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Iran and Israel had friendly relations before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, with Iran
recognizing Israel in 1948 and maintaining close ties during the Pahlavi regime. Iran was the
biggest importer of Israeli arms and Israel exported oil to Iran. However, the 1979 Islamic
Revolution marked a significant shift in Iran's stance towards Israel, with the new regime
labelling the US and Israel as "Great Satan" and "Little Satan" and abandoning its diplomatic
mission in Tehran. (Nada, 2021)
Since then, Iran's conflict with Israel has evolved geographically and strategically. Iran has
supported militant groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, engaging in hostilities with Israel.
Israel has taken actions to prevent the spread of precision missiles from Iran and disrupt
Hezbollah's projects. The conflict has contributed to regional instability, with Iran promoting
the Palestinian cause to enhance its revolutionary credentials among Arabs and the wider
Muslim world.
The conflict between Iran and Israel is deeply rooted in ideological and geopolitical
differences. Iran's government has a strong religious mission to oppose Israel's existence, and
views Zionism as a racist ideology. This has led to Iran supporting militant groups like
Hezbollah and Hamas, which have fought against Israel, causing regional instability. Recent
events, such as Iran's direct attack on Israel, have raised concerns about the misuse of
international law and the potential for more conflict (Menashri, 2004). However, this attack
could also lead to unexpected alliances, such as between Israel and Saudi Arabia, as they
share a common enemy and seek regional security and stability. The situation is complex,
with many countries involved, and a peaceful resolution remains a challenging goal.
On April 1, 2024, a deadly attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, killed seven
people, including two high-ranking Iranian military officials. While Israel is suspected of
carrying out the attack, they have not claimed responsibility. Iran has vowed to retaliate,
sparking fears of a wider regional conflict involving US military forces. In response to the
consulate attack, Iran launched a massive drone and missile assault on Israel, marking the
first direct military attack by Iran on Israeli soil (Al Jazeera, n.d.). However, most of the
drones and missiles were intercepted by Israel's air defences and its allies, resulting in
minimal damage.
The conflict has intensified, with Iran launching hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel in
an operation dubbed "Operation True Promise". Although most missiles were shot down
outside Israeli borders with the help of the US, UK, and France, the attack caused minor
injuries and highlighted the escalating tensions between the two nations. The international
community is closely monitoring the situation, urging restraint and de-escalation to prevent
further instability in the Middle East.
The Iran-Israel conflict has created a divide within the Muslim world regarding support for
Palestine. One faction believes it's their moral duty to support Palestinians in their struggle
for freedom against Israel, viewing resistance as the only solution. They praise Iran's attack
on Israel as a symbol of Muslim courage. This faction sees the Palestinian issue as a core
concern for the Muslim world and believes that supporting Palestine is a religious obligation.
They view Iran's actions as a brave stand against Israeli aggression and see Hamas as a
legitimate resistance movement.
On the other hand, another faction views Iran's involvement in the Palestinian conflict
through Hamas to weaken the Palestinian issue in favour of Israel. They believe Hamas
receives military aid and political support from Iran, which aims to destabilize the region.
This faction is often espoused by individuals from Gulf-oriented backgrounds. This is
sceptical of Iran's motives and sees its involvement in the Palestinian conflict to further its
own interests. They believe Iran's support for Hamas is not genuinely aimed at helping
Palestinians but rather at creating chaos and undermining Arab countries.
The conflict's impact on the Muslim world extends beyond the Palestinian issue, affecting
Iran's relations with other Muslim countries, particularly in the Gulf region. The attack on the
Iranian consulate in Damascus has escalated tensions between Iran and Israel, with Iran
vowing to respond (Menashri, 2006). This raises concerns about a broader regional conflict
involving US military forces. The conflict has far-reaching implications for the Middle East,
affecting not just the Palestinian issue but also Iran's relations with other Muslim countries.
The attack on the Iranian consulate has raised tensions, and Iran's vow to respond has sparked
fears of a wider conflict involving the US.
The economic repercussions of the conflict are not limited to the Middle East. If tensions
escalate, the shock to economies in the region and globally could be significant.
Repercussions could materialize through higher oil prices, complicating the disinflation
process and posing challenges for central banks. The conflict's economic implications extend
beyond the Middle East, with the potential to impact global economies. If tensions escalate,
higher oil prices could result, leading to inflationary pressures and negative shocks to
economic activity. Central banks would face challenges in managing these economic shocks.
(Ali, 2024)
In a nutshell, the Iran-Israel conflict is a complex and multifaceted issue with deep historical,
ideological, and geopolitical roots. From the shift in Iran's stance towards Israel after the
1979 Islamic Revolution to the recent attacks and retaliations, the conflict has evolved and
intensified over the years. The situation is further complicated by the divide within the
Muslim world regarding support for Palestine, with some viewing Iran's actions as a brave
stand against Israeli aggression and others seeing it to further its own interests. The conflict's
impact extends beyond the Palestinian issue, affecting Iran's relations with other Muslim
countries and raising concerns about a broader regional conflict involving US military forces.
The economic repercussions of the conflict are also significant, with the potential to impact
global economies and pose challenges for central banks. As the situation continues to unfold,
it is essential for all parties involved to exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful
resolution to prevent further instability in the Middle East and promote global economic
Reference list
Al Jazeera. (n.d.). Israel strikes Iran consulate in Syria’s capital Damascus: What we know.
[online] Available at:
Ali, A. (2024). Iran’s Attack on Israel Exposes Deep Schisms within the Muslim world.
[online] The Friday Times. Available at:
attack-on-israel-exposes-deep-schisms-within-the-muslim-world [Accessed 21 Apr. 2024].
Menashri, D. (2004). Iran and Israel: A Couple at Odds | Wilson Center. [online] Available at:
Menashri, D. (2006). Iran, Israel and the Middle East Conflict1. Israel Affairs, 12(1), pp.107–
122. doi:
Nada, G. (2021). Iran’s Confrontation with Israel over Four Decades. [online]
Available at:

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