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Team Bacardi

Aishwarya Mishra Pallav Agarwal

Arunanshu Sinha Piyush Palwe

Problem Validation Awareness Campaign

Market analysis Key Performance Indicators

Partner analysis Cost and Metrics

Solutions at Glance Timeline and GTM

Prioritisation Showcasing Impact

Problem statement breakdown and validation


Reduction in Carbon FootPrint and moving

towards sustainable growth

Problem at hand Educate about Showcase

Craft campaigns

environment personal and

Enrich User experience and engagement for conscious

consciousness overall impact


Why care about the problem?

13% of carbon emissions in India generates 3.6 lakh mn Net carbon emitted is 150.4 mn
logistics come from tonnes plastic waste, major Kg in a year due to last mile
inventory. contributor is packaging. emissions per delivery.

Competitor advantage Tax evasion and subsidies Higher User Engagement and better Brand Image

Sustainable businesses are redefining Choosing green energy sources and incorporating Consumers examined today not just the
eco -friendly practices into your operations increases product's or service's external attributes, but
the corporate ecosystem by designing

your chances of receiving many tax benefits. also their social and environmental impact.
models that create value for all.

7.2 +6 Mt +21%
6% 25 64
Impact 5.3

2019 2030 2019 2030 2019 2030 Mindset

Delivery Vehicles Emissions Congestion

Million Vehicles Million Tonnes CO2 Average Commute, *minutes

Source : GlobalWebIndex

P ro b l e m M a r ke t a n d Pa r t n e r A n a l y s i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n SustainUI Showcasing Impact GT M Co st KPI s Aw a re n e s s C a m .

Market analysis Partner analysis


Upper Class Gen Z 80 %
Tier I Middle Class Millennials 40% Frequent and repetitive

Lower Class Others delivery to an area of cit

Upper Class Gen Z 60% Concerned about high

India Tier II Middle Class Millennials 20% prices of petrol.

Lower Class Others Aditi Jha

Gen Z will be primary Delivery Partner

target audience fficulty finding

Tier III Has di

Market Segmentation- Identification of Audience eco-friendly product

Hates when people throw

Ho w making ‘sustainability’ waste around street
Paying high delivery charge
88% as a primary goal will help

Dunzo? 80% Parth Sharma even if there is no urgent need

5x -6x
Product Designer

88% consumers want

brands to help them

make a di fference by faster gro wth than average Consumers are Unable to contribute to

being eco-friendly. market as it becomes a USP planning to s witch the environmen

and helps being a to eco- products Doesn’t find eco-friendlier

competitive advantage over products to buy

other companies Vineeta


Sources: Forbes
Sources: Latana & McKinsey

P ro b l e m M a rke t a n d Pa r t n e r A n a l ys i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n S u s ta i n U I Showcasing Impact GT M Co s t KP I s Aw a re n e s s Ca m .

Solutions at a Glance

DunBin Eco-Score(Gamification) SustainUI No Rush Mode

Dun-Bin will be placed in the city We can tag the eco-friendly Changing the UI in a way that More efficient and ecofriendly
at strategic location and users products & if the user buys it or promotes sustainable consumer delivery mode in which multiple
can throw bottle and waste, and if the user opts for no rush choices will surely nudge users orders from nearby localities
can be rewarded accordingly. mode they get reward points to buy eco-friendly products would be fulfilled together

ReBag Dunzo Diaries

Switching to EVs Dunate
With every order user places, Users can recycle their plastic Showing the users the
A contract can be signed with bags, etc, which will reduce the personal impact that they
the EV company like, Yulu, an optional extra Rs. 2/-
could be charged for the packaging waste and we can give create so that they have the
Ola, Zypp for affordable and some points/rewards to them feeling of epic meaning.
eco-friendly delivery contribution to environment

Problem Market and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation SustainUI Showcasing Impact GTM Cost KPIs Awareness Cam.
FEATURE 1: Gamification FEATURE 2: Dun-Bin FEATURE 3: Dunate

Find the nearest

Dun-Bin in your

Top monthly Contributor locality where you

can throw your


Parth Sharma Scan the QR


and enter the

plastic pieces

A leaderboard would be

maintained to enhance the

It ’s done. You get
engagements of the users
Credited with
on the platform where in
Dunzo points.
they can compete with their

User adds all the items in the cart

friends and people of their

If consumers want the plastic waste to
They visit the cart to place the order
be picked up. They can get that done

A monthly leaderboard will

On sharing of social
by ordering a pickup as well.
be published for the top
Scrolls down to view further details
media, users can be
contributors for the
environment. Finds an additional 2/- being charged.

