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Project name Health education about Suicide Prevention for high

school teachers and staff
Amount requested 20.000.000 VND
Amount of cost-sharing 5.000.000 VND
Source of cost-sharing Online platform and other services
Project location Vietnam (online platform - synchronous and
Brief description of direct In our project, high school teachers and staff can play
beneficiaries and/or research a significant role in preventing suicidal ideation and
participants attempts among their pupils with educators working
together to provide clear and consistent messages to
students about the initial signs. School environments
provide the circumstances to enhance protective
factors and reduce risks for these students.
● Direct beneficiaries:
○ In this project: minimum of 30 (pilot -
synchronous courses) and
○ After the project: more than 100 per year
(online platform - asynchronous
● Indirect beneficiaries: more than 1,000
(students, parents...)
Start date 2022, September 01
End date 2023, July 15
Project Coordinator’s information Full name: LE DAO ANH KHUONG
Phone number: 0934.033.960
Position: Lecturer and Researcher
Primary affiliation: University of Social Sciences and
Humanities, Vietnam National University, HCMC
Mailing address: No 1, Street 4, Linh Xuan ward, Thu
Duc district, Ho Chi Minh City

Abstract (provide a brief summary of your project)
Maximum 300 words
As a result of the ongoing pandemic, the dramatic rise in the number of adolescents’ suicidal
thoughts and attempts has been a global concern. Additionally, Vietnam has also reported an
increased risk of committing suicide among young individuals. As previous suicide prevention
programs in the world suggested, the role of school staff or teachers is the essential
connection for the comprehensive strategy for this social problem. To prevent such
unfortunate events, a program targeting secondary teachers’ awareness is proposed by
REACH project members. In this 6-months project, we aim to research and develop a suicide
prevention online program for Vietnamese high school teachers with culturally appropriate
adaptation and local referring/support systems, which aims to match these criteria: 1.
Evidence-based outcomes, 2. Sustainability; 3. Inclusivity.
Suicide is a global health issue. There are 703000 people who die by suicide every year
worldwide. 77% of suicidal cases occurred in low- and middle-income nations. Notably, suicide
is the fourth most common cause of death among those aged 15 to 29. Additionally, 88% of
adolescents who died by suicide were from low- and middle-income countries. (WHO, 2021a)

In Vietnam, although the rate of suicide among adolescents is low compared with other
countries in the region (Blum et al., 2012), suicide is an increasing concern, especially among
young people. Suicidal ideation, which contributes to the risk of committing suicide, is
increasing among adolescents (Udin et al., 2019; Tran et al, 2020). Nguyen et al., (2021a) found
that the prevalence of 12-month suicidal thoughts, suicide plans, and suicide attempts in high
school students in Hanoi were 14.2%, 5.5%, and 3.0%, respectively. This coincides with the results
reported by UNICEF in 2017 about suicide amongst children and young people in selected
provinces and cities in Vietnam. Furthermore, in the last two years, the pandemic, which is a
traumatic event with social isolation, school closure and uncertainty, has significantly
impacted adolescents' mental health. The pandemic has worsened adolescents' mental health
conditions, and they cannot get support from peers and helping services (Lee, 2020). Thus,
suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts among adolescents after the pandemic might be
increasing and at peaks.

Suicides are preventable. According to WHO, suicide prevention efforts require integrative and
comprehensive collaboration across sectors, including health, education, labour, agriculture,
business, justice, defence, politics, and the media (WHO, 2021b). Based on WHO
recommendation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended a
framework with the four-level social-ecological model to better understand violence (including
suicide) and have potential prevention strategies. The model includes the complex interplay
between individual, relationship, community, and societal factors. Our proposal focuses on the
community level, which explores the settings (i.e., schools, workplaces, neighborhoods) where
social relationships occur. For adolescents, school settings are where they spend most of the
time and develop social interaction. Thus, schools are ideal points for a focused suicide
prevention program (Yamaguchi et al., 2018).

