death-rough, said and true.
damage dice of Wounds. If all three Roll 1D12. On a 1-6, only a
or more Wounds are caused, the single Slave is here. On a 7-12, a
hand counts as Injured. Packmaster and four Saves are
The metallic glint is a magic present instead. Because of the
Crossbow Bolt that slew a Skaven obscured line of sight, do not place
who was subsequently used as enemies or go to combat until a
cave piranha bait. Roll on the Hero enters the room.
Magical Arrows and Bolts table in If a single Slave, they are
Appendix IV to determine the type, unsupervised, pruning and
but count the result as a single Bolt harvesting mould fibres for food
of that type. and materials.
These Slaves can open doors
as a Sentry. If there is an
unblocked exit, the Slave will
attempt to escape through it. If the
Slave escapes, the GM may draw a
dungeon counter. If there is no
unblocked exit, the Slave will cower
in a corner and refuse to fight
unless a Packmaster is present. A
Slave with no unblocked escape
route will not resist capture, and
may be left behind tied up or may
be dragged along like a KO'd Hero.

Campaign 6 - Page 10
Version 6.1

Rat Coop following:

The floor of this room is covered The sleek, well-fed rats swarm
with a carpet of fat, well-fed rats. around your feet, Casting their tiny
The Heroes have several muzzles and eyes up expectantly
choices: at you. They appear to be bred and
Rat Poison: If the Heroes have domesticated like chickens.
any Rat Poison, they may use it to Fragments of dried mushroom
kill the Rats. This will take one meal on the floor suggests their
exploration turn, during which they diet.
may not do anything else. A specimen of this
Alchemical Fire: If the Heroes domesticated rat is worth 10 GC to
have two flasks of Alchemical Fire, a scholar – but you'll never sell
they can use them to flame the more than one.
room and kill all the Rats. This will Slam the Door: The Heroes can
take one exploration turn, during slam the door and leave the Rats to
which they may not do anything it. The Expedition Mapper should
else. One flask doesn't kill enough record the fact that there as a non-
Rats to have any effect. cleared Rat Coop in here.
Mystical Powers:
Any damage dealing
Spell or Prayer that
affects at least nine
spaces may be used
to clear the room. If
this Power requires
the Hero to stand in
the room, they
automatically lose a
Fight It Out: The
Heroes can wade
into the Rats. There
are 60 of them. Each
Hero who enters
should roll a dice
each turn (treat
these as exploration
turns), the result
being the number of
Rats killed. If the
dice roll is a 1-4, the
Hero suffers one
Wound from Rat
bites. Wounds
inflicted by Rats may
not be cancelled by
spending a Destiny.
If the Heroes
decide to take this
option, read the

Campaign 6 - Page 11
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Sewer Drain Magic: A Wizard may use an

The fetid odour of filth and appropreate spell to allow the drain
decay is almost overpowering. You to be crossed in some way.
see a long, deep trench running
across the centre of the room from Falling in: If a figure falls into
one side to the other. The trench is the Sewer Drain, roll a die and add
about ten feet deep, with rank, dirty the Hero's Speed penalty for any
water running through it through Armour they are wearing. If the
low stone arches on the right and result is 5 or less, the Hero loses 1
left side of the room. Wound. The figure must pass a
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, Speed Test to climb out.
read the following:
Kili says, "Phew. Sewer drain – In addition to Ransacking the
and not cleaned since Great War, Room, a Hero standing in the
you bet. Filthy stinkers. Is wonder Sewer Drain my ransack it.
not clog or flood." If a Hero Ransacks while in the
Use the special Sewer Drain sewer drain, roll again on the
section and place it across the Ransacking and Minor Treasure
room, leaving five spaces on the table, save that on a roll of 17+ the
side closest to the Heroes, and ten Heroes have found a something
spaces with one Door (do not roll special. Roll on the following table:
for doors) and a Treasure Chest on SEWER DRAIN TABLE
the other side, along with a group 2D12 Result
of Enemies rolled up on the 2-3 Dwarven Helm*
Wandering Monsters Matrix.
4-6 Roll on the Treasure
Roll the contents of the chest on
Chests table.
the Treasure Chests Table as
7-9 Magical Arrows or Bolts
normal. For the purposes of
10 10D12 GC
Examining the Chest, each side of
the Sewer Drain counts as a 11 25GC
separate room. 12-13 50GC
The Heroes have several 14-18 Mundane Item
options to cross the Sewer Drain: 17-19 Jewel
Jump: Heroes may leap over 20-22 Gromril Axe*
the Sewer Drain on a successful 23-24 Dwarven Shield*
Speed test. If they fail, they fall in *These items are unique. If a
as described below. second one is found, re-roll. Each
Safe Climb: Heroes may enter of these items may be sold for
(but not leave) the Swer Drain 100GCs.
safely using ten feet of rope. This
Dwarven Helm: A helm crafted in
takes a Major Action, and that rope
priceless Gromril. BS- 1, T +1, Sp-
cannot be used by another figure in
the same turn. to leave, treat it as
Dwarven Shield: A Shield crafted
though they had fallen in.
in priceless Gromril. BS-1, T +1,
Heroic Climb: If they have no
Sp-1, Block.
rope, a Hero can climb down on a
Gromril Axe: An Axe crafted n
successful Strength Test. If failed,
priceless Gromril. As per a normal
they take fall in as described below.
axe, however this will NEVER be
worn out as a result of rolls for
events between expeditions.