P ro b l e m M a r ke t a n d Pa r t n e r A n a l y s i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n SustainUI Showcasing Impact GT M Co st KPI s Aw a re n e s s C a m .

Feature Comparison and Selection

User Demands
Feature R.I.C.E


With a gamified loyalty
programme, quick and
Gen Z
Sustain UI 5 50% 2.5
easy delivery of top-up
products is provided.


5 100%
Quick and economical
Millennials shipping and excellent
80 % 1.9
product quality & utility
Switching to EVs 3

Required to comply
Gen X with family goals and
Dunate 4 90 % 4.1 various offerings

Furthermore, more than two third of our
DunBin 4
millennial and Gen Z group expect
60 %

businesses to concentrate on social,

environmental, and mission- driven
No Rush Mode 80 % 2.4
issues.They are also ecologically


Dunzo Diaries 3.4

4 70 %

P ro b l e m M a r ke t a n d Pa r t n e r A n a l y s i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n SustainUI Showcasing Impact GT M Co st KPI s Aw a re n e s s C a m .

Effort and Impact Quadrant SustainUI
In order to educate the users within the app, it can be broken into

High Impact In App Screen

High Impact
Low Effort

Content we place on the screens.

High Effort
Comparison and Selection of In App Screens to Educate Users
No Rush mode

Switch to EV Interfaces Reach Impact Confidence Effort R.I.C.E

Loading UI 5 60% 2 3.0
Landing UI 5 90 % 4 5.6
Leaf Icon 3 50 % 2 2.2

Cart Page 5 80 % 4 4
Dunzo Diaries

High Effort
Low Effort

Coupons Page 4 50 % 2 2

Post Order UI 5 75 % 2 3.75

Type of content that can be placed

Low Impact Low Impact
Impact of carbon emission on environmen
How Dunzo is creates a positive impact on the environmen
What users can contribute to a bigger cause and reduce the waste

Pro b lem Market and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation SustainUI Showcasing Impact GTM Cost K PIs Awareness Cam .
Visualising the aspects of SustainUI

Loading UI Landing UI

A nudge towards the

main motive just at

the app startup gives

an initial dosage of

epic meaning bias.

The carousel highlights the

recent happenings at Dunzo

that make our efforts visible.

Following can be highlighted

New Initiatives

News in the domain

Special offers

Scientific developments

and news in sustainabilit

Carousel is the first interface
This initial dosage of info will not only raise Tips to make domestic life
visible to the user which will
awareness regarding environment but also push more sustainabl
help users know how Dunzo is
users towards making eco-friendlier choice. Eco-awareness qui
impacting the environment
How Dunzo contributes

P ro b l e m M a rket a n d Pa rt n e r A n a l ys i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n S u s ta i n U I S h owca s i n g I m p a ct GT M Co s t KPI s Awa re n e s s Ca m .

Visualising the aspects of SustainUI

Cart Page Post Order UI

Users can opt to donate 2/-

Post- Order, customer
which will directly go for the
often spends time on
welfare of the environment
checking the order

screen repetitively.

To know more, how this

money is being utilised to

Placing the content on
serve a higher purpose, users
the final interface will
can click on ‘Learn More’.
create an impact on Creating a revolution!

We care for this planet, the people and the kids to come.

the user choices. And for that, we are changing the way we deliver

essentials to your doorstep. By using eco-friendlier

It will be creating an high

packaging and methods.

impact as cart page has a It will act as a final

reach to every user and nudge to users for

raising awareness. sustainability and

influence him the next

time he orders.

P ro b lem M a rke t a n d Pa rt n e r A n a l ys i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n SustainUI Showcasing Impact GT M Co s t KP I s Aw a re n e s s Ca m .

Showcasing Impact- Overall

The amount users donates when he orders grocery: 2/- Dunzo’s current CO2 emissions is equivalent to that of
80,000+ humans. (Avg. human produces 2 metric ton
Assuming % of users who ‘untick’ to donate : 30%

On some simple calculation we come at the guesstimate of 22 Cr

that is collected via the initiative.
Having a additional option of delivery to essentials through
This money can be used in

‘No Rush Mode’ will reduce the carbon emissions produced

Raising Awareness Tree Plantation Beach Cleaning
Consumers can schedule their delivery as their is not
Average cost to plant a tree is BMC spends 3L daily to clean always need to deliver goods within 20 minutes
300/- with 10Cr we can plant beaches. ~10Cr annually to clean If the packages has to be delivered within a timespan of
3Lakh+ Trees. beaches. an hour or two then multiple orders can be combined

Publicising this impact to users:

If 4-5 order can combined then the carbon emission can
be reduced by 5 times.

