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SEM 2020 -1



Submitted by:
Aisya Farra Muthmainah
Name of Student

Student No. 016202000263

Class-3 IR-2020

Submitted to:
Prof. M. Syafi’i Anwar
Name of Lecturer
Date of Exam: 27 October 2020



1. From M.H. Salmon’s article titled “Social Sciences: Historical and Philosophical
Overview of Methods and Goals” attached, write a review related to the articles,
particularly by discussing the main issues as follow:

 Discussing what is the main and crucial issue proposed by the author.
Social Science has developed and is a very old science. In its development, Social
Science has always tried to create a strong and orderly state where people feel safe. In the
article explained that one of the ideal countries is a country which is a republic of Plato where
social roles are given to each individual according to their respective abilities.
As time went on in the Middle Ages when reforms and counter-reforms got in the way.
The essence of this problem arises because of how to balance secular and ecclesiastical
authority in the thinking of public organizations. Humans have the ideal ability so that society
can have the capacity to develop and change for the better. The number of opinions expressed
by many figures greatly influenced the public's view of Social Science which led to debate
between figures from various countries.

 Comparing the main difference approach proposed by August Comte, Jhon

Stuart Mill, and Emile Durkheim.

 Auguste Comte
In 1822, In the first book published by Comte "Plan Scientific Work and the Need
for Community Reorganization" he put forward the term sociology. Sociology is an
original science created by Comte that uses empirical laws that can explain
human behavior. Comte believes that the knowledge conveyed by the public
scientifically is an evolutionary process that has been completed and does not
require further development. In his journey as the founder of sociology, Comte
changed the term positivism which refers to the concrete view of society in
avoiding hidden supernatural things to store the causes of phenomena.

 Jhon Stuart Mill

Auguste Comte and J. S. Mill uses the same method to study natural and Social
Sciences and believe that the laws of human behavior are ultimately based on
the laws on top of the individual psychology. However, Mill prefers to create a new
scientific study of society while maintaining the logic of the "old" syllogism to

complement it which he feels gives a stronger influence than Comte's Social
Science. These values are still a hot topic of discussion, namely humanity,
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, and On the Subjection of Women.
 Emile Durkheim
As people know, Durkheim and Aguste Comte are the founders of sociology.
Durkheim himself argued that certain facts about society cannot be explained by
facts about individuals. Which contradicts the opinion expressed by Aguste Comte
and J. S. Mill. More clearly, Durkheim explained that social facts are facts that are
directly related to society which is determined by each individual. To obtain
complete explanation of effect, other social facts must be used as causes. In its
development, Durkheim described a method that has until now been used,
namely the population census. The Census itself includes birth, death, marriage,
and religion. In the 17th century, the Census became important to actuarial
science and "political arithmetic" which succeeded in surprising the public by
creating continuity in various levels of types of events, and from then on the
government started keeping descriptive statistics.

2. In her lecture on “Understanding Social Science: As of Philosophy to Science”,

Dr. Kristi Winter differs between Positivism and Neo-Positivism as well as
explaining critiques to naturalist methods.

 Please explain her argument related to these two approaches

Positivism is authentic knowledge or scientific knowledge that only exists through the use of
a strict scientific method by combining several statements. In its use, positivism uses the
quantitative methodology and qualitative methods. Erlistina, Luki (2013) In general, the
quantitative methodology itself is the problem under study more generally has a wide area, a
complex level of variation. Research is more systematic, planned, structured, clear from the
beginning to the end of the study. However, the problems in qualitative research methods are in
a narrow area with a low level of variation. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach is a process of
research and understanding based on a methodology which is a social phenomenon and
human problems. In this approach, the research procedure produces descriptive data in the
form of written or spoken words from the people being observed and the observed behavior
Erlistina, Luki (2013) The fundamental difference between quantitative research and
qualitative research methods lies in the basic research strategy. Research is seen as

confirmatory and quantitative, while qualitative research is exploratory and inductive. It is
confirmatory because this quantitative research comes from a hypothesis from an existing
theory opinions (p. 12). Examples of Positivism include surveys and biased public. Such as the
support of the Indonesian people for Jokowi in the 2019 presidential elections, last year.

