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Distribution mapping of cadmium on water and soil in rice

fields around the industrial area of sidoarjo regency

L Fitrianah, M Yahya, L Noer Hamidah, E Rosyidah, A Rahmayanti, L Octavia,

A Widiyanti, and M Tamyiz
Environmental Engineering Department, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo,
Sidoarjo 61218, Indonesia

Abstract. The development of industrial estates in the western part of Sidoarjo Regency
include Taman District, Krian District, Balongbendo District, and Tarik District have a major
influence on population growth. The existence of the rice fields around the industry indirectly
affects the quality of the environment due to industrial activities. The purpose of this research
is to identify the spatial distribution of Cadmium heavy metal content in the water in rice fields
around the industrial area of Sidoarjo Regency and to identify the spatial distribution it. The
parameters taken are cadmium content in soil and water samples in the rice fields. The method
used in the study was a survey and laboratory, mapping used the kriging method. The result of
the research showed The highest cadmium content is in the rice fields of the Taman sub-
district. cadmium content in water is 1.90 ppm while in the soil is 2.43 ppm. The quality level
at the four locations was declared to exceed the environmental quality standard. The
distribution map showed the area of the Taman sub-district is the highest compared to other

Keywords: cadmium, industry, kriging, mapping, rice fields

1. Introduction

The development of industrial estates in the western part of Sidoarjo Regency, especially in Taman
District, Krian District, Balongbendo District, and Tarik District have a major influence on population
growth due to urbanization, as well as declining environmental quality. This is the impact of the
development of more industrial areas. Development that is not environmentally sound will pose risks
in the form of environmental damage and disruption of ecosystems. Sidoarjo Regency is one of the
regencies in East Java that supports the resilience of food source commodities in East Java, these food
sources include: rice, corn, and soybeans, the majority of food products are dominated by five sub-
districts, namely Krembung, Tulangan, Tarik, Balonggbendo, and Prambon. The rice fields in Sidoarjo
mostly include rainfed rice fields, this area includes Jabon, Krembung, Tulangan, Porong, and
Prambonn, this shows that Sidoarjo Regency is dominated by rice fields as food sources as the main
support for rice production [1].
Plants can be a mediator of the spread of heavy metals in living things, the presence of heavy
metals in the environment can occur naturally or is more influenced by human activities such as
industrial activities [2]. Sidoarjo Regency, whose territory is dominated by rice fields, must be careful
because rice is a source of staple crops for humans who are very tolerant of waste, especially heavy
metals. Apart from being a provider of various resources and habitats for living things, water and soil
are also receptors for pollutants, the impact of water and soil contaminated with hazardous or toxic
chemicals, apart from being able to trigger infectious and non-communicable diseases, can also reduce
water quality. and soil, for example, the negative impact of micronutrient deficiencies contained in
foodstuffs on human health. The main cause of heavy metals is hazardous pollutants because heavy
metals cannot be destroyed (non-degradable) by living organisms in the environment and accumulate
in the environment [3].
The Cadmium heavy metal is very dangerous to health because of the toxic effects of cadmium
accumulation, patients who are poisoned with cadmium experience high blood pressure, kidney
damage, testicular tissue damage, and damage to red blood tissue cells. Heavy metal elements in
polluted rice field ecosystems can be absorbed and transported through plant roots, then enter plant
tissues, and accumulate in fruit or plant parts that are consumed, while cadmium from the air is
retained on the leaf surface, which is quite large in leaves. rough surface or hairy leaves [4]. There is a
need for special data regarding the distribution of heavy metal cadmium in industrial areas, so to
process and analyze data on the spatial distribution of heavy metal cadmium in this study used the
interpolation method from Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Interpolation is the process of
estimating the value in an unmeasured area so that a distribution of values is formed over the entire
region. One of the techniques in the interpolation method is the kriging technique [5].
The method for processing geological data and spatial information is called geostatistics. In its
development, many data analysis methods are used to describe geographical conditions such as the
kriging method. Kriging was developed to handle various cases in geostatistical data. Information on
the distribution of heavy metal cadmium is easier explained in the form of images in the form of
mapping so that it can be used as a basis for easily formulating the area of the affected area. The use of
Kriging can estimate the magnitude of the characteristic value at the point excluding the sample based
on information from the characteristics of the surrounding sample points by considering the spatial
correlation in the data using a spatial prediction equation with two assumptions, namely in the form of
modeling and prediction. The ordinary kriging method can be used if the existing data is stationary,
data is said to have a stationary nature if the data does not tend to a certain trend if the fluctuation of
the data is around a constant average value. In this study, we will use the Ordinary Kriging method
because Ordinary Kriging is the simplest kriging method found in geostatistics.
Kriging is a calculation technique for the estimation of a regional variable that used the approach
that the analyzed data is considered as a realization of a random variable, and all of the analyzed
random variables will form a random function using a variogram structural model. The kriging method
is used to display a special method of weighted moving average that minimizes the variance of the
estimated results. Rozalia [6], in general kriging, is a method for analyzing geostatistical data to
interpolate a mineral content value based on sample data. This method is used to estimate the
magnitude of the characteristic value at the unsampled point based on information from the
characteristics of the surrounding sample points considered the spatial correlation in the data.
The purpose of this research is to identify the spatial distribution of Cadmium heavy metal content
in the water in rice fields around the industrial area of Sidoarjo Regency. The second of purpose this
research is to identify the spatial distribution of Cadmium heavy metal content in the soil in rice fields
around the industrial area of Sidoarjo Regency.