Campaign 6 - Page 12
Version 6.1

Slave Grate Kili whispers. "Ratman slaves. Too

Through the grate a dark, filthy easy. Not worth killing."
room may be seen below. Six If they lift the grate to enter the
naked Slaves huddle together in a room below, the Heroes receive a
tangled pile in one corner, snoring, Surprise bonus of +2. Only one
twitching, and squeaking in the Hero or Henchman may enter or
throes of unimaginable Skaven leave the lower room per combat
dreams. turn, and this take two points of
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, movement.
read the following: Heroes may kill the Slaves with
Kili whispers. "Ratman slaves. ease, let them escape, or capture
Too easy. Not worth killing." them. captured Slaves may; be left
There is a Grate in the floor of behind tied up, or may be dragged
this room. The GM can place it on along like a KO'ed Hero. The
any square. If a Hero is moved to Slaves are not re-stocked if
that square, he can see that removed from the room or killed.
beneath the Grate there is a room. These slaves are tired,
Through the grate a dark, filthy unarmoured, and will not fight back.
small room may be seen below. Six The GM can play a Wandering
naked Slaves huddle together in a Monsters or Character counter to
tangled pile in one corner, snoring, bring more Enemies into the
twitching, and squeaking in the hazard room, even if all the Heroes
throes of unimaginable Skaven are in the lower room, effectively
dreams. cutting them off if there's no-one to
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, guard the opening. They can still
read the following: climb out with a rope at one per
turn, but this means the first one
out has to face all the Enemies in
the room above.

Campaign 6 - Page 13
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

Quest Location: Level Three – Main Shaft

The main shaft of the Dwarven daylight can faintly be discerned
colony is an open shaft running through the ventilation portals of
from the surface to the lower levels the great headframe. Below you
of mines. Access from the farms to the shaft drops into the depths of
the residential sections of the the lower mine levels.
colony cuts across the main shaft Across this wide shaft are three
on narrow bridges of stone. Narrow narrow stone walkways. One
stone walkways run around the walkway extends directly across
outer walls of die shaft. The the centre of the open shaft to a
walkways and bridges have no recessed chamber on the opposite
guard rails or walls, and a single wall. A man-sized figure in armour
misstep will plunge the careless with a weapon stands at the far end
traveller into the echoing of the central walkway in front of
bottomless darkness of the main passage beneath a raised
shaft. portcullis. There is a closed door to
This natural choke-point is the the right of the figure. The other
first major element in the defences two walkways hug the walls to your
of the Dwarven colony. Routes left and right, and lead around the
across the shaft are routinely outer margins of the shaft to the
trapped and guard chambers block opposite recessed chamber. No rail
access from the shaft to the or wall restrains a traveller upon
kinhearth and other residential the walkways.
areas. If Kili accompanies the Heroes,
The main shaft traps of a colony read the following:
like Durrag-Dol lack the elaborate Kili yells, "Get the sentry! He warns
mechanical elegance and fiendish others!"
subtlety of Freehold and First Go to combat. The man-sized
Empire. Instead the traps were figure is a Skaven Sentry. Unless
often magical in nature, or omitted prevented by lucky missiles shots,
altogether in favour of less the Sentry squeaks a loud alarm
expensive, more flexible Dwarf and runs immediately beneath the
warrior defenders. Durrag-Dol's raised portcullis towards the stairs
current Skaven occupants rely on to level 4 to warn of the presence
their Sorcerer's Dark Magic traps of intruders.
and their Skaven Gutter Runners to When combat is over (that is,
delay and punish intruders while when the Sentry has escaped or
stouter defences are prepared at has been killed by missile fire from
lower levels. the Heroes), return to exploration
When the Heroes look through turns and read the following.
the bars of the lowered portcullis A steady draft of cool, fresh air
into the main shaft, lay out the main moves down the shaft from above.
shaft as indicated in the diagram Huge stone pipes bound with iron
and read the following: run and down into the darkness
The vast darkness before you is along tile walls of the shaft. Some
dimly illuminated by glowstones. A pipes are cold to the touch,
huge open space like a vertical covered with condensation and
mine shaft extends out of sight filled with the roar of moving water.
above and below. Above you faint Others are quiet and at air