Neo-Positivism In general, positivists explain that Neo-Positivism is a science-based on

Social Science that uses empirical theory to explain or describe social phenomena using
abstract interconnection, which consists of assumptions, definitions, and statements that can be
applied empirically. Neo-Positivism is also a causal explanation of existing social phenomena
and is also a science that can be predicted by perception and can be measured. Examples of
Neo-Positivism empirical theory, assumptions, and explanations.

 There are three scholars who have queries and critiques to the naturalist
methods. Discuss their queries and critiques to the naturalist method
There are many theories regarding the naturalist method. And many figures gave
comments about the naturalist method itself. These figures include Immanuel Kant, William
Whewell, and R.G. Collingwood. In a review given by Immanuel Kant, he explained that the
basic thinking of humans in absorbing information is through sense perception. He explained
that an order does not only come from nature but also comes from universal concepts, such as
everyday life. In the case that Immanuel Kant explains, it is true, as an ordinary human being, it
is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong. This must enter the human mind. Kant also
gave an argument about the naturalist method which states that humans are the key to each
human being and also play an important role in concluding life. The key comes from the human
mind and heart in processing an idea into information. On the other hand, 2 figures question the
naturalist method, namely, William Whewell, and R.G. Collingwood, Although, they have
different perceptions about naturalist methods.
William Whewell questioned naturalist methods by providing a critique of the basis for
starting a naturalist method where naturalists started a naturalist method by giving a statement
then imagining the statement in the hope of getting many answers, in stating if they wanted to
start a naturalist. The method must start with observation and conclude general theories that
exist in society. Naturalists believe that in this world there is another world that is the "real
world", but naturalists who believe that there is little, if any, show that this argument is the case.
The thing about "real worlds" is hard to believe because it is like something absolute but cannot
be felt and grasped by the senses.

The figure who also questions the naturalist methods is R.G. Collingwood. In his statement
regarding the naturalist methods, he explained that facts were things created by humans and
cannot be found. This is wrong because the facts come from something that has happened and
is proven to be true without making up. According to him, the naturalist method is an
observation related to other relationships, which begins with the idea of what we should
observe. From these observations, if we conclude something with perception, it will create a
different frame of reference in understanding the meaning in this world. The four figures appear
to have significant differences in their perceptions of the naturalist method. Some of them are
related to human life, some of which can be said to be far from human reason.

3. Discuss the main and crucial idea related to the different between theoretical
framework and conceptual framework based on Adom & Hussein’s article as
In this article , the understanding and overall differences between the theoretical
framework and the conceptual framework are thoroughly explained. Information on the
importance of using theoretical and conceptual frameworks in research and thesis writing.
Both students and researchers are explained that they must choose the correct and firm
concept between the theoretical framework and the conceptual framework.
 Theoretical Framework
 The theoretical framework is a step-by-step guide to making quality research with
scientific and academic standards so as not to create research that is not based on
theory. It relates to the philosophical bases on which the research takes place and
the link between theoretical framework aspects.
 The benefits of the theoretical framework in research help researchers to find
appropriate and appropriate research methods, in analyzing, and procedures for
investigating research material. In making a theoretical framework must also be
oriented or by each step in the research from problem definition, search for material,
appropriate methods, presentations, and conclusions selected in the research
 Before choosing a theoretical framework you have to understand the content of the
research, namely, the problem, objectives, the material, and the research content.
Based on that must also pay attention to the basic principles in research and
involves visible aspects. After doing all the correct steps in selecting next is the
existing theory must be expanded and modified from the research study.

 Conceptual Framework
 Camp (2001) “The conceptual framework is a structure that explains the
development of natural phenomena that will occur “ (p. 26). From a statistical
perspective, it is explained that the conceptual framework describes the
relationship between the main concepts of research which is arranged with a
logical structure to describe the relationship of one study to another.
 The benefits of the conceptual framework are helpful to know how a researcher
views the concept under study so can determine if you or other studies you look
at defining these concepts in the same way. One of them is to assist researchers
in understanding their life view of the outside world about the phenomena of
 In Creates a conceptual framework the researchers given freedom to use the
existing frameworks, but on the condition that you must modify the topic.
Research topics that are contextual and have the nature of questioning
research. The researcher must be good at making a diagram that uses the main
research variables, in this way the variables can help to answer the problem of
the research topic described.