2. Methodology

The research in four sub-districts in Sidoarjo Regency. Included are Taman District, Krian District,
Balongbendo District, and Tarik District. The sampling points taken are rice fields the water and the
soil of rice fields. Determination of sampling points used Global Position System. The determination
of this area is based on estimating the input of heavy metals from industrial activities that contaminate
people's rice fields. Determination of the sampling point is the location of rice fields which are quite
close to the industrial area. the locations and coordinates of sampling points in Table 1.

Table 1. The Location and Coordinates of Sample

Location Coordinates
Bringinbendo Village, Taman District -7⁰ 22′5′′S 112⁰39′7′′E
Barengkrajan Village, Krian District -7⁰ 23′20′′S 112⁰36′23′′E
Waruberon Village, Balongbendo District -7⁰ 25′5′′S 112⁰31′42′′E
Mliriprowo Village, Tarik District -7⁰ 26′31′′S 112⁰28′5′′E
The tools used in this research are a set of laptops, ArcGIS software, Google Earth, Ms. Excel,
GPS. The materials used to collect sample data were 600 ml sample bottles, label paper, and plastic
The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data collection is direct observation
(observation) in the field by taking each sample point. Secondary data is to collect documents on
environmental laws and regulations and other supporting data such as the number of industries at the
Central Statistics Agency, government regulations related to heavy metals and Regional Spatial Plans
to determine the distribution area of industries in Sidoarjo Regency. The data obtained were processed
descriptively in the form of tables with parameters, namely the content of cadmium in water and rice
fields in the Sidoarjo Regency. Analysis of heavy metal concentrations was carried out on samples
based on laboratory test results [5]. The method used in data analysis using the Ordinary Kriging. The
analysis of Cadmium Heavy Metal at the Surabaya Industrial Research and Consulting Institute. The
research implementation consisted of data collection (secondary), field observation, data processing,
and analysis (field and laboratory). To find out the difference in heavy metal content at each location,
the sampling data also used satellite image data to clarify the difference in distance and position at
each sample point, the difference in distance can certainly affect the area of the distribution mapping
for heavy metal cadmium at the sample location. Determinants of distribution of cadmium content
based on quality standards are Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 about
water quality management and water pollution control. The standard second is EPMC 2015
(Environmental Protection Ministry of China).

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Distribution Mapping of Cadmium on Water in Rice Fields

Based on the results of laboratory analysis obtained data on the content of cadmium contained in rice
field water. The content of cadmium contained in rice fields water is in Table 2 and the distribution
map of cadmium in rice field water is in Figure 1.

Table 2. The cadmium content on the water in rice fields

Location Content (ppm)

Bringinbendo Village, Taman District 1.90
Barengkrajan Village, Krian District 1.32
Waruberon Village, Balongbendo District 1.28
Mliriprowo Village, Tarik District 1.66
The Table 2, the cadmium content on the water in rice fields highest more than. It is in
Bringinbendo Village Taman District, the cadmium content of 1.90 ppm. The lowest more in
Waruberon Village, Balongbendo District. The cadmium content is 1.28 ppm. The cadmium metal
content for all sample points exceeded the quality standard limit based on Peraturan Pemerintah
Republik Indonesia Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 about water quality management and water pollution
control, which was 0.01 ppm for all classes. The water in the rice fields is class 3, which is used for
irrigating agricultural crops. The presence of cadmium metal can come from the use of fertilizers made
from natural phosphate rock which contains a lot of metal cadmium.