Campaign 6 - Page 14
Version 6.1

The central
walkway spanning
the deep shaft is
clearly the most
often travelled, its
surface worn
smooth by frequent
passage. The outer
walkways are
obviously much less
frequently travelled.
At the far side of
(lie central walkway
one set of stairs
leads down the
centre of the shaft
from the central
walkway. Another
set of stairs leads
up the shaft from
the central walkway.
Neither stairway
shows signs of
common use.
If Kili
accompanies die
Heroes, read the
Kili says, "Good
spot for ambush.
Wizards or
warpshooters hit us
from far away. We
move fast, but
watch for traps."

This quest
location assumes a
Party Experience of
Seven or less. For
each point this is
exceeded by, you
may add an equal
PV of Enemies from
the following list:
Clanrat Warden,
Clanrat Warrior,

Campaign 6 - Page 15
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

A: Choke Magic Traps F: Stairs Up and Out

Squares marked with Choke These stairs lead up 100 yards
symbols (see map key) are triggers to a ventilation and inspection grate
for Magic (Choke) traps. which may be removed, permitting
the Heroes to emerge from the
B: Fireball Traps shaft's headframe into the outside
Squares marked with Fireball world. They may thus use this as
symbols (see map key) are triggers an additional exit.
for Magic (Fireball) traps.
G: Stairs Down to Workshops and
C: Guard Chamber Mines
The GM may use their own These stairs lead down to the
choice of Warrior or Warden flooded workshops and mine
Champion for each Champion. The levels. Since the Hoist Chamber at
Skaven in this room wait one turn Durrag-Dol was never finished,
after hearing the Sentry's cry of these stairs were the only way the
alarm, then they open the door at residents could travel between the
die end of the Heroes' turn. Go to Kinhearth and the workshops and
combat. The Skaven Jezezzails mines below. These stairs will be
move out onto the walkway and fire useless to the Heroes.
at the Heroes while the Champions
move to guard the lowered
portcullis across the corridor to
level 4. Thus the Heroes may
stumble into the magic traps in their
hurry to get into hand-to-hand with
the Skaven. The room contains a
treasure chest.

D & E: Portcullises
When the. Heroes enter this
level from the Farm Galleries,
Portcullis D is lowered across the
entire section of walkway. Portcullis
E lowers immediately after the
Skaven Sentry Runs beneath it
toward the stairs to Level Four,
becoming an obstacle to the
Heroes. If the Sentry does not run
beneath the portcullis, it remains