However, in the past, school-based programs often focused on students about suicidal
knowledge (e.g., risk factors, warning signs, etc.) but did not address prevention and
intervention to reduce actual suicidal behaviors (Miller & Mazza, 2018). Prevention programs
that provide services to identify individuals at risk for suicide and measure suicidal behavior
are more effective and comprehensive. Furthermore, in school settings, teachers and school
personnel are often the first to observe behavior that indicates either the development or
worsening of mental health problems. Additionally, teachers in Vietnam lack mental health
knowledge, especially suicide knowledge. This hinders teachers’ ability to solve mental health
problems and intervene in suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviours in students. Thus,
developing a mental health education program that focuses on suicidal knowledge can help
teachers better understand and reduce the risk of suicidal behavior in students. Most
assessments of mental education training reported significant improvements in teachers’
knowledge and attitudes towards suicide (Nguyen et al., 2020b; Yamaguchi et al., 2018).

Moreover, in Vietnam, services for mental health and psychological-wellbeing-related issues,

especially suicide prevention and treatment, are limited and little is available for the general
public (Dang et al., 2021). Few existing programs focus on suicide intervention (e.g., Duong day
nong ngay mai, Menthy, National suicidal hotline). However, these programmes lack
collaboration and cooperation across disciplines and organizations, which makes these
programs not sustainable and effective. They also mainly focused on solving individual issues
rather than looking at other social factors (i.e., relationships, settings). Hence, there is a need
to have a more practical and sufficient prevention programme in Vietnam and collaboration
with other sectors such as education to build a sustainable and effective suicidal prevention
programme. Thus, our proposal aims to develop a suicidal prevention programme focusing on
mental health education, particularly suicidal literacy for teachers in school settings, to reduce
the risk of suicidal ideation and behavior in young people.

Our Health education about Suicide Prevention for High school teachers and staff program is
based on some of the Suicide prevention programs in school existing in the world, namely
School-based gatekeeper, Suicide prevention training, WHO’s Suicide prevention program,
Living works’s Suicide prevention program. The subjects of these programs are those who are
close to students, can observe the changes in students about their appearance, and can keep
students safe and alive such as school personnel, teachers, or other people working in schools.
The goals of these programs are raising awareness about health literacy for teachers and
school personnel on suicide prevention, empowering them to recognize suicidal signs, and
providing life-saving support. So, these programs focus on informing about knowledge and
skills in identifying risk factors, developing plans to help students, and providing information
about local community resources and how to get these resources. Besides, these programs
build awareness about recognizing the risk for suicidal behaviors, determine if a student is at
risk for suicidal behaviors, and respond to students at risk for suicide, including referral to a
mental health /healthcare provider. These programs of beneficiaries, goals, and content fit
with our project. Therefore, we plan to adapt those programs in our project and fix them to be
suitable for Vietnamese culture because all of those programs were built in other countries,
unlike Vietnam.

Table 1 - Suicide prevention programs in school

Name School-based Suicide Prevention WHO Living works
gatekeeper Training

Country All the world Indiana, US All the world All the world

Beneficiaries School personnels Teachers in grade Teachers and other Anyone, regardless
5-12 people working in of background or
schools experience, can
learn skills to keep
someone safe and

Years of NA From 2013 up to 2000 NA

implementat now

Aims Enhancing To increase child Inform to teachers Empowers

gatekeepers’ suicide awareness and other people someone to
cognitions and and prevention working in schools recognize these
behaviours for about preventing signs and provide
adolescent suicide life-saving support.
suicide prevention

Content -An overview of - Teaching Briefly describes the Recognize when

the intervention recognition of risk dimension of someone is
needs for for suicidal suicidal behaviour in thinking about
someone at risk. behaviors adolescence, suicide and
This includes -Determining if a presents the main connect them to
knowledge and student is at risk protective and risk help and support.
skills in identifying for suicidal factors behind this
risk factors and behaviors behaviour, and
developing a plan -Responding to indicates how to
to help students at risk for identify and
-Information on suicide, including manage individuals
local community referral to a mental at risk and also how
resources and health/healthcare to act when suicide
how to network provider. is attempted or
these resources committed in the
school community.

