Office Note For PHD Viva

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Date: 19/03/2024
Mr. Mahesh Kumar Chaudhary has been registered in School of Life Sciences under the
Supervision of Prof. Indrani Jadhav from School of Life Sciences, Jaipur National University,
Jaipur. and Dr. Megha Raj Banjara from Tribhuvan University, Department of Microbiology,

The Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr.Mahesh Kumar Chaudhary has been scheduled by Hon’ble
Pro Chancellor on 28 March,2024 at 12.00 pm and will be conducted at SADTM Campus
of Jaipur National University,Jaipur.

Student should bring/show proofs of Paper Publications and participation with Paper
Presentation in Seminar / Conference at the time of Ph.D.Viva Voce Presentation.

All concerned may attend.


Professor In Charge,Research Cell

For Information
to :

The office of Chancellor Sir

The office of Pro Chancellor Sir

The office of Vice Chancellor Sir

Director – School of Life Sciences -Please convey to all faculty members

Director –Academic Affairs

Controller of Examinations
Ragistrar / Admin Registrar / Dy Registrar

Administration office (SADTM Campus)

RC File

Supervisor- Prof.Indrani Jadhav

Co-Supervisor- Dr.Megha Raj Banjara

Research student - Mr. Mahesh Kumar Chaudhary

Prof. (Dr.) R.S. Lokhande (Ex. Professor of Chemistry University of Mumbai) Head, Department
of Chemistry & Professor Incharge in Research Cell Jaipur National University, Jaipur-302017

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