Campaign 6 - Page 16
Version 6.1

Quest Location: Level Four – The Gauntlet

The second major defensive hangs above the only exit.
choke-point of the Dwarven colony If Kili accompanies the Heroes,
is the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet is a read the following:
large trapped chamber with secret Kili yells, "Yah! Rat Ogre! Get
doors and passages to permit the that portcullis up and let me at 'im!"
colony’s defenders to surprise and As soon as he can, Kili goes
outflank intruders. In a colony like berserk and charges across the
Durrag-Dol, the Gauntlet's traps are hall to attack the Rat Ogre.
fairly simple and straight-forward.
The primary obstacle to intruders is This quest location assumes a
expected to be the doughty Party Experience of seven or less.
Dwarven warriors of the colony For each point this is exceeded by,
who may emerge into the central you may add an equal PV of
chamber through secret doors Enemies from the following list:
while portcullises close off the Clanrat Warrior, Clanrat Warden,
intruder's escape route. Rat Ogre, Stormvermin.
When the Heroes look through
the bars of the lowered portcullis A: Portcullis
into the Gauntlet, go to combat When the Heroes enter this
turns. Lay out the Gauntlet Hall as level. Portcullis A is lowered across
indicated (do not, of course. lay out the open archway leading into tile
die secret rooms or passages) and large hall.
read the following
You stand at the
end of a corridor.
To your right on the
corridor's dead end,
a huge, dirty rat-hair
tapestry hangs on
the wall. Before you
is a lowered
Through the
portcullis you see a
long hall with a high
arched roof. At the
far end of the hall, a
huge, giant-sized
rat towers over a
Skaven with a whip
and goad. On each
side of the giant rat
are two Skaven
Gutter Runners,
Behind them a
raised portcullis

Campaign 6 - Page 17
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

B: The Gauntlet Hall searching for secret doors

The lowered Portcullis A blocks discovers this on a roll of 7 or
line of sight for missile fire, but more.
does not obstruct the casting of
spells. The Rat Ogre, Beastmaster D & E: Secret Rooms
and Gutter Runners do nothing A Hero searching for secret
until the Heroes lift the portcullis doors will discover this on a roll of 7
and enter the Gauntlet Hall. If a or greater.
Hero harms any Skaven with a Secret Room D contains a
magic spell, the Skaven Gutter Poisoned Wind Globadier and five
Runners and Beastmaster run from Clanrat Warriors.
the Gauntlet Hall through the raised Secret Room E contains a
portcullis, lowering it behind them, Skaven Champion and five Clanrat
and escape to level 5. The Rat Warriors.
Ogre, unattended by the Occupants of these secret
Beastmaster, runs amok. rooms emerge and move to attack
If the Heroes discover Secret the Heroes at the end of any turn
Door C and use Secret Passage F when the first Crossfire Trap is
to sneak up behind the Skaven in triggered. If the Heroes have not
the Gauntlet Hall, the Heroes gain set off a Crossfire Trap when they
surprise automatically. open a secret door to a secret
When Heroes enter the room, they automatically surprise
Gauntlet Hall, the Rat Ogre runs its occupants; ignore the monster
forward to attack them while the locations indicated on the map and
Beastmaster stands and squeaks use die normal procedure for
commands at it- The Gutter placing surprised monsters.
Runners cast sling bullets at the None of the occupants of either
approaching Heroes, then defend secret room or the Gauntlet Hall
themselves with swords in hand-to- will come to the aid of the surprised
hand combat. secret room occupants, but the GM
Squares marked with Crossfire may use wandering monsters and
symbols (see map key) trigger a ambush dungeon counters as
Crossfire Trap. The Skaven know usual.
about the traps and avoid the
triggers but die Rat Ogre is too F: Secret Passage
stupid; in running forward to attack This secret passage is not
the Heroes, the Rat Ogre may well guarded.
trigger a Crossfire Trap or two. At
the end of the first turn in which a G: Portcullis
Crossfire Trap has been triggered, This portcullis remains raised
the Skaven in Secret Rooms D & E unless the Skaven in the Gauntlet
open their secret doors and charge Hall run away after being attacked
into the combat. with magic. The Skaven Sentry
here sounds the alarm if thee sees
C: Secret Door the Heroes approaching through
Secret Door C permits access Secret Passage F.
to Secret Passage F. A Hero