Figure 1. Distribution Mapping of Cadmium on Water in Rice Fields

Based on Figure 2, the higher the cadmium concentration, the brighter the color shown on the map.
The lower the cadmium concentration, the more intense the difference in color degradation. The
highest level of cadmium concentration was in Taman District, rice field water sampling was adjacent
to a plastic factory, from the laboratory results obtained a cadmium content of 1.90 ppm dark red after
being analyzed using the kriging method, while the lowest cadmium concentration was in
Balongbendo District, Sampling of rice field water adjacent to a light brick factory, laboratory results
obtained a cadmium concentration of 1.28 ppm and dark green. The difference in the concentration of
each sample point can be due to the number of industries in the area, transportation, or agriculture that
contains cadmium heavy metal. The content of cadmium in rice field water in Bringinbendo Village,
Taman District, where the rice fields are next to industry and roads.
The amount of heavy metal content of cadmium contained in the sample, especially in the northern
region, can come from exhaust gases from motor vehicles and waste from industrial activities in the
form of solids, liquids, or in the form of air pollution produced from chimneys. This is explained in
Agustina's research [7] Cadmium has been widely used in various industries, including metal coatings,
metal smelting, coloring, batteries, lubricating oils, and fuels. Liquid waste from industry and the
disposal of used lubricating oil containing cadmium enters sea waters as well as fuel combustion
residues that are released into the atmosphere and then fall into the sea, fuel and lubricating oil
containing cadmium up to 0.5 ppm, coal containing Cd up to 2 ppm, phosphate fertilizers also contain
cadmium and some even reach 170 ppm.
Cadmium has the potential to harm and affect environmental quality and pollution through the food
chain. The concentration of cadmium in food is a pathway of metal accumulation that can affect
human health, the spread of pollutants in the aquatic environment is strongly influenced by some
interactive transport processes, such as washing, flow, evaporation, and precipitation from the air
which will result in dust from industrial and transportation activities falling to the surface. land and
water [8]. The high content of cadmium in rice fields in Taman District from pollutant sources can
mean that the cadmium content in rice fields comes from other pollutant sources such as the use of
chemical fertilizers, compared to motor vehicle and industrial pollutant sources. This is related to the
results of research by Setyaningrum [2] that ineffective use of fertilizers and pesticides can be one of
the contributors to heavy metals in agricultural land. Phosphate fertilizers, manure, lime, and compost
can contain heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn, although the fertilizers are still below the
non-polluting range, continuous and long-term use of fertilizers can increase metal content. weight in
soil, chicory cultivation in the horticultural production center of Lembang, West Java, was proven to
contain cadmium 1.12 ppm - 3.40 ppm due to phosphate fertilization containing cadmium. Heavy
metals that enter and accumulate can be absorbed by plants through the roots and translocated to other
parts, in the end, these metals will be able to enter the body tissues of animals and humans who
consume these agricultural products.
The concentration of cadmium in each sampling location is getting to the west showing a lower
concentration decrease than the northern region, the content of heavy metals in rice fields especially
Waruberon Village, Balongbendo District there are several factors such as the number and type of
industry in the area, the location of rice fields that are still very broad and not always adjacent to
industry and transportation access which is still quite quiet so it can be assumed that the concentration
of cadmium is very influential on environmental factors that exist around the sampling location. The
increase in the concentration of cadmium in the western region is in Mliriprowo Village, Tarik
District, several factors led to the entry of these pollutants into rice fields, namely the dominant
industry at the research site is a paper mill which is thought to contribute to the decline in
environmental quality around the location [9].

3.2. Laboratory Analysis Results Data on Rice Fields

Based on the results of laboratory analysis, data on the heavy metal content of cadmium found in
paddy fields in four sample sub-districts were taken. The content of heavy metal cadmium contained
in paddy soil in each sample can be seen in Table 3 and a map of the distribution of cadmium in paddy
soil can be seen in Figure 2.

Table 3. The Cadmium Content on Soil in Rice Fields

Location Content (ppm)

Bringinbendo Village, Taman District 2.43
Barengkrajan Village, Krian District 1.8 The
Waruberon Village, Balongbendo District 1.22
Mliriprowo Village, Tarik District 1.36
Table 2, the cadmium content on the soil in rice fields highest more than. It is in Bringinbendo Village
Taman District, the cadmium content of 2.43 ppm. The lowest more in Waruberon Village,
Balongbendo District. The cadmium content is 1.22 ppm. The cadmium metal content for all sample
points exceeded the quality standard limit based on EPMC 2015 (Environmental Protection Ministry
of China). Quality standars is 0,6 ppm. The cadmium metal content is indicated to come from the use
of fertilizers and pesticides
Figure 2. Distribution Mapping of Cadmium on Soil in Rice Fields