Instagram Facebook Billboard App UI

Sources: BusinessStandard and Hindustan Times

Problem Market and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation SustainUI S h owc as ing Imp a ct GTM Cost KPIs Awareness Cam.
Showcasing Impact- Overall

Gamification is the core driving feature behind every other feature As much as 40% of plastic waste collected in India remains
which acts as a core motivation. Rewards to be given to the users if uncollected and littered on the streets,. DunBins are smart
They choose an eco-friendlier product enough, using AI and IoT to segregate biodegradable waste
Every order you do, fetches you points and plastic waste. As the DunBin will be easily accessible
Use ‘No Rush Mode’ to earn some extra point therefore people would prefer not to throw waste on
Recycle waste at the Dun-Bin near them


Find nearest DunBin through the app.

According to growth engineering, 95% of the users feel more
engaged when the systems are gamified. Core human motivation of
Scan the QR

epic meaning is also triggered.

Drop the waste

There is an Getting a high

evident surge in score under the

user influence of Evaluation of waste

engagement gradient bias as a

which will heavily reward for
drive Dunzo’s sustainable Redemption
motives. behaviour.

User engagement Eco-meter DunBin in itself is a Marketing asset as

it invites intrigue due to novelty bias

Problem Market and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation SustainUI Showcasing Impact GTM Cost KPIs Awareness Cam.
Showcasing Impact- Personalised

A personal graphical
A personal
memorandum of
behavioural vitals
memorandum of
Carbon footprint

reduction per
The notifications
Share on social
would create a
Be thanked by
feeling among
delivery partner
users to
Identify your
contribute to the
buying patterns
Redeem your Eco-
score in the form
Ultimately it would lead to creating a very
of coupons
positive brand image of the Dunzo among
Dunzo Diaries will help drive engagement and user retention on its user base
the platform as it gives insight to user about their interaction

Problem Market and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation SustainUI Showcasing Impact GTM Cost KPIs Awareness Cam.
Go-To-Market Strategy
Pre- Launch Launch Post- Launch
Flyers and QR code in Click-and- Launch of advertisements catchy SMS/ Email marketing the customer of the
Awareness Mortar store for website and Jingle on channels like radio, TV, brick and mortar stores. Discount code to
spreading awareness of social media, etc. to create top of customer for sustainable or environmental
availability on Grocery apps

mind awareness

friendly purchase

Advertising campaigns on social Notifications regarding launch of Partnership with NGOs,EV Vehicles suppliers
Reach media, like Instagram, etc. Using new product like Dunate, Nudge, local communities driven for sustanability etc.
local influencers in Q-commerce Rebag, Gamification etc. Product to Create association with regional dishes

to gain traction

launch event of DunBin

#Gamification for environment friendly

Network effect utilizing old Sustainability blog and Climate customers where monthly leaderboard will be
Stickiness customer to add value to the Change blogs on the website, published for the top contributors .Online
network, offering redeemable where customer can contest their event, all entries and top scorers will get a spot
coupons for online purchase

Blogs get rewards for highest likes

on social media post

Online Surveys and Subscription model delivery of Building customer community Various
Hacking questionnaires to learn monthly fixed supply of Products at platforms, such as Instagram, WhatsApp
preferences and what new variety discounted rate to increase repeat groups, etc. where customers share their
of product customers would like to purchase & retention experiences for sustainability

Problem Market and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation SustainUI Showcasing Impact GTM Cost KPIs Awareness Cam.
Product Cost Analysis Metrics

#Daily Dunbin QR Scans #Leaderboards shared

Cost Component Cost( INR) Assumptions

120 hr of work % of people opting

Ad Development 20,00,000 #Leaderboard Checks
by Ad Agency ‘Dunate
North Star Metric
20 sec ads
TV Ad 90,00,000 especially during
cricket matches
#Dunzo Diary shares # of users # No Rush orders
YouTube Ad 20,00,000 CPC (Video Ads)
participation in
and Banner
FB/ Google Ads 30,00,000 CPC