Campaign 6 - Page 18
Version 6.1

Quest Location: Level Five – The Kinhearth

The Kinhearth is the social magics, traps and curses, do not
centre of the Dwarven colony. The enter the Earl-King's Hearth or the
Kinhall is a large eating and Ancestor's Hall, and have not
meeting hall, usually wide high located the secret door to die
arched ceilings and decorated with Temple of the Living Ancestor.
mosaics, statuary, ornamental The Skaven use the Kinhall
stonework and other products of much as would the Dwarves, as a
Dwarven High Craft. Though gathering place. One of the former
Durrag-Dol's Kinhall, built during clan hearths nearby is occupied by
the grim 500-Years-War and never a Clan Mors Skaven household
completed, is sparse and ruled by the Warlord Shaffat. The
unadorned. Here the Earl and his Clan Mors Slavemaster and slaves
court celebrate the great feast days reside in the other former clan
and give weekly audience to clan hearth.
concerns and grievances. The rest The albino sorcerer Tsekkar
of the time the Kinhall is a lives in the former Hearthguard
gathering place for the clan elders, barracks, while his personal guard
a social centre, and an informal and private slaves live in the former
school and nursery for clan youth. Earl-King's Hall.
Beyond the Kinhall lie the
Ancestor's Hall, the Earl-King's Hall This quest location assumes a
and Hearth, and the quarters of the Party Experience of seven or less.
Clan Hearthguard. For each point this is exceeded by,
The Ancestor's Hall itself is the you may add an equal PV of
residence of the clan priests and a Enemies from the following list:
shrine and repository for the clan Clanrat Warrior, Clanrat Warden,
genealogies, recordd, and Stormvermin.
chronicles maintained by the clan
priesthood. The Temple of the A: The Kinhall
Living Ancestor holds the clan Read the following when a Hero
altars and is the centre of clan opens the door and looks into the
worship. In Durrag-Dol the temple Kinhall.
contains two altars: one dedicated A large chamber opens out
to Clan Durrag's Living Ancestor before you. The vaulted ceiling
and one, dedicated to Grungi, the rises out of sight into the dimness
Dwarven patron deity of mining. above. room the two large open
The Earl-King's Hall is the fireplaces along the walls, you
public workspace of the Earl, where recognize this room as the Kinhall,
lie may confer with his advisors and the main chamber of the Kinhearth
clan chiefs. The Earl-King's Hearth complex - the heart of a Dwarven
is the residence of the colony's Earl colony.
and his immediate family. The Through the door across the
Hearthguard is the barracks of the room must lie the Ancestor's hall
noble Dwarven warriors chosen as that Kili says you're looking for, but
the full-time personal guard of the rnaybe you'd better deal with
Earl. current occupants of the room first.
The current Skaven occupants In the centre of the room you
of Durrag-Dol. wary of Dwarven see an armed, armoured and

Campaign 6 - Page 19
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

disciplined unit of Skaven led by a C: Slave Quarters

fierce Skaven Champion. Beside The Skaven Slavemaster
these ratmen looms the towering cowers here behind his slaves.
bulk of a huge Troll - a hideous When the Heroes open the door to
figure with gnarled, warty blue-grey this room, the Packmaster orders
skin - and standing beside him is a his Slaves to attack the Heroes. If
Skaven with a whip and goad. the Slavemaster is slain, the Slaves
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, immediately cease fighting arid
read the following: attempt to escape.
Kili bellows, "Troll! Out of my
way!" as he shoves through the D: The Earl-King's Hall
door past everyone to get first shot Read the following when a Hero
at the Troll. As he struggles to push opens the door:
hiss way into the room he adds, As you open the door you find
"Rat with whip - Beastmaster. Get yourself face-to-face with a Skaven
him, and Troll goes mad!" Champion and four Clanrat
And, of course, as soon as he Warriors.
can, Kili goes berserk and charges If Kili accompanies the Heroes,
into the hall to attack the Troll. read the following:
The Beastmaster sends the Kili says, "Earl-King's hall.
Troll to block the door if the Skaven Hearthguard and Earl's Hearth
win surprise. Otherwise the beyond far door."
Beastmaster does his best to keep And Kili goes berserk and
the Troll between the Heroes and attacks.

B: Clan Mors
occupied by the
common families
of the Dwarven
colony, this hearth
is the home nest
of the Warlord
Shaffat and his
warriors. The
Warlord and his
warriors are not
present, having
been encountered
elsewhere, but
several juveniles
are hiding here.
These fight as

