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RS 100/= UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI E FOR EXTERNAL CANDIDATES APPEARING IN B.A (PASS) (REGISTRATION FORM) BA 'st the complete / Incomplete Registration form will not be refunded. paid ag: (For Office use only) Endorsement of Registration External Unit Please Accept Rs.. Registration No Medium Oferes| Nationality. A recent passport size Religion. Signature with stamp ciate candidate Male/Female should be pasted attested by the Class To, Gazetted OFfcar on the ‘The Registrar frontsde University of Karachi, Karachi Sir, | hereby submit my particulars as under for my Registration as External Candidate of B.A (ass) Required Registration fee has been paid through Pay-Order / Cash in the N.B.P / U.B.L Karachi University Branch My particulars are given below: 1. Full Name: (i Br os as eared nt MEEUTS® Conca) 2. Father's Name: "We BOE Tas as entrada aeabon Coneaay 3. Address: 3 Postal Code: 4 NLC. Nol 5. | Telephone No. 6. Date of Binh. 7. Place of Birth: 8, Father's Occupation 8. Examinations passed by the applicant. Boardor | SeatNo. 7 fi Su Certificate or Degree | University | wares /{e-Annual/Supp. | Division | Subjects Matriculation Intermediate Aris7 Science / Commerce 1 2 2 Yours Obediently (Signature of the Candidate) Beating Ger Cie Tnchage ‘essiant Regisvar Registration (External) Unit Form S. No. oer Registration of B.A External only KARACHI UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BRANCH Name: Slo - Die: Exam. Fee Rs. Late Fee Rs Rupees in words: ‘Through Pay Order No. / Cash: Total Rs, Name of Bank Branch: a Bank Offcial Signature with Stamp CERTIFICATE ‘The applicant is a resident of Karachi, He / She bears a good moral character. Recommended for Registration of B.A. (Pass) as an External Candidate. Signature of class | Gazzetted Officer ‘With Seal UNDERTAKING | solemnly undertake that before appearing in the next Examination | shall make one person literate so that the he/she wl be able to A ceed eee oe Si) photograph of the 2 candidate MalerFemate S| Shouia be pasted | Stated bythe Cis EB] Garetes Oe: on he (S| romee ‘4 Date Name: — es Father's Name: (a) Wiite his / her name. (b) Read and write a simple statement (©) Read a Qurani Quaida e.g "yassarul Quran’ ‘Signature of candidate IMPORTANT NOTES AND INSTRUCTIONS 1. All Fresh Candidates desirous to appear to the B.A, (Pass) First year Examination as External Candidates are required tofilin Prescribed Registration-form and Examination form Separately. Candidates whohave failed at the first year /Part | Examination or who are already registered with the University will continue to fil in separate Examination form prescribed for them, 2. This form should be invariably failed in by the candidates in their own handwriting and thoroughly checked before ‘submission. The University shall not be responsible if the form is not correctly filed in or there is any omission of ‘Subject/paper or Material fact. 3, The Latest University Prospectus should be consulted for subject permissible for External candidates and also to ‘make sure that the applicant is eligible for the Examination for which he/she proposes to register himself/herself Geography, Psychology, Social Work, Statistics, Mass Communication and outlines of Home Economics can not be taken upby the External Candidates, 4, Any mis-statement or suppression of fact will disqualify a candidate from Registration and appearing at the Examination and if he / she has already appeared at the Examination itwill lea to cancellation of Registration as well as Examination result and such further action may betaken which may deemed necessary 5. DEFENCE personnel are required to submit N.O.C & PR C from their respective Commanding Officer (Karachi). (PAF. Personnel are required to submit N.O.C. from their respective Base Education Officer) 6. Foreign National residing in Karachi must submit their application for registration through their Embassies in Pakistan and Ministry of Education Govt. Pakistan, islamabadi/Karachi (Embassies will certify their residence in Karachi) othe bee LV Grid ymge be Lewy brie lebarls en Bio ter SSWEE nb ie CHANGE OF FACULTY Application for change of Faculty will be accepted after the date announced by the University, change of faculty feeis Rs.100/- Compulsory / Optional Subject for the B.A. (Part |) and B.A. (Part Il) External Candidate. COMPULSORY SUBJECT OF B.A. PART-I 1. ISLAMIC STUDIES (ISLAMIAT) / MORAL PHILOSOPHY (FOR NON-MUSLIMS) COMPULSORY SUBJECT OF B.A. PART (1) URDU (M-T)/N.M.T, OR BENGALI OR SINDHI OR NATURAL SCIENCE. (Select any one paper) 2. ENGLISH. (2) PAKISTAN STUDIES. OPTIONAL SUBJECTS FOR B.A. (PART I) AND B.A. (PART Il) EXTERNAL CANDIDATES: {SELECT ANY THREE OF THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS (CAFES tte ioomed 4. EDUCATION 8. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. 2. ISLAMICSTUDIES (SUNNI/ SHIA) 9. MATHEMATICS. 3. POLITIGALSCIENCE. Ge BHADSaE 4. ECONOMICS. 3. SocIOLOGY, GROUP - A- ETHICS. GROUP - 8 METHODS & 8. GENERALHISTORY. HISTORY OF SCIENCE. (A)HINDPAK (2) MODERN EUROPE 11, OPTIONAL LANGUAGES. (IF YOU NEED ANY 7,_ISLAMIC HISTORY ONE) PART PART ()._ URDU-ADVANGE (FROM THE ADVENT OF | A) HISTORY OF MUSLIM (tl) ENGLISHADVANCE fae Hoty PRorHer |“) feran tty eae MUHANMADSAW) | | 8) HOSTORY OF THE mM Ama | Uuteide tf TILLAL-MUTAWAKKiL OSMANLI TURKS Ww) Be LUNB belt (izee-1924cE) (V)_SINDHI . ©) HISTORY OF MIDDLE (Vl) FRENCH gid fA EAST( 801-1900) (Vil) BENGALI Gok rs) Ene F tpt YALU tine, | have carefully read the above instructions for compliance Date: ‘Signature of the Candidate NOTE University will not be held responsible for the loss/mishap suffered by the candidate due to wrong / incompleté Information fled in the form, IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS The candidates should submit their Registration form withthe following supported documents, Candidates who have passed Matric / Candidates who have passed Matric / Intermediate Intermediate from Karachi Board will other than Karachi Board will submit following ‘submit following documents. document 1 Matric Centificate attested Photocopy. 2, Intermediate Certificate Photocopy attested or Mark 1) Matric Certificate attested. Photocopy. shestin Original. 2 ese cee Phatoeaey 3. National Identity Card (N.I.C.) Photocopy / Father / 3) 4) Mother/N.1.C. of B. form. 4, ‘Two Photographs attested by class I Gazetted officer cone from the front side and one from the back side (Male / Female.) {attested) OR Mark sheet in original. National Identity Card (N.I.C.) Photocopy / Father / Mother / N.1.C. ORB. form. 5. ‘TWo Postal envelopes with complete addressed Rs 4/-each Heo pugtouraph attested by class 1) 16° PRC. (Permanent Residential Certificate) in original 5 Karachi. side and one from the back side.(Male | | Migration certificate original ‘Female.) : 8, N.O.C. from Headquarter (for Force Personnel only), ‘Two Postal envelopes with complete ‘9. Equivalence Certificate in original. addressed Rs.4/-each, 10, Verification letter from the Board in original 11,.N.O.C. & Employee Card in original / N.O.C. from college. “The form will be kept in objection, if any one from the above document in not enclosed with the Registration form. For removal of objection Rs. 100/- will be charged N.B - (Any other necessary document may be asked for) PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF FORMS ‘After filing in Registration form, it will be endorsed by the Registration Unit at Silver Jublee Gate No.1 (Conter ‘No 3) main University Road Karachi ‘The NBP / UBL, Karachi University Branch will accept the fees through Cash / Pay-Order according to the endorsement. ‘After acceptance of payment, the forms wil be retained by the bank from where he / she will get an ‘acknowiedgmentreceipt after submission of forms. CERTIFICATE TO BE SIGNED BY A GAZETTED OFFICER OR AN OFFICER OF ANAUTONOMOUS: BODY OR THE PRINCIPAL OF COLLEGE ORAUNIVERSITY TEACHER, Ihereby certify that ‘The particulars given by the applicant in this Registration form are correct and | Further certify thatthe applicant hhas satisfied me by producing the Original Marks Certificate / Certificate that he / she has passed the. Examination of the Board / University in the year “The applicantis of good character. ‘The applicant is a permanent resident of Karachi and in support of his / her claim he / she has submitted the Permanent Residence Certificate issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the area concemed in original with Photostat copy ofthe National identity Card. ‘The applicant has not attended any College as a Regular student at any time during the academic year preceding the Examination. ‘he applicant has tuted the requirements of the existing rules relating to admission of candidates to the Examinations of the University. ‘The applicanthas himself/herself filed n the Registration form, {also certify that this Registration Form has been signed by the candidate in my presence. Date Signature of class | Gazetted Oicer With Seat

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