Purpose (include specific objectives)

1. Raise awareness about health education for high school teachers on suicide prevention
for students
2. Educate via program (3 hours) to enhance the knowledge and skills of these teachers
on suicide prevention for students
3. Introduce the available referral systems in national and local settings
4. Develop community engagement for teachers to be supported by other teachers or
mental health professionals
Research and develop a suicide prevention online program for Vietnamese teachers with
cultural appropriate adaptation and local referring/support system, which aims to match
these criteria: 1. Evidence-based outcomes, 2. Sustainability; 3. Inclusivity.

Target audience
In our project, high school teachers and staff can play a significant role in preventing suicidal
ideation and attempts among their pupils with educators working together to provide clear
and consistent messages to students about the initial signs. School environments provide the
circumstances to enhance protective factors and reduce risks for these students.
● Direct beneficiaries:
○ In this project: minimum of 30 teachers (pilot - synchronous courses) and
○ After the project: more than 100 per year (online platform - asynchronous
● Indirect beneficiaries: more than 1,000 (students, parents...)

Piloting strategy
Members will be chosen by the diversification of (1) gender, (2) the school system (public and
private) they are working in, (3) school location (rural or urban), (4) region (North, Central,
South, Mekong delta), and (5) working experience (new and experienced teacher with cut off
point of 2 years).

Expected outcome (in this project)

● 80% of participants satisfy the training course with a total evaluation score of more
than 8 (max. 10)
● 80% of teachers are equipped with knowledge and skills about suicide prevention,
which will be assessed by the pre and post-test with the score of more than 7 (max. 10)
● 80% identified cases would be transferred to the mental healthcare centers for further
support (after three months training survey)
Detailed work plan
See more at SPOT_REACH_MASTER DOC - Timeline tab
Tasks Person in Charge
Phase 1: Content development
Statistics and Background in Vietnam Tram Nguyen, Thuy Ngo
Design course objectives All members
Interview (3) mental healthcare professionals, (3) head teachers and (3)
suicide prevention project managers in Vietnam All members
Conduct need assessment for high school teachers at large scale Dan Bui
Adapt the content to the head teachers and professional feedback All members
Develop course content All members
Send MOU to the school representatives Dan Bui
Phase 2: Online training programs - pilot (N=30-40)
Organize 3 online training program for 30-40 teachers (class of 5-12)
teachers) All members
Create Facebook group to communicate the project (Live Q&A biweekly
with mental health professionals and workshops) Thuy Ngo, Dan Bui
Phase 3: Project summary and report
Complete the project summary and report All members
Build the platform for online course and then automatically release
certificates Khuong Le, Tram Nguyen

Proposed training content (3 hours)

Based on the previous suicide prevention health education programs in schools around the
world, we suggest and identify these contents for our program in Vietnam.
*This will be reviewed by mental health professionals and head teachers in the next phases.
Time range Content Method Notes

10 min. Pre-test Google form

(3 days before the training)

15 min. Myths and facts about suicide in life and Facilitator (mental professional):
schools ● Introduce the main concepts
and instruct class activities
45 min. Understanding suicide in teens (causes, ● Connect previous knowledge
signs, psychopathological progress, and summarise brain-storming
consequences, biopsychosocial factors) ideas of the members
Class members:
15 min. (Online) Tea break ● Discuss in groups and present
their answers,
45 min. Risk and protective factors in schools and ● Role play (teachers and
the role of school teachers/staff in suicide students)

30 min. Signs of suicidal ideation among students

or at-risk groups

30 min. Psychological first aid and referral


15 min. Post-test Google form (80% participants)

Evaluation form and deep interviewing (20%
(after class 3 hours) participants)

Total =
180 minutes

Facilities available to implement project

1. Human resources (students and researchers located in Vietnam and other nations)
2. Highschool teachers networking (Ha Noi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh, Can Tho)
3. Online platform available with the support of universities or mental health centers
Proposed budget

How will you evaluate the success of the project, including sustainability? Please provide indicators of success and potential risks
associated with your project as well as solutions to overcome such risks.