Campaign 6 - Page 20
Version 6.1

E: The Hearthguard Barracks unless they spends a Destiny. Kili

The only interesting feature of automatically passes this Bravery
this room is a great, downy nest in test.
one corner filled with soft fur and If Kili accompanies the Heroes,
delicate cloths, read the following when he has
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, entered the Ancestor's Hall:
read the following: Kili says, "Behind stone slabs
Kilisays, "Skaven wizard nest. you find stacks of thin stone tablets
Watch out plenty - trapped, you with histories and records of Clan
bet, but treasure plenty." Durrag and all low-clans and
The White Sorcerer Tsekkaz families.
has placed a Shock Trap on his We bring records to Imperial
nest. If Kili has warned the Heroes, League Council for the Archives.
they get +2 to their chance to spot Clan Durrag not need any more,
the trap. and... well... priests say good to
The treasure in the nest is: 4 read and remember lost clans,
Healing Potions, 300 GC and a honour the lost ones, said and true.
Magic Wand. "Now," Kili says, looking around
the room carefully. "We look for
F: The Earl-King's Hearth secret door to Temple."
Read the following when a Hero Superstitious fear kept the
opens the door: Skaven from entering this room.
Little remains in this room but With Kili's aid, the Heroes
charred fragments of furniture and automatically find the secret door to
wall hangings. The dust lies thick the Temple of the Living Ancestor.
oft the floor and the air is stale. Without Kili's help. each Hero
Any and all remaining Skaven may make an Intelligence Test to
Characters will be found cowering discover the secret door.
here. If the Clan Durrag histories and
records are delivered to the
G: The Ancestor's Hall Imperial Dwarf League Council, in
Read the following when a Hero gratitude the Imperial Dwarfs
opens the door: reward the Heroes with 1000GC.
The dust lies thick on the floor These are so heavy that they count
of this room. Dozens of small stone as a single model's allowance of
slabs set into the wall bear lengthy GCs.
inscriptions in Archaic Khazalid and
are decorated with carved faces,
domestic and dramatic scenes and
elaborate runic patterns.
If Kili accompanies die Heroes,
read the. following:
Kili says, "Ancestor Hall. Few
men or long-ears - no offence -
have seen one."
To enter the Ancestor's Hall, all
Heroes must pass a Bravery Test.
If the test is successful, the Hero
may enter the room. If the test fails,
the Hero cannot enter the Hall

Campaign 6 - Page 21
Advanced HeroQuest: Reforged

H: Temple of the Living Ancestor

Read the following when a Hero If Kili or a Hero places
opens the door: Sognirstane on the altar, read the
The dust lies thick on the floor following:
of this circular room. One altar with For a moment, the air is still.
a statue of the Dwarven ancestor- There is no motion. In this timeless
god Grungi is on the far wall. In the moment the faces of the altar glow,
centre of the room a slab of marble and there is a great presence in the
ornamented with precious stones room, invisible, but palpable as
and delicately-sculpted Dwarven breath on the back of your necks. A
faces rests on a low, rough-hewn choir of hoarse, whispering voices
dais of bedrock. seems to ring in echoes from the
If a Wizard enters the room, arched dome over your head,
read the following: saying:
You feel the presence of strong "You have our blessing. Go
but subtle magical forces in this forth and honour our clan with your
room. You sense a rich, deep, oath, and when you share our
complex aura of power in the air. treasure, speak the name of Durrag
You hear what sounds like an army so that all may know and
of whispering monks chanting in remember."
some unfamiliar language, the If Kili was the one to return
rhythm of their chant slow and sad. Sognirstane, his Fate is reduced to
The voices seem to be coming zero permanently. He now follows
closer, growing louder, and loader, all standard rulkes for Henchmen.
and louder... The central altar is the Altar of
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, the Living Ancestor. Any treasure
read the following: from Durrag-Dol, including the
Kili steps forward, places the Hammer Sognirstane, which is
magic hammer Sognirstane upon placed upon this altar and
the central altar, kneels, and dedicated to die memory of Clan
speaks the following words: Durrag and the restoration of the
"I kneel in deep respect. Living former glory of the Dwarven Empire
Ancestor. I, Kili Thekkrsson, may be taken from Durrag-Dol
dedicate this without incurring the Curse of the
Hammer, .Sognirstane, heirloom of Living Ancestor.
Clan Durrag, to the ancestors of The precious stones set into the
Clan Durrag, and to the restoring of Altar of the Living Ancestor are
the First Dwarven Empire. I swear worth 1000 GC, but anyone who
to myself and my ancestors a defiles this sanctuary by looting the
humble oath: If given your blessing, altar shall suffer eternally the Curse
I shall turn this treasure to the great of the Living Ancestor.
works of all Dwarfs, to the honour
of the Ancestors and All-Father,
and to the glory of all clans and

Campaign 6 - Page 22

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