Install a DunBin #Social Impressions # Carousel Swipe

Dun-Bins 27,00,000 in Strategic Areas
# Leaf Click - EcoScore

Problem M arket and Partner Analysis Solutions Prioritisation Sustain U I Showcasing Impact GT M Cost K PIs Awareness Cam .
Key Performance Indicators



Customer engagement
Establishment of online
SEO optimization & high

Visibility score Social Media frequency of content posted

presence & recognition

Customer should be able to find

products easily on any platform

Pages per visit Product Listing page Making website easily navigable

Customer Satisfaction Avg Review Rating CSAT Reviews Feedback

Understanding likability
Feedback from customers

of particular product

Connect with detractors &

Promoters Net promotor score Peer Referral Word of mouth promotion

keep promotors engaged

Customer Loyalty
Customer return rate,

Loyalty Programs Repurchase of products

Grievance addressal system &

customer first approach

Churn Rate
from Dunzo


Developing KPI
Focusing on

& frequency Matrix Roadmaps 1st year wins

P ro blem M a r ke t a n d Pa r t n e r A n a l y s i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n SustainUI Showcasing Impact GT M Co st KPI s Aw a re n e s s C a m .

w A Campaigns
mp areness Ca aigns

Dunzo diaries, Dunzo Beyond, Learn More

button, Landing Page Carousel etc.
Bill boards, Newspapers, Flyers, Display
Internal stalls in high footfall areas etc.

Exploiting the principles of embedded marketing, we Effectivity :

can use the existing expanse of Dunzo’s high footfall The act of engaging with physical

user interface to make them aware of all the new marketing material has shown to

carbon conscious efforts the brand is making. increase customer recall and

information retention.
Strategy :

Since there are plans of collaboration with other Incorporating humorous and witty

brands such as Yulu for EV implementation and social ads have proven to be well

media influencers etc. their respective platforms of received. Highly experiential

display are also at our humble disposal that can delivery is also possible through

smartly be used . strong imagery and experience

store like stalls.

P ro blem M a rket a n d Pa rt n e r A n a l ys i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n S u s ta i n U I S h owca s i n g I m p a c t GT M Co s t KP I s Awareness Cam.

Awareness Campaigns

Social media posts, Dunzo website, News Television appearances, Podcast and
controversies etc. CHANNELS : interviews, NGO collaborations, Parades

Considering the ease of access to and group activities etc.

screens for our addressable market,

Community efforts are is one of the
this category is inevitable to make
greatest motivators in driving
mark on.
change in human societies.
Indulging in interaction via

comments with other brand Collective beach cleaning

Exploiting the social platform Awareness parades

algorithms using sensitive Online/Offline voluntary

hashtags etc educational seminars

Guest-blogging about new Together plantation drives

developments on other high

footfall websites

P ro b l e m M a rket a n d Pa rt n e r A n a l ys i s Solutions P ri o ri t i s a t i o n S u s ta i n U I S h owca s i n g I m p a c t GT M Co s t KP I s Awa re n e s s Ca m .

Thank you
Team Bacardi
We are open to feedback and questions! :)

“We must not forget that,

we have borrowed this Earth from generations to come!”

Appendix 5 Year Plan

This feature can be launched Gamification will trigger core It will take signification time of 3-4 Switching to EVs is a long term goal, and
immediately. Dunzo generates 158 motivation of social influence, years to place Dun-Bins at strategic for that we need to set up infra. With the
Mn Kg of CO2 just via delivery accomplishment and epic meaning. location. Once done, it would be a support of govt. and investors, this goal is
therefore combining orders would And it would take 2-3 months to be publicity stunt as well as reduce the achievable in a couple of year. This could
cut carbon emission by 2-3 times popularized. waste thrown on streets.
result in decrease of CO2 emission.
No Rush Mode Eco-Score(Gamification) DunBin Switching to EVs

Couple of month 1-2 years 3-5 years

Dunate Dunzo Diaries Sustain UI

This feature can be introduced without As Dunzo Diaries would release in Nudging would create a more aware
much delay as it is a ‘must have’ couple of month therefore would generation. ‘According to a 2019 meta-
feature and would bear an impact require an year to establish it’s analysis 62% of nudge treatments
gradually. Tie-ups can be made with presence and engage with the users. yield statistically significant results.’ It
govt. and NGOs. would take long time because change
of behaviour is involved.

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