F - Feasible - Tính khả thi 5/5 Khảo sát và thử nghiệm trên pilot trước khi xây dựng
của dự án (số lượng đối khóa học trực tuyến
tượng, nguồn lực, khả Nhân sự đủ năng lực và đáp ứng các yêu cầu cơ bản
năng của nhóm dự án) để phát triển và triển khai khóa học
Sự hỗ trợ chuyên môn từ giảng viên USSH và nền tảng

I - Interesting - Tính thú vị 5/5 Dự án gắn liền với nhu cầu xã hội và khơi dậy sự kết
của dự án (với cộng đồng, nối từ nhà trường nơi gần gũi nhất với học sinh (nhóm
xã hội, khoa học, chính nguy cơ cao) và gia đình
sách,...) Đáp ứng với các chính sách nhà nước về việc đảm bảo
sự bình an cho học sinh - giáo viên

N - Novel - Tính mới của 5/5 Kể cả trên thế giới các chương trình nâng cao nhận
dự án (cách tiếp cận, thức về phòng ngừa tự sát cho giáo viên vẫn còn khá
phương pháp, câu hỏi mới mẻ (qua phần tổng quan)
mới,...) Đồng thời, dự án hướng tới sự trao quyền
(empowerment) như một nhân tố đảm bảo sự bền
vững của dự án

E - Ethical - Tính đạo đức 5/5 Dự án giáo dục này hoàn toàn đáp ứng các yêu cầu
của dự án (phù hợp với về đạo đức và văn hóa truyền thống về việc trợ giúp
pháp luật và văn hóa của người trẻ khi có ý định tự sát
Việt Nam,...) Hướng phát triển tiếp theo của nhóm dự án là lan tỏa
và định hình văn hóa trợ giúp trong và ngoài nhà

R - Relevant - Sự liên 5/5 Dự án song hành với các chương trình phòng ngừa tự
quan của dự án (với cộng sát đã diễn ra tại Việt Nam và hướng tới nhóm đối
đồng, xã hội, khoa học, tượng giáo viên vẫn còn là nguồn trợ giúp tiềm năng
chính sách…) nhưng còn bỏ ngỏ

S - Sustainable - Tính bền 4/5 Hệ thống khóa học trực tuyến vẫn diễn ra và cập nhật Duy trì họp định kỳ mỗi 6 tháng để xem xét các
vững của dự án sau khi thường niên với sự trợ giúp của nhóm chuyên môn báo cáo khóa học, lượng giá (evaluation), kết
kết thúc hợp tác với (tình nguyện) quả học tập (pre-post test) để điều chỉnh nội
REACH (tính ảnh hưởng Hoạt động gặp gỡ trực tuyến và hỗ trợ từ xa vẫn sẽ dung
lâu dài và các hoạt động góp phần giúp việc thực hành và hỏi đáp trở nên dễ Phối hợp với chuyên gia tại các trường đại học
có thể duy trì) tiếp cận với các thầy cô. hoặc trung tâm tại VN để duy trì hoạt động trao
(sustainable đổi trên mạng xã hội

R - Risk - Khó khăn có thể 2/5 Các vấn đề về tư cách pháp nhân, chứng nhận tham Thiết lập mối quan hệ với các trung tâm có liên
gặp phải và biện pháp gia và sự hỗ trợ chuyên môn có thể sẽ gây ít nhiều quan đến việc hỗ trợ sức khỏe tại các trường
khắc phục (risk khó khăn cho nhóm dự án. đại học
assessment and plan) Các đơn vị dự kiến hợp tác:
● Trung tâm Chuyển giao Công nghệ Điều trị
Nghiện chất và HIV - VHATTC (ĐH Y Dược
● Phòng Tham vấn và trị liệu tâm lý thuộc
● Trung tâm tham vấn tâm lý (Đại học Hoa
Sen (Số 8, Nguyễn Văn Tráng, Q.1)
● Etc.


Please introduce all members of the project and their roles

You are required to provide information about the people in charge of the following roles:
1) Project Coordinator
2) Treasurer
3) Technical consultant (If applicable)
REACH provided 2 examples in Vietnamese and English below. Mailing address could be home
or work address.