Specific Question

Preparing a Research Method: A Simple Case Study

 What are the main characteristics of Amir’s Qualitative research method? What
should be done by Amir in carrying out Qualitative Research related to PSBB in
Socials study material is different from science material. In quantitative data, the
researcher asks participants broad general questions, which are explained using
descriptions and natural settings. (Wade,May 2 2017) “Qualitative research is abstract
and not numeric”, which means that interpretation will exactly leave experience. There
are descriptions of personal reflection and related research results. The qualitative
COVID-19 methods that are most appropriate to use in making research proposals are
philosophical thinking methods, procedural development, and advocacy practices. By
combining 3 qualitative methods it can be illustrated that Amir must do, among others:

1) Explain the central phenomenon that occurs in Jakarta related to the PSBB
implemented by the local government.
2) Interviews with expert sources related to PSBB. Such as the mayor, regional
representatives, and medical officers who know why and how many Covid-19
cases require PSBB.
3) Field observations to see whether new protocols such as PSBB are effective for
residents to reduce the Covid-19 chain of transmission.
4) Using advocacy practices in which Amir must be a politically neutral observer.
5) To conclude the research proposal on the public's response to the PSBB with
this qualitative method, Amir will provide his views and descriptions in the
research proposal that is being carried out.

 What are the main characteristic of Ani’s quantitative research method? What
should be done by Ani in conducting Quantitative Research Method related to

Quantitative research methods are difficult to understand. In quantitative research, it

explains the relationship between variables and material knowledge or objects. To
conduct this research, the researcher made relatively small questions, then developed
the material object using statistical methods. (Wade, may 2, 2017) “Quantitative
research methods are numerical, based on experience, and cannot reveal relatively
expensive in-depth or detailed responses”.
In making a quantitative research proposal, Ani must use statistical, correlation,
experimental, and survey procedures. In conducting quantitative research methods, Ani
must combine several methods used in the quantitative research process, including,
1) Conducting experiments as an act of observation and checking to identify the
initial causes of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia and why Jakarta is the
highest positive city for Covid-19, which is causing the new PSBB protocol in
2) Perform correlational procedures or as described on the website AYO NAMBAH
ILMU (2016) ”involves data collection activities to determine, the relationship
between 2 or more variables” (p. 2)
For example, Ani conducted a cause and effect research from the Covid-19 case
with a declining economic condition.

3) Surveying the statement that "is the new PSBB protocol considered successful in
reducing the positive number of Covid-19 and is it effective in making people
comply with the term" stay home, stay safe "in Jakarta?"
4) Explain whether the interventions carried out by the police for law enforcement
against motorized vehicle drivers who violate the PSBB protocol have an impact
and provide a deterrent effect for PSBB violators.

 Is there a possibility for Amir and Ani to do a mix method? If yes/no, please
make reasons.

Yes, it is possible to use descriptive descriptions of qualitative and quantitative

research methods. The combination is using surveys derived from quantitative methods
and evaluations or reports derived from qualitative methods. This combination can
produce complex and complete research results in which there are various ways of
collecting data. The combination that Amir and Ani have to do can be described as

 Ani conducted a survey related to the impact of Covid-19 on society which also
had an impact on other fields such as the economy and education.
 Then Amir evaluates the results of the survey by describing the impact felt by the
community, from difficulties in activities to connecting with family and friends. In
the economic field, it can be felt that the Indonesian economy is still experiencing
a decline which has resulted in Indonesia not having implemented a lockdown
because Indonesia still needs foreign exchange. And finally, in the field of
education, face-to-face learning is replaced by online learning. Which requires
students to have adequate technology to be able to participate in teaching and
learning activities.

– Vol. III - Social Sciences: Historical and Philosophical Overview of Methods and Goals.
Luki Erlistina (n.d.). PENELITIAN KUANTITATIF DAN KUALITATIF. Retrieved May 21, 2013 ,
Camp, W. G. (2001). Formulating and Evaluating Theoretical Frameworks for Career and
Technical Education Research. Journal of Vocational Educational Research
Dr. Kristi Winter. (n.d.) UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL SCIENCE From Philosophy to
Science Part .
Ayo Nambah Ilmu - Pengertian Penelitian Korelasional. (2017). Retrieved June 7, 2016, from
Tine Wade. (2017, may 2). Qualitative & Quantitative Research – An Introduction [Video file].
Retrieved from

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