Based on Figure 2, the concentration of cadmium in rice fields is not much different from the
concentration of cadmium in rice fields, Taman District is still the highest. ppm, dark red after being
analyzed using the kriging method, while the lowest concentration of cadmium was still in
Balongbendo District, the sample of rice fields adjacent to a light brick factory, laboratory results
obtained a cadmium concentration of 1.22 ppm and dark green. The difference in the concentration of
each sample point between rice fields water and the soil can be due to environmental factors and the
time it takes to precipitate heavy metals in paddy soil. The entry of heavy metal content into the
environment is caused by human activities and the discharge of industrial waste containing heavy
metals. Metal will be absorbed into the soil, water, and air so that it will build up if no further handling
is done. This is explained in research by Istarani [10] that contaminants are exposed in nature through
3 phases, namely liquid, solid, and gas. In the liquid phase, contaminants are exposed in various ways,
namely through runoff, directly discharged into surface water bodies, and leachate to the groundwater
layer. Gas emissions are released using solid emissions from lakes as well as direct exposure from the
chimney due to incomplete combustion (including the combustion products of CO2 and H2S as well
as gases from the combustion of organic matter). In the solid phase, these contaminants can be mixed
in gas and water, both dissolved and insoluble in water.
The content of heavy metals in the soil is naturally very low unless the soil is polluted. This is
explained in research [8] that the metal content in the soil greatly affects the metal content of the
plants that grow on it unless there is an interaction between the metals so that there is an obstacle to
the absorption of these metals by plants. Metal accumulation in plants not only depends on the metal
content in the soil, but also depends on soil chemistry, metal type, soil pH, and plant species. The high
content of cadmium in paddy fields in Taman Subdistrict can be interpreted that the cadmium content
in rice fields comes from other pollutant sources such as the use of chemical fertilizers, the use of
ineffective agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) can be one of the contributors to heavy metals in
agricultural land. This is explained that heavy metals can increase in the soil in line with the increase
in the use of phosphate fertilizers, in line with the results of Syachroni research [11] on soils in the
northern area of West Java, the content of cadmium in rice fields in the area is quite a lot, namely > 1
ppm, this is a result of the continuous use of chemical fertilizers indicated a tendency to accumulate
Data from the Central Statistics Agency for Sidoarjo Regency, 2019 showed that the largest
number of large industrial companies and medium industries is in Taman District with a total of 138
companies. Krian District has 61 companies, Balongbendo District has 36 companies and in Tarik
District only four companies. A large number of industries in an area can be used as an indicator of
pollutant sources that can affect the quality of the environment because more waste and exhaust gases
will be produced. Based on research by Istarani [10] The accumulation of cadmium metal is
unavoidable, this is process due to the presence of factories and as a result of the process of handling
waste and final waste disposal, after being released into the environment, contaminants reacted
quickly, sometimes also very slowly absorbed by the environment. living things and accumulate in
them. Heavy metals generally enter the environment in two ways, namely natural and anthropogenic.
Natural conditions are the release of heavy metals in the environment due to weathering of sediments
due to weather, erosion, and volcanic activity. Anthropogenic release of heavy metals due to human
activities include mining, smelting, use of pesticides, soil fertilizers, and so on.
Suggestions in this study are that it is necessary to research food crops regarding the content of
heavy metal cadmium as well as other heavy metals found in water and rice fields in the Sidoarjo
Regency. In addition, it is necessary to carry out stricter monitoring of AMDAL (Environmental
Impact Analysis) so that the negative impacts can be minimized.

4. Conclusion

The highest content of laboratory test results was found in Taman District which is adjacent to a
plastic factory, while the lowest content of heavy metals was found in Balongbendo District which is
adjacent to a light brick factory. The content of cadmium in rice fields in Taman District is 1.90 ppm
while in rice fields it is 2.43 ppm, in Balongbendo District the cadmium content in rice fields is 1.28
ppm while in rice fields it is 1.22 ppm. Analysis using the kriging method produced a map of the
distribution of heavy metal cadmium, the red color on the map shows the highest level of cadmium
content in Taman District while the green color on the map shows the lowest level of cadmium

5. Recommendation

The government provides special handling of rice fields adjacent to industrial areas for the distribution
of agriculture free from environmental pollution. There is counseling from the government regarding
the remediation of polluted land by heavy metals.


The author would like to thank the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas
Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo for the support during the research


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