STT Vai trò trong Họ tên, vị trí làm việc, đơn vị công tác Thông tin liên hệ
(No.) dự án (Full name and affiliation) (Contact information)
(Project Role)
1 Project Le Dao Anh Khuong, MSc in Public Email:
Coordinator Health
Lecturer and Researcher Phone: 0934.033.060
University of Social Sciences and Address: 1, Street 4, Linh
Humanities, Vietnam National University, Xuan ward, Thu Duc district,
HCMC Ho Chi Minh city
2 Quality Nguyen Thi Bao Tram, PhD Candidate Email:
Assessor in Health and Wellbeing
Researcher and Teaching Assistant Phone: (+64) 272134270
Victoria University of Wellington, New Address: ⅙ Moncrieff Street,
Zealand Mount Victoria, Wellington,
3 Treasurer and Ngo Thi Thuy, BA in Psychology Email:
Secretary MSc student in Psychology ngothuyfos.ussh97@gmail.c
Southwest University, China om
Phone: (84) 375489948
Address: Cam Giang town,
Cam Giang, Hai Duong, VN
4 Project Bui Nguyen Nhat Dan, Undergraduate Email:
Assistant student in Psychology
The University of Sydney, Australia u
Phone: +61 435 121 311
Address: 235 Homebush rd,
Strathfield NSW, AU
5 Project Pham Gia Phuong, BA in Psychology
6 Project (To be recruited) To be updated
Assistant Undergraduate student in Psychology
University of Social Sciences and
Humanities, Vietnam


Appendix 1. Pre- and post-training assessment1

Part A - Self-assessment
Please answer the following using a scale where 1 is Strongly Disagree and 7 is Strongly
[Provide answer space with scale for each question and space to elaborate as required]
No Items Answers

1 Know and manage your attitude and reactions toward suicide 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

2 Maintain a collaborative, empathetic stance toward the client 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

3 Know and elicit evidence-based risk and protective factors 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

4 Focus on the current plan and intent of suicidal ideation 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

5 Determine the level of risk 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

6 Develop and enact a collaborative, evidence-based treatment plan 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

7 Notify and involve other persons 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

8 Document risk, plan, and reasoning for clinical decisions 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

9 Know the law concerning suicide 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

10 Engage in debriefing and self-care 1---2---3---4---5---6---7

Part B - Final exam

Format: 10 multiple choice questions aligned with the training content.
To be updated
No Item Answer Which content?

1 Which item is INCORRECT?2 A => Talking about Myths and facts

A. Talking about suicide or asking someone if they feel suicide provides the about suicide in
suicidal will encourage suicide attempts. opportunity for life and schools
B. Confidentiality cannot be maintained where the potential communication.
for or actual harm is disclosed.
C. Suicide attempts or deaths happen with hidden warnings.
D. A suicide attempt is regarded as an indicator of further

2 …

3 …

Suicide Competency Assessment Form (SCAE) from Cramer, R. J., Johnson, S. M., McLaughlin, J., Rausch, E.
M., & Conroy, M. A. (2013). Suicide risk assessment training for psychology doctoral programs: Core
competencies and a framework for training. Training and education in professional psychology, 7(1), 1.
The Myths & Facts of Youth Suicide. Retrieved from
Appendix 2. Evaluation form
Question #1. Did the training content meet your expectations?
Yes or No. Why or why not?

Question #2. How would you rate the quality of the training?
A 1 to 5 option (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) with 1 = unacceptable and 5 = outstanding

Question #3. How would you rate the quality of the instructor?
1 = unacceptable; 5 = outstanding
● What was the instructor’s level of content knowledge?
● How was the speed of delivery?
● How would you rate their organization and preparation?
● How was their enthusiasm?
Please provide any additional feedback for the instructor.

Question #4. Did you learn anything new?

Yes or No. If yes, please provide details.

Question #5. Was the training relevant to your needs?

0 = irrelevant and 5 = highly relevant

Question #6. Was the course practical and/or easy to apply?

Yes or No. Why or why not?

Question #7. Would participants recommend the training to colleagues?

Yes or No. Why or why not?

Question #8. Do you have any suggestions to improve this course?


