The Deer Who Hates His Leg - 1

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"Good morning, judges, teachers, and friends,

Today, I’m excited to tell you the tale of a deer with the most beautiful horns in
the forest. But this isn't just a story about beauty; it's about discovering the true
value of what we often overlook. Let’s dive into our forest adventure and learn
along with our dear friend."

Once upon a time, deep in a lush green forest, lived a deer with the most
magnificent horns. He would often admire them, boasting, "No other deer has
beautiful horns like mine!"

One sunny day, while strolling through the woods, he met a little squirrel. The
squirrel, looking up, remarked, "You have splendid horns, but your legs are so

"Why do you say that?" the deer asked, puzzled.

“Because your skinny legs don’t match your beautiful horns," the squirrel

This made the deer feel sad, and for the first time, he noticed his legs in his
reflection by the lake. Sighing, he admitted, "It is true. My legs are skinny."

As he stood there, a cheerful rooster came by and asked, "Why so sad?"

Upon hearing the deer's concerns about his legs, the rooster said, "But you
should be grateful! Your legs help you run swiftly."
"But they are ugly!" the deer protested.
Just then, a loud 'Bang!' echoed through the forest, startling every creature.
'Run! There's a hunter after us!' a monkey screamed from the treetops.
The deer and the rooster quickly started running, with the hunter and his dog
chasing close behind them. In his rush, the deer’s horns got caught on a branch.
A bird, watching from above, called out, 'Jump with your strong legs!'

With a strong jump, the deer freed himself. But the hunter and his dog were still
following him. 'I must outrun the hunter’s dog!' the deer thought, as he ran
deeper into the jungle."

His skinny legs, which he had doubted, were now his greatest asset. As he
galloped through the underbrush, the hunter’s dog grew tired and eventually
gave up the chase. The deer, however, kept running, powered by his strong and
speedy legs.

Finally safe, the deer realized how foolish he had been to despise his legs.
Panting but safe, he declared, "I should be thankful for my strong legs. They
saved me today."

And from that day on, the deer never again doubted his legs, understanding how
each part of him had a special purpose, including his skinny, strong legs.

So, my young friends, remember to appreciate what you have, for every feature
you possess is unique and valuable in its own way.

And with that lesson, I end my story. Thanks for listening!

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