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Questionnaire assignment
Do Ontarians believe in global warming? True or false? How can we measure the level of
understanding and support for the concept?
1. Do you believe global warming is a serious issue?
 A) Yes, very serious
 B) Somewhat serious
 C) Not very serious
 D) Not an issue at all
2. What do you think is the primary cause of global warming?
 A) Human activities
 B) Natural processes
 C) Both equally
 D) I don’t know
3. How often do you hear about global warming in the media?
 A) Every day
 B) A few times a week
 C) Occasionally
 D) Rarely
4. Have you personally experienced any effects of global warming?
 A) Yes, frequently
 B) Yes, but infrequently
 C) No
 D) Not sure
5. Which of the following do you think is most affected by global warming?
 A) Weather patterns
 B) Animal species
 C) Human health
 D) Economy

6. How confident are you in scientists’ predictions about global warming?

 A) Very confident
 B) Somewhat confident
 C) Not very confident
 D) Not confident at all
7. What actions do you take to reduce your carbon footprint?
 A) Recycling and waste reduction
 B) Using public transportation or carpooling
 C) Reducing energy consumption at home
 D) I do not take any actions
8. How should the government address global warming?
 A) Implement stricter environmental regulations
 B) Invest in renewable energy
 C) Provide education on climate change
 D) No action needed
9. Do you think global warming can be reversed?
 A) Yes, with immediate action
 B) Yes, but it will take a long time
 C) No, it’s too late
 D) Global warming isn’t real
10. How willing are you to change your lifestyle to combat global warming?
 A) Very willing
 B) Somewhat willing
 C) Not very willing
 D) Not willing at all
11. What is your opinion on carbon taxes?
 A) Strongly support
 B) Support

 C) Oppose
 D) Strongly oppose
12. How often do you discuss global warming with others?
 A) Frequently
 B) Sometimes
 C) Rarely
 D) Never
13. Do you think global warming will impact future generations?
 A) Yes, significantly
 B) Yes, but only slightly
 C) No
 D) I don’t know
14. Which sector do you believe contributes most to global warming?
 A) Transportation
 B) Industry
 C) Agriculture
 D) Residential
15. How important is it for schools to educate students about global warming?
 A) Very important
 B) Somewhat important
 C) Not very important
 D) Not important at all
16. Do you support international agreements aimed at reducing global warming?
 A) Yes, strongly
 B) Yes, but with reservations
 C) No
 D) I don’t know
17. How much do you trust the government to effectively tackle global warming?

 A) A great deal
 B) A fair amount
 C) Not much
 D) Not at all
18. What do you think is the biggest barrier to addressing global warming?
 A) Lack of political will
 B) Economic costs
 C) Public disbelief or apathy
 D) Technological limitations
19. How has global warming affected your local community?
 A) Greatly affected
 B) Somewhat affected
 C) Not affected
 D) I don’t know
20. Do you follow news or research about global warming?
 A) Yes, regularly
 B) Yes, occasionally
 C) No
 D) I’m not interested

Favot, Elizabeth J., Claire Holeton, Anna M. DeSellas, and Andrew M. Paterson.

"Cyanobacterial blooms in Ontario, Canada: Continued increase in reports through the

21st century." Lake and Reservoir Management 39, no. 1 (2023): 1-20.

Galway, L. P. (2019). Perceptions of climate change in Thunder Bay, Ontario: towards a place-

based understanding. Local Environment, 24(1), 68-88.

Sanderson, R., & Galway, L. P. (2021). Perceptions of climate change and climate action among

climate-engaged health professionals in northern Ontario: A qualitative study. The

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