Appendix 3. Letter of Support (MOU)
Thân gửi nhóm REACH Vietnam 2022,
Cc: Mr. Le Dao Anh Khuong, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU, HCMC

Chúng tôi được biết là các bạn REACH đang nộp dự án nâng cao kiến thức về phòng ngừa tự sát
cho giáo viên THCS tại TP. HCM. Trong bối cảnh đại dịch COVID-19, nhiều gia đình phải bận chăm
lo công việc tài chính mà không để ý đến con trẻ, và cộng thêm áp lực học hành, dễ dẫn đến suy
nghĩ tự sát,. Thông qua những báo cáo, số liệu cho thấy số lượng thanh thiếu niên tự sát hay có ý
nghĩ tự sát đã trở nên phổ biến hơn. Vấn đề này trở thành mối lo ngại nói chung tại Việt Nam và
đặc biệt là tại trường học của chúng tôi. Vì vậy, chúng tôi rất ủng hộ dự án này và mong muốn
thông qua dự án, giáo viên của chúng tôi sẽ được nâng cao nhận thức về cách phòng ngừa tự
sát, cũng như nâng cao kỹ năng hỗ trợ ban đầu cho học sinh, cha mẹ học sinh. Do đó, việc hợp
tác này không chỉ có ý nghĩa trong việc hỗ trợ, can thiệp các trường hợp học sinh có ý nghĩ tự sát
mà còn nhằm phòng ngừa những trường hợp tương tự trong tương lai.

We are informed that REACH members are promoting health education of suicide prevention for
secondary school teachers and any related staff in HCM city. In the advent of COVID-19, we have seen
teenagers being neglected due to family’s financial problems and school pressure, eventually leading
to suicidal thoughts or even suicide. There have been numerous cases reported in teenagers and
adolescents in many parts of Vietnam and our school in general. Therefore, we are highly supportive
of this project and it is our goal to raise teachers’ awareness of prevention schemes and early
resolutions to such problems as well as direct assistance to youth and families of these unfortunate
circumstances. Hence, we would like to work alongside you in this project to not only assist teachers in
dealing with cases but also to prevent it from occurring.

Cuối cùng, chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ nâng cao được nhận thức của cộng đồng, đặc biệt là các bậc
phụ huynh, về tầm quan trọng của việc không tạo quá nhiều áp lực cho trẻ và dẫn đến suy nghĩ
tự sát. Chúng tôi hiểu rằng, việc nâng cao nhận thức cho giáo viên về nội dung này, cũng sẽ giúp
ích cho việc nâng cao nhận thức của cha mẹ học sinh và cộng đồng nói chung. Chúng tôi hy
vọng, việc hợp tác giữa Nhà trường và nhóm REACH sẽ sớm được xúc tiến, để các hoạt động của
dự án sẽ diễn ra trong thời gian sớm nhất, với hiệu quả cao.

As a summary, we hope to raise awareness of the public, especially parents, about the importance of
preventing suicidal thoughts. Hence, it would be a great opportunity for us to collaborate with you in
implementing this project and to extend the knowledge of educators as well as the public in preventing

Chúc nhóm REACH có thể được tài trợ dự án triển khai thành công!

Wishing the REACH team can soon be funded and be implemented!

Trân trọng,


Đại diện nhà trường/School representative

Mr/Mrs …

Appendix 4. [Template] Certificate of Participant (Vietnamese)

Appendix 5. eLearning (template)
VHATTC eLearning will be utilized for asynchronous courses.

Blum, R., Sudhinaraset, M., & Emerson, M. R. (2012). Youth at risk: suicidal thoughts and
attempts in Vietnam, China, and Taiwan. Journal of Adolescent Health, 50(3),
Dang, H. M., Lam, T. T., Dao, A., & Weiss, B. (2020). Mental health literacy at the public
health level in low and middle income countries: An exploratory mixed methods study
in Vietnam. Plos one, 15(12).
Isaac, M., Elias, B., Katz, L. Y., Belik, S. L., Deane, F. P., Enns, M. W., & Sareen, J. (2009).
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