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08127639047 / 08141938102


Fish is a highly demanded source of animal protein in Nigeria and also all over the world. This reason
being the fact that fish has zero cholesterol and supplies essential animal protein more than other
livestocks. The most demanded of fish is catfish, because it is easy to raise, mature within a short period
of time, smooth source of income and also a big part in making dishes delicious.

First of; acquiring a sufficient land as well as construction of (borehole) a stable source of chlorine free
water, and if possible with a number of trees. The land will be of easy access to both us and the
customers as well as suppliers. The land should be roughly a space of 20sqm, enough space for the fish
pond which is a tank or tarpaulin type and hopefully will be under a good shade tree. Space will also
remain for expansion of the number of ponds.

The plot of land (900sqm) will be acquired at an estimated cost of #1,000,000 (as at last year). The total
cost of constructing the borehole will be #2,300,000 (as at last year). The fish tanks is available because it
had already been started up at a temporary site. Fencing the land is estimated to be around #1,647,200
(as at last year).

Budget for equipment :

Land: #1,000,000

Fence: #1,647,200

Pond: #350,000

Borehole: #2,300,000

Tpc: #63,940 + miscellaneous expenses

Total: #5,361,140

Although production can be in a smaller way with #550,000 only.

Budget and estimated returns for fishery

Note: All below cost and prices may change over time, as well as working with an estimate of current
market prices.

100 juveniles, @ #50 each = #5000 (as at last year).

Feeds; 2mm @ #13,400 (as at last year).

4mm @ #12,000 (as at last year). 6mm @ #11,600 (as at last year). 9mm @ #10,800 each = #45,800 (as
at last year).

Drugs; Fishvit plus, fish vitamins @ #850 (as at last year).

MaxiBoost @ #1500 each = #2,350 (as at last year).

Fishnets = #8,790 (as at last year).

Total cost = #63,940 plus miscellaneous expenses (as at last year).

Estimated mortality or premature cumulative rate of 4% = 4 fish

Therefore, expected revenue from 96fish within 5months when they reach table/market weight;

If the fish are sold for #1950 each,

96 fish × #1950 = #187,200(as at last year). Sales Revenue - Total Cost = Gross profit

#187,200 - #63,940 = #123,260 plus miscellaneous expenses (Gross profit as at last year).

Ofcourse some may be sold by counting (smoked fish). The fish will be smoked using local preservation
smoking method. The fish business is viable overtime, hatching will also be included to improve revenue
greatly as well as reduce cost of production in other to make up for the cost of land and fencing as well
as for the borehole construction.

#550,000 Budget: breakdown.

Re-digging well, casting & cover: #130,000

Installation of pumping machine & materials: #80,000


Rubber bowel: #100,000

100 juveniles, @ #50 each = #5000 (as at last year).

Feeds; 2mm @ #13,400 (as at last year).

4mm @ #12,000 (as at last year). 6mm @ #11,600 (as at last year). 9mm @ #10,800 each = #45,800 (as
at last year).

Drugs; Fishvit plus, fish vitamins @ #850 (as at last year).

MaxiBoost @ #1500 each = #2,350 (as at last year).

Fishnets = #8,790 (as at last year).

Total cost = #63,940 plus miscellaneous expenses (